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71/6 Ranchi Jesuits, Sadbhavna P.B. - 4, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand JUNE 2012

RANCHI PROVINCE DA YS: May 27 - 29, 2012With much hope and a sense of introspection the

Ranchi Jesuits gathered in Ranchi to respond to "ACall to Renewal and Reorientation of Our Life andMinistry for Apostolic Efficacy" according to thechanging contexts. Braving the sweltering heat, theJesuits gathered at Manresa House for the communityevening prayer on May 27. On the next day, May 28,during the Eucharist, Fr Xavier Soreng, SJ, ourProvincial, fresh from his whirlwind tour of Europeand Central America exhorted us to get ourselvesrenewed. The formal sessions began at the XISSauditorium at 8:30 a.m. beginning with the lighting oflamps by Frs. Christian de Brouwer, Paul Terrens,Emmanuel Horo, Raphael Soy and Leo Bara - allJubilarians. Ill health and other reasons impeded FrsAlbinus Tete and Anthony Kadookunnel from joiningthe band of Jubilarians. Fr William Delputte went for hiseternal reward just a couple of days before he couldlight the lamp. Otherwise, the sweltering heat failed tobe a deterrent to our octogenarians and nonagenarianswho came from different places - an exemplary gestureindeed!

With all the opening rituals done, Fr Sudhir Kujurintroduced the purpose, and significance of the themeto the gathering. Soon, Fr Anselm Ekka chairedthe session that took stock of the last year's theme:"Marching Together with the Tribal Youth: Prospectsand Challenges." In all, fourteen different communitiesand zones reported the activities conducted through the

year. It was good to listen to different reports. For the mostpart, however, the reports contained the routinely tried andtested activities like seminars, pilgrimages, devotions,tournaments and acts of similar like but lacked seriousreflections on the current plight, prospects and challengesof the tribal youths. Thus, the first session offered a lot offood for thought. Happily, the next talk on the "Renewaland Reorientation of Socio-Pastoral Apostolates" enrichedthe audience with insights and offered new dimensionto our apostolates. The speaker, Fr Ranjit Pascal Toppo,with his first hand experience of the apostolates of theProvince, emphasized the need for human rights basedapproach in our socio-pastoral ministries. Giving parallelimages from the Biblical (Jewish) and the Adivasi history ofoppression, he pointed out that the Jews offer usumpteen examples and opportunities for resilience, renewaland reorientation. "We Adivasis haven't suffered asmuch as the Jews did but we haven't progressed as the Jewsdid," Fr Ranjit said. "The Jewish society," he said, "beckonsus to be forward looking." Citing rampant human rights abusesmeted out to the Adivasis, he exhorted the audience toinclude human rights in all areas of our ministries. Such anapproach, he said, can help us to redefine ourselves from thepresent demeaning images like clerks, coolies, cultivators,and hard working people (Kamias?) who work for others tothe ever more dignified humans.

The next session focused on the "Renewal andReorientation of Education Apostolate." With hispersonal experience in running a couple of the prominent and

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and inspiring call from Fr Xavier Soreng, theProvincial. While presenting the "State of the Province"the Provincial gave a statistics of Jesuits working indifferent corners of the world in different ministries theProvincial reminded us that greater demands andrequests continue to come from different quartersfrom this second largest Province of the Assistancy.He appreciated the generosity of those among us whoare working outside the Province's geographicalboundaries. Recruitment and formation of future Jesuitswould remain a crucial issue in future as it is today.Responding to the global needs would be a priority.The Provincial, coming from legal background, wasparticularly concerned about the legal and practicalmatters and cautioned the Jesuits to remain vigilantabout the legal status of each registered society andupdate them. He emphatically said that the minoritycharacter of each of our institutions should be respectedand legal discrepancies must be corrected. He called theregistered societies to update all their relevant documents.

The "business session" in the afternoon culledout the insights and suggestion for future planning andaction. The steering committee chalked out a modelfor conceiving, operating and assessing our ministries.According to the schema or action plan suggested by thecommittee each of the ministries must be clear about the"objective," "indicator/parameter," "activities," "methods"and the "desired outcome" of any initiative or ministry.Many suggestions about educational, socio-pastoral andrenewal came forth from the assembly. Prominent amongthem were the issues of Adivasi identity, human rights, andempowerment of students especially of those with low selfesteem, innovativeness in our teaching and administeringof the schools, creativity in our sacramental ministries,safeguarding our environment, and promoting familyvalues. The session closed at 4:30 pm for tea.

The evening brought a joyous mood when the newlyordained priests Suman Prabhat Toppo, Elias Surin,Ajay Arun Minj and Sylverius Chermako led theEucharistic celebration. The whole Province had gatheredat St John's School to thank the Lord for the new priests.The Novices sang the felicitation song and a sumptuousdinner satisfied one and all.

Coming together was an experience worthremembering. The masters of ceremonies, chairpersons,members of the steering committee and the organizing

ancient schools of the Province Fr Florence Kujur, thespeaker, detailed the ills of the present education systemthe required skills for transforming the ailing systeminto life promoting havens. He rued the fact that ingeneral the de-motivated students, teachers, parentsand students make the running our schools a challengingtask. Moreover, students from dysfunctional families,and those with low self esteem demand our patienceand creativity; the picky government officials, governmentrules like RTE and JET and our ignorance or apathy inhandling some of those issues tactfully add to ourwoes. Fr Florence advocated the need for updatingourselves with the latest information - legal andadministrative - and the required skills to shape and mouldour students, more vigorously than our Jesuit ancestorshave done in the past. IPP could serve as a catalyst ineducation, an important ministry that directly involves about120 Jesuits of the Province's workforce.

The afternoon was devoted to socializing andexchange of pleasantries during tea time, generouslyhosted by the Prabhat Tara community. Of course, avisit to the upcoming international cricket stadiummade us modern and relevant! A sumptuous supper atPatrachauli proved a good reward for our day's hardlabour. Our good hosts Frs Lalit, Gabriel and Br. Patrasthrew a fabulous dinner and also a variety of cultural items,of course, through the help of their school kids.

While the first day demanded our attention toour works, the second day, May 29, 2012, shifted ourattention on ourselves - our community life, mission andlife in the Spirit. Fr Henry Barla, a passionate powerpoint presenter, spoke pointedly on the "OngoingFormation and Governance." Drawing inspiration fromthe source documents of the Society he exhorted theProvince men to revisit them and replenish our spiritual,community and administrative life - a requirement forall - both old and the young. He pointed out thatobedience, discernment, account of conscience andcommunity life and mission are imbedded in our Jesuitidentity and are better lived through our way ofproceeding in creative fidelity. He also pointed out thatlocal and major superiors play their crucial roles insetting the rhythm of Jesuit life. The community reflectsthe kind of superior it has, he said.

It looked as though the first three inputs preparedthe audience to give ear to one still more challenging

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committee did their homework to make the gatheringmeaningful. We came with hope and satisfaction butwere challenged and confronted by new questions.Each community received copies of the Constitutionsand the Complementary Norms for our deepening and

renewal of life. Hopefully, the Province men willaccumulate all the experiences and insights to givecumulative results when each community will submit a planof action to the Provincial by the end of June 2012.

Fr. Francis Minj

o Father General has appointed:Father Susaimanickam Arul Regional Superior of Kohima Region (India)

STATUS 2012 [1]

TERTIANSHIPSitagarha Tertianship Damian C. Minj

Tertianship Lawrentius KiroShembaganur Tertianship Mahendra P. Tigga

Tertianship John Crus TiggaRaia Tertianship Tej Kumar Baxla

Tertianship Swarn TiggaSTUDIESTarunoday, RTC Arsande Theology Ashok Kandulna

Theology Pradeep TirkeySatya Nilayam Chennai Philosophy Amit Lakra

Philosophy Arvind KerkettaPhilosophy Gabriel EkkaPhilosophy Sandeep Minj

DNC Pune Philosophy Alok TirkeyPhilosophy Jyoti Paul BaxlaPhilosophy Samir BhawnraPhilosophy Rohit Kujur

St. Xavier’s College Ranchi B. Ed. Elias Kullu Resides in St. Xavier’s CollegeCMJ Univ. Shilong M. Ed. Ajay Anil Tirkey[Ignou] B. Ed. Anupchand Kiran Minj[Ignou] M. Ed. Ranjit Kujur[Ignou] B. Ed. Telesphore Lakra[Ignou] M. Ed. Pradeep Kullu

COLLEGELoyola College Vijaywada B. A. Lazarus Basumatary [Sanjeevan Hall]St. Xavier’s College Ranchi B. A. Alok Toppo [Manresa House]St. Xavier’s College Ranchi B. A. Anil Kullu [Manresa House]St. Xavier’s College Ranchi B. A. Kuldeep Praveen Ba’a[Manresa House]St. Xavier’s College Ranchi B. A. Pramod Bara [Manresa House]

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REGENCYMinor Seminary Ranchi Regency Rajesh SandilApostolic School Gumla Regency Bipin LugunSt. Mary’s Hostel Regency Pradeep SorengDarjeeling Gayaganga Regency John Jyoti KujurJamshedpur SXS Tundi Regency Deonis EkkaSt. Xavier’s Doranda Regency Fuldeo Soreng

SPECIAL STUDIESGregorian University Rome Lic. Spirituality Suman BeckGregorian university Rome Lic. Spirituality Sylverius Chermako

Leave of Absence Sandeep Xalxo


INSTITUTIONSProvincial’s Curia Prov. Develop. Director Kerketta GeorgeKishor Nagar Assistant PDD Francken LouisAshirvad Namkum Novice Master Kerketta RaymondJharna Namkum Asst. Minister & kitchen Tigga BlaciusBagicha-Namkum Treasurer [additional charge] Barla JamesInigo Saparom Acting Superior Xalxo JeromeInigo Saparom Treasurer/ Teacher Kujur ErnestInigo Saparom Minister Minj AnthresLoyola Khunti Principal +2 Purty FlorenceManresa House Ranchi Treasurer [ad tempus] Ekka Sanjay D.Manresa House Ranchi Apostleship of Prayer [additional] Ekka Sanjay D.Manresa House Ranchi Spr. Father & Study Guide [addional] Ba’a EphremManresa House Ranchi Infirmary Horo TelesphoreManresa House Infir. Recuperating Toppo James I.Prabhat Tara M/S Headmaster Ekka AnthonySt. Ignatius Gumla Research [Intellectual Apostolate] Lakra ChristopherSt. Ignatius Gumla Hostel Prefect Guria FlorenceSt. Ignatius Gumla Director Ap. School Ekka PrafulSt. Ignatius Gumla Co-ordinator Inter-College Manohar KhoyaSt. Mary’s Samtoli AROUSE Minj BilianusSt. Stanis. Lohardaga Asst. Hostel prefect Tirkey ModestusSt. Xavier’s Doranda Vice-Principal Kerketta SanjaySt. Xavier’s Coll. Ranchi Vice-Principal Nabor LakraSt. Xavier’s Coll. Ranchi Head of Dept. Chemestry Peter Paul EkkaSXC Ranchi Professor Minj Ajay ArunSXC Ranchi Rest Kullu Santosh

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PARISHESKhunti-I Zonal Coordinator Burh GeorgeBingaon Parish Priest Tete CalixtusBundu Principal High School Hindi & English Bimal E. LakraBundu Co-ordinator Inter College Sandil AshokSarwada Asst. PP/ Sp. Father [Khunti Zone] Toppo Christopher R.Vijaygiri Parish Priest Aind AlphonseVijaygiri HM Middle School/Asst.PP Dungdung JohnVijaygiri HM High School/Hostel & Asst.PP Alexius KindoMuri Parish Priest [ad tmpus] Tete James P.Muri Minister Tete Felix P.

ASSAM MISSIONSonabheel Principal St. Xavier’s Junior College Horo RanjitSonabheel Acting Principal St. Xavier’s Dg. College Dungdung John B.Kathalguri In-charge Extension Gan Chetna Samaj Kerketta Pradeep

[ad tempus]

MISSION ABROADGuyana Surin EliasGuyana Toppo SumanCENTRAL ZONEManresa House Coord. Hoffmann Law Associates Minj IgnatiusSitagarha Juniorate Professor of Hindi Dungdung Joachim

Spiritual Fathers for MH College Juniors Study Guide for MH College JuniorsBa’a Ephrem Ba’a EphremBara Shailendra Bara ShailendraBarla Emmanuel Barla Emmanuel

Baxla EmmanuelBilung Vinod Kumar Bilung Vinod KumarBrys AurelEkka Walter Ekka WalterKamath Vijay Toppo AlexiusKerketta Anand Kerketta AnandKujur Pradeep Kujur PradeepKullu Ferdinand Xalxo PatrickLakra Nabor Lakra Nabor

Ranchi, 29 May 2012 Fr. Xavier Soreng, S.J.Provincial

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all the transfers should take place by 10 June 2012.The Parish priests/directors of works/in-charge should see to it that they properly hand over the list of things in writing.

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ST. XAVIER’S COLLEGEIn search of collaboration with some Jesuit Universitiesabroad and on the invitation of some Arox members,Fr. Principal left for Ireland on May 15. After visitingCanada and the United States he will be back on June 22.

In the month of May the spiritual director of theLay Missionaries of Charity, Fr. Ephrem was seen verybusy in organizing the National Convention of LMC whichwas held from May 23 to May 27 at St. Albert’s CollegeAuditorium. 197 LMCs from all over the country came toparticipate in the convention. To strengthen the movementthe Founder of LMC Fr. Sebastian Vazhakalla also cameall the way from Rome.

On 23rd May, Fr. Peter Paul was awarded Ph.D inChemistry. Earlier he successfully defended his thesis onApril 16, 2012 on the topic “Chemistry of NewNormal and Mixed Valence PolyoxometallatesContaining Two Heteroatoms – Their Syntheses andCharacterisations”. He worked under the supervisionof Dr. Salil Kumar Roy, Deptt. of Chemistry, RanchiUniversity. Congratulations Fr. Peter.

Fr. Ephrem Ba’aST. MARY’S SAMTOLIIt was very difficult to cope up with the differentprogrammes of Matric and Inter exams as well as theAnnual exams of the students of VI - IX and XIth classesand Matric evaluation things coming one after another. Butthe co-operation of each staff and management things wentsmoothly. The results of classes VI to IX were given awayon 27th of March. Meanwhile the evaluation of matricexams was in progress. The new comers of VI and VIIwere admitted in the Holy week. On 10th the result ofXIth class was given away and the same day the newacademic session began. The following week we had the16th Michael Kindo Hockey Tournament for high schoolboys and girls. This year there were 24 teams of the boysand 14 teams of the girls participated in the Tournament.It lasted for three days. This year the Hostel ‘B’ lifted thetrophy of the boys and the Karangaguri team lifted thegirls’ trophy. All the staff members were fully involved andmade the tourney a success. Fr. Irenius To’ppo was theboss of the tournament. Kudos!

As we began the matric result was out and altogetherit is 96% this year. Compared to last year it was threepercent less. By the end of April Fr. Isaac Tete went toPune for one month spirituality course and was back withnew spirit and zeal by the end of May. Fr. SikanderKerketta went to Mumbai with some members of his teamfor a meeting. He too is back safe and sound. All of usparticipated in the Province Days leaving Fr. Albert to guardApostolic school and Br. Juel to guard the house andgarden. Both of them did well and nothing happened inour absence. Family members of Late Fr. Suleman werehere to commemorate the first death anniversary. We hadour Inter result where Arts is 85%, Commerce 58% andScience is only 23%. Those who passed did very well butthose who failed did very badly. Though Science resultwas very bad but among the ten toppers at district level, 9of them are of our college. Congratulation to each and all.

Fr. Philemon

ASHIRVAD/JHARNAThe temperature in the month of May shot up quite high,but the retreatants in Jharna Spirituality Centre continuedto come in. The four CDF Brothers had 8 days retreatunder Fr. KC Philip. After a few days, he left for Vijaywadato guide yet another retreat for the Scholastics of AndhraProvince. But as soon as he reached his destination, hereceived a sad news of his brother’s demise. So he rushedhome to bid farewell to the dear departed. Meanwhile 7Capuchin Postulants and 10 Vovents made their retreatunder Fr. Sylvanus Kiro. After them came here the RanchiScholastics, 20 of them for their annual retreat. Fr. PradeepKerketta guided them. Then Sr. Marion IBVM came tospend three days in silence and solitude with the Lord. Fr.Samir guided a retreat for a group of 6 Sisters. Fr. MilianusBeck also made his annual retreat by himself. Once again,two CDFs made their 4 days retreat under the guidance ofFr. P. Mennini. The MC Brothers had their recollectionguided by Fr. Suman on 17th. Again twenty-eight SacredHeart Sisters made their 8 days retreat from 20th –28thunder Fr. Deepak. Sr. Alma, IBVM made her 8 daysretreat under the guidance of Fr. Mennini. Lastly, Fr. JugalKindo of Delhi Province made his annual retreat byhimself.


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Fr. Medard has been here in his community for hissummer vacation. Even this time he gave his valuable timeto the Pre-ordination Programme (POP) in Kurseong.

Frs. Deepak and Raymond went to Hulhundu toguide 8 days retreat respectively to SCJM Novices andSCJM Sisters. They also witnessed the vows day of thenovices.

Frs. Benedict, Raymond, Suman and Br. Prakashwent to Khunti to attend the burial Mass of Fr. HilariusBarla, the parish priest of Khunti and Vicar General ofKhunti diocese.

The novices began their quainzine on 10th. All thecommunity members except Frs. Mennini and KC Philipwho were busy with the retreat programmes, participatedin the annual province gathering. Our novices sang a me-lodious song to felicitate our four newly ordained priestsand thus wished them a happy priestly life.

Samir, S.J.

ATCATC – St. Joseph’s Community College was extremelybusy in various activities. All the ANM trainees put theirheart and mind to prepare for their annual examination.The annual examination began on 14 May and endedon 23 May. As the final exams were over the entirecommunity began preparation for the Golden Jubilee.After the jubilee celebration the 25 ANM trainees werebid farewell on 3rd June.

Agricultural Training Centre (ATC), Namkumcelebrated its Golden Jubilee on 2nd June 2012. Fr.Provincial, Xavier Soreng presided over the HolyEucharistic celebration. About 600 guests participatedin the celebration. After holy Eucharistic celebrationthere was a cultural programme. Fr. Provincial andFr. Marc De Brower gave messages in which they spokeabout the ATC and its significant contributions.

ATC was started in 1962 by the Jesuits of RanchiProvince with the primary objective of training the tribalboys to become farmers with a sound, accurate andscientific agricultural knowledge and agriculturalpractices and to equip them with basic skills in AnimalHusbandry (dairy, poultry, piggery, goatry, bee-keepingetc.) so thatthe source of farm income might bediversified and increased.

The initial years of expansion and growth: 1962-78hundreds of farmers were trained and sent to differentparishes. The years 1978 –1990 was a period ofstagnation and the gradual decline in number of trainees.1990-2002 was a period of restructuring and transition.Ashirvad Novitiate was shifted from St. Stanislaus’College, Sitagarha to ATC Namkum in 1992. 2002-12 isa period of new orientation and change in approach.During these years of transition ATC trained in 2002 –314; 2003 – 535; 2004 – 331; 2005 – 706; 2006 –1247; 2007 – 1095; 2008 - 1160; 2009 – 1080; 2010– 870; and 2011 – 640 boys, girls, men, women,farmers, students and members of Self Help Groups ondifferent trades like general agriculture, vermi compost andmanure, vegetables, para-veterinary (dairy, poultry, goatry,piggery and rabbit farming), amin / patwari , bridge course,coaching classes for SSC examinees, electricians, driving,health assistants, nursing and leadership development andcapacity building.

Bagaicha, the social centre, the combined ventureof Central Zone Jesuits came to an existence in April 2005in ATC premises. Ashirvad novitiate and Jharna retreathouse came to existence with their own infrastructure inAugust 2008.

ATC began St. Joseph’s Community College on1st of August 2008 with a trade on Health Assistants,Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM), Four WheelerMotor Driving and Electricity. The goal of ATC,St. Joseph’s Community College is to cater the need ofTribal girls and boys, basically to create an alternative forthe out-migrating girls for their livelihood. Thus ATC hascompleted 50 years serving the Lord and His people inChhotanagpur.

Erenius Toppo

ST. XAVIER’S, BUNDUThe parishioners spent the Marian month devotionallyconducting rosaries in each family of the center. The newlydesignated youth group of the parish was actively involvedin initiating this movement. It culminated prayerfully on thelast day of the month with rosary cum prayer service in thecenter. Keep up your spirit dear youth. This year, out of11children, only 7 were promoted to the First Communionon May 27, 2012.

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Mr. Jhulan Yadav, our Driver, underwent an operationfor piles on May 08, 2012 and Fr. James Toppo, ourPrincipal, too underwent an operation for prostate onMay 14, 2012. Both of them are recuperating now – theDriver at home and the Principal in hospital. Get wellsoon!

Both - Sr. Mariana Tete, in-charge of the EnglishMedium School and Sr. Sushila Toppo, Asst. Teacher ofthe High School - have been transferred from Bundu toKansbahal. The School wished them well on May 19, 2012for their new missions in Odisha and the parish prayed forthem on May 20, 2012. As per the custom of the place,the two vehicles packed with luggage and well wishersreached them to their new destination on May 22, 2012escorted by the Jesuit Superior and the ConventSuperior.

A zonal joint venture was realized when 85 youthfrom Dorea, Vijaygiri, Maranghada and Bundu assembledhere on May 25, 2012 for a 1-day seminar under thethemes “iYyh dk;Z e­ ;qok lgHkkfxrk and vk/qfud ;qx e­ ;qok&ekxZnÀkZu”on 26, 2012. Thanks to Fr. Bisu Benjamin Aind andFr. James Dhan from Khunti diocese who valuablyenergized and enthused our youth.

Fr. Ashok Sandil

MINOR SEMINAR Y, RANCHILanguage school had its Annual Concert on March 31,2012. Students presented two one act plays namely, “IWant my Money Back” and “Corruption Comedy is aTragedy”. Their annual exams started on April 16th – 25th.The concluding day of the school was marked with thethanksgiving mass presided over by Fr. James whoemphasized on formation and learning of the language. Afterthe Mass the Annual Magazine was released and theprogress chart was distributed to them with a high tea.Our Summer Vocation Camp started on April 14th andended on May 13th with the thanksgiving Mass presidedover by Fr. Director. We are very thankful and grateful toFr. Xavier Lakra who was accompanied by Fr. MichaelKerketta for the inaugural Mass and thereafter for theinaugural session in which Fr. Xavier inspired the boys forreligious life by sharing his life experiences looking backnostalgically his own vocation since his childhood. In thecourse of time Frs. Medard Xalxo and Deepak Toppo

exhorted and shared their stories to derive strength andperseverance from the Lord. We are very thankful to thesummer camp staff, namely Schs. Ravi Hemant Kujur,Rakesh Kerketta and Ashok Kandulna for their selflessservice. The second year collegians comforted the boysto feel at home and guided at registration. The total strengthof the camp was 76. One left of his own health reasonafter due consultation from the staff and then one joinedafter his exams who came from Orissa and already twofrom Odisha had joined the camp.

The summer vocation camp ended on 13th May witha colourful cultural evening. At the start of the programmeFr. Sudhir Minj, the Socius to the Provincial lighted thelamp on the august gathering from neibourhood studentscoming from hostels. The welcome skit by the summercamp boys set the mood for the evening. The boyspresented three skits “An Adventure on the Planet‘Grammar’ “Candle and Match Box” and “InterruptedIntervals”. In between the programe the boys stagedpantomime and comic which made the audience to laughat their hearts content. The boys in white and blue uniformwere overjoyed to dance mesmerizing the audiencewith twisting on their feet and spring in the steps. It wasintroduced to this form of dance by one of their fellowmates. Applause and appreciation reverberated fromaudience as the summer camp candidates concluded theirvocation camp. Fr. Sudhir in his address appreciated andencouraged the boys and the staff for their splendidperformance and encouraged them to work hard andcome up in life and to inculcate the human values andbecome honorable persons of this great country. Fr. James,the director proposed the vote of thanks and specialcredit goes to the animators who conceived andexcellently planned with other staff members. Theprogramme ended with the video show on Ranchi JesuitMission.

The Language School Candidates left for home visitin order to get their certificates ready for the admission inSt. John’s Inter College. Meanwhile the selectedcandidates from summer camp are busy filling up forms toget admission. The collegians go to help out Fr. JamesToppo at night in Modi Seva Sadan hospital. They lefthome for summer holidays on 30th May, afternoon.

Sch. Ashok

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LOHARDAGASummer heat and dust controlled the mobility andcompelled us to remain shut inside houses. This,somehow or the other, turned to be boon for Fr. Tejand Fr. Ignatius Lakra who stayed at home during thescorching heat and prepare for the examination , startingfrom 1st of June 2012. Their confidence, perseveranceand enthusiasm will bring good result... On the other hand,Fr. Soy and Fr. Albinus engaged themselves in givingtuition to the students.

With the start of summer vocation on 19th May,2012 a four day summer camp on tribal culture for thestudents of St. Stanislaus’ and St. Anne’s High Schoolbegan with great enthusiasm and communitarian support.However, some of the boys could not follow its taste andrhythm and disappeared after one day, but those whostayed back till the end, realized and tasted the richness ofthe culture we have.

A valedictory function was organized on 14th May2012 to felicitate and give away the certificates to theparticipants of the National Bank for Agriculture andRural Development (NABARD) sponsored Pump setand Generator Repair Training Programme. The trainingprogramme was conducted by XISS with full support ofAROUSE, Lohardaga. On this occasion Mr. HerpreetAhluwalia, HOD, Department of Entrepreneurship (XISS),DDM NABARD, GM of Bank of India, Officials fromthe District Rural Development, Lohardaga were presentto encourage the trainees on entrepreneurship.

AROUSE Lohardaga, apart from havingregular SHG meeting and monitoring, has started villagedevelopment planning with the people of respectivevillages. It includes all the people (men and women, youngand all) of the respective villages when they sit together todiscussion and plan for their own socio-politico, economic,culture and religious development. There will be specialattention on youth and children that their parents andwell-wishers may accompany them in their search formeaning in their life.

Lichee and mango trees gave enough fruits forhome consumption and for our neighbours too. But it alsoinvited the intruders who managed to pluck and ran awaywith booty. But in the process of jumping over boundaryhe left one of his slippers. A house to house search for

another slipper was launched but it was found in a newhouse where so far nobody lives. So far no trace ofthe culprit but his slippers remain with a name –‘Chorkachappal’

Sushil S.J.DE NOBILI COLLEGE PUNEAfter having been satisfied with our Kunkuri mission, Schs.Ajit, Anuj, Roshan and Shailesh arrived at Manresa Houseon 6th of May. 12th May Eve, we began our AnnualRetreat in Jharna, Namkum. It was an inaugural retreatfor all of us. House and surroundings were veryaccommodative to walk with the Lord. We are verygrateful to Fr. Pradeep kerketta, who led us to Christtheologically, and philosophically with the Jesuit Spirit,“We do all the things excellently but we must also do whatwe are expected to do.”

May 20, Schs. Shailesh, Anuj and Bipin left for Tongoto arrange the needful things for the Scholastics’ Meet.21st May, noon Sch. Roshan remained back to Manresafor the preparation of his Junior Research but Schs. Deonis,Fuldeo and Ajit along with all the scholastics left for Tongo.The slow drum beat started faster as the scholastics reachedTongo parish. The organizing committee cheered up, sothe scholastics felt welcomed and at home. Every needfuland facilities were provided with all important care andconcern by the Tongo Jesuit community. Talk by Fr. HenryBarla, sj and Fr. Michael Kerketta, sj. P.C.F. challengedus to recognize today’s Challenges and our Formation.

Big thanks to Fr. Xavier Soreng, provincial,Fr. Michael Kerketta, Fr. Henry Barla, Fr. Linus Dungdung,Fr. Alber Kullu, Tongo Jesuit Community, Gumla JesuitCommunity, all Scholastics and well wishers. You all havehelped us to make ‘The Scholastics’ Meet-12’ a verysuccessful one. We feel that we have grown in Jesuitcompanionship.

On 28th Eve we four 2nd year Philosophers trainedback to DNC Pune. Till we reached Pune we were still inthe dream of home sick because we missed our ProvinceDays. We together said, “We have done it.” See you again.We hailed back to DNC in early dawn of 30th May. Wecould see that Green leaves had just begun to cover up thegap. We second year busied ourselves in IGNOU MAExams.

Roshan Ba’a

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SOGRAOn 21st March 2012, the parents-meeting was held inthe old school campus Sogra just after the annualexamination. Here the school authorities and thecommittee members highlighted the importance of thegood education and exchanged the practical suggestionsand tips for the parents. The students of class IX fromSogra School gave their final examination from St. Mary’sHigh school Samtoli from 19th March to 23rd March 2012.Fr. Tej Mati Bage went home on 22nd March for the burialof his beloved mother, Veronica Bage. He paid a fittingtribute to her by offering the Holy Mass along withFr. Xavier the parish priest of Jitutoli and Fr. Eric Kullu.On 31st March the annual result declaration was heldand 4th April the school reopened. A good number of thestudents had come from the neighbouring governmentschools making the future of Cardon High School, Sogravery bright.. The Lenten tour and the Easter Houseblessing tour by Fr. Sikander the Parsh Priest alongwith Sr. Margret and the head catechist proved to be veryfruitful spiritually and materially. The Parishioners gavevegetables and other edible articles generously to theParish Priest. On 18th April, Fr. Xavier Soreng, theProvincial, inaugurated the new School building in Sograparish and called upon the students and the teachers to

become shining light to the world. Fr. Sikander Tirkey,the parish priest honoured the Jesuits guests namelyFr. John Ekka, Fr. Florence Kujur, Fr. Albert DungdungFr. Bimal Lakra, Fr. Vijay Tirekey, and other distinguishedguests by giving them a small ‘Gamcha’.Fr. Tej MatiBage thanked Fr. Provincial and the Province buildingcommission for the new school building in spite offinancial crunch. The students and the parishionersexpressed their joy and gratitude by presenting a colourfulcultural programme. From May 1st. the classes started inthe new school building though the arrangements are stillincomplete. During summer holidays, summer hockeycamp was organized for boys from 21-24th May.Meanwhile the preparation for the first communionhad begun from 14th May and some volunteers had beenassisting the catechist and sister in-charge to run it smoothlyand successfully. On 31st May, the Holy Mass and theMaria procession were held successfully in the parishfor the first time under the initiative of Fr. Sikander Tirkeyand the sisters. The response of the faithful was veryencouraging. Meanwhile many ‘tolas’ and villages hadorganized the Maria procession and the culturalprogrammes in their respective villages in the month ofMay.

Fr. Tej Mati Bage



BALIPARAMonth of May began with honoring Mary our mother,rosery prayers were conducted in the campus, the parishconducted a baba divas and the response was good.On 6th May 2012, The Gami Mass was conducted inhonour of late Fr James Lakra. In order to generate someadditional income for the community, Fr Theodore isgetting ready for tea plantation. Tea garden managershave agreed to sponsor tea saplings for our tea industry.We require about 20,000 tea saplings but at presentwe have only 2000 at hand. We hope to get more plantsin the coming days. The field is getting ready and themanagers are coming to supervise the soil and train theworkers. So, all those who pass by Balipara, be sure ofgetting taza chai in near future. Sch Rozario was out of

the community for his annual retreat and scholastic gettogether. In his absence, the-would be novice Mr. Mariuscame and looked after the school and the hostel. The schoolis running smoothly, with many co-curricular activities, thesedays we are having a singing competitions, and it is a joyto hear the sweet nightingales from St John’s Balipara.


PROTHRAPURFr. David continued Easter house blessing though raindisturbed him on and off. On this occasion the villagecatechists or the other people assisted him for the smoothrunning of programme. Three-day diocese level retreat wasorganized for the youth in Jubilee Sadan, Lambaline, PortBlair and 12 of our youth came back with very pleasant

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experience full of enthusiasm and zeal. Consequently theyexpressed their desire to dedicate themselves for Jesusyouth prayer meeting, participating every Thursday inparish adoration and house visit.etc. Each of them later inthe youth meeting held in the parish found the opportunityto share their personal experiences which were veryenriching. Participants were impressed the way they havebeen touched and transformed by Jesus, adding to thatthey too boldly say that this kind of retreat was organizedin the diocese for the first time. In recent years Prothrapurparish has adopted various traditions and customs andone of them is “ABBA DIWAS” (fathers’ day) which wascelebrated on 6th May. All the fathers were felicitated bypresenting a rose prior to Eucharistic celebration. Liturgywas prepared well although singing practice and otherthings were little difficult as people were busy preparingitems in their bastis for cultural programme. Aftermeaningful Eucharistic celebration cultural programmewas organized to honour Abbas. Cultural programmeconsisted of wishing song by Mahila Sangh, variouskinds of dances by youth, children and Tamil communitywas very attractive and appreciated much by the

audience. Mr. Arulanand Swamy a committee member ofCatholic Association spoke and thanked all the children,youth and mothers who expressed their love and concerntowards fathers in different ways. Pastoral sisters preparedwell for the First Holy Communion and 30 childrenreceive FHC on 13th May.

Two day diocese level SCC seminar began at 9.00a.m. on 18th and 19th May. 16 representatives includingfather and pastoral sisters attended this which was thepreparation of forthcoming diocese level SCC Day whichwas celebrated on 20th May at Jubilee Sadan, Lambaline,Port Blair. Representatives of the parish returnedProthrapur with their action plan though incomplete tochange the parish and work for the holistic developmentof the parishioners. Frs. Benedict Kiro and Anil Kandulnaleft Port Blair for Ranchi on 24th May for holidays andother programme too. Mr. Michael helped them in theAir port. Month of May concluded solemnly with MarianProcession followed by Eucharistic celebration in theparish. Later short cultural programme was held to showour love, concern, devotion to Mother Mary.



GREGORIAN UNIVERSITY , RomeThe colloquium in the Curia for the new Provincialsfrom different parts of the world concluded on 12 May.On the same day, R.P. Provincial left for Belgium. Justinand Christi (MAP) gave him a fitting fraternal send offat the airport by accompanying him up to a point wherethey were not supposed to go. Their enthusiasm impressedalso the other passengers. During his short stay, we hadample opportunities to meet and to interact with himdespite the tight schedule of the Colloquium.

On 5 May, R.P. Lisbert D’Souza invited all the SouthAsian Jesuits in Rome for an evening together in CollegioGesù with the new Provincials. Every one enjoyedmingling and interacting with one another and sharedthe joy of being together. On 6 May, the adivasi brothersand sisters in Rome gathered in Collegio San Pietro underthe banner of ABHAS (Akhil Bharitiya Adivasi Samuday)for a get together in the presence of R.P. Provincial. Hepresided over the Eucharistic celebration during which he

exhorted everyone to excel in everything so as to becomeworthy and efficacious instruments for the future missionwhich is awaiting at home. After the Holy Mass, he wasfelicitated in a traditional adivasi manner with a joyousSwagat Gaan and a phoolguccha. He will be rememberedby the adivasi community in Rome for his short and sweetspeeches – always to the point; encouraging, but hardhitting like the double edged sword. In his presence, anew executive committee of ABHAS was formed. Theadivasi community in Rome showed its full trust on theleadership of Justin by re-electing him as the President ofABHAS. The get-together aptly concluded with theSamudayik Nach-Gaan, and R.P. Provincial heartily joinedthe group by perfectly following the new dancing steps ledby our new generation of adivasi Seminarians.

On 7 May, His Eminence Cardinal Telesphore P.Toppo arrived in Rome. The presence of His Eminenceand R.P. Provincial was an auspicious occasion in havingyet another get-together; but this time on the beautiful

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Upper Room constructed on the terrace of the GregorianUniversity. It was our great joy and privilege to listento both of them – their ideas and their vision for theArchdiocese and the Jesuit Province of Ranchi. Wewill remain grateful to His Eminence and R.P. Provincialfor their grace-filled presence amidst us and for theirwords of encouragement and appreciation for our missionin Rome.

On the academic side, the regular classes of thecurrent academic year reached to their climax on 30 May.On 24 May, thanksgiving Holy Mass was celebrated

in the Church of St. Ignatius. His Excellency ArchbishopJean-Louis Bruggès, the Secretary of the Congregationfor Catholic Education presided over the Eucharisticcelebrations. Now, the University campus looks arelatively deserted look, because of the ongoing exams,which will continue until the end of June. Then, begins thesummer vacation. The University will reopen for the classeson 8 October with the Inaugural Mass of the Holy Spirit.Linus and myself will be in and around Ranchi during oursummer vacation.

Fr. Prem Xalxo

LET US REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERSFr. Willy Delputte (87) passed away on May 26, 2012.Fr. Marcel Ekka (Map), died on May 26, 2012.Mr. Theophil Minj (61), Father of Sch. Bimal Minj died on June 3, 2012.

Fr. Ignatius Dungdung, S. J.(1941 – 2011)

Fr. Ignatius Dungdung was born on November 26, 1941in Karangaguri village of Banabira parish. Eldest among3 brothers and 4 sisters, Ignatius did his primary schoolin Karangaguri from 1951 – 1955 and middle schoolat St. Mark’s school, Banabira from 1955 to 1957. Therewas very good study atmosphere at home becausehis father Pius Dungdung himself was a school teacherin Karangaguri and he was quite disciplinary person.During his birthday year after year Ignatius used to recallhow his father brought a stick to the class room and Ignatiusused to hide the stick or break it. For his high schoolstudies he joined St. Mary’s Samtoli in 1957. Afterpassing his matriculation in 1961 he joined St. Xavier’sCollege Ranchi for his Pre University studies. Aftercompleting his Pre University course he joined novitiateat Sitagarha in Hazaribag. He did his classical Junioratefor one year in Mount St. Joseph’s Bangalore. After thatfor his batchlor’s degree he joined St. Xavier’s College,Ranchi from 1965 to 1968. With this he proceeded for hisphilosophical studies at Sacred Heart College Shembagnurin 1968. He did his regency in Loyola School, Kunkurifrom 1970 to 1972. He did his theology from Vidya Jyoti,Delhi from 1972 to 1976. At the end of the 3rd year hewas ordained a priest in his home parish Banabira onApril 19, 1975.

After completing his theological studies he wasappointed Prefect in St. John’s High School, Ranchifrom 1976 to 1985. Meanwhile he did his Tertianshipin Dindigul in 1980 and pronounced his final vowson March 24, 1984 in St. John’s Ranchi. Seeing hisinnovative and administrative qualities he was appointedPrincipal of the same prestigious St. John’s school in 1985.He was transferred to Loyola High School, Khunti asPrincipal in 1988 and from there to St. Stanislaus’ SchoolLohardaga in 1999 till he was retired from the school in2006. After rendering his valuable service in differentschools mostly as Principal he had no time to takesabbatical, but instead he was entrusted an importanttask at ATC, Namkum in the capacity of Superior of thecommunity in 2006 which he carried on faithfully till hebreathed last on December 18, 2011 at 9.35 a.m. He hadcomplain about his high blood pressure and sugar andoften sought advice of Dr. Samir Kujur. On December17th for the last time he visited all the units of ATC :vegetable farm, dairy, goatry, piggery, boys hostel, girlshostel, nursing hostel and even terrace of the nursinghosteland met the students and talked with most of them. Afterhis death some of them commented saying, on that day hewas very happy and talked to them with a welcoming smile.On that night he found difficult to breath and so he could

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not sleep properly, probably he had gastric problem. Nextmorning on December 18th he did not go for SundayMass, so Bro. Telesphore Horo was the first one to goand inquire about his health. Frs. Sylvanus Kerketta andErenius Toppo were out for Sunday Mass. Bro. JamesBarla asked Fr. Sylvanus to call Dr. Samir Kujur and heinformed Dr. Samir Kujur about the ill health of Fr. Ignatiusand Dr. Samir immediately rushed to ATC and after firstaid he was being taken to ORCHID Hospital, Ranchi andon the way to hospital he breathed his last.

Ignatius was the man of a few words, but loved tobe with people and enjoyed amidst jokes and laughteramong young and old. He inspired people by hisexemplary life of simplicity and prayer. True to his name,he modeled his life after the great personality of ourFounder Father: St. Ignatius of Loyola. He lived almost asilent hidden life with his characteristic simplicity andhumility. When we look at Fr. Ignatius we can find him aperson gifted with qualities which can be summarized aslove for God, love for others and love for his mission. Nodoubt he was a man of prayer; he was regular in recitingrosary which indicated devotion to our Lady, spent hoursbefore Blessed Sacrament before he retired to bed. Hefaithfully prepared his homily and often used apt stories in

his homily. Many students and faithful knew him as a storyteller priest. He loved his students and often took themout for a walk. As a good English teacher he used to takehis tape recorder to the class to teach them proper Englishpronunciation.

From his early age not only his brothers and sisters, but all his neighbours looked at him as a leader, one whowould advise them, guide them accompany them in theirjoys and sorrows, ups and downs in their life journey. Beingthe eldest in the family he had played a role of a goodguide and able advisor for his younger brothers andsisters which he continued in his religious life as a Principaland as a Superior. The faithful, the parents of the students,students, children, young and old – all came to him to seekadvice from him. As a good educationist he was always aman on the mission. In his 30 years of valuable service tothe church, he rendered his service as a school prefect for9 years and the rest 21 years he served as a Principal indifferent schools and last 6 years as a Superior. As aPrincipal, Superior and real shepherd of the flock he hadto face many challenges, but all he did with much care andconcern, patience, fidelity and joyfully. May God rewardHis faithful servant with life everlasting in His Kingdom.

Sylvanus Kerketta

FR. WILL Y DELPUTTE, S.J.(1925-2012)

Fr. Willy Delputte was born on 15th May 1925 inMenen West Flanders in an outspoken Flemish family. Yethis mission vocation prevailed and he joined the Societyat Drongen on 07-09-1942. On completing hisphilosophical studies he came to Ranchi in 1949. As ascholastic he was in charge of the then St. Aloysius’ ParishSchool, taking special care of the spiritual needs of theRanchi boys (e.g. the Cathedral Mass servers).

From 1952 he was in Kurseong for theology andordained there on 21.12. 1954.After his tertianship in1958we see him in his first ministry that of education: prefect inSt. John’s Ranchi, from 1965 in charge of the ApostolicSchool Gumla, then back to the Ranchi Apostolic Schoolin 1968.

Here he inherited the bookshop started by hispredecessor in the Apostolic School, which he built up

into now mighty centre of Social Communications andthe well known Satya Bharati shop. Meanwhile he hasalso been director of the Catholic Press, hence a very busyman. He knew how to tap financial help abroad. Againcombined with Satya Bharati he was the first ViceSuperior of Tarunoday, the local Theologate of the Jesuitsfrom 1983 till 1986.

This apostolate came to an end in 1992 when hewas appointed superior of the Lohardaga community.There he saw to the building of the Jesuit residence. Butgradually age stepped in and he retired from activeapostolate.

One aspect of Willy may not be overlooked:His love for the poor, especially two orphaned largefamilies were his daily care for whom his familygenerously contributed. This was his daily worry till

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his last days when he resided at Patrachauli, where hebreathed his last this very morning.

With him out number of Belgian Missionarieshere has dropped to 12 with the 102 years oldFr. Van Doorselaer as the still strong senior. All our

work is now in the hands of Indian Jesuit Brethren suchas Apostolic Schools and the very vibrant Satya Bharatiand communication Centre.

Fr. Jos de Cuyper


JUNE JULY01 Kerketta Stephen 01 Ekka Sanjay Dilip03 Dungdung Jammes V. 04 Dungdung Joachim

Jojo Joachim Lakra Mark Mukul06 Kerketta Sylvanus 07 Tirkey Basil12 Tete Patrick Tirkey Ajay Anil15 Topno Pascal 08 Toppo Pratap S.16 Minj Elias Ekka Sebastian17 Ekka Peter Paul 09 Bage Anugrah Amar

Dungdung Jerome Kerketta LibinXalxo Medard 11 Tirkey Sikander

19 Tirkey Sushil 13 Minj Anupchand Kiran20 Ekka Isidore 14 Pillen Walter

Minj Ignatius 15 Kandulna Joseph21 Lakra John Topno Dominic

Beck Alois Tirkey AmritToppo Manohar 16 Kamath Vijay A.

22 Burh George P. 17 Kerketta AjitBarla Gilbert Hasspurty Rajat

23 Kujur Sandeep Kandulna Anil25 Bara Shailendra 19 Ekka Alexius29 Basumatary Lazarus Kullu Alphonse30 Dungdung John Minj Vijay Paul

20 D’Souza Gilbert22 Sandil Ashok Roshan25 Xalxo Isaac26 Purti Zacharia

Horo Ranjit KumarMinj Vijay KumarKujur Ignatius

27 Bilung Vinod28 Francken Louis29 De Brouwer Marc30 Lakra Benjamin31 Ba’a Theodore Ignatius