Download - rail · ir •ai "f^fv iff -ujf: l» ••%• .*' *3 •**•,» DEFEATED THEM AT NINE—BESTS BA8E BAUL-

Page 1: rail · ir •ai "f^fv iff -ujf: l» ••%• .*' *3 •**•,» DEFEATED THEM AT NINE—BESTS BA8E BAUL-

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8««sl.riB Hay«» Been Renamed After t h e — - — « n m w r - T « c « H o n

-Th* 0fo*$ E*^nfcW»vsN<»tXn**#,'But l*$WiifrCIo|«lj W.tohed' - • Bota Sides W w t a t * WI?f"TBnt t h e Clubmen Were l o o p u o h for the Doctors—Score.

It w w S | l y : jiluBteftWd yesterday al-tetaiooii,^|kjan^_3iliont-50Hpeople at­tended'the jbcOl game between the Rohie Cltib,and the doctors of the city, that big league .ball wil l not pay in this town. When a game Between two such faBt teams as the ones In question failB to draw a crowd it is very evident that this is no town for fast ball. What the peo-ple»sWfm to want is ordinary ball, such as the state league fiirnishes, and when they are given an opportunity to see the na­tional game played as it should be, by men—WhQ-underatand-the finer points of the-^amep^he-people^o-notrseenrtoTtpr preciatejtt—Of* cour*e the-weather was chilly and the sky cloudy and" there was every /Indication that it was going to rainrand'that may have been the Teason for the small attendance, bat hp condi

•• [Hon, W- M. Ca)der, Srirrogste.l . ... ROMB, Sept. 12.-Sessions o( the surro­

gate's qpurfe were.resorried tofl&y after a recess ot about five weeks. Surrogate' Oalder looked as it he had benefited-by-ilis vacation and was ready to take u p the lar^„ calendar which had-acoumulated^

The business transacted included" the following: __ ••_.

. Order bTT inaljSenance granted i n ^ e matter of t h e guardianship of Joboa P. Schuster* .

Mrs. .Nel l ie & Tlbbltts VF$B appointed administratrix de bonus non of the estate. of Laura F . Savery. . * j Order granted for publication of claims against es.tate.of T. B. AJlanaon, » E. K. Stedman and C. C Slnimons were appointed appraisers i n the estate of Claude ghamnoille. ;n Adiohrnnjent until Oct. 6 was taken in

DAILY S i 4 J-*%y» h^iL.f

w tWJeppAY • wrmsam 12 1899. a»- fc ft

. M AT?ftlMO?l|A£_MATTERS.

Bowew^Hatilnger. _ „

Illeger. in the presence of a .large company of guests. ,.JChe±JbacJdft„was. attended by her sister, MISB Rose C" registered toco. Hatzinger and Anna K. Pfelffer. The

Philoma Drought. _ ^TKewUl o f Sarah T. Sogers of Vernon was probated; also that of Mrs, Hannah MariaOaneof Rome. * <

A petition was granted for the reslgna-

who*!lke bailiaway from a game like the^ ?£•«**<* «*ia»,«rttte ofyior^nce A. "Cran-l away irom a game J one played yesterday. - -•- . • • • • . . . .

There had been considerable rivalry be-tween the two teams and each went to the grounds yesterday with a flrm deter­mination to win. Neither team let them: selves out in practice for fear of giving away their plays, but assoonastbegame was called every man was playing on his tiptoes. The doctorir had0 tl§b? star pitcher, Dr. A.' E. Smith, in the box and bebittd the bat was Br. Teller. Mr. .Car-penterTjitehecb for thB*Rome eiub and his-ca'toher-waerMK-Galleyrr

best men were William Bowers, and Frank M. Mertz. The bride wore a costume of white mulle swiss trimmed with white satin ribbon, and Bhe carried white roses. She wore a veil.- Misses Hatzlnger and Pfeiffer wore gowns of white mulle, trimmed with white lace. The tqrnaer carried pink roses and the latter pink carnations. The ushers were Philip J. Hudel and John Hohl and Prof. If. Weber presided at the organ. From the church the bridal party were driven

BUSINESS IHSTITOTE. Miss Carrie B. Hatzinger, daughter, of

Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hatzlngef'of 410 Wrtt'street, and Frederick Is. Bowers were united in marriage at 9:30 o'clock this morning at St;' Mary's Church. The oereratmy^asTierformed-by-Rev. Father 7-^Pfatr6Tganfaaitioi^|f the evpntng-etass

The EviBnlrig, C^sslow 3eing Formed .^-Better FaiCiHtltes Than Ever-

ii? Now.

at the Rome BuMtWef Institute is now in j^o«5es^„M»By,;io|toer students

jsaroamg. rEW^OP BtTG&y a»d NEW SINGLK

Smith, 509 W. Court pt.



ftptetejip yesotts. >s. NOWIiTEQlT B O U S E ,

their course, an< Jiear ones are arrariglng to enter sum-ciently to show |)hat our class wll lbe even better than last year. The offices will be opened for t ie benefit of all for­mer students who want to complete the business practice^ -First class instruction in all ^branches, inclpding bookkeeping and business practice, arithmetic, pen­manship, spelling, Bhorthand and type­writing. Free use of typewriters to all shorthand students* -

Both departments, will open on Mon­day evening, Sept,M, at 7:80, three eve-

prohata -of^the-wlllof- 4x>-the home of-the bxide's-parentav-where- -hings- per-week-nB&LJuly 1. A special ft reception will -be glyen this evening. The bride received many handsome pres­ents. «Mr. and Mrs. Bowers wil l take up their, residence at once in a newly fur­nished, home at 532 "West l iberty street, where- they will. b e * at home to their

dall. The matter-of the" estate of Lewis-

Barris of -Rome,, came np again o n the petition of certain heirs, children of a deceased daughter, w h o asked that the will of Mr. Harris b e revoked'and set aside because they w e r e not "cited, to appear air t h e probate o f the will. ~

Hon. C. D . Prescott for the executor, Mrs. Harris. A' torttisr adjournment wag' taken ' until Qot,. 25^ wten.4i^e re

.lfttlfinsMp_£t£. Jthesi Jisira. wiiLbfi. proved,. v The matter of settlement df the estate t h e doctors played a good' game bat; V n q J £ r> i*LTW6™^™01 I n e 5 s » »

^ere^mt^latwed-by^e^chib-TOe^an^ adjoamed until defeated by a score of 20 and IS. There was conslderabje hitting on both sides and the game was Interesting to watch.

^Frsuk--Rudderham-of- the Romfr state league team officiated a s nmblre and Jimmie. Tamsett of the same team was c-fllcial scorer. The score:

D0CTOBS. A.B. B. IB. P .d A. B.

Hubbard, cf 8 1 1 0 0 0 L. JoneB,lf 4 1 1 0 0 0 F. Rmlth, 2 h . - - . - 4 3 8 2 0 1 Bernstein, rf 8 2 2 Teller, o 8 1 1

•- S htteV tb««,v»f* rw»-4. .-J.~-.JL_ Dletrjoh, ^Sb, J-.... 3' 1 =• 2 E. A. Smith,' p . . . 8 1 1 Frost, ss . . ^ 8 1 §

~0~ 0

_Q 1 0 2

lepj . I9i There were probates of the will of, Jane

Blckley and of the heirship of William Tryon.

When the'will of Henry L. Olmstead, ''Tate of Vernon, came up for probate, there was a contest. C . Carskadden ap . peared in "favor of the proOate and K. L. Hunt opposed it. B o t h attorneys are from Oneida. Mr. Olmstead died Janu­ary 14,1899, and his widow's death oc­curred two &r three days after. He was aged 87 and she 88, .^bggronnds-of^nir-

M. (3,

80 13 12 15 6 4 BOMB CLUB.

A.B. B. IB. r.O. A. K. Jones, 2 b . . . 3 4 2 2 0 2 of. 5 2 2 0 0 0

friends; Trenham-BoiMlcr; ' -

EASTFiiQBKScB, Sept.:' 12".^At5.p.m. Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bonner, oc cnrred the marriage of. their daughter, Susan J., to Herbert 0, Trenham ot Utica. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F, E. Haven in the presence of a

evening circular is being distributed ex plaining the metftirof our night school. Ss>e that you receiye;pne.

Terms ve ry reasonable while we, are or­ganizing. 'Mak>>;. your arragements this week-to^itart^thvthe class^ _Uallat the_ "Conege Trtttce^Tpiyilay or wening, wrer Jackson Co. store.

WANTED—A woman to sew and as--algt In the-cara of children. Apply to.

MM. Ohartes Barnard, 115 E. Domlnlck Bt.

ANTED^i want to do your stove and turnaoe repairing. Prompt service

arid Huht chargtr H. B. eherm»n, %M West Lib erty St. W

WANTED-Responsible firm Wants office manager at Rome. Salary $1,200 a

year; $600 cashapd beet reference required; com­mercial reference furnished. Address Post Office Box No 531, Philadelphia, Fa.

TRAVELING?' man; permanent posl-" " - •" uses. Befer-

4th St,, Phil-ad (

ences required, adelphia. Pa


WANTED-^About ten loads of cow manure and Ave lo»da of old horse ma'-

-nnreratthe-ijijatham Street-Qreenhoueer- -Gr-B. Humphrey, 607 Chatham St

WANTED—A m a n and wife are desir­ous of renting four or Ave furnished

rooms for housekeeping. Reference furnished If required. Address, by letter, P. A- H., Care Sentinel office. .'.-.i -'..«'-

D . F . .--. _- _. „ ^rle^appeared for. tb«H?e,tltion^'-andJW^relatives and intimate friends^ ^The,

n r. n n. *,— ..,__ -..^i.. . C 0 U pj e w e r ennatten^ed. The bildewas ' very becomingly attired In a handsome traveling, juit_ot.Ktey with, whtift mtja. .trimmlnga-andjsarrlert white rosea After.

Beach7lr7I7:. . : . 4 ' 2 2" £T~0 T Billings, ss 4 8 2 , 2 2 1 Roulteau, 8b 4 2 - 2 0 2, O Qolley, o . . . : 3 0 0 0 0 O Cummlngs, If 4 8 8 0 Q 0 Carpenter, p 4 2 2 0 2 0 lHnnkett,rf 2 1 1 0 0 0 Wager, rjt 2 1 1 0 0 0

85 20 17 IS 0 4L Score by innings:

Doctors... 3 1 2 1 5 - 1 2 Rome Club ; 0 5 2 1 0 - 2 0

Two base HitSf Rousseau, Whiter three base hltfi, Billings, T e l l e r ^ . G. Jones; base hid made off Carpenter 17, Smith 18;. struck put by Carpenter 6, Smith 5; bases on balls off Carpenter % Smith 5; hit by pitched ball, -Smith &><Beach);

* time of game, 2:10; umjpire^ Rudderham. _ J t h « Oswego Clnb.

OSWKQO, Sept 12.—The Oswego team left this morning to p'lsy at Watertown. On Thursday the teamjvill play at Og-

1 densburg' and on Friday at' Gonverneur, Wednesday being, an open date. Satur­day the team returns-home to wte'd V&T*™—mjrWwbSr the year with a game with the Oster- M68, x o ^ hOuts, the proceeds of which will go to the players.

Biue Ball Notes, The Utica team will play the Romans

at the benefit game here on Saturday. Besides the ball game there'will be a foot

position, were unsound mind and' undue Influence. The surrogate'fonnd in favor

.aLthaprnponnnt, Charles-J._Olmatead," s;rid admitted the will t o probate;

The wi l l s of Augnsli W. Mott and Sarah A. Harrison Were also admitted to probate. •

J. M. Bralnerd was appointed guardian of Eftie 'a^id Kittle' "Grould;' and James Eames and- Seth Prat t administrators with the' -will .annexed of the estate of Emeline Pratt.'

\—Tho-mafcfeeroBUfrestete-of JoeiaJrHy^ land came up on motion of Attorney Tread well for the administrator that the parses be'Jsran.tsd the prlvilege«bf com­promising with Michael H.' Hyland, the committee, at $25 per week for the chre of Joslab. Hyland. The motion was granted.

Deerees were issued for the probato of the wills o f Marie T, Jone^A,. W._Hon-slnger and. George Gerhart.

UTiCi^Sept. 12.—The will of William Armstrong;, probated yesterday. U e was a resid en t of" the to wnifMarshall and wna quite wealfeby. To EUen Gallagher, who lived at h i s house, he bequeathed all of the household effects, the best horse and cow on the farm, all harnesses, wagons and farming implements a n d the use of the premises s o long as she- remains single. The. Only other- restriction .that Mip Gallagher .shall not ctxn or order cut any more timber from t h e premisas than. Is uBedon~£he same Another bequest is for the investment of % 1,000, the Income to be used for paying the insurance and taxes upon the buildings upon the prem-

refreshments were'served Mr, and Mrs Trenham were driven to Camden, taking the evening train for Utica; where they will' reside. Miss Bonner Is-well and favorably known, both in this vicinity and_in.JUtlca, wbere for the past six years she has been employed In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thorae. Among other valuable presents was a check for $ 100 from Mr. and Mrs. Thome, which- shows the regard In which she was held by her employers. Mr. Tren­ham is well known in Utica, where he Is employed as engineer in the laundry at the~IiadJes'-^em|p«r.v.. Both Mrr-and-

race been Fqat, Gilbert, Ross and Hall-inan and abM^^Ufe-running contest.

Pitcher Mains will leave tomorrow for j r o bis home in North Windham, Vt.

DELTA, Sept. 12 —Charles Watters, an experienced and competent teacher from Point Rook, has been hired by the school board as senior teacher in the village school. Miss Nlsbet of Rome will teach in the primary department. The school wil l begin the first of October.

The work at the canning factory con­tinues, but on very short time, on ac­count of the dry weather and small crop of corn.

Mrs. Hnghes of Palatine Bridge, with tvro ditngflteMj fa visiting at, Geo, Evans.

JTheEpwoTtn League annual meeting for the election of officers will be held at the parsonage on Friday evening.

Many persons are harvesting their po­tatoes and dud them better than was an­ticipated. ,

The annual,meeting of the Western-vHIeCbn^TllCiplffoKhljei^uewill be held on-Wednesday evening afr the church,.

Mrs. J. T. Ragan is very much im­proved and about the house looking after domestic interests. _

The pastor of the M. K. Church is .en­deavoring to enlist the earnest co opera­tion of all his people in a speciabserles of religions meetings. He will be assisted theflrst of October by Rev. 0. H. Fergu-son of Utica*. .Misses Cora and Jennie Pitcher have commenced their attendance at the Rome HlgB^chooL j .

-Mr^MuinieRfltofewill leadJheEo-w«rth-3£je*gue JtteetiDg_Qn_Sunday eve-ningnext. Subject: -"UnheBltatlngcon­fidence in Christ."

Mr, » | d Mrs- Gottrell returned on Sat-urday from a h extended Tisitwith friends in Monroe, Steuben, Ontario and Wayne counties. ....

T16TA. " FW»YD, Sftpt. 12.—The Congregational

Church here had a very successful Ice cream festival OR the church grounds on Thursda.y.highfc clearingfBS: The laoies; oft^ebhuibh had charge of the festival and fprovided a good time for all who werepresenfe . . . ••-_ . ' "- EAST W*m>, Sept. 12.—Miss -Barbara .Gonpert has returned honte after spend­i n g afweetoairthehonie of J. Letmburger.

Miss MicMattln opened her school i n disiicfeNiO. 6y»teraay. "'_^ .

iSrii J3#u» l s confined to-tho house by HtnfssT">'°'',"'':' ''•'''" ' ' ; , . '

T-he vim aw * L-wm 5f^-ajw? social- at the home of Balsar Cprte next Thtfrsaay" ••evening* The men will buy therboieiaua the women the cream.

M i i NefiiiEvahs is at home for a short . ^ n e f " ' W i : , 1. Davis ;dWDA;Mpt. 1 2 - - * ^ &&QL . ^ Jxadt iB^s^r tnne^faUdown theu*g» toherhomelnStone • S S T t o S n a s W evening, breaking her coltor to On account of her advanced age the injary is of a serious nature,

SoYoa&now Borne Bnslnees Institute^ ? The Evening Sohool of the Rome Busi­

ness institute will open for the* year on Consnmptloh la preventable r M S S ? ! 2 f proVen that, and also that neglect is sui-C, A1> T W worst cold or coogb can be

^nJ^re^Sol (_ o w ^ f t y j e a r i i , Graves.

orq?bl5ttiive8nar'TTrtv-i -, Sold-by-Bwughton *

nette Dlstdn and husband and Wheaton-P. Bailey are given t h e r Jght to person­ally occupy the premises now occupied by thenx? To James McOabe, Martin Gallagher^ Patrick McHugo, Mr. and Mrs. John Ebo, Patrick McCarthy and Mrs. Ann Shields are bequeathed portions o the principal owing on mortgages

Tuesday morning last at the home of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Francis S. Dunham, Ph. D., reotor of Christ church assisted,byvthe Rev. W. H, Cornett Of the Presbyterian Church. Miss Nina Fl. Chapman was maid of honor and Frederic W. Brown of Buffalo, best man. Only relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Mltter left Albion tn the after-noon-for SL.Johns . MIBH Onrrln wmnma of Albion's highly esteemed young ladies and she will begreatly missed herej espe­cially In musical circles, as she was anac-compllahed. pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Lit­tler have the best wishes of the commu­nity." The Currie family lived at Clin­ton in this qounty. Mr. Currie was U. S. consular agent a t St. Johns for some years. •>, .

Utica Weddings UTicAjJjepk 12.—A. Carl Moakltnd

Miss Minnie Hi ~Gebhardt, daughter of the^ate Kdward Gebbardt were married by Rev. "William Fletcher Cooke, reotSr of St, Luke's Church, this morning. Af ter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Moak left on a wedding trip to the Adlrondacks

d^rtfeT-gsan-11 and Montreal;—Mi-MbaS: Is a telegraph

to the deceased at the t i m e of his death.

Daniel O'Toolp, DanlBl-t>»Tooley jr., Patrick O'Toole, Mary Gilchrist, George Gilchrist and J. .Stewart Gil­christ are given portions of principal due on contract. The remainder of the estate is to be divided equally between the nephews o f the deceased, Samuel R. and Trmg F. 'Cushing. "The will is dated September 30,1805.

Sancarnald. STOOKWKLL, Sepk 12.—Bert Helmer of

MlddleviUe and Miss Abbie Helmer of Brookfield, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Helmer.

At the residence of George Beach Esq., the officiating Jnatlca. o n Wednesday eve-nlng, Sept. 6,. occurred the marriage of Charles N a s h of Brookfield and Miss Bes­sie Smith of Stookwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kinney, son and daughter o f New Berlin, have bee© visit­ing at Franklin Jilson's.

H. B. Cbaseof West Edmefiton has been vHItlfig retetlves here. - WATMBvaTiBr Sepfc- -la—Mtae—Gella

Roberts o f Rochester I s in town on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts of Union

Stewart Berr!ll,who has been sick with typhoid fever for several-weekB, Is so far recovered a s to be able, to drive out. *

A hop house on the Roberts farm, one mile east of here, w a s destroyed by fire nii flnndfty night, and about 175 boxes of hops were lost. The hop house was valued at $700. It is n o t known how the fire started. The fkran. fi occuplea, by Joseph Tfaackwray.

Hop Suaiday was v e r y quiet, A company of men w h o have been doing

evangelistic work among the hop pickers since the Season opened started t o hold a public service oh Saturday evening in front of t b e Candee block on Main street. They were compelled b y an officer to stop proceedings and%ove along, (is they; were blocking t^e'siaewalUfc.

Deerfield. • i^Bra-€fi'6BrSepfarl^HEhe- Irt^lw-ot the Presbyterian' Society will hold iffieir riionthly inissloDary*ea;'wlto Mrs. $:.]&,' Crnlkshani on WedSfeflday attembo|bf-.-:

Walter'Chrnikshanl^nd'Jotin^rederiCk leavethis week to jcontlhne their c^itrse Itt dneonta- NormaliScli«ioL . :—^-- ; ;-•

MissKate Beatonbegan;her;fall te*a| of school In fOie.Ojeooked: Brookdistrlc^jaUB

i _ - - \ ' . - • / . i " - * • *•>*/•. :' "•' '

•' Wj£3fe^M .Fijwli-':'ii;tvJi»t!tin#,'ife daughte*.fdain IlMois, ^vA ~<, v,

GMtolyn Becker a n d fMe&d have5j)|e;n; -in Newj?6*t calling uponpldgeMs;$&&>. ing fhe tr ip awheel. JEhjeTSejr: ipfflilf pathfibni- Poiahd, tk> Tje^6|ti»-'aimri8-datedbsr alirldefffof .the m&P- i-7

Dan Bi t ie and Minnie TBurbyte ' I^rtstor day for otsuftm Normal Sohobl. V;:

MrsiN^eteohlson.tfieslok'lttt; .-,,?.-^ the yattngpebple g&veMiiinlfeHurliiyte

sTfarewell pa;rcy WFrldaywentagrTaTe fore tak ing their leave they presented her with a V e r y nicejimbrella as a token of remembrance.

tha* wer;. Register-any week aftase college ofHce.-

Mrs. Trenham have a'°farge circle of friends who extend congratulations and beat-Wishes fnr thalr fntnrA >iftpplri< Miss Rose Bonner, sister of the bride, was home from Utica to attend the wed­ding. • , .- • • •

Littfer-Oanle. The Albion, Orleans county, News has

the following: . "Mies Anna May Currls, only child Of Hon. and Mrs. Dean F-Currie, of Albion arid Edinund Littler of St. Johns, New Brunswick, ware

VICINITY. . —The eight-hour law Is now being- en-

fofce,d/ at Watertown,, —A hew. lodge of the Knights of Py­

thias Is to be~instltutfed at Syracuse. . —The SyraeuseJSrjabyfcery will hold its

fail meeting in the First Presbyterian Church of Ganastota next Monday and Tuesday. • ' ~ - . -_==aaie-hopJb4HiBJUjfJ^^

WA N T E D - A housework.

competent girl for Apply atGolly-& Blrnle's.

WANTED—A first-class Lauudryman at the County Home. L. Mittenmaler

jr., Superintendent of the Ppor. <_

MEN WANTED—At the Rome Brick­yard on MUlBt. -


Cooperstown was fire, with all its' contents^ Inoujllng ttbe year's crop Of hops, on Saturday, Ttwre was an in-„ snrance of $400 on the hops and $200 oh the building.

—Hiram Marcy-0f Syracuse sued the transit company of tha:t city for $1^000 damages for injuries received by the feud-den starting of a street par. He received the full amount, which is" the maximum over which the court has jurisdiction.

—Monday afternoon as Louis Qegoux was crossing Public Scjnare at Water'

. .iaaai^AiaigS Si, JBernard dog came run-Triug duwu the pavement-—Tfae-dog- col-lided with the man, throwing the latter three feet Into, the air and stunning him.

e~ e veo a~b1Bja~Hcaip- ^wonndrhavuig landed ohihts head on'the pavement.

NOTICE.—The names of twenty-four pJargona to serve as Grand Jurors at a. Trial

'fflrm of the Supreme Courtfor the cbiinfy of QneTdfi, ahd*nMameST6T~ra'lT-e1gHrpwsonTtir serve^as Trial Jurors at a Trial Wtm of the'Su-preme 6ourt for the Fifth Judicial District, to ha. .held at thfe^Court House In tne~olQf'of R6nie,* •commencing on tlje 2d day of October, 1899, will "be drawn at the County Clerk's office of the coun­ty of Oneida, in the ctty.,pf Utica, N. Y., on the lfith day of Hoptomber, 1899, at 2 p. u.\ Dated Utica, N.Y., September 8, 1899 - 1

GE0»tJE D., FRANK, Glerk.

FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Thalman's-.Temperance. Hotel, Rome. N. V. -Throe-

"' *- — * "jy hot w»t«r, four al«o 85mo distance igaenstu'ret and the

Ontario £ Weatorn Xi. K. sifttlona. BatlaractoTy proof RlTcn that n urgtolats, proDUbla trade u -established at pr«<ent time. Address for partic­ulars, Bra. E. ThaUnan,. Proprlotor, Borne N, Y. , "

operator at the Central depot in this city. Edward D. McSTulty of this city and

Miss Lottie Costello of Blnghamton, were married at the latter place this morning. Mr. McNulty is wel l known in this olty, being a member of the Royal Arcanum, Knights of Colntobus and the Elks. He Js employed as cashier at Michael Hop-klns & CoV After a brief wedding trip Mr. and~Mrs. Scott street.

McNulty wi l l reside o n


'" J-' • Mt». 8arah K. DHTIB. PLOHBNOI, Sept. 12,—The remains of

Mrs. Sarah K. Davis of New York ar­rived here on Saturday for interment. Mrs. Davis was a graduate of the Presby­terian Hospital, and was considered one of i t s nurses. She had a very pleasant summer home here, and always spent her vacations in town. Being of a n unusual ly kind and sympathetic nature she won friends everywhere she went, and her bright and sunny countenance will be missed by her many friends here. Mrs. Davis's death w a s caused by typhoid fever contracted from a patient. The fu­neral occurred on Sunday at 3 p. m. from the M. E. Church. The attendance was large.

Hi l l EUutb*th O. Orosammn. The death of Miss Elizabeth C. Cross-

itm.Ti fyp.nrwd »b 4^)S a. m. fa home, 207 North Jay street, from heart and stomach trouble. Miss Crossmanwas the daughter,of Mr, and Mrs. John H. Grossman and w a s born July 31, 1870. Her life had been spent here with the ex­ception of seven years in Bay City, Mich. She had not been in good health for the past four or five years. Miss Crossman was a member of the Unlversalist Church.

Is survived-by her parents, She . . . two brothers, William H. and Joseph F., and -one sister, Charlotte L , all of of Rome,

,. IUv. tuc l t t i Saaltb. Dix , Sept. 12.—^Wordhas beenxecelved

here of the death of Rev. Lucius Smith, a Baptist minister of Lodi, Wisconsin. He was born in this, town 64 years ago. and was educated in Exeter,. New'Hamp-shire. He was the son of Clark and .Dorcas Smith, Who,,with, their family, moved to Wisconsin many years ago. • Besides his wife the deceased leaves one'" daughter and two brothers, fie was a cousln'of Ji-D; a|?dJ. W. Smith of this place, 1 = - %hi^^te^^itMJtrBthri'd^r»r-

The funeral, of Alfred Ethridge was held at 3 p. hV. today frqm'hls late residence 206 EafitBmbargastreet. Rev. James H. faylor; D. D., of Clinton officiating. There was. singing by a quartet com-, posed of Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Beach, Mrs JV.. Bf -B^lB«|r-.#m^Ms!fl9t^.ifef KlM'gsley»> Thebearew'were employee o f the firm utAr.-Ethrldge;& -€pr;t.-'Ws^Cb -McCord, C* O. TWombly, G. W; Rdbinionj Eebtt-^roVSnilger, junta Hartwlck, SamM Hi, •3enh.'- Interment was made in Rome' .csnietery.- , . " * • ' ' • •

•p. .--• -' Tounit Hoth«rs> Croup Is the terror of thousands' of

young md^herfi, because its outbreak i s so&^anMIng' and freqde&tly fatal'."Shi* loh's^Congh and Consumption Cure acts like niaglc in cases of cWujg^ ft has never been known to fail. The worst cases re­lieved immediately. Price ,25c. 50c. and f l . ' Sold by Bronghton fc Graves on a guarantee. e

THK pain of a-burn or scald Is-almost instantly relieved by applying Chamber­lain's Pain Balm. It also heals the in­jured patfs more quickly than any oTRer fr6aTuWnt^am^tfcoTX^^ Isvery aevere'does-not-leftve-a-scar. -For sale b^Bronghton fe OlftveBj Jru^gjsts^

x o s t ano 3fount». LOST—About a Week ago, a gold brace-

• let with padlock nttached by o (lDegold chain. Wai lost BOffletrhore between Jamee and George streets. If found, please leave at Benttael office and receive reward .

•ffoc Sale or to nent.

ROOMS TO. LET, , , vooloDcea, 110 BtaDwtx Rt

bargo 8t,, Mover Block.- ' lses. 0.11 Moyer.

— I with .modern con-

. or 180 East Em-Inquire on the prem-

HOUSE AND LOT FOR' SALE.— Queen, Anna, slain roof and all modera Im­

provements. Apply at Blrnle's Bicycle Shop, 231 » . Domtnick fit,

NOTICE.—Pursuant to an order of Frederiok M.Calder,Esq., Surrogate of the

county of Oneida, notice la liereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of David-

to present the same with the ay.

of the last will And testament of said deceased,

In said county, to pr« vouchers thereof, to Lizzie Kenneoy ezeoutrlx

•at-the-taw-offlceof T..O. Wordeti, NO'ltP floillli James street, tn the city of Rome, Ijt said county, on or before the 28th day of December, 1890. Dated June 87,1899. _ MZZIB-KBNJHE&Yv-Biecutpr,

E. QJWoapEN, Attorney for Executrix.


143 N. JaiMM i t . , Ronie, N.Y. w* wna. saiivB TOB WITH

BEST OF MEALS AND LUNVHES - Alpo Ales, Wines, Wquors aiulOIgara,

^ Best Beataurant-ln the city. MEAX8 2fie Don't forget the place, next (too,1" t° Tuttle's

Music Btore. Ladies' Slttinr "*"°"" J ' " " Parlors up stair*.

TJ. a n i x t ropiietorg,

[ Boom and Ice Cream „ . PADDOCK,


HOTEL N0RMANDIE, Broadway and 88th 8*., H«w York.

Tax son ABIOLOTH.T riRi-pRoor BOTH. la the oity. European Flan. Good looatlon for bnsl-new purposes, wad in the midst of the Theatric*) dhrtrlofc U. V. INQLEHAET, Prop.

GRAND HOTEL. _. Broadway MMUUJH at.,."W«w TarM, Beturnlthed and Handnmtly Deoorated,

Boleatlflo Plumbing. A Belaet Home rot Family and Transient Quest*



fmu c



• . * PRUNES,

B. W. STEW. rtebu,


215 S. PEARS.

James St,


TABLE APPLES., Pine Yellow Crawford Peaches for. Can­

ning, 75c. to $1 a basket.

MILVO'S STORE, 108 W. Domlnlck St.


Clearance Sale | Carriages I


KKW SOKfT~~135 Nassau | "Dwffcht U W SCHOOL V St., N e-w 1 M*thod"

'•• ) York Glty (of Instruction. LlnB. In two years; LL.M. In three yean. High

standards. Prepares for bar of, all States. Bend for catalogue. GEORGE CHASE, Dean.

Clliitoii Preparatory; Scjiool, OXINTOK^ »'. X.

(Sine miles from Utica, Sr Y, O, and W, BrR^-BdyH'pTf*Pared"for any college by methods sys>

ternattorthorougrrand-BiiccesBful: — s——— , EPFERENCES. •

Bt. BeT„ Cortlandt Whitehead, D. D., Bishop of Plttabur*.

.Hon. Charles Matteson, LL.D., Chief Justice Supreme Court, B. I.

Bey. James P. Moffat, D. D. I.L-D., President Washington Jefferson College.

Bev &Q, Williamson Smith, D. D. I.L.D., Pres­ident Trinity Colleg

Prof. Alphoua 8.1 Unl»erslty.

Prof Benjamin I. Wheeler, nell University.

Prof. Mlnton Warren, Ph. D., Harvard Unlver-verslty^yj^^oulars address

J. B. WBKELEK, A.M.. Prlnelpal i . '!> i . • i " . • "

Wagons. Splendid values in all s tyles of

ckard, M. D , Ph. D., BrSwq

Ph. D. LL.D., Cof-

P OR EXCHANGE.—A R«ntleman-now

hoivso and lot located In Utica for real estate In Rome. The house Is nearly new and has all mod­ern Improvements Call oa or address Q H. WUsnn, Temperance Hotel, Home, N.Y.

FOR SALE-Three Wheel Derricka; will wh aoparatelyor tojBether, very cheap.

Inqulro st the Atkinson Carriage Works.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORIC,' to Isaac Anderson, Bl»ry E.

Sister, John Q. Ul&sell and Henry Barnard, sure ties. , . •

You and each of you are hereby cited, notified and required to be and appear tn the Surrogate's Court of the county of Oneida, at the Court House In the city of JRonxe, In said county of Oneida, on the 17th day of October. 1809, at nine TStreetfTfrtBerr&reu^^ there to attend'the judicial settlement of the ac-, coubt* of Isaac anderson and W. J. Guernsey, administrators of the "personal- estate ofj.IOlin Ande°raon. decensed. Aid if any of the above nnmed persons are under the age of twenty-one years, they nre required to' appear by their guardian. If they have pne, or If they have none, to appear and appty for one to be appoint­ed, or In the event of their neglect and failure so to do, a special guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate, to appear, represent and act for them in the proceeding for suuh Judicial settle­ment.

In teatlfliony whereof, we have caused-. tho seal of our said Surrogate's Court to

be hereunto afllxed. [La.] Witness, Hon. Frederick M. CaTder, Sur­

rogate of our said county of Oneida, at Borne, this 29th day of Augus, 1809.

DELOS SL WHITE, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

HOUSE TO RENT—508 Mercer St^ Inquire of J. H. Carroll, Chamberlain's of­

fice, City Hall. t

FORi 8 £ L E OR T O R E N T . - O n ac­count of ill health, the undersigned offers

for sale or to rent hta botel, eltusted 109. E. Whlteaboro St. Apply to Martin Doyle.

TO RENT,—Store at Stokes. Living apartment over store if dnslred. Poet office

Telephone-oonneotlona ~ - • - • • > - - - - t o r l g h

Good Bork?

Stokes, N.Y.

FOR SALE - A Flute; coat |60; will sell for $40. Also a pew Banjo. »nd Piccolo,

Apply to Mrs. E. Esenwehl, Custodial Asylum.

The new bankrupt Uw passed by congress la now tn (all force, and all persons depressed

MTI ho I by their debts can be relieved and discharged o rteh Iperefrom under its provisions. Having bad a

large practloe'under the old bankrupt law, tha •ubacribar will again make a specialty In bis builnesBi of oasea under the new act. Charges will be reasonable. CBI on or address

D. O. BTODDABD. Attorney, Boom M Martin Building, DUoa.N.'l

Tak-K otAvatar

FOR S A L E OR TO RENT.—The de­sirable and pleasantly located house and

lot, 4*0 W Embargo street. Apply to I. J. Evans, 113 W. Domlnlck Street.

OR SALE OR TO BENT—A Hotel on corner Blast Thotnaa and Roberts streets.

Doing a good business. Apply on the premises. James Meagher. >' F

_jH5NT—Modern House 817 Weat Thomaa Bt., with or wttiont itaola. ASo

sai waUatn ttreet. W. W. rarry, m Wtmt fttlTAAb • t


r p o RENT—One Suit of Family Booms -L bt the Qletmann-HoTrer Block, naotad by

•team,. Apply to Loan Glean suit

TT>OR SALE—Homeaat nearly aliprloea, J . fromJOOOnpto 116,000 each. City lota on motfrevery-alyeetrtrem >800 to WjOTOaaai. JUao briok store*, Tacftnt bonding ^te i and larma. All builness pertaining to the loaning of money on Bond a i § Mortgage strictly bonfldenUal. Household 8Hirnlture stored and oared fcr. Kent* of all kinds collected sudd returns promptly made, taxes paid, repair* and Insurance looked nJteifTanditeracLthecmtire^ohargeof property taken In hand, thereby relieving the owner of mush vexation and care. Terms very reasona­ble, If you wish to purchase or sell real "estate Of any description, or to borrow or loan money on rtaH^t^^lTisM^gifdS^*^*"00^ of 0HABUG8 F. 6TUBDEVANT, In the new

DR . 3 . O. WHITE, PhyaMas and • Surgeon. Office and residence HI S. Bom-

Inlck Bt. Hgeclal attentloa glvaa to diseases of

ply_to4he^Be*HiUt«-Agenoy-P. ?Tu*BD3EVAST, In tha new

Klagsley Block, corner of Domlnlok and James street*, Borne, N. Y.

General announcements*

MI3S C. N. SPBAR, teacher of Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar, jtjll reorgantee her

class of music on Tuesday evening, Sept. 13, at No. 201 N. George St. Alt those wishing to ar-raogefora course of Instruction are requested to call Term* 40 cents per letaon. Instruction books furhlshed.

MR*8. DAVISON WIH resume her class '& Voice Culture a t the. Arlington Octo-

- J>arJtv.i. - •- . -

" ^ M f r t h e Ground Freezes.

:.'"", Iti'isina* a good time t«t> hafe your " w'atef aiid sewer corinectidns made

hefoW the heavy faU ralng come or > iHeifjfilsti jitetsihto the ground. The

• work can be done better and cheaper now thanJater in the season,

Woii't yon let me make an eetimate . on'anything you require in^hts line,

' . ^r lrfinslde plumbing or steam heat-., i^%i - 1 haVe theinoe* irt<vfeirn facili­

ties and-skilful Wdtkm u I use the -best materials I can b u t aha persoir-

: ., aiiy:B&P<Br*lseeachapiece of WofB?.* I am confident tSafol; «&-pleaSe^you W<tlrtK*r<ltialityT>t my-worknand-the price charged

WILLIAM E. DONOHUE, •" 118 North James St

^AlU?ustaess trLctly_co_nrtdentM


JULMS DOVX, Freaoh Dyer and Olauer, 8 and 10 Bnmat strestT ' Otloa,H. x. QartHiiDi/ed. Jphn.D Archar aof ksoa's Acsnt for Bam* -


Plush and J a r Robes, i a

W e always have what y o u

w a n t at a little lower price

than you expected to pay. . , T > ,

)has. H. ChildsS Co. \2 to 18 Lafayette ^St., UtlCa..


rail Goods.

•Tho nccoupt and vouchers nro on (llo In tlio Surropntc'o office, and can be examined.



j Ion As.cmbly Convention for tho Third Assent-oly Din trie t of Oneida county Is hereby called to meet at Good Templars'' Hall, Hook Block. In the city of Borne, on Wednesday, Bept. 30, IKOO. at 3 o'clock p m.j for the purpoe of nominating a CaBoiaaarQFffiflmhetor pawernhly, and the trans-action of such other business as may property come before tho convention. Dated Sept 12,1610.

Q D. HAItGEtt, Chairman Third Assembly District Convention.



LADIE8, bring your 8klrta to Mrs. E Powell's DraasmaJdng Parlors, U9 E. Lib­

erty 8t, and hara them mads for SI. Bloyole eklrta a specialty. Positive satisfaction guaran-Seed. Leaaoni given In WaUttmakinf and Tailor System of cutting.


DR. L H, JONES, Dentist, Office, Farmers National Bank Building, No. 181

W. Domlnlck St, Borne, N. Y. Hoars, 9 a. m. to 13 a. m.; ia>, m. to 5 p. m.

TVR. A . GIFFOBBr Homeopathic Phy-LJ slclan and Surgeon. Treata all forma of diseases. OfBoe and residence, 817 N.Waahlngton street "

DR. H. F. HUBBARD, Phyaifiian and Surgeon, is located In the offices formerly

occupied by Dr. No. 161 W. Doml­nlck St. Diseases of the Ear, Throat and Nose a specialty. Office Hours: 9 to 10 a. m.. g to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.

a N. LEHR, M. D. Qfflce and real-• deace. 319 West Liberty ftreatBome,

N. T. BpedaiUes: Oyneoolorr, Throat, electric­ity In Ohronto Disease!. Office until 10 a.m.; 1 to 8 and 6 to 9 p.m.


10S W. Domlnlok Btreet. Home. W. T.


Nos. 60 and 68 Aroade, Utloa, If. Y.



Consult*'**/. Designing & Supervising Engineers. *; Water Supply, 8ewerag«, Puruf ca­

tion of Wawrand Sewige, Water Power Devel­opment, Park and Cemetery Work.

Correspondence solicited. •- ' t.

Your " Handkerchief Perfumed Free.

Call any day this week and have your hand­kerchief perfumed with your choice of the following popular perfumes:

Dabrook's Parisian Rose. \ ^e'olTy t0a<j£tife.fc, smella just like arosej

Dabrook's Parisian Violet. The most fascinating violet in the world.

Dabrook's Parisian Pink I» true to the Carnation Pink.

Come In and sample them.

F. M. HAMLIN, Druggist

We are showing a very elegant line of Fail Dress Goods Fabrics that an^iot fail to interest.ladies jn general, as the, designs this season are decidedly different from past seasons.

Among the most stylish and popular productions are:

T h e Carners Hair P l a i d s . .

The H o m e s p u n s .

T h e C a m e l ' s Hair C h e v i o t s . 1 —„

. t h e Camel ' s H a l r S e r g e s .

T h e P l a i n C h e v i o t s .

T h e English? Shaded Chev io t s .

T h e N e w Broadcloths.- ; ~

T h e N e w Venet ians ,

T h e N e w Diagonals .

T h e N e w Grani te Cloths .

. . T h e N e w S e r g e i .

The N e w A r m u r e s .

E t c . , c t s . , Etc.

A Full Line of Read's Canadensis Cloths. We call particular attention to the very choice line of

42-inch Camel's Hair Cheviots and Plaids we are showing at 50c the yard. Ladies who examine them, are liberal in their praise of these fabrics, as indeed they are all of the new Dress Goods we are showing this fall.

The new line of 52-inch Cheviots in all the new shades' are worth fully $1.00, but we have placed them on safe at 80 cents.

The Homespuns are 54 inches in width, are strictly all-wool and will be quite the thing for Tailor-Made Gowns. These Homespuns sell for $*!,©Q per yardr —

B L A C K G O O D S . In the new styles of Black Dress Goods which are.particularly popular and desirable are: Prunella Cloths, Corkscrews, Whip Cords, Crepes, Crepons, Camel's Hair Cheviots, Diagonals, and Priestley's Eudora Cloths. ~ ^ ;

S I L K S . We have a new line of Taffeta Silks in all the latest shades, also a very complete showing of Corded Taffetas for Waists.

E x t r a S p e c i a l . We have just purchased a line of Fine Black Taffeta Silks which we guarantee will notcracY,

Ladies who are looking-for the most attractive Dress Goods of this season's make, Will save money and pjerhaps regrets by. seeing pur Jfne. befofe pfchasTngi " ^ " ' ~

F. Ev BACON & CO. ' «

*,. y

Fall Suitings are- arriving.




- - -it !ieT£&:rr* •*' tn)r

^i i^ki -•' t ' .it.i " ip f ^^ f l f? LikCiBU^SISiAi twm