Download - Radon Group Presentation-final1212015

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Radon and Lung CancerSilent Killer in the House

Muthumeena Kannappan James MasulloChaturon Tangsangwornthamma


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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon?• Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment• Health Impact Pyramid and Proposed


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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon? • Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment • Health Impact Pyramid and Proposed


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Facts about Radon• Radon is a colorless, odorless, & tasteless gas.• a radioactive gas that emanates from rocks and


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Facts about Radon• The second leading cause of lung cancer in the

general population, after smoking.• radon was classified as a human carcinogen in 1988

by IARC.• tends to concentrate in enclosed spaces like underground mines or houses.

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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon? • Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment • Health Impact Pyramid and Proposed


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How Radon Gets into a Home

Soil gas infiltration

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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon? • Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment • Health Impact Pyramid and Proposed


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Heath Effects

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Estimated 163,510 Lung Cancer Deaths in 2005*

Attributed to RadonApproximately 21,000 EPA 2003

*CA: A Journal for Clinicians - 2005

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Comparing Radon Related Cancer to Other Cancer Types

Sources: EPA, 2013; WHO, 2009

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The EPA estimates that radon causes thousands of cancer deaths in the U.S. each year.

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Radon Risk Levels, Smoker, Non-Smoker

1 If you’re a former smoker, your risks may be lower.2 Assumes 1,000 people are exposed to specified radon level over a lifetime; EPA Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes (EPA 402-R-03-003) at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 1999-2001 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Reports.Source:

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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon? • Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment • Health Impact Pyramid and Proposed


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How to Address Radon:How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon?

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How to Test for Radon?• simple & inexpensive• test in lowest lived-in area of your home.

• By lived-in we mean; where you or a member of your family spends more than 4 hours per day in that area.


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• Sub-slab Depressurization ($800-$2500)

• Sump hole suction (under $300)

• Sub-membrane depressurization in crawlspace

• Sealing of radon entry ($200-$400)

• Natural ventilation

Radon Mitigation System

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• Sub-slab Depressurization • Sump hole suction

• Sub-membrane depressurization in crawlspace

• Sealing of radon entry

• Natural Ventilation

Radon Mitigation System

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• Sub-slab depressurization

• Sump hole suction • Sub-membrane depressurization in crawlspace

• Sealing of radon entry

• Natural Ventilation

Radon Mitigation System

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• Sub-slab depressurization

• Sump hole suction

• Sub-membrane depressurization in crawlspace

• Sealing of radon entry

• Natural Ventilation

Radon Mitigation System

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• Sub-slab depressurization

• Sump hole suction

• Sub-membrane depressurization in crawl space

• Sealing of radon entry • Natural Ventilation

Radon Mitigation System

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• Sub-slab depressurization

• Sump hole suction

• Sub-membrane depressurization in crawl space

• Sealing of radon entry

• Natural Ventilation

Radon Mitigation System

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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon? • Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment • Health Impact Pyramid and Proposed


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Federal: Toxic Substances Control Act (1988)

• EPA provide educational material

• no monitoring or abatement

• EPA recommend & encourage testing/mitigation

• State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG)cost of mitigation: schools & non-consumer

Radon Legal Environment

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Some states

• requiring disclosure in home purchase (CT) rental agreements (IL)

• Radon testing every X years (ME)

• Tax credits for radon-free buildings (NY)

Radon Legal Environment

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Outline• Facts About Radon• How Radon Gets into a Home?• Heath Effects• How to Address Radon:

• How Do I Find Out If My Home Has Radon? • Radon Mitigation System

• Radon Legal/Public Policy Environment • Health Impact Pyramid & Proposed


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+ Proposed Interventions

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Pyramid Level 1

• Buying/selling a home • Disclosure for tenants

SchoolsZone 1 landlords and follow up every 2years (1 & 3)

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Pyramid Level 2

• Free radon testing kits to Zone 1 areas • tax credit for RRNC• interest free loans• Media campaigns and radon information pamphlets• radon resistant/ radon under control certifications (2 & 5)

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Pyramid Level 3

• RRNC–$250-$750 • Radon mitigation $800-$2500 under home insurance/ renters insurance plans • Mandatory follow up testing (1 & 3)• HCW - door-to-door radon services

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Pyramid Level 4

Professional training $125-$600 per person

Health check-up under insurance plans

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Pyramid Level 5

• Radon resistant/ radon under control certifications (2 & 5)

• Smoking cessation and counseling • Radon education in schools• Oncology services

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We all are working together to FIGHT!!Radon!