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Radio Trailer Analysis

Station/channel: BBC Radio 1

Target audience: the target audience are teenagers and adults. Our radio trailer explains how our documentaries consist of facts and figures about how mental health affects teenagers and adults. This would intrigue teenagers and make parents curious about what they can do if their child is dealing with a mental health problem.

Tone of voice: the tones used are serious and surprised

Sound effects: no sound effects

Ambient sound: no ambient sound

Use of music: the music used throughout is calm but upbeat. This music is used because it is essential to use a calm tone to exemplify the seriousness of the topic, but it is also important that we mix that up with upbeat music as it keeps the audience interested.

How many tracks: one

Sound levels: The sound level of the music was louder at the start because it was just the music playing. But throughout the whole trailer the sound levels of the voice over and the music remained equal.

Lengths: 30 seconds. This length is perfect because this is how long radio advert normally are, and this gives us enough time to include all the information we need to.