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Information about the articleThe journal is written by Asher Shkedi from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The title of the journal is Can the Curriculum Guide both Emancipate and Educate Teachers. This journal is published by The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in 1998.

Opinions/comments regarding the contents of the article in relation to this courseThe article talks about the possibility of having a curriculum guide that is potential to educate and emancipate teachers. The author introduces three different set of curriculums to 83 Bible teachers through interviews. After thoroughly reading the article I agree with the authors idea which is combining both pedagogical approach and autonomy in a curriculum.Carrying out a designed curriculum in the classrooms is not easy at it seems on paper. There are many other aspects that should be taken into consideration when designing a curriculum. As a future teacher, I believe that teachers should be included as curriculum developers. This is because teachers should know better than anyone else what works and vice versa because they have the first-hand experience carrying out the curriculum in classrooms. Apart from that Olson (1983) also states that curriculum developers do not successfully transmit their ideas in the curriculum they designed to teachers because teachers have difficulty to understand their ideas. This can be seen clearly from the article too when some of the teachers are unable to grasp the exact idea of the curriculum author introduces to them. Due to this I think that it is highly appropriate to include teachers in designing curriculum. What I liked about this article is that the author mentions the possibility to have a curriculum combining both pedagogical approach as well as some autonomy to the teachers. I truly think that a curriculum with both pedagogical approach and autonomy to the teachers would have been the most ideal curriculum. What makes curriculum tricky is that at times curriculum can be too rigid, inhibiting teachers creativity. At the same time, giving too much freedom to teachers in the classroom also might not be a good idea either. The most important thing is to have a proper balance with autonomy given to teachers and pedagogical approach in a curriculum. Curriculum should not make teachers feel like they are restricted. Teachers should not be treated like parrot, in which they are expecting to follow everything directed to them. Furthermore, having some autonomy in class is beneficial for both teachers and students. Teachers can explore their creativity and try something new with their students. It can avoid them from being too monotonous and predictable in the classrooms. However, allowing some autonomy to teachers does not mean that teachers are free to do whatever they want in class. Teachers need to know to what extent they can exercise their autonomy. This is where curriculum developers need to be clear with their ideas so that teachers can comprehend them easily.