Download - RACE FOR THE LOST STONE An Aztec Adventure BY Louis, Hugo and lyla.

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 RACE FOR THE LOST STONE An Aztec Adventure BY Louis, Hugo and lyla. Slide 3 THE QUEST You are a famous explorer and treasure hunter-archaeologist. You have been contacted by the President of a small South American country who needs your services. He has been told that there is an ancient Aztec temple deep in the jungle which is rumoured to contain an artefact The Stone of Fate which will bring peace and prosperity to country. It has been lost for centuries. He warns you that it will be a difficult journey with many dangers. You agree to go on a quest to find it for him. Slide 4 You set off on your journey. After a long, uncomfortable bus ride, you have to continue on foot. You have to cross a raging river. You hope there are no piranhas in it! The rope bridge looks like it will collapse if you step on it. How will you cross the river? Swim acrossWalk across Slide 5 Phew! The bridge held your weight. But whats that? You go in to find out. Slide 6 Oh no its a warrior! What weapon do you use to fight it? SwordBow & Arrow Slide 7 Oh No! He threw the spear at you and you got injured. You are in hospital for a month. Go back a slide Slide 8 You shot him! What do you do NOW?? Go to the temple Try and find help Slide 9 The lost stone is in sight! What do you do? Run up and get the stone Sneak in round the back Slide 10 YAY! You got the stone! But.. OH NO! a mad person is chasing you! Slide 11 Well done you completed the quest! Slide 12 You got knocked out. Go back a slide. There is a fight... Slide 13 They saw you!! You are now in jail. Go back a slide. Slide 14 OH NO! A big fish ate you. Go back a slide. Slide 15 No-one wants to help you. Go back a slide Go away!! Slide 16 The End!