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VOL. 1. • • ' • ' • ••* - ••••<.— • — > • • • • — ^ ^ ^ Z - • -'- ^"^ . .MIJ'T1 v.iv.mfssswmm —pp


I.O< % IJ D I R K C I O R Y

Cortund Post Office. MAtU AK1UVC:

Ihifttlo. Albany, .Sijr*c.u*e and Northern vay, at

Ofotou, *( Ithaca, al Norwleh ami lite Her

naaday and tfrtdak/, ai

dayandSatiirdnytat -New York, Boston

at Byraen**; through I tall, at

Kamtay, Wed-

Riul Pilch «r, Tuesday, ThunS-• • at -

and Southern Way,

MfcSO A. M. 0:1*) " MO P. H.


« : • «


, ai Now York ndlV...

XAII* CLoaa: Through Mall Nortli, at Southern Way, ami

ton, at, Ilhaoa, at llroton, at • -i - - . - V -Norwich and l'ltcher, Monday, Woxl-

naaday aud Krlilay, at Norwich mid PltcWtnr. Tuesday, Thurs-

day and Saturday] at • Nv.Tlmredayaml Saturday,


* » A. Mj.

10:15 •' ' 1(1:10 "

0:00 " ,

loff* " ,'

t ao P. M.

OIBooope*from 1i«) A. M. tofrSO P.M. Or, Surf-^ f t 0 n > " V t 0 l h o ^ K A . J A B V t J l , P . M .

Time Table. Traku past Oorttand station at follows .•—

Paaaoaaer, moving south, • fcWA.M. WMP.K ProlgbC " " • 1*18 " passenger, " north, - 9:88 A.M. fcljL'' frelghT, " * 9:03 A.M.

rruttnger trains on Ik* trie llniiwuy leave Bing-hamton as follows ,• KaaiWAao—At 1*«* P. M., 8:40 A. M..&B0P, M.,Tj<*

A. M., 1(M»> A, it,, 10:48 P. M. WaarWAim-JAt **• P. M., 8t» A. M., 8;»t P. M„ M l

A. M., 1:60 P. M.Tl«:» P. M„ *:4o P. M. Pusstwrr trutmott th» Nt* York Ventral Railway

leave Hyrueuse asfotloi BA»TW*IU>—At

Kotos .-

) P. M%:Q0 P- M., SA. M.,lft» ; A.M., 1:15 A. M,, 7:18/

. 4:Q0 P. M., 8;!» P. M7 Wwivum-Mrtet ItoaO-Al 1*36 A. St., talO A. M.,

5:4ft A. M.. T:*l A, M., *00 P. M„ 8:80 r. M., 6:80 P.M., ltr.00 P.M.; „ • • • • • ;

Auburn ffoorf- Ati)f4S A. M.. 1:40 P. M , 6:85 P. M. Kiiiulay morning, at 6:45 A. If. Take* effect Monday, May II, 1868,

Churches M. I'MsaaWriMiatf ~H. Jr. Boom, PMtor—eouth corner of

" reH *ui< %t)rr)ad st Church anit Railroad streets, day at 11 A: jK>Wl 7M P- M,

Service* every Hnfi-IV P.M. • ' • • ' ' P*»tor -north corner of Church

a. Service* every Sunday at 11


UNiv*K*Ai,i*r / . Mi Austin, Fatter--comerof Church and Kim atreat*. .Servfce* every other Sunday • forenoon and Mternpon.

Bri*«opAV-<V. 8. Wftsf, I**tot~*outh aide of Court •treet, • few *t«pt) cast of Main street. Service* ev*ry8ntd*ratlfl ,A.M.»mUKP. M. •

MamoDl**- -Jf. 0. (turtle, Putor.—Meeting*are held In the baaemeftt of the new Church. Service* ut It A. M. and t% P M.

OATHOUO K. VoUman, Putor-one mile ea»t of lla>n atreet, on the road from Mill meet to Port Wation »troet, 8e|rvlce» every other weelr;*<-'

Hotels. Si — J ' « Itov**—X/t J. SpsiiVy Proprietor. Adjoin-

Inf Court Kuiuo. Court struot. M**a*Mu*H Mnu»* -Wm. 9. Uop*tand, Proprietor.

T of Main add Port Wataoa street*. <•> lloo»«- SYh-sttsr *8 oVnr/raou. Proprle-Coruor of Main and Cortland tl I Cortland ttreeia.

Lodges. ' . t:o«HA«oviu.» Loixta, No. 4TO, F. and A. H-.~M.vsX-

In** on tho lat, 8d, and 6th Tuowlay* or each month. Lodg* room oiH">«|to Cortland House.

CtatuMu KnyAk A*>H CHAPTKH, No.. 104, V. aud A. M. Meeting* on the Sd and 4th Wedaeaday* of each month. Lodfl* room oppoalto Cortland llouie.

I.INOOLN LODO Prlday evenL .. on the Wednesday evening following tho laat meet­ing in each mouth. Initiation* every week. Lod«e room over 3, S, Sqalrea' atore.

YOVHO Max'* CIIBWIAH AiaooiATioK.--Meotldg* on

i tems. Key. A. WIWTMS, pastof <.('tlio BspiJst

Ohuichof tl nilia.-lh. before tho 1 , VfwocUaion i ifvi Monday evening. Tho iloclalon „t

on tho resolution'thai the lt'1"'1" 'iflngs himoro iujuil-0«8 tliitn li.ii. ii,-i.ii, was in favor «>t'tho neg­ative. • J- (' OY U (ucotltig it two-story ft-ttmo l>iiilt!liiK on I'ort Wrttson 8tnto», opj>o-»U« CAUUMHAKI.'H Vurnituro Wurerooni, whi. • 8» yet*


. J

a, No. liu, I. O. of U. T,—Meeting* on, UIK of each week. Degree meeting* icaday evening following the laat Meet-. mouth. Initiation* every week. Lodge . S, Sqalrea' atore. t.

. ('illicitIAK AnaooiATioH. -Meeting* on Monday evening of Avery week. In the room* occu­pied by th* UuGofit todge Good TemBJart, «V«T Bqnlrea' itor*.

r ^ - ^ ' V - : ^ • • r ^ ••. • '•• ~ — ^ — ^ c z z Union Republican Town Oauoui. The Union lletmbMcafi lOloctora of the sev­

eral Electloft I)l»tri«t» in th« town of.Qort-landrli)o/>rvBl in«h)t/lft the» y«»|>**f<i'Duv trlots on Friday, July 8d, 1809, at 8 o'clock, P. M., for the pufnoso if choosing two Del-ogaten fVom each pCloction Distrlot, to attend a County OouvdnlMirto Ije.hpfd « the, Met-aengef House In* CoTttantt on the vJth 'day Of July next, to oleoti d«* «o tho Suae Con- • ventlon, and for tlio purpogo of transacting such other buglqeM as may come before tho meeting; Theilfectbrs of tfte 1st or North­ern Dtatriot will mec*'jrf*Firenuu»'s Hall; those iif tin; 2d or Southern District at tho Messenger House, and those of the McOraw1' vllleDistrlct at Totman's Hotel, MoOrawvllle.

Dated Cortland, Juno iWtb, 1808, WM. JJMA.NTANYE,

• *

IbicH Oommittte.

Rot. 3. B. 0ONDIT, D. D., of Aubum The-ological 8oroln»ry will preach next Sabbath in toe Proshyteriaji chtooh, MoGrawvllle.

, , L_«.^e———> F I B K W O B * 8 . — ( j h a s . W . C!ollln» i» fully

supplied with all kinds o f fireworks not only for the Fourth , but c a n furnish torchlight

. processions with torches, rookots, R o m a n candles , Ac. , 'during tha comlns; c a m p a i g n . ' :

" M i l l * • • «

CAVTIOII.—The I'1 people are cautioned against paying "royally on the driven wells to K. W. OnWBNj or his protended agents. He has no legal claim to require such pay mont. Thow who pay hhu throw away their money. B« BYHON Vtpoa*.

. N i « t "—•

HJ—U Is almost certain that JaKloftl thb plaM was one Of

that recently lost their of two- vessels oil Lake


HllPDXN DJU.fl Mr. T h o m a s H (! the twenty persons lives by a ooHMoti

Mr. T. 8. C A R D w a s a brother o f Mr. n o : : , (! villi, Of this Village.

- t - » » t > # • ' • . ' • •

i:iiim.soroN'H, tw*doors oast of Ohilmbe^ lain, Smith A Co. Wo keep the best brands «>f family floor antt all kinds of feed, mesl, shlpps, shorts, &C.J oats, corn, scrooolngs.

Wo make litis trkde a specialty, and will soil It lower pnoeji lhan any one olse c*n at wholesale of rotalli 58w4

! 'J,.,',, «*. . e > ^ — ^ f ^ J V J W J M HAtP D I M B TAIKS.—The BohUjisrs & Sail­

ors' Fubllshlnf Co., at MO. FultoV itroet, N. V. (&iy, hare comnienced tho publication of Tories and Incldenls entitled " Sohllers and Hallors' IbtfDlmo Tale* of the Laid heboid I inn." It is a pamphlet containing S3 pages, illlwl with rich and racy Incidents, sad IUUI heart-rending tales |t>f tho groat war, fonning a book which tanubt fall to please all.

The Compny rH(rerti»o tor agents, yn every village and city In $M» country—some worthy disabled soktlar orjsaUot^—to whom will W Ulyen tho onoltislvolMle of tljctr publications.

I.tcMSMtfi—Tho toUo^lng It » It** Of Li­censes grant*! by tho Board of Bsefse Coro-mlsakwiera, taoludlhg thro* granted at tha jtesslon of to-day :r~

<Wtlfn¥t—A. Is. Smith, A. Sagorv O; W Uradlbrd, store; Wj. 8: Copeland, D. J. 8pa»>

D. Baudct, hotijt

^ J K t for o Store. Not decided, i bo the occupant. • I thai the now office,ittely,

greeted In li-ont of what Is to he MOOHB'* l , l o l ! k . i ; of !»>•. O. W. llvi.h, will not be bconpi.ul for the practieo of dentistry until Ulcre hav<' boon iniule improvements in Its architecture, Those who have occasion for the doctor's services, must not, therefore, suppose ftrtat; his sign attached lUeroto has anyconncelion therewith.

Tho strnwbefty ami [co m a m fwtivftl of the Presbyterian Sabbath School, at Messen­ger Hall last Fnday oycnlng, was a most happy and pleasant affair, and rptlte SUCCCSB-fnl too, the recjHptt being ntiovo all expenses, upwnrMt of1.$00. •' '.$H«t ; Messrs. QAHNCM and EOWAIIDS, whom We ninitioiied last week as having .been to Sar­atoga with tho intention of making a busi­ness sojourn there during tho summer, havo decided to go, and their rooms will, there furo, be Closed after 'this week until further nntiic. - <•, V

Just after,tho .dedication o f the n e w M. Jl. • C h a r W r l W B S M t t W ma^^rrrerj1or*four negatives of tho building, from different Slaof.l-polntii, aiiil seloctlng that which showed It to the best advantage, printed one hundred curd photograph* UlOttfrom,; w h « 0 h ( ( w W i rare genoroslty, ho donated to the Church on the evening o f tha tteawborry Festival-' T h e ylow Is exceedingly handsoihe and wel l Hn-Ishtjd, and in shoc^ W0 do not reinuinlier to have seen one nearer perteetfoh than this.

• • - • — - — Marathon Items.

i • %, MAUAITHQH, Juno 90, ISOJI. ' ' Kinioit STAMOAHO : Notes of Interest from this place (except 7 per cent, notes) I suppose aro scarce in the STAKDABD about now, but had I found any thing which I deemed Interesting to your readers, I should have gathered the same at Its occurrence and ' forwarded to you. SKLai ! Tho cliliens'tff'M^rathbn are l^liMffiig'to wake up to a sense of their duty 1" 'ho com­ing campaign. A meeting' of tho, electors favorable'to the election ofOrant* Cottax-was held at the oftlco of It.'IV Wright on Saturday evening. June 27, at which the fol­lowing offlcert were elected:• -President, Benjamin Tt Wright,i Vice Presidents, Jo­seph Baker, J; O. Peebles, D. Momtgomery> Kev. <>. M. Smith, Lyman HInman, Jas. N. Bauin, Orson D»T1S and B. N. Meachom; Treasurer, Cap't. L.Davhi Heorotary, Capt V. A. Van Vradenburg; Marshal, Oai»t A.-11. Barber; Kxocutlvo Committee, Daniel B. Whitmnre, A. A. Carley and Bov'i > . 0. Ilowillsh j Committeo on Music, F, I. May-borry, ij.'M. Wood arKtvB, M. Briggn.; At the next Meeting, whjch will occur on Satur­day evening, July 11, It was resolved that a' part of thp ttusbicks of tiit^ meeting bo to, or­ganize a company of " Troe Lights.'4 The Orant ^Colfhxclwb^wl^, phvco thtwuselvos jn connection with the1. Union Leaguo, and cooiwrato wiUt, thorn hi tho distribution of campaign doourtettisv , , ; Our Post O/Hco Is to bo moved soon to tho east end of the river bridge, In the now ami Spacious apartments In 111 ink's Block. > V ••> i Thetro>i br idgei tprogrees iug s lowly, as it is Vwydlff leulttcvkee*. tlie" water in the cof­fer dam l o w enough wi th a two-horse-power p u m p I3r the masons to commence the totm-daUoiun ^mmmvm^^sdmMimid^mtJt'*^'

•y. store; T. While, I? > iftwwr—J. Watstjn,

Patten, hotel, CT«*fnt«tlM*— Dr. Barnes & Co., 8toro; A.

41. Smith, M..J. M^senger, l > ° ^ k l l k ^ J a i i p 7V*w*»»—'Amoll Brotherii,'store

Scholllnger, TT^ t vogood, hotel. P«6*»—A, 0. 8po no, ttoro .Vo<rV«iM*W(*-8»l sbury Brothers, Warreii'

& Jones, store.-The? Annntl Knrro»iAX Co>i KNTIOH.

Kditorlitl Convention of Western Now York year atWatkius, Juno 90th.

lie fgely attended,and much iUuajto «ho craft was tran*.

,tlon tiext yettr Is to be held at following officer* wereelected:

Prestdenb-J. H. Selkreg, Ithaca Jew**. Vice ProsldonuH-Henry Stowoll, benoca AUHtvtijk; A. tt. Fletcher, Chautauqua „m-r«t; C. tl. Kajrman, Klmira Meertimr;

M I). Stivers, Orarage County /Vw»/ S H, l*,ii-k*»i- (Ji'tii-v-i (iatttfa. '

etrtiter; J. O. r. JlpM W. T. Tlnsley, Lyo(is .

lie 4 * i*rs (Jttsojtoy

<hr,A. • * W A H I U apply o f SI

. efm»er than ih rAtv»jxv(t Shi V » n | H , »•' •cotton .


Surrogate's Court. BKVORB A. P. SMITH, Miluuoo.Vii:.

.IC.NK 38. -In the matter of (lie estate of ft. J. Spencer, of Marathon, Uw^asyd, yf£ accounting of executor adjourned until bth, at 10 A. M. ,,' ,' \ In the matter of the estate of Wm. Vunk, pf, eceasecL Argument of law Question SuTirfltted lis to liability of adminis-trators for lo**,b^ U. J. Messenger. Sub­mitted, and decision reuorved.

In the matter ot the last will an* test* mont pf Amanda Hint, of Cortland, deceas­ed. Will proved and loiters testamentary Issued to I llram Orandal).

In tlte matter of tho ostato of James A. Carlisle, Lewis F. Carlisle «nd Kiln Carlisle, minors, of Proble. Bonds lllrtl and letter* of guardianship Issued to I'amclia Cajrlislc, of Preble.

VtViWiM.-I*>Uir of the eslato.of Joseph Qllborfson, of Solon, dOCflasod/ Po-' Ution of Mary Gllbcrtson, for letters of ad­ministration filed, praying appointment of Rufus Ktco as admlnl»t ator. - , , . f JUN»88.—In the matter Of tito estate of Ransom Mallery, of CtATtla/id deceased. In­ventory filed.

JtiNB 87.—In Uto matter of tho estate of Khner K. Ollbort,, a minor, of Solon. Peti­tion, bond and oath of oftlco filed and letters of guardianship Issued to Ransom Warren, of Solon. * ' „._ I. - . . ; In the matter^ the,' ostato bf Charles F. Ollbort, a minor, of Solon. Petition, bond and oath of office filed, and letters of guar-dUushJp Issued to Ransom Warren, of Solofi.

IiV few) niratter' W the estate of Phtneas Holdbrook, of Harford, deceased. Petition of heirs filed and citation Issued to adminis­trator to account, returnable. August;tkl. at ^0 A. M. - _ _ _ ^

To pan JjAPjfA^yre aw hi reoetot of, and hare exarirtarjdV a weH arranged and substantially gotten up. book of 060 pages, imtltleil " Phlloeophy of Housekeeping," a sclent!Ho and piacHeat manual for the prep» aratlonofall kinds of food, tho making up of all articles of dress, tho promotion of health, and tho intelligent and skillful per-* fo nuance of every , h « » s s ^ l ^ o e , . The knowledge and oxporfenco of tho authors-Joseph B. and .'Laura B. Lyman—and con­sultations with, the beeli known authorities on the various subjects, combine to form a book superior;*", any with whkh we arc acquaint­ed, and one which cannot be otherwise than of very great help In any hottsehold.

Mr. WATSON Gu.f., Syracuse, la the gener­al agent, who advoitlBC? elsewhere for county

id town agents.

CHAM'OK «JJ #*,vJtu-For the special ac-I'lmunodotion of delegates to the Democratic Couvention to be hold In New York.on the Fourth of July, ami thflso »ish|ng to. visit the metropolis during tho sitting of tho Con­vention, the Brie Railway ^wlB' Issue round trip .tickets at greatly reduced rates, tho fare from Blnghamton and return being only tO.80, the tlokets being valid for passage east­ward from Iho 9d to the 5th of July, amlfor return passage to July 13th, botlt iuclusiva The fact that the steamers between New York and Boston ask only one dollar for tho trip, affords an unusual Inducement to those wishing to travel, as some of tho principal New England cities can now ho visited at 30 per cent of tho regular fare.

- . , . . , , . » • » i — T H O S K now goods are constantly a m v l u g

At 8 L A K T K » & SUM.N KU'S. Ono ot said firm Is In tho city purchasing and sending home bargain* iu the way ot dre.s.-t goods of all

md descriptions, Prints, Poplins, Al­pacas. Or«iwt|liies, French Cambrics, Organ­dies. &e., ifcc. A k o James l i n k ' s celebrated Cabin Skirts , tdwaper. than tho cheapest ; a, g o o d thirty-spring Skirt at 75 cents ; young^ ladles' walk1rS«Law]s...iit tLOO, and ovcry-thing

THE CORTLAND CQUiOT STAN^AmjfclJESDA^',':dHUMl& -80* * 1868, H" NO. 52 • * ' ,

Court P r o c e e d i n g s . The June term of tho Circuit Court and

Court of Oyer and Terminer commenced its session nt the Court House In this village yesterday—WILLIAM MUIMIAV, Justice, pre­siding.

Tho following are tho causes disposed of up to the hour of going; to press:

George Boss ng'8t Daniel Shaw. Equity. Over. O. Porter for plaintiff; Ballard, & Warren for defendant.

Kmolino Ueyuols, et ft}., ag'st Lyman Key-' nobis, etal. Complaint dismissed with costs. Waters & Waters for plaintiffs; A. Holmes for defendants.

The People ex rel. David 1. Brownie)! ag'st The Board of Supervisors of Cortliutd Co. Equity. Over. Italian! & Warrenfttf plain­tiff: Waters * Watei* for defendant.

William 15. Tnlhnan ' ag'st Walter Cllno and John 11. Clino. Over. Scilgwipk, An­drews & Kennedy for plaintiff; Marsh & Webb fordefcmlanLs.

The Board of Excise Cortland Co. ag'st Cioero Phel|w. Over. Hoyt & Smith for plaintiff; A. P. Smith for defendant.

Honey J, Mudge ag'st H. M. Henderson mid J. H. Harlmi'.* Over. ICoHogg >fe Ploroe for plaintiff: J. S. Barber for defondaiit

William W. Moft ag'st Wllbttr J. Baken L. Clinton Hall mid L. E. Hayes. Settled. Waters & Waters for plalntttf; Mllo Good-rlcli tor defendant.

Board of Excise Cortland Co. ag'st Luke

(», Babcock. Ov*er. A. P. Smith Tor plain-iff; Duell & Foster, tor defendant,

' Arthur Holmes, Adm'r, etc,, ag'st Goprgo E. Sandai*. Over oh payment of costs. A. Holmes for plaintiff; Miner & Kern for de­fendant,

Clurlssa Q. Shirley, by hor guardian, ag'st Ezoklel Shirley and Win. Bhirioy. Over. Hhanklaud & Couch for plaintiff; lluell & Foster for defendants. am aw. <

K/.eklol Shirley iw'st Clarissa O. Shirley by her guardian. Equity. OVoh Duell & Foster for plnlntilT;"0. Porter for defendant.

Henry J. Mudge ag'st Jvhn 8. Barber. Over. Kellogg & Pierce tor plaintiff; John 8. Barber for defendant, , Bernard 8. Doud ag'st Jaiuoa Calvert Complaint dismissed. A. Holmes for plalu-ilff; Waters <Se Waters, for defendant,

NlcholttsH. Haynes ag^st Mary Daly. Set­tled. A. P. Smith for plaintiff; Georgo B. Jones for defendant. ' Joseph R. Holmes, adm'x, etc.. ag'st Cor-rjollus Brown. Judgment for plaintiff. A. Holmes for plaintiff; Duell & F.ietor for do1

feuchjnKi'• .i . ^.fcir ,'»i.. .cw *JLt*.tA Bzra' Wood ag'sV Franklin' Hammond.

Complaint dismissed, with costs. Waters & Wators for plaintiff; A. P. Smith for doftnd-nnt. • . - : • . • - .

bOyrene Smith ag'st Ne l son Rowe . Over. . Porter for plalutiff; Ballard <&, Warren

for defendant.

for plaintiff; Ballard & Warfert'tor dofeud-l">t- •

Giles O. Rood ag'sV Elbja; Bood-^Over. A, P4 Smith for plalutiff; Ballard « Warren for defendant. ST-i -.

dep'd. Referred W B. 0»hdaU. Duell & Foster for plsinUff; Goo. ft Jones for,do-lendsnl ? •[ ^ r S r • -, .' '

David Carr t^lM*-* Bcbennerliorn and S. Barbor. Over, on ipayme»t of costs. Gco.B. Jones forplatomf; Waers & Waters and J. S. Barbor forldtendsjaft

Isaa6'H. Forsneo ag'tt Ellen H. Leolyc. Discontinued. Ballard * Wafron for plain­tiff i Slfankland « Couch for dbtondant

Stephen Stllhuan ag'st Henry T. Newell., Complaint dismissed with coats. Stephen Kollogg for plaintiff i A. P» Smith fordetou^ darit, i»^"

Stcpheu StllJimah .ag'st Horace Nsw,eJl. Complaint dismissed with coats. Stephen Kellogg for plaintiff; A, P. Smith for defend-aVrancts8. Webster, etal., a»*stRiftl W. Talbot.' Judgment entered for tWO- Sedg­wick, Andrews & Kennedy for plaintiff; Mi­nor & Kern for defendant,

Azarlah W. Clark ag'st Ira Bowen and Louie Bo wen. Settled. Hoyt & Smith for plaintiff; O. porter for defendant. <

TruRiatt Albro ag'st Curtis Smltliahd Cur­tis. Smith. Referred, to Chas. FosteJt Minor & Kern for plaintiff; Joseph Morse for de­fendant ,.-, .; i« i.v,. . , _ • .V'v'

Edwlh G. Bush ai'st Garry Thompson. Judgment for plaintiff, tllM.dil and costs. 5rl^n.Crana^(lforpli«nUff; Duoll& Foster for defondtftluui eSAuftY O'i, v>

Ollvor Porter ag'st .AJnius Stobblps. Re­ferred. O. PbrtoFfor plaintiff; Slumkland » ,CoUoh for dotenditnt- ' '.•' ''Vfv*--1

'. BUla). Whaler, Jh,ag'st EllB. Sears, Re­ferred to R. H. Duell S. B. Hunter for plaintiff; 8. N. Holmes for dofondant,

El«ah WItoolor, Jr.. ag'st B H B . .Sews, Referred to,R H. DueU, 8. R. Hunter for plaintiff; 8. N. Holmes for defendant.

William H, Warreri ag'st Olcero Pl^elns. lloferfcd, Ballard,.*' WMron, forplalfltliT; Wm. J. Msntanye for dofondant ..<.• [•••••

Oliver O. Potter ag'st Cyrus A , Bmlth. Referred to R. H. Dtfell- •HlrHhi CiimdHll for plaintiff; Joseph Morso for defendant.

llqracoP., Goodrich ag'st Wlnslow Dal' rynvplo, ot a l . . Judgment by,default for pTalutyt of MS4.38. Duell &. Foster for plaintiff; A. Holmes for defendant.

H„ Ballfttd * Wm. H. Warren ag'st Etl-wanbP; Williams. Judgment by demolt for plaintiff of |115.ei. Ballard & Warren for plaintiffs; W I. ltogew'forjdefendaht|f :,V } James H. Rawley ag'st John MoBlroy. Tried. Judgment for plaintiff of #15*8»., Waters & Waters for plaintiff; Duell &Fos-; ter for defendant , '•'•. '-,,; ''

GhaMcs. P. Hunt ag>t Wm. H. SnUttt. Sottlod. Waters & Waters for plaintiff; Chapman & MarUn for defendant . * , William Jones ag'st Poti'IckKolley. Re­ferred. Miner * Kom for plaintiff; Shank-land &Couoh for dofendant. "> !

, Lewis Bputon, as ltece|ver, &o,,ag'st Peter Blxby and Lydia Blxby- Iloferred, to Ar-Umr Holmes . Win. J . Msntanye for plain­tiff; Shankland & Couch -for defendants.

Calvin h. Hathaway ag'st Iteigatnln Smiles. •Judgmont for plaintiff OT fBdKwK" H. Cran-dull for plftluUff. • t; . v y 4 , h PCM M hk | ft ; Samuol Green ag'st Lewis L. SchelHngcr and Levi ' Scholllnger.' On trial.' A. P. Smith for plaintiff j , Water* & Waters for defendant, •*»V*I*^-.-H-

t :' , ,'*(«>> ' i' ' ce»*> • t Resoluttone nt to tl»iMliim.

j llesobetl. That sidewalks fit* feet wWe, of plank tald orosswise..upo»j ^rjd.jiroperiy nailed to sultablo slojepers, or of gravel or 'content, as herelnafter'wetnfled, are hereby authoil/.iiil and required to be made along the several streets named; and lying between the points or lines herein designated, namely t

1. Afong thesoutlfskteof CortlaiitlsM»et, in front o f H. J; MrASengtrV land, (know* as tho Lyman Block,) from Main street to the 'Livery stable, to be made of plank laid cross-

8.'Along tho wosMkle of Adams street, In front of tho premises owned °f opt»PJe4 ^y

crossVlse^iw/'snB^ ce­ment . -%-i^niaiM,

8. A l o n g the north sldo o f Merries: street, fVom.Mato atreet t « A d a m s street, to bo made of plank laid crosswise, or o f coment

4. A l o n g the east side o f Main street, In front of tho premises owned and used as a dwel l ing house by T h o m a s Keator, to JW1

matle o f plank laid crosswise, or o f cement from curb to fence. >, ' -

0.. Along tho north side o f Mill street, from tho Railroad to the east line o f Wil l iam Al-vord's hind, to bo made o f plank, gravol o r cement

0. Along the north sldp of Mill street In frontx>f the land owned by John Ireland, to be made of plank or cement '• 7. Along the south sldo of tho street west from the north end of North Church street to Main street, to be made, of plank or cement.

8. Along the north side of Port Watson street, In front of Orcutt's lot, to be made of plank or cement , 9. Aloug the south side of Port Watson Street, Irom A. Freer't to Bosworth's, east l|ne, to bo made of plank or comern.

10. Along the south and north sldo Of Port Watson street^across the land owned and occupied by the R II company, to. be made of plank, ft W'VSMVtf, '1 iO*'* J

/.' '.v /, [^aUssalksbj^andareUorthy

l.rt«Mr<i.-v\ Jlarjwr>* mtgtmne for cvi. w <M> wltlt

"Among the Andes, of Pe.v. aatt Bolivia," by E. G. Sqtller, illustrated; 'Th&Fashions In Guinea," illustwted j "Ka/M garritik," ll-lustrated; "New York in I'M 'tevolutlOn," illustratetl; "Woman's F o m ; "Tho Wo man's Klnirdom i a Lovo Sto.y,' tar ato au thor of "John Halifax, Gee iistra-ted; "Street: Povomoats," iliuatarftted; "An Address to the American People," by New­man Hall; "The Ucporters of Jto Sea;" "English Photographs by an American)" "Tho Dry Tortugos;" "Editor's Easy Chair;" "Monthly Kecord of Current Kveuta," nhd an uuusuoily full "Editor's Drawo?."

Ottt Yo\tng VoUc* for July, i0»A waffs to us more entertaining than r?»V ConteBtei "A Story of tho 8oa," bv May Msjuer, w l # v

four Illustrations; "Strewbanlea,'' by J. T. Trowbridgo, with a .VA-pago OMtWatatM'; "About EThsalwth Elto'o Piano,'' by Lucre-UaP. Halo; "WIHIr.M'o'HehrfS Letters to bis Grandmother—VI., S» Mrs. A. M. Dlaa; "Among the Cages >. Ki»i Central park," by Charles Dawson Sl.arly, »vWi abt Uksatra-Uons;!"Cast Away Js. Mo Cold"—302? by Isaac I. Hayes; "IV. la She ShtWrei,'' by Mary N. Prescott; "Dfecrtotnd Quicksands/' by Hojoti C, Weoky, jvltt; an Illustration; "Ai Bird's-Ncst," by S'lo.'orc? Percy; "Lessons In Magic—XL by f. & W w l A a n , " tlOn;^ThiY Davy," W7mljH8i\ with an lllustratloi j 'About Me on j Vols," by Mrs, Edv/Ritl A , Walker, with an Illustration; "The Rltrulet," by Lucy Lar-c o m ; "Music." -I. i'lStiiaif'^OOg.iWlth au Illustration; II , O. Splnd-l e r ; "Round th« Evening Lampi" wi th tWo i l lustrationsr"Our Lsttar-Boxy' wi th an IV lustration. Fori sa le eve iywt iere . Ticknor & Fields, Publishers, Bosftta.

^ « S ^

Dick '»i

.''cheap! "AW1 "TJtej Now)

Also alt jicriodlcalj

The only at the ma calmci

MO «t pu chines i once at I Wood's Jhey will Who Intend mind I

st mac

omihonly 80w4

i 't'liW LA


y'sTr .XJWute. Owe*M«v»»f3iyi. j ; . ,

SktS*htoM ty Charles

Bd. jBit Kuo,*' rnd also ttn." .D. Apptets» A ®o< aMtnm:

erflyHiiui; , i tt^tjlved t o cc'wit ao published,

i standard inagaslnes and other HJjoBookjendKtt l foStere . . eblor Cabinet 6rgan" Is sold

S'S. Also t l o beet, pianos ih argo Stook i>J g K ^ l ; m u s i -

., aheettmttafct.sfcc., t*Wo. l all Block. Cortland: mv.

AosriNKe.- -AH ftumew tk«&,x>ns Ono of the1 best *!bWrtaff ma-eall on BLIBS A KnKiMwi rt ^tve-jiirt w»ive«1i' a.#ew^i:qf'

and the B^wks^so, 'wfi^b; n rensonabte teriar. 'iThcot

ibUy maflhtoos: should Jaawr fc> r season ilhe deiusnc* fry «!»»!*

graatM* stun tho wtftftet^oiti' t to i'Bie. itftCt-tK» w K t ^ . p , '

•traji- on itVr

. »!>.•«, •

rctpiired to bo reiiaired ani condition on till streets, and saw wants arc ordered to bo built within sixty days from date, .j; " i '

I cortify ilmt reeolutlons, of which the foro-ig are true copies, were passed by the iwl of Trustees of the village of Cortland,

at a special meotlqg of said boarajheld June sth, 1888. H. A, R A N D A L L ,

~i_ ».*-»-—7—

On Y K S t On Y K S 11 O n YW11 l - L . B I S H ­OP, threo d<K»rs cast of the Stono Church, has just received a good ly numrJer o f the most desirable mowers now III use, (the Ohio and Buckeye patents 'combined.) Those wishing first-class mowers should make sure of oho without delay, rouicmberipg "the best Is the cheapest," regardless of price: ' Cortland, June i , {868. 48iv6

The Atiimtic tfonthly to.- ,A:I tain* the following conten.s Hudson RiveratNew York," b y C ly ; "Tho Dole of Jari Thorite!'." by Whlttior;"8t Michael's Nlghf'-rPort H., by Mies Agnes Harrison; "Minor Elizabeth­an Poets," by E. P. Whipple; "Some Coral Islands and Islanders •» "the poor hi Cittea" by Mrs.' C. A. Hoiikinson; "My Ship ai, Sep.;' by R. S. Spoffortl; "I)e Gfey: A RouMnoe. by Henly James, Jr.; ''Stogo Struck," by Justin Wlnsor; "Modern French Pnintlig/' by Eugeno Beesop; "Tonellt's Mai.iaga,1

by W. D. HovUlls; "A Four-o'clock," "J Harriot Prescott Spofford; "The GMftt Brio Imbroglio," by I James K. Medbs/y; "Re­views and Literkry Noticos." Fo" sftlg ovo ry wlioro. Ticknlor & Fields, Pubises*), Bos ton. : Ewr# Saturday for July 4, 1330, has this Interesting tabic of contents: • "9«»rge Bit bfs 'Spanjsli Gypsy, Polly's 5)no Offer. I. a n d l p >'An Empiro wltlioui'ft Doctpi'," "A Group'of Vagabonds," "Coo'w" "Ntght Ramblos in' PariB^-I,,'' "CatcllBg'Oi'abs;'' I'Abteuce»" "impossible;" "F-wsIgn Note«>"

Irv'e hove received tho flrjst awnbeivof the Jouriuitof Mutation, whlch'cKiteint sixteen jargo quarto pages. Is Issued ft Albany, for tLW per year, and Is devotast «>ite name indicates, to the Interests ot ateatlon.. • Its prospectus says that no pains v/»U ho opareti to represent tlio Opinions and fwlteiU of t|iO most advanced and progressiva aaucctora • Tho asslstnuco of a number of nb<e' pentla men hat boon' secured for';»Jio ftitura, 5?or. Victor Mi Rice promising to be a ft"j«n9«f. contributor;' Tlfo paper appears hnhdsom^ ly, and the contonts of tills number augurn jwoll.for the ftituro. _ ,_ ^ u^ .

! Tun H. J. MKSSKNGKU BAWKUIJITOV CASE —On ^htir^ay ;iast, »h«, craditprt of H, J. MKSSKNOKH met before D. F. GofltT. Register iii Bankruptcy, st the Court House, for tho purpose of proving their claims and jshposlng assigned ; tiia&kliM

There wore two tlokets In the hold, the one containing the names of H. P . "Goon-m w i , of Cortinudvifle, .Gifo. B. P A U K K H , of Syrneiiso, and W M . B. H A M M O N D , of Canan-daigua, receiving 999 .votes, which represent­ed 1118,178 88) and the other, the names of FIINOXHICK IVRH, of Cortlaiidvllle, S A M O K L E A U L , of Herkimer, and K V A N D K U 8 I . Y , o f CanandalgUa, receiving 944 Votes,1 represent­ing | 07 ,104 4 8 ; showing a majority for the

\ T h o amount of liabilities proved was ta io .880 SO, ami the a m o u n t ' a f W a s t t , '!*-•+ turned b y Mr. MKSSKHOBR, In answer to the Marshal's warratAt» ,Wt» ; #f»Q^**: . A s wo havo previously stal liabilities amount to over $000, tho amount returhed as assets, vorablo reckoning; doos not give t200,000 whlcli can bo considered as bio," tha ,remtMnh .pprt4oji;o| So being classed, as n e w a t as doubtful. W o are not, as yet , prepared to g ive au opinion, or to ishow pro-cisely how matters staud, but shall do so as soon as wo otm obtain fuillior fsots and flgoros. : .

OlAlfcyOt ANI BtAMlNA^WS F ^ ^ t^-ThC advantages arising1 floni undcistaiullng t h e . cause and nature of chronic disease as wel l as tho peculiar constitution which you arc treating, cannot bd over estimated. Dr. B U T -•rwHKiKf.w understands What, remedies oro suited to each ^ d i v i d u a l ' disease. Treats chronic causes Instead, o f 8y^ptornt, ihtetests himself to cure every ease that ho treats and wi l l g ive yott*the best- advice a * h o w to pre­serve ydtir jatftRiV W e ask those to have an examhrslfcm tha t have been g iven up a s In-.curable; at **''c*n' and are curing such very often. Diseases o f tho Spine, Chronic Ca­tarrh, Neuralgia, Chronic Rheumatism, Ul­cers o f Bltvdo>r, W d n e y s or W o m b , Piles, .Consumption of t h r o a t and Llvor, prostra­ted Norvoqs system treated wi th groat euc-'cess- Wi l l be i t Sperry's hotel three d a y s every t w o weeks , commencing Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 1 1 , 1 3 and 18.

..-i.'i——,' .«•#*' ••» •." A LONO SMASON OF PuriLAtiK.—The Rev.

J. M- Ferrit, of Grand Rapids, Wis., writes: "The machine was received In good order. My wltoi flt once,, »m the day oT |tt arrive^ i i f j f p It wlthdut tlto icsst dlffloulty, She had found it next to imposslljle^o use QMswa, and had coriie to rogartl a " wlth«*W»*<tf M4 , . pUuge. But iho hiis no troublo with yours, (Wlllcox & Glbbs.) The least ™mm4>®!?$" • * * ** «rt»^-,and that we say noartlly?,

,"'• • J*S*J>s , ' ; ' ' . ' ' * A v EDWARIW'H P U O T O O R A P I I G A I . L B B V —

A ttew patent multiplying camera for gems. Four f o r . . . . . ^ . »>- •« .* Eight lor . \ « ; . . . . SUtee«^qnoa|<J|)fi, for,,,,,..,.,. Impioved apparatus for copying

tures. j Pictures enlarged to a n y si te .

% a •>»' all .' .(toryoung

lli),4lV«|OLltY & iol0eo;, o(tmpletest and

!,'. Cortland. For atylo, iaslucjil, wen.', durability, neatness, fine­ness; &c. ; ftdtair' oio tho assortment at S P X N O ->f»*'8» , L ' ;

Cchool Districts in Cortland-qa'.l Immediately on A . N .

,',vilii".',UJC vlile ahout4 BouNSSvitiik^bTvTt Clerk, and ge t a copy ot itYsk) foykmde of i'uolie ln*trw.ti<m> 1808. Free to oVo#sohso? dls'i^ct upon receipt for same c i g . i o d i y ivuetea.

COK'O Oviriti'fliA O'Jftp v/|ll Immediately relive and ptjrmansiMly c u w she most aggra­vated case>_M Dyopopclr* Flatnlonoy, Sour Stomaoh, CiifisttmM'or, jind; til diseases <?f ttio stoniBOh aufl li'oweto. Physicians, cler­gymen, nnd'tyjt who nee JC, jolii fn unlioundcd praise oi-: ihvjpvjat. uifiutw. Ould by Drug, glateoveravtpnfe Prio?j fjl.Og. 4 8 y l

Q6TgiP$&U*.M-Mii*«h« g ieat ipopular Remedy torpntghf1 , OoSfcs, Ccoup. W h o o p ­ing Cough J ••' - ' - - •"•-• ' ordinary |4 i • for sale 1 modioluOs, without It'

gPf Coh uRoumpthm. Botlisl^es-

clec mrmincth femlly' bottles all dru&giste and dealers In fsutuY s!ic«*S be over'night

D houts. <Wyt *x>^V "" • •'' ; '

Jjmpvoveaafi^hlno for Grind-Respsr Knlfts, can be at-

!asii3^"tc-rVi^-Sonin.'ai grindstone. Price, QSM. ?:il'M'l by BjAttS A KlNOMAN, Mow-la^ M»nx'ito»liiij'«n»s, Coriland, 00

FWUTC Si'wtap,—A J«rgo and excellent as-eortn'ont of Mpti and ornameutal trees, flow­ers, 8hrate,flRll toits, &c., *c„ for sale on reasonable tarnis—corner of Tompkins and owpjfo-stweji. Vm-jmtfl^&g.ifii

n4§ T • HoLMKS.Cut^,«Ci()iv-Br» ' maw- •' '• • ;'--' l-**'""

lonts, ribbons, trimmings, &c„ollo| Rooms oi horn Block, oys, ladles' Bleacktmin

HBAL house, threo i fitriuoi

;bf «x

s)yles, ;at t i e MHllfttly KNitiMof, in Schermor-

io keeiis hats, bonnets, Jock-.^, hafr braids, colls, * c . , Ao. jpresslugsatlefaotorily dono,

• ' «••*.; ;•••: •:MtJ.ruiyini « .—I desiro to lure a gooa

next yoar. I have for sale new dwelling houses, ono s;g0odbulldiugs, one tract

lots in tho corpo-" buildings, and

•..lying Just o, a farm of In all eases,


in Photo-

ratilit flnlshod lm water colors and Indian Ink, from t l - W to #18.00. .

May 1«, 1868. >.4>+-*"

. L A D I K S , — I f you; w s n t » stylish dross, go to M I L M * W A H B M H ' * — they keep buttons and trimmings to match. ., , f f « ,

—. .'• i ».».» 'i ""i ; SiTADBia.--They have those lrsatttiftil shades

of Modes, Lavender. Biemark, Ac., In dress goods, at TANNKK Bros.'

MILLS A WAUHrtx still offer great Induce­ments to their customers and the public by bringing In first-class goods and selling them cheap. Parasols cheaper than others ran sell them. Fans, a large supply, .ttoop skirls cheaper than i w before. I tf

* . « . » ' — • '

TIIK copartnership lieretofow e^ioUag be-i tween FmoBRAJLD A J'KWSBOOIT In the boot and shoe hustness is thlu any ulssolved by mutual consent. Mr. FwtauMut wlU rsnain at the old stand for the iiB/.i thirty days to setae al| tjebts t]uo the ft;N*, Mm that what .Is not paid will ho left In for collection.

L. JJr^^i»|AW., L. FKHOUSON.

Cortland, May 98,1808. 50w8jf

BvWwp»?shoi | l4 ti-ytbe RoyaJ Baking Powder, warranted to tie theliest and cheap­est of anything in use for cooking, and re­quire* loss for use than any other Powder. Costs nothing to try it If not perfectly satis factory, as every caw Jo warranted.

For sale by OK/VO. W. COIGNS, ROUSH, HunnARD A C*., Sxmt A NKWXIMT, D. L. BLISS and PBVJKWB, JAAVIS A Co. 49w4

————a- -*-— — •-— Stereoscope Yitws of the Paris

tkm In great ruifcty at T. EUWABD, . tograph Ga)1»«7, Main street, Cortland.

Horn G kind In urn. Oh anicntolas many ought to Win; attlili of using

buying g o o d | , One Ing.

tJibaWiAWAii-cassimeres clear

receiving n e w styles. tltoy a lways

Thread Lace Col-uttens, Stamped

on display at

Wk—The best thing of tho I BACON'S h o m e gymnasl-dy arranged, durable, oro-V&eful, It is an article that

BS, especially tliose fol-oitptttlQus, B y calling ho seen and tho manner

NKWGOOnfcg^ItvJi. J. FlTliOKKALP, Uierrlrin^oWFitCaititAMi A Rio«, W jtwiwtur((ed|ri»m New York with a, large stotjkt - ' • * '

of has

•i'AYLOR—In this vlllago, on tha evening of the 14th Inst, SAKAH A., wife of Mr, Charles C Mr».TAv

16th ln«t, leading

}>H/.NO« Bins d»ys.

lor.agadffyeafli, forieral took place on the

large concourse of our was evidence of

the deceased

_ . oa the Wtu Inst, Mtv, aged s ix months and

Hlustratod Pi

T K T A M T S O - A « l « W » roll TUB

A fiistory pf

: 8 T A- » . H I O H A K O S O N , (To which la added life of rjolhuc) For

" BEYOND THB MISSISSIPPI," By the aame author, (In both Kngllth and German,)

Philosophy of Housekeeping, C<*Ulnlog valuable bint* tor fauiilUa making aar ireteialtta* to faajilonablo, reepectawe qr.ecouomlcal


pr«ten*ion* to faajilonablo, re*no«tableQr««>uomlcal hoa^ekeapjax.. Udlo* aoll thl* liook wlUi excellent

WATtto»0ruti terms, address

... Koomft^ppailooM',Bjrracn


AfiLAOXNTSwbdi who propoa* to buy * . ttBd*J*ta*)n7tk4itiUW J>1

O-KIV. « i H * A N T ,

A»JB»lty » . ^OBArtpBON, AUTBoa or "tftai.n, DtmoaoH artp BuoaM," arnt

'• Btiofcb THIS Mieettaiwi."

Inducements —TO THOSR- g

BUYING HARNESS! • , • . ' • » ' ' " ' .

j tiiAVS nwcop© ky STOCK OF WORK TO

First door north of B i ^ s & Smith's

Grocery Store, Near tho Post Ottos, whore can be peeaaJMger, supe­rior, and more ootniUeta atook In our rto?rf trade that waa ever kepi 1>y rnysetr or any one she In tke ttmtf, »»d fcj- tie eaftec^>r«8t.of thoaejiyaldiiig

•eat of fforttaid village, f pledre nrr-Kood* at price* and quality that will

eaat, noulh anu . self to give them

Author ta trnthtol a* wet) tii-nui.U (Irniit ill ami ths

author, aud matter* of ngto tho civil govern-ii publle. C R A V I N G S .

n aaoiieof the moat

_.,e of hi* oarltoat eilpjtfrtera. Ilo

'ff'JDN. » R i ^ T ^ ' !

and hi* friend*. lt» content* will prove its ettperlor-lW over Sjl other*, Won't *ell or buy .an inferior work. Uekattblsfltat, • . ' ,',. . .

Coinulote to tat of June, and will oontatn engrai vtoMoTtheOhlewBOL'onvi.iiiron. Circular* Hvtlt, and hlglio»t cornwl*»ion»jMld. Addresi

AMKWCAN PUBhlSUlNO OO.i Itarttord Conn. ^ r 7 t r r T r 7 - ; ; ; : - ' H ' - ; - 3 ' . .••• ,;;.?•: ! )u . . '

2,500,000 008X0IIBB8 IH FOtTB YEAK8,

THE BEST! AV1NU the largest capital, most experienced

myoM. and w f f i ' h P tr*4» of any eetiefro In Guarantee Satisfaction

In every limtatice, and also the best aeloctlon of tiooda over vflemdat

O n e H o l l a r K n o h . ' No ot/ier tonetm hat any show whertvsr ow Agents an mag. Our motto, " Prompt ^il%i*iirtle.• ,

Hale and fopialo agent* wanted III oily and Ooiiulry,




4b H O W A R D . ''H"ll.^*'*?-!-'-OMtii' 1 { W * ' ^ J.t-

TtrVptr CAK D O AtL Y6tfh ootoKiNO, '

', and avoid Itmt-&m#m,tr<ntMt <m$

to Summer,,by rittng^.j , - f | ^ « , . j . | . j ,:}.. ,.

Kerosene or Gras Stove. I Ht J». I*tfx,tvsw .ivtii">»m* .v- " y./-:-M'-

A.k for tho UNION (Kero*eiio) or VI1M1AN (Ua*) 8TOVB,. They are ttuvbeet., T*ke no oilier. .

'|4l^.*Tft»t^. (..• i \ imm^t .i

m^ \Sffij#w^iitfVtyy#iiit}'.'?*? iipy, 4 ^ • "II.-' IW t(»^feft'*M^ •': ' ;- ' '•'' <'•> ''• r AldO AWAOllatKNTS for LAMPS nr(»AH lUIitN


' At itwwt^h*»**»•; -''•

GREAT BSD o ^ AOcotriiT o * ABSIOVAI,,

-pUMNITURirt|«t(»ll<Ml St Wholeaale Prices fm- tlio

i :$*§ -HiypEN *"CO.;s, 4 S Souih Ballria St., Syracuae, N.^T.

May 1st. to our ' ftliBallnaHt,,

— .our liiimoimo Ujll '{"f '

CBAMB»8,ii„ PABJLTiB, , ( . . j n i N i N O , MllllAltV ANO KITOHBN yUMNlTUUK, .,

MATTKK8HK8, ' PtiUMS,' Hl'ItlNO 1IBD8, •:••••*.• eVe.,'«|--J r'-'v -


trade, and we noil thorn with a Special Guarantee a*.' to tho (Quality and Price. Now 1* tho time to buy your , j '. , .,

* P K 1 N < - F l K T V I U H i ; .

}C0M«0WJI!l COMHiAItl,)

^Wtii^J. 8. C< HAYPBN & CO. . 8. 0. HAYI1KN. •SWT 8. BKAMD/ ,.,^.i ,.|iTii>il...y •Sni'.f MI, ..i> •, ..,!' •—M-rV—.-•»


I' INVITX the attention of sportsmen and all who

3b*tte£gsffiiiM| Ulllf •ntlShotqun* i^n


•elfjln tho be»t poaatbl* wjuncr, la warranted, apd

has, w rln

BiJBOOCK^At Cluclnnatl, Ohio, June 17th, {Tccnsumotflan, at tho residence of Uev..

A. Clarfs, ALMKUOW A. BAaooct, aged years.

Wat bom in the village of r 1888, whore nearly all h|s

Apout 14 years agp he the. Baptist church \n this

Harypy, since which thllP, he lias been a'very iisoftil and • oonslstcnt me ihor~-Iiol5»*tr^l'y all who knew him. Vo nearly thret yoara his health has been glv ig away, aid about four weeks ago ho utai ed wltjl hb-wlfo and little boy tor be Ilia i of'Missouri, where he hoped to find con i relief irotSUa very healthful climate) JtjB ting fit Chiehmart June fid, he was ta­ken o much warsa, lU»i hit friends lumiedi

atel telsjpraph blin|whowag|


bunlay a'ftorat) cein licted by I 8 .J iy ««4

for hlo fttlier to come to u'lo.t3 enough to reach him bo dW, Kls

f in CSwJoi

TtrW*ll1{^W*PlW , ct tho Baptist church, pastor, assisted by Itov. A. Yf. Cornell, rector

CWi wy cjwr<4 tlio whole w4er tho »h,e maisSgOtnont of;|h.o ^rpe Masott Pratprttity,

and honored

'.",-r piihlli-a-Termo MiAgen;*, seat

,cuu(iw-.o;3i<:y »t»nloy-metng,

Itora'P-Wl^t ^ . , t(S^rriIton "treot Jfatf t v ? ^



Ivillage, f p 4 * and quality t

HtSaarT one brOMUa! » viflajS luburba.! r Ju»t returned from New York city, I h*vee f»ll »ne c

price* and quality that whl . . . I , ' , . J - ; ,

omer, one i*t returned

Horpe Blanketa. for Suuiuior and Winter,

Un«ti, Worsted and Scrim n o n e Sheet*. Kngllth Pinatt, Wool and Worstedflap Robe*; also alarge •tockof

TRUNKS, Of »och»*ter mannfaoture, ftrauperiorloUi* New

alvorylowngure*. .•<••; ,-r

Mf atocit ofHHrncKi* 1H C^>m-• • • p l e t e , • •: •»•'

ng Coach. Gig add Draught H.meas, and|llia1>

Saddio<<Ua'riic*!s Vuvcr-trltum


Hlimlo lines,

.JP^r'Twenty, Do Mars.

wtthiDutihona*rSttapa,ftctocJBook Sat

^»n:^r?,tt"0^ uisliod for the Irado »T» awsll advauoo. ,

Oitic Tmi n«d licntIter UiefTexcluslvoly for light Harnot* aid for ttraiiglil,

Miring" done at thorteet notice. All work **r-I, whether S»_*pecl«od at the time of aalo o«\«ol. rani

One year'a credit-giventbr a Horoor, June 1,1S6H.

.PW?5»APON. 49


Furniture Ware Rooms. call the atlonlloii of Iho public Ut the (act

\.If ANUF4GTURES A.11 UlmlMo**I^.init,.i t

W'aWlfi'aitii''' f , ;

IrSKSlfll J.» " I ;K,|lu<;V.:t--UPHOLSTREING

it w •..' -AHDU' MLlti.

, ."-' .":••; . •• :i{ft , '.,«:•'..; -.-. i-. • And la a manner


ir<.-,f. ; u • •<•••>•'.';\:.jt i

t > « ( « ,l,:.hUh

; V ,••:,.-. •77 KSTA1II.IHHMKNT ' IN TRtS BKOT10N

. . ' " ' . . ' • >• f t • : . ' • • :" ' 'I

Ofe«M>n». Ill* three IkSgS Moi* rboma ,»r- flllo.i J»Wi the ,).,(..;,;

MOST O O j ^ O ^ , « | p » OF

t*!»;*'t:oi. *t«f*i,::

mm WPpRr;m^lft;»r«K«T,

i«ai»4tt'!' --a •(•*/.• -vji a'atBinfttAa*.(< * i j \ " ' i ;

$ ' • : *


VAO.I/ITWI orif^1!,. Make* etln* and dry Harness soft ami pliable.

' .; — — T - . -V-. !U1/ ' . ' '1 V A O U U M O I L


r r r r j:,'T.K-v»r?r' mm

U the best arcaae for Boota and Shoo* over naod,

: V A C U U M O I L . • •: ,1 J Is the be*t Lubricator for Welting, Ho«o, and lloavy

V ittchlnory evor dleCoverod. (tar Havo your boot* bocoroo so hard and'atln* you

cannot wear Ihoin, grcaso with , ''. V A O U U M OIL.

and they at onco are made aolt 4uid easy • to the Slot' B**" Have yohr Carriage To|>» hecomo «o dry Ihoy

begin to crack, g r e w with • ' : V A O U U M O I L ami Ihcy are'rendered limber at one*.;; i , . • , " , - ,

tafT Dde* yonr Orluttitdno, Mowing Machine*, or Wagons "aqueak," uroimo with' -.

V A O U U M p i t . ' |

INOBVrSu'MAllKTOne that render* ofd bAniess black, soft, limber, and bright a* new, one that never fries out, nor gum*, thou J K £ . •, BUT MOTH ISO ELBE AMD USB NOTHISO BX8E but prepared VAOHVM OllHARNBSS.BLAOKJNO. mauunictnrcd hyilio M ^ l - S s e w j VACUUM t>«, OOMPANVOT iiOCUltoTW, tj. Y-

' sold by wide-awake daalor* evory where.




Queen of E n g i r d ! . . . .BUT, . . .

. i • , . . . .

1 > • 1 s • '" U JLs I H W ,

(SirotauaoB or Kmaustt * Bus*,)

,.. K, ,,IVf \

Do** not till to keep in his store.


County Clerk's Oflfloe, O O R T L A N D , N . Y.,

All that a housekeeper lean wish in th* line of

O J t O O « * I E 8 - A N D -

P R O V I 8 I IMWf.t-in • .- •

«,>VU\ . i l l ^ VfUii • .

I'. •

' Rmbraerng the best qaalltte* or

Qugajfs, Teas,

»te I. '''tt "*'''.

» • •


Ooflees, S P I C E S ,


: . •

m • - : ••.. ij

' •

t, i ,C5JnH3KH

:.: jj> s,,: g(SI,t*i> »nt! 3L' '(IU«».*1 ' ( I t

a r m P r o d u c e ,

SENE OIL, 4«4 t tt.: .1

'•. r ' . ' l t t And a general variety ii* i , > X { | ' '

W Articles!

8UFPKWN0Y TO MWtT TH»' DBMANIl. •if *'• •• ' '•;'v' iVJ'«.

• * . . i t • t'f./itt' '-•aKf*' ' *•— ' * AJV'ian*" :.* '•*» <}' f Ut *!.!.-,; : |

IsasH, site, «a hcrolofore, take and auprty orders •Hi.A\IU« ' • ' . . « ' > •:> •!'!'

DOOES, J l i i r * i . i r l i l . ; . ' i »i

MM'«*i»r i. »« . * , !

mm,*** • • BLINDS,

r ™ * 8 , ••>,-. :';,.")•:»: i c . | ,. M ' .-*>1lil* i !i- . ' RBASONABLB RATBS

; .-, 5, A8JUCH.AHTIOLRH.-., . '• . t " j

h ib»i •" v • • "Ht*H' 9» OBTAIUBD i ••i»'.il.'»fi.,'i.r •.».!>•. H|..V; .'....- W**tWHBR«I

atMf ,;: t i i . / . . ! • * »)%.m,lH)u.

——-—.'•• •i!.''-*',:" t'nr.vr"^' ; J.Ji1' •""• 'ti!j'-'

GJ-eo; Npttlngham, )R 80UT4I OF TUB MKHHKMtlKII

° ° r * ' ^ 1 * 1 . 4 >W. fi-: ! < '1 VliO • HAH ALL TUB PACH.ITIKS, \ " *>l ji--'i!i S and th*


tor execuilof In • mptrtor rna*twr% til otitth iu t ku n M i * • . . ; . . ; ! , :


BlACfXSMrruiNOi zm .IBI

All work ilmia In a subsUnim manner; arid lor •lylo, beauty of flnlsh, and workinan*hi|i, he caunot ba ercetled, ' ,

J o b b i n g promptly a n d satlefnotorlly

rr-'gfxi: ,-... •y,?**. at


, ^ S — , ..i.TT,,l .,—r- . H ~ — --—-•-'-

NEW SPBIN0 9TYt' • ' • • • • • • •

,'i. 'V./t''--'-. - -ZW**-.'•• , . • , < V i ' i , '•':••


C»u«* neatly RRPAIRKI) Md tnlshed aopord-

usoriment of article*pertaining to Ouu-iraale.

! • • . • . * - . . 9 —••••— ——'•' • • '« ••.•••« • ^ — • l . ^ . - . . . ! . ! , » * > » M '

Dr. RussellJ. White, - Analytic*! Phy«lcl#l, //


•PWXtW 4W**-Tue»day, the 'uth'

Wf-MMMitam irowjr--wednc*-$l£~$A}ll,Br BO Wt>-Ti»ii»day, the


^ffia*£8rn»irAi JMife>«WM>.' it* 18th of September. , ,

BufMo-lMncipal Ofllco, No. 5M Franklin *tr«et, 1 door* above Alton stroet. _ ,.: .^. . .^-if

Thoae affected with diseaae* of tho Lunga, diseases NettYOiMi,


AKB now receiving s large anil complete ajabrlV meatof : T J«J(T( Til Tiii f ..•••

AO'OtS-'A'ND' SilOilES!

Apparatus for Physical Training) BACON'S




AH coiuptole Oauiunilanis that have boon previously conslrnctotl, have boon too cumbrous or too expen­sive ; and (hone ot a oheap and simple character nave been lacking In tho nocoanary, s»>ne ami vailoly. not wsngadatrted to swinging ot somersault exorcise*. Iielny atteoipts have lieon mado lo constrnct on* Malcn would overcome these illftlciillles, and thl* we now claim to have accomplished In our IMTHHT Hour tiyiOtaailiif. It Is hafod (Hi tho principles devised

nd taught by l.lnir, Hclnvber, and Din Ixiwls, and Is a coinbiliatlpn of Hioso systems brought Into a small compsss. While the drstexcrclsesareslmuloemiugli for chlldrea, the laat are such a* only can bo acrom-pllatiedbynhe most athletic. I l l s Iwlteved that this annaratu*--b*lnir CILOAU. oortahla, and adapUid to all

Which GybiaaaUA* will

lis nppariiliiH Is stipimi tod by twb *lrting hooks culling, elRhloen. inch ' . * apparaia* 1

In theceBlug, elRhloon inches apart, ami ~AH~ " ' " into the Joist tlve inches, leavlnu only Hie riniiii

hook* visible. It oan a|«o bo imod In a yard, by tho erection of a framework, such a* Is used for awlni

me) oly suit

Tho straps are of the strougett linen, uandnoie colurod; and by an in«enlous device, the ring* i sllrruiw can bo liuliinlly raised or lowered to any d< slrod height. A »paoo elk or eight feet wide Is ample for »ny of tho oxorclses. The apparaln* can aliKilie converted iutrt a trapeno for the alhloto, or a awing for Iho luvenlIn. Price of the fomiilittii Oymnasium, with four

targe sheets of illiistrallons (100 rills), aad

t ^ r r W e , M m , * * •:

O, H, J O N B 8

0HB D00B EAST of RANDALL'S UVBBYlWaBUB, would respectfully request all tho** wlablng anything



which will be a.d.lallh. I



i • • • :

••. ss 4 * ,•> .

tijihii, '•V • mfPP


Ur. '- VASIU: ,

Alarge variety of , j vf.

Boot and Shoe Findings!' teols and Machinery,

; •' , , . . ' • j i KltKKl'll AND AkXRlCAK

fJAI* SKtNH, • ' J w > ' ' i C T t y •••;-'••'•


i . - - - - - . . - • » • " J * ' l i *

HaiullMiuk explaining how each Is B*f-torm*«.....T7r.' . . . . |10 00

The TMpeae adjuslimiil, with thirty-two Illus­tration*..... , > . , . . . . . . , s s o

The Swing adjustment 1 ISO Sent by Kxpren* to any part of the United StStea'

or Canada, ou locutpl of price. Address,

Nt* W, H. RlDWBLlV'

BBeekmenfit.. N. v .

Syraouse, Blnghamton and New York Railway. ' £»«

.» . . •( "lit., i . !r .4-t*i- .-' ••••;• ..S-''f '..I SUMMER ARRAMORMBNTM. . •<.• ,•.,<


to Fhiktdelpbla, Baltimore. ••'•• ' 'i'lllttilliill FAKK8 )> • <-.

toBslttmo York, (via

ore, tm.M; to PhliHili-lphln - Rrle Hallway,) tn.lA '

elphla, ; to HI. mini,

. ' •

•,*11A<:(JA(IK CMBCKBU IIIIKIVIIU On and after Monday, Mavlltli, Irins,train* will run

i* follow*, (Sundays oxeoptGCl); ' ' i " VT?3V« LEAVE 8V1IACLKK:

muoctlnu al rain on too f

iuuI imiiklrk.

K.(KI A. M.. C-niinoHliiu at IUuuluujtt<>n with Exai Train tin die Brie 11*1 Iway, for New V.

S.D0P, M '*'"

Tho bent quality of PEGS for Hale by the quart, buuhel, or barrel.

J*L~: ' ^_

T A I L O R I N a l 1 ALL ITS BBANCUK8,1 oxecmed ta tha hart .tylo an«> a is»4!*fact^ lusiiAtvr, Iff

JOHN MORRIS, ' la'tna •'


WQM, VOUTIAN^ », T. al


'. M. (:<iiiueijlnL' *t iiiuuliiniit»H with an Kt-' pre** Train on Iho Krlu Railway Rssl. , with Hhjoi.liut Car* aiuehed. arrfvWg l»-

New York a l l 10 next murniug,

LKAYR BtNOHAMTON: l.tO A. M.-4>»noctlrijt with |he Kxpress Tram* on

Jew York Central Railway, K.H mid n arrival of Kxpre** Trains from New

' %ad Dunkirk, ami Way Train from aud oomioctlug with KxiirosH York tVbtial Railway, on New

mid West. Tbi

more, rough ticket* to New York, rhlladvl|ikla, BaRI->, Khrilm, Corning, Ac, <*n he prociirail nl tha

.i of Wrn. C. Bray ton, aortti»««_«the New York ..4tr*l Railway Depot, and at tlio Ttcjtct Oslo*, cor­ner of Onondaij* and Clinton street*.

Ill ORO. HAVKN, *c»«rln*»«<l'w/.

> K*Ut THR 'Usl*V^\\\\\\\al

CHMtTLAlID 00. STANDARD! WTh* l»r(f»»» sewcyaper 1* tU* eeauty l u a *


HCSON'S OROWN QRIN0LTNE8 Arc f.'fi»ru)IiiK for Ltghlaee*

l&Mi&S '•' '• •'

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