Download - R D AFAL ESTATE NNSFERS MISC[LLANEOUS RECORDS · THE REC Io]lo ~’,s .Lllmling PubliMle0 Every Saturday~5lor: ing at May’s lmnding, N. J. Readers of "TIIy.. I{ECOItD" n ay have

Page 1: R D AFAL ESTATE NNSFERS MISC[LLANEOUS RECORDS · THE REC Io]lo ~’,s .Lllmling PubliMle0 Every Saturday~5lor: ing at May’s lmnding, N. J. Readers of "TIIy.. I{ECOItD" n ay have





D. 31./



Residents as Well as ViMtors Must Se-

FOR MAY’S NDINI;cure PerrMtforCeremony.

ll I;*>vern,~r .]¯ I’timnk]iil Fort "rup.~day last’siglled l]le ]1Town bill passed bv the reeenl

,- , J.vui.-,lnlure requiring rPMdents ns well as u[)u-’. l¯t~idvnls It) sPt.ul~, m-u¯riage lieen.~es ill .Nt,

\V ILL GIVE -~,.\It-’LU~’2 NT T~ i .Jt.i¯-~,’"’ |>er,,re the nnl, inl knot ,’an be Ued¯MANY HAND~ ¯ ] Th," cost ,If the li~nse required under the new


¯ ] slatule is lille dollar¯ "

The prineil)al featun, s of lhv new :lrI refer 1.Skinner -&’2 Thorpe to ]{stablish I lie,~n~.lld t,> the m’naim,- lnmlrred I,: t]~>~,’

~]ll;lrryillg nlil]t~’s WitilDlll the~oll.~ent i)f tilehidustrv in Shoe Fact rv Build- hitter’s p:lrents or guardian--...\ft,r .July 1 it

ing Through Efforts Daniel wn] he ne,’essu’v ~t)r eYt,r, l;’Jr~m inWnding l,)

B¯ ]:r::zbr Company.

.\ID>lllOr -I,’11 fL)l’W:IFi] ill tho Ill]llslI’i;ll ilt,-vrlopnl,’nt ~Z" 3hly’.~ l.n~’lllin,.." i iindrr way.-

]’lit" hnihlin._, I:.mnVll :Is Iil~’"..ll,,. l.whw3"";tl

]qighlh Ntr~¯,.I ;lild ]’vrry .-\YPnlll., v, jl] ~>t’ tit¯I’ll-

’ I)itq] lind 1311t’l;Ilk*,l .’174 il L’llI-~I;I’N:.; L,’h~rv ¯IllS[ ;1~NX)]I ~L’4 rl,p;drs t~;in lip nl;ide, "ll~illl’ }|tI|lSl’buill:ll]d ]n;lvhi~ory inN’lallt.d his isindol-d

¯ .f


OLD-TIME SPELLING BEEPupils of Township Schools \Viii

"Spell Down" for Honors nndPrizes -- "Big FoiLs" Match

Feature of this Year’s Contest.

, lnteresl |hrlluglloul lheTownship eentro.~ on=the il]lnHa] .~p~,lling-b~,, which will be ilehlI P’velli]lg liP.x[ ill lile i)TPDL ]lollse,

when pl)l~ils from the se’veml del~lrtnlent~ of

tile }]igh ,’4ehc~)] nnd the distrhq ~ellools willhe nmrriot] ~ilhin this .’St;tie It> l’il’~l el>tab] ;l "spell down" flit honors ;lllll 7rizt~s to )>elh.oll~.e :lilt] deli%er lhe ~;inlP It) the lYOl.’~ou oIli- aw;ll¯ded hy lhu lloard of Edll(.atil)u. A fi~lllll¯Pehllilk~ aI lhe i’ert’lllOlly. Tin’ licellse 11111:91 I},. of the eOllh-:gl Ibis yt~lr 1:9 a "q)i~ folks" " eon-i~.sll,,d hy lib. registrar ,)f vital sl;ltislies , lilt. h~I, wbivh will l,e I)l~’n h)all l.~.rsons over lilt¯viIv. I’~}llil|y oil" lo%l"~l ,.h.F]{ ill" -t~lt, lt)lvnshil~ N’ell~)l ~lKe¯ The I.i)nlPM will I)e~in nl eig}lt:t-.q.-s,m

o’vh~.k sh:lrl). "]’hi" ¯’)-ords will be diPIatet] 11~".\n~)lil,.r illh.rP>lillg l’vltllll’e t)f the llt.w ill’| Ih)llllly ~llperillhqldenl llenry .~1. I’res:glllan.

r,.htt,.s It) nmrrying nLi]LOl. "~, ¯kny one 0Illo I)f ]’;t,’g ]l:lrl)or l’ity.~’intin,_" nl Sllvh t-l.ri.luoily t re]thou| tile eon.~ellt I>I¯DI’. ,"4. l;. ]]llbPl ¯, after t’onfiq’ring wi|h thetH" lilt" l)lll’t’lll or g~rdhln of sut’h nlinDr, is eonlnlitloe ofllle ]hxlrd of Eilue:ltiou iWeharge~.llbjP,.I [o inll)risl)nlul.llI 1~)1’ si X nloulhN l/rid t)]" the, ,q.lnlDDnl’I~I1 yt.slerfiay the |])]]llw-lin0 *>I ~-~]). If" lhe olliehllin~ lulrly is th~.eived- ira." pro;.,rain fi)r lhp’~woning:

good nel’)¯N ;llld llll~ITls Illllch. lilt’ prt}~l’PNs

and ~ell0.r~i] pl~,t),.rily e)flilt, llllll irip;tlily.¯ , ibV I"ll’q’ ’ltthl’lviI’~ Ill’ i’~ n~)| } i. iI It)~llpil "1

"J’hi..~ l~t.v, imhlMr.v will be own .ti ;lll~ ,,p,’r- - " ....... 1---lly 1,til)ils of l{,~>nl No. :~, ]-ligh ~t.ho~>l.¯ ,, q)lll I lb ilV

alw’l hy Mt.~.-r....’4ki:ln~.r ;tnd "l¯l~,~rpe, ~I ll:Hn- I - ¯ °--By pupils of lt,~oni’N,x 4, lligh School.

|111/ h I t ul I Tlw now law is lnodelled afterstatuh~.,~..... ;I---lly pupils Qf nngnlded sc])oo]~ of lhenlontou, "el’h,)wt-r F illdllrtql 1o t’.~ ~, ,~¯,:, ,,,r- / ¯,.l ......

.~ ~ .... ** ..... i~,t~-~ ~*nd will l)nu’thnflh"

I r 4--1-1y pupils of 3Iay’s l~lnding /in})ulnar

,’)wnt¯r~ ,,f Ehe |mihlin’.z. Th,> qrt,tv.Iri;l~t’s..\]1 re,.,)rds ,if ]h.on<,.s ",,,’ill b,, .’%¯hc~)l, adlnitting 11111)i1:9 froln uugr41ded

own expvnN’v nl;td,, lil.¯ml in,h CPlllenI.~ h) In;tile lmblir, st’ht~)ls,

Page 2: R D AFAL ESTATE NNSFERS MISC[LLANEOUS RECORDS · THE REC Io]lo ~’,s .Lllmling PubliMle0 Every Saturday~5lor: ing at May’s lmnding, N. J. Readers of "TIIy.. I{ECOItD" n ay have



+¯ % i - ¯

i +-. ,~


THE RECIo]lo ~’,s .Lllmling

PubliMle0 Every Saturday~5lor: ing at May’slmnding, N. J.

Readers of "TIIy.. I{ECOItD" n ay have lht, irpaper malh~l to any address a tne United~tates and Pt~,~e~ions, 31exit0 andCuba, lx~tage prepaid, for per annum,~trletly in advance.

Any snb~riber who fails to "TIIEl{Et’,)ltl)" regularly can have onli~.Moupro,aptly eorr~.ted by entering eomphtint-dtile office.

Advertising rates will be fn’nished Ul~)na pp] leatiou.

Ca.q~ sent through the mail .’ill be nt thesender’.s risk ; all remithxnces- mid be mudeby registered letter, post otllc or expre,,,~m racy order or cheek. Addre~ remltmnet,sand ,.onlmunications to the ollte

E. (2, SHANEI~.]£ditur ¢lnd Publishc

Entered al lhe May’s Lauadlng

¯ ’4ta’ou d--el a.~s 3latle~

31__& Y’S LANDI-NG.

Decisions in the higher .~ustain the

popular opinion that a mnn’s 1,1 1.~ his own

pro]-wrty, exeel)t iU the t’itse of LlUV]ets¯ l]y

civil sn|ls ill .,mvePal notable insh let6, ]~..l~on5

ncquilled of e/’imt, haYe fi)reed tl renlo‘$’al of

their ph.lurt:s fr, m~ the "rogut.~’ It

}m.~ long been held thai ;a COlU ])a.‘+ Vie




Brief Description of the Properties OtheE Matters of Import to the

Real Estate and Financial World/Entered of Record at the CountyClerk’s Office.

!Cancellation 0f ~I0rtgages, Atlantic City.Fannie ll. Brooke el. ’vlr. to Gta)rge A. ~e~-

man, :’,8x76 it. Ealst sloe La~fayotte Park 15’~ fl.North of ~Vincht~ter .Ave. H,000.

t’ommonwealth Real Eshde and ]nap. t’o. to

That Hay%Changed Hands andthe Considerations as" Shown by

Records of Clerk’s Office.

Amilel.~t Ave. ~q0.

t’harlt.~ 31. Ausliu et nx. to Alfred .l. I’m:kins, :~5x165 ft. 1.Mst rode t’onneeti,.ut .\re. 250

ft. South of Medilerram~aJ~ Ave. $1,.s’O0.Wheeloek l~lntl I’,x to Th,nnns .1. Wilmm,

hit :3 bh)ek LL’7~on map of buihling lots in Vent-

Bm¯, $1.

Cliflon I’. ShlnB eL Ux. h) ].~kqe ]L’iehal.’nt’h

e~. al. irreg. Northe:kst corner Arctic and lhx,h)U AYes. ~’2~000.


]lenry W. Smlih eL ux. If)John H. PerkinseL a]. 2,5x75 ft. YVest side of Florida Ave. 100 It.North of ;~.retle Ave. ~1,’200.

Job 3hllhis el. nx. el. al. to %Villbun .\lieuJohn L. Young el. ux¯ to I’harh.~ II. Moore, et;. :tl. 3,3x7S ft. era¯her Venlnor Ave.

~t--ofllee as irreg¯ 193 ft. Norlh of .\llailli,’ .\re. :ind 126.5 and ])elaney Place, $,sO0.ft.} %Vest of Illinois Ave. ~.3,000. tSalne lo .~une, :HxT,’t ft. NorIh Mde Venlnor

Loren2o l). ]lobhi-n.~ h) .’~Illry .]2. 1)lihnetlo Ave. %3 ft. West ,)f l)e]aaley 1)lace, ~00.

2.5x100 ft. Nouthwest corner 3h.lrose ,llnl ~,’er- Ji)hn I;. Selnple el. ux. to I.,41~f~e A:lrt)n, :l.3x[~)16. 1910. mont Ave4. ~1,200. ft..South side Aihmtle Ave. 12s3 fl. I,SL~I of

Sanlue] :E. ]teily eL ux. t,> .h-sse ]). 31yer~, Tc~xn.s Ave/~,0(~).45~73 ft. EaM sloe Newark .\ve. :~00 ft. Ni)rth Nur J. Collins el. ux. to Mary J. ]A)velc.~n, :~."iAtlantic .\vtu .~1. ,~ft. \Vest side Little I~.,-~.k Ave. 114 fl. South

William tt. Carroll to V,’iIliam F¯ l.urker, ofVmatnor A’ve. ~’703.40x70 ft. East side Newark Ave. 42’0 fL .North Same to .~une, :~xYO ft. West side l,iltle Reekof :\ finn lie Av6. ~1. Ave. 114 I2. south of Ventnor Ave. $700.

Nannlel E. ]icily el. 1ix. It)"~’i]]ianl }]. l’ar- Joel :\. {’ont)ver el. ux. to Tile ProvldsnIroll, 40x70 ft. West side Wi~-qlfl~.iekou Ave. L~0 Life nnd Trust I’,x irreg. ].him side New JerseyIt..North of.ktlantic Ave¯ H. Ave. ’..~0 ll. Norlil of Arctic Ave. $1,000.

,~ame to .~une, 40x70 It. 1.~lst side Newark /tunes IL 31ott to The lh¯ovldent Life aud

right to n~e anyone’s picturc in .n advtq’tlst~ Ave¯ 260 ft. North of ..\llanlie .\‘$’e. ~l.

menl without his or in~r Ion, This is

ill lille ’WII h eoullni)n sense and jusl ice.


" {¯rllelly It) illlilnP.]s elllbl,’llees i nalnber t)l’

lhoughllrx‘+ i;r e, lrl.less, al’lY, ~llld )rUeliCe.~, f~Tr

‘$vhil-h igllt)l’ilnt’e ,>f tilt ¯ surli¯rin imu~vd Ill

dulub bruh.s is lnrgely resin)n: WhuI

t:lit.~ would sonic unforlul).ale crt~l ures ilnft)ld

if they could IindhN-igue! ]lenses lriven with

l~dn-raeked limbs; farm stock CXl)O..~d to

bilter cold and ~.torln; dogs lied ilo unelean,

uncolnforLable boxes fl)r h)ng pert, without

,~xereise :).nd s4)nleti]nes ];tcking I)~

--the lisl is ttx) h)ng to t.l-lnlueya e, certahl]y

h3,) hmg to bt. el)lnt)~4ib]e with any mqenMons

of ch;lrity ;tDd kindness.

Bri~hl indet-d is Iheolllh~)k for n pl~)Sl)el’,)u~

3"air I,)r Ihe lUllllicip:llitv. \Vilh )oih eottan

nliil ;ind briek v,lrtl in full o 1iOll and a




Manhattan and Cluett Shirts,Keiser Kravats, Fine Hosiery,

Latest Styles Arrow Collars,Nobby Hats and Gaps, etc,

332Opposite City Hall,

AHantic Avenue,ATLkNT/C CITY.



Others Try andAnd a.s a result I have runny pat|ents

t’omhlg right :,long who have tried allsorL~ of doelors and J’]ye tr~alnlenL%

I don’t claim Io know everylhing,bui one lhing I do KNow ~,VI’:LL: andthat is how to fit GliL~$es that relieve Inanyl]]s nnd allment.s that never ~,:1]1 be re]tevedin any ether way.

Thls I will prove or I{EFI’ND YOI’II{’ASH. Then why suffer lhese ills?

L.W. Betts, R.D.,Th e Optom etry Specialist

9112 Atlantic Ave.,

t’I NAN (’I.-~ L.

Atlantic Cigy NationaltBank,

"-ATLA.%57VU C]T), W. J.

tt ’api tu l ....................................................... ~50,000.~urp}us ............................................... , .....~.50,000Undivided ProflL~ ...................................... ~0,000


I’harles Evans, Presideni, ".J~seph H. Borl,m, VIee-Pn.-sidenL.’~. 1). Hoffnmn, .Second Viee-Prt.~ldenl,EIw~x>d ~. Bartlelt, t’a-~hier.

])I lg E {.’TO ]L’.ICharles Evans ,J~,~epl~ H. Borton,¯ J. Haines IAppincottl, ,% D, tIoffman,David Fitzshnon~, EdwarH ~. Lee,I)r. Thos. K. ]{-ed. George Alien, :

\Villianl H. Bnrtlelt.

Safe Del~sit Boxes For Rent in BurglalProol "Vaults.

i6, 49t0.

- . -[

¯ . . -..

o. ¯ . -¯I

.... -~__ = ..... _~-~--- ___


Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Ca," 224 Federal Street, Camden;, N.’J. " : []

Capital ...... i ........... ~ ........ j....., i.: .... .... :.$t 00,000.00

~ Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned.~.... $1,008,000.00~ssets.. .......................................... .$7,874,331 96 [i[

Trust Funds not inc/uded in above"$5,000,000.00

Interest Paid" to Depositors during the year$173,~47.49

If not a depositor with us open anand partake of the benefits,

.\I,EXA.N])EII I" \Vt)OIL 1’re~id,.nt.

B 1-:~’./A 3I I N C. IIEEV E, Vi,.a-l’r~.~idvnI an,l "l’ru.~t I }tlieer.

I’;PttlIAIM TI)3I LI N.’41 IN," .\s.-~,~stall{ I t/lic/.r.’JO.~,EI’H ].II’PINC| )’I~, ~,w. iu{d Try:is. (;i-:t)]U;H J. ];El0 ;.I’~N. ,’4 71icit,~r.

rll- q[ )l lg-- ’ Z----~----~7ZT£ L_--- - . i 7- - [ .................. : .... ±___: __IZ _

TJ e ( eatestOf t~ople don’t give sufficient attentzon to the =

important matter ofselecting an Executor. ~heAtlantic Safe Deposit and Trust Co. is organized

~nder the law. If any of its officers die, they aresucceeded by men equally as capable. Therefore,

when they are your Executor, there is no chance

of loss or mismanagement through the death" of the party acting in ¯this capacity. ~Ve.draw ... .

wills free when appointed Exeehtors[


Capital and Pr0Iits $460,000 "Deposits, $1,600,000

Fhe Atlantic Safe Depos t & Tins1: Co.,1~1. E. Cor. Atlantic & New York Ayes., Atlantic ~ity, 1~1: Jr

1909 J

+if )dO Felh)’ws of Allantle (qty. To proul,)h,. I)h~xqlus, 3Iurtland.

disst.lnin:lte and p/’;tetiee aln,)ng ils luentbers Firt~-31es:sz.~. Culhbert, 1)onne]]y, Ke~Mer,

lhe ~l)irit, l)rilwil)les , ’lad l)ellel-]Ls ,if fr~ltern:).l- [ P-lrker, "

islll. I,) pl~)lU,71e esl~,einlly tht, prhlelples of 3Accuse and Police--31~-.srs. BoRe, 3htlin,Ih]d Felh>wshipas ext, lD])]ilh~0 ill the eonsll- .h)hn.~)n, Baehameh, Kessler.tllti,)n and laws of the ,’~ut)ren)e Lodge of I ¯ L]ghting--.’~lc:~-irs. I)onnelly, Freislnger,


Saticlacti0n 0f Judgments.l):lniul \\’~ Myers vs. Joel C,)ilover and Mary

I. I’,m,)ver, ~112.45; Justh’e Court.l., lu in ]1. 11 ,Jtrmlm vs; J oh n Nlavlnskl, ~’21&70;

l)i~t rh" I’ourt.]l,fl)ert I)linn)ei~,4 v& ]{ale Nlnvtuslli, ~rl.50;

.l ustiee t’,lu rl.

Ac Lions.Edward F. ]leu~mvs. Edwin A. Buekman,

i)n vontntel; I’ireuit (’ourt; }I. %%’. l.ewis, AlI’y.]’ch.r B,)yd vs. \Villhlnl B. Valll)y~ke et. aiR.

i’l)lllrlit*t; .’~4tll)relllit [’t)lll¯t; C. (.’. Nhiul.I, Att’y.

"]’h~llllas llnrrv vs, Jnlhi Slleehan, contntt.i;~U]lleJlle [’ourl; ]~tl])h ~V. E. ]longs, Att’y.

Luri’l Hirllcus~l vs. Fnink l~ulfu el. als, ]ilejertnlent; Snpreme I’|)urt; George A. Bour-geois, A ll’y.

Building Contracts.1"{,)bert IYNeill eL It]. owners and ,".hJulers ~.

~t,-e]nlall & ~i)n, Cuntruetors. ParIy of st~Olll]parl will furnish all" Innt,,rhll lind supply ulll:lb~)r neep.@41ry lo: tully construct and coin°

p]cle a |’erta!n dwe]]lng house on the lot ot lh071rly of the llrst ])nrt, Mtnate ill +4 tlantle City,described as follows: ]’5~.~t line l)elaney Plilee,

424"t. Slmlh of Ventllor Ave. 42."¢75 fI. The ~unlof $5,.’g)0 to be llald for .~fl,l work as follows:~’~) when Ilrst floor joists are laid; $7.50 when

r,~)f is framed and\t~i~ r*~)f and entire buildingis shealhed k $750 ‘$~en bulldlng Is hrownedou I, lhe balnnee ~:G’Ot~ upon completion.

Board oi Freeh01ders’ Committees.F]nanee--l,ewls T. Imlny, John Uns‘$yorth,

Samuel H. He~dley, Frederick 3V.{’harle~ Hart.

Asylum and Ahnshouse--Alfred B. SmithCharity.- C. Fortner, John P. Ashmead, CyrusF. [)sgood, Elva T. Fifle]d, George Jeffers.

Bridge~--Fmnk Enderlin, John K. Johr~,~on

Alfred B. Smilh, John 1". Ashmead, JamesClark.

County l~oads--Edwin Robinson, John Uns-Worth, I-h~nk Enderlin, Elva Fitleld, LewisMinion, Harry .May, Joseph Brown.

Puhlie Buildin~w~---Frederiek %V. %Vt]leL%Charles C. Farlner, John S. Risley; RoberI 31.

singer, :Hcadley.

Atlantic County Census Enumerators.A b.~og--Sam.nel Johnson.Atlantic City--James %V. Brlerley, Harvey I1.

I ;rove, William H. Edwards, Alexander V,’eln-trob, Leonard _N. J~cksom ¯John ]-Iirschberg,

Henry Otto.Discharge of Prisoners--Harry 51a5", John S.

R|s]ey, William L. Black, James Cimlno, JohnCarver.

Printing an & ~tatlonery---Uhar]e~ 14art~ S.. 14.Headley, Willlam. L. Black, John Car~’er,

James Clnilno:

Herman G. Peterson, Uharles A. Titus, Jc~eph IAbmry--John Unsworth, Anderson Bour-N. ~Volsteffer, William IL Ersklne, ,Bhetmrd T. geois, Henry Otto, J. Clark, John K. Johnson.Chtttenden, Alexls E. Miller, George IL Sees,l~llph L. Queen, {;t~)rge P. Proffatt, Charle.s J.Ml.~.~on, lsldor :gchmeldler, Carl 3I. Voelker,William MeConnell, J c~seph N.B.,ir4"y, Antholay

Pepper, (,harles S. Henderson,.~Vllson W. 1"11elx-~)nard J.Wl]liam% Joseph L, Kelly, Gardner¯ % ])river.

lYuena Vista Township--Nathan W. Palde.Egg ]Jarbor Cily--Willlam Morgenwee,k, Jr.Egg ]Iarbor Townshlt>--Fr~ncls Watt.t;;,]]oway Township- Oscar C. Endlcott

tl:trry H. Ho]zer.Jlaml}ton Townshlp--Edmund I?. GnskiJl.}Iammonton--Jo~ph A. Baker, 51is.s Corn IL

Basset t.l.hxwood, Longport, b3omers ]’olnt, South

Atlantic Ci.ty Borongh.~--,lohn F. Hill.

]’h~.-~antvllle Borough--Carl Paul ~chwendy.51ul]lca Township--Hart3" Banm.Weymouth Townahlp--John W. Fisher.

Officers of the Legislature.]’reMdent of the ~. nate--Jr~eph 8. Frvllng-

huysen, nf .~om erset.,’~pe~ker of the House--Henry P. Ward, of

Bergen.MaJortty Leader in Senat,.~-Earn~t R. Ack-

ermen, of Unlon:

County School Disbursements.Absecon CRy .................................... ~. ......~:~,0-14.35A11antlc Lily .......................................... ] 59,~24.61Brlg-antlne .................................................... 548.51Buena Ylsta Township ............................ 19,867.36Egg }~Iarbor City .................................... 12, ~67L40Egg Harbor Townshlp ............................. 7;072.68Galloway Township ................................. 8,917.a0J=laml] ton Township ............................ ~..1o465.74Hamrnonton ............................................ :~2,L"74.,~Llnwood ................................................... 2,091.76.Longl)orl ...................................... . ............... ~:~.fftMargale City ............................................... ~499.7"2 :5Iullica Township .................. : ................. 3,764.6-1Norihfleld ................................................. 2,207.13Pleasantvllle ............................................ 18,99~_) ~2Port Republic City ................................... .2,ff25.56Seiners’ }~olnt City ......... ........................... ~849,43Ventno~ City ................................... : .......... 763.59%Veymouth Township .............................. 3,99,1.61

Atl~tic Com~ty]~.zr &ss~iatl9n.Presldenti Robert H. Ingersoll; First" Vlce

President, (.’has. Moore; ,~ond Vlee l:’vesldent,MaJorlty Leader In Houso~Walter E. Edge, G. Arthur Bolte; Tre~urer, John B. Slack;

of Atlantic. ,~eeretary, Olfver T. Rogers; Librarian, Lou.lsi

l-tecretary of the ,~nate---Howard L. Tyler, of A. Repelto; Board of Managers, Charles U.Cumberland. ! . j Bnbeoek, W. Frank Booy, ttarry I~ Coulomb,

Clerk of the House---Jame~rker, of Pa.~alc. Bamuel E. Perry and Ell 14, Chandler. -


" . . ."

Floors Laid, Planed and ScrapedHardwood & Parquet Floors

Specialties ,Old Floors Scraped and Refinished. ¯ RA zz’.s’: a~2

Flat tlate--t’er light per month l~urning from!" dusk ti’lI 1{) p.m.: - ~Ft)r November. Deeember, Jai~m~yv ...... $1.00 ~,Febrnary, March ....................... L.~.:.... .... 75o:.~.April/31av. June, July, August ...... ~ ..... .60

Seplelnbert Oetober. .......... i.... ................~ ,75¯ . " . . ¯ .... - . . ~-.

Meter I~xte--Per 1000jWatt&... ..................... laMinimum charge of 75 ets. per month.

J)iseount+---.From meter and ont rates:5 per eenL" on "i~ills of ~’-M.00 or over

10 per cent. on biils Of .K00or over

15 per cenL/on -bills of 15.00 or over-"0 per eento on hills of 20.00 or Over :

l0 l~-r cent. additional discount on all bi.tls trai .c.1fly 5th-of month in Egg Harbor £~ity or theSth in May’s Landing.

, ¯ o

Ingalls Elect ;,ic Construction Co,," Electrical Engineers and contractors,

Gas and Electrlcal Ftxtnres, Im~nd<.-scenr 22: 5outh Tennessee Ave.- Lamps, Electric-Signs and Electric sSupplies. 2ktlantic Ci.ty, l~l. J.

Sole Agents for Crocker-%\’heeler Motors Coa;~t .Phone i7el +and Dyna}~nos..Bell..Phone ~-’~7~A

Both Phones.

CallRepresentative With Sampleand See You.

Ten-nessee Ave+° +;ATLANTIIG C TY, N. 3.

Books, Upon Request, Will:t


Page 3: R D AFAL ESTATE NNSFERS MISC[LLANEOUS RECORDS · THE REC Io]lo ~’,s .Lllmling PubliMle0 Every Saturday~5lor: ing at May’s lmnding, N. J. Readers of "TIIy.. I{ECOItD" n ay have



ttI .




¯ ’ II





)j ,-t




.". . . . :" . , . . +. + + .


¯ . . _ -. -; .


+- o +-


¯ 2 " " -"


J., SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1910.,


.. : .



SH ER] FF’S snE~I FF’S SAL~By virtue of a wr of florl faelas, to me di- / ’ By virtue of n writ of fleri faeia.% to me di-

ret,{ed, i~.qled outlhe New JeL’sey (’our! of[ nx*ted, l.~ued out of the New Jersey Court of

(’hant’ery, "~0]1 be sl d at pllblh’ -¢endne. on t:haneery, will be sold at pub]to ;’endue, on




nt tw,) t)’rl,)ck in th’ ll[Ierut)on o[ said day,

Kuehnle’s llotel,rntq" Atlantic lind ~t’)lllh

i’itmilinn _%venu,~tllel’ily til AllaFlth’ I’ilv,

(’t)lllltv tit .!ILlnlh Ill ~htte of NeW .lel\~,e’% ". "

~.]l. l._-j’lto lxvi) t);ying [r:tets or ]/’ii’t@lsof

ljllltl :lilt] l)rt"in]sos, ’nale~ ]’,’ID~ and being in

lb. city of.ilhinlic I’ [y, cl)UlllY <ofAtlnniicand

~t:llr t;f _NeW .l,.r~ey, iountled hnd described asI’oll,)W>:

"]’rl!t’t Nil. 1.--})e.~i lnil)~ in tile No.rtht~/sl

line td hi,Ills of the I’ L~L~IIlIYilIo lind Allalllil2Turnl,il~.e or Pla,’k 1 o~ld I’olllpillly Ill iL,¢ inter-~.,-vlh)u with lilt’ .Nor iFvl-e.--t line of Allegheny.

.k%-enue; lhenee tl) i)I’lll’We:’;l ;l]OllJ~ lll0 lint3

,if -~iid Tnrnpil:.c irly-tWt) aud lhlrly-two’

hlllitlrl.dth> fl-t.[ to , ?4oillllt,;l~.l lille ofll nln&-

h"ell l’t’t.[ "wld*’ [; Ihent*l" (~) all)llg Iile

.~4oli|]lt.llsl Iillt. i,l .,<:lit llhlt’[l%ql l\’vt%vitle strPek.

;I disIAlnce O[ lhl’(~t’ l] ]lldlh’tl and ~.l,venty-l]ve

l’l~*[., lnOlu t)r It~ss, to4 le ,~.t)lllh’weaI line i)f .kt-

l:lnlis .\vvnnt,; Illellr (:)) ,%l)lllllt~tsl a]i)ll<g

.’4,,utJlwvM lin," t)f All lllli~ A Tl’llue a. distance,q’i)nt. hnlldit-d tWt.ll %-Iiv(, lvt.I, nit)re I)r less,,,, lilt" ~,)rlhwl--I lin : of Alh-ghnnv .\veuue;lb,’lit’l" Ill ?4.Olllll%Vt~>I Ill)l]~ Ihe~NOl’{ll’We.~t lille(It" \llt’aililllY .\’l’tqtlli ft)llr ])ulldred :lnl~ twen-.}~-d’¢e [eel, nlore t,]’ |o the l)lAt-e t~l" I)Pgin-

i{ill,’. ))ein~ hH> b) in %,q*lit)u -t t,O

II!;Ip t)fti..\. I’r;l’¢,’fL lshlll~l lh,u~.’l’ l)rOl)Prly.

Tl~,l(’l N,).’2. -llL’~]ll tl it poin[ ill lilt’ ex-l,q’i,,r lill,- f,H" lfi-rs by the t{iI)itl’iun

" |’A~lllllli.~.~i~ih’l’~, tlL’M Ill Inlt" hUlldrt’d :llltl1wcnlv-liw, I,.t I .Nit} ]l~lM t)f lilt, N,n’lllrn>l

line o{" Ill,’ ]’h¯ns;)nl’v] [elllld .\lhHl[i¢ Turupikt’

filial l’hlnk lh);nl l’t;l ipllnv, exlendin’.: |}lt’llr~-

tl! ~t)tltln’n>t ;It right all~lt.a b) .~uid t,xttH’h)ridle fin" ldt.r> ,)fie hllE ll’etlnnd ,,lit" fOrI to a])oill ! t)l)e fo~,I -"4,)tltllt¯ fri)nl lilt, NI)l’th’lvt’stlint, oflh. t.xlPrlor lil for sl)lid liiling .I,.~tll)-li~he,l 1,3" t)it. ]~ipari:l Ih)nnnisMinters; Ihenev12) Norlhvn~lwartlly .nd ]);Inlllt.l wilh ~nidexterior line for solidi /]I]illj~ Ivet) hun,llPd f,.t.lIt) It" l~l ’ I ¯ ~ ,~i~,-,h*..,~-, ..... ~’-~.... ,%,.~)I. ,,,,,~a;~ di} ,)e,,~t-,’ll l,,t.- ~:~ .nil i’4-20i.q:ll-lt’e OfOlle hillldl ~tl lind olle I’pel lolllt’t’N-

h’lit)r lillt’ i)I" })it’l’~; ~])t tier’ i ]l .~41)llt }l~A’t>~ilvard]~,alt)n~ :4llnli. :l dish).lh’t Iff l’cl’;) h’u_ndrrd fla.t It>

the t)};it,c ,if be~lllllinL,_. ]111~ Ii li) Ill ilil’]ll-

MVe ill ~,¯rtb)n 9 ,In nil l ) tit i-i..\. I’rllw[ill’il Is--

hind lh,ll~.r l)rl,],)t.riY.~e~.Lntd.--.\I] llle fill’ )wilt.." ill-.-q,riiit,d ll’;ic[ i)r

p:lrct.i i)[ lllnil lllld ’liliS.l*S ~.illl;tte iyin,_, illldI),.i117 ill Ill,’ t*ily t)f l;tl’lIi~" I’ily, i-i)nnly t)J

.\Ihtnlh’:ln,l -lnh’ ,)I .Ni.W ,ltq’-t’y, }),)llnlh,d

nlnl dc-rrlln-lI ;l-, l’~ll]l~ c:.:

"i’nicl .N,L :;.- l’,t-’..’ini in7 in Ill. Northl-nM lhlr~)f hind>. ,,1" lhl. l>h-iSalllvilh./.jlud .\l];inlirlurnliike llr Pinnk ]b~ld I’tflnpliny nl i!>inh’rsel’lil)n wilh lh~ ."z.iilllht’:l~I fin,, ,if .\llt-711e’llX" .~,’l’lllll’; t’Xh’lidill’-’ lhl’llr,’ tI; ,~i)lltil-~’ai.--I I.’h.lil~l.|tli:.: I%Vi,liiy ill%’, . dl..~lt-t,. <, }%vl> ll)illllh’."llhl fol ly-~l,vi.n Ild~ ],7~l>I 11",)111 ii ]ill\.+

p;lr;lli,.I wilh lil-,ll’,Jili \xt,ntl,, ill\Ill7 ~-;lid ]illl

i)iTllrnillI{t ~ ~.,Vt,li[)-l] l’i’t,l: lheni’i, ~ ~lHlll-rll:l ;il l’}’_.’)ll ;illT]lv~ I,~ ~-i~ill Tumid\t, lint, fillllIltllld ri-i% -.’*,viii. llltd >-~,Vtql I v-~-ex’l.l)

lltlh,ii’tqdlh~ lrri i,) tl ,’~,,iilllwt’.-.l lin~. ,,i" .\l-]:lllli- .\ %’i’11111" |hi’lit ,:’. .~ I ) r [ h ".A’i ’~; } ;ill)ll7>aid tin," ,~l" .\lhlllib..\~, lllit, ih’ih’rlin~2 iifl)

ili-L[l’i-t~, ~]li’[Ti--,-i~iil ll?!;illl,.~ %.Vl,-I [’l’lHli I 71~1i[’71~i.-\Vi-lilli, ,’i~h(3 iitill ;) l-lil ,, -( il l’t.i, htllitlfi,dlll-l-i.,.l Ill lhr ,’4,,iilht’:i-,~ q,’ id .\}],’7}D’li~, .\vi’lllli,

lllPlh’,’ , t ,".,,ulhw,.* ;il,~!.i’.." -~ti,l Iiil,’p,l \lh’-

7 i 11.% .\%l.lilll, }i,!tr. illlllll-l,li 1,111v-[illll’ :lllll,linric,,n biindr~qilt:> l~,,l I,~ lhc l)’lart , of I),-:21illlill’d I)l’iiiL’ hiD, 1 I~ lN lnvlii:.ivi, in sl’t’lil)li :;

i)I lllll I) i)f I-}l-lli’~e .\ "l’;lwfnrd lMnll~l ]h)tl>,prlq>cl’ly.

,~t.izt.iI :l,~ lhi, prop fly.of I~i~t)l-71 ¯ .’k. I’l’:lv,’-ford i-l. \ix. i-l. 11t:% ;i id 1;tl{i-ll ill i’Xl’l-Illil)l)il! lhe ~iliI ,)i .\]lwrl 3]. ]-’l’i’:V., i,xt’rtlll)r, i’ll’..¯ lnll h) I., ~,,hl I, 3" .

l):lte, l 31ar,.h 19,"l’}l’i)31p~.lIN ll~ I’ill.};.


sH E}llFl"s .~’.\ l,l,:]~y "viJ’lllt" ill IWO

l,I 1lie dil’t-t-IPtl.

)t "It ],..JI)]]NSI ).\’.¯ "gin,r\ I|.

)licil,u>.l’r’s fi’r, $41.1,;.

bin wl-it~ ,if 1it.r\ fill ill);.lml ,,ul ,If Ihv .\lhinlir


t- L,]~G~II/. t

S"muFI;’S t SHEmFF’SBv "%’irtne of a wr]l of fleri farl’~% lo me di- I Bv vlrtue of a writ of fleri fiu:ias, Io me dt-

n-~q[ed, i.~ued out of the New Jersey Court of reet’ed, IsSuell out of the New Jen~ey Court ofChancery, will be sold at public vendue, on Cllaneery, will be sold at public vendue, on


AN1) TEN,at two o’rh)ek Jn 1he nflernoon of .,~lid day, atKuehnle’s ]httel, coruer Atlantieand ~outhCarolina Avenues, in \lie t’ity of A11anth; City,Coflntv of A t]anIle and State of New Jersey.

All [h~,~e two eertaln lots or pieces |if ]andsltunte In the Borough of ~onth Altantte Cily,now thc (’lly of ~llirg~llc Uity, tn tile Uountyof Alhlnlie nnd State of New Jel.~ey, bonndcdnnd de.~c~’lSt~ together ~ one, as fl)lrows:

lleg}nnin.’.." nt u po]nl In the ~,mIhweMerlyline nfJetlers, m Avenuc dlMnnt two hnndredfeet L%oulhea.,qer]y froni lhe ~Olltllt~sh~l’ly ]iUi-

of Pat’]/]e A’¢enue ILl L<lid d~wD |in th0 planof ~ontb ~\ll:lnlie I’ity and extbnd]ng tllelleenlon~ Ill|’ lln,, of ]lie .~xld .]elli-rsou Aveuue~Olltll lhirty-six degrees lhirty nl]nute:4 Easttlfly let’| li) I] Shq]{P; thence (2) l):lni]le] the ]ilia of .’~lid l’a0if]c Avenne .%outh i~fly-lliroe degrees thirly miuules \Vest one ilun-dri.d lind lwenly-llve feet tit a s111ke; thence (3)p_nndlel with tlle line of .,,,aid Jefferson A’%’enueNorlh lhh’ly-six degrees thirly lninntes V(I>Mtifly feet Io a shlke; theneeA4) p:lnlllel wilhl}),J said Paelllc Avenue nhd two hundredf,’pt, distant Sl)uthea.~terly lherefrom Norlh/}fly-three degrees thlrty minutes East onehundred and twenty-live feet to the l)laee ofI,e~innln~.

li(.iug lhe ~.nle lots t)f which lh0 said3Iilton L. ~lunsoll bee\line seiz|.|l 1)y virlue,)f :t deed of eonvey;lnee fFonl t’]elnent .1.

.\tlanls nnd Phel>e A., his wife, dated the~q,_-hteenth d.’~y of N~)w.niber, In tlle year ofour l.[,rd one tholl~tnd eight hlindred and

ninely-n]ne (1,~,h and rl~ordt~d in Ihe i’lerk’si)lliee t)f lh0 I’l)unly i)f Allanti0 aI 3Iay’s] mud]l~, New Jersey, in bol)k No. 21,’t of deeds,ft,lio S4 &e.

The above property is t,) be st)]d snbjeet taxes for the y[or I.’,’~], al)lonnling It) &3t-t>)IL.J with lntert~t nnd eo~_L,~, lind ~llbJei.t IotnXtv¢ the venr 19~.1, anlountlng Io~]3.,’~0 withintert~.-I ;ll{d vOS’I.-% and sllbject 1o 1we e]a]InSt)f the }’]ty of 3hlrgate I’lty for vnrbing andIluildin~ shlewa]ks :lmoilntin,,., Io ~27.69 and?:;:1.:~% I,a.’rlher with inlert~I und eosls.

¯ "%cized as Ill(’ properly of MiltDn L. Munsont.I. hx. t.I. :l}~. and I~lkenill executil)n :it thesilit of (’harles ]I. l{inggold, and to be sold}’3"

EN()I "It l,. ,1-( )}t N,’~ON,S h erl tl"

])nled 3I’lreh 12. 1910..Ji)lIN }~J..MLA(’H, :’:>l)lJl’itor.

l)I. ]>r’s fee, ~.l.00.


]]y virlue i)f "l wril i)f /]eri faeias, Io llle di-re’-lt-d, i.~iled \nit of the New .lel.’sev Court eli.’h;tllt-t-]’y, will be st)hl nt pnbhe velii~ue, oil

SATI’I{DAY. T/1E T}tlIVrlFTII 1).\5" ,)F


:It lwoo’eh),’k in lhenfh.rnoon of.~lid d:ly, all{nlqinli,’s ll,,tt’l, el)rner Atl"ulth. ilnil SI)utllI’nrt)]hla .-\venlleS, ill tin" I’itv t)f AI]nnth" I’iD,’,(’llllnty of All\Dill0 lind 5hih~ Of New Jersey. "

.\li 1hill eerlliin tl’;tl.t ,)r pal¯eel t)f ]qnd ~lndpl’tqn!st~ ht,r,.inafh.r pilrtil’lll;trly |h’srribt~d.~iIll;lll, Jn l])e l,)wnshi l, |)f 31ullh’n. ill t|leI’l)lllltY t)f ~\l[illllil" aud ,’Stnh, oI’~,’~,xv ,Je/.’sey,

b,,llililt-d illld di-~cribt,d .’l~; i’l)lh)w~:

]{l%,lnnh’17 ill llle ]’~l~.i |.orner t)I" 1);lrnlsindt

A’venile allll ilt,rseiiel Slreel, aull iheni-e ex-Ii~nllhlg {]) N,)rt}l,.ash:rly il]ong llleSt)ulb~l_,4tMde of ~ai,l 1)ari)lM’ldt .%viqllle i)ne fhouslind

:lnll tlfty-Mx feet Io the lnidll]e i)f IV t’0rlnin

ri);ld \nil%vii :t9 till’ Ill’iV:ill. l’o:ld of .Juliusllhike: lhenre i:2) I)’)" ;l lhle ;lI right nllg]esIll said llvvnlle ."4ttulhe.’ls[i.rly IW,) thllUSllnd

thr,.b )lllndretl fi..I ]l)l)rt ¯ i)r ]es.-; It) the North-

wc:~t lint, of ]leh]t, lbt>rT-.\x-t,nnt,; lhenee flitS,>urllwrMi,rly :tl~)n,_, s;iitl .-~’l)r|lp, vt,st line Of

~’;ii’l avenj.le OIlp lhl)llsand rind I]fly-si.~ l’i~eltt) the _N’,)rth e,,rnpr ,If tteidell>erjz .\venuelind ]tl,r.~hel Nit|,+,}, then|.e ft)nrlh _-’N’Ol’Ih-WeMt,rly Ill, qlU lip’ N|)rlhe:lM Mde i)f said slreet|W,qlly-thrtq- ]lunlirt¯d fvrI ]nore i>r ]e.-<’~ lo theph/et- |If b0ginnhl~. I)eing filrnI lois 12,01, 1")42,;lnd lhq~H,i)ut.hwesteriv portilnl t)f farnl lois] :~tl) :t n([12-t:l.

NI)TE.--l’rop0rty will be snld subjt,ct to n.-inorl~nge-t)f one t]lt)ll.~and dill]firs )lt.ltl })3"2,hlry E. Gcltzer.

,’qqzpil a~ lhe properly of Gottloh Wagnerct. ux. and takt.n in ext~’tltion :tt th, suit i)fI’itrl)]iu|r I;ellzPr :lnd It) be s+)],l })y

ENO(’ll 1+. ,]~)1tNsON.s h eri I1:

Dated 31:~rch 211, l:ll0.}IERMAN L. ]IAMII.TI)N, ~l)lieil,)r.

fit. l’r’s fee, P21.t)O.

g}I ]+] l{I F}"’N N.\ ],E.

fly Yirtue t~f n writ ,>f fleri fnrias, to hie dl-rel-lel]. ]5--lied out i)f thu .~t,%i" Ji,rsev |’illlrt OfI’]l;lntter3-. will be .’sl,lt] -’ll pllblic vendllt ¯, on

.’%\Tt’]II)AY. "1’}t}: T/tlllTll-TFll ]>AY OF.\P]{II.. NIN].:TE].IN ItUN])}{].H)

AND TEN,al two o’|’h)ek in lhr afhq-nix)n of~:lid day, nl]{ne}lli]e’.~ ll,,tt.l. (’l)rn0r Al];lntie nud ~{~tltllI’ilrolilllt .\Vvl.lUt-’% ill t|n" /’ity of .\thultie t’ily,i_’ollllly t)f .\tlanlh, and ~[llt0 of .~t’w ,1 f?r~e%-.

All }hill tr~l,,l t~l’ l);!rt:.] t)f hind :llltl }trelnl.-es,sitll:ttt ¯ ill ttl~ I’itv of +\tl:lntic I’itv, (’t)tlnlv ofAlhtniir and ~1 lb. t)f N .w ,Jt’r-|.)-, described:l~ f,)ll,)~<:

F,o.ginnin~ hi the ]’~tMerh" line |)fVernlontArt’\hie Ill" the ill.lance I)f’tkl~l, hundri-d andtifty-iix-e i;.!,t .’gouthw:lrdlv frt)nl lht. sDlittlerlvlinl- i)f .\lhinlil-.\venl]t. lind rlinning ti~ent’rf]| Eat>iw:lrdl3 l,nralhoi wilh .’~l]unlie 21venuea tli,qanei + of ,)nq hlln,lred fi’f:I; Ihenc0 (7|,~4t)lll]lxv;irtl]y });ll’;llll’] wiltl Vel’nli)l]t .\Yel)l]e

;l tli~li|Ilcu of fl)rt.’v-/ive /’l-el; Thence ("~1 ~l+i’e.,,++[..wardly l);U~l’lh.l wiltl ..\ll:lllti|" .\vi’nl]e a dis-lltuee t)J;~"t)llt , hunllrei] fe0t t,) the l’:asterh-]ine I)f %’lq’lllf)lll AvIHllle_" lhtqlee ,41 Nortl~-~i’:trllly ll]Oll~ said line of \’erln|nH .\venuea tlisl;llll’e of fltrly-llve feel to lhe ])lace ofbe L’i n n i n.,....

];eing the sam. t)renlise-+ whh’h Arthur.~. ¯\rn,flil el. ux. conveyed in fee to saitl I.enaT. ’lVhitnl,n’e I) 3¯ deed dalm] the thirteenthlilly of July, onP li]ousand nine hundred nndseven, and dnly recorded in Ille (’h,rk’s o/liL’eof Alhlnth" (’l)llllly, at 3Iny’s Lnnding, NewJersey, ill book :k’~l of deeds, paL’e 41)0 &e.

i~eized Its the l)rl)l)ertv |)I" Lena T. V?hit-nn)re el. al. a]ld la]i.(.l] "ill exe£utJon ;It tileSll]l of Thv Al]nnt]c (.’ity Loan :lnd BuildingA.’,saciation and I,) be sold by

ENI)(’II I,.J|)I]NSI)N,Sheriff.

])ahq] 31arch 28, ]911).-CIIA}ILE.~ C. BA}IUt)I’K. ~olicil,)r.

6t. }’r’s fee, ~’21.s-L?

SI’}"(’IA L .MA~TEIF,-4 SA],].].

By vtrtne of n Dt~-n~e for ~;lle madeofltheFirst day of Mar|.h¯ 1!)10, ill q ,::luse bef~)r~ theNew J t.r~ey Courl el ~ Chnneery, wherein Edwin;\. l"arker, el. n].,.nro I-onlplainanls, aIld .]alnes~,V. ] arker, el. a].. are defendanls, ther~ will besohl :It plll,ll0 vendue on

~AT[’ill)AY, THE TH]1Y]’IET}I 1lAy OF


;it 1we o’e]ork in the nflern,),m of .%’~ll] day, alKut.hnle’s }I;,le], (.t)rltt.r Atlantic and South{’art)li)l:\ .\vennt,s, in the I’itv of Al]nlitie City,I ’l)tlnty i)f .\t]anth~ and Sl:lll7 i)f New Jersey. "

All th;lt cerh/iu tnwI |)f ]and, siluale ill t)10I’ity of Atlanlie I’ity, in I’ounIy of Atlanlieand State of New Jersey:

Bvginning nt ,u point in the Wesi line of

Counly of Allanlic, nnd i’.Itate of New .Jel~ev.


REAL ESTATE.The subscriber, a special master In Chancery

of New Jersey, by virtue of an order of theCourt of Chancery of New Jerr~v, made on thethirty-first day of 51arch, nin[~teen hundrednnd ten, in a eause 1herein depending, whereinBejamin Lteber ts coIuplainant and-Max Wolfand others nre defendants, for+parIition, public-,-endue, nt Kriehnle’ll HoIel,in the City of At]anlie City, Connt~: of Allantleand State of New Jersey, bn ~


HUNDRED AND TEN,between the ht)urs of twelve o’clock noon and~lve o’c]t>ek in the nfh.rnoon of .said day, lowit, .’it the hour of twoo’cloek in lhe after-noon of ~ald i.Lav, lhe following described ]and~und prenllses, vlz:

Two eertaln hou.~s and loL% sitnate in A1-lantte City, County ,If Atlantic and .Stnteof NPw fersey, l>o~anded and dt.~cribed :isfollows: -

1 Beginning at n point in the %Ve~terly sideof Geoigia Avenue at "l txltnt distant seven{v-~lvefeet Norlhwardly from the Northerly lineof Baltic Avenue, and exlends thence (l)Northwardly in and along the.~dd ~,Vesterlvline of Gc4)rgia Avenue Iwenty-flve /eel,thence (2) Westwardly lm~mllel with I’taltidAvenue one hundred and twenty-five feet,the_nce ~3) :~outhwardly parallel with Georgia

,%A "enue twenty-five teet, thence (4) ]-L’~I-wardly pumllel with Baltic Avenue oue hun-dred and twenlv-flve feet to Lhe plata ofbeginning.

2--Beginning at a polnt in the "Westerly llneof Delaware ATcnue l{t a dislnnee of "lhree.hundre.d and eighty feet NorIhwardly frt)n~the Northerly line of Pacific Avenue andextends theni’e (1) Northwardly iu anti-alongthe M;ester]y line of Ikqaware A~’enue twentyfeet, thenec (2) Westwnrdly "parallel with.Paeitlc Avenue seventy feet, %hence (3) South-wardly parallel with ])elaware Avenue twentyfeet, thence (4) l-2~stwardly parallel wlthPacific Avenue seventy feet Io t]ae place ofbe gii}lling. "

~nclndIng the esLate and interest in dowerof the defenchmL% Maude IAeber, ITnm L~eberand Jes.Me Wolf, in the said premises, log"4ther

Be~nntng lit a txoint In 1he Southerly lilleof Balli0 Avenue distnnt eighty-live fo.q ]’SL’/t-wardly from the Eaisterly line of, nnd runnln~ thence f)) ~)utbwardlyand pantlhq with Chelsea Aveflue ninety feel;Ihenee (12) }Lnstward]y nnd parallel with BalticAvenue forty feet; thence (3) Northwardlymid p:lmlle] with I~ht’l.~¢=~lAvenae ninely feetto the ~ontherly line of Baltic .~\venlle; thence(4) %Vestw~.rdly |llollg lh0 sa~id Southerly lineof L~lltie Avenue forty feet to 1)eginuing.

]~ein~ a Dart of the .’~lnle land llllJJ, prenllseswhh’h w,’Ls conveyed to the LhelseliqAlnd andhnprovement Conlpauy ’$ Atlantle I.;its~, c~ln’t~tby t’len]ent J. :\dalns nntl WJlC Dy [lee{/

the twentv-sei:und day of .~.ngnst, .%. ])., l~ll,lind reeorcled in the t’lcrk’,~ ollh’e ofAthu)tie(’ounLv, nt 3lay’s ]alnding. 3". J., ill book .NO.178 0f(let<ls, folh) Z’~ &e.

Being lhe .~ame l:lud"nnd pnm~lses whichwas conveyed to 1he t)r~ent gmnlors by theI’helsea I.;lllr.1 and lnlproYen)ent I’ompany ofAtlanlic Cily, N. d., by deed beln’ing e’ven eL%reh0rewiih, and intendt~l IX) he forthwith re-corded, this inorIgag0 is given Io secure :ipilrlof the l)urehase"nl|meY in the .,;aid deed/nentioned.

Under and .~ul)ject nevertlleless, to the reser-v:ltions "uld. reslrictions, ~s eonIained tn the.~lid deed n)entio]led.

NOTE., Properly will be sold subjeel to taxesfor year of 1.~.), an)ounting Io $15.12, withinlerest nnd eosL~.

¯ ~,.izod :is the property <If Frnnk Martin el.als. mad tnkert in exm’ution at the suit ofI{obert J. ltyron, and Io be sold by


])ated 3htrch ]9, ]910.Sheriff.

IA-:’,VIS ~T.~,]’,}~, ,’5olicitor.5L Pr’s fee, ~Z3.’..’0.

St:l ERI FF’.’-t ~:\IA’L

}tVvirhle of a writ of tier\ file\ItS, to lne di-)’el’i’ed, i.’<’;ut’d t,llt of lhe New Jersev [’ourl I)fC]l:lneery, Wi]] lie si)]d at public Yendue, ol]


AND TEN,at t?.Vo l)’t’lot’k ill the afterni)l)n of .~aid day,

K uehnle’s t]oh-], corner Atlantic and ~l’)nth(’arolinn +\’renll~.~, iu the {+~lty el Athullic (.’ity,Co.unty of At hinti{: and .Shlte of New Jersey.

.\]] lhal i’erlnin ]|)I or llncl of land andpreinises. Mluate, lying lind being ill the City,If Athlntic I’ily, ill the (’ouuly of At]al]tie :lUll~t;ltl> |If NeW .Jel~ey, botlnded and dt~t’ribedas fl)] ]OW~:

Be.~illning IiI i% pt)int ill the SOlltt)er]v liiit.of I)rienta] ~\VellnL’, distunt Si~ty fret ~Vt.~l-

wardly i)f the \Veslerlv line of Vermont Avt~-nne, and l’unuing th(,nce ilstt V;eslwardlv;thing tile 5t)ulherly line t)f I)riental Avenn’ethirty feet; thence i21td, Southward]y parullelWilh Vernlt)nt ~\venile sevPnty-live feel; lheneet3rdt F~lstwardiy ]):ll~lllel witll I)rientql _\re-nile thirly lye1; lhent.e (41b’l Norlhwardly

}t):lral]el with Vernlont :~VeIllle seventy-Ilve¯ et ll) the l)Inee of beginning.]3eing p:lrl of t}lO Y41n]e larPlnisL.~i which }lie

I’onstitutionul Buihlin~ .\ssoeiatlon, a eortx>I ¯rat\ )u [)f the (’omJnl)nweil]th of ] ennsvlvania,

gFanlcd lind I.i)uveyt~l unt0 the sai’d EdnaNt.binger in fee by d~ dated the eightt~.nthdny ol 31ay, A. D., D~.), and recorded in theotlil’e Of ]he Clerk of Atlantic I’l)nl)ty, at 31ay’slmndin~. New Jersey, in book No. -- of de£~ls,folio --, etc.

Seized ;IS the prt)l)erIy of Edn:l Nel)Ingerand Edwin I{. Culhbert and Ulken in exevn-¯ til)n at the sni[ ot Twenlit~lh Century Buildin~and Loan :\~.~.soeiation and to be sold 1)y

EN01"lt ~L. JOHNSON,Sheriff.

I~ated March 19. 1910.,’5_’. |_’I)~’RAD I)’rT, ,’5oli~-itor.

51. Pr’s fee, $20.3%


By virtue q,f a wril ,|f tleri fat.\as, tl) lne di-rel.h,d i~sued OUI Of lhe Ne’w Jersey (’ourt tI

.(’llaneery t will be sold at public venduc, ou

SATUIH).\Y, TttE T(V~NTY-Tttllll) I).-XYi )]." .\PIH l.. NI N E’I’,’]+:-]+]N ]]UND]IEI)

AND TEN..’it ]we ,)’t’l+~-k ill the nft~rnoon of.~lid day, :1tl{uehnie’s }]ole]. c,)rner AIlanlie und ~l)UtllC;lrl)lina Avenue. ill tilt" City ,if Allanlic I.’ity,[’ountv Of ;~tl’ln[ie alld Nt’iI~ ¯ of Nev¢ Jt.l.~ey.

All that certain tnlct or Imreel of hind and:prelnises, silu:lle in lhe Cily of 211hinl-ie t’Jt’,’,t’lmnty of A.Ilantic ni:d ~’~ite of New Jersey. "

Beginning al a point dis!.qnt one huntlredand fill’%" feet..~)uth of the Southerly line ofAt]antitTAvenue nnd one hundred feet "Westof ]he Westerly line, of ]’enusylvanla Avenuemeasured on lim~ ilrawn "it ri~,ht nn,de~tbe reh), and rnns (1) \~t~twardl b- pn~ltlelWilll ..\tlantie Avt, uue/if Iv feet to the ]-~lsterlylille of Mnnsion .\venu~, thence (2) .";outh-wardly ahln~ the ]-21slerly line of MansionAvenue forly feb.t; thence (3) l-~tstwardly par-al],.] with Atlantic A’l-enue/i fly feet to ;I ~>hllone hundred /eft 1,Vest.of tl~’e "W~.~.terlv lint.of I’enusy]’,ani~i .-~venue; tlf6nee (4) .~orlh-wardly pilnl]101 with 3hlnsion Avenue forlyfe,-t tt) 1he phiee of l>eginning.

Being the sanle prelniso~ which John Dukes.single ])el\%on, conveyed in fee If) .’.aid John A.Blscholl, I)y deed dated tile TwelRh chly ofAugust, one thou.,m.nd nine hundred nndeight, and duly recorded in the Ulerk’s OIlh’eofAthtntic Conntv, at 3lav’s I~ulding, New Jer-sey, in book :;,,~l oi" deeds, "folio 83 &e.

~eized as the property of John A. ]’,isehoffel. al. and taken in t~xt~.-ntiln) at thL~ suit ofCllarh~ t’. B:lbcoek and to be sold by

ENOCH L. JOH.NSbN,Sheriff.

Dated March 21~, 1910.~. I). HOFFSIAN, Solicitor.

St. Pr’s fiw, ~_D.I&

S}t E]tlFI-"S .’SALE

By virtue era wril of lleri faeias, lo lne diere|.ted, i.~.~ued out the New Jersey t’oth’t oft’h:lneery, will be sold nt 1)ul)li,’. vendue, on


AND TEN,at two o’t’loek in the aflcrno~)n of said d:ly, ntKuehnle’s HoleJ, corner Alhintie and ~’~l)lltllUtlrolina nvenues, Ill ]he (’itv of Atlantit~ I_’i13",county el Atl:lntic and SD+llt, Of NeW Jt*ry.t.y.

All Ihal certain hit or tn~et of ]and’and])relni..,A-s situate in the City of Atluutie City,I’l)tlntv of .\tlantie and Sfiite of New J e~+’@"desrril>ed .’%s fo]]o’p,’s: " ’

Bt¯ginning at a po]ut in the SOutherly lineof Arclie +\venue one hundred feet ]’L’~st-wardly from the Ea.sleriv llne of GeorgiaAvenue, and runs then.ce (1) Southwardlv)amllpl with Georgia Avenue one hnndrecl

and ilfty feet; 1hence t2)}h~-stw:lrdly parallelwith AretieAveuue twentv-flve feet; lhenee,I:~) Northwardly l~lnltlel with (3eorgla Avenn one llundred and fifty feet to the ~outherlvline ol + Arctic Avenue; thence (4) \Vestwardl~-in and nh)ng, the said Southerly line of Areth,Avenue twenty-Ilve fcct lo the ltl-xce of be-

with all and singular the hereditnments andappurlenanees lo the .said premises belongingor in ;lily wlsc apl)erhlining , be sold at p.ublievendue to the highest bidder.

¯ ’~ubjeet to the eonflrmation of the court of(’llaneery of New Jersey.

Conditions of .~fle m:lde l?nown on day of.~fle.

(.}E0]’C,E A. ]/IOI’RGEOIS,,~pecial Mnster.

Dated April 9, 1910.TJIO3IPSON 6: COLE, Solicitors,

l~t~al Elate & Law P, uilding,Atlantic Clty, N.J.

5t Pr’s fee, ~-~.-10


To Rodnev Morison. Executor and Trusleeunder the "Will of Joseph V, arrington, de-cessed, and Philadelphia Home for lflcur-ah(es:

By virtue of an order of the Coult of Chin-cery of Ncw Jersey nlade on the day of lhedate hereof in a t~usc wherein%Valter War-rington by C-lrrie W-xrrin,-ton his nex~ friendis c|nnplanmnt, and you arc defendanLs, 5"ouare required to appmr, l)l~ld, answer ordemur to lbe bill of .~xid eomp]ainant on-orI>eh)re the Sixteenth day of 31ay next, ortile .~lid bill will I)e biken m~ eonfe.<’.~ed n~xlnslyou.

The .%qhl bill is liled to qoiet-title to ]i~ndsIteton~ng tl) Walter Warringtoni in the CityOf AIlnntlo Uitv, State of New .Jersey, begil~-ning at :i Ix)int’in the ],~ter]y lhle ofa rtmxl orstreet lwenty-/ive feet wide Jnld OUl by JohnJ. Gardner,-~ ~hown by a certain map of laudof tile "’Dock and Land lnn)rovement Co.,"t.t. al., made by A.qhm~ld d: l~[ackney, flied t~nthe Clerk’s olTiee of.Atlantic CountY, ]94.5 feelNorthwnrdly from the Nortllerly ]ir~e of Medi-terranean Avenue, and running thenee North-wardly along the Easterly lille of said road orstreet twenty-/~ve feet, and thence Ea.~twardh-,)f that wldth between parallel ]ines parall61wilh 3Iedilerr.~nenn Avbnu e one. hu ndred feetto the bulkhead line of a ba.sln orwaterwaEexcavated and known as Gardner’s Basin~nl,>re parlieularly describ6q:l in a Deed fromDnvid R. Barrett and wife to Joseph Warring-ton, dated January 9th, 19(~Land recorded inthe Clerk’s oHlee at 31ay’s imnding in BookNo. 2~2 of Deeds, pnge 4&’~, &e., and ;you arebolh made defendants because the Will of the~lid Joseph Warrington gives, or attempts togive you sonic interest in the said premises,but ~:h]t’h Will is annnlled by the birth of thes;tid Walter ~Varringlofi after the death of hisfilther, the .~lid Jc~seph Wnrring-ton, and you:ire hereby notified that if you or either of youclnin) :in)- title to, inlerest’in, or encumbrance,m snid ]nnds you are required toanswer the~aid bill, but not oth6rwise.

EP]I ]L%"I ~ To:%] LINSON,Solicihtr for and of Uounse] wlth

ConiphlinanL,ll9Market ,’-3I., Caniden, N. J.

i):iled .’March 15, 1910.Pr’s fee, ~-.>kl0.


T,) Edward Arnold, Jr.lly virlue of an order of the. Court ofChan-

,-cry of New Jersey, made on the day of thednle hcra)f, iuil certain cause w]lereiu En]nL’lI’L Arn,tld is petitioner, and you, EdwardArnold, Jr., are defendaut, you are requh.edt,) appenr, and pk~.xd, answer or demur it,petitloner’s petition bn or before the nine-teenlh day of Mnv next, or, in defitult thereof,such dee~:ee will’be Laken a~ainst yoh as theChancellor stla]l think equihxble and just.

The object of ~xid suil is to obt,~n a decreeof dlvt,ree, di.~o]ving the marriage betweenyou and the ~tid pelitioner.


Solicitor of Petitioner.1’. t). Address 407 Bartlett Building,

AIlantie Cit33 N. J.Dated March 1G 191D. Pr’s fee, ~J.24.

Adve+ti+ gIs the Salt of Trade. When

Business is Slack It

Results as we1] as in the BusySeasons. Try advertising I

in "Tbe Record"and watch the

"N" ,)’1"1~ "L i )}." ,’~ETTI,E31N,,li(’i’ i~ hi’l’|,lkv ~iVt.ll hat Ill/, ;li’t-i>llnl ill

lip. ~ill)~.t,l-ill.r~tts .\dnlini: [rnblr ~>f ill. r-dnb.t>f \Villi|lln "rr,.~with, de,’r; will I)(. :tlil’]itl-(lnl)d stlitl-I1 by thl- .~’)llrril~;L ;\Jill i’l’l)l)rl, fl)¯ ~-i-lt]t-n)eilt li) lhl, I)rl)halll,~ I’ilLll’l tli’.\l];inlirI’l)llliI’~, i>l) Ttl+.~llIl’v, ll|e :,l’]lth dliv i)f 31;/ty,ll,’X[. ¯ ¯ "

I Jl" % H %NT}-~E T]i U~iT I ",)31P.’iN y,+\dnii)

(’~)nneeti0ut Avenue distanl 150 feet SoulherlvT]],)51].~,,N tk I’i)LE. ]’rorh)rs. fronl theSotllhwPst 1,0rner of Arclicand (’01i- ~ll]IlJn~.

Athlnlie I’ily, N. ,I. ne~’tieut Avenue anll rnns Ihence Vi’esterly , Being.~hc san]e prcmises which Lydia F.parallel wilh .~litl AreticAveuue 175feet tea Cox, (wlaow) conveyed in fee to ;Samuel N-|ITICE peg; Soulberly and l)aral]el with said datc~ the thJrlielh day ofI)F ¯ ’4ETTI~E31 EN T. ]hence I ~,lrhev, bv tleed

I’)nneeticut. +\vennc. ~’)5 feel. to .a ,)~,t.~ forn .Iauu:lry, ~)ne lhou.~nd eight hundrcd andNotice is hereby ,_qvt.n thai flip aee, mnl of corner; thence }Sisterly and ]~:lnllle~wlth the ninety-nine, nnd dulyrJeol~ded in the Clerk’sl)lt, subscriber. :ts :Xdn~ini.~tratt)r of lhe t~tate first line 175 feet to the said %Vest ]ine of I/on- otHce of At]anllc Connly, at 31ay’s/rending,,If .]e.~.-~ie A..SIiek, d|~’~xsed, will be "uldited neeth.ut Avenne; thence Northerly .’ll,)ng4~t]d .New aersey, on Ihe Brst day of Febrnarv,lllld stllli~t] I)y 1he Surr,,~zni,. nlld rel)r, rl|~d¯ fi)r ]\’esl line :2,3 feet to the l)]aee of be~innlng. ,tne thollstind eight hundre{l li ~a --, ....... -¯ ’ IJ ",./, nl 1-1 el,~--n lne~t.ltl,:n)en’, l,)11),. ,Irphans’ I’l)llr| of Atlanth. ]’roperlv will I)c sold frle and v)t"U’L)fthe lu bottk’~--X~ofdeeds, page/70. . ¯I ,,llnty, tin \\’+’l]lle~llny, l)il’ lwer_’l]elh dny eshlle an’d inlerest iu dowi,r of 3Inv Noble " Neized as lhe property of Salnuel Fninklin-\l,ril. *la’xl.

"!i~l’ll.]:I"l: 1{.. TII,T,)N’,Crl):t.% Whll)W II1" ]lerl)ert Nl)h]e. deee[lsed, in arnev, el. a]. lint] hlkt-n in ~xtk’u|h)n lit the

:l~ uudivided |)nt.-IwPnlv-sevt, nth ltarl of ~lhl suit ofl~vdia D’Brien aud Io’beso]ff by.\dnliniMr:lh)r. 15r*-lnises, nnd the right’of cur1(~y of Joseph

ENOCH L. JOHNSON,]hlnlinonlon, N.J. \V;dker in the one undivided ninlh l)art SherilLl)aled 3hireh 19, A. 1)., 1910. said prel)lise& limed Al)ril ,7 1910.~I,EAXI.Y tk ;~,Ti)(’K%VELI.. ]’ro(’lors. ]’ropt2rty \%-]]] be si)]d 9ullject tl) Blxes dn : I [’IIA)¢.LI-L~ C. IIABCOCK, MO]icit

I’anlden. N..I. the t’ily of AtlanIte |’\Iv, as follows: lin eneh

NI,.I.I,.,: ,,F ’1"TI+:.’IENT 7: r Vr’s fee,¯ ---..-%, ; ¯ ~2".. ; . --~ .:~; ].~3--~31.51; ~]IEt{IFF’S SALE.

l!w*J--$10.i~); 1907--$:D.10; li~’i---~:~J.0.t; 190U~--$41.,~’q

elpalPrltt)ertYlte’n dileWill lhe:tlS°Citvl)e solder suI,Jt,;tAlhullit;to {’Ilya Inuni-fork_~By virtne era writ of Iteri fac]IL% to Ine all-street hnprt)venlenl in’lhe sun] of ~1.S.75, with rected, is.sued out of the New Jer.~-y (’ourI el

Chancery, will be sold at public i’endue, on

S,)li[,e is hert-l,v ’..qven thai 1he aI’el)llnI i)f

tlll, stlt)>er.:u~" ]"xe~’u h)r of lhe estate of

¯ "qlnln,q A..’~,ci~weisfl:Fi. tlect~u,-ed, will beaudih-d :lll,] sLtled by the Hnrr,),..,:lte and

]nl|,resl and e,)sts Io be :idded.ri,pl)rtel] I))1" selt]ellll,nI "it-) the ()rpllnns’ I’l)Ul’I

Being tile saIno proF.,rty of which ,Jose])h ~:YruJlD+-\Y, THE TWENTY-TLIIRD 1)AY|)f"f .May,’\thlnliellvxt.{’°unIj¢" I)ll "r nt¯sday, tlle tenth dav. Parker, died, seized, alld to be sold 1)3"OF APRIL, NINk’q"EEN’/IUN DIIEDI-’I-AI’-ENi~E t’,)l,E, ALLEN B. ENDICi)TT,

]’iX ecU tor. S1)eeial Master. AND TEN,.\llhnlic City, oX..1. ]):tled 3Iar|.h l,’q 1910. at lwo o’clock in the lJfternoon ofsaid day, atl);ll,’,l April 9, A. ])., 1910. " (IOI)FREy (J l)I)FREY, ~O]}t’J|,)rs. Kuehnle’s Hotel, corner Athmtie and :~outhTIIo?,II>NI)N tk |’OLE. Pl’l)i’lors. 6t.

1)r’s fee,¢_,..~.~)- Carolina Avenue, in the City of Atlnntic City,At]lllltit" City, N. J. Coun lv of At]antic find S f~ te of New Je ,~ey.

"~I_t)TICE OF ,’~ET’rl FMENT ~itu;’tte in 1he Borough of Longport, Countyl~’- . ’ ....... I of Allantie nnd State of New Jersey.

Notice is herel)v uiven lhat Iha aeeount of t.NoriWerl~, lithe of At!,~ntlc Avenue nnd thethe sul)~eril)el ;l.~ ]’:xeeulor I,f ¯ . .+ ! l~eginning at a l~)Int the intemeclion of the. , |,..,, .:.. . Ih% estate ol ]’hi-~terly ltne of Or%,on "Avenue, and runs.\nne ..llh,Tan ’ (le, ,ased, ",,,’ill be nudltedanusmled i)y the ~Urrl)mlle and ret~)rted fort tl) Eamwardly and along lhe’Northerly ]ineselth>nlent to the i)rplluus Courl of Athtntii ] of .~lid Atl’ullie Avenne thlrty-si.’x nnd twoI’,)Ulltv, on ~Vt’dnesday, 1-he tWenlieih day of tenlhs 13&2) feet, lbence (2) Norlhw/’lrdlv

nex I. +-\l)ril,’next. t anu pilnlllel wllh snld Oregon Avenue sixt~:-nine and lifty-four one hundredths (69.5-1) let:t,I;I’AtCANTEE Tnl’~T {’O3tPANy, thence (3) Westwardiy and parallel wlth" " Exeen l,)r.

Oberon Avenue lhirty-.Mx feel to the Ealsterly


N,)th-e is herebv ,ziven.lhat I])p neeonnl lh,, su))s(.riber, as :\(hninistnltor theestate of3hlrt]ln A. }ll)]h)wav; h~-(.nsed, will lie aildilodnnd’.xtatti.ll, l) 3- lilt..Qilrrt)glit0 aufl ri.porh.Ji for¯ It) lhe I)rphans’ I_.’Ollrt of At]nnlil,{’t)llnIy, |)]l "rllt,~s~llly, lhe lentil day I)f 3hiy,

SIIOE.’4. 1 SIIOZS, -,


i . +

IIII ! I I ,,Illl , ; 5h0® 0, I!11

! i

Ihl + ! +.dmy++. ! ,. INI+! ! + i

III ! ! " . ~ : +i IIIIII1 ! 432 A¢lant + Ave., i I Iltl+

II [r m] [zN OT~kllY P]D’BLI C.

T HOM+~ C. STEV/ART,Notary Public,

M..4~Y*S L.-KNDING, .~. J.


.-%,TYROSE & UHAMP10"N, ,i~l Stenogniphy. and TypewriUng,

N omr-~. Pnblld,Commilsi on er of Deeds,¯ 646-647 Bartlett Building,

Both :Phones. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.


F RANK 3IIDDLETON,Surveyor and Re-al-E.slate Examiner,

Roonis 540-41-42 Bartlett BuiIdlng,Corner North Carolina and Allan-tic avennes.


E. D. !~IGHTSIIRE,Clvil Engineer and Surveyor,

BarIlett Building, ATLA.NTIC CITY, N. J.



IOWARD A. STOUT,Architect,600-628 Bartlett Butld’i~ag,




1509-11 Pnclflc avenue,Both Ph ones. ATLANTIC UITT, N. J.

D R. J. F. CRANDALL,Dentist,

418--114 l~rt]ett Building,Bell Phone ..T~8-A. ATLAXTIC CITY, N. J.


Cul; F ow rs and P]an ;s.Beautiful Blooming P]anls.

Artistic Floral Emblems /0r Funeral~

Arranged at Short Notice.Long DlsLance Phone..


107 South Car0]ina Avo., South,AT~4~TIC CITY, .~’. J.

CLEA~’-IHG & [PI-tESS]-~*G.

£HD:XCOTT SClothlng eleaned, repaired and

pressed, also lace goods, curtain.%robes, gloves and dresses by scien-lilac sanitary process at reasonab/e

eosLWithin easy walking distance of

the electrlc railroad station.

French Dry ClleaningShop,

r-36 S. New York Ave., Atlantic City.

Bred To LayWh CeWyandottes

Good hardy birds bred for utililypurp(x~s. These are the best alI roundbirds there are, either for na~at or ego, s-.They make good meaty broilers and areprolific ]nyers for%Vinter eggs.

Eggs $1 per 13Cockrds $3 up:

Do you know what a

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have it. The one typewriter nowa]] typewriters will try tooffering this feature is the

Write us for inf0rmation as towhat a Removable Platen isand what it doe .


Syracuse, N. Y..Branches everywhere~

.]LA.%V~£~11"S. .- "l ¯¯

P-iT- E. P. ABBO’FI, -¯ Coun.selh)r-at-Law,Master in Clmneery,

:~.~a"s LA-~D~G, -~’. J.

A LBERT C. A:BBOTT,AItorney-at-Law.. ¯

¯SolIeit0r and Master in Chaneery,MAT’S LANDING, N. ft.

UEI ,AN i AmLTON,J..J_ -- Counsel]or-al-Law,Coast Phone EGG HoatlRB01 a. CITY, N. J.

ROBER¥ ~. ~NGE~SOLL.Counsellor-at-Law.

Office: Currie Building,Corne~_-ktlantic and South Caroline ayes..


H. CHANDLER,Cou nsellor-at-l.~w.

/ioonz~ I Io 4 BIackslone~lui]ding~ATLA-~TIC CITY, -~. J.

J OHN ~. WESCOTT,Attorn ey-a~-Law,

Offi ee:--Bartlett Building,ATLA.NTIC CITY ~ N.J.


GEORGE A..BOURGEOIS,Counsellor-at-Law. -: ¯

l Practice in New Jersey, Philadelphia andnited Stat~ District and Circuit Couri~Real Estate and Law Building,


GODFREY. & GODFREY,.% ttorneys-at-L-~w.

Solicitors in Chaneery’and Notarie~ Puhlie;Conveyancing in. all its branches; 1~1 Estateand :Insurance; ]~ans negotiated ; Colleetion~a speclaRy. . .Rooms 315-316-317 BaEflett-Building; " " "

Corner ~North Carolina and A.tlamtic a~-es., ’ " "A.TL-.-I.~TJC C/T"a’,..~. J.

pERRY’& STD:KES,Connsellors-ut-Law.~olicItm.% Masters and Examiners in Chan-

cery; Practices in the Uhtted States and Cir-euit Court&

OOi ee:--Uu rri e B nil din g,Corner Allantic an d ~ou th Carolina aves~


REPETTO & R.EPETTO,Attorneys-at-Law,

Mastersin C "lmneery...Room :~ Real Estate and Law Building, .

Bell Phone 190 A. ATLANTIC CITT, ~. J.Philadelphia 0ffice:--717 Walnut sL

-~,TART:IN E. KEFFER,I)1 Attorn ey-at-Law,

" : 1R, ooms.54-i-6 Bartlett Building,ATLA.~TIC CITY, ~.i.J.. - _ .-_


Alt0rney-at-l~w, :Rooms 406-7-8-9, Bartlett Building,

Both :Phones. ATL,-I~"I’I CClTT, _N. J.

/’ iZOOmmON HAYES,[ I I t’ounsellors-at-Law, ./ " Law office .[ Coast Phone 720 1;~ +&tlantie avenfle,

IBell Phone 1T20 --%.TLA~/~TIC CJTY~ ~’. J.

2 _



J OHN RAUFFENBART~Ath)rney-at-Law,

Coast Phone 17. 15:31 Atlantic avenue, -]Bell Phoi~e.790. ATLA-~TIC-CITT~ N.J.




10SEPH B, PERSKIF~O AI torney-tit-Law,

10 Unlon ~atlonal Bank-Building, -~Bell Phone 11t4 _A ATL-’%~%ITIC CITY, ~..]I.

Page 4: R D AFAL ESTATE NNSFERS MISC[LLANEOUS RECORDS · THE REC Io]lo ~’,s .Lllmling PubliMle0 Every Saturday~5lor: ing at May’s lmnding, N. J. Readers of "TIIy.. I{ECOItD" n ay have

: , ¯ ¯ ¯ : -. -


. .., . .... . - . . . ¯ -~



"! F


vl.~Itor with n gestm’e of his hand: and out of the group surround;n,z the LU.MBF.R :ETC’. A)IUSE3IZNT.~.

~Ck hhn away." "hair crowned with orange bh,ss,,ms ?1@ I0~

"~O~[1]~’r~95’" "


When the reverberations of hls ter- and veil.rible votce had dled o11 the still air.the Mary Smith saw him coming, nnd -ghTs nervous glggle broke the straln- the light in her shlnin~ eyes set hi.~

O]~ [ri]ros~)ere]~s

_ , ~ e6 sffence,heart to heating t,’tunlphan,ly¯ In.

HealthfulF:v¢ ybody Wa ed

"’ have made n mistake." explained molnent he was at her s,de. nnd she LI~~@~ G0

PlEI~.., Xeidon. tot the tml’~ tlm~ that morn-~a= re,king e~planation= In her s.f,

Beautffu~I Srntth. $I, lng. voJcer .-"We live next door. In the:ldmi.~¯~i,m. 7o I’enla l),~il~].- J’2r,’ning 15 ¢’enl.~ .l "Who are you looking .for?" asked white hofise. There is s shell on [1 " ¯

igirl good naturedly, every porch in East Bay. l be,i~,ve, but / A~ern,~,n 3.30 T,~DAY E,’eni,,gs.:X[ IJBY CIi&I~’’S’II’ ." "3’iss 3lary Slnlth¯ Sheis ,hedaugb- ours Is such a n,onster it hlls l)e¢.onle )l_~j.~.JJ.J[J.j.j~I~JJ.~ &~d %nm, genn’ntF.xlni,~r,linary!

l~yg~ ~j~ ~.i ~ ~ ..~_~

I Copyrl~kbt. 1910, by A ~erlcan Press ~ ter of s Captain Smith: I do not know a landmark "in the village¯ Thls ls

1Assoclatlo: " h’sglven name." Ralph Meldou /);,us-my uncle’s house¯ My t.ousin. MnT’y ]T ~~~["~-~I’P/~

~O~r~’l Ax~ilt~/ B~.~"~ded at the foot of the steps nnd re- Smtth. has jusl been nmrried¯ hie 40--]L’fli;m ]n.’qr||n}vn4-|lL, q.,~-40garded trst the little brown chm’ch introduce 3"o11. Yes; n~y unvle is Cap-

UndvrtheDlreelionofWhile Mary Smith was vlsltlng heranti thou the large conch shell vn tim thin Lemuei John Smith¯ and father isrich cousins, the Drews In the city she porch near the captain’s swinging feet. Captain John Lemuel Smith. nnd"-

~O~ ~.,~9] 4 ~e~met .Ralph Meldon.¯ asked permit- .\ great light broke.~ver Miss 3lnmie Meldon followed her graceful form. 9S’)l)mn°~’)lt’q--Mn*e’Ver~gt’rl

slon to call upon her at er home. East Smith’s rosy face. "’1 guess you n]eau half unders’tandtng her /Vll)plin~ ex- % The Fine:q Ba}] R,~)m in 7h(. WorldBay. Capt:Hn Lemuel John Smith’s daugh- planatlons ns to the relationship of Summer Cottage Sites

Ralph Meidon did~ get down to ter. Of course you’d be ]nv]fled. being the Smiths, bat fully reallzln,z, that ’ Both Phones 32. DANCING=,,d =uT, ~"’"’" "~’"~’""~ "" "" "":" ~"""’"" """’~ ’Unrivalled Opportunities forEast Bay for several months after city folks." She paused 2 . . "’eyed for him there never couhI be bur ,,he OFFICE .m,l ,m.h,-stm. "

that.. At last he closed ais ¯rooms and Meldon with genuine admiration in Mary Smith tn the wide world¯ ’ --went down to his farm. some her big brow, eses¯

209 N. /V~ssoHFi Ave,,.~t.,,,,,,..r,,,,~,.,. Manufacturers

ten miles dlsmnt from ~stBay. "She sam it ~a~ near the chur~.h m,-ty Patasonia¯ MOTION PICTURESThe next dnv a lumbel ng stage ,¯ar- . and bad a conch shell on the porch." "l’ala.=oninns are not ginnts, nss,,me ATLA2~T‘[C CITY.

- i

rled him over to East B y and det)os- ’insinuated Ilalph iml).atientl:,’, have ~ui,pos,,,l and a.~ the ~e,~--7".,l,m,,: Winston’s Sea Lions " l~.- /’at/it;data :hhtr,’¯,il-lted him Deft)re the ostotl~cc. It."Oh, yes. Indeed jnst ;lroulld Ihl. te,q_oh." .qaid n man who h;ls traveh.d. Th,. ~)nly l-:,tnvmr};n~ ,’4(.n l,ion..¢ in lhv %Vorld.

pleased Ralph to walk the crook- corner of the church on the other side "’They are hlrge In comparison wilb Mill and Yard’ s,,.’rh,.,,, v,.,f,,r,,.ed village street and ,lck out the of the street. You see. ",l,m,st every, the ,,ther S,mth_ A,n,rie’~,, nath’,,.~¯ ,h,,t Missouri Above Baltic Avenue. ,,¯:~, .,..,,. .~>:," ,,.,,,-.,-,.:~

,...,,¯ ~ay’s Landinz Board of ’"-’1raaelhouse in which Mary Sm th lived. , house on this street l)el,m~s b) a Smith is all Everything ls relnth¯v. 3"ml _A brown c~mrch stood at the corner Just ns many folks wuil the villn~:e kno’w. But ~h6y are rery fat. That -

where an intersecting st "eet made n "Smllhl)ort’ as they do E:L~7 t:ay."¯ is Why they-can stnml ~he cold so well ~.~~=s_.~z~.~..~_.~.,.,zca~.~,, IlEAl, E.%’I’A’rE. . - ,,sharp triangle¯ Next the church

Cal)tuin Smlth’¯~ white h,.;u] I,ol)]nq[ I 11%¯o seen l’atnj~Dnlon /neTb;ln/] I)O%’S]]ei] You Are In Need of Bought, .was a tiny white cottag( bowered 171

over the edge of the harem,ink. "’Tim:. running around un,.lnd while I was ,:, _ .....

=nd hv=clnth= ~.,de the’ browna Cap’n John ~,.iir:" Snlith 1,1 eve,’.,"she,," f.,~l~,1.= 77p,,,, ,,,,.,,, i. ,u,,,,tll>sIf LILIIIIII~IF I!I111~II ~!. . E=hange~.~ - -II~ ~ K~ ........ :¯-

earthborders, on ,de the neat"lndeedY’ ~Ic]tIoll was llrol~erly :1.,4- are kept l’va]¯lD ])y rl)oir fat nnd dirt.

~,~/~ill W(0}]]~k ~.~’. ¯path that led to the fron door.

tonished. "It must have nmde matter: ]’,qlngonia is ,m, ,,/’ the dlrtlest p]aoesice Us a Trial¯ i~. WALTER TOWNSEND, ,

I e,~ 1Instinctively Ralph turn In ;at the

lnterestinu for the 1,,)stmaster." lma.~inablo, l),,n’t go there if’you hate ~!G

.~! 1 I South Pennsylvania Avenue,gate and strode Ul) th, l)ath. It "it dh]. it did. Mr. Postmaster got dirt. Thai is nly advice lu all who ~ ATI.ANT/{’ I’ITY. N.J.was not until his hand h: d lifted lhe % r - - 7 :

. . .t#, \% e Make Prompt Dehvenesbrass knocker that he r-~i mmbered to so riled Yvith worrying over which contp]nl>l;lle a j-urno" to the jumph,.., ~¢1 , ¯ r~~. To May s Landing.

!~look for the conch shell o the pvrch.John Henry Smith the letters was /’or off phl¢’e of S,,u-th Ameriva."

iH - Ip.J]"’WEL]iY. . I-

that he just dealt ’era out as they.-~ ~ ,

~ ..... :_ ,The dooropened, and neat maid-.,dine to hand i,~ the, Degin-A..s~,,.~ ~hr..e. e: ..... ~ ~ Frledeberg,servant looked curiously t his town, nlng at No. ], one letter for each so

"Bull con." a slang phrase which~ l~Jl~]]’J]]~ ]]’Jl~J]

~~;) Jeweler,

~garments, tong as they lasted until the letters means to flatler, to /iraiso with ulte-

]L.,L~Ib@F {~Oo~ Diamonds, 1516 Atlantic Ave., ""cu’~Is MIss Smith at ko ~e’:" asked. give out. Then next mail time he’drivr motives. /rod Its origin in the ~’ ~i __ "

" - ~ Phone 2--02. Egg :Harbor City, N.J. ~,I Watches, .*’n.a.~TW e]Tr, x.a. ’-’Me]don confidently. ’ begln where he left off till every mnn

westyears ago. When the gold brick h] ’ -. ~ Jewelry, o"Yes, slr; walk right in." -had s letter¯ He had a sigh( ~)fgamr. was starte, l the bunk,) men ~- ~"~-~-~~,~~.~-~-2,:~ID Optican. /,’/,,~" ]l’,h.h and Clc~.k R,.lmi,.inq.. ..Ralph followed the glrl ate a dark- tr,mb]e wlth the newspapers, every

ened parlor, where she him. The other one having a different brand ,,t" S])l’Dllg n fine. higla soundlng eombD~a- H,’ll l>honeMl.}l:II It

stuffy little room wlth rose gar- , politicks. Abm~t om’e a week there’d tion of words upml the simple farmers, (’]t]:]3I]C..AL. ~ ’ ’~ ~ =wa.ox #r~m)m,. ’-’landed carpet, marble led tables be a row over each gitting their right "J’heyca]]ed it nn inw, stment in "bulliou

K~]~ ~an dose ~ca]e ~ Addre~and grim rows of did not letters and papers, and the winamex~ con~,,lidated." Years-~fter ,lie words Wagon Building and ~,~ -breathe eloquently of suns dny Mary folks got to know so much about each were out down to "’bull L.on’" nnd came by u.MngRepairing ~ .- ~ "Smith, but ~all)h’s heart ~eat fasJer otl~er’s affairs tlmt the postmnster give to mean any gr~nft that depended el)on

,~prlngYVngons, Uarrlag~-~and Expre:,~ .St the sound of a light tstep out- every John Ilem’y Smi|h mmther ini- the gift of gab. Still Inter it was %Vngons On /=]mad al l.owo~I Prlee~.side the door. tinl to his name. Mine’s Cnp’n .1,,ha used to des,_-ribe the method ,f flat- First UhL~,~ I~pniring tlnanmteeal. 12 []

II’resently the door open, and a :Henry 2’. Smith." The captain’s rnbi- tory---lndhmal)olis News.

with small severe features frown- more behind the hqnmv),.k. Kept Dodging.,~,,hl in on.U Qo,tnliO]. Wagon Builder, Estelvflle, N.J. "

t:ng black brows¯ Iter halr was Me]don turned the corner nnd nmrch- There was a chicken to be killed for

drawn lnto a hard, uncom )romis]ng ed dt, term]nedly np the ~’tdf, ere, as ~unday dinner’at the Cr’lnes’. 3.[1’. Pri,’,. lmrg:fll,m ....................................... .-~eenT.,~ " ¯~"_ . . 1] . []

N"knot on top of her head, the thk-k street Ch,,.~’e r:~tb,.r imp,)slnx h,mses Crane did not like to wring its neck; btv ~h,,barrel. pt.rgalh,n ....................... 40,’mn~ I

~ E ~ T for ~.~’~ Igk~J] ix Y2 -- Nhn~es of h~r Sl, e~’tacles ==v an add-~ave ---i,l,.,,ee ,,~ ,l ~,’e’iter I,r,,sper~t:"nkewise he =brink from ,,sin= an =~. .,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.~,., ,,,-,,,e t N~ ..... :~ I ~I IKII: :~I~ed fierceness to her black than was enjoyr.d on lho .~treot ,f the "’I have Jr," he finally decided. "l’ll To nourish the skin, to heal it when

She bowed stiffly as arose to Smiths. shoot it." So, armed with his trusty Monmouth Chemical Works, cracked or chapped, and to soften, .... ........his feet, and she surveyed is glove.~ f)pl~osite the chnrch w;/s ,’In imlmS gun. he took the ehicken to the wood-

smoothe, cleanse and keep it in per- F1NANCLkL. GROCE]IlES.

and stick with open dlsa ’oval. lmz red brick hous,,, homely of archi- shed. Little 1lobert,. anxhras to be in l",,r~lebyfeet condition, there is jUSt. one

~-~-’iY~ ~O,~,~ Truempy &Sens"I don’.t want my llfe ’ed." sh, te,.ture, l,u, l,reathin~ forth emnft,rt at the death, followed. By and byQeorge l-]]certes preparation entitled to be called" )I~’ -

snapped, opening the door aug :estively. and at " this moment even ~zayety Robert’s mother, hearing no sound, 9= - = "BEST".and that is , ~(suee~sm.’s to" D. W. 3h-Claini

Meldon reddened under her Insulting Strains of nmsio drif, t,d fr-m the ,~p,’n stepped to the back porch and called,Cologne, N.J

X&tiO~J~&lDea4ers in

tone. "Really, madnm,"--he was be- wind,ws, nnd .l long strot,:h of stril,e,I "Rubert, hnsn’t yonr father killed that _¯ St. l~eg~s Ce]d Crea~ - Fancy and Staple Groceries,

ginning when she silenced im with awning made n tnnnel from the ;rote chicken yet?""It melts on the skin" - - ..

a gesture. . to the front door. Into this tnnn[,l "’No," Robert called back. "’It won’t (’IG.~,]’,~.


Hardware, Paints, Baled"Neither do 1 wish to buy a set of Me]don mnrched regardless ,,f ira- get in the way."--Everybody’s. And is the most exquisite cold cream Hay, Feed, Etc.,

’The World’s Greatest LlteraI Lights," pending f,.stivilies or tlmt he was nn Narri5 Bros. C~gar Co., you can obtain anywhere the most ~

nor "The Eurol)ean Enc lia,’ nor uninvited :=uest. A Snake Cure. delightful to use-and also lhe most MAIN ST. & FARRAGUT AVE.,any other books, for which ym are the The fr,mt door was ol:,en, his hat 111 some parts of England one of the Wholesale Dealers in Cigars, beneficial for the skin. i of ]~ay’s Landing. ~-,,,,~a~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

agent_ 1 am very busy toda [" She and stick were taken ax(’ay 1)3" n flul- best cures for n swollen neck is to Cigarettes, Tobacco, Etc. sore in ~oe. coIlap~ble tubes.and .it 3/ax’s Laxm_-,’J.-N. J:opened the door wider, but 31tldon did terin~ maid. and he was left in the draw n snake nlne times across the -- - - r BellPh°ne"

throat Of tile suffering one. after We carry lhe largest sh~rk ill ~"~)uth Jers,.y. ill 25C. and 50¢. jars. t I - " - --=-=--~- .... - -..

not...~tir, shadow of a wide -dDol’~vay "WllOl’e |le ~Dh- D.genLs fi)r Uint’D, Trulh and .For H~tle bM Leading 1)rufluista .t~’verb, u’hera. ]L.~x~.}j]I]].]~ .

"You are mistaken, madam Inm emfld see down the vista of n 1,m=:which the snnke is killed nnd Its skin O~us he. Ulg’ars. Every merchant and pro-i

- sewed in a silken bag and tightly Prlees4)n -~pp]ieation. 3Ianufnetured .,:,olply byL -. ....... - .......... .. ..,

not an ab’ent for anythlne mtever room tilled wlth people¯ Ile awoke t,~gre~ive business man should .-Its the Talk oftheTown1 merelycalled to see Miss Sm th." the f,7¢’t th,lt the or~host,’., ~,:,,l ,,,.,.,. se,,e,i.,ro, nd the neck. The 511.-llegi~ Drug Ce.,

n I Abbott’s.¯ Corner Atlantic and Vir~nia Avenues,ha w a Bank Account a d¯ ’I am Miss Smith.’" was the tart re- p]aylnff Imhen~rin’s wedding mnr(-h. Uncomplimentary. Philadelphia, Pa.

ply. and now the strahls died a,,’ay, nn,l Ella--He h,,.~ hls office in hls hat.ATI.ANTI,’,’,TY.N.J.

ts,p ~o;~an~ly,,B

"31is~ .M:l]’v Smith, 1 should ave ex- the measurc~l tones of a cler’.’wmnn l~tolla--lt must be unfurnished. !_ _ ........ __ .... pay~,~ills with checks. His t - Fill

¯" " "


On- af’~ ill prove -tisthebr~d -131alned.’" broke s,,lenmly into the silence. "rAII.QII. TAILOII. Standing’among business men f .oL,lu~ility andhas no equal.

¯ "I am Miss Mary Smlth." "Denrly lmlore~], we nre gntheredLEGAL.

[ C~-,-(’ake.~ and .Pies:

t 1"Then I have made a mis together * * * this man nnfl thi~ .-is better there is no danger 3lya~’ngon’orillt:~llatvollrdoordatl-r-with

fresh wholesome bakers.- producl:~¯ "-the house. I hope you will woman In holy matrimmay."

]N ~’HANt’EIIY t)F NYAV JI.:IISI.:Y. Bell Telephone 1193-A

of losing money, and e’,rsrytA]Hlo.rT, s llAJ~EIIY.

¯ " .the Intrusion." sahl Meldon qul y as 3tehlon dld riot hear any more. I]e .i.,,Eh~an,)mFnmvv.,,.hian,tl½e~,rgeY¢.N,wkI check is a receipt for the] Chen’le.~ T. Abbott.. 2-b’,)p.he passed through the door. leaned dizzily aKalust the door ]in!el t’,mq):tny, avorl~)rallonofPennsylv:ufi;~: t-- ~__ ~ ...........

"’It’s a common enough nam re- an,] thonwht vqgnely of that 1,fief l’y virm,.,,r :m ,,r(>r i,r m,. ,’,mrt .t than-t payment made.] ~’W~g- ,.,.,¯,-.,r .~,.,,..,~.,~,..,. ,,,,,,~,. ,,,, ,,,,. ,~,,.,¯ ,,r ,,,e The Heu5 e - -

joined 3Ilss Smith Jess acidly her period In clip wh.lter v,’hell he h’l~/ re- dnI’,, hvrv~,f in ;~,’nnsvwh,-rvin lhe31vvhnn]c:~

I "" ];uihlin~4 ;u),l l.,,;m A~..,,,ci;,li,m No. l ,)f Vin,,-

J B P~-~ $ S

In our Interest Department ,,eednolspend’411herlin]ecf~,kD)._,visltor went down the steps. Sh ook- JnIced hi the sweet coInp:Tn]l)ns]ll l) t)f land is ,-,)n)]))ainnnl. nnd ,¢oli nnd olhers are ~)verahotstove whened admiringly at the tall, well setup Mnrv Smith. and now she was l)ein;: d,,fm~,hmt.% v,m are rvquirt:d l,,qpl,,..’~r, ph>:ul , we payyou3percent, interest," " " answ~.r ,,r ,’h.mnrr l,, t]),, bill of said .onl’-[ O O 9figure ns he =epped briskly the m:,rrled, and he, an uninvite,l .’.:,n,.q. p,;,i,,an,.m, ,,r ,,,.r,,,-,. the f,,,,rt,.,.,nhday ,,r’. 5chusler 5street. "He must be looking fo 3Iay ]urkeA at ~he threshnhl.’ .vtm,. n,.xt ,,r th,, .-,aid },ill will I,v klkt,’n as on yOUr s~vings,

T il &l,’,n,[es.~e,1 nm,h,.M 5"’"- The said bill i= flied ~ OF ~lpO]]~@]~ As little as one dollar toSmith. 1 dare say he wants" The Pt, l-ei1}[)lly was ,)ver. an0 the]’P I,, forv,.],);,e ;l n},,rt,..,nge ,_..iv,.n by Ehnir,):

lo th,- 3h.,’lmnie?~ ];uihlin,.." and l.,,;,n A.~o(-ia- start with. -Ralph smiled to hlmself as he ]auzhter. 3!olt]oll ]oalle{] f,)7’ward f,,r ll,nl N,,. I ,fX.’inebuad, daletl lhv twenty-Ilr~t "" . -at the next cottage to the from one lvok at the brlde. Af|t’l" th:l[ i| tlay,,f.Nov~-lllb,q’, ~Nin.tet.n ]-]ul]dretlnl}d,%]x~,,,, ~,,,,,~ .qt,,,,t. ~,, ~h, "r,,,,’,,~hh) ,,r ,’,,~-l,,, 904 Atlantic Avenue, ATLANT1c CITY, N.J. Let us start you right with is a, ~ersen-~e. T~- era" proa!,,-,~whlch lie had been almost fo!’cibly would be his l)art to go. viMn. in the |’,tartly ,,fAt]earle and .~mte of "" and be eon’¢ineed. .

New .ler.-uey, and you Elt’a~nonx Fn~nt-esehl are your Bank Account. Ourwt~gon Will ea-ll at yodrdoorejected. ]t was quite ns attracti as The 1,1-}1]o "lIld gT",)Olll "wt,rt. .~ur-nmd,. n bv~’an.~eyDu ;~ lhe ".vJf," Df {]lli]y. .F/’t~]l whoIesolne b:xkerv.

the other one. and it, too, had a large rollndPd [~y ii s]lifring gT"OUll. bill ,,vor Ehniro Fnuaeesvhi ,qain~ nn inch,)nTe right t)f .......

Nt)vk (’~)lnt)P, , ;l t’l )l’l)l,l’ii’~i~)ll i,f ||lp ,"~In lP t,fpIn response to hls knock a tired after~n~on sun f,ql athwart h,,r ,_,,,I,tm) l’,q,ns.vlvania, are m;,h, :~ d(.fendant be,.’.m,t. [ ] ¯ ohn Schusler, Pro.,

v,,n hold n j’tldgnleDI ngniDM Ehniro Finn-r,,7 r,,7 C.D. MAKEPEACE, President. May’s Landing, New Jersey.looklng girl came to the door. h;1]r and l)ink I]llS]lPd cheeks, wns bi~ b,-~.hi and by virtu, lhvr,’Df vl:dm ~,)mo lion

"I am Mary Smith." she said an- 31:1]’)" Smith IIt-r .~)wn ,,f 1)ink tlnh"? np, m ~nhl lands dos,.ribed in lhe Bill ,)f~’om- t~ t~ .............swer to his (.arefully worded Inc chiffon {]en,.ted her at[t>l.,t:llWt ¯ ill the ph*in/ t,, ,hi,,,..,,.,.. ;~ ~

M.R. MORSE, Cashier. .......¯II E:R:}~ER I" ]L% }rrLET’r,

"CON.FZ(’T]O3"ZII]’:"I’n, afra,d i’ve made ,,noth mls- b,’i,l;,l I,r.,,’es.q,,n. l,ut ,,,n as lh,, pri,,- s,,,Mt,,r,,,,’omp,,,inant,~ ~@b~i~di~g $~@

~- " -

ta~e.’" said Ralph. w!th a asant ci]ml. I)ther hrh],,snmhls in ],ink 1’. I)..~.,hlr,-~s 540/.;~ntlis Ave. " - . ........Vil,olnnd. N..t. ~’]fl)}lg.y to Lo,n on When something sweet -votedsmile as he turned away. "I am look- chift’ou hovt,/’ed ne;lr hPl’ I,I" t];ll’|t’d ill ])atc,1 A],ril l:;, 1910. ]’r’s fi.v,$15.54 Jlond ~tnd .]Iortf.t¢l.Ue ....

lng fol; C,lpt,lhl Smith’s ,.otta - ’ " ~:~ ~ like to eat ask for Gtiifl’ra’s"Cal, tah:l Smith lives next :lu-

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [" ] I ;~ ,~ MAY’S LANDING ,,~ r~ --. -- --

"Thank yeu," said Ralph rellev, All Nen’s and s’ Clothinz s..-ks he walked up the next

graveled path llalph Meldon was )aln-

"~II~’I~i ~@ ~0~


st~:retary. For sale at the 1,Vater Power Co.,.;._.. w..!Ii ! I "","

uncOln=,,n name In F.ast Ilny an, and QenCs Furnishing cut~,o,e. Fresh and pure.

sea captains were as thick in Apollo and Lov, mey Chocolates,

lage as the proverbial bees In a ~rrcl fresh weekly. - ¯ "of sugar. A half hour before

~ ~

tO ’ 2 P]1~i~e*

II3wS " "I y .L~’g" Warhad been but one Mar.v Smith Send some far away relative /~a ~S lrl ~Y

him at every turnor every door. or friend ~ year s subscription to jt" Bo,~,,r ~,,~, " -. ’

--hi~ Mary he had boldlyl/_._- ......-- SHO . i 1to call-her one day. At this _/_ .....

I~ ~0~£ GI@~iI~ I011~ I--~

’" IZ~’RE I_N,VIi.,IXC’E.SAN~E,o =,...=o,,,o.. =.=oo.,.=,=o ,o,. ’ " "="’= "’==nnd enme upon a whlte whiskere,Fill out the following coupon ~ ~ .gentleman swinglng In a canvas

meek on the porch.. The and mail it to this .office to-day. [ElSuccessors /o .?’ose, bh 3/ezde/, Any Part of Atlantic County.

boors, the bh, e cloth sult w,Lh

~ ~ ~~.) J I. J ~ ~__j ~I_~. ~_~) Reducti0n of 10 Per Cent2 onbuttons, the keen gray eyes u;

~ ~ ~i’625 Atl~ti Av@


"" May’s Landing Properties;bushy eyebrows, denoted the" C o 9 ~ FORman. ne raised hlmself in the

Please send the Atlantic ,~ : ~ Real Estate.meek and r, ee,’ed Inquisitively st

yS d, -,Ziirls , w"Captain Smith’.," queried 3Ield(n. address for one year, for which " " ’"Here:" bellowed that old salt. s~t- - I:’_&IX-T.Ell.

tlln~ a blue cap on "his snowy ha ] enclose $1.25. , @~[~[~]~[][~] ~]-] [~]~~]~@

.L~ the above trade mark .......... ............ " .....

".’,ly ,ame’s .’,lellrm. I had




beyour guiiewhenbuying II-iarry Jenk,nsipleasure of meeting your daught~ Name = ~- _----r= =_== 7-:-_ -=- --- sho~ for your children.

~1,,- ,=, .oo,= .................................. Painter & az er,permlsslon to call and see her." R

Address .......... : ....................

~Lake & Pdiey Company

It means that shoes so l-z<hna’es rum,she4 upon-ppl--fion.felt himself growlng warmer ut stamped will fit well/ retain Adaress P. 0. Box 42,the sparkling gaze of the old capt City, etc. "

"Never heard of your" he bel]o~ , . . . their shape, and wear well. ~lay’s Lan&i~g, New.Jersey.forth, and then, lifting his voice ....

DEALERS ]N "~- ; We carvy all l~athers andp.n -angry roar, he called,


Send receipt to


styles of these shoes.R~2’

There was a sound of hurrying f,Lumber and Milwork, Coal, Lime, Brick, er Front Lotsstops--heavy footfalls quite unlike . ........................................ . ..

tread of 3Iarv Smith’s falry feet--~ nd" at May’s J_~ndtng., N. J., reLease to 1~tespon-

IV-sIble Parties Who ~Vill Build Bungalows. ..

o:u,,~ woma=, ros. cheeked, fat. q, and, Builders’ Hardware May’s Landing ,;oo,,.~,,...,~o~,,,,.,=,,~,.~ering with flesh and eurloslty. "

’I- .and _~ishiag.

’",,’hat l= it. pa’,’" she demande~ .................................- PLEAsANTV - - NEW JIERISEY Water Power Co. ,-. ,,. ,,.,--,-=.,-~,or~.Captain Smlth drew a e]ay plpe f, J -]- I- i I i--i I -I I i 17 [I I- I-TI I I I I::_[_

, . =,l o.l.rhis blieast pocket and Indicated __ . -_ -- _- . :--__ = z ........ =_-- .... "-

f l " " " ° " "

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