Download - Quod Report Template - IEMA Quay NTS March 2017.pdf · accompany a hybrid planning application for the redevelopment of Britannia Park, Cardiff Bay. The Site is ... An EIA Scoping

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Dolffin Quay



March 2017

Our Ref: Q70151

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Dolffin Quay Environmental Statement


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1

2 SITE DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................. 3

3 EIA METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 4

4 ALTERNATIVES .................................................................................................................................... 6

5 DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................... 8

6 CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 13

7 SOCIO-ECONOMICS .......................................................................................................................... 14

8 TOWNSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ............................................................................ 17

9 CULTURAL HERITAGE ....................................................................................................................... 19

10 AIR QUALITY ..................................................................................................................................... 21

11 NOISE AND VIBRATION .................................................................................................................... 22

12 HYDROLOGY, DRAINAGE AND FLOOD RISK ...................................................................................... 24

13 GROUND CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 25

14 WIND MICROCLIMATE ..................................................................................................................... 26

15 TRANSPORT ...................................................................................................................................... 27


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Dolffin Quay Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary I Page 1


This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) presents a summary of the findings of an Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) that has been undertaken on behalf of Associated British Ports (the ‘Applicant’) to

accompany a hybrid planning application for the redevelopment of Britannia Park, Cardiff Bay. The Site is

located in the Butetown ward within the City of Cardiff borough, who are the local planning authority.

Figure 1.1 shows the Site location and its context in relation to the location of local public transport.

Figure 1.1: Site Location and Accessibility

The Site covers an area of 1.9 hectares (ha) and currently comprises three buildings, a children’s play area

and open recreational land. The Site is bound by Roath Basin and its lock along the north and eastern

boundaries; the Atradius office building on the west; and Cardiff Bay itself to the south. Figure 1.2 shows

the extent of the planning application boundary.

The redevelopment proposals include the relocation of the Locky’s Cottage and construction of six new

buildings providing up to 205 new residential units, within a new 24 storey tower building, retail,

restaurant and café uses along with vehicle and cycle parking, landscaping.

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Figure 1.2: Planning Application Boundary

The full EIA report, known as an ‘Environmental Statement’ (ES) assesses the environmental effects of the

Development. The ES has been prepared in line with the Welsh legal requirements1&2 and good practice.

The purpose of the ES is to inform decision making by explaining the likely significant effects that the

Development may have on the environment during construction and once it is complete and how they

can be avoided or reduced.

The EIA has been informed by a series of technical studies which form part of the ES. These studies include

surveys, calculations and other forms of modelling that have been undertaken by a professional team of

consultants led by Quod. The ES comprises three volumes, including this Non-Technical Summary:

Volume 1: Main document – provides the full text of the ES along with figures.

Volume 2: Appendices – contains technical surveys, reports and supporting documents to Volume 1.

The ES and all supporting material can be viewed at the offices of City of Cardiff Council. Electronic copies

of the planning application and ES are available view on the Council’s website Copies of the ES can also be

purchased from Quod. Please email [email protected] for further details or contact 020 3597 1000.

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The Site is currently made up of the existing buildings of Norwegian Church, the Waterguard pub and

restaurant; Locky’s Cottage and an informal recreational area made up of a mixture of paved and gravelled

hardstanding, grassed area and a fenced play area. The Site has assorted public art sculptures and benches

situated across it, including the Tree in the Bay, Tidemark Seatwall, Palisade, Captain Scott Memorial –

Antarctic 100, Pit to Port and Beastie Benches.

The Site is accessed by Harbour Drive, which connects the Site to Britannia Quay and Bute Place. Harbour

Drive currently runs through the Site and across the (now disused) Roath Basin sea lock and connects to

the Porth Teigr area, which is an emerging mixed-use neighbourhood. Along Harbour Drive, within the

Site, is a row of car parking spaces which serves visitors to the Site.

Along the south-western boundary of the Site, a row of semi-mature trees run along Harbour Drive

between the road and Cardiff Bay waterfront. None of the trees are subject to Tree Preservation Orders.

The Site is in a wider area of mixed uses, predominantly commercial, leisure, residential and industrial

uses on the port. To the south of the site, over the sea lock, are recreational uses including the ‘Doctor

Who Experience’, Gloworks and large commercial warehouses located approximately 150 metres (m) and

200m south of the site boundary respectively. Directly to the north of the site boundary, on the opposite

side of Britannia Quay are Office buildings. Residential uses are located primarily to the north-west of the

site, with the closest being approximately 100m from the closest Site boundary.

The Site is not located within a Conservation Area. However, the Pierhead Conservation Area boundary

lies adjacent to the Site and Mount Stuart Square Conservation Area are located approximately 0.2km to

the north-west of the Site. There are no Scheduled Monuments within the vicinity of the Site.

There are no statutory ecological designations on the Site and the Site is of limited ecological value. The

nearest ecological designation is the Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special

Scientific Interest (SSSI), located approximately 940m south-east of the Site boundary at the nearest point.

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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 4


The purpose of the EIA is to identify how people and the environment could be affected by the

Development and to provide measures (often referred to as ‘mitigation’) that would avoid, minimise or

offset negative effects.

An EIA Scoping Study was undertaken to establish the scope of the EIA and identify the likely issues which

required detailed consideration in the ES. This scoping study concluded that the Development was not

likely to give rise to significant effects in respect of Ecology; Waste, Telecommunication, Electromagnetic

Fields, Light Pollution and Solar Glare. As such, these issues were not addressed further in the ES.

An EIA Scoping Report, which set out the proposed scope and content of the ES, was provided to City of

Cardiff Council in October 2016 together with a request for a Scoping Opinion to agree the issues to be

covered in the EIA process. A Scoping Opinion was received from City of Cardiff Council in November 2016

which confirmed the scope of EIA.

The ES considers the likely effects of the Development on its neighbours, local environment, local and

regional economy, as well as the wider area. The environmental effects of the Development are predicted

in relation to sensitive receptors, including human beings, built resources and natural resources. The

sensitive receptors considered in the ES include local residents and businesses, heritage assets and

designations, road users, construction workers and future occupiers of the Site. Each topic assessment

attaches a level of significance to the identified effects, i.e. either major, moderate, minor or negligible.

Short and long-term (temporary and permanent), direct and indirect effects have been assessed. The

following terminology has been used to express the nature of the effect: adverse, negligible or beneficial.

The EIA Regulations require that ‘cumulative’ effects are also considered in the ES. A summary of

cumulative effects arising from interactions of individual effects of the Development (e.g. traffic, noise

and air quality) is provided in Section 15 of this Non-Technical Summary. Cumulative effects arising from

the Development in combination with other planned or approved development schemes in the vicinity of

the Site are summarised within each technical section of the non-technical summary (sections 7-15). The

list of the cumulative schemes considered to be considered within the EIA was agreed with City of Cardiff

Council (via the scoping process) and includes the following:

Porth Teigr masterplan;

Plot 2 Assembly Square; and

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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 5

Plot 5 Capital Waterside.

‘Residual effects’ are defined as those that remain after mitigation measures have been implemented.

The significance of these has been identified using good practice and published standards. Where no

suitable guidance exists, professional judgment has been applied by the technical specialists.

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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 6


Various alternative design options have been considered for this Development.

If the Development opportunity to deliver up to 205 new homes was not realised there would also be a

loss of opportunity to create new buildings of architectural quality, which could enhance the visual

appearance of the Site and locality.

Figure 4.1: Concept Scheme Layout Plan, June 2016

The original option included a single, 42 storey tower situated at the centre of the Site with Britannia Park

designed around the building for the rest of the Site, however was discounted due to the impact on the

Waterguard pub and restaurant, as well as, the blocking of sightlines from Britannia Quay to across the

Bay and shading impacts on the park.

Another option (Option B) saw the development of two smaller towers in place of a larger single tower.

This option also moves the towers away from its central location in the Site to the north and east of the

site, nearer to Roath Basin and the lock. This option included re-routing Harbour Drive to pass around the

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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 7

two buildings on the Roath Basin side. This option also allows the sightlines currently experienced of the

Bay from Britannia Quay and allows the park to keep its prominence at the waterfront.

Figure 4-1 Architect’s Initial Sketch of Option B (Two Towers)

This option was discounted due to additional footprint and road connections associated with two tower

buildings, which would have hindered the park.

A further option was developed, moving away from the tower concept, and instead having a curved

building that would envelope the park at the Site but was discounted due to concerns about usability of

the park as a public space.

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The planning application proposes redevelopment of the Site as a mixed-use, residential led development.

The key elements of the Development comprise:

A new 24 storey tower with residential and commercial uses;

Two pavilion buildings, with both residential and commercial floorspace;

Three new kiosk style buildings set back along the waterfront;

New public realm area, comprising of landscaping, public open space and retained pieces of public art;

New shared surface road at Harbour Drive;

New access road from Britannia Quay and

Relocation of grade II listed Locky’s Cottage.

Figure 5.1 shows an architects’ impression of a Development that could be built out under the planning

permission. Figure 5.2 provides an extract of the ground floor plan of the Development

Figure 5-1 Architect’s sketch for the Development

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Figure 5-2 Ground Floor Layout

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The appearance of the buildings will be determined during reserved matters stage.


The details for the landscaping will be subject to reserved matters. A landscape masterplan has been

prepared for the illustrative scheme and is presented in a Landscape Design Overview Report produced

by the Urbanists.

Access and Parking

Vehicle access into the Development would be from Britannia Quay to the west and north of the

Development. Car parking and servicing bays are located within the residential tower building footprint

on the ground floor. There would be no basement within the Development. The Development will provide

58 car parking spaces, including 8 disabled spaces. Residential access points into each building are

provided off the public realm along the pedestrian routes.

Cycle access to the Site is currently from Britannia Quay and Harbour Drive and along the Cardiff Bay Trail.

This will be unaffected by the Development’s proposals.

A lay-by has been incorporated into the Development and is positioned off Britannia Quay. This will

provide the replacement car parking spaces for the ones that will be removed from Harbour Drive. Service

vehicles and public bus services will continue to use Harbour Drive. Harbour Drive will be closed for all

other vehicles, with no throughfare (except for buses and maintenance vehicles) to Porth Teigr.

Energy, Waste and Servicing

Waste and recycling storage has been designed in-line with City of Cardiff Council’s requirements as they

will be the local authority collecting the waste. Bin stores are provided at ground floor level for residential

and commercial outlets.

Surface water from the Development would be discharged into the combined sewer.

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Figure 5-2 Landscape masterplan

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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 12

Detailed Application – Relocation of Locky’s Cottage

Full detailed planning permission is sought for the lifting and relocation of the Locky’s Cottage from

its current location to a new position in the southern part of the site.

This part of the application is linked to a separate application for listed building consent, which

seeks to relocate the existing Grade II listed cottage from its current location. Moving the cottage

will enable the outline elements of the Development to come forward.

The entire building will be jacked up and physically moved as a whole to its new location. In order

to preserve the character and appearance of the building, no physical alterations to its internal or

external fabric are proposed. The building itself will appear identical when sited in its new location.

The cottage is proposed to sit alongside the outer lock gates within a landscaped setting,

maintaining a visual link and relationship with the lock gates. It will continue to be a café (Use Class

A3) with outdoor seating. The cottage will remain in close proximity to the nearby lock keeper’s

cottage which lies on the south-eastern side of the lock gates, to retain its group value. The building

will also be set back from the Development proposed in the outline part of this application, so as

to preserve its setting.

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It is anticipated that the Development would be fully built-out over approximately 24 months.

Commencement of construction works on-site is expected in 2018 at the earliest with the

Development being fully occupied by late 2020.

Construction of the Development is likely to be undertaken in one continuous phase. Site

preparation works and infrastructure are likely to be undertaken first. The Site will be subject to

excavation and foundation works, which will likely include piling activities.

There will be a need to close the park temporarily during parts of the construction programme to

ensure safety of workers and members of the public. Harbour Drive will also be temporarily

subjected to closures whilst utility and road surface works are completed. All temporary closures

and their durations will be agreed with City of Cardiff Council in advance and clear signage and

notifications will be sent to surrounding residents and businesses.

A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be prepared prior to the

commencement of construction works on-site and adhered to during all works. This will provide

management procedures and protocols to outline how the project will avoid, minimise or mitigate

effects on the environment and surrounding area during the construction phase.

It is anticipated that core working hours will be as following:

08:00 – 18:00 hours weekdays;

08:00 – 13:00 hours Saturday; and

No working normally undertaken on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Likely significant environmental issues associated with the enabling and construction works, and

measures identified to mitigate these effects are discussed within each technical section

(sections 6 - 14).

The Development will seek to reuse materials and minimise waste production, including that of

energy and water, where ever possible.

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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 14


The Socio-Economic chapter of the Environmental Statement (ES) provides an assessment of the

socio-economic effects of the Development and the extent to which these contribute towards

planning policy and other relevant legislation. The key areas of potential impact that have been

considered as part of this assessment are:

Economic effects – employment creation, spending generation and wider economic effects;

Housing effects – provision of new homes to meet demand; and

Effects arising from the new resident population - increased demand for community facilities

including schools, primary healthcare, open space and playspace.

The 1.9 ha Site is in the Butetown ward of Cardiff. Existing land uses comprise car parking, public

open space including Britannia and Waterfront parks, and commercial uses comprise Locky’s

cottage (café), the Norwegian church building (events space/café) and the Waterguard building


The Development is assessed in the context of relevant policy as well as against the current socio-

economic baseline conditions at the local (ward) level, and where appropriate, at the district

(Cardiff city) and country (Wales) levels.

The Development would deliver up to 205 one, two and three-bed flats, and new commercial

floorspace including retail and food and drink floorspace (Use Classes A1 and A3). The Development

would provide 1.16ha publicly accessible open space, including 0.29 ha equipped and playable

children’s playspace, 0.86ha informal functional open space, teen equipment and hard landscaping.

The existing Waterfront Park, Britannia Park and areas of hard landscaping totalling 1.40 ha of

existing publicly accessible open space on site would be replaced by modern, higher quality open

spaces (totally 1.16 ha) within the completed Development. Given the qualitative improvement in

provision within the completed Development the effect on existing open space would therefore be

expected to be negligible (not significant).

The existing Norwegian Church building, Waterguard pub and restaurant, and Locky’s Cottage café

would be retained within the Completed Development – the latter would be relocated within the

Site boundary. There would therefore be no loss of existing employment as a result of the

Development and the effect on existing employment would therefore be expected to be negligible

(not significant).

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It is estimated that over the two-year construction period there would be an average of 238 full

time equivalent construction-related jobs on site per month. The construction phase would also be

expected to generate beneficial supply chain and spending effects. However due to the mobile

nature of the construction workforce and the relatively small scale of the Development, overall the

effect with respect to construction employment would be expected to be negligible (not


The completed Development would be expected to accommodate a total of 156 full time equivalent

jobs (142 net new) in the retail and food and drink sectors. With respect to employment, the

Development would therefore be expected to have a beneficial effect of minor significance (not

significant) at the local level and a negligible effect at all other spatial scales.

The 205 new dwellings provided within the Development would provide new homes. This would

represent a minor beneficial effect (not significant) at the local and district levels and a negligible

effect at all other spatial scales.

The new homes would be expected to generate a new population of approximately 360 people,

including 18 primary-age and 10 secondary-age children. The new population would increase

demand for community facilities in the local area.

An assessment of the surplus capacity at schools within the school catchment areas for the Site

shows there is adequate surplus capacity in the catchment English primary and Welsh secondary

schools to meet expected demand for places generated by the Development. However, the

catchment area Welsh primary and English secondary schools do not have existing surplus capacity.

Before mitigation is considered, the Development would be expected to have a minor adverse

effect (not significant) on demand for school places at the local level. Following mitigation (Section

106 contributions as set out in the Cardiff Council Planning Obligations SPG (2017)3) the effect of

the Development on school places is expected to be negligible (not significant) at all spatial levels.

The new population resident within the completed Development would be expected to generate

demand for approximately 0.2 general practitioners (GPs). An assessment of capacity within

existing GP provision found there is currently no surplus capacity at the two GP surgeries within

1km of the Site. The Development would be expected to have a minor adverse effect (not

significant) on demand for healthcare at the local level and a negligible effect at all other spatial


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The Development includes the provision of 1.16 ha of high quality, modern publicly accessible open

space. This would be expected to have a minor beneficial effect (not significant) at the site and local

levels and a negligible effect at all other spatial scales. Section 106 contributions would be required

to meet the additional demand for teen equipment and formal open space arising from the

Development. With mitigation measures, the effect would be expected to remain minor beneficial

(not significant) at the site and local levels and negligible at all other spatial scales.

The new residential population and new employees on-site would have a beneficial effect on the

local economy through increased spending which is estimated would total approximately £2.6

million annually. This is considered to be a beneficial effect of minor significance (not significant) at

the local and district levels, and negligible at all other scales.

Overall, the residual socio-economic effects of the Development are deemed to be minor adverse

to moderate beneficial during the construction phase and the completed and occupied

Development. In addition, the cumulative schemes in the local area, along with the Development,

would deliver new housing, generate employment and have a beneficial impact on the local

economy through additional spending, which together would have a beneficial effect in terms of


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Dolffin Quay, Cardiff Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-Technical Summary I Page 17


The townscape and visual assessment examines the likely effects of the Development upon

different townscape - areas where the built environment dominates the scene – and on views of

the Development and its setting, from a wide variety of locations accessible to the general public

at varying distances from the Site.

All predicted effects are identified and compared with the existing condition of the local townscape,

and with the existing views which are experienced towards and around the proposed Development.

The land around the Bay area and the land close to the southern side of the city centre is almost

flat, or very gently rising from the edge of the waterfront. Only to the west and south-west does

more steeply sloping land rise to the high ground of Penarth Head and the open country west of


The townscape baseline for the assessment is heavily influenced by the continual evolution of the

Cardiff Bay waterfront and immediate vicinity, as a result of comprehensive regeneration schemes

over the past 20 years or more. It is therefore a constantly changing baseline, with a variety of

townscapes emerging from this process. Buildings and streets vary greatly in character and size,

having responded to differing commercial pressures and the fulfilment of housing needs within

large areas of the Bay. There are some large buildings which are nationally known, and there are

Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings in the vicinity.

The size and scale of the Development are such that there is potential to have effects over a wide

area. However, when the nature of the local terrain is taken into account - together with the effects

of intervening buildings, bridges and embankments - the potential effects on nearby areas of

townscape and views become restricted. The neighbouring areas of townscape are likely to

experience more significant effects on their character than those further away from the Site.

Similarly, only close range views of the Development which are not screened to any great extent by

intervening land or buildings will be the most affected.

The Development will remove a substantial area of open former dockland bordering part of the Bay

waterfront and the edge of the Roath Basin. The tallest part of the Development will be in the form

of a striking tall building. It will be the tallest structure in the area and draw the eye - even from

more distant locations - forming a dramatic new focal point within an area which has accumulated

a number of very large modern buildings which contribute to the skyline of this part of Cardiff.

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The assessment has concluded there will potentially be moderate adverse effects on the setting of

the nearby Pierhead Conservation Area, which will be more noticeable during the construction

phase. Here the Development will constitute a significant presence to one side at the edge of the

waterfront, but views out over the Bay will not be directly affected.

Some views out from nearby residential areas along the waterfront and at the edge of Roath Basin

will be significantly affected by the Development, some adversely, where the new buildings do not

obscure or partially screen their views out towards Penarth over the Bay.

The most significant residual effects on amenity in views to and around the Development are at

close range, where views are not obscured or partially screened by intervening land or buildings.

During construction, it is assessed that there will be temporary adverse effects on townscape

character areas, ranging from negligible up to major depending on the proximity of the townscape

character area. There is expected to be a major adverse effect on the Cardiff Bay townscape

character area during the construction phase.

After the Development is completed, there is potential for a major adverse effect on nearby

viewpoint (viewpoint 6) across Roath Bain due to the largely uninterrupted view of the

Development from this area. For other receptors, the effects range from negligible up to major

beneficial on townscape character areas.

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Effects on archaeology and cultural heritage have been assessed for the Development. This involved

the consultation of archaeological and historical information gathered from documentary and

cartographic sources. Records were also made during a series of site visits which included visiting

115 heritage assets in order to ascertain effects on their settings.

The archaeological assessment concluded that the land on which the Site is situated is part of the

dockside of the Roath Basin. The Basin was constructed in the late 1860s, or at least and early 1870s

on an area of reclaimed foreshore. As such, it is considered highly unlikely that the Site contains

any remains from periods any earlier than the 1860s at levels at which they may be impacted by

the Development.

Archaeological remains related to the dockside that might be impacted upon, such as made ground

and remnants of dockside structures (such as crane bases), are considered to be of low heritage

value. This is as they are likely to have been disturbed by later development within the Site and are

not in themselves rare.

It is expected that the impact on archaeological features, deposits or remains can be mitigated

through a programme of archaeological recording carried out in consultation with the Glamorgan

Gwent Archaeological Trust, the archaeological advisor to the City of Cardiff Council, and secured

by an appropriately worded condition.

The Heritage Assessment identified that, of the 115 heritage assets visited, only seven have any

likelihood of being affected by the Development. Of these, three Grade II listed buildings, and one

non-designated heritage asset are located, or partially located, within the site. These assets will be

protected during the construction by various measures, including the removal (and subsequent

replacement) of bollards that are a part of the Grade II listed Roath Basin Dock Walls.

There would only be a direct effect from Development on the Grade II listed workman’s hut, Locky’s

Cottage, which is proposed to be moved to a new location. The relocation will change the setting

of the cottage but its important links with the Roath Basin Lock, and other elements of the

contemporary historic dockside, would be replicated by its new waterfront position.

Change to setting was considered to result in a moderate effect on the heritage value of the Grade I

listed Pierhead Building and the Grade II listed Locky’s cottage. A minor adverse effect was

identified on the Grade II listed Roath Basin Dock Walls and on the non-listed Norwegian Church. A

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negligible effect was identified on the Grade II listed Former HM Customs and Excise Office, the

Grade II listed Workman’s Hut at Sea Lock to Roath Basin, the Pierhead Conservation Area and the

Mount Stuart Square Conservation Area. Of these, only the moderate effects are considered to be


Effects on setting cannot be mitigated; however they can be compensated for, and so it is

considered that the Development offers an opportunity to develop a robust approach to the

management and preservation of heritage assets within the site and its environs, as well as the

opportunity to increase access to, and enjoyment of, these heritage assets.

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An assessment of the air quality effects has been undertaken. The assessment considered effects

during the construction phase on nearby receptors, such as construction dust, and effects caused

by construction traffic.

Baseline air quality conditions were attained through combination of desk based sources from

weather data, Defra maps and through diffusion tube monitoring undertaken in the local area.

A detailed air quality assessment was then undertaken using the air dispersion model which

predicted future pollutant concentrations for the pollutants NO2, PM2.5 and PM10.

The assessment found potential dust impacts at nearby receptors, particularly the Waterguard pub

and restaurant. However, a dust management plan will be implemented as part of the CEMP and

this will help supress dust emissions. Therefore, effects from dust are expected to be negligible.

There is likely to be a temporary minor adverse effect on pollutant concentrations during

construction phase at receptor locations 1 (on A4342), 3 (Pierhead Street), 5 (Pierhead Street) and

11 (Britannia Quay near to the Waterguard pub and restaurant).

No significant air quality effects are predicted to occur during the Completed Development phase.

There is potential for minor cumulative effects to occur on local air quality when other

developments such as the Porth Teigr masterplan and the Plot 2 and Plot 5 developments are under


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A noise and vibration assessment has been undertaken to determine the potential noise and

vibration effects the Development may have on the area around the Site and for future residents

and visitors to the Site.

The assessment has been undertaken in line with the principles set out in Planning Policy Wales

2016 and The Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006-2016.

The scope of this noise and vibration assessment includes the following specific aspects:

Determination of the prevailing baseline ambient, maximum and background noise;

Assessment of the potential noise and vibration associated with construction activities;

Noise associated with the operation of building services plant across the Development;

Noise associated with the operation of commercial and retail activities of the

Development; and

The predicted future baseline ambient and background noise.

A baseline noise survey was undertaken in December 2016. The purpose of the survey was to

determine the prevailing noise levels around the Site and to assist the validation of the computer

noise model.

A qualitative assessment has been undertaken for the likely noise and vibration impact associated

with the construction phase of the Development on nearby noise sensitive receptors in accordance

with British Standard guidance document BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014. A computer noise model was

prepared to assess the likely noise impact on existing noise-sensitive receptors during the

construction phase.

The computer noise model was also used to inform the design criteria for Operational Noise of the

Development post construction. The effect of building services plant and operational noise from

commercial and retail outlets, associated with the proposed Development, on future and existing

noise sensitive receptors has been considered. Any machinery associated with the commercial uses,

such as air conditioning units, will be required to adhere to specific noise limits which have been

set out to ensure that this effect is also not significant.

The construction works has potential to cause a moderate adverse vibration effect for occupants

of the Waterguard pub and restaurant and visitors and minor adverse noise effects due to the

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physical proximity to the proposed construction works. It is therefore proposed that local

monitoring and good communication regarding works with affected landowners are carried out

during the construction phase to minimise disruption caused by the construction phase.

The cumulative construction noise effects will likely be temporary and intermittent depending on

what construction activities are taking place. There is expected to be a moderate adverse noise

effect during construction on the Waterguard pub and restaurant and the Atradius building should

the cumulative schemes be built at the same time (the Atradius building being most affected by its

proximity to the Plot 2 Assembly Square development).

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An assessment has been carried out to consider the likely significant effects of the Development on

flood risk, surface water drainage, foul water drainage, surface water quality and water resources.

The Site is currently shown to have flooded historically, but is now protected by the Cardiff Bay

barrier between Alexandra Dock and Penarth Head so that there is a less than 0.1% chance of tidal

flooding in any given year. There is considered to be a low risk of flooding from all other sources.

Any potential adverse impacts on surface water quality due to run off from service and delivery

areas is to be mitigated with through installation of oil separator in the design of the roads. The

construction of drainage is also to be staged so that connections are in place before they are needed

to discharge run-off from any new buildings or other hard surfaces.

Regarding water resources, Natural Resources Wales mapping shows the site to be in an area with

low potable water stress and Welsh Water measures are in place to ensure there will capacity for

the site into the future.

During construction potential effects could occur from pollution entering surface water runoff and

affecting Cardiff Bay. However, with adherence to pollution prevention guidance all surface water

effects identified are considered to be either negligible. Minor adverse effects are predicted to

occur on flood risk, drainage network and water supply.

With the adoption of measures such as raising of ground floor levels to above the 1 in 200 year

flood event level and introduction of oil interceptors as part of the drainage infrastructure it is

expected that residual flood risk and water quality effects will be negligible during the Completed

Development phase.

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The baseline conditions for the Site have been based on a Desk Study report prepared by Hydrock

Consultants and a site investigation report prepared by Terra Firma. The Site has a history of

industrial use and has been subject to land raising prior to the 1800s to form Cardiff Docks. The site

investigation identified elevated levels of Chromium (VI), Lead, Nickel, Benzo(b)fluoranthene,

Benzo(a)pyrene and Dibenzo(ah)anthracene and asbestos fibres within the soil. Within the perched

and deeper groundwater elevated levels of metals and petroleum hydrocarbons were detected.

Based on the contaminants observed during the site investigation potential effects have been

identified. There are potential effects on human health during the construction phase of the

Development. This is from the ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact with contaminants in the

soil, including asbestos fibres. There are potential effects on both surface water and groundwater

during all phases of the Development.

Based on six ground gas monitoring visits elevated levels of carbon dioxide and methane have been

observed and depleted levels of oxygen. The elevated levels of methane and depleted levels of

oxygen could have a potential effect on construction workers. Providing gas protection measures

are installed in accordance with recommendations from further assessment, and the Site is

remediated in line with good practice, the significance of the effect will be negligible.

With good construction management practices, effects on construction worker, surface water and

groundwater and any existing risks from unexploded ordnance are reduced to a minor adverse


Further site investigation will be completed and a remediation strategy agreed and approved with

City of Cardiff Council and Natural Resources Wales prior to construction.

During the Completed Development phase, the design for the Development is recommended to

include a capping system across the site consisting of the buildings, hardstanding and 600mm clean

cover in areas of soft landscaping.

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Wind conditions have been assessed through a computational fluid dynamic modelling tests. This

assessment concluded that the existing Site is classified as having wind conditions acceptable for

strolling use, which is acceptable for the current use of the Site.

With the Development built out, in both the existing and future scenarios (Development with

existing surroundings and Development with the Porth Teigr masterplan), wind conditions at the

Site range from acceptable for standing use to walking use (based on the Lawson Criteria

methodology). Mitigation is recommended in the form of landscaping strategy with additional 9-

10m trees and shrubs/planting of 1.5m height at areas which within the park are one and two

categories windier than desired in the winter and summer season respectively.

Entrances are proposed to be located in areas with standing conditions, which is the required

category for entrance use.

Wind conditions in the amenity spaces are classified as acceptable for strolling use during the

summer season. Mitigation is recommended in the form of localised shelter 1.5m in height in

addition to the landscaping strategy developed for thoroughfares.

During the detailed design stage, wind tunnel testing will be conducted to fully assess the wind

microclimate and ensure proposed mitigation measures are effective.

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This assessment considered the potential impacts of the Development and likely effects on pedestrian

movement and comfort, cycle movement and comfort, public transport and the local highway network.

The assessment followed good practice methodologies defined in current policy and guidance; and where

guidance is not defined, professional judgement was applied.

Site visits, a review of published maps and routes, and a review of timetable information were undertaken

to establish the baseline position on the pedestrian, cycle and public transport networks. Traffic surveys

were undertaken to establish the baseline position on the local highway network. Trip generation

associated with the proposed Development was calculated, followed by an assessment of the potential

impacts of the proposed Development, taking into consideration mitigation measures integral to the


The Site currently benefits from good access to public transport facilities, as well as a good provision of

pedestrian and cyclist facilities. The highway links which provide access to the Site carry relatively low

volumes of traffic but the principal routes in the vicinity of the Site carry a significant volume of traffic.

The Development would increase the number of trips on all transport networks during the construction

period and increase the number of trips on all transport networks once the Development is completed

and occupied. However, the scale of change would be small, and would not impact on the operation and

efficiency of the local transport networks. The maximum percentage impact on any highway link in the

vicinity of the Site will be 5.7% increase on Bute Place, south of Pierhead Street.

To minimise the magnitude of potential construction phase effects, a construction and logistics

management plan (CLMP) will be prepared which would set out good practice management controls and

measures to be implemented during construction works.

Accordingly, the assessment concludes that during the construction phase, the Development would have

temporary negligible effects on all identified receptors,

Upon completion, and once operational, the Development would have a negligible effect on all sensitive


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An assessment has been carried out to assess the potential for interaction of individual effects of the

Development upon identified receptors / resources, e.g. noise, dust and visual effects (‘in-combination’

effects) during all phases of the Development.

Only beneficial or adverse residual effects identified in the technical assessments classified as being minor,

moderate and major were considered for the potential of interaction. It was found a potential for

residential receptors to experience a visual and noise effect during construction. There is a potential for

onsite receptors to experience adverse visual and noise effects during the construction phase.

Implementation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan and Construction and Logistics Plan

would mitigate effects associated with the construction of Development as far as practicable, while the

completed and occupied Development has no potential for interaction of individual effects.

The following beneficial effects have been identified:

Generation of employment opportunities (minor beneficial socio-economics effect at local level);

Provision of up to 205 housing (minor beneficial socio-economic effect at local level);

Additional spending in local economy from new residents and employees (minor beneficial socio-

economic effect at local level);

Improved crime and safety from increased footfall and improvements to the public realm (minor

beneficial socio-economic effect at local level); and

Beneficial effects to surface and foul water capacity drainage at completed development phase (minor


The following significant adverse residual effects are reported:

Townscape effects on nearby and adjacent townscape areas during construction (range from minor

to major adverse);

Visual impacts from Viewpoint 6 (across Roath Basin) will experience major visual effect (major

adverse) once Development is completed;

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Effects on heritage value of Grade I listed Pierhead Building and Locky’s Cottage (both moderate

adverse) Norwegian Church and Roath Basin Dock Walls (minor adverse); and

Temporary vibration effects (moderate adverse) and noise impacts (minor adverse) during

construction on onsite receptors.

Cumulative effects have been considered with nearby committed development (the Porth Teigr

masterplan, Plot 2 and Plot 5 Assembly Square development). Potential noise and vibration and air quality

effects have been identified during construction should the cumulative schemes construction

programmes overlap.


1 Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (HMSO), 2011. The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. The Stationary Office.

2 HMSO, 2015. The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015. The Stationary Office.

3 Cardiff County Council, 2017. Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Guidance.