Download - Quiz Passive Voice

  • 8/12/2019 Quiz Passive Voice


    Quiz: Identify Passive Voice

    You should avoid using passive voice in your reports, for three reasons: It

    omits vital information (who


    ), can lead to usage errors because itrequires past participles, and can make sentences difficult to read.

    Here are a fe e!amples:

    "ochin as handcuffed and informed of his #iranda rights. $%&&I'(ho made the arrest and informed "ochin of his rights*)

    I handcuffed "ochin and informed him of his #iranda rights.%"+I'

    +hree open bottles of beer ere seen on the front seat. $%&&I'

    (ho sa them*)fficer -enney sa three open bottles of beer on the front seat.%"+I'

    ote: ot every is, are, wasor weresentence is passive.

    /oster as heading for the back door hen 0eonid stopped him.%"+I'

    0ayton is in charge of the pro1ect. %"+I'

    hile e ere questioning "olon, his ife as crying. %"+I'

    Instructions: $ut a check 2 if a sentence is active voice, and an 3 if thesentence is passive voice. You can check your ansers athttp:44.scribd.com4doc45657897;4$assive

  • 8/12/2019 Quiz Passive Voice


    announced his decision.

    >>>>C. #ayor 0ongan is aiting to talk to you.

    >>>>. Aecause temperatures are falling, shelters e!pect a busy night.

    >>>>6;. Homeoners are being told to take e!tra precautions tonight.