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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

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Page 2: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

What are the priorities of Youth in Action Programme?

a) Cultural diversityb) Fight anti-discriminationc) Involvement of people with

opportunitiesd) European Union citizenshipe) All of those

Page 3: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• YiA seeks to fight discrimination and promote cultural diversity

• To encourage involvement of young people with fewer opportunities

• To promote European citizenship also beyond EU borders

• Answer: a)

Page 4: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

To Which action ngo’s from rural areas can’t apply?

a) Action 3b) Action 2c) Action 1d) Action 5e) All are available

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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• Without any exceptions young people from rural areas can participate in Youth Exchanges, Youth initiatives or EVS (Action 1 and 2)

• also make projects with other than programme countries (Action 3)

• But Action 5 is dedicated for Trans-Institutional cooperation and NGO’s can’t apply to it

• Answer: d)

Page 6: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

When can you start your project (if approved)?

a) Whenever after it is approved by NA

b) 3 months after deadline c) 5 months after deadlined) Before 31st December of each year

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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• There is general rule of starting activities at least three months after the deadline, that you applied

• Answer: b)

• When would you recommend to start?

Page 8: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

Which project of youth exchange can be realized?

a) Bulgaria (appl.) + Belarusb) Norway (appl.) + Ukrainec) France (appl.) + Egypt + Turkey

+ Albania

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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• There should be at least one partner from EU country in the Youth Exchange

• It’s not recommended to mix partners from different neighbouring regions

• Answer: a)

Page 10: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

Which Youth exchange project can be supported?

a) Concert tour of young professional musicians, 4 partners, 20-25 year old.

b) 10 days for creating new mixed culture, in EU, bilateral, 13-15 year old.

c) E-conference of youth interested in art projects, local, 25 – 30 year old

d) None of them

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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• No requirement for special/professional skills

• Should be international (at least 2 countries)

• Should involve activities for exchanging points of view, exploring cultures

• Most probably, answer b)

Page 12: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

Which of those statements about A1.2-Youth Initiatives is


a) Youth Initiative group could have coach only if they’re younger than 18;

b) Youth Initiatives should be implemented in programme countries only

c) There should be partners from at least 2 countries in Transnational youth initiatives (at least one – from EU)

Page 13: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• Any Group, organising Youth initiative project can have a coach

• But if your group members are younger than 18 – having the coach is obligatory

• Answer: a)

• Who is a coach?

Page 14: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

Who should apply for the grant for the EVS project

between 2 countries?a) Sending organisation for sending

costs and Hosting organisation – for Hosting costs

b) Only Sending organisationc) Only Hosting organisationd) One organisation - Doesn’t matter

which one

Page 15: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• Any of those two organisation can apply for all costs. This organisations gets status of coordinating organisation

• New principle: One project-One application-One grant

• Answer: d)

Page 16: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

What is minimal duration of long-term EVS activity?

a) 1 monthb) 4 monthsc) 2 monthsd) 6 months

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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• Long – term EVS activity (not the whole project) is from 2 to 12 months

• Answer: c)

• How long would you recommend to stay for EVS in other country?

Page 18: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

Which one of those presented bellow is the most important

criteria for approving the project?

a) Huge experience in international youth work

b) Participants are from disadvantaged areas

c) Low costs in the budgetd) Deep belief in idea of European


Page 19: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• Experience is not needed (maybe except some training activities)

• Budget is based mainly on fixed amounts

• European Citizenship is the concept that should be critically explored and experienced by young people. Initial belief is not needed

• There’s general priority to support projects involving people from less advantaged areas

• Answer: b)

Page 20: Quiz in Action

SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

How old should be a person willing to bring an

application to NA of Youth in Action Programme?

a) 13 till 25b) depends on actionc) 18 and mored) non of above

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SALTO Inclusion, TC Rural, 28.04-04.05.2007, Kemer, Turkey

• No limits for bringing application to NA

• Answer d)