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Science Quiz Competition

BySachin Narwadiya

Scientist CVigyan Prasar

[email protected]

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Round I

GeneralTerms and conditions

• Each team will get two questions with multiple choice.• If unanswered, question will not PASS ON to next team.• Each question will have 10 points.• Answer time is 10 second.

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Team A:What is the periderm of a plant also

known as ?

a) roots

b) stem

c) bark

d) leaves

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Which scientist discovered neutron?

a) James Chandwick

b) John Dalton

c) Rutherford

d) J.J.Thomson

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How many moons did Venus have?

a) 3

d) 2

b) 0

c) 1

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The sum of proton and neutrons present in the nucleus of any atom is called as____________

a) Avogadro's Number

b) Mass Number

c) Atomic Number

d) Valency

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Which disease is not caused by a virus?

a) Rabies

b) Small pox

c) Measles

d) gonorrhoea

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In which solution gold is soluble?

a) In Aqua-ragia

b) In acids

c) In alkalis

d) In silver nitrite

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The metal that is present in Photo Films is

a) Mercury

b) Platinum

c) Magnesium

d) Silver

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An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating devices is —

a) Nichrome

d) German Silver

b) Solder

c) Alloy steel

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Limes became part of the British Royal Navy's diet in an attempt to prevent what?

a) Influenza

d) Rickets

b) Scurvy

c) Melanomas

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Hygrometer is an instrument used to measure_________

a) Rainfall

b) Humidity

c) Snow fall

d) Heat

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From 21st march to 23rd September ______hemisphere of Earth closer to Sun

a) Northern

b) Eastern

c) Western

d) Southern

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Which gas is filled in packet-packed snacks like potato chips?

a) Nitrogen

b) Oxygen

c) Neon

d) Carbon dioxide

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Audience Questions

1. Rheumatism affects which part of the body?

2. Oxides of non metals are _______ in nature

3. DOTs treatment is related to which disease?

4. Rickets disease caused due to lack of ____Vitamin.

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Round II

Terms and conditions• Each team will get two questions with 10 point to

each question.• If unanswered, question will PASS ON to next team

carrying 5 bonus point.• Answer time is 30 seconds.

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What is the biggest planet in our solar system?


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Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of


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What is 0 degrees Celsius on the Fahrenheit scale?


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Phenolphthalein and methyl orange are used as…………


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The functional unit of kidney is…..


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What is the name of the closest star to the earth?


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An acid which is called as king of chemicals…………………..

Sulphuric acid

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The element common to all acids is


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Non stick cooking utensils are coated with____________


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The primary mode of heat transfer in fluids is called as…..


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The molten rock that comes from a volcano after it has erupted is known as what?


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Audience Questions • What is unit of illumination?

• Which is the hottest planet in solar system?

• Speed of wind is measured by instrument called as………

• The year 2015 celebrated as the international year of………….

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Round IV

Photo Identification Round

Terms and conditions • Each team will get one question• Picture of Sceintist will be shown on the screen. • If identified without any clue then 10 points will be

awarded.• 2 points for each clue will be deducted for next four clues.• If unanswered, question WILL NOT pass on to next team.

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1. Indian geneticist and international administrator, renowned for his leading role in India's Green Revolution

4. In 1999, Time magazine placed him in the 'Time 20' list of most influential Asian people of the 20th century

2. He is known as "Indian Father of Green Revolution"

3. He served as Director General of the International Rice Research Institute (1982–88)

Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan

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1. He was a great mathematician and astronomical scientist

2. He worked on the approximation for pi , and may have come to the conclusion that is irrational


3He discussed the concept of sine in his work by the name of ardha-jya, which literally means "half-chord".

4. His system of astronomy was called the audAyaka system.

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2 He was born in Raipur, British India (today Tehsil Kabirwala, Punjab, Pakistan)

4. He was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 1978

1. He was an Indian-American biochemist who shared the 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W. Holley

3. He and his team had established that the mother of all codes, the biological language common to all living organisms, is spelled out in three-letter words: each set of three nucleotides codes for a specific amino acid

Har Gobind Khorana

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Jagadish Chandra Bose

He was a Bengali polymath, physicist, biologist, botanist, archaeologist, as well as an early writer of science fiction

He pioneered the investigation of radio and microwave optics

He made a number of pioneering discoveries in plant physiology

He used his own invention, the crescograph, to measure plant response to various stimuli

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Yellapragada Subbarow

After earning a diploma from the Harvard Medical School he joined Harvard as a junior faculty member.

His colleague, George Hitchings, who shared the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Gertrude Elion

Most of his career spend in USA

He is a Indian Biochemist discovered function of ATP as energy molecule

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Salim Ali

Eha's Common birds of Bombay, encouraged him to make a collection of birds and offered to train him in skinning and preservation

He was introduced to the serious study of birds by W. S. Millard, secretary of the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)

He was a famous bird watcher-Ornithologist

He was born into a Sulaimani Bohra Muslim family of Bombay

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• Each team will be asked continuous questions for 1 minute or maximum eight question.

• Answer should be given in True or False.• Each question will carry 5 points.

Terms and conditions

Round V

Science in General

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01. Lipids in diet are mainly triacylglycerols.

2. Tetraethyl lead is used as petrol additive3. 0.85% NaCl is the concentration in Normal Saline

04. 40g NaOH in 1 Litre water constitutes 1 Molar solution.

05. Proteins are polypeptides.

06. Radium has atomic number 88

07. Inner transition series in periodic table is called as lanthenide series

08. Buffer resists change in pH

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09.Solutions having pH more than 7 are acids.10. Chlofluorocarbon can deplete ozone layer11. RBCs formed in bone marrow12. Washing soda is sodium carbonate13. 36km/hr can also expressed as 10m/s

14. DDT, Aldrin, Chlordan are pesticides

15. Grass rich in cellulose

16. Frogs have 3 chambered heart.

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17. Crescograph is the instrument that measures the growth of plants

18. Kossel and Lewis in 1916 developed electron theory of chemical bonding.

21. Proton acceptor is an acid

22. Common salt is NaCl

23. Lime water turns blue when carbon dioxide passed through it.

24. Formation of gas bubbles is a chemical change.

19. Iodine acts on starch to give blue colour

20. Hyaluronic acid present in synovial fluid.

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25. RBCs swells in isotonic solutions.

26.Skin is longest organ of human body.

27. Cancer is contagious disease

28. Ductility is property of metals

29. Electrons are larger than molecules

30. The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth

31. The chemical make up food often changes when you cook it.

32. Sharks are mammals.

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34 . A t om s a r e m os t s t a b l e whe n t he i r ou t e r she l l s a r e fu l l35 . F i l t r a t i on s epa r a t e s m i x t u r e s ba s e d upon t he i r pa r t i c l e s i z e

36 . Venus i s t he c l o s e s t p l a ne t t o t he Sun

37 . Conduc t o r s ha ve l ow r e s i s t a nc e .

38 . M o l e c u l e s ca n ha ve a t om s f rom m ore t ha n on e c he m i c a l e l e m e n t .

39 . Wa t e r i s a n e xa m pl e o f a c he m i c a l e l e m e n t .

40 . T he s t udy o f b i r d s i s known a s o r n i t ho l ogy

33 . T he hum a n body ha s fou r l ungs

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41 . M oun t K i l i m a n j a ro i s t he t a l l e s t m oun t a i n i n t he wor l d

42 . F l oa t a t i on s e pa r a t e s m i x t u r e s ba s e d on de ns i t y

43 . Her b i vo r e s e a t m ea t .

44 . A t om i c bom bs wor k by a t om i c f i s s i on

45 . M o l e c u l e s a r e c he m i c a l l y bonde d

46 . Sp i d e r s have s i x l e g s

47 . Ke l v i n i s a m ea s u re o f t e m pe ra t u r e

48 . T he hum a n sk e l e t on i s m a de up o f l e s s t ha n 100 bone s