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These images are of different swords I have researched on the internet, I found these pictures on Google images and traced the outline on to my paper and added my own design to it. The style of the swords are very different they fit my game design because there very mysterious and not like any other original sword.

I interviewed members of my class and asked them which two swords out of the six were the best that would fit my game and I could use they chose the two in the last slide. These are two very different swords one looks like a short sword and the other a Arabian curved blade . These swords are relevant to my game because my character that I created is a treasure hunter and has travelled the world and on his way collected many antique items such as the swords in the picture.

I decided to draw two different pictures of the same environment. One picture shows a large temple and the other shows the entrance of the temple my game is set in the jungle where my main character has to come across obstacles along his way.

My image research has influenced my games design because I looked at different themes such as cel-shaded and photorealism and chose which one would fit my adventure game and then I designed my objects around this style. I realise that Cel-shading is used in some adventure games and Japanese RPG and that there are many cel-shaded games nowadays.