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Question 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

For my title I chose this name because it had a tone of effect to it as the word ‘Echo’ is bold and is loud in a sense that an echo sound is usually loud so people can here it clearly. The reason I chose this colour for my mast head is because the colour white stands out if its among other music magazine, I used the repetition of the word ‘echo’ for effect, I also thought it would be unique. A meaning of ringing, noise and sound. Compared to a real magazine (‘NME’) I think I’ve been original by using repetition but I’ve also kept it simple in comparison to a real magazine.

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Whereas ‘NME’s title (mast head) in the left hand side. The colour scheme is red with a white and black border, this makes it stand out more than ‘echo’ because they’ve included a border. Compared with’ Echo’ it stands out more in terms of colour however ‘Echo’ does have the different font sizes showing a pattern of echoing.

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The facial expression for ‘Echo’ is bold in the sense that her mouth and the

way her eyes seem to be straining the expression goes well with the masthead, because it does look like she is screaming very loud and that people would hear her from far, this would be like an echoing effect. Whereas a real magazine such as ‘NME’ the expression on his face goes very well with the cover heading its calm also the clothing he is wearing adds the chilled look to him, as his sitting on a sofa just having a drink. In comparison to ‘Echo’ it’s more targeted to my audience the clothing she is wearing is urban and her expression would capture the teenagers and young adults as they would see that she looks as if she’s screaming and they would want to pick the magazine up and read the cover headings. Also the music magazine ‘Echo’ doesn’t have props , whereas ‘NME’ the artist has props such as a hat, a table with a drink on top also the hat. Which is setting a theme of relaxation and his facial expression showing a release of stress this could relate to the cover heading “It’s completely different to anything else I’ve done”.

The make up for the ‘NME’ artist is faded, as you cannot even tell he is wearing any make up, whereas the cover for ‘Echo’ the artist is wearing mascara, this is to make her eyes stand out and for her not to look tired.

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When I was asking my solo artist questions, I asked how the artist started her music career, I also asked about her past lifestyle also what she has to offer in the future. These are the type of question my readers would want to read about, as they would want to know the inside information about a popular artist. In comparison to a real magazine I think I have stuck to the conventions. Of having gossip in my cover lines to get the audiences attention also in my double page I have spoken about subjects readers would want to read about for example how it wasn’t easy for the solo artist to be where she is now. The language used is formal and informal as my target audience are teenagers and young adults, therefore I didn't have to make it complex English.

In my content page I have added a editors not and I've also added a note in the double page spread. I think this adds a respectful element to the magazine.

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My music genre is hip pop/ R&B, My solo artist C.B.W made a big hit from her song ‘Nobody to a somebody’ this song would be hip pop . This would appeal to my audience because the solo artist would be performing at festivals and arena’s, this is what appeals to my audience performances. I used a solo artist so that I could focus on an individual person. Overall I enjoyed working with Courtney (C.B.W)

Instruments to capture the side of teens who enjoy playing instrument's. This would mean having a bigger audience to buy my music magazine.

I used the colours white, red and black throughout .In my front cover, content page and double page spread I used this colour scheme this was to make it consistent. I have tried to keep my house style consistent also. I made sure the solo artist was wearing clothing which would match my theme . For my images I didn't edit them a lot, I just made sure the lighting was bright enough.

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For my front cover I have chosen a colour scheme of black, white and red. I have placed the date on the top left hand side and the price on the top right side, I’ve have structured it this was so that if the magazine was put among other magazine in a store, customers would be able to see the price clearly without picking it up. I’ve priced it as ‘£1.50’ so that my audience would be able to afford it, as it is a weekly magazine. I have placed my cover lines on the left side also on the right side. I have put the main cover heading in the middle ‘C.B.W Exclusive interview with Britain's top solo artist’ . I have used a bold font to show the audience that it is the main story of the week. If I were to change my front cover I would want to add one or two standfirsts. The image for my front cover is focused on her

face and facial expression, so I made sure that it was in the centre of my music magazine. I decided not to have any other images surroundings my main image. This is because I wanted the focus to be on this one image of the artist. Then my cover lines to also attract my audience.

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Font: Rockwell Extra Bold, size 22

Pristina Bold and italic ,size 24 to give it a professional look , also highlighting that it is a top story.

For the puff I used Stencil bold, size 22. This is to capture the audiences attention.

For the main centre cover lines I used the font: Gill San ultra bold, size 18 for it to stand out as it is my main story.

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For my content page I have gone for the same effect as my front cover by writing ‘Echo’ twice to show repetition. I would have liked to write ‘Echo’ three times but space was limited and I still wanted ‘ Echo’ to be a good font size so it’s bold. Underneath the title‘ Echo’ I have added the heading ‘Weekly’ and I have placed the date of when the magazine is published , this is to make it clear to the audience that it is a weekly music magazine and I have placed the date there in a bigger font as the date on the font cover is small. I have put my page numbers on the images to make it easier for reader to find what they want to read and I have put sub headings for each image to inform the audience also to make it clear what they’ll be reading about. I have put images on both sides of my content page, this is to make it equal, I dint want to have images all on one side of the page. I have split my magazine into sections ‘Top News’ ‘Dates’ and ‘Other features’ , this is to give my audience a choice of what they would want to read first. I have added a little section under the date ‘Music reviews’ I added this to give it a professional feel. My content page would apply to my audience well, as the story lines that I have added would appeal to my audience. As there is a lot of gossip and music related information. For example teens and young adults like to go to festivals, therefore It would appeal to my audience.

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The ‘NME’ content page is clear and has a clean look to it. ‘NME’ is a weekly music magazine, this is where I got the idea of having my music magazine as a weekly one. In addition the ‘NME’ content page have the title ‘Indie this week’ showing that it is weekly, they also have the date below this. Whereas my content page the date is enlarged. This content page has got the page numbers beside the image, this makes it clear for the reader. In comparisons to my content page it does have similarities. It seems that they have put the main issue in the centre as the image size is bigger than the ones surrounding it. Also the font and style is different. They’ve also got a column on the left side with a list of some more page numbers.