Download - Questionnaire on dealers sataisafaction towards pipes


QuestionnairePersonal details:Name:Address:

1. You are in the business since.a) 0-1 Years b) 1-2 Years c) 2-5 Years d) 5-10 Years e) > 10 years

2. Selling XYZ Pipes froma) 0-1 Years b) 1-2 Years c) 2-5 Years d) 5-10 Years e) > 10 years

3. The factor impressed you to deal with XYZ pipes isa) Promotional Scheme b) Quality c) Margin d) Credit Policy e) Others

4. Most preferred product among XYZ Pipes isa) PVC b)Electrical Conduit c) Drip Irrigation d) Casing Pipes e)CPVCf) SWR Pipes

5. Rate the promotional activities taken up by XYZ Pipesa) Excellent b) Above average c) Average d) Below average e) Poor

6. Promotion activity you want from XYZ Pipes a) Advertisement b) Dealers Meet c) Better credit terms d) Public Relations e) Others

7. Your opinion about the margin provided by XYZ Pipes is a) Excellent b) Above average c) Average d) Below average e) Poor

8. Compared to other brand the price of XYZ Pipes isa) Very High b) High c) Average d) Low e) Very Low

9. Sales of other brand when compared to XYZ Pipes isa) Very High b) High c) Average d) Low e) Very Low

10. Rate the quality of XYZ Pipesa) Excellent b) Above average c) Average d) Below average e) Poor

11. Satisfaction with the interaction of sales representative.a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Average d) Dissatisfied e) Highly Dissatisfied

12. Satisfaction towards company marginsa) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Average d) Dissatisfied e) Highly Dissatisfied

13. Supply of XYZ Pipes isa) According to Demandb) More than Demandc) Less than Demand

14. Satisfaction towards the supply of XYZ Pipesa) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Average d) Dissatisfied b) e) Highly Dissatisfied

15. Satisfaction towards after sales servicea) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Average d) Dissatisfied b) e) Highly Dissatisfied

16. Overall opinion about XYZ Pipesa) Excellent b) Above average c) Average d) Below average e) Poor
