Download - Question Seven-- Evaluation

Page 1: Question Seven-- Evaluation

If you compare these two front covers which I have created, you will notice that there are a vast number of differences between them and there is a lot of improvement. For instance the front cover which I created at the beginning of the year (the cover on the left) I used very minimal Photoshop skills and followed very few magazine conventions. For instance I did not follow any sub-line conventions, I simply just used different fonts and colours to make them stand out instead of using a specific order. However in the latter cover I researched different magazines to find common conventions to make my magazine look more professional. I also used more elements of Photoshop to get my magazine to the highest possible standard.

Page 2: Question Seven-- Evaluation

When creating my music magazine contents page I was more aware of the Photoshop tools and how to use them. For example in my school magazine you are not able to see very many Photoshop skills. There is only the bare minimum such different colour fonts and different shape sizes for the images. On my music magazine page, one is able to see that I have coordinated my images and my texted so that the page is in order. Although I have used less pictures on my music magazine contents page, I think they appear to be more interesting and professional.

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Time Management

I finished my whole magazine and a lot of other work before the deadline , this clearly shows that I am very persistent and organized my time well. However I did spend most of my time on my double page spread. This was because I felt that, that was the most important page of the magazine; it had to have a lot of information and catch the eye of the reader. Not only this but the double page spread gives you a chance to display your type of genre to your audience and represent your artist.

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• I tried to be as organized as I could be when creating my magazine. For example I was fully prepared with props and costumes for the artist when taking the photographs for my magazine. I also knew what kind of shots that I wanted In my magazine, which made the process easier and quicker. I was not as well organized in my preliminary task; I did not have any props or a plan of what I wanted my magazine to look like. Making this mistake made me more organized when creating my music magazine.

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• For my music magazine I gathered many different type of music magazines to help me decide which conventions I could use and which ones I wanted to challenge. I used magazines such as, ‘Rolling Stones’ which was my main inspiration; I liked the simplicity of it – simple but effective. However I did include what my idea of good magazine would be and how it would look.

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• The drafts that I crated to help me get an idea of what my music magazine would look like, I thought, we very unrealistic and did not help me at all. This was because it is easier and less time consuming to draw a rough plan of something than it is to create and edit it on Photoshop. As well as this as when you start to create your magazine, you come up with different Ideas and different elements for magazine which go against the draft that you created.