Download - Question 7

  1. 1. Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  2. 2. the preliminary task Before Recording I did not know how to use a camera properly to get effective and professional looking footage. Furthermore, I didnt know much about producing and creating a film. I didnt know about how much planning went into it and how to shot the scenes effectively or use effective music. However after working on the preliminary task I had a small understanding of how much planning went into films because we had to plan all of the different types of shots, what we were going to do and what we were going to say. We spent quite a lot of time planning the short video for the preliminary task so I knew that we would have to spend quite a lot of our time planning the final product (an opening sequence for our own film). Although we did have a brief which we wouldnt when making our own film so the preliminary task was a little bit easier.
  3. 3. Planning of the Preliminary Task
  4. 4. the Preliminary Task After Recording After completing the preliminary task I had a better understanding of camera shots and a brief idea of how to plan for a short film. In the preliminary task we had to include shot reverse shot, match on action and keep to the 180 rule. As we had to complete these in the preliminary task (because it was in the brief) I was able to get a better idea of how to complete these and how to use them effectively therefore I was able to use these skills in the actual final product (the opening sequence of our own film). Also I was able to understand how to plan short scenes and what we needed to do and how to actually film the scenes.
  5. 5. Camera shots Shot reverse shot 180 Rule Match On Action
  6. 6. Preliminary Task & final product From the preliminary task I was able to see and understand how much planning we had to do for such a short film however we knew that for the final product we would have to do a lot more planning and we would have to look into extra things that we didnt have to look into for the preliminary task such as distribution companies. Although we were able to get a brief understanding of the sort of planning that goes into planning the scenes and how/what to record. When it came to planning for our final product after we had done some basic research and analysing other films, I had a brief idea on what we needed to plan for out opening sequence. For example I knew we needed to make up a film which we could make the opening sequence for and then I took the knowledge which I had gained from the preliminary tasks and thought about how we could film the scenes such as the shot types (i.e. shot reverse shot) and how to include them while making sure they are used effectively.
  7. 7. Making use of digital technologies For the preliminary we used a basic digital camcorder. By using the camcorder we were able to understand how we could record the scenes and how to do it so it looks effective and professionally. We were able to get an understanding of how the camcorder works and how we could shoot different scenes using it. As a result when it came to filming our final product we used the same type of camcorder so we knew how to use it and how to film thing productively. In addition after recording all of the scenes for the preliminary task, we used Adobe Premier to edit the scenes together as we had recording them in short shots. Due to this I was able to get a good understanding of how to use the software and know what could be done on it so when it came to editing the final product I had the basic knowledge from the preliminary task of how to use Adobe Premier.