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Question 4

Who would be the audience for your product?

Our film is primarily aimed towards females of all ages, although it is to be mainly 35+ years old and they would be of a C2 rating in the social class. We have chosen this audience because the research in which we have conducted show that females within this age range enjoy watching both horrors and thriller/suspense movies. We thought that if we aimed the movie at this audience it would get a lot of views because they like watching these types of movies. Within our research we used the UK Film Council stats and also Box Office data to help us establish the best and most popular audience for our chosen genre. These websites allowed us to determine the age; gender and social class of both are primary target audience and our secondary target audience, which are men of the age of 35+ with a C2 rating for social class. The rating for our film is a 15 because there are certain aspects that might not be appropriate for young children, such as some aspects of supernatural, which could easily frighten children also there is a bit of violence which is not appropriate for the younger generation. The classification of our film does help determine the genre because firstly it proves that it is appropriate for children to be watching because of the way some of the content is presented. Our film is more likely to be released in a big multiplex cinema, firstly because the genre horror is one of the most popular genres out there meaning that a lot of people visit the cinema to watch them. This movie will best played in a mainstream cinema, because it has a mainstream target audience and that is where the movie will get most views and will be most profitable.

Profile – Target Audience


Alice enjoys a variety of different styles of music. Firstly she enjoys listening to U2, this is probably because of the influence of her parents who also listen to U2. She also likes music that is currently in the charts, such as Ariana Grande. In films Alice enjoys the very upbeat music, this is not style of music we are wanting because it will not fit in with a horror very well. Alice dislikes heavy metal music because it is too loud and it “gives her a head ache”.


Her favourite TV show is at the moment ‘Pretty Little Liars’ because she likes shows to do with girls and also it makes her think about who has

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done what during the programme, she basically likes mysterious TV shows. She also enjoys watching the 'Walking Dead' because she enjoys the thrill of the zombies. On the other hand she is not keen on reality TV shows such as X Factor because it is the same every year and it get really boring and predictable. This information is helpful for use because it allows use to understand that her age group enjoy watching mysterious TV shows which makes them think.


One of Alice’s favourite movies is ‘The Hobbit’, because she like watching movies that are filled with action and also she like to use her imagination in make believe movies. Other movies that she likes are ‘War Horse’ and ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’. She likes these movies because they are to do with World Wars and she is fascinated in that topic. Alice’s favourite horror film is ‘The Women in Black’ because she likes the jumpy feeling and also the reaction in which other people have when they watch the movie. Alice really likes the story line for this movie because she said it is full of enigma and tension which makes her want to carry one watching the movie. Alice does not like horror movies that contain a large amount of blood because she doesn’t like bloody all that much along with her friends. This information was useful to me because I found out what her age group enjoy in horror movies and what they dislike about horror movies, which allows use to make some key decisions when storyboarding.

Social Media

Alice does not use a large amount of social media due to her age, but she does use Instagram and Youtube because she is very nosy and she is very interested in what other people are doing, she likes to keep up to date. The Youtuber she enjoys watching is Zoella, who does a lot of vlogging, in the vlogs she talks about a lot of Alice’s interests, such as shopping, clothes and makeup (Girly Stuff)

Other Interests

Alice has a lot of other interests, such as shopping, makeup and fashion, because she is curious of her appearance, she likes to fit in and keep up with what her friends are doing. Other interests she has are sports; she

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enjoys to run a lot and likes to play Netball because she likes to keep fit and is self-aware of her body image.

In conclusion I don’t believe that Alice’s information was particularly useful to our group because firstly she did not enjoy horrors and all of her interests are different to anything that would be linked with a horror movie.