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Question 2 – How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary


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The combination of the main media music video and the ancillary texts is very effective as they work very well together, there are clear similarities between the two different areas, the first being the consistent house style that can be seen throughout all of my media products such as the music poster and the Digipak. This house style matches the overall tone of the video as in the editing process we added an effect that makes the shots high in contrast to show that it is in a dream state, the same technique is used on the artist on both ancillary products.

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The character placement used on the ancillary products is similar to that of a real music artist; the medium close up allows the audience to see the characters emotion, and the lack of direct address not only matches the video but it also is common on album covers in the pop genre, medium close-ups are also frequently used throughout the music video. On the ancillary products the artist matches the protagonist on the music video, this is a convention of most music videos and Digipaks as the music video usually focuses around the artist.

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The draft design of the ancillary products allowed me to find out who my artist who will appear on the front should be; I came to the conclusion by following conventions as well as Neale’s mental machinery as the audience have reacted well to the artist being in the music video. In terms of mise en scene, the high key lighting is similar on both the music video and the ancillary products to make the artist stand out from the other characters, or the background, the overall blue tone to the ancillary products matches the theme that I tried to create in the music video which was the sense of being pure and nice, which is expected from a predominantly pop artist. I believe that the combinations of the different media texts are very effective when it comes to creating a certain feeling as well as following the pop genre.