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Question 2-Camerawork-Front cover

On the posters on my front cover I have used a low angle on one of the pictures. This represents the people in the picture to be seen as strong and powerful, this is done because of how the camera is pointing up to them so they are above the camera lens. The other poster is a sort of eye line view of the two band members just sitting down. This represents them as quite normal and completely different to the other image of them.

The biggest image on the front cover is again a normal eye line image. This is conventional because when I was doing my research into Kerrang and Metal hammer magazines most of the main images on the front cover were just normal mid-shots and an eye line view, there was no high or low angles used. This mid-shot helps the reader to see all of the costume that the person is wearing and also to see the facial expressions clearer. The neutral, expressionless face is conventional for the genre of magazine because all of the images in the Kerrang magazines are very stern and neutral, and this is

conventional because it isn’t a pop magazine and they aren’t supposed to be happy and smiling.

Question 2-mise-en-scene-Front cover

The mis-en-scene used on the main image on my front cover is an all-black outfit that consists of a black jumper and black jeans. This is conventional and represents the person as a conventional rock musician because stereotypically they are always seen to be wearing all black all the time. Also the make-up used is a black lipstick, which. Also I have got a nose ring and an ear stretcher these are conventional and represent me as edgy like rock musicians are stereotyped as and black also signifies death.

On the first poster on the right of my magazine the mis-en-scene used is two band t-shirts and they are both wearing black jeans with black boots and vans. Like the main image these are represented as a stereotype of rock musicians because they are always ‘seen’ to be wearing all black or band t-shirts.

Question 2-Colour-Front cover

The colour scheme used all throughout my magazine is red, oranges and blacks. These are all conventional colours for a rock/metal magazine because when I did my questionnaire for my target audience about what colours they would most likely to see the answers I got were: reds, purples, blacks and orange. The colour red connotes danger, which is conventional for my magazine. The colours help to represent the people in my magazine as

Question 2-language-Front cover

Question 5-Audience appeal

Page 2: Question 2

There isn’t much text used on the front cover apart from the pull quotes. The language used is quite conventional because they use words like: comeback single, comeback tour, the maiden boys are back and what’s your favourite rockstar got to hide. These are all conventional because they relate to the psychographics I found out about in my questionnaire, like concerts and music in general.

Question 2-Typography-Front cover

The masthead is in the biggest font on the front cover, and is in white to contrast on the white background so that it stands out more. Also I have used the masthead on every single one of my pages on my magazine to create a brand identity. The typography used all throughout the magazine is sans serif. This is conventional because the bold fonts connote masculinity and is conventional for my male leaning audience. These sans serif fonts represents masculinity.

Question 2-Camerawork-content page

The camera angles used both of the images of the people are normal shots. The last image is one from a festival that I went to, this is quite a long shot and isn’t close up, this is to show the ‘vibes’ that festivals/concerts give off. Also having this image on my content page is relating to my targets hobbies.

Question 2-mise-en-scene-content page

The mis-en-scene is mostly the same as my front cover. They are both wearing dark clothing and the male has longer hair and pushed over his face which represents him as a stereotype of a rock musician. Also the female has a dark eye shadow, which is conventional and also she has ear stretchers and a brightly coloured hair which fits in with the stereotype of woman rock musicians.

Question 2-Colour-content page

The colours used are like the colours in Kerrang’s magazine and I knew that these where conventional because when asking my audience about what they thought would look the best the main answers were reds, blacks and a bit of a colour to contrast with the dark to make them stand out

and to do this I used yellow. All of the colours are conventional for my genre because they are dark colours.

Question 2-language-content page

The language used in the message from the editor is conventional for my genre of magazine, I know this because when writing this I looked at 3 different Kerrang’s message from the editor and all of the started with something about the magazine being really epic and because it is aimed more for males I used the word ‘kick-ass’. Also I made the message quite chatty as I used fillers like ‘um’ and ‘y’know’ to make it sound more like a personal chat with the reader.

Page 3: Question 2

Like the front cover I did some research into Kerrang and Metal hammer to see what stories they use in their content pages. The main one I looked into was Kerrang and this is where I got the ideas for the different sections. The language used in these are conventional because they link in with their psychographics, such as: Concert and CD reviews to articles about the artist’s lives.

Question 2-Typography-Content page

The hand written name from the editor is conventional because it makes the magazine a bit more personal for the readers and represents the editor as a kind person because she is having time to ‘sign’ these magazines.

All of the typography apart from the hand written part is sans serif. This represents the magazine to be very masculine and fits in the with the male niche audience.

Question 2-Camerawork-DPS

The image is an eye line shot, this is to show there firm faces and helps them to be represented as moody and emotionless. Also the image is a long shot, this is so all of the mis-en-scene used can be clearly seen by the readers.

Question 2-mise-en-scene-DPS

The mis-en-scene used on my double page spread is mostly the same as my front cover and content page. Three of the people are wearing all black, which is conventional. The fourth person is wearing a denim jacket a dark green top, this is conventional because when looking at Kerrang’s double page spreads I found out that the drummer is always put to the back of the group but mostly, not all the time, wears different things to the other band members. Also the male is wearing a bandana over the top of his head, is conventional as it stereotypical for a rock musician and it also signifies rebellion. There was instruments used in the image, this is to show which band member plays which instrument.

Question 2-Colour- DPS

The colours, again, are the same as the front cover and content page. These are also conventional because the colour red connotes danger and black connotes death, which relates to my target audience because it is a rock genre. Also because I have used the same three colours all throughout my 3 pieces from my magazine is sort of creates a brand identity as well as the masthead on every page.

Question 2-language- DPS

The language of the article is conventional because it uses some swear workd in the article and this is what ‘rock people’ are stereotypically seen to talk like. Also with the sad words and talking about there past it grips the reader in and also talking about their past lives are conventional, I know this because of my research into Kerrang’s double page spread. Also with the sad words it relates to the main image of them being moody and being stern. In the article there is some jokes put into the article this is for audience pleasure and so everything isn’t all sad.

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Question 2-Typography- DPS

The typography is basically the same as everything on my magazine, which is sans serif, this is conventional because it connotes masculinity and relates to my niche male target audience. Also the massive letters at the start of 2 paragraphs called, Kicker. These are conventional because when I did my research it was on every single double page spread that I looked at, and also it makes the article look more fun and also by putting the letters in the colour red in relates to the target audience.