Download - Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

Page 1: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

One Vision Council Plan 2013-2017

Quarterly Performance Report QUARTER 1: JULY – SEPTEMBER 2015 2015/16

TRIM 15/137677

Page 2: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

Kingston City Council Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report

9 November 2015 Page 2 of 70

How to Read this Performance Report

This report provides a quarterly update to Council and the Community on our progress towards delivering the Council Plan and is provided on a year to date basis. The information is based on the assessment of performance in four key areas: Actions, Success Indicators,Operating Budget and Capital Works Budget .

Performance Summaries

The report begins with two performance summaries.

1. Outcome Performance Summary (Page 3) summarises performance by Council Plan goals and outcomes.

2. Program Performance Summary (Page 5) summarises performance by program area.

The traffic lights in each summary indicate the level of actions progress, success indicators performance and financial performance for operating budget and capital works items as per the table below.



Action Performance

Success Indicator


Budget Performance


Capital Project Budget


At least 80% of action targets achieved

90% or more of indexed success indicators meeting or exceeding targets

Operational financial performance within year to date budget

Capital project expenditure within annual budget

Between 70% and 80% of action targets achieved

70% or more of indexed success indicators meeting or exceeding targets

Unfavourable variance from year to date budget of $0 to $100,000

Unfavourable variance to annual budget of $0 to $100,000

Less than 70% of action targets achieved

Less than 70% of indexed success indicators meeting targets

Unfavourable variance from year to date budget greater than $100,000

Unfavourable variance to annual budget of $0 to $100,000

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Program Area Performance

Detailed information from each of Council's program areas follows these summaries. There is a description of each program area, followed by Program Performance summary indicators as described in the table below.

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance

At least 80% of action targets achieved

90% or more of indexed success indicators meeting or exceeding targets

Financial performance within year to date operational budget

Capital project expenditure within annual budget

Between 70% and 80% of action targets achieved

70% or more of indexed success indicators meeting or exceeding targets

Unfavourable variance from year to date budget of $0 to $100,000

Unfavourable variance to annual budget of $0 to $100,000

Less than 70% of action targets achieved

Less than 70% of indexed success indicators meeting targets

Unfavourable variance from year to date budget greater than $100,000

Unfavourable variance to annual budget greater than $100,000

Individual Action Performance

Each program area reports on actions including ongoing service delivery and project actions and for each action there is an indicator and Gantt chart to compare actual progress to expected progress as well as comments from the responsible officer.

100% Complete On track, at least 80% of target achieved

70% to 80% of target achieved Less than 70% of targets achieved

No target Set Ongoing service delivery action with associated operating budget

Individual Success Indicator Performance

The success indicators are specific to each program and provide a range of different ways to assess performance.

For Example

fewer lost time injuries is a good result for the organisation so a score under the target is better, whereas achieving greater delivery of customer requests within service standards is a positive result. Traffic lights indicate whether individual success indicators are meeting targets.

Meeting or better than expected result compared to target

Within tolerance of target set for each indicator - usually less than 10%

Outside expected target result

At the end of the reporting for each program area is a summary of financial performance. The net operating actuals are compared to year to date budget and, where applicable, capital expenditure is reported against annual budget.

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Outcome Performance












1 Facilities and assets that are well used and effectively managed

1.1 Assets are managed and used to meet the needs and provide for current and future generations

1.2 Quality community facilities that are well used and accessible (including sports and recreation, libraries and arts facilities)

1.3 Parks, playgrounds and reserves that meet community needs

1.4 A community linked through trails, tracks and pathways

2 A sustainable natural and built environment

2.1 Intergenerational land use, planning and delivery

2.2 Green wedge planned and improved for current and future generations

2.3 Leaders in foreshore management, ensuring a vibrant, accessible and enhanced foreshore

2.4 Protect and enhance areas of high natural environmental value

2.5 Adopt and implement sustainable practices

2.6 A community sense of pride in the amenity of our parks, streetscapes and public spaces

3 Healthy, strong and connected communities

3.1 Enhanced community wellbeing and participation in community life

3.2 A city responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community

3.3 Connected and effective community groups

3.4 A diverse and inclusive community

3.5 Increased participation in physical activity through sport and recreation services

4 A prosperous and dynamic city

4.1 Vibrant active urban centres

4.2 Informed, learning and connected city

4.3 A city rich with cultural vitality

4.4 Thriving, profitable and sustainable local economy

4.5 A community with functional traffic, parking and transport links

4.6 Effective enforcement of local laws and regulations

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5 An effective voice

5.1 Being the voice on community issues beyond Council authority

5.2 Representative and inclusive of diverse view and communities

5.3 Enhanced understanding of the complexity of issues impacting Council decisions and outcomes

5.4 Working together in productive and supportive partnerships

6 A well-managed and effective organisation

6.1 A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

6.2 A customer focused organisation

6.3 An organisation that demonstrates community inspired leadership

6.4 Robust and accountable business and financial processes

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Program Performance: Program










Performanc AccessCare Southern

City Development

City Strategy

Communications and Community Relations

Community and Aged Services

Community Buildings

Economic Development

Family, Youth and Children's Services

Financial Services


Information Services


Library and Education Services

Parks and Recreation

People and Culture

Procurement and Contracts

Property, Arts and Leisure Services

Statutory Education and Compliance

Traffic and Transport

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

AccessCare Southern

Description :

AccessCare Southern is funded by the Commonwealth and Victorian governments to support people who are older, have a disability and/or have other complex care needs, including those who are, or are at risk of, becoming homeless. AccessCare Southern delivers specialist case management, a wide range of brokered services and individual planning and support for these people living in the Local Government Areas of Kingston , Bayside, Glen Eira, Stonnington and Port Phillip.


Commonwealth Government

Victorian Government

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


3.1 : Enhanced community wellbeing and participation in community life

Action Start Date End Date Partner with consumers and carers to deliver person-centred services for people who are older and/or have a disability.

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

AccessCare Southern works in partnership with consumers to ensure care is person-centred and delivered in a manner that supports an individual to meet their goals. AccessCare Southern have recently updated their policies and procedures to better reflect this ethos. A workshop is planned for November with all staff to launch these new policies but also to identify other ways we can be more person-centred in the interest of continual improvement. Support people with disabilities and their families to develop individual support plans

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The Department of Human Services refers to AccessCare Southern when people in the community living with a disability require an update of their individual support package (ISP). AccessCare Southern have recently informed the Department of Human Services that we are have capacity to complete additional assessments given the recent release of new ISPs in the Southern Region.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Home Care Packages - Level 3 # 15.00 14.00 0.00

Home Care Packages - Level 2 (formerly # Community Aged Care Package Clients)

140.00 101.00 112.00

Marketing strategy to be developed in response to vacancies specifically in level 2 packages. This is an ongoing issue across the sector as components of the Commonwealth Governments reform has led to Level 1 and 2 packages not holding the same value for consumers and as such they prefer to remain using HACC services

Home Care Packages - Level 4 (formerly # Extended Aged Care at Home)

25.00 25.00 24.00

Linkages packages #

Home Care Packages - Level 1 #

280.00 10.00

284.00 258.00

7.00 6.00

Poor take up of Level 1 packages is an ongoing issue across the sector, as components of the Commonwealth Governments reform has led to Level 1 and 2 packages not holding the same value for consumers. Consumers therefore prefer to remain using HACC services.

Individual Support Packages - reviews and # assessments

4.50 8.00 38.00

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AccessCare Southern

3.2 : A city responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Work with the Department of Health and Human Services to pilot short term reablement packages toward improving the health and wellbeing of vulnerable community members

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Manager AccessCare Southern continues to work directly with the Department of Health to develop a reablement service delivery pilot in accordance with the Commonwealth Government aged care reform agenda. A draft model has been developed and currently being considered by the Department of Health before it will be presented to the Commonwealth Government.

5.4 : Working together in productive and supportive partnerships

Action Start Date End Date (I) Strengthen relationships and contribute to current and new initiatives with Councils, Primary Care Networks, and other package and service providers within the region

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

AccessCare Southern (ACS) continues to develop and build the relationships it shares with Councils and other service providers. ACS chairs the Southern Region HACC Alliance and attends the HACC/ACAS/Packaged Care Network, Local Interface Networks and the Leading Aged Service Taskforce. ACS is currently working with a consultant engaged through the HACC Alliance to build evidence to demonstrate the difficulty transitioning consumers from HACC services into Home Care Packages Work closely with health, housing and community services to support people at risk of homelessness to access safe, affordable housing and relevant community supports.

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

AccessCare Southern (ACS) has strong ties with local health, housing and community services through its Community Connection Program. ACS host a network of local providers involved in supporting people who are homeless. ACS continue to monitor the reform environment as at this point in time it is unknown how the Community Connection Program will be funded when the Commonwealth become the primary funding body for people over 65 years.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Community Connections Program: active # cases (new and existing clients)

100.00 93.00 0.00

Since July AccessCare has taken on 19 new Community Connections Program clients

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

AccessCare Southern

$418,369 $16,663 $401,706


Victorian Government

($62,612) ($11,752) ($50,860)


Commonwealth Government

$480,981 $28,415 $452,566


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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

City Development

Description :

The City Development Department is responsible for providing an integrated Development Approvals (Planning Permits) service to meet the needs of residents, ratepayers, the development industry and internal clients. This area represents Kingston City Council at forums and tribunals related to Planning Applications as well as Council’s Planning Enforcement. It also manages Council’s Vegetation Local Law and both the Building and Planning Administration teams.

Teams :

Planning and Building Services


Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


2.1 : Intergenerational land use, planning and delivery

Action Start Date End Date Provide statutory planning, planning compliance, vegetation and drainage engineer services efficiently and in a timely basis to all stakeholders. Provide information and administration support to the Statutory Planning and the building teams.

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

During the first quarter of the year we introduced the mobile inspections application to the planning compliance team, as well as simplifying their workflow in pathway. This will enable the compliance team to be more time efficient and they will be able to receive jobs while they are on the road.

The Administration team also started logging on Local Law tree permits for the Vegetation team to assistance them with their workload.

Commenced networking on 'Open for Business' focus. Meeting with Health, Local Laws, EDU on a co-ordinated website for Businesses to view.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFSP1 Time taken to decide planning applications (financial year to date)

LGPRFSP2 Planning applications decided within 60 days

LGPRFSP4 Planning decisions upheld at VCAT

LGPRFSP3 Cost of statutory planning service (to Council per application received)

Percentage of VicSmart applications completed within 10 Days











77.00 85.00

59.38 48.28

62.50 63.33

2,078.06 1,273.51 100.00 98.21

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

City Development

2.2 : Green wedge planned and improved for current and future generations

Action Start Date End Date (I) Investigate compliance of landfills and controversial land 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 use matters within the green wedge 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The following are sites that are currently being investigated for compliance within the Green Wedge Zone.

Tootal Road, Dingley Village: Property had a large amount of stored bins and rubbish on the land. Compliance has been following this matter up, ensuring that the occupiers of the land are not operating any bin hire business now or into the future, and secondly ensuring all rubbish and materials are cleared from the land. The clean-up of the site should be completely finalised within the next 2-3 weeks and a final inspection of the site by Council will be undertaken to ensure satisfaction of the responsible authority.

Boundary Road, Dingley Village: Enforcement Order lodged with VCAT to cease the use and development of the land for the purpose of a transfer station; and as result the application was affirmed in favour of Council and the following is the details of the order: The land, including the removal of all waste, material, goods, soil, plant, equipment, machinery, six (6) of the twelve (12) shipping containers and buildings associated with the use and development specified in the enforcement order; unless otherwise permitted. To cease the use of the land for a store and clean the land accordingly.

Heatherton Road, Clayton Sth: Continued enforcement on the land to ensure that any use is not occurring on the land without Town Planning Permits. Currently the site is being cleaned and items removed with the view of submitting an application to Council for a more appropriate use. The type of use at the site has not been finalised and various land uses are being considered by the owners and tenant with the view of further discussions with Council as to the options and most appropriate proposed use for the site.

Tootal Road, Dingley Village: Council have been dealing with the tenant of this property in order to remove any item that may be considered items used for the purpose of a business. Council has permitted an extension of time due to unfortunate family issues of the tenant. The issue of reduction of the items should be completed within the next 6-8 weeks and will be further inspected by Council officers.

5.1 : Being the voice on community issues beyond Council authority

Action Start Date End Date Advocate effectively at VCAT on behalf of Council 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During the first quarter of the financial year 16 cases were heard at VCAT. We also received 16 Tribunal decisions during this time (noting that most of these decisions were heard at the end of the last financial year.

5.2 : Representative and inclusive of diverse view and communities

Action Start Date End Date Conduct planning consultation meetings for planning 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 applications in accordance with the policy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A Planning Consultation meeting occurs when three or more objections are received for a planning application. For applications that receive one or two objections a planning officer will contact the objectors by telephone and discuss their submission followed by a telephone conversation with the applicant to ascertain if the objectors concerns can be resolved. Upon request of an objector, however, a Planning Consultation meeting will be held.

24 Planning Consultation meetings were carried out during the first quarter of the 15/16 year. Two Council officers are in attendance at all meetings to carry out the roles of Chairperson and also the assigned planning officer will generally be present to minute the meeting and provide technical advice.

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date (I) Implement Process Improvement for the City Development and Building Administration services

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Testing was carried out for online payments for applications and the integration of Pathway inspections and Outlook.

Work continues on the integration of Pathway and Trim also and we expect by the end of the year to have Planning applications integrated.

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City Development

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

City Development

($552,679) ($656,436) $103,757


Planning and Building Services

($227,776) ($225,235) ($2,541)



($324,904) ($431,202) $106,298


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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

City Strategy

Description :

The City Strategy Department is responsible for developing, managing and guiding Council’s Strategic land use planning and policy functions across the broad range of social, economic and environmental issues. The Department plays a key role in facilitating public and private investment in Activity Centres and Green Wedge Areas. The Department administers Council’s Statutory Building and Building Permit functions. Tasks include managing Council’s Statutory Dispensations against Building Regulations, Issuing of Building Permits for Council’s community buildings and the ongoing enforcement of breaches of the Building Regulations .

Teams :

City Transformation

Environmental Planning

Building and Surveying

Strategic Planning

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance


Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance

1.3 : Parks, playgrounds and reserves that meet community needs

Action Start Date End Date Respond to proposed changes to Development Contribution 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Legislation 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The MPA has been providing briefings on legislation that is currently being considered that may provide a more efficient means in which to administer development contributions in strategic locations. Officers continue to review the implications of this outcome for the City of Kingston and have sought legal advice from Maddocks on this matter.

A broad briefing is planned for Councillors in the upcoming cycle mindful that the final form of the contributions is at this time still unknown and priority is likely to be given to greenfield areas ahead of strategic locations.

2.1 : Intergenerational land use, planning and delivery

Action Start Date End Date Administer the Statutory and Building Permit related responsibilities of Council under the Building Act 1993

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The Building Team have worked with the Community Buildings Team on providing Building Permit and Building Inspections assistance for the different Council Buildings which are being constructed including the Parkdale and Edithvale family and children’s centres. Work has also been undertaken to improve the response times and internal co-ordination for consents required under the Building Act for siting. Implement changes to the Local Planning Policy Framework, Planning Zones and Particular Provisions as appropriate and administer Amendments to the Kingston Planning Scheme

01/07/2015 30/06/2019 Ongoing

Over the past quarter the primary focus of Officers has been on substantiating the position the Council has taken on Planning Scheme Amendment C143 (Green Wedge A Amendment) which was approved by the Minister for Planning on 15 October 2015. Officers are continuing to work on preparing a ‘tidy up’ Amendment to the Kingston Planning Scheme and will brief the Council on this Amendment early in 2016. Amendment C144 (Melrose Street) Panel report was received on 12 October 2015 and a Council resolution on the Amendment will be sought in November 2015.

Council is continuing to work with a range of parties in both Moorabbin and Mentone to implement key components of the adopted Planning Scheme Amendments. This includes the current Mentone Renaissance project.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

City Strategy

2.2 : Green wedge planned and improved for current and future generations

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Ongoing implementation of the Green Wedge Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council considered a report during this quarter which reviewed the merits of applying the Rural Living Zone to areas within the Kingston Green Wedge and reducing the minimum allotment size. Upon review of the advice received the Council resolved not to pursue this investigation further.

Council resolved to explore with the Planning Minister the potential to proceed with a Residential Zone along Springvale Road and wrote to the Planning Minister on this during this quarter. (I) Administer planning scheme amendments to implement the findings of Kingston’s Green wedge Plan and subsequent Council resolutions

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Since the resolution of the Council at the May Ordinary Council Meeting to adopt Planning Scheme Amendment C143, Officers have spent considerable time reinforcing to the relevant Government Departments / Agencies the importance of this Amendment in setting an appropriate direction on the future planning for Kingston’s Green Wedge.

Officers are hoping to receive direction on Amendment C143 in the upcoming quarter prior to site specific planning matters in the Kingston Green Wedge being considered by the VCAT. (MI) Linking Karkarook and Braeside Parks (Stage 1) 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Officers have continued to discuss with key landholders opportunities to facilitate this link.

This has included working with VicRoads on the opportunities presented in key locations such as Elder Street South, commencing discussions with Delta Pty Ltd on the Kingston Walk area and commencing discussions with the owner of the Old Dandenong Road site to explore expanding the boundaries of the publically accessible area proximate to the Henry Street Trail and along Old Dandenong Road.

Officers are also working to define the scope of works required to appropriately rehabilitate the land in Elder Street. The Council has requested a park be considered as an outcome for this site.

2.4 : Protect and enhance areas of high natural environmental value

Action Start Date End Date Provide environmental planning and education services 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The Environment Officer is delivering the community and schools educational program. Four community sustainability workshops including the Garage Sale Trail event have been delivered in the July-October 2015 quarter. 15 schools and around 150 students and teachers attended the I Sea I Care Awards night held on 15 October 2015. The Big Green Schools Conference was held on 9 September 2015.

2.5 : Adopt and implement sustainable practices

Action Start Date End Date Implement 2015/16 actions of the Kingston Energy Efficiency Strategy

01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Officers are pursuing various opportunities to improve energy performance in key Council buildings. Two initiatives include: (1) Suppliers are being sought to implement energy monitoring systems for five of Council's highest energy use buildings. (2) Business case assessment for Voltage optimisation unit for WAVES is underway. (MI) Energy Conservation Program (Building Retrofitting 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 projects) and green house gas reduction (rising sea levels) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Installation of LED lighting within 1230 Nepean Hwy has now been completed, with commissioning of lights, under the Federal Government funded project 'Lighting the way'. On 30 September 2015, the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science accepted the Sixth Milestone (Financial Report). The Final Milestone which includes the collation of post-installation data, evaluation and the development of a 'Communications Plan' is due in January 2016.

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City Strategy

Action Start Date End Date Implement the 2015/16 actions of the Kingston Integrated 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Water Cycle Strategy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Kingston has received financial support from Melbourne Water to support works underway at Keeley Park and Edithvale Recreation Reserve.

Kingston is currently investigating a mechanism that would allow developers to pay in lieu voluntary contributions for off site Water Sensitive Urban Design works as an alternative to meeting stormwater quality requirements on site. The development of the mechanism which is being jointly funded by Kingston and Melbourne Water under the Living Rivers program, is underpinned by a detailed master plan identifying locations where developer contributions would yield greater water quality treatment and reuse benefits for the community. Officers will brief Councillors about the initiative in the coming months.

4.1 : Vibrant active urban centres

Action Start Date End Date Implement the Cheltenham Activity Centre Structure Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council has commenced discussions regarding construction management methodologies with parties who hold permits for significant development around the Cheltenham Office who are likely to commence construction in the coming quarter.

Council has also commenced preliminary discussions with the Level Crossing Removal Authority on the potential opportunities identified through the Cheltenham Structure Plan brought about by the planned level crossing removals. Implement the Highett Activity Centre Structure Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Officers have been liaising with the Department of Treasury and Finance on its intentions for the Highett Gas Works and a report is being prepared for the October Council Meeting regarding this matter.

A range of strategic parcels of land proximate to the Highett Road and Nepean Highway intersection have been purchased or are presently being marketed. Officers from the City Development and City Strategy Department have been working with these parties to better understand their intentions in relation to redevelopment. (I) Implement the Moorabbin Activity Centre Structure Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

VicRoads have now received funding to undertake planning work for the South Road corridor to better manage the demand generated by the Dingley Bypass, including the identified improvements in the Moorabbin Junction Activity Centre.

Council will work with VicRoads and other stakeholders through this planning to ensure that the objectives outlines in the Moorabbin Structure Plan is met. Council will also work closely with the representatives of the various key sites along the corridor.

The significant redevelopment in Station Street opposite the bus interchange is nearing completion this quarter and approved proposals in Central Avenue and Taylor Street are scheduled to commence in the coming quarter. (I) Prioritise traffic and streetscape projects to implement the 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Mentone Activity Centre Structure Plan 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council will be providing further reports to the Council over the coming quarter to further explore the potential for additional retail investment into the Mentone Activity Centre. (MI) Balcombe road/Davies road signalisation in Mentone 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Activity Centre 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Officers have been working with VicRoads on the detailed design of this intersection and will provide updates to Council on the outcomes of the design work over the next quarter.

Officers will also be undertaking consultation with local residents around these works over the coming quarter. Coordinate approval of capital and other works to provide for 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 upgrades across Council's Activity Centres 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council is continuing to work with a range of private developers to ensure that wherever possible its planned capital works are aligned with private investment. A practical illustration is working with the owner of 48 Como Parade West to align the closure of Florence Street adjacent to this site to coincide with the planned private investment.

At a higher level Officers have commenced examining how the grade separation works planned in Councils Activity Centres can be successfully integrated into Councils planned capital works.

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City Strategy

Action Start Date End Date Implement the Mordialloc Activity Centre Structure Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Works have occurred to enhance both Centreway and Owen Street which will substantially improve accessibility for pedestrians and provide additional opportunities to encourage improved footpath trading. These works are particularly important due to the link they provide pedestrians from Main Street to the foreshore.

4.5 : A community with functional traffic, parking and transport links

Action Start Date End Date Investigate developer contribution plan for parking 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Officers are waiting to understand the final details associated with the Infrastructure Contributions Planning work prior to advancing further work associated with specific contributions relating to parking.

Officers have though begun implementing the Council resolution and is formalising the mechanisms for preparing a list of properties that will not be eligible for parking permits as a consequence of redevelopment.

5.1 : Being the voice on community issues beyond Council authority

Action Start Date End Date Advocate on the economic importance of projects that require State Government Infrastructure investment including the Southland Station and redevelopment of the former Highett Gasworks site

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council made substantial submissions to the State Government on the importance of the approach taken on the design for a future Southland Station. It is understood this submission along with others received is presently being considered by the State Government.

Officers will be preparing a report to Council seeking direction from it in relation to the future planning and potential disposal of this site which remains in State Government ownership. Continue to work with the Moorabbin airport corporation and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 surrounding community on airport planning 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council continues to be an active participant in the Community Aviation Consultation Group that meets quarterly at the Moorabbin Airport.

Council is awaiting feedback on the Commonwealth Ministers decision regarding the Preliminary Draft Moorabbin Airport Master Plan that Council submitted to during the last quarter.

Over the coming quarter Council will continue to work with the Moorabbin Airport Corporation on the proposed November opening of the Costco Store to carefully consider traffic management related items.

5.4 : Working together in productive and supportive partnerships

Action Start Date End Date Evaluate opportunities for collaboration with housing 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 associations 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The General Manager Planning and Development met with a representative of a housing association during this quarter to better understand its strategic planning endeavours and the role it felt Local Government could play in assisting its objectives.

Officers are also are following up on advice from the MPA that a recommendation of the Plan Melbourne Refresh advisory committee is likely to be that more work should be done in relation to how housing policy is established. Once is known about this initiative Officers will ensure that Council is appropriately briefed.

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City Strategy

Action Start Date End Date Participate in the State Government review of the residential 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 zones 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

On 27 August 2015, the Minister sought Council's view on the new residential zones to be used by Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to understand how the new residential zones are currently operating at a local level. Any comments received will be used to frame the Terms of Reference for a future independent Advisory Committee process. On 26 October 2015, Council resolved to support the officer response to the review of the Residential Zones for submission and a response to the Minister was sent on 30 October 2015. The Council will be briefed and direction sought from it in relation to the review of the Residential Zones in the coming quarter. It is understood the Minister for Planning will then finalise the Terms of Reference for an Advisory Committee that will further assist the Minister in undertaking this review.

The State Government has released the Plan Melbourne Refresh Discussion Paper for comments. Kingston is in the process of drafting a submission which will be presented to Council in the December 2015 reporting cycle.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

City Strategy

($492,416) ($623,008) $130,592


Strategic Planning

($184,248) ($258,545) $74,297


Building and Surveying

($172,752) ($163,603) ($9,149)


Environmental Planning

($78,723) ($110,186) $31,463


City Transformation

($56,693) ($90,674) $33,981


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

Implement the Cheltenham Activity Centre Structure Plan

$0 $0 $150,000


Implement the Highett Activity Centre Structure Plan

$0 $0 $0


(I) Implement the Moorabbin Activity Centre Structure Plan

$0 $0 $200,000


(MI) Balcombe road/Davies road signalisation in Mentone Activity Centre

$0 $0 $817,000


(MI) Energy Conservation Program (Building Retrofitting projects) and green house gas reduction (rising sea levels)

$1,472 $0 $300,000


(MI) Ongoing implementation of the Green Wedge Plan

$0 $50,000 $300,000


Coordinate approval of capital and other works to provide for upgrades across Council's Activity Centres

$65,469 $90,674 $623,633


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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Communications and Community Relations

Description :

The Communications and Customer Relations department facilitates communication within the City of Kingston, both internally to our employees and externally to the community and other stakeholders. Providing strategic and tactical communications advice to Councillors, Management and Officer, to both promote and protect the brand.

The department manages delivery of Kingston 's four annual festivals and a range of community events such as Australia Day Celebrations and various launches and openings throughout the year. In addition, it is responsible for servicing the Kingston community by responding to all calls made to Councils’ 1300 number, assisting residents who visit one of Councils Customer Service counters or via any of our social media platforms.

Teams :

Festivals and Events


Customer Service

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Action Start Date End Date Maintain the Kingston Charitable Fund and deliver grants to 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 the community 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Following an expression of interest process two new community members for the Grants Panel were endorsed by Council in July 2015.

The Grants Panel met in September to review the 17 applications received. A total of eight grant applications have now been recommended to the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation for their approval by the end of October.

The Grant Giving ceremony will then take place in early November where the successful applicants will be presented with their funds.

In addition an innovation grant will be offered again this financial year to a local not for profit community group.

3.4 : A diverse and inclusive community

Action Start Date End Date Deliver local festivals and events to promote community involvement and engagement

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Planning for the four major festivals for the 2015/16 season is well underway. Performer and vendor applicants are closed for all four festivals and are currently being reviewed. The relocation of the Harvest festival, due to construction of the new Carrum Child Care Centre, has been finalised with the new site being Bicentennial Park in Chelsea. A tender for audio services for the festivals has closed with the applications currently under review. A request for quote for safety services is currently in market. Both of these are due to be finalised before Carols in December. A new Festival and Event Advisory Committee is due to hold its first meeting in mid November. Facilitate and support community run events in Kingston 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Approximately 23 community events were facilitated throughout the July to September period in Kingston's reserves, parks and along the foreshore.

Highlights from the period include a Cross Country event at Bald Hill Park, Parkdale Football Club family fun day and the Relay for Life event held in Mentone Reserve, where approximately 300 people attended to raise money for Cancer Council Victoria.

The team also assisted with the planning of the Seniors Festival communications and sponsorship, including the launch sponsored by Westfield and held at Southland.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Communications and Community Relations

5.3 : Enhanced understanding of the complexity of issues impacting Council decisions and outcomes

Action Start Date End Date Maintain local and state media relations 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Manager Communications and Community Relations and the Media Advisor maintain good working relationships with all local media; keeping in regular contact and keeping the media regularly informed of Council priorities. Support departments to effectively communicate on key issues through the relevant communications channels

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Departments across the organisation have been assisted with communication and advocacy through a range of channels including media, publications, Kingston Your City, social media, the website and direct methods such as briefings, letters and meetings .

Some of the key issues supported by the team during July to September included the ongoing work with the State Government Level Crossing removal authority to help ensure the proposed level crossing removals are prioritised and planned in consultation with the community. Informing the community of the submission Council made regarding the lease of the Port of Melbourne and the request for urgent action regarding the need for local businesses to have access to high speed broadband in the industrial precincts.

Key projects that have been supported by the communications team include the completion of the start of the Bay Trail, ensuring the community have safe and easy access to enjoy this section of the foreshore and the beginning of the Cheltenham Project which aims to keep the community well informed about the significant development projects occurring in and around Cheltenham.

The Communications team supports the organisation by developing clear messaging, assisting with stakeholder management and assisting with the production of materials to support advocacy and communication activities.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Proportion of positive versus negative references about Council in the media

163 mentions of Council 128 (79 per cent) were positive 30 (18 per cent) were neutral 5 (3 per cent) were negative

% 70.00 79.00 76.00

6.2 : A customer focused organisation

Action Start Date End Date Protect and promote a consistent Kingston brand 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Communications team works with all business units across the organisation to stay aware of current and/or emerging issues that require mitigation through clear, consistent and transparent communication. The Communications team also works with business units to help promote Kingston services and projects from small events, through to advocacy on key issues, core Council services and the implementation of a range of Council resolutions.

In 2015/16 the Communications team continued to ensure the consistent use of the brand guidelines i.e. Kingston's visual brand; a written style guide was also completed. Deliver exceptional Customer Service through the principles of the Customer Service Commitments

Customers processed for the quarter: - 17,451 counter interactions.

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

- 27,641 telephone calls answered of which 82% were answered within 20 seconds - The resolution rate for the quarter was 74.30% - 3,725 electronic requests were processed. Other deliverables for the quarter included: - increased the available online payments through ePathway. - implementation of a corporate complaints handling policy and the update of complaints reporting mechanisms. - implementation of City Watch mobile reporting application - a new OH&S compliant syringe container deposit facility was installed.

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Kingston City Council

Communications and Community Relations

Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report

9 November 2015 Page 18 of 70

Communications and Community Relations

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

First point of contact resolution %

The quarterly YTD is very good at 73.6%.

95.00 73.60 69.50

The result for the month of September (77.82) is good and reflects the fact that both rates and hard garbage calls are handled within the call centre.

Percentage of Customer Service % telephone calls answered within service standard (20 seconds)

The quarterly YTD result is a very good 82%.

80.00 82.00 75.60

The September result (72%) was down; staff leave contributed to the lower than expected result.

Percentage of requests actioned through % the Customer Request Management System (CRM) within service standards for the quarter

95.00 91.14 95.01

This could have been higher however there seems to have been some admin issues in one department that has brought the figures down.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Communications and Community Relations

($806,052) ($743,940) ($62,112)


Festivals and Events

($80,231) ($159,497) $79,266


Customer Service

($443,764) ($359,030) ($84,734)



($282,056) ($225,413) ($56,643)


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Community and Aged Services

Description :

The Community and Aged Services department 's purpose is to encourage and support a connected community with enhanced health, wellbeing and independence of individuals, groups and communities. The services and programs are diverse and are delivered by approximately 390 staff and 550 volunteers with an annual budget expenditure of around $25 million.

Teams :

Good Living Healthy Communities

Hostel Services

Aged & Disability Services

Community Engagement

Community & Aged Services Management

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


2.6 : A community sense of pride in the amenity of our parks, streetscapes and public spaces

Action Start Date End Date Implement the Community Safety Strategy and Action Plan


30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During this quarter the following Community Safety Initiatives occurred:

Community Wellbeing attended the Safe Cities Conference to maintain professional knowledge and contribute to the implementation of the Community Safety Strategy.

Commenced Interplan social strategy implementation for the next 12 months.

Provided safety audit/consultation on the new design plan for the Bicentennial Skate Park in Chelsea.

Co-ordination of Volunteer Development Officer - incorporated to delivering actions for the Community Safety Strategy. Collaborative partnership with Primary Care Partnerships (PCP)- Prevention of Violence Against Women- preparation of in-schools trial program to educate students of three secondary schools across three municipalities in 2016. The program will also involve providing referral information to teachers and requiring schools to develop gender equity policies. The group is also focusing on promotional activities during the 16 days of activism (25th Nov to 10th Dec); and training staff of the PCP organisations. Funding application submitted through Dept. of Social Services submitted for program support.

In partnership with Victorian Police, Council Launched Kingston Liquor Accord

New Community Safety Advisory Committee and Terms of Reference endorsed by Council. Graffiti Grant application submitted – Graffiti Removal trailer

Team presented information to the Shadow Minister for Families and Children, Georgie Crozier on Kingston's Prevention of Violence Against Women (PVAW) work. Held the PVAW Working Group who endorsed and provided vital partnerships for a grant application Council applied for.

Funding application submitted to the Department of Social Services to secure funding to empower local community groups to engage their communities in discussions about violence against women and provide referral information/pathway.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community and Aged Services

3.1 : Enhanced community wellbeing and participation in community life

Action Start Date End Date (I) Implement the Positive Ageing Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During this quarter the following actions that align to Council’s Positive Ageing Strategy were delivered: Mentone Seniors dissolves club. Council supported group with Process Ongoing preparation for the 2015 Seniors Festival Launch which was held at Southland 1st October. 12,000 Seniors Festival booklets were distributed in preparation for a month long celebration of older people ion Kingston. Nomination submitted for Kingston resident to be considered for this year's Victorian Senior of the Year Awards. Education session addressing ‘Traffic and Transport”; pedestrian and driver education sessions for older people was delivered. Committee continued to plan and finalise aspects of the Victorian Interfaith Network Conference that Kingston will be hosting in November 2015. Interfaith Art Exhibition & Tree Planting Day occurred in August. Centenarian Celebration Event launched by the Mayoress at the Southern Golf Club was successfully attended by 9 centenarians; the event was hosted by John Blackman. A presentation was made by Commissioner for Senior Victorians at the quarterly network meeting in August was successfully attended. The objective was to help older people focus on the changing nature of retirement and social isolation experienced by older people. Positive Ageing Committee informed about Council’s endorsement of new committee structure. Consequently, Vice Chair appointed. Chair and Vice Chair attended Access and Equity Advisory Committee Meeting. ' Your 'Voice July/September (Senior Citizen magazine) was distributed to 4,300 HACC clients Implement Council's resolutions associated with the residential 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 aged care review 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council resolved to sell the land at Collins Street and for a new provider to take over the lease of the operation of the four hostels (Corben House, Mordialloc Community Nursing Home, Nixon Hostel and Northcliffe Lodge) until a new facility is built on the Collins Street site. Provide high quality Aged and Disability Care services to assist the elderly and people with a disability to live independently within their home environments and the community

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Aged and Disability Services continues to provide community based services to eligible residents to assist them to remain living at home and connected to their communities. Provide high quality residential aged care services, maintain accreditation and meet funding body standards

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

High quality care is provided and maintained at all three hostels. This has been validated by the Accreditation inspections conducted by the Quality Agency in May 2015 for the three hostels. Hostels meet 44/44 outcomes. Funding audits have been conducted at the three hostels. We have been found to be compliant in meeting these legislative requirements. (I) Enhance the health and wellbeing of the community through 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 the Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During this Quarter the following was achieved: CALD women’s group swimming program commenced in July. MOU developed between Primary Care Partnership & Kingston CE team (funding attached) for the purpose of delivering meeting Health and Wellbeing Actions and addressing mental health. Implement the Gambling Policy and its Action Plan

Continued to Assess Liquor License and Planning Permit Applications. Prepared and presented Kingston Liquor Accord report to CLG and CIS.

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Hostels - Average Cost per bed per day $ per resident

180.00 197.00 191.00

Average cost is higher due to lower occupancy leading to lower income and operational costs remain unchanged

Hostels - Average income per bed per day $

Income is a little lower than expected

HACC (Home and Community Care) direct # hours provided



130.00 134.75

36,636.00 142,371.00

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Community and Aged Services

3.2 : A city responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community

Action Start Date End Date Maintain effective social planning, service and strategy 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 development initiatives 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Committed to engage and build positive relationships with Parkdale Women's Group and Parkdale Combined Pensioners group about opportunity to utilise space at new Mentone hub once building finished. Facilities and Partnership meetings were held with various community groups conducted to clarify licensing and service agreement arrangements. Staff attended the Cheltenham and Moorabbin Seniors Annual General Meeting. Supported community groups, such as New Hope Foundation and various multicultural seniors groups with Consumer Affairs information and training.

Community information dissemination with Neighbourhood Networks promoting and supporting the use and launch of MYCOMMUNITY LIFE website - proposed for 17 November 2015. Supported the Men's Shed network cluster meeting held at Kingston Men's Shed. Discussions held around pursuing a Men's Health program partnership with Rotary at a district level. Men's Shed network cluster supporting Council's application for Preventing Violence against Women funding a positive collaborative partnership in the making. Exploring the possible relocation of the Mordialloc Men's Shed. Final MCL funding acquittal submitted to State government. Public launch scheduled for 17 November 2015, with support from the Chelsea Surrounds Network involvement.

Working with and supporting Dingley Village’s Neighbourhood Centre with their request/proposal for a Farmers Market proposal at Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre. Provided Profile ID (community based demographic data) training session for community Committee of Management and Managers. The session was well attended and received.

Worked with Aspendale Gardens CS on programming, funding and future planning for Centre. In conjunction with the CHN and DHHS, as well as Early Years and Youth Services. Supported Mordialloc Neighbourhood House during Men's Shed use of facility discussions. Meeting with Property Services and Community Buildings to clarify the roles and functions of Council’s User Coordinators. Working with Property Services and exploring leasing register for renewing all allocated Council facilities. Meetings with council building tenants to discuss occupancy, usage and AIP maintenance schedules. Community Garden meeting to discuss governance of garden and future workshop – Exploring and establishing lease arrangements. Review and provide input into State and Commonwealth 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 initiatives and respond to changing government policy. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council's responses to the Commonwealth Government's Living Longer - Living Better Policy directions has included work to define the assessment process for access to Community Care and changes to the residential aged care facility Entry Agreements. Council continues to be engaged in sector reform in conjunction with State and Commonwealth colleagues in our leadership role in the MyAgedCare early implementation project.

3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Action Start Date End Date Maintain and support development of the Community Grants 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Program 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During this quarter the following was achieved: Community Grants Funding application and service agreements were processed and endorsed by Council. Processed 5 Individual Development Grants and irregular grant applications received outside timelines. Create a positive and supportive volunteering environment and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 facilitate enhanced volunteering opportunities in Kingston 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Volunteer Officer has provided support to following community groups: the objective is to build community and group capacity. Provide training plan for Book Swap volunteers. Provide promotional material to Eisteddford by the Bay for the purpose of building and recruiting their volunteer base. Exploring options for developing a Corporate Volunteer Induction pack for Council volunteers. Working in conjunction People and Cultural. Ongoing promotion of MYCOMMUNITY LIFE to various community groups through presentation and social media. Working with Library dept to explore setting up mentoring program for disadvantaged community groups in Kingston. Skilled Volunteer program plenty of page approvals, feedback and support to community groups. Presentations to CLG & CIS well received. Delivered Profile ID training session and worked on developing training schedule for COM's - including "induction" and ongoing skill development. Developed version of Partnership Agreement Service Agreements for Centres. Worked with Property Services on linking leases with agreements as single Council "package". Discussed with Services. DHHS Final reports completed, approved and submitted

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community and Aged Services

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Number of volunteers engaged in # community programs - Delivered Meals

250.00 192.00 226.00

The program is meeting demand within the current volunteer pool.

Volunteer hours provided in community programs - Community Engagement

# 1,350.00 903.00 4,136.00

Increased KPI predominately due to the increased use of Volunteers planning and working on the delivering the Seniors Festival due to be launched on 1/10/2015.

Volunteers hours provided in community # programs - Delivered Meals

1,750.00 1,414.00 5,848.00

The program is meeting current demand for delivered meals.

Number of volunteers engaged in community programs - Transport

# 20.00 21.00 21.00

This program is subject to ongoing recruitment of volunteers.

Volunteer hours of participation in community programs - Transport

# 300.00 269.00 1,045.00

The program is responding to suitable requests for assistance within currently available resources.

Volunteers hours provided in community # programs - Aged Care Hostels

420.00 284.00 1,763.00

The number of hours is lower - it is an unexpected result

3.4 : A diverse and inclusive community

Action Start Date End Date Optimise opportunities for a diverse range of community groups to access community facilities

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Continued to engage and build positive relationships with Parkdale Women's Group and Parkdale Combined Pensioners group about opportunity to utilise space at new Mentone hub once building finished. Facilities & Partnership meetings with various community groups conducted to clarify licensing and service agreement arrangements. Staff attended AGM at Cheltenham and Moorabbin Seniors. Supported community groups, such as New Hope Foundation and various multicultural seniors groups with Consumer Affairs information and training. Community information dissemination with Neighbourhood Networks promoting and supporting the use and launch of MYCOMMUNITY LIFE website - proposed for November 17th. Supported the Men's Shed network cluster meeting held at Kingston Men's Shed. Discussions held around pursuing a Men's Health program partnership with Rotary at a district level. Men's Shed network cluster supporting Council's application for Preventing Violence against Women funding a positive collaborative partnership in the making. Exploring the possible relocation of the Mordialloc Men's Shed, location yet to be explored. Final MCL funding acquittal submitted to State Govt. Public; launch scheduled for 17 Nov 2015, with support from the Chelsea Surrounds Network involvement.

Working with and supporting Dingley Village’s Neighbourhood Centre with their request/proposal for a Famers Market proposal at Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre. Provided Profile ID ( community based demographic data) training session for community Committee of Management and Managers. The session was well attended and received.

Worked with Aspendale Gardens CS on programming, funding and future planning for Centre. In conjunction with the CHN and DHHS, as well as Early Years and Youth Services. Supported Mordialloc Neighbourhood House during Men's Shed use of facility discussions. Meeting with Property Services and Community Buildings to clarify the roles and functions of Council’s User Coordinators. Working with Property Services and exploring leasing register for renewing all allocated Council facilities. Meetings with council building tenants to discuss occupancy, usage and AIP/maintenance schedules.

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Community and Aged Services

Action Start Date End Date (I) Implement the Disability Action Plan 01/07/2015 30/06/2018 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Disability sub-committee meeting was held on 22nd July, guest speakers Steve Lewis and Chris White attended to discuss the Council’s major re-development projects and consult with the group on the Changing Place Toilet. Partnership and collaborative networking opportunity with Central Bayside staff - for the purpose of providing staff with training opportunities for effective communication skills when working with and supporting people of all abilities. Training workshops were schedule during the month of August & September. Health and wellbeing student from Deakin Uni completed a work placement within the CE team and worked on the Central Bayside staff training program whereby 19 participants registered and attended the training. Staff attended information sessions to promote ad encourage employment opportunities for people with disabilities. NDIS information sessions were held in August - a 100+ community members attended the evening session. Facilitate the Access and Equity Committee and its 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 associated activities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During this quarter the following was achieved: The Disability subcommittee meeting was held in July, at this meeting the newly created TOR was discussed. The Multicultural Group is currently working on the senior’s festival harmony concert. Implement Kingston's Aboriginal Policy and Action Plan

During this quarter the following was achieved:

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Meetings with various multicultural groups to discuss NAIDOC week celebrations. Meetings with community groups to the opening night for the Community Garden Meeting with Community Groups to discuss committee of management governance issues. Interfaith Committee continues to plan and work on the Victorian Interfaith Network Conference that Kingston will be hosting in November 2015. Implement the Metro Access Program 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Metro Access is hosting an Art exhibition and the comedy show to be held in October in recognition of Deaf people Week. African Drumming sessions are offered to provide social and relational activities for people with disabilities. Regular sessions are held at Patterson Lakes Community Centre. With the support of Council, Berendale Special school is facilitating a working group to plan and deliver a School Holiday Program and partner with SEDA to run one multi-sports day in Hampton in the September Holidays. Implement the Multicultural Action Plan

During this quarter the following was achieved:

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Meetings with various multicultural groups to discuss NAIDOC week celebrations. Meetings with community groups to the opening night for the Community Garden Meeting with Community Groups to discuss committee of management governance issues. Interfaith Committee continues to plan and work on the Victorian Interfaith Network Conference that Kingston will be hosting in November 2015.

5.1 : Being the voice on community issues beyond Council authority

Action Start Date End Date Seek opportunities to advocate on key social issues affecting Kingston, including implementation of the Council approved advocacy actions contained within Council's plans and policies

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The advocacy actions from Council approved plans are being implemented. The achievements from these plans are reported to councillors annually.

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date (I) Implement the Aged and Disability Services software 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 replacement 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

AccessCare Southern went Live with Carelink+ on Monday 23 March 2015 and has already completed 95% of the manually data entry that was required after Go Live, the manual data entry was scheduled to take one month so the team has exceeded expectations. The Aged and Disability Services data conversions have commenced. Staff training has also commenced with preparation to go live early December 2016.

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Community and Aged Services

Action Start Date End Date Review Emergency Recovery plans and maintain capacity for 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 recovery efforts 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Emergency Recovery Plans are progressively being reviewed by the Emergency Management group in accordance with legislative requirements. A major recovery training exercise was conducted in the week commencing 12th October.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Community and Aged Services

($2,102,314) ($2,713,058) $610,744


Aged & Disability Services

($347,126) ($902,811) $555,685


Hostel Services

($278,157) ($391,627) $113,470


Community & Aged Services Management

($135,052) $0 ($135,052)

Community Engagement

($1,341,980) ($1,418,619) $76,639


Page 25: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015


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9 November 2015 Page 26 of 70

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community Buildings

Action Start Date End Date Work to ensure statutory compliance for Council's habitable 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 buildings 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Fire Hydrant upgrade program is currently in progress with works now works underway for a number of sites.

Annual asbestos audits have also now been completed Deliver an annual capital building programme for Council buildings

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

A number of projects which commenced on site in 2014/15 are currently progressing on schedule. These include Mordialloc kindergarten, Bonbeach Pavilion, Nola Barber kindergarten, Aspendale North Kinder and Don Tatnell Centre.

Contracts for Carrum Children’s Centre, Mordialloc LSC were awarded by Council during Quarter 1 2015/16 and detailed design work has been progressed for the following projects:-

(I) Westall Hub (ii) Parkdale Hub Phase 2 (iii) Kingston City Hall Renewal Works Develop standardised specifications and procedures for new facilities/projects that improve functionality and long term maintenance of Council’s buildings

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A standard initiation, project closure and performance report has now been completed and is in full use. Work has been completed on the development of a standardised business case document, change control reports and project commissioning brief templates, which are now being utilised in test mode.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Depot - Percentage of building % maintenance completed within agreed timeframes

Percentage Community Buildings capital % budget contractually committed

Percentage of Community Buildings capital % budget spent

Percentage of Community Buildings % planned maintenance budget contractually committed

Percentage of Community Buildings % planned maintenance budget spent






87.00 75.56

25.56 97.40

9.74 85.20

22.47 104.50 9.42 78.40

1.2 : Quality community facilities that are well used and accessible (including sports and recreation, libraries and arts facilities)

Action Start Date End Date Manage major corporate facility upgrades, maintenance and environmental performance

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

(i) Tenders have been sought for the new back up generator at 1230 Nepean Hwy . It is anticipated that this will be installed during late 2015/early 2016.

(ii) the new Cheltenham Room meeting room has been completed during Quarter 1 2015/16 Plan and develop building facilities that meet community needs by updating strategic facilities review data

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Detailed design work is underway for the following projects, which will be tendered during 2015/16:- (i) Westall Hub (ii) Parkdale Hub Phase 2 (iii) Kingston City Hall Foyer Upgrade

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community Buildings

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Chelsea Heights Kindergarten 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

This project is still under discussion, pending Ministerial approval which Council aims to obtain by February 2016. Detailed plans should be developed by 30 June 2016. (MI) Kingston Hall - Facility Development Plan 17/04/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Detailed design work has been completed for the ground floor and forecourt upgrade project at the City Hall, which will be tendered during Quarter 2 2015/16 (MI) Replacement of the Park Street Preschool, Mordialloc 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Construction work is progressing on schedule and is due for completion in December 2015. Once complete, the kinder will relocate from temporary accommodation at Parkdale Hub and commence their 2016 kinder programme for the new facility in late January 2016. (MI) Parkdale Inter-generational Hub (stage 2) 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Detailed design work has been completed during quarter 1 2015/16 and tenders are due to be sought in early Quarter 2 2015/16 (MI) Progress to tender and proceed to construction for the 01/10/2015 30/12/2016 Westall Community Hub 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Detailed design work is well under way, with tenders to be sought during early Quarter2 2015/16.

Advance works to clear Council's construction site commenced in September 2015

2.3 : Leaders in foreshore management, ensuring a vibrant, accessible and enhanced foreshore

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Mordialloc Lifesaving Club renewal including gathering 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 place 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council awarded the contract to construct the new facility at its August 2015 meeting. Work is due to commence in October 2015 and be completed in September 2016.

2.5 : Adopt and implement sustainable practices

Action Start Date End Date Work to improve environmentally sustainable design outcomes 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 in Community Buildings projects for council buildings 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The incorporation of environmentally sustainable design is an ongoing consideration for all Community Buildings projects for Council buildings.

5.4 : Working together in productive and supportive partnerships

Action Start Date End Date Identify and secure external funding to support the renewal and replacement of out-dated community facilities or service development

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

During the December quarter a grant of $2 million was secured for the replacement of the Chelsea Heights kindergarten, together with a further $350K towards the refurbishment of the Chelsea kindergarten located on Catherine Ave. With these two additional grants, Council has secured over $18million in grant assistance between 2010 and 2015.

Further opportunities will be explored if/when funding announcements are made by State Government

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Community Buildings

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date (I) Continue to monitor and remove asbestos bearing materials 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 from within Council buildings 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community Building undertakes a rolling programme of asbestos audits, which monitors buildings where asbestos is present every 5 years. Audits for the 2015/16 financial year are currently commencing during Quarter 1 2015/16. Manage OHS compliance in Council community and corporate 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 buildings 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Department is participating in a corporate strategic risk management pilot project, which has involved staff training and the development of a strategic risk register & management plan for the Department's key building risks. Undertake four-yearly intrusive building condition audits to "high risk" buildings, e.g. Waves, Don Tatnell and foreshore buildings identified as deteriorating

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Intrusive audits and inspections have been undertaken at 4th Mordialloc Sea Scouts, and Parkdale Yacht Club and Aspendale Gardens kindergarten. These inspections have identified urgent works or interim management arrangements to manage risks associated with these inspections.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Community Buildings

($1,547,011) ($1,364,448) ($182,563)


Building Maintenance

($434,672) ($372,452) ($62,220)


Building Management Administration

($144,314) ($137,788) ($6,526)


Facilities Maintenance

($766,781) ($692,915) ($73,866)


Facilities Development & Planning

($31,140) ($25,155) ($5,985)


Capital Projects

($170,104) ($136,136) ($33,968)


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Parkdale Inter-generational Hub (stage 2)

$1,680 $0 $950,000


(MI) Building Renewal Program identified from condition audit

$138,040 $89,000 $750,000


(MI) Carrum Family and Children's Centre Building Renewal

$49,537 $53,900 $1,000,000


(MI) Chelsea Delivered Meals on wheels Kitchen relocation

$0 $0 $700,000


(MI) Chelsea Heights Kindergarten

$7,980 $0 $1,000,000


(MI) Kingston Hall - Facility Development Plan

$29,310 $15,000 $390,000


(MI) Mentone Senior Citizens Centre - Progress refurbishment

$578,223 $480,362 $1,100,000


(MI) Mordialloc Lifesaving Club renewal including gathering place

$19,786 $22,700 $3,185,000


(MI) Progress to tender and proceed to construction for the Westall Community Hub

$104,856 $132,900 $4,295,000


(MI) Replacement of the Park Street Preschool, Mordialloc

$792,660 $363,200 $700,000


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Community Buildings

Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

Aspendale North kindergarten renewal

$4,200 $3,000 $350,000


Building facilities renewal program for children services

$22,622 $7,740 $285,000


Building Facilities Renewal Programs and Upgrades - Capital

$120,196 $67,850 $1,150,000


Community Centres, hubs and libraries sub-program of capital work

$0 $0 $350,000


Nola Barber Preschool refurbishment

$111,647 $150,058 $500,000


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Economic Development

Description :

Economic Development is responsible for supporting and assisting Kingston’s 10,000+ strong business community including manufacturers, retailers, business and personal service providers and home -based businesses. This Department liaises with and supports Kingston’s retailers and service providers in the many strip shopping centres; facilitates numerous business networks and provides businesses with access to a variety of business development opportunities such as the Mentor Partners program, business education and Kingston’s business directory. The Economic Development Department also represents the business communities interests within Council.

Teams :

Economic Development

Business Education and Support Farmers Market Advocacy and Collaboration Amenity and Infrastructure Improvements Policy Development Strengthening Business Connections

Program Performance:

Action Performance

4.1 : Vibrant active urban centres

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


Action Start Date End Date Deliver a community campaign for residents and businesses 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 to think local first before purchasing 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A "Meet the Builder" session was held to provide an opportunity for local companies to meet the successful tenderer contracted to build the Mordialloc Life Saving Club.

A "Winning Government Business" workshop was held in July to educate local businesses on tendering requirements for Councils and other tiers of Government.

The Economic Development team is working with Procurement and Community Buildings teams to assist internal departments to also think about local purchasing.

4.2 : Informed, learning and connected city

Action Start Date End Date Facilitate a diverse range of business development and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 network activities to meet current and emerging business challenges 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During the September quarter the following business development activities were delivered: Workshops on Winning Government Business and Facebook 101; Two Sustainable Business Network meetings; one Meet Your Mates network event; three CEO Roundtables and three Rising Stars Roundtables; The Business of Golf in the 21st Century forum; A small business food expo; An information session with ICN on business opportunities connected with rebuilding Christchurch.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Level of satisfaction of participants at business education initiatives

% 90.00 100.00 99.50

Of the 123 participants who completed evaluation forms rated the events as excellent, very good or good.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Economic Development

4.4 : Thriving, profitable and sustainable local economy

Action Start Date End Date Provide Economic Development Services to support and assist Kingston's strong business community

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The Economic Development Department continues to work across Council departments to improve the overall business customer experience.

The business section of Council's website is being overhauled to provide businesses with better access to Council information. (I) Actively partner with neighbouring councils, research institutions, industry associations and other relevant organisations on initiatives that support regional economic growth

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Kingston is actively participating in the Monash National Employment Cluster Advisory Group which is an initiative under Plan Melbourne. Kingston is also working with neighbouring Council's to mitigate some of the impact of the exit of automotive manufacturers.

Kingston has partnered with the Melbourne South Regional Development Association and other south east Melbourne councils on a study of the food industry needs in the region. Implement the Kingston Business Sustainability Framework to collaborate and share knowledge in all areas of business sustainability

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The ASPIRE Waste Exchange project is progressing well with all milestones being met. Active business engagement is now occurring with resource matches already being achieved.

Two Sustainable Business Network breakfasts were held in the September quarter.

5.1 : Being the voice on community issues beyond Council authority

Action Start Date End Date Advocate effectively on behalf of businesses 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Advocacy occurs as required. The Mayor and CEO continue to advocate strongly on the need for high speed broadband in Kingston’s industrial areas.

A submission was lodged with the Select Committee inquiring into the lease of the Port of Melbourne. The Mayor also presented at the Inquiry on behalf of South East Melbourne councils.


6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date (I) Provide business operators with timely facilitation services to assist in navigating council's regulatory processes including working internally to improve those processes

07/04/2015 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Significant process improvements have been made with a review of the Footpath Trading Policy and Guidelines established. Work is underway to develop a solutions approach to issue resolution for regulatory compliance issues that arise for local businesses. A team is currently being developed to combine cross department officers to facilitate speedy turnaround of business planning applications and permits.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Economic Development

($91,042) ($112,479) $21,437


Economic Development

($91,042) ($112,479) $21,437


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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Family, Youth and Children's Services

Description :

The Family, Youth and Children’s Services encompasses : a) the direct delivery of a range of community services, and b) the undertaking of strategic planning and partnership development activities. The work of the department seeks to provide a comprehensive and interconnected service platform upon which all families, young people and children in Kingston have the opportunity to thrive. Particular community benefit is derived from this unique service platform through the targeting of support to children, youth and families encountering vulnerability.

Teams :

Family and Children’s Centres

Early Years and School Age Care

Family, Youth and Children Services Management

Youth and Family Services

Children’s Services Partnerships

Maternal & Child Health Services and Immunisation

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


3.1 : Enhanced community wellbeing and participation in community life

Action Start Date End Date (I) Lead the development and operational planning for the 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Carrum Family and Children's Centre 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The plans for both the building and the outdoor space of the Carrum Family and Children’s Centre have been completed. Planning for the staff changes has begun with the inclusion of the Carrum Kindergarten into the City of Kingston’s management and work has begun on how staff will be part of an integrated service. Deliver a quality and responsive Immunisation Service 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Our Immunisation team has almost completed the large 2015 school program with strong uptake of the Boostrix vaccination for years levels 7, 8, 9 and 10. The government has also introduced a Boostrix for parents in pregnancy program and this too is impacting on our out of hours services. We continue to engage with and offer outreach services to those families that find it difficult to vaccinate their children or attend scheduled immunisation sessions. The 2 new government policies "No jab, no Pay" and "No jab, no Play" are to be introduced from January 1st 2016. Deliver a quality and responsive Maternal and Child Health Service

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The introduction of the integrated services model in the new family and children's centres has offered the Maternal and Child Health nurses more professional support and networking opportunities that benefit our families. We have been able to meet the needs of some of our challenging families by working together across the teams where each has different expertise to bring to the families' complex issues. Family violence and drug and alcohol dependency continue to destroy families and place our children at great risk. We continue to improve our working relationships with Family Support and Child Protection services. Deliver high quality and responsive school aged childcare (before and after school care, vacation care)

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Online enrolment introduced to all BASC programs making access and bookings easier for families. Figures for BASC remain relatively stable. Deliver high quality and responsive services through family and children's centres

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

High quality services continue to be delivered whilst planning for the new Family and Children's Centres is being undertaken. The Early Years Team is providing high quality care and continues to develop strategies to meet individual children's development and social/emotional needs

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Family, Youth and Children's Services

Action Start Date End Date Deliver high quality Youth and Family support services 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The Youth and Family Services teams have continued to deliver valuable services. New data being provided through the Resilient Youth Australia project has started to reveal the actual strengths and vulnerabilities amongst Kingston young people. This is being used to target service provision and guide strategic planning. A new 3 year Engage Workplan was developed and endorsed in March 2015 and we continue to deliver a number of quality services to young people in the community for the remainder of 2015. Support kindergarten operators in Kingston to adapt to 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 regulatory changes and maintain sustainable service provision 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council officers have continued to work closely with Kingston kindergartens in responding to the roll-out of the National Partnership Reforms and associated regulatory changes. A significant focus has been on the 2016 staff ratio changes and associated impacts on kindergartens. Support kindergarten service providers to include all children 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

with a focus on those experiencing vulnerabilities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

There has been continued work to build the capacity of Council's early years staff and services to undertake this important work. This has included building more intuitive links between the work of MCH nurses and Early Years professionals. Council officers have provided presentations focussing on the benefits of delivering integrated services at a recent LGPro SIG meeting and a community operated early years service as part of their parent and professional development plan. Support the development, quality and compliance of Children and Family Services and associated capital projects

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The licensed children's services provided by Council are subject to stringent regulatory requirements and associated periodic audits. Council consistently operates these services to a high standard, ensuring compliance and quality service provision. Work has recently commenced with service providers to undertake the process of licensing facilities that are part of the current capital works projects, including decant sites. These services include Mordialloc Preschool, Nola Barber Kindergarten and the Aspendale North Kindergarten. (I) Manage the implementation of scheduled actions relating to 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 the Family and Children's Strategy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Continued delivery is occurring as per the strategy. This has included significant support being provided to kindergartens to manage the impacts of regulatory changes as well as facilitating a range of capital improvements. Expressions of interests have been submitted in the 2015 DET Early Years Capital Grants program seeking funding to develop an integrated facility, redevelop a kindergarten facility and renovate another kindergarten facility. (I) Manage the implementation of specified actions relating to 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 the Kingston Youth Strategy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Youth Services team regularly meets to implement actions from the 2012-2016 Strategy. In December 2014, Kingston Youth Services received confirmation that it was successful in receiving Engage Funding for 2015-2017 period. Planning took place in January 2015 to roll out the activities in line with the current Strategy in place. Several outcomes has been achieved and planned for in this financial year. Some highlights since July 2015 included: Freeza's Annual Battle of the Bands competition which saw our winning band 'Mother Culture' progress to the Regional finals; AYC hosting an end of the term celebration event in September 2015 which engaged the local community raising awareness of programs and services to young people; and a record 104 entries into the annual Ink About It Writing Competition. Our KYSS Magazine developed by a committee of dedicated young people produced a bumper 44 page Art & Photography Edition which has been well received by the community. Further to the actions above the Youth Services team continue to roll out the Resilience Survey in schools are underway in engaging 26 schools to complete their surveys by the of the 2015 calendar year.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFMC1 Participation in first MCH % home visit

LGPRFMC2 Infant enrolments in MCH % service

LGPRFMC4 Participation in the MCH % service

LGPRFMC5 Participation in the MCH # service by aboriginal children





98.82 99.11

99.02 98.42

37.57 77.49 43.66 85.00

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Family, Youth and Children's Services

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Number of children's attendances at Family, Youth and Children's Services supported playgroups (includes MCH, FDC, Smalltalk and Multicultural)

Number of infant vaccinations delivered/provided

Attendances at before and after school care programs and vacation care

# 1,235.00

# 2,000.00

# 17,245.00

1,420.00 5,915.00

1,920.00 7,680.00 17,688.00 65,192.00

Family Day Care service hours provided # 85,008.00 79,861.50 339,148.00

Hours of care delivered continues to be below budget projections, however there was an increase of 733 hours in September compared to August.

Family Support Team - contacts with vulnerable families

# 400.00 264.00 0.00

The new Alliance rollover on the 1st of July has had issues in establishing a clear operations for the pre-existing Inner Middle area. To date Council will participate in a number of Management and Governance meetings under the new Bayside Peninsula Child First structure to address operational issues

Number of contacts with young people #

Number of MCH Consultations #

2,250.00 6,255.00

6,556.00 0.00

7,027.00 25,441.00

Total client contacts in the use of Family, # Youth and Children's Services (excludes sessional kinder and family day care)

30,000.00 49,262.00 0.00

3.2 : A city responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community

Action Start Date End Date Monitor and respond to relevant legislation, policies and 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 strategies that impact on family, children's and youth services 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Officers have continued to monitor State Government policy and funding frameworks associated with the 2016 ratio changes for kindergarten. A letter was sent by the Mayor to the Minister for Families and Children expressing concern about the costs being imposed on kindergartens. Further advocacy activities will continue to be undertaken.

3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Active volunteers in Youth and Family Services

# 65.00 51.00 0.00

The Youth Team are currently recruiting and training 12 additional volunteers to assist in the delivery of programs and services across the youth and family teams

Volunteer hours contributed to community # programs - Youth and Family Services

375.00 456.00 1,618.00

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Family, Youth and Children's Services

3.4 : A diverse and inclusive community

Action Start Date End Date Undertake programs that support interactions across 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 generations within existing services 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The intergenerational play continues to operate on an annual basis. At the start of 2015 Youth Services implemented outcomes within the Engage Funding Workplan to develop a stronger Intergenerational project following the circus performance undertaken in May 2015. Youth Services and the Positive Ageing Committee recently worked on the developed and planning of the 2016 project brief and will carry out outcomes in 2016. In the meantime both committees are recruiting volunteers to participate and assist in the planning of the 2016 project.

5.4 : Working together in productive and supportive partnerships

Action Start Date End Date Maintain existing partnership projects and initiatives and look for new partnership opportunities which will further contribute to the wellbeing of children, youth and families

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Significant progress has been made in the reconfiguration of the ChildFIRST program of which Council is a partner. Ongoing key partnership activities include the Mill St program and the Resilient Youth Australia initiative. (I) Progress the Resilient Youth Australia partnership initiative 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Resilience Survey has been completed in 12 primary and secondary schools for 2015 at the end of September 2015. There is an annual plan of attempting to reach 25 schools and we are well under way in engaging 26 schools to complete the survey by the end of the 2015 Calendar year.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Family, Youth and Children's Services

($684,971) ($971,763) $286,792


Family, Youth and Children Services Management

($43,367) ($52,832) $9,465


Family and Children’s Centres

($21,165) ($88,717) $67,552


Children’s Services Partnerships

($78,845) ($89,681) $10,836


Early Years and School Age Care

$135,911 ($17,180) $153,091


Youth and Family Services

($196,924) ($258,647) $61,723


Maternal & Child Health Services and Immunisation

($480,582) ($464,705) ($15,877)


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Financial Services

Description :

Financial Services is responsible for the reporting and management of Council’s finances and ensuring Council’s compliance with statutory financial and reporting obligations, preparation of the annual budget and five -year financial plan. This area is also responsible for accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and banking functions. The management and maintenance of Council’s property and rating database along with the overseeing of the general valuation every two years are other key functions for financial services. These functions ensure the accurate raising of all rating revenue. Financial Services includes the Planning and Performance team, which manages the Council and Community planning and reporting for the organisation. It is responsible for key organisational and community planning documents, including the development and reporting of the Council Plan, the Community Plan, Quarterly Performance Reporting against the Council plan and managing the production of Kingston’s Annual Report. The team also co-ordinates and facilitates the annual business planning process for all departments and manages Council's planning and reporting system, Interplan. Business improvement for the organisations planning and reporting framework including best practice, benchmarking across the sector and implementing any legislative requirements or changes to reporting to State Government.

Teams :

Rates Services

Budget & Statutory Reporting

Planning & Performance

Financial Services

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


5.3 : Enhanced understanding of the complexity of issues impacting Council decisions and outcomes

Action Start Date End Date (I) Review, implement and Effectively communicate Council's rating strategy to the community in accordance with the annual Budget process

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Rating Strategy is included in Council's Annual Budget. Work on the 2016/17 budget commences in the December quarter. The rating strategy will be reviewed and communicated as part of this process.

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date Deliver effective business and corporate planning processes which demonstrates Kingston's commitment to being transparent and accountable to the community and Council.

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Development of the Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) for the 2015/16 Financial year listing all the department actions and KPI's as developed during the business planning process in order to deliver against the Council Plan. Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) results Audited by the Auditor General Office and submitted to Councils Audit Committee for review. Upload of the final results to Local Government Victoria for inclusion in the soon to be released "Know your Council" public website. Provision of key performance reporting requirements and performance results for inclusion in the Annual Report, now submitted to the Minister for Local Government. Coordination of a comprehensive Departmental Business Directions Presentation process to Councillors outlining key objectives for 2016/17 financial year.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Financial Services

6.4 : Robust and accountable business and financial processes

Action Start Date End Date Maximise return on investments within policy guidelines 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council has funds of $63.3 million invested as at 30th September 2015 with average YTD interest rate of 2.79% which is 62 points ahead of the average 90 Day Bank Bill Rate of 2.17%. Provide budget, performance and statutory reporting services and accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll services

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Kingston Council has approved its 2015-16 Budget which features a significant investment in community infrastructure and provides quality services while delivering a modest rate rise. To help reduce the impact on pensioners, Council has also increased its pensioner rebate from $80 to $100, which they receive in addition to the Victorian Government rebate.

Highlights of the Budget include a significant investment in local sportsgrounds, the Westall Community Hub project, a new green waste recycling initiative and some vital work to begin the Chain of Parks and position Council to realise the end of landfill activities in Kingston.

In relation to the State Governments rate capping proposal, Kingston is well-prepared to respond to the Victorian Government’s rate-capping policy due to its strong focus on sound financial management. For many years Kingston Council has worked hard to deliver financially responsible and balanced budgets, that keep rates low while delivering high-quality services and maintaining valuable community infrastructure. Provide revenue and collection services including the managing the valuation of all rateable properties within the City of Kingston

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

In September 2015 the Rates Team reworked it's task roster due to changes in processes over the past few months. With the successful implementation of on-line land information certificate requests in August 2015, work pressures had shifted within the team. This task roster is now more in-line with the day to day duties and will ensure the team continues to keep up to date with resident requests.

Rates for 2015/16 were put into the system on 2 July 2015. The 1st instalment of rates and charges were due on 30 September 2015. Identify and implement business and performance improvement opportunities across the organisation

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Development of procedures and processes for the collation of the performance results for the newly implemented Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) measures and the accompanying evidence for audit purposes. Feedback received from the external auditors and Councils Audit Committee was that we had excellent processes in place and were able to accurately validate the results. Once the LGPRF results for all Victorian Councils is released on the newly developed public "know your council" website, benchmarking of our performance against other councils can be undertaken and any required improvements to services initiated.

The team has begun a major review of all of our reports and our Key Performance Indicators to ensure we are collecting meaningful data that will help us to improve the way we deliver our services to the community.

Commencing preparation for the development of a new Council Strategic Plan once the new Council is elected in October 2016.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFO1 Asset renewal compared to % depreciation

LGPRFS1 Rates compared to adjusted % underlying revenue

Average year to date interest rate on # investments - points above 90 Day Bank Bill rate

LGPRFC1 Expenses per head of municipal $ population

LGPRFC4 Own source revenue per head $ of municipal population

LGPRFC5 Recurrent grants per head of $ municipal population







128.15 112.66

65.95 64.60

42.00 78.00

275.88 1,086.22

867.36 980.41 55.56 216.37

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Kingston City Council

Financial Services

Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report

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Financial Services

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFE2 Expenses per property $ assessment

LGPRFOP1 Adjusted underlying surplus % (or deficit) [as a percentage of underlying revenue]



593.12 2,335.33 70.13 9.68

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Financial Services

($420,879) ($501,262) $80,383


Financial Services

($45,103) ($70,830) $25,727


Rates Services

($83,146) ($112,242) $29,096


Budget & Statutory Reporting

($217,575) ($237,809) $20,234


Planning & Performance

($75,055) ($80,381) $5,326


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Kingston City Council Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report Governance

9 November 2015 Page 39 of 70

Description :

The role of the Governance Department is to: 1. support the function of democratic local government through the Council and Councillors by promoting and assisting effective decision making and the implementation of those decisions . 2. support corporate governance processes by ensuring accountability and transparency in the many legislative responsibilities of the organisation. 3. ensure the effective management of Council’s internal meeting rooms and facilities .

Teams :

Council Business

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


3.2 : A city responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community

Action Start Date End Date Report and advise on the implications of legislative and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 governance policy change to Council and the organisation 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A report was presented to Council regarding the progress of the Local Government Amendment (Good Governance) Bill. It is expected that the Bill will be enacted in October 2015.

A review of the Local Government Act has commenced and information provided to the Councillors.

Council is preparing for the process of the 2016 Council Election.

3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Action Start Date End Date (I) Implement the community consultative framework 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Advisory Committees structure has been endorsed by Council and appointments to Committees made.

4.6 : Effective enforcement of local laws and regulations

Action Start Date End Date (I) Review and develop effective and responsive community 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Local Laws 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council adopted the Community Local Law at its August 2015 Ordinary Meeting of Council. Council adopted the Meeting Procedures Local Law at a Special Meeting in September 2015.

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date (I) Manage the General Council Election for 2016 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A scoping paper was presented to the Corporate Leadership Group regarding induction processes for the Council election.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Action Start Date End Date Establish, monitor and maintain a Governance Framework to service Council, Councillors and the organisation

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Draft Governance Framework is being revised following initial internal review. Compliance Framework and Compliance Policy has been drafted and undergone initial internal review. The capability of the Interplan system to monitor compliance obligations is being considered. Implement Policy Framework across the organisation 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

All policies are now presented in the required template and ongoing review of policies is occurring.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFG1 Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public

LGPRFG3 Councillor attendance at Council meetings

LGPRFG4 Cost of governance (per Councillor)

% 8.00

% 85.00

$ 12,500.00

3.90 3.19

88.89 93.24 12,190.56 50,034.11

6.3 : An organisation that demonstrates community inspired leadership

Action Start Date End Date Implement an education program for Councillors and staff

Not yet commenced.

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status


($392,947) ($427,937) $34,990


Council Business

($392,947) ($427,937) $34,990


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Kingston City Council Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report

Information Services

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Description :

The role of Information Services is to provide information systems and services that ensure the quality, security and accessibility of data and information to Council. This department is responsible for the support and development of Council’s Information Technology and Communications (ITC), Information Management, Information Services Policies and the management of the various Software Applications used by all of Council staff and Councillors. The department supports over 650 PCs and Notebooks across 40 sites. The hardware and applications supported are required to operate in a 24 x 7 environment. The department is responsible for ensuring Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity processes are in place. The department also maintains and supports the mobile phones and other mobile devices used by Council.

Teams :

Information Services Management

Telephony & Postage

Information Services Infrastructure

Business Applications

Corporate Information

Program Performance :


Performance Success Indicator

Performance Budget

Performance Capital Works


6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date Ensure currency of Council's Information Systems and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Business Continuity plans 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The infrastructure for testing the IT Disaster Recovery plan has been fully commissioned. A successful test of the new infrastructure was held in April 2015. The test had been planned for December, but was delayed due to issues with the commissioning of new storage and server hardware. A major test of the Disaster Recovery infrastructure and configuration was successfully completed in May 2015. These results have been analysed will be included in an audit planned for August/September 2015. (MI) Desktop Fleet - PC's and Notebooks 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

We expect to roll out about 150 new devices over the year. Forty new PCs have been handed out to users already this Financial Year (MI) GIS Project 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Major 3D GIS Project. The specialist software has been delivered and implemented. A fly-over of the Cheltenham and Moorabbin areas has been completed and the photography will be delivered in October. Deliver Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services to the organisation

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

In this Quarter, the internal network was available 99.9% during working hours. All applications were available at all times except when taken offline for maintenance upgrades. . Maintain, develop and support existing IT applications and support the implementation of new systems and technologies

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The Business Applications team has been working closely with our vendors to ensure that all corporate applications are up to date with current legislative requirements and the functionality is aligned with Council’s business practices. We worked closely with the Customer Services Team to implement "City Watch" this application allows our customers to log requests from their mobile devices. We also work closely with the Economic Development team to implement on line booking of events for their business. Working alongside the Finance Team we have successfully implemented an automated interface between Pathway and Technologyone. Working with the Community Buildings Team we successfully implemented the change over from using Davlin to Pathway for their building requests. The Business Applications team is continuing to assist with the implementation of the Community Care Information Systems

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Information Services

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Action Start Date End Date Manage Council's corporate information, including electronic and physical business records

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

During the July - September 2015 quarter the Corporate Information team saved 28,344 inwards documents into the electronic document and records management system (TRIM). This includes daily mail from Australia Post, faxes and online. Nineteen Freedom of Information requests were received in this period and 90 privacy requests were responded to. A total of 1,026 endorsed plans and oversize plans associated with Planning and Building Applications were scanned into TRIM. A total of 667 archival boxes were retrieved from Grace Records Management and returned to our off site storage facility. An audit of the basement was completed and report tabled to Corporate Leadership Group. Provide communications services including telecommunications and postage to the organisation

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

This is an ongoing requirement for Information Services and the postage in and out is successfully delivered on a daily basis. The telecommunications infrastructure is available on a daily basis.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Freedom of Information requests completed on


% 100.00 100.00


Help desk calls closed # 1,500.00 2,104.00 6,576.00

Increase number this month due to new security and tighter controls around emails

Network availability during office hours % 99.00 99.00


Replacement computers (PCs and laptops) # 30.00 28.00


All requirements met.

6.3: An organisation that demonstrates community inspired leadership

Action Start Date End Date (I) Develop the Information Services Strategy 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Initial meetings have been held with potential suppliers and draft guidelines were presented to Corporate Leadership Group in May. Internal meeting have been held to establish ICT requirements from various council areas to include in the Strategy. The scope of the ICT strategy has been widened and 4 possible suppliers have been asked to supply a proposal. One potential supplier dropped out and we are currently evaluating these replies. Business Aspect was awarded the contract to develop and ICT Strategy. Business Aspect's consultants met with members of CLG and SLG to discuss issues and ideas. A draft ICT strategy will be presented in October/November. Scope the Information and Communications Technology 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Disaster Recovery Plan 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The existing plan was tested in the final quarter of 2014/15. This is still in use. The new plan will be developed when the ICT Strategy has been presented and accepted.

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Information Services

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Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Information Services

($1,829,641) ($2,017,180) $187,539


Corporate Information

($190,951) ($225,717) $34,766


Business Applications

($781,813) ($767,470) ($14,343)


Telephony & Postage

($75,374) ($80,630) $5,256


Information Services Infrastructure

($732,022) ($894,228) $162,206


Information Services Management

($49,481) ($49,135) ($346)


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Desktop Fleet - PC's and Notebooks

$0 $0 $200,000


(MI) GIS Project

$0 $0 $80,000


Information Services Capital Program including IT and communications hardware, software and licensing

$13,458 $100,000 $840,000


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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Description :

The Infrastructure Department is responsible for all civil infrastructure. This includes the asset management , condition assessment and planning for the upgrading and renewal of road, footpath, drainage, bridges and other infrastructure which have a replacement value of more than $800 million. The delivery of capital works is also undertaken through approximately fifty contracts per annum. This department is also responsible for the provision of waste services to approximately 63,000 residential premises, which includes the collection of approximately 60,000 tonnes of garbage, recyclables and green waste. The department is also responsible for road and infrastructure services covering maintenance and repairs to Council’s roads, drains, footpaths, signs and street furniture. The department also coordinates the Council wide emergency management response including key liaison with Emergency Services within the municipality and the region.

Teams :

Civil Assets Planning & Delivery (Infrastructure Planning)

Infrastructure Management

Civil Maintenance (Road Infrastructure)

Asset Management

Waste and Civil Maintenance Management

Engineering Design

Program Performance :


Performance Success Indicator

Performance Budget

Performance Capital Works


1.1 : Assets are managed and used to meet the needs and provide for current and future generations

Action Start Date End Date Provide emergency response as required 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Department continues to provide emergency response as required, including a 24 hour service to emergency response agencies Provide maintenance and repair services to Council's roads, drains, footpaths, signs, street sweeping and street furniture

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The Maintenance Contract Team has carried out programmed inspections of footpaths, roads and bridges and arranged maintenance repair works to be completed to Council's streets/roads, bridges, footpaths, street signs, street furniture, pavement markings and drainage system to ensure these assets are safe and fully functional for the community. The Maintenance Contract Team has responded to customer maintenance requests regarding Council assets and services associated with Council drains, roads, footpaths, signs, street furniture and street sweeping within specified time frames 95% of the time. New contracts for Concrete Paving of Footpaths and Road Line Marking commenced on 1/07/2015. (I) Develop and implement Council's civil infrastructure 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 condition rating survey 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Condition rating inspections of road infrastructure are on schedule. Implement the National Asset Management Framework across 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Council 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Preliminary analysis has been undertaken on sustainable asset modelling. Kingston has achieved attainment of "Core Asset Management Maturity" status as assessed by MAV. Effort during 2015/16 will be focused on consolidating this status and reviewing asset management plans to better align with service delivery objectives, in consideration with the proposed rate capping legislation.

The National Asset Management Assessment Framework (NAMAF) survey is annually reviewed and updated during November /December each year.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Action Start Date End Date Provide Asset Management Services to oversee and report on the delivery of the Annual Capital Works Program and coordinate the development of the Capital Forward Plan

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The 2015/16 capital works program was adopted on 6 June 2015 at a value of $52.2 million. This was formally adjusted on 28 September 2015 to include EOFY variations from 2014/15 and changes to grant incomes to arrive at a forecast budget of $56.4 million. New monitoring processes are being introduced to proactively identify and report on significant variations to intended project delivery programming. The annual review of the Capital Works Forward Plan commences in the second quarter. (MI) Footpath Renewal Program - Capital 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The footpath renewal program is on schedule; projects completed to date include Park Way, Braeside from Woodlands to the west boundary of 25 Park Way. Footpath works are programmed for the Mordialloc Creek Trail (north side), from Railway Bridge to Wells Road - granitic shared path; Fraser Avenue, Edithvale; Cross Road, Chelsea; Centreway, Mordialloc (west side) and Bradshaw Street, Mordialloc (west side). 36% of the Budget is committed with 6% expenditure. (MI) Road Renewal - Resurfacing Program 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The resurfacing program will continue to be implemented, with the majority of works occurring from December to April. The program is anticipated to be on target at the end of the financial year. (MI) Road Renewal - Roads Reconstruction Program 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The road reconstruction program is on schedule with 97% of the budget committed and 47% expenditure at the end of the first quarter. Major projects in 2015/16 include completion of Colenso Street, Carrum road reconstruction, Owen Street, Mordialloc road reconstruction and Ninth Avenue, Chelsea Heights road reconstruction and drainage upgrade; Works are underway for Haughton Road, Clayton South road reconstruction and Manoon Road, Clayton South road reconstruction. Contracts have been awarded for McMillan Street, Clayton South road reconstruction, with works anticipated to commence early 2016. The tender for Oakes Avenue, Clayton South road reconstruction closes 22 October 2015. Projects currently in design stage include, Barkly Street, Mordialloc; Dahmen Street & Westley Street, Carrum; Surf Street, Parkdale. Manage Council's design engineering investigation program to support the delivery of Capital Works

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Road, footpath and drainage construction design is tracking well and at the end of the first quarter 2015/16, 48% of the $15.5m Capital Works budget for 2015/16 is committed. Investigate and analyse data to develop Flood Mitigation 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Program 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The 2015 Kingston Flood Management Plan is currently being developed in partnership with Melbourne Water. Two workshops were held in May and July 2015 and the report is progressing well and is scheduled to be completed by October 2015. Update and release version 2 of the Flood Emergency 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Management Plan 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The sub-committee chaired by VICSES met at the end of September 2014 and work has begun on developing a new version of the Flood Emergency Management Plan.

VICSES and Melbourne Water have prepared new flood maps for South Ward for inclusion in the plan which will be presented to Council later this year

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFR1 Sealed local road requests (per # 100 kilometres of sealed local road)

Infrastructure Capital Program - Projects % designed in advance for construction next year (as a % of Infrastructure department's capital works budget)



8.86 34.28 20.00 77.00

Based on the estimated size of the 2016/2017 capital works program, preliminary assessments are indicating that the design program is not as advanced as it should be to allow sufficient time to construct all of Infrastructure department's capital works projects by the 30 June 2017. A detailed report has been prepared discussing the challenges associated with delivering a larger program with less resources. Further departmental reviews and planning will be required to confirm corrective action by January 2016.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Infrastructure Capital Program - Projects % designed and ready for construction during current year as a % of budget

75.00 77.00 100.00

The 2015/16 design program is progressing well with around $9.5M worth of projects tendered by the end of the September quarter. The program is on-track to be in a position to tender the vast majority of Infrastructure department's capital works projects by early 2016.

LGPRFR3 Cost of sealed local road $ reconstruction (per square metre of sealed local roads reconstructed)

LGPRFR4 Cost of sealed local road $ resealing (per square metre of sealed local roads resealed)



80.27 81.18 31.44 20.59

Roads - Kilometres of footpath renewed km 3.00 2.77 12.55

Footpath renewal is 92% of target at the end of the 1st quarter for 2015/16, and is anticipated to reach target by the end of the fy.

2.5 : Adopt and implement sustainable practices

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Streetlight fittings replacement 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The project is progressing on-schedule with preparations under-way fro tendering in November / December 2015. Provide waste management services 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Waste collection services continue to be provided to a high level of service for garbage, recycling and green waste over the last quarter. Annual Hard garbage collection commenced in late September 2015. Council has re-tendered Litter bin collection services. (MI) Drainage flood mitigation programs 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The drainage flood mitigation programs are on schedule. Flood mitigation investigations are currently being undertaken in various catchment areas, including; Clarinda, Bonbeach, Mentone and Chelsea. 81% of the budget is committed at the end of the first quarter. Progressively implement the required capital works defined in 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 the Kingston Flood Mitigation Strategy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Edithvale Recreation Reserve Stormwater Treatment & Reuse project is underway. Stage 2 Fraser Avenue main drain, pumping station and water recovery commenced in September 2015. Ninth Avenue drainage upgrade & flood storage was completed in September 2015 and major drainage upgrade in Kinross Avenue, Stage 1 was completed in July 2015 with Stage 2 underway. Oakes Avenue project is currently out for tender; drainage works will be implemented as part of road reconstruction works. Keeley Park stormwater treatment and reuse project has recently been tendered with works scheduled to commence in January 2016.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFWC2 Kerbside collection bins missed (per 10,000 scheduled kerbside collection bin lifts)

# 5.77 7.36 5.85

Slight increase in the number of missed bins by collection contractor as compared to previous performance.

LGPRFWC5 Kerbside collection waste

diverted from landfill % 50.00 46.88 49.91

Slight reduction in amount of collected tonnage of green waste over winter months as 13% lower compared to same quarter in 2014.

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Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFWC1 Kerbside bin collection # requests (per 1,000 kerbside bin collection households)

LGPRFWC3 Cost of kerbside garbage bin $ collection service (per kerbside garbage collection bin)

LGPRFWC4 Cost of kerbside recyclables $ bin collection service (per kerbside recyclables collection bin)




29.54 112.25

23.93 94.34 3.59 13.60

4.1 : Vibrant active urban centres

Action Start Date End Date Implementation of civil works for enhancements and upgrades 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 to the amenity of shopping precincts 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Road reconstruction in Owen Street, Mordialloc was completed in September 2015. Footpath reconstruction is underway in Centreway Mordialloc, with works due for completion in November 2015.

4.2 : Informed, learning and connected city

Action Start Date End Date Provide waste education programs to the community 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Waste education delivered via a total of 48 sessions across 13 primary schools. A total of 5 sessions have been delivered across 3 Early Learning Centres. The Cheltenham Library is organised to host competition finalists during National Recycling Week.

Below is a summary of feedback from educations sessions delivered to date: • 100% of teachers described the sessions as both excellent or very good and ‘age-appropriate’. • Both the content of the sessions and the presenters were highly praised as either excellent or very good. • 100% of teachers indicated that they would recommend this program to other schools. • Comments demonstrated that the hands-on / interactive nature of the sessions was well received by both teachers and students, for example;

“They enjoyed the problem solving task of how long waste takes to break down.” - Aspendale Primary, July 2015 “The hands on activities were really interesting and fun for the students” - St Brigid’s Primary, July 2015 “The sorting task was great as the kids were actively involved and challenged in a non-threatening way” - St Louise de Montfort Primary, August 2015 “Searching for worms really engaged the students and kept them interested” - Kingston Heath Primary, August 2015

Updated information on Waste appears on of Council’s web site and waste education articles have featured in KYC.

4.4 : Thriving, profitable and sustainable local economy

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Kingston Industrial Development Strategy 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The design for Capital improvements in industrial areas, for 2015/16 are being consolidated. Projects currently in design stage are: Lamana Road, Mordialloc drainage upgrade; Governor Road, Mordialloc from Percy Street Boundary Road, road reconstruction & Main Road, Clayton south road reconstruction.

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6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date Fulfill Council's legislative responsibilities in relation to 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Municipal Emergency Management 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

All Emergency Management obligations are being met including: • Routine committee meetings with emergency services • Updating Municipal Emergency Management Plan and related sub-plans • Exercising plans • Participating in regional planning and preparedness * Providing support as required to emergency services Provide emergency response and after hours services 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The After Hours Emergency Duty Officer has responsed to number of requests which have included: drainage issues which included broken pit lids and drainage blockages, wind storms - blown down fences, damaged street trees, broken glass on the road and footpath, keys dropped down a pit, dangerous rubbish dropped on the road, problems with public toilets and oil spills.

The Emergency Response Team have responsed to number of requests during working hours which have included: Building of Easements requests for checking on the condition and location of Council drains, maintenance inspections of Council drainage pumps, flooding and stormwater drainage requests, drainage repairs, pot hole repairs, footpath investigations, collection of dumped rubbish, collection of dead animals and responding emergencies.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status


($4,104,159) ($4,161,217) $57,058


Civil Assets Planning & Delivery (Infrastructure Planning)

($191,581) ($191,610) $29


Asset Management

($145,499) ($150,684) $5,185


Infrastructure Management

($40,108) ($52,357) $12,249


Waste and Civil Maintenance Management

($2,066,900) ($1,977,509) ($89,391)


Civil Maintenance (Road Infrastructure)

($1,660,072) ($1,789,057) $128,985


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Drainage flood mitigation programs

$626,090 $650,000 $3,200,000


(MI) Footpath Renewal Program - Capital

$17,003 $50,000 $1,200,000


(MI) Kingston Industrial Development Strategy

$0 $0 $250,000


(MI) Road Renewal - Resurfacing Program

$41,810 $0 $1,750,000


(MI) Road Renewal - Roads Reconstruction Program

$17,042 $700,000 $3,200,000


(MI) Streetlight fittings replacement

$0 $0 $1,500,000


Civil infrastructure program of capital works

$13,568 $55,000 $1,727,362


Implementation of civil works for enhancements and upgrades to the amenity of shopping precincts

$12,077 $0 $270,000


Recycling enclosures for sports clubs

$0 $0 $0


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Library and Education Services

Description :

Library and Education Services are responsible for one of Council’s most significant community support and education areas, through the provision of library and information services and Council Community Hubs to the Kingston community. The Kingston Libraries and Community Hubs provide for the recreation, information, social and cultural needs of the community as well as providing community space which all can use. A large number of programmes are provided, including developing children’s literacy and information literacy for adults, and community support in the Community Hubs.

Teams :

Building Hubs and Partnerships

Library Services

Program Performance :


Performance Success Indicator

Performance Budget

Performance Capital Works


1.2 : Quality community facilities that are well used and accessible (including sports and recreation, libraries and arts facilities)

Action Start Date End Date Actively ensure that Library buildings and Community Centres are maintained and in good repair and support the ongoing development of facilities

01/07/2014 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

All Library buildings and Community Centres are well maintained, cleaning is monitored regularly, and building requests followed up immediately. The Airconditioning upgrade at the Parkdale Library is was completed in August 2015 (I) Lead the development and operational planning for the 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Westall Community Hub 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Detailed input to the tendering process has been given. Meetings continue with Community Buildings, other departments and the schools

3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Action Start Date End Date Participate in a range of cross departmental working groups 01/07/2014 30/06/2017 and a range of networks that support community strengthening 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Library staff continue to work across departments. Community Centre staff have been working closely with the Family Service, Community Engagement, Social Inclusion, Youth Services, Property Services, and Community Buildings teams in regard to the operation and programming of the Centres and Hubs. This quarter staff have particularly worked on the better utilisation of Scott Avenue in Clayton South,and the Carrum Activity Hub. . Library and Hub staff have worked closely with Mordialloc, Chelsea and Dingley Historical Societies reagrding buildings and

collections.Dingley Historical Society have their new rooms, and we work with Chelsea re their refurbishment. Respond to volunteer requests including work experience according to resourcing and opportunity availability in libraries and community centres

01/07/2014 30/06/2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Library staff have continued to actively seek Home Library recipients and recruit volunteers. . Publicity efforts have resulted in additional Home Library service recipients. Media coverage has been achieved. Community Centre

Staff have worked on the recruitment of the Working Group for Chelsea Activity Hub.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Library and Education Services

4.2 : Informed, learning and connected city

Action Start Date End Date Deliver reputable information, quality resources and services to strengthen and support the community via libraries

01/07/2014 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Libraries & Education continue to provide reputable information, quality resources and services to strengthen and support the community through its eight Library sites and four Community Centres and Activity Hubs. Libraries are a trusted community resource and an essential platform for learning, creativity and innovation in the community. The community requests for information are becoming more complex as other sources of assistance are increasingly becoming electronic rather than face to face. Review Library Strategic Plan 30/06/2014 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A major report on heritage and History has been presented internally. Scoping work has commenced for a Strategic Plan process. Strengthen and optimise facility utilisation at the Sundowner, Clarinda Community Centres, Melaleuca and Chelsea Activity Centre

01/07/2014 30/06/2017 Ongoing

All Centres are well utilised, as reflected in the total client visit statistics. Staff have prepared the advertising materials for the term three programs.

Attendance at all programs is positive, some programs have been introduced for the term four period, this includes Gentle exercise at Chelsea Activity Hub

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFLB1 Library collection usage (loans # per item)

1.20 1.28 4.69

2015/16 targets to be reviewed once full year 2014/15 results are available.

LGPRFLB1.1 Number of library collection # item loans

30,000.00 302,882.00 1,160,023.00

Kingston Libraries provide quality resources and services to strengthen and support the community through eight sites. Libraries provide resources to support literacy development for both children and adults, information literacy, recreation, information, social and cultural needs of the community.

LGPRFLB3 Cost of library service (per $ visit)

15.00 7.42 8.15

Kingston operates eight library branches, ensuring our residents have easy access to library services.

Library Community Contact: virtual visits (website/management system/net catalogue)

# 250,020.00 243,164.00 861,574.00

Virtual contacts continue to grow, however redesign of the website has meant fewer layers and hence fewer uses as the community find information more easily.

Total Library client contacts # 750,000.00 765,183.50 2,840,342.00

The Community enjoys the resources, use of community space and the opportunity to engage with other members of the community which are provided by the Library

Council library operated community centres and activity hubs - total client contacts

# 18,250.02 18,345.00 28,424.00

Client contacts continue to increase in all library managed Centres and hubs, the community are becoming more aware of programs and give very positive feedback when visiting.

4.3 : A city rich with cultural vitality

Action Start Date End Date Create and strengthen community historical awareness 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

TheHistorical Societies Network meeting was held in August 2015. Library staff and Community Buildings department in association with the Chelsea Historical Society have met regularly in preparation for the building works to the museum. A Consultation process has commenced with the Historical Societies re securing the future for Heritage and History.

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Library and Education Services

4.4 : Thriving, profitable and sustainable local economy

Action Start Date End Date Integrate new technology and innovation into libraries and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 community centres 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Ipad training continues to prove very popular with classes for Seniors booked out and extra classes are planned for 2015. Wifi has now been rolled out to all library branches, with extended hours offered and a broader footprint.

The Library and Community Centre have successfully upgraded the booking system software. Almost complete - waiting on an upgrade through Council IT to our genealogical server and computers.

Internet Explore update is occurring as per Council IT schedule.

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Library management system update - Investigate and 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 scope the library management system 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Initial scoping has commenced. 2 sites have been visited, proforma tender documents have been sourced.

6.2 : A customer focused organisation

Action Start Date End Date Ensure community awareness of Council services at Library 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 and Community Centres 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Libraries and Community centres continue to provide access to information and awareness of Council services with Community Centres acting as conduits for local residents to receive services and support. Council Strategy papers and consultations are displayed at the Libraries.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Library and Education Services

($566,353) ($536,355) ($29,998)


Building Hubs and Partnerships

($65,588) ($81,105) $15,517


Library Services

($500,765) ($455,250) ($45,515)


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Library management system update - Investigate and scope the library management system

$0 $0 $450,000


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Parks and Recreation

Description :

The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for Council’s environmental management and maintenance programs. These programs promote sound and sustainable management principles for environmental outcomes to meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors to the City of Kingston. The department is responsible for planning, maintaining and improving Council’s open space, foreshore, parks and gardens. These activities include beach cleaning, litter bin collection, graffiti removal and public toilet cleaning . Other key activities include maintenance of 52 sports grounds, 367 parks and reserves totalling 616 hectares, 90,000 park/street trees and 114 playgrounds.

Teams :

Parks Team

Public Places & Design

Sports & Recreation

Foreshore Management

Parks and Recreation Management

Program Performance :


Performance Success Indicator

Performance Budget

Performance Capital Works


1.1 : Assets are managed and used to meet the needs and provide for current and future generations

Action Start Date End Date Council to consider potential uses for Council owned land in 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Spring Road, Dingley 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council were briefed in June 2015 on the limitations of the site. Community consultation took place in August via a survey to 4,500 residents to identify the community's needs for the site.

1.2 : Quality community facilities that are well used and accessible (including sports and recreation, libraries and arts facilities)

Action Start Date End Date Manage the planning for the development and refurbishment 01/07/2014 30/06/2017 of pavilions and oversee the implementation of associated works 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The kitchen was refurbished at Dane Rd, Moorabbin was completed in October 2015. The planning for Ben Kavanagh Pavilion concepts have been formally approved by the Mordialloc Sporting Club and the Master Plan was adopted at the October 2015 ordinary meeting of council.

Council has commenced works at the Regents Park Pavilion, for the installation of a female toilet and have appointed a contractor to complete the works. (MI) Athletics Track Upgrade at GR Bricker (grant dependent) 17/04/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A major facilities grant application was submitted to Sport and Recreation Victoria in October 2015, which if successful will enable the athletics track to be resurfaced. Detailed project scoping commenced in October 2015.

1.3 : Parks, playgrounds and reserves that meet community needs

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Bonbeach Sports Reserve - Masterplan Implementation 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council has undertaken landscaping works including turf reinstatement, and the installation of pathways and seating at the Scotch Parade entrance to the reserve.

Planning has commenced on formalising existing crushed rock car park to maximise parking capacity. Council in conjunction with the Bonbeach Sports Club is also planning to replace the scoreboard.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Parks and Recreation

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Keeley Park Master Plan 17/04/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Extensive works were undertaken during 2014/15 to implement the Keeley Park master plan including new car park, new shared paths, new public lighting and landscape works.

In 2015/16 the following works have been implemented: Stormwater and bio-retention ponds have been designed, sports lighting infrastructure has been designed. (MI) Walter Galt Reserve - Masterplan Implementation

The following works have been undertaken to implement the Master Plan: * Car park works

17/04/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

* Relocation of cricket nets Provide responsible design and implementation for public places

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The Public Places and Design team provides ongoing design advice for a number of Parks Improvement projects as well as co-ordinating the design responses to other Council service areas. (I) Develop play spaces and implement the playground renewal program in line with the Kingston Playground Strategy and capital budget

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Consultation for LL Stevenson Reserve playground underway. Concept design underway for Gerry Green Reserve and detailed design for George Woods Reserve. A nature space play area to be created at Christina Terrace to replace an existing 'pond'. (MI) Bicentennial Skate Park Master Plan Implementation 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Tenders for construction to extend the skate park closed on 15 October 2015. The contract will be awarded by the end of December 2015.

1.4 : A community linked through trails, tracks and pathways

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Bay trail shared pathway implementation - Charman Road 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 to Mentone Lifesaving Club 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Works commenced in April 2015 on the long awaited missing piece of the Bay Trail after VCAT ruled in favour of Council's plans for the valuable community project. The three metre wide path will be added next to Beach Road, running from Charman Road to the Mentone Lifesaving Club and includes reconfiguration of the Mundy Street car park to allow the new path link with existing sections of the bay Trail. This section of the Bay Trail was completed in August 2015 and launched in October 2015. (MI) Bike and walking trails 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The shared pathway through Keely Park is now completed. The continuation of the link from Karkarook Park to Westall Station will be completed in the 2015/2016 financial year. Project scoping is in the initial stages for this section of the link.

2.3 : Leaders in foreshore management, ensuring a vibrant, accessible and enhanced foreshore

Action Start Date End Date Coordinate the management and maintenance of the foreshore

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Council continues to undertake beach cleaning in line with contract schedules. Weed control works is ongoing and aims to promote coverage of indigenous species across the foreshore. (I) Implement adopted actions from the Coastal Management 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Plan 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Several actions from the Coastal Management Plan have been completed or are under-way. The tender document for Bristol Ave Toilet plan is being prepared for tender in October, with installation expected in winter 2016. The Gnotuk Car Park Upgrade works will commence in March 2016.

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Parks and Recreation

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Mentone Coastal Precinct Plan implementation 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The project has been delayed to allow Council officers to investigate engineering solutions related to site topography and access challenges throughout the precinct.

Design for the promenade can commence following resolution of access issues. Playground installation/BBQ area, will commence in Spring /Autumn 2016.

2.4 : Protect and enhance areas of high natural environmental value

Action Start Date End Date Implement programmed and reactive tree pruning 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Over the first quarter of 2015/16, the newly re-tendered Programmed Tree Pruning contract commenced. From July to September , the focus of works has been in the Clayton South, Clarinda & Oakleigh South blocks or suburbs to ensure appropriate clearances for safety and compliance to the new 2015 ESV power line regulations.

With the commencement of the new Reactive Tree Pruning contract in July, the works have continued to focus on addressing the requests from the community. Over the first quarter, there were over 360 requests received regarding tree related issues. These were inspected and allocated for actioning. Currently there are around 50 requests in the system. These remaining requests will continue to be addressed on a priority basis. Plant and maintain street and park trees 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

During the September quarter, the focus of this team has been on reactive and programmed street tree planting. As well as this, this area will continue to undertake consultation with residents for future programmed tree planting in 2016 and then order the required numbers of trees from suppliers for the 2016 planting season.This season's tree planting commenced in May and concluded in September. The tree maintenance element of this service area has now commenced and will continue until the start of May 2016. Review Kingston's Biodiversity Strategy 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Following a review and discussion regarding the status of the draft Biodiversity Strategy, Council Officers are currently finalising the draft to present to Council by the end of the 2015 calendar year.

2.5 : Adopt and implement sustainable practices

Action Start Date End Date (MI) Irrigation System and Stormwater Harvesting for Sports 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Grounds 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The focus of this Capital project for 2015/16 is the upgrade of the irrigation and water storage infrastructure at Kingston Heath Reserve. This irrigation system has been an on-going maintenance issue with regular breaks and disruptions to the irrigation of the sporting fields at Kingston Heath. The project has been tendered and an experienced, qualified contractor has commenced the replacement of the old existing system, incorporating the replacement of the concrete water tanks with new steel water tanks as well as the renewal of the PVC irrigation system. This project will ensure the bore and storm water harvested for irrigation is used to maximum benefit of the reserve.

2.6 : A community sense of pride in the amenity of our parks, streetscapes and public spaces

Action Start Date End Date Maintain and develop Kingston's parks and open space 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The existing Horticulture rounds have been reviewed with the crews in order to look at further efficiencies with a focus on continual improvement. The review considered the priority of each site, the level of service for each site and the required resources available. The review has confirmed that these additional sites can be managed with current available resources. Operationally, the focus of the Horticulture Crews has been to undertake revegetation, on-going weed control and general maintenance during the first quarter of this financial year.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Parks and Recreation

3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Parks - Number of volunteer participations # in community environmental programs

250.00 587.00 1,146.00

During this first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, the Parks team has hosted a number of working bees and school days as part of the Parks Community Engagement Program. A key focus this quarter was National Tree Day which attracted over 200 participants on foreshore sites, Mordialloc Creek & Yammerbook Reserve alone. The result is double the anticipated target for this quarter and indicates significant community interest in 'hands - on' involvement of Council's Parks and Open Space.

Parks - Staff hours provided toward supporting community activities

# 200.00 271.75 916.75

During the first quarter of this financial year, the Parks team provided 271.75 staff hours towards hosting and coordinating working bees and school days as part of the Parks Community Engagement Program. The key focus areas this quarter included: * Hosting National Tree Day * Assisting established community groups * Continued school involvement.

The number of hours provided by the team is above the anticipated target with the team heavily involved in community planting days and plant propagation at Council's Bonbeach Depot nursery.

Parks - Volunteer participation hours provided towards Parks community environmental programs

# 300.00 1,349.00 2,424.00

During this first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, the Parks team has hosted a number of working bees and school days as part of the Parks Community Engagement Program. With key events like National Tree Day on foreshore sites, Mordialloc Creek & Yammerbook Reserve as well as continued school & community involvement in Council's Bonbeach Depot Nursery, this quarter has seen a dramatic increase in the number of hours (1,349) provided by the community to open space management. The result is over 4 times the anticipated target for this quarter and indicates significant community interest in 'hands - on' involvement of Council's Parks and Open Space.

3.5 : Increased participation in physical activity through sport and recreation services

Action Start Date End Date Provide direction and support in the planning, development, coordination and delivery of services to sport and recreation organisations

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Council is developing the Sport and Recreation Strategy to identify development opportunities within the municipality and introduce business planning to connect clubs and strategic planning requirements.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Parks and Recreation

($2,824,031) ($2,734,311) ($89,720)


Parks Team

($2,441,472) ($2,377,161) ($64,311)


Foreshore Management

($128,354) ($90,047) ($38,307)


Public Places & Design

($85,573) ($121,349) $35,776


Parks and Recreation Management

($50,693) ($50,556) ($137)


Sports & Recreation

($117,939) ($95,199) ($22,740)


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Athletics Track Upgrade at GR Bricker (grant dependent)

$0 $0 $500,000


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Parks and Recreation

Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Bay trail shared pathway implementation - Charman Road to Mentone Lifesaving Club

$527,760 $400,000 $600,000


(MI) Bicentennial Skate Park Master Plan Implementation

$0 $30,000 $565,259


(MI) Bike and walking trails

($675) $0 $760,000


(MI) Bonbeach Sports Reserve - Masterplan Implementation

$8,389 $0 $300,000


(MI) Irrigation System and Stormwater Harvesting for Sports Grounds

$299 $0 $360,000


(MI) Keeley Park Master Plan

$44,176 $0 $500,000


(MI) Mentone Coastal Precinct Plan implementation

$3,555 $0 $500,000


(MI) Walter Galt Reserve - Masterplan Implementation

$19,688 $0 $424,000


Active sports facilities sub-program of capital works

($610) $0 $290,000


Coordinate the management and maintenance of the foreshore

$347,995 $125,047 $1,105,111


Green Wedge development activities to improve open space and trail links

$109,796 $25,000 $100,000


Implement the Reserve Master Plans

$0 $0 $100,000


Manage the planning for the development and refurbishment of pavilions and oversee the implementation of associated works

$696,088 $10,000 $380,000


Parks and open space sub program of capital works

$23,807 $32,000 $1,153,000


Recreational facilities and play spaces capital program

$472,154 $35,000 $2,275,000


Replacement of plant and equipment and depot development

$0 $0 $484,359


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People and Culture

Description :

People and Culture is responsible for all employment related issues, including policy development and provision of advice and support on workplace relations issues; training and professional development; performance management; risk management; occupational health and safety and injury management and rehabilitation for the organisation.

Teams :

Learning and Culture

People and Culture

Risk Management and Safety

Program Performance :


Performance Success Indicator

Performance Budget

Performance Capital Works


5.4 : Working together in productive and supportive partnerships

Action Start Date End Date Attend sector wide forums to enhance our knowledge and skill base to develop capability of the organization. To promote an environment of continuous improvement

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Staff have participated in a diverse range of forums, which included attendance at a number employee related and health and wellbeing seminars to understand legislative changes and industry leading practices. Council will also host a HR network forum in October 2015 with other local government organisations to discuss and share ideas on initiatives that focus on retention of mature aged workers

6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date Research and collate data analytics on emerging workforce, 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 trends across the sector to reduce workforce risk 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council has continued to participate in research and undertake data analytics on emerging workforce trends across the local government sector. This has included the ongoing work being undertaken with Swinburne University associated with the myWellbeing 'Building Workplace Health' initiative with a focus on retention for mature aged workers. Further work has been arranged with the HR Forum to be attended by local government organisations to share information on strategies to identify and plan for trends across the workforce. Understand the external environment to encompass reform and review of workplace agreements to enable council priorities to be delivered.

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Staff have participated in a diverse range of forums to understand legislative changes in the area of workplace relations which includes attendance at advisory forums provided by Council's legal advisors, attendance at quarterly workplace relations forums and EB discussion forums with other local government Council representatives. The knowledge gained will assist in completing a review of Council's Enterprise Agreement No 7, 2013 prior to commencement of the negotiation process. (I) Deliver Safety systems to reduce incidents across the 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 organisation 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Commencing to review Safety incident investigation policies and procedures, draft first aid procedure completed, to be reviewed by OHS committee Commenced reviewing Safety investigation process to streamline into three tied approach (MI) HRIS Implementation stage 3 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Planning has commenced for the upgrade to Aurion Version 11 which will provide enhanced accessibility and functionality which will be completed in June 2016. Other areas of focus for the HRIS implementation of Stage 3 include the review of the career manager module (performance management and learning & development) to enhance the organisational capacity.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

People and Culture

Action Start Date End Date Leverage the capacity of the the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) to continue to provide decentralised information and support for the business and promote systems integration across the organisation.

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Stage 2 of the HRIS implementation has commenced with the web recruitment module will 'go live' on 14 Jan 2015 to align with the recruitment activities for Council.

A demonstration has been provided by Aurion for the career manager module relating to performance management and learning and development with planning work being undertaken by Council for the implementation of this module will occur in July 2015.

6.3 : An organisation that demonstrates community inspired leadership

Action Start Date End Date Develop capable, competent and professional employees and build a values-driven and leadership based culture.

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

During July to September, 24 Professional Development and Health and Wellbeing programs were conducted including 6 Health and Wellbeing programs. . The Breakthrough Leadership Program which commenced earlier in the year was completed with participants expected to graduate in November.

The quarter also saw a sustained focus on Microsoft training with 5 courses being conducted with similar demand expected in the next quarter. Deliver people and culture specialist advice and support to managers and staff, which builds a capability and culture that facilitates the delivery of Council priorities.

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

We continue to provide managers and staff with specialist advice and support to assist them to manage their teams, and individually, to deliver their priorities for Council. Provision of advice and support for employee related matters 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 including performance and position management 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Ongoing advice and support is provided across the organisation for employee related matters. A focus has been on the development and revision of policies which include the recruitment and selection and Code of Conduct policy. Ongoing education has been provided with the compliance training program provided by Learn Connect with the first module identified being Code of Conduct policy. Deliver the Health Safety and Wellbeing framework while consulting with all areas of the business

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

The myWellbeing 'Building Workplace Health' initiative was officially launched at locations across Council in September 2014. The program includes a range of health activities and initiatives aimed at supporting better health and work practices for all employees. The program aims to raise awareness of personal wellbeing and provide the tools and information to improve the health of everyone in the organisation. Further work has been undertaken in conjunction with Swinburne University which involved a voluntary health and wellbeing survey. This was facilitated across Council achieving a 40% response rate. Outcomes from the survey will shape Stage 2 of the myWellbeing program which will be developed during 2015/16. The People and Culture Department have submitted a nomination for the 2015 WorkSafe Awards for the category of 'Commitment to Health and Wellbeing" and have been advised that the nomination is progressing and a WorkSafe Inspector has sought further information in July 2015. The 2015 WorkSafe Awards will be assessed in September 2015. The assessment process has now been completed and an announcement will be made in October2015. Provide advice and support for occupational health and safety issues and provide support for return to work relating to injury management and rehabilitation

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The risk and safety team provides advice to business units as required on a range of health and safety issues. Examples include assisting management to renegiotate Designated Work Groups at child care hubs, facilitating a risk assessment at Mentone office carpark to investigate risk controls as a result of several staff related, 'near miss' incidents with staff leaving car park. Opportunities for improvement in identification of suitable or altenative duties for injured workers who are unable to return to their pre-injury roles in the short to medium term. One of the new initiatives from the Injury Management team is to contact the managers of injured employees within 48 hours of the injury being reported to follow up on reported injuries and send out Injury Management packs Task Analysis packages of work is being udertaken to understand and document higer risk roles eg, Leisure Center roles and Direct Care Workers to assit in early intervention strategies for Return to Work for both workplace and non workplace injuries. These documents assist Treating Health Practicioners understand the workplace roles and tasks so to enable the modifided duties conversations earlier for return to work planning.

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People and Culture

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFE3 Resignations and terminations % compared to average staff (permanent staff)

3.75 2.53 11.08

Compliance training completion rate % 90.00 0.00 0.00

Online and face to face approaches to compliance training are being finalised. Online training modules are being developed to launch Code of Conduct training in October 2015.

Organisational labour costs, variance from % budget

10.00 1.50 0.90

Staff turnover (involuntary) #

Staff turnover (voluntary) #

4.00 37.00

2.00 7.00

28.00 135.00

Training and leadership - overall satisfaction with courses

% 80.00 93.00 87.33

Consistently high satisfaction across all recorded training events.

Training and leadership courses delivered #

Budget Summary :

13.00 24.00 96.00

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

People and Culture

($515,430) ($529,708) $14,278


Risk Management and Safety

($134,229) ($113,594) ($20,635)


Learning and Culture

($80,660) ($168,136) $87,476


People and Culture

($300,541) ($247,978) ($52,563)


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) HRIS Implementation stage 3

$10 $0 $75,000


Number of new employees # 38.00 40.00 186.00

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Procurement and Contracts Description :

The objective of the Procurement and Contracts Department is to drive excellence in procurement and contracting. The Department is responsible for providing information and specialist advice to the organisation on procurement and contracts, overseeing tendering and contract compliance, reporting organisational activity and driving best value outcomes from procurement. The Department is also directly responsible for managing Council’s vehicle fleet and insurance programs .

Teams :





Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


6.1 : A well-governed, efficient and responsive organisation

Action Start Date End Date Manage and co-ordinate the provision of appropriate insurance coverage for Council's activities

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

All Council insurances were renewed for the 2015/16 financial year prior to 1 July 2015, through Council's newly appointed Insurance Broker, Aon Australia, achieving final savings of approximately $300,000 on previously budgeted estimates.

Insurance Claims and Under Excess Claims continue to be managed as required, with a significant number continuing under investigation and review, as claims are received progressively. Manage and co-ordinate various corporate contracts 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The Papercut Print Management system has continued to achieve success and savings across the organisation, with new printers and replacement copiers progressively rolled into the existing contractual arrangements. Utilisation of this system continues to deliver a reduction of more than 50% on previous paper usage. This corresponds with savings of approximately 600,000 litres of water and 900kg CO2 emissions per quarter.

6.4 : Robust and accountable business and financial processes

Action Start Date End Date Manage and co-ordinate Council's leased and owned passenger and light commercial vehicle fleet, including acquisition, disposal, utilisation review and accident management and associated administrative requirements

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Procurement and Contracts currently manage Council's fleet of passenger and commercial vehicles (leased and owned). More than 50% of the fleet is now managed by Toyota Fleet Management under the contract for Vehicle Leasing and Fleet Management Services, as vehicles are progressively transitioned from Council's previous service provider. Improved vehicle utilisation with a potential for financial savings and reductions in vehicle numbers remain a primary focus. Seven fuel efficient and cost effective Toyota Prius C Hybrid vehicles have been introduced into Council's fleet, with further additions anticipated as replacement pool vehicles are progressively leased.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Procurement and Contracts Action Start Date End Date Provide support for all Council's procurement activities, including purchasing, tendering, contracting, probity, category management and vendor management

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Tender templates and tender/contract management templates continue to be developed to streamline and improve procurement processes throughout the organisation. Kingston utilises the Cordell Tenders Online electronic tendering system. This system provides an electronic tender box, which allows tenders to be received electronically, as well as the use of an online question and answer forum to facilitate the probity of the tender process, providing open and transparent information sharing. This system is progressively being utilised more frequently for lower value quotation processes as well. Tenders Online will link to a new developed Contract Register, for which relevant contractual data is being collated in anticipation of being rolled out over the coming months. Participation in the South East Metropolitan Regional Procurement Excellence Network (RPEN) continues, with networking, information sharing and potential collaboration opportunities being discussed. Advice, support and information in relation to a wide variety of procurement related queries continues to be provided on a daily and as required basis.

An update of the Procurement Policy was adopted by Council in July 2015. The corresponding Procurement Procedure Manual is currently under review and development.

Success Indicator


YTD Target YTD Actual Performance

Actual 14/15

Tenders closed TOTAL 3 Tenders Closed in September


0.00 18.00


CON-15/35: Keeley Park Carpark Construction & Stormwater Treatment - Stage 2 (Public) CON-15/80: Litter Bin Collection Services (Public) CON-15/93: MECC Room - Generator Switchboard Works (Closed - Panel)

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Procurement and Contracts

($1,090,063) ($1,399,587) $309,524



($89,264) ($95,875) $6,611



($85,287) ($92,162) $6,875



($850,602) ($1,184,200) $333,598



($64,910) ($27,350) ($37,560)


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Property, Arts and Leisure Services

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Description :

Property, Arts and Leisure Services manages Council’s property portfolio , Leisure Centres and Arts Facilities . Property functions include commercial and community leases, acquisitions, disposals, title management, Lease Register, the provision of valuations for open space, pre-sale and purchase activities and Land and Buildings Asset insurance. Arts functions include the management of Kingston’s three cultural facilities and five community halls. The venues provide formal visual arts spaces, theatres and major event spaces for directly programmed and hire in events. The arts team is also responsible for the development, delivery and management of public art, Arts Grants and Kingston’s key arts strategies and policies . Leisure functions include the operation of two leisure centres in the municipality. Waves and Don Tatnell provide recreational and health services to all ages and physical abilities within the Kingston and wider community.

Teams :

Property Services


Kingston Leisure Centres

Waves Leisure Centre Don Tatnell Leisure Centre

Arts & Cultural Services

Program Performance :


Performance Success Indicator

Performance Budget

Performance Capital Works


1.1 : Assets are managed and used to meet the needs and provide for current and future generations

Action Start Date End Date Manage Council’s property portfolio, acquisition and disposal of assets. Providing strategic property guidance and supporting the organisation with property related agreements

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Highlights for this quarter included the execution of leases by the Mentone life Saving Club and the Mordialloc motor yacht Club. These lease s will now be forwarded to State Government for the Ministers signature. Council issued 13 leases to exiting tenants for renewal and continue to provide licences for commercial use of Council land. Work continue to resolve issuing licences at Pompei landing and preparations are underway to finalise leases for aged care facilities to Southern Cross Care. Manage all Council’s leasehold properties 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Warrigal Rd Library and 72 Catherine Ave sold at auction. Continuing to seek agreement with Melbourne water to access Their land, open to the public, to maintain and improve. investigating acquisition of drainage easements in Nepean Highway and acquiring small parcels of land to widen Yarella lane.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Rights of Way - sales Completed by Council

# 3.00 7.00 10.00

1.2 : Quality community facilities that are well used and accessible (including sports and recreation, libraries and arts facilities)

Action Start Date End Date Establishment of an online community asset register to book 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 and hire facilities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Arts Centre staff have attended the Pathways training offered by Council officers, and are awaiting their approval to go live. Arts staff havs nominated the hire of the minor halls as it's first prefence for online bookings. ARTS centre staff have prepared the the information regarding the hire of minor halls to input into the Pathways templates when directed to do so.

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Kingston City Council Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report

Property, Arts and Leisure Services

9 November 2015 Page 63 of 70

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Action Start Date End Date Oversee building facilities renewal and development of 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Kingston’s cultural facilities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Capital works for Kingston City Hall foyer and external landscaping have gone out to tender. These works, include replacing the passenger lift, heating and cooling the second floor foyer, heating the ground floor foyer and making the foyer Disability and Discrimination Act compliant. A new doorway in the north wall will link Kingston City Hall with Kingston Arts Centre. External landscaping will also be completed as part of the works. (MI) Implement the asset replacement strategies and 01/07/2015 30/06/2017 refurbishment programs at the Leisure Centres 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Capital works projects currently underway at both sites.

Waves signage has been ordered, and quotes are being obtained for the spin bikes and inflatables. Meeting scheduled with Community buildings to coordinate the major works of the switchboard replacement, pool tiling and mezzanine conversion due for completion in June 2016. Installation of the AquaPlay equipment is well underway, with completion date of early December.

Don Tatnell spa works have been approved and are scheduled to commence in November.

2.2 : Green wedge planned and improved for current and future generations

Action Start Date End Date (I) Manage the rehabilitation of Council's former land fill sites 01/07/2015 30/06/2020

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Kingston council is developing a new policy on "Managing council-owned and controlled contaminated land". In October 2015 Council provided the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with a list of sites in Kingston previously used for landfilling. We await feedback from the EPA regarding to inform our policy development.

3.3 : Connected and effective community groups

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Arts & Cultural Services - Number of volunteers engaged in community programs - Arts Centre

# 20.00 31.00 29.00

This quarter we had 17 programmed events and 14 Moviehouse days to which 31 different volunteers came along to lend assistance.

Music and Gallery events figured highly in this quarter with Massed Bands, Michalenglo, Janet Sidel and Songs of Burt Bacharach with 17 volunteers giving over 100 hours and 7 Gallery Openings including Naidoc with 14 volunteers giving over 42 hours.

Arts Centre - Volunteer hours donated # 225.00 742.00 1,645.00

Kingston Arts continues to be well supported by volunteers. In this quarter we have had two arts interns who have contributed significant hours and work to our work. Moviehouse continues with a core group of volunteers who support this valuable social opportunity for senior members of the community.

3.5 : Increased participation in physical activity through sport and recreation services

Action Start Date End Date Provide recreation, fitness and aquatic education programs and services to the community via Kingston's Leisure Centres

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Both facilities continue to provide and promote a range of fitness, aquatic and educational programs, whilst looking into new products and programs to increase attendance. Both memberships and Learn to Swim have seen significant competition in recent years and the focus is to grow these areas back up to previous levels through training and promotion. The installation of Aqua Play at Waves will help to target a new age group to the Centre and increase aquatic entry attendances

Success Indicator


YTD Target YTD Actual Performance

Actual 14/15

Leisure Centres - Average monthly enrolments in Learn to Swim program


2,750.33 2,151.00


Under target with lower than predicted enrolments at both Waves and Don Tatnell. New debit system should help to increase retention.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

LGPRFAF2 Health inspections of aquatic # facilities

0.00 0.00 3.00

There have been no Pool Inspections scheduled for the quarter. Pool Inspections are sheduled to be undertaken at Councils 2 aquatic facilities at same time as the Water Sampling program later in the year.

LGPRFAF4 Cost of indoor aquatic facilities $ per visit

2.00 3.08 0.97

Whilst Leisure Centres are currently unfavourable to budget, this figure may fluctuate throughout the year as we move Learn to Swim participants from the traditional upfront payment options to a fortnightly direct debit.

LGPRFAF6 Utilisation of aquatic facilities # (per head of municipal population)

Leisure Centres - Average monthly # membership numbers



0.98 5.01 2,013.00 2,314.84

Memberships under target. New sales and retention system to be implemented by December to improve conversions of enquiries.

Leisure Centres: General attendance # 153,535.50 149,373.00 767,561.00

Attendances slightly under target, mainly due to the reduced Learn to Swim enrolments

4.3: A city rich with cultural vitality

Action Start Date End Date (I) Develop new Arts and Cultural Strategy 01/07/2015 30/06/2016

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A complete review of the 2011-2015 Arts and Cultural Strategy has been completed.

Benchmarking has been conducted with other local government agencies for external consultants and their related fees.

Preliminary discussions held with two consultants regarding community consultation methodology. (I) Implement year four of the Public Art Strategy 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

An internal audit is being conducted on Council's Collection of paintings and artifacts.

Following the 2014-2015 external audit of Art in Public Spaces, a service provider has been brought on to assess priority public artworks for maintenance this year. Develop and deliver professional and community based arts and cultural experiences, community cultural development and venue hire services

01/07/2015 30/06/2017 Ongoing

Venue across Council's three facilities continued to support a range of events during the July to September quarter, including St Bedes / Mentone Tiger's fund-raiser for Jack Vawdrey function, Pink Ribbon fund-raiser in the foyer lounge, school concert season from mid August to mid September, Monash College exams (bookings increasing for 2016 with them. Kingston City Hall also hosted in partnership with Kingston Youth Services "Unplugged Series" to support local young talent. There was live music with the "Massed Bands" concert in July Southern Area Concert Band also performed during September.

Theatre shows, both community based and professionally produced shows continued at Shirley Burke Theatre . Tottie Goldsmith and Samuel Johnson performed "Sex with strangers" to a sell out crowd. Mordialloc Theatre Company, and Aspect has successful seasons.

The three galleries were full for each month during the quarter - a highlight being the works of Wayne Quilliam one of Australia's pre-eminent Indigenous photographic artists. Arts Grant recipient Jodi Helliwell held her inaugural exhibition in G3. Michael Kluge held an exhibition of Moorabbin's Industrial Heartland via projections in the courtyard, and Simon Grennan's

Success Indicator


YTD Target YTD Actual Performance

Actual 14/15

Arts & Cultural Services - Hours of use - Kingston Arts Centre


1,941.24 1,518.98


September 2015: Zulya (Fairytale Noir) - a live music show was held in the black box. there was the reintroduction of a school holiday event in the black box - Anna and Lulu's Singalong. The weekly popular Moviehouse screening was held each week of the month. Toolbox Eisteddford by the bay - piano competitions.

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Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

Arts & Cultural Services - Hours of use - # Kingston City Hall

872.49 1,124.00 3,808.75

September : A busy month with ten primary school annual concerts. We also hosted the Monash College exams, the Cameo Tigers Netball Club dinner dance, the Southern Area Concert Band and Jack Howard.

Arts & Cultural Services - Hours of use - # Minor Halls

1,008.75 1,264.00 4,889.44

September 2015: The floor at Cheltenham Hall has been resealed and therefore the space is appealing to occasional hirers as well as weekly bookings.

Arts & Cultural Services - Hours of use - # Shirley Burke Theatre

1,215.00 1,234.00 5,804.00

The September school holidays saw one week of Creative Lounge being offered, rather than two due to slower ticket sales in the July school holiday program. This lead to each of the programmed activities being booked out, or almost to capacity. Mordialloc Theatre Company held their season of "84 Charring Cross Road" in the first two weeks of the month.

6.3 : An organisation that demonstrates community inspired leadership

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFAF3 (WorkSafe) Reportable safety # incidents at aquatic facilities

No Reportable Incidents

0.00 0.00 0.00

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Property, Arts and Leisure Services

($46,160) $47,395 ($93,555)


Property Services

($206,987) ($172,080) ($34,907)


Kingston Leisure Centres

($459,861) ($376,864) ($82,997)



$864,885 $880,396 ($15,511)


Arts & Cultural Services

($244,197) ($284,055) $39,858


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(I) Manage the rehabilitation of Council's former land fill sites

$36,036 $60,997 $1,035,000


(MI) Implement the asset replacement strategies and refurbishment programs at the Leisure Centres

$308,958 $277,000 $775,000


Deliver public art and civic pride projects

$12,203 $0 $70,000


Development, remediation and relocation of Collins Street depot

$65,223 $0 $0


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Kingston City Council Year To Date Quarterly Performance Report

Statutory Education and Compliance

9 November 2015 Page 66 of 70

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Description :

Statutory Education and Compliance is responsible for education and enforcement of State Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practices related to Animal Management, Parking (limited statutory offences), Fire Prevention, Environment Protection, Council’s Local Laws and complaint investigation and resolution. Statutory Education and Compliance receive approximately 5,000 complaints to investigate per year and receive approximately 1200 calls after hours. Each year approximately 35,000 Infringement Notices are issued for all types of offences . It is also responsible for education and enforcement of State Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practices related to the Public Heath, Food Production and Sale, Environmental Protection and complaint investigation and resolution . Almost 1,400 registration food premises are inspected each year and over 400 food samples taken and analysed.

Teams :

Parking and Prosecutions

Health Services

Local Laws

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success Indicator Performance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


4.6 : Effective enforcement of local laws and regulations

Action Start Date End Date Conduct annual statutory inspections of domestic animal 01/03/2016 30/04/2016 businesses 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Council conducts Domestic Animal Business inspections annually between March and May each year. Council completed the statutory annual compliance inspections for 2015 in March/April. All Domestic Animal Businesses within Kingston have been inspected in the last 12 months and registrations are current. No further inspections are scheduled until March 2016. Deliver the food surveillance program to ensure safe food supply for the community and ensure Council and businesses meet their statutory obligations

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

The department continues to conduct statutory surveillance activities, which include food sampling and inspections of registered premises. Approximately 85% of premises have been inspected and we are on target to complete 100% of premises inspections for the Calendar Year (Statutory Period). Enforcement action has been taken where appropriate. 1,533 annual inspections were conducted for the Calender Year to date. Food sampling program is on target to meet the statutory requirements which is aligned to the calendar year. 330 Food samples have been obtained for the calendar year to date. Encourage statutory compliance through continuing education and enforcement services to contribute to a safe and healthy community and environment

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Officers actively patrol the entire municipality, engaging with the community to help them understand the laws that affect them and others, in an effort to promote compliance. Proactive education programs are used to promote specific legislation such as animal management and responsible pet ownership, road safety and litter prevention. Officers continue to issue infringements notices and prosecute offenders to address non compliance where education has not been successful and/or for more serious issues. All complaints are investigated in a thorough manner. The actions from the Domestic Animal Management Plan are being implemented to promote responsible pet ownership and compliance and promote the value of pets in our community. Fire Prevention inspections will commence in the December quarter.

Although service delivery priority is focused on higher risk and statutory responsibilities, we have been able to continue to deliver education programs. The education officer has conducted Road Safety programs and Responsible Pet Ownership programs during the September quarter. Provide parking services and enforcement for the community 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Ongoing

Parking Services are being delivered professionally and as specified in the current Contract. Parking services aim to ensure fair access to parking within Kingston.

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Statutory Education and Compliance

Action Start Date End Date Redevelop back office infringement administration system for 24/09/2015 30/06/2016 new local laws 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A new, single and consolidated community Local Law will come into place on 1 November 2015 to replace the seven current local laws. Council's infringement administration system requires a reconfiguration in order to adapt to the new Local Law.

Local Laws Officers have met with Council's Governance and IT departments in order to refine and update the system to meet the new requirements. The system work will be conducted and completed at the end of October 2015. Review Kingston Animal Welfare Management Plan - sub plan to Municipal Emergency Management Plan and set up agreed Memorandums of Understaning with service providers

01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Local Laws in relation to animal welfare have been developed although there is no statutory requirement to do so. The plan has been reviewed during the September quarter. Review Kingston Domestic Animal Management Plan and 01/07/2015 31/12/2016 undertake associated public consultation 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The aim of the Domestic Animal Management Plan is to facilitate co-existence of pets, pet owners and the general populace whilst addressing the welfare and legislative issues relating to animal management in urban areas. This plan also aims to promote responsible pet ownership and enhance the experience of animal ownership within the community.

Council has until 1 November 2016 to develop and finalise a new Domestic Animal Management Plan. The plan is currently being reviewed, with public consultation to commence in early 2016 to enable us to put a new plan in place by November 2016. In the meantime, Council continues to deliver services and programs as identified in Kingston's Domestic Animal Management Plan 2012-2016.

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFAM1 Time Taken to Action Animal Requests (average number of days)

Days 2.50 1.38 1.76

System and Officer procedure changes have been implemented to make it easier to obtain this figure

LGPRFAM2 Animals reclaimed (percentage of collected registrable animals reclaimed)

% 75.00 100.00 69.29

All animals that were registered with Council prior to being impounded were all claimed by their owners. Kingston actively promote registration and provide a lost and found Facebook page to promote reclaiming of impounded animals.

LGPRFAM4 (Successful) Animal management prosecutions

# 20.00 4.00 23.00

This measure has been clarified - it is about prosecution cases where Council has been successful, not individual sucessful charges relating to those prosecutions.

LGPRFFS1 Time taken to action food complaints

Days 1.50 1.19 1.90

Officers continue to address food related complaints in a short time frame as a priority and within the expected performance and quality parameters.

LGPRFFS4 Critical and major (food safety) % non-compliance notifications (followed up by Council)

80.00 55.77 100.00

To date 29 of 52 Critical/Mayor notifications have been followed up to date. The major factor affecting the year to date result is timing issues (some notifications raised have been scheduled to review at a later date), and some notifications require repeat follow-ups. It is expected that the result will improve and meet targets by the end of the financial year.

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Statutory Education and Compliance

Success Indicator Unit YTD Target YTD Actual Performance Actual 14/15

LGPRFAM3 Cost of animal management $ service (per registrable animal)

8.50 6.17 31.99

Result is in line with expectations. Slightly lower cost likely to be due to vacancy in Local Laws. Accountant has calculated percentages and salaries for this measure

LGPRFFS3 Cost of food safety service $ (per registered food premises)

138.50 106.56 294.00

Council's Food Safety service is provided as part of a larger Environmental/ Public Health program. Officers work across a range of activities and it is estimated that Officers spent 80% of their time on food safety related activities.

Council registered or notified food premises at the end of September is 1481. A total of 196 Applications and Statements of Trade were received through Streatrader for the reporting period.

Community and Education programs # delivered by Statutory Education and Compliance

4 Education programs delivered

2 x RPO 2 x Road Safety

On track to reach expectation

Number of customer enquiries received # through the after-hours telephone service



19.00 93.00 159.00 1,225.00

This figure is an estimate only and varies from month to month.

Expect to reach annual figure.

Number of Parking and Local Laws charges laid

# 40.00 50.00 269.00

There generally has been s an increase in Infringements Court Prosecutions. This has been applying pressure on our resources so the monthly reduction is welcome, enabling the team to appropriately respond to matter without excessive pressure. The Infringements Court is allowing more drivers to contest their fines in open court.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Statutory Education and Compliance

($330,715) ($739,142) $408,427


Local Laws

($587,660) ($741,272) $153,612


Health Services

($275,002) ($307,093) $32,091


Parking and Prosecutions

$531,946 $309,222 $222,724


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Traffic and Transport

Description :

The Traffic and Transport department, established in September 2015, has a strong focus on the strategic response to major transport infrastructure projects including grade separations, activity centre planning and active transport provision. The department is also responsible for customer service and engagement with the community to solve traffic and road safety concerns.

Teams :

Traffic and Transport

Program Performance :

Action Performance

Success IndicatorPerformance

Budget Performance

Capital Works Performance


4.5: A community with functional traffic, parking and transport links

Action Start Date End Date (I) Develop an integrated transport strategy 01/07/2015

30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%v

Preliminary work on the Integrated Transport Strategy has commenced, with greater resources to be allocated to this Strategy later in the financial year. (MI) Traffic Management Program 01/07/2015

30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The large projects in this year are:

- Viney Street, Clarinda: Speed cushions and roundabout

- Parkers Road, Parkdale: raised pedestrian crossing and disabled parking bays

- Venice Street and Mentone Parade, Mentone: Roundabout (Black Spot funding)

There are a number of smaller projects for speed humps and intersection splitter islands. Design for these projects is underway and on-track for completion within the financial year. Deliver strategic traffic and transport planning projects




The Major traffic study for 2015/16 is Moorabbin Local Area Traffic Management Study (LATM). This Study covers the area bounded by Nepean Highway, South Road, Wickham Road and Rowans Road. Scoping work for this Study has commenced with a consultant to be engaged to perform the study prior to Christmas. Review the Community Road Safety Strategy objectives



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The most recent VicRoads crash figures still show a high crash rate, though there is improvement. Targeted projects are being undertaken to address key issues, such as Station St Local Area Traffic Management, Wiser Driver Programs and Safe Routes to School. The Safe Routes to School program is progressing well with new schools in Mentone for 2015/16FY. Review and make recommendations on parking accessibility including near train stations (park and ride) near shopping strips and in residential streets (in particular those near the beach).



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

An initial draft Residential Parking Policy was presented to Council in 2014. A 12 month trial of the guidelines is currently being undertaken. Internal stakeholder consultation is being conducted on the Policy ahead of a Final Draft Policy being developed for community consultation

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9 November 2015 Page 70 of 70

Traffic and Transport

5.1: Being the voice on community issues beyond Council authority

Action Start Date End Date (I) Work with VicRoads to manage the impacts of the Dingley 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 Arterial on South Road and Nepean Hwy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

VicRoads has announced a $450,000 traffic study for the intersection of Nepean Highway and South Road. Council has had preliminary discussions regarding this Study and will work closely with VicRoads on its development.

The Dingley Bypass Officer provides direct liaison with all departments and regular updates to all Councillors. Review and advocate for variable speed limits around schools 01/07/2015 30/06/2016 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Dingley Bypass works impact on some roads near Clayton South Primary School and Heatherton Christian College. Flashing 40 km/hour signage already exists near Heatherton Christian College; however it is proposed to upgrade this to full electronic signs.

Council continues to advocate for the proposed 40km/hour flashing speed limit signage at Clayton South P.S. on Clayton Road; which is VicRoads controlled.

Budget Summary :

Department and Teams






Variance $


Variance % Status

Traffic and Transport

($229,185) ($219,412) ($9,773)


Traffic and Transport

($229,185) ($219,412) ($9,773)


Capital Projects :








% Spent Status

(MI) Traffic Management Program

$176,672 $30,000 $670,000


Deliver strategic traffic and transport planning projects

$242,822 $219,412 $994,047


Capital Projects (Not Linked to Department) :








% Spent Status

(MI) Moorabbin Reserve master plan implementation

$0 $0 $4,200,000


Responsible Officer : General Manager, City Assets and Environment

Page 71: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

TRIM 15/43387

Published Budget

Actual YTD Budget YTDto to Favourable/ Favourable/

Sept 15 Sept 15 (Unfavourable) (Unfavourable) Ref$000 $000 $000 %

RevenueRates and Charges 124,728 124,520 208 0.2%User Fees & Charges 7,255 6,963 292 4.2%Contributions, Reimbursements & Donations 190 69 122 177.6% 1Grants - Operating 8,505 8,512 (7) -0.1%Grants - Capital 188 188 0 0.0%Interest 423 326 97 29.8% 2Other Revenue 246 257 (12) -4.5%

Total Revenue 141,534 140,834 700 0.5%

ExpensesEmployee Benefits 19,008 19,403 395 2.0%Materials and Services 16,673 18,283 1,611 8.8%Depreciation & Amortisation 6,375 6,375 0 0.0%Finance Costs 175 197 22 11.0% 3

Total Expenses 42,231 44,258 2,027 4.6%

Net Gain(Loss) on Disposal of Infrastructure, Property, Plant and Equipment 123 0 123Impairment loss on Bed Licences 0

Surplus 99,426 96,577 2,849 3.0%

Variance Explanations

Ref Item Explanation1 Contributions, Reimbursements & Donations

2 Interest

3 Finance Costs

Kingston City Council

Income Statement

For the 3 Months ending 30 September 2015Quarterly Financial Statements

Contributions, Reimbursements & Donations total is $122k favourable to budget which is mainly due to the unbudgeted capital contribution of $65k received from Chelsea Calisthenics club and $34k received from Bayside Council for resurfacing works on Charman road.

Interest/Borrowing Costs total is $175k and is $22k favourable.

September Year to Date interest Income total is $423k and is $97k favourable to budget due to higher than expected cash holdings.

Page 72: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

TRIM 15/43387

Actual YTD Budget YTDto to Favourable/ Favourable/

Sept 15 Sept 15 (Unfavourable) (Unfavourable) Ref$000 $000 $000 %

Cash Flows from Operating Activities Rates 28,891 26,507 2,384 9.0%Grants & Subsidies 7,947 8,633 (686) -7.9%Contributions, Reimbursements & Donations 1,514 75 1,439 1918.7% 1Interest 628 350 278 79.4% 2User Charges 5,295 6,856 (1,561) -22.8%Other Receipts 246 268 (22) -8.2%Payments to Employees (19,073) (19,479) 406 2.1%Payments to Suppliers (22,501) (24,824) 2,323 9.4%

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 2,947 (1,614) 4,561 -282.6%

Cash Flows from Investing Activities Payment for Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment (4,242) (4,500) 258 5.7%Proceeds from sale of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment 123 60 63 105.0% 3

Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities (4,119) (4,440) 321 7.2%

Cash Flows from Financing Activities Borrowing Costs (150) (150) 0 0.0%Increase/(Repayment) of interest bearing loans & borrowings (519) (519) 0 0.0%Trust Funds and Deposits 1,223 (400) 1,623

Net Cash (used in) Financing Activities 554 (1,069) 1,623 151.8%

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (618) (7,123) 6,505 91.3%Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Financial Year 63,879 49,432 14,447 29.2%Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of Period 63,261 42,309 20,952 49.5%

Variance Explanations

Ref Item Explanation1 Contributions, Reimbursements & Donations

2 Interest

3 Proceeds from sale of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment

Kingston City CouncilQuarterly Financial Statements

For the 3 Months ending 30 September 2015

Cash Flow Statement

Contributions, Reimbursements and Donations are favourable to budget by $1.4 million as at the end of September due to the unbudgeted receipt of $1.3 million in open space cash contributions fro developers.

Proceeds from the sale of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment is favourable by $63k. Proceeds includes the deposit for the sale of Kallay Street Clayton South ($0.1 million) plus the proceeds from the disposal of one vehicle.

Interest received is favourable to budget by $0.3 million due to higher than expected cash holdings.

Page 73: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

TRIM 15/43387

Actual as at Annual Favourable/ Favourable/Sept 15 Budget (Unfavourable) (Unfavourable) Ref

$000 $000 $000 %Current Assets

Cash and Cash Equivalents 63,576 38,843 24,733 63.7% 1Trade and Other Receivables 112,266 8,354 103,912 1243.9% 2Non-current Assets Classified as Held for Sale 3,460 525 2,935 559.0% 3Other Assets 101 750 (649) -86.5% 4

Total Current Assets 179,403 48,472 130,931 270.1%

Non Current AssetsTrade and Other Receivables 24 20 4 20.0% 2Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment 2,143,315 2,233,726 (90,411) -4.0%Investment Property 3,041 0 3,041Intangible Assets 1,735 0 1,735

Total Non Current Assets 2,148,115 2,233,746 (85,631) -3.8%Total Assets 2,327,518 2,282,218 45,300 2.0%Current Liabilities

Trade and Other Payables 8,460 12,669 4,209 33.2% 5Provisions 15,211 14,806 (405) -2.7%Interest Bearing Loans and Borrowings 2,029 4,251 2,222 52.3% 6Trust Funds and Deposits 13,256 1,480 (11,776) -795.7% 7Fire Services Property Levy Payable 3,984 0 (3,984)

Total Current Liabilities 42,940 33,206 (9,734) -29.3%Non Current Liabilities

Provisions 1,322 941 (381) -40.5% 8Interest Bearing Loans and Borrowings 18,208 15,036 (3,172) -21.1% 6

Total Non Current Liabilities 19,530 15,977 (3,553) -22.2%Total Liabilities 62,470 49,183 (13,287) -27.0%

Net Assets 2,265,048 2,233,034 32,014 1.4%Equity

Accumulated Surplus 1,354,423 1,279,738 74,685 5.8%Asset Revaluation Reserve 887,058 940,566 (53,508) -5.7%Other Reserves 23,567 12,731 10,836 85.1% 9

Total Equity 2,265,048 2,233,034 32,014 1.4%0

Variance Explanations

Ref Item Explanation1 Cash & Cash Equivalents

2 Trade & Other Receivables

3 Non Current Assets Classified as Held For Sale

4 Other Assets

5 Trade & Other Payables

6 Interest Bearing Loans & Borrowings

7 Trust Funds & Deposits

8 Provisions

9 Other Reserves

Kingston City CouncilQuarterly Financial Statements

The budget for Interest Bearing Loans & Borrowings is a year-end position and is currently $0.1 million unfavourable. The budget will be achieved by year-end as repayments and planned borrowing occurs throughout the year.

Other reserves are $10.8 million favourable to budget. Other Reserves include $10.7 million in Open Space reserve contributions, $2.0 million for Aged Care Reserves, $8.2 million in reserve contributions for the Kingston Foreshore Reserve and Green Wedge Reserve which are for the renewal and development of Councils foreshore and non-urban areas.

For the 3 Months ending 30 September 2015

Cash and Cash Equivalents are favourable to budget by $24.7 million. The additional funds are partly related to improved Rate collections ($7.0 million compared to last year), payment to suppliers being $3.0 million lower than this time last year and $14.0 million higher opening balance this year largely due to unspent Capital grants received and carry forward capital expenditure. This is expected to reduce during the year. The budget also does not take into account the $14.0 million higher opening cash position.

Balance Sheet

Trust Funds and Deposits are unfavourable to budget by $11.8 million. The budget is a year-end position which includes the sale of Council's aged care facility and the transfer of all bonds (approximately $10 million). This is expected to occur before the end of the financial year.

Non-Current Provisions are unfavourable to budget by $0.4 million. The budget represents a year-end level which is expected to be achieved by the end of the financial year.

Trade & Other Payables includes expenditure accruals and invoices payable and are $4.2 million favourable to budget. The higher budgeted position is expected by year-end as accruals and payments increase.

Trade & Other Receivables are $103.9 million unfavourable to the year end budget. This is due to $105 million in rate debtors which are expected to decline during the year as rates fall due.

Non Current Assets Classified as held for sale includes land for sale at 101 Collins Street Mentone, 72 Catherine Avenue Chelsea and 630-632 Warrigal Road Cheltenham. These properties will be sold throughout the year.

Other assets includes accrued interest income for September ($0.1 million) and is $0.6 million less than the year end budget of $0.75 million. The year end budget is expected to be achieved by year-end as prepayments increase.

Page 74: Quarterly Performance Report September 2015

TRIM 15/43387

Actual YTD Annual to Budget %

Sept 15 2014 / 15 Complete RefAsset $000 $000

PropertyLand 81 955 8% 1Buildings 2,680 23,304 12%

Plant & EquipmentPlant, machinery and equipment 450 0%Computers and telecommunications 13 1,665 1% 2

InfrastructureRoads 1,219 7,900 15%Footpaths & cycleways 601 2,670 23%Drainage 752 3,250 23%Recreational, leisure & community facilities 103 4,379 2% 3Parks, open space and streetscapes 110 4,908 2% 4Off street car parks 45 680 7%Other infrastructure 298 2,080 14%

Other Non-Asset Capital BudgetNon Asset Capital Projects 123 0

Total capital works expenditure 6,025 52,241 12%

Projects Represented by:New asset expenditure 217 4,835 4%Asset renewal expenditure 3,685 30,101 12%Asset expansion expenditure 206 4,451 5%Asset upgrade expenditure 1,784 10,276 17%Non Asset 133 2,578 5%Total capital works expenditure 6,025 52,241 12%


Variance Explanations

Ref Item Explanation1 Land

2 Computers & Telecommunications

3 Recreational, Leisure & Community Facilities

4 Parks, Open Space & Streetscapes

The capital budget for Computers & Telecommunications is currently only 1% complete due to expenditure not yet incurred for Desktop Fleet PC's and Notebook replacement ($0.2 million), the Library Management System Upgrade ($0.45 million) and Direct Care Worker Mobility ($0.15 million).

Capital expenditure on Recreational, Leisure & Community Facilities is currently only 2% complete due to expenditure not yet incurred for Walter Galt Reserve & Bonbeach Sports Reserve Masterplan Implementation ($0.7 million), Edithvale Common Rec Reserve Oval Upgrade ($0.3 million) and GR Bricker Athletics Track Renewal ($0.5 million).

Kingston City Council

Capital Works

For the 3 Months ending 30 September 2015Quarterly Financial Statements

Capital expenditure on land is currently only 8% complete due to expenditure on landfill remediation works scheduled this financial year which has not yet commenced.

Capital expenditure on Parks, Open Space & Streetscapes is currently only 2% complete due to expenditure not yet incurred for Parks Asset Renewal ($0.3 million), Yammerbook Reserve development ($0.4 million) and the Green Wedge Development ($1.1 million).