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Quantum transport properties of one dimensional barriers: a simple approachto calculate transfer matrices

M. Rodrıguez-Achach and R. Huerta-QuintanillaDepartamento de Fısica Aplicada Unidad Merida, Cinvestav-IPN,

Km. 6 Carr. Antigua a Progreso, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Recibido el 25 de septiembre de 2003; aceptado el 5 de enero de 2004

We present a simple method for calculating the transfer matrix of a one dimensional system consisting of a number of rectangular barriers ofarbitrary shape. We also make use of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem and the spectral theory of finite complex matrices to calculate high powersof matrices in a simple way, obtaining analytic expressions that are easily evaluated. We give an example of the transmission coefficient andconduction bands for a complex-basis superlattice. The method provides an intuitive approach to the construction for the transfer matrix.

Keywords:Transfer matrix; superlattices; electronic transport.

Presentamos un metodo simple para el calculo de la matriz de transferencia de un sistema unidimensional que consiste de un numero debarreras rectangulares de forma arbitraria. Tambien hacemos uso del teorema de Cayley-Hamilton y la teorıa espectral de matrices complejasfinitas para calcular, de una manera sencilla, potencias grandes de las matrices; obteniendo expresiones analıticas que son facilmente evalua-bles. Damos un ejemplo del coeficiente de transmision y bandas de conduccion para una superred de base compleja. El metodo provee unamanera intuitiva para la construccion de la matriz de transferencia.

Descriptores:Matriz de transferencia; superredes; transporte electronico.

PACS: 73.23.-b,73.21.Cd,73.40.Gk

Binary-type superlattices (SL) in recent years have found agreat number of applications [1] including semiconductor-diode lasers, electro-optical modulators and infrared detec-tors among others. Thanks to the great advances in crystalgrowing techniques, specially molecular beam epitaxy, it isnow possible to grow with high precision semiconductor SL’sof more than two materials, the so called complex-basis su-perlattices. These structures often exhibit superior electron-ics, optical and transport characteristics compared to binarySL’s. Furthermore, this kind of structures are becoming moreimportant from the technological point of view because of thepotential applications in nanotechnology.

One way to investigate the transport properties of SL’s isby calculating the transfer matrix of the structure, althoughmany techniques have been given in the literature [2–4], suchas Green function methods, envelope functions, etc.

In this paper, we report a technique based on the transfermatrix method to calculate the transmission coefficient andother transport properties of complex-basis superlattices. Wealso show two alternative ways to calculate high powers oftransfer matrices that arise when dealing with large SL’s.

We are interested in structures composed of a sequence ofarbitrary potential barriers, as the one shown in Fig. (1) [2].We now calculate the transfer matrix corresponding to an ar-bitrary barrier in the structure.


φL(z1) =(



), (1)


φR(z1) =(



), (2)

FIGURE 1. A general potential profile used to calculate the transfermatrix from z1 to z5. Two different kind of matrices are used inorder to calculate the transmission.

be the state vectors [5] to the left and right ofz1, respectively,wherez1 is a point in the graph where the potential has a dis-continuity. The continuity conditions of the state vectors atthe interface lead us to the following relation

φL(z1) = M(z1)φR(z1), (3)


M(z1) =12

(1 + r 1− r1− r 1 + r

), (4)

is a transition matrix between regions with different valuesfor the potential andr = k2m1/k1m2 [6]. Similar matricesare defined for every point where the potential changes like

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in z2, z3 etc. It is important to notice that this matrix is inde-pendent of the position of the barrier, a property that will beused later.

In the above equations the wave vectors are given by

ki =


~2(E − Vi), (5)

andmi is the effective mass.There is a transporting matrix [7] that connects the points

z1 andz2 inside the barrier, that is

φL(z1) = M(z2, z1)φR(z2), (6)

given by

M(z2, z1) =(

e−ik2l 00 eik2l

), (7)

wherel = z2 − z1. A similar transporting matrix can be de-fined for any pair of points as long as the potential remainsconstant. If the electron’s energy is less thanV for this partof the graph then we will have thatk → ik. The total transfermatrix for this first barrier will be

M(z1, z2) = M(z1)M(z2, z1)M(z2). (8)

The calculation for the multiple barrier graph can be ob-tained using a few simple rules. 1. Every point in the graphwith a discontinuity in the potential will have a transition ma-trix, like the one in Eq. (4). 2. Every section in the graph withconstant potential will have a transporting matrix like the onein Eq. (7). Notice thatk may be real or complex dependingon the value of the potential in that section of the graph. Thetotal transfer matrix from one point to another in the graphwill be given by a simple product of2 × 2 matrices startingfrom the left.

These rules are easily generalized in the following way.Let’s call zi to every point in thez axis in which there is achange in the potential, andki is given in Eq. (5), the wavevector corresponding to the potentialVi betweenzi−1 andzi.

FIGURE 2. Plot of the transmission coefficient for aAl0.45Ga0.55As/GaAs DBRT structure with 5 nm barriers and a5.5 nm GaAs well. The energy is given in eV.

The transition matrixM(zi) corresponding to the pointzi

will be defined by(





(1 + ri 1− ri

1− ri 1 + ri





), (9)

whereri = ki+1mi/kimi+1. We notice that this transitionmatrix changes the state vector into another one with a dif-ferent wave vector at the same point. In contrast, the trans-porting matrixM(zi+1, zi) from one point to another takesthe state vector with the same momentum but to a differentpoint along the axis. This is so because we are transportingthe wave vector in a region where the potential is constant.Therefore we have(





(e−iki+1li 0

0 eiki+1li




), (10)

whereli = zi+1 − zi. For instance, in order to calculate thetransmission for an arbitrary number of barriers, we have







[M(zi)M(zi+1, zi)

]M(zN )




), (11)

whereN is the number of discontinuities in the graph. Thetransmission coefficient can be calculated from the equationA1e

ik1z1 = M11AN+1eikN+1zN to get

T =∣∣∣∣AN+1




|M11|2 , (12)

whereM is the total transfer matrix fromz1 to zN , andM11

is the element (1,1).As an example [11], we consider a Al0.45Ga0.55As/GaAs

double-barrier resonant tunneling (DBRT) structure. In Fig. 2we plot the transmission coefficient as function of energy cal-culated with the method just described.

If we consider now a periodic repetition of the potentialprofile of Fig. 1, we obtain what is known in the literature as acomplex-basis superlattice. Using the formalism previouslydescribed the transfer matrixM for the basis can be calcu-lated. The total transfer matrix of the entire superlattice willbe the product ofN single basis transfer matricesM , orMN .

In this case, the product ofN identical transfer matri-ces that arises can be easily obtained by using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem [8], which allows one to express powersof a unimodular matrixM , as in our case, in the followingform [9]

MN = UN−1M − UN−2, (13)

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whereUn(t) is thenth Chebyshev polynomial of the secondkind, and2t is the trace ofM . There is another way to calcu-late high powers of a matrix and this is given by the spectraltheory of finite complex matrices [10]. In this technique, theN th power of the matrixM is expressed as

MN = λN1 E1 + λN

2 E2, (14)

whereλi are the eigenvalues ofM andEi are two idempo-tent matrices associated withM . The matricesEi have thefollowing properties:E1 + E2 = 1 andEiEj = Eiδij . Thissecond approach to the calculation of powers of a matrix maybe more computationally convenient whenN is very large,because there is no need to evaluate the Chebyshev polyno-mials.

It is important to stress that equations 13 and 14, wheninserted in 12, will give a compact analytic expression forthe transmission coefficient of a system composed of iden-tical barriers or bases. This is an important point, becauseit is well known that the use of transfer matrices will giverise to numerical instabilities that arise because the coeffi-cients in a given layer are evaluated from those in previouslayers, and the numerical errors increase with the growingexponentials [12, 13]. However, this problem appears whenexplicit multiplication of transfer matrices is done, gettingworse for larger systems. In our case, no multiplication isperformed and hence numerical instabilities are absent. Thisfeature makes our method specially well suited for very longsystems.

Once the total transfer matrixM for a certain graphhas been calculated, the transmission coefficient willbe given by T=|M11|−2. As an example we calcu-late the transmission coefficient for a superlattice com-posed of 5 structures as the one shown in Fig. 1.The composition is, starting from the first barrier,Al0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As/Al0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs, withwidths 8, 5, 9 and 4 nm respectively, with a distance withinbases of 4 nm. The calculated transmission coefficient isshown in Fig. 3.

FIGURE 3. Plot of the transmission coefficient for a superlatticewith N = 5 (solid line) and another withN = 100, as describedin the text. The energy is given in eV.

Consider now a superlattice with the same basis as beforebut with N = 100. In this case we use Eq. (14) to calculatethe 100th power of the single basis transfer matrix. Compar-ison with theN = 5 case shows that the transmission peaksbecome narrower leaving large regions of energy when thetransmission sharply goes to zero, a property useful for filterdesign.

We would like to stress the simplicity of our approachcompared to other calculations [14,15]. This simplicity arisesfrom two main reasons. First, the use of state vectors insteadof wave function coefficients eliminates the position depen-dence in the transition matrices. Second, because of this wecan make use of matrix theorems to simplify the calculationof powers of matrices and obtain the total transfer matrix ina simple expression. We have shown how to obtain the trans-mission coefficient with this approach. Other physical prop-erties can be easily calculated as well. In Fig. 4 we show theelectronic band structure for the above superlattice as func-tion of the concentrationx of the first barrier in Fig. 1. No-tice that drawing a vertical line atx = 0.5, the intersectionswith the bands give the same values for energy that those inFig. 3 for theN = 100 system.

FIGURE 4. Electronic band structure as function of the Al concen-trationx, of the first barrier in Fig. 1. The energy is in eV.

FIGURE 5. Electronic band structure as function of the well dis-tanced (in Angstroms) for the same system as in Fig 4.

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Figure 5 shows also the band diagram but as a functionof the width in the well located between the first and sec-ond barriers in Fig. 1. These are obtained using the relationcos(kd) = TrMT /2, whered is the SL period,k the crystalmomentum andMT is the total transfer matrix for one basisin the infinite superlattice.

In conclusion, we report in this paper a simple andstraightforward way to calculate the transfer matrix of a sys-tem composed of a number of rectangular barriers of arbitraryshape. Also, we give a way to simplify the calculation of thetransfer matrix for a system composed of a large number ofidentical structures, or bases. This arises from the use of sec-

ond type transfer matrices that do not depend on the positionof the barrier, making them identical and therefore we canmake use of either the Cayley-Hamilton theorem or the spec-tral theory for the calculation of powers of a matrix.


We want to thank J. Wudka and A. Balandin for useful con-versations, and the Physics Department of the UCR for itskind hospitality where part of this work was done. One of us(R.H.Q.) thanks the Fulbright Foundation for support.

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