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Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597

Quantitative analysis of multi-spectral fundus images

I.B. Styles a,*, A. Calcagni a,b, E. Claridge a, F. Orihuela-Espina a, J.M. Gibson b

a School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT, United Kingdomb Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, City Hospital NHS Trust, Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH, United Kingdom

Received 30 September 2005; received in revised form 6 February 2006; accepted 24 May 2006Available online 24 July 2006


We have developed a new technique for extracting histological parameters from multi-spectral images of the ocular fundus. The newmethod uses a Monte Carlo simulation of the reflectance of the fundus to model how the spectral reflectance of the tissue varies withdiffering tissue histology. The model is parameterised by the concentrations of the five main absorbers found in the fundus: retinal hae-moglobins, choroidal haemoglobins, choroidal melanin, RPE melanin and macular pigment. These parameters are shown to give rise todistinct variations in the tissue colouration. We use the results of the Monte Carlo simulations to construct an inverse model which mapstissue colouration onto the model parameters. This allows the concentration and distribution of the five main absorbers to be determinedfrom suitable multi-spectral images. We propose the use of ‘‘image quotients’’ to allow this information to be extracted from uncalibratedimage data. The filters used to acquire the images are selected to ensure a one-to-one mapping between model parameters and imagequotients. To recover five model parameters uniquely, images must be acquired in six distinct spectral bands. Theoretical investigationssuggest that retinal haemoglobins and macular pigment can be recovered with RMS errors of less than 10%. We present parametric mapsshowing the variation of these parameters across the posterior pole of the fundus. The results are in agreement with known tissue his-tology for normal healthy subjects. We also present an early result which suggests that, with further development, the technique could beused to successfully detect retinal haemorrhages.� 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Multi-spectral imaging; Monte Carlo; Retinal haemorrhages; Pigments; Macula; Fundus

1. Introduction

Pathologies in the ocular fundus are a major cause ofblindness. These pathologies include diabetic retinopathyand age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). In bothof these conditions, the distribution of blood and/or mac-ular pigments is altered from the normal. These anomaliescan impinge upon the foveal area, leading to a degenera-tion of central vision, with a severe impact on the qualityof life. Such pathologies are frequently treatable, providedthey are detected at an early stage. In the case of diabetes,modifications to the patient’s diet and lifestyle can oftencontrol the severity of the condition. In wet/exudative

1361-8415/$ - see front matter � 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1214148559.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (I.B. Styles), E.Claridge (E. Claridge).

ARMD, laser treatment can be used to destroy the patho-logical blood vessels that characterise the condition.

At present, primary screening for diabetic retinopathy islargely carried out by general practitioners and ophthalmicopticians, whilst ARMD is usually only detected once thepatient has incurred some degeneration of visual functionas there is no effective screening tool that can highlightearly pathology. In the case of diabetic retinopathy, the pri-mary care practitioners are equipped to detect more obvi-ous pathologies, but can sometimes miss subtle changesor early pathologies, where a referral to a specialist oph-thalmologist would be advisable. The most commonscreening tool used by ophthalmic opticians is standardcolour fundus photography, which provides an RGB imageof the fundus. Modern digital fundus cameras can provideexceptional spatial resolution, allowing very fine detail tobe seen. However, the spectral resolution of RGB imaging

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systems is very coarse, and yields only limited informationabout the nature of structures visible in an image. In orderto determine the origin of a particular feature in an image,more detailed spectral information is required. This hastraditionally been provided by spectroscopy, but thisapproach has its own limitations: spectroscopy yields infor-mation only about single points, and coverage of largerareas is impractical. Hence, spectroscopy has not beenwidely used as a diagnostic tool in the clinical setting andis largely limited to laboratory-based studies.

Recent advances in imaging technology have led to thedevelopment of the so-called multi-spectral imaging sys-tems. In theory, such systems combine the spatial resolu-tion of conventional photographic systems with thespectral resolution of spectroscopy, although in practice,the spectral resolution is significantly lower than spectros-copy can provide, but still a great improvement over RGBsystems. The most common multi-spectral imaging systemsuse one of two different methods to generate a multi-spectral image. Interferometric systems use an interferom-eter to build up the Fourier transform of the spectrum ateach pixel of the image (a so-called ‘‘interferogram’’). Typ-ically, the interferometer will scan its interference patternacross the CCD in a number of finite steps, graduallyforming the full interference pattern. This can then beinverse-Fourier transformed to obtain the spectrum ateach pixel. An alternative method uses a ‘‘filter wheel’’containing a set of narrow bandpass filters correspondingto the set of wavelengths that are required. The wheel isrotated rapidly in front of the camera and an image istaken for each filter, and the resulting images can be usedto deduce the spectrum at each point in the image. Recentadvances in technology have led to the development ofliquid crystal programmable filters which can be config-ured into bandpass filters across a range of wavelengths.All of these systems can provide high quality images withgood spatial resolution, and fair spectral resolution. Theyare generally excellent at generating multi-spectral imagedata for stationary objects, but the increased image acqui-sition time is problematic when the objects can move. Formoving objects, the interferometric methods are generallyunsatisfactory as the images must be registered before theyare inverse-Fourier transformed: one must register theinterferograms. The filter-based approaches can cope withmoving objects by using modern registration methods tocorrect for the movement. This is a relatively straightfor-ward task and there are a number of well-established tech-niques for achieving this.

It is clear that using these technologies a multi-spectralimaging system for the ocular fundus could be developed.One must correct for involuntary eye movements and sointerferometric systems are unsuitable, but filter-based sys-tems are relatively simple to construct and a number ofgroups have successfully done so (Harvey et al., 2002; Bes-sho et al., 2005). The quantity of information that multi-spectral imaging can provide could potentially be a veryvaluable aid in the early detection of pathologies, but it is

not yet clear how one should interpret the data that thesesystems yield: human perception is limited to approxi-mately RGB, and so it is likely to be rather hard for aclinician to interpret multi-spectral images directly. Wepropose a method for processing multi-spectral fundusimages which yields quantitative information about the his-tological properties of the tissue. This information may bediagnostically useful in a clinical setting.

The basis for our proposed method is a physical modelof light propagation in the ocular fundus. The model isparameterised by relevant histological variables (such asthe concentration of blood haemoglobins). Using themodel, we deduce a set of multi-spectral measurementswhich allow the histological variables to be computed fromthe multi-spectral images. The values of these variables(corresponding to quantities of pigment) can then be plot-ted at each pixel to generate a ‘‘parametric map’’ whichshows how the pigment is distributed across the image.This could allow primary care clinicians to identify pathol-ogies at a much earlier stage of development, allowing thepatient to receive appropriate treatment in good time.

These ideas have previously been employed in dermatol-ogy, where the SIAscope system (Cotton et al., 1997) hasbeen shown to be an effective screening tool in the diagno-sis of pigmented skin lesions (Moncrieff et al., 2002). TheSIAscope uses RGB and near-infrared images to map thedistributions of dermal blood, dermal melanin and collagenin skin lesions, allowing suspicious lesions to be investi-gated non-invasively. This reduces the number of unneces-sary biopsies from healthy subjects. Standard RGB imagesplus one near-infrared image are sufficient for this informa-tion to be deduced from skin images, but the tissue of theocular fundus is much more complex and a more carefulchoice of filters, based on some objective criteria, isrequired. In addition, the tissue of the ocular fundus isnot directly accessible and it is not possible to calibratethe images using calibration patches. In this article, we pro-pose methods by which these difficulties may be overcome,and show how these ideas allow parametric maps of theocular fundus to be computed.

2. Modelling the ocular fundus

The methods of image analysis proposed in this workdepend upon the construction of an accurate model ofthe reflectance of the ocular fundus. There have been sev-eral attempts to construct such a model, and Berendschotet al., 2003 provides an extensive summary of the mostimportant works. The first model which took into accountthe whole of the ocular fundus was by van Norren andTiemeijer (1986), who developed a model using a series ofneutral reflectors and absorbing compounds. This wasmodified by Delori and Pflibsen (1989), who used Kub-elka–Munk transport theory (Kubelka and Munk, 1931)to include the effects of scattering in the choroid. Hammerand Schweitzer (2002) used the adding–doubling method ofradiation transport to include scattering in the retina and

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choroid, drawing on earlier work on the optical propertiesof these tissues by Hammer et al. (1995). Most recently,Preece and Claridge (2002) used Monte Carlo simulation(Prahl et al., 1989) in combination with the data fromHammer et al. (1995) and the well-known properties ofthe main pigments in the fundus: haemoglobins (Horecker,1942) and melanin (Anderson and Parrish, 1981). TheMonte Carlo method is more accurate than cruder approx-imations such as adding–doubling, but suffers from longcomputation times. Fortunately, modern computers allowMonte Carlo to be a reasonably practical method of per-forming transport calculations, although computationtimes are still significant.

Preece and Claridge’s model was parameterised by theconcentrations of the main absorbers in the fundus:

� Concentration of melanin in the RPE;� Concentration of melanin in the choroid;� Concentration of haemoglobins in the choroid (assum-

ing 95% oxygen saturation).

All other properties (layer thickness) of the tissue wereassumed to be constant, taking the values from Rohen

a400 450 500 550 600 650 7000





2.5x 10


λ (nm)

σ a(λ)


c400 450 500 550 600 650 7000






3x 10


λ (nm)

σ a(λ)


Fig. 1. Specific absorption coefficients (in units of m�1/(mmol L�1)) of: (a) m

(1977). The specific absorption coefficients of these pig-ments are shown in Fig. 1.

This model was found to accurately reproduce reflec-tance spectra obtained from the perifoveal region of thefundus, away from any major blood vessels. In other partsof the fundus, other variable components are known to bepresent. Surrounding the fovea is the macula region con-taining macular pigment (Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982) (seeFig. 1(d)). Changes in the distribution of this pigmentcan occur in the early stages of several pathologies and itwould therefore be very useful to be able to quantify itsvariation. There is also a fine network of blood vesselswithin the retina itself. These are important since diabetichaemorrhages occur in these vessels and quantification ofhaemoglobins in the retina may allow us to identify suchfeatures. We have therefore added two parameters toPreece and Claridge’s model: concentration of macular pig-ments and concentration of retinal haemoglobins (wherewe assume 80% oxygen saturation (Alm and Bill, 1973)).A schematic cross-section through the ocular fundus isshown in Fig. 2. The five variable parameters characteris-ing our model represent concentrations of pigment in thedifferent layers:

400 450 500 550 600 650 7000







3.5x 10


λ (nm)

σ a(λ)

400 450 500 550 600 650 7000







λ (nm)

σ a(λ)

elanin (Anderson and Parrish, 1981); (b) haemoglobin (Horecker, 1942);

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Pupil Plane

Intraocular medium (IOM)

Inner Limiting Membrane (ILM)

Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)

Fig. 2. Schematic cross-section of the ocular fundus showing the layeredstructure of the tissue and possible pathways of remitted light.

I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597 581

� CMP: concentration of macular pigments in the retina.� CRH: concentration of haemoglobins in the retina.� CRM: concentration of melanin in the RPE.� CCM: concentration of melanin in the choroid.� CCH: concentration of haemoglobins in the choroid.

The Monte Carlo model computes the reflectanceR(p, k) at wavelength k of tissue described by a parametervector p = (CMP, CRH, CRM, CCM, CCH). It is useful toexamine how R(p, k) varies as we change each of theparameters (holding the others constant). Fig. 3 showshow the reflectance of fundus tissues varies as its composi-tion is changed (note that a log scale is used to emphasisesmall changes). In each of these graphs, four of the fiveparameters are constant, and the fifth parameter is varied.Each of the identified histological components has a dis-tinct effect on R(p, k). In Fig. 3(a), we see that as the con-centration of retinal macular pigment is increased, thereflectance is attenuated in the blue and green spectralregions, with no effect in the red since macular pigmentdoes not absorb at k > 534 nm. As the concentration ofretinal haemoglobins is increased (Fig. 3(b)) we see thatthe spectral reflectance attenuates the spectrum in blueand green regions, and introduces strong features due topeaks and troughs in the specific absorption coefficientof the haemoglobins. Increasing the concentration ofRPE melanin affects the whole reflectance spectrum(Fig. 3(c)). A careful analysis shows that an increase inCRM causes more attenuation in the blue spectral regionthan in the red, and the change is not a straightforwardwavelength-independent scaling as might be thought froma visual inspection of Fig. 3(c). Changes in choroidal mel-anin (Fig. 3(d)) have a very strong effect in the red region

of the spectrum, but a much weaker effect in the blueregion. Note well the contrast between increase in RPEmelanin and choroidal melanin. Whilst increases in RPEmelanin attenuate the spectrum by roughly the same scal-ing factor in blue and red (there is a small difference), theeffect of choroidal melanin is much stronger in the red,even though the pigments are identical. This differencearises from the different environments these componentsare found in. In the RPE, there are no other significantabsorbers and there is relatively weak scattering from theRPE tissue itself. In the choroid, there are other absorberspresent (haemoglobins), and scattering from the underly-ing tissue is very strong. It is the interplay between thevarying component and its surroundings which gives riseto these differences, and this emphasises the importanceof accurate modelling of scattering processes which havea strong effect on the behaviour of the model. Finally,increases in choroidal haemoglobins (Fig. 3(e)) lead to areduction in reflectance in the green region, where absorp-tion by haemoglobins is very strong. Note again the differ-ence between choroidal and retinal haemoglobins, againdue to the interaction with the surrounding tissues. It isimportant to be aware that the proposed model is validonly in the visible region of the spectrum. In the infraredregion, absorption by pigments is very weak, but absorp-tion by water increases rapidly above 700 nm and isdominant in the infrared, masking variations in the pig-mentation. In the ultraviolet regime, absorption by mela-nin and haemoglobins is very strong, and light cannotpenetrate the deeper layers.

3. Analysis of the imaging process

3.1. Factors affecting the imaging process

Any attempt to optimise the imaging process must bebased on a thorough understanding of that process. Theimaging modality that concerns us in this work is visibleoptical photography. The ease with which such imagescan be obtained allows fundus photography to be a poten-tially powerful screening tool for a variety of pathologies,provided the imaging process has been optimised to allowthe desired information to be extracted.

The process of obtaining an optical image is very sim-ple. The object under study is illuminated using a lightsource with known spectral properties. A camera isfocused on the object and one or more filters are used toselect a band of wavelengths to capture (wavelengths out-side this band are blocked by the filter). The resulting fil-tered image is captured on a CCD photon detectorwhich records the total intensity of light falling on eachpixel of the detector, resulting in a monochrome image.Colour images are constructed using red (R), green (G)and blue (B) filters which approximate the response ofthe photo-receptors in the human eye, but this is only forthe purpose of realistic display, and any set of filters canbe used if this is not important.

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a450 500 550 600 650 700



λ (nm)




= 0


= 0.1


= 0.3


= 0.5

b450 500 550 600 650 700


λ (nm)




= 0


= 0.25


= 0.5


= 0.75

c450 500 550 600 650 700


λ (nm)




= 1.64


= 3.11


= 4.58


= 5.56

d450 500 550 600 650 700


λ (nm)




= 0


= 0.33


= 0.66


= 1

e450 500 550 600 650 700


λ (nm)




= 1.9


= 3.8


= 5.7


= 7.6

Fig. 3. Variation of R(p, k) with respect to changes in: (a) macular pigment (CMP) (b) retinal haemoglobins (CRH); (c) RPE melanin (CRM); (d) choroidalmelanin (CCM) and (e) choroidal haemoglobins (CCH). Non-varying parameters were fixed at: CMP = 0.0 mmol L�1, CRH = 0.75 mmol L�1,CRM = 4.58 mmol L�1, CCM = 0.66 mmol L�1, CCH = 5.70 mmol L�1.

582 I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597

There are a number of factors which affect the strengthof the signal recorded by the detector at position x:

� The spectrum and intensity of the illuminant, I(x, k);� The reflectance of the tissue, R(x, k);� The profile of the filter used, Fn(k);� The quantum efficiency of the CCD, Q(k).

The signal (image value) recorded on the detector throughfilter n is then

inðxÞ ¼ aZ

KIðx; kÞRðx; kÞQðkÞF nðkÞdk; ð1Þ

where the constant a scales the signal onto the range of thedetector and is set by factory calibration. It is therefore

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possible to compute the signal recorded on the CCD pro-vided that all of the terms are known. One could, in prin-ciple, take the image value recorded by the detector anddeduce the model parameters which describe the reflectanceof the tissue. In practice, these terms are not all known, andwe must consider the problem more carefully.

3.2. Formalising the imaging process

Preece and Claridge (2004) described a mathematicalmodel of the image formation process. They assumed thatthe optical properties of the object under considerationcould be described by a vector of K parameters

p ¼ fpkgk¼1;...;K ; p 2 P; ð2Þ

where P is the space of all possible parameter vectors for agiven object. The first stage in the imaging process is theformation of the reflectance spectrum of the tissue. Thereflectance spectrum of the tissue is a continuous functionof optical wavelength:

r ¼ rðkÞ; r 2 R; ð3Þwhere R is the space of all possible reflectance spectra. Weassume that there exists a mapping

a : P 7!R ð4Þ

which defines the relationship between object parametersand spectral reflectance. In Section 2, we discussed howsuch a model could be constructed for the tissues of theocular fundus using Monte Carlo simulations. This modelis an implementation of a.

Given the reflectance spectrum of an object, an imagingdevice typically acquires images by applying band-pass fil-ters to the remitted spectrum and integrating over wave-length to generate a single image value per filter. For N

optical filters {Fn(k)}n=1,. . .,N, an image vector

i ¼ fingn¼1;...;N ; i 2 I ð5Þ

is recorded, where I is the space of all possible image vec-tors from a given object. The process of image acquisitioncan be represented by a mapping

b : R 7!I; ð6Þand in the cases we will be studying, the value of the nthcomponent of the image vector is defined by Eq. (1).

We are now able to compute a composite mapping,m = a�b, such that m(p) = b(a(p)) from model parametersto image values: knowing the composition of the tissue ata given point allows us to deduce the appearance of the tis-sue in an image. In principle, therefore, we ought to be ableto perform the inverse calculation, and deduce the compo-sition of the tissue from its appearance in an image, subjectto some mathematical constraints which we discuss inSection 4.1. However, the ability to construct the inversemapping depends on a complete knowledge of the forwardmapping. We cannot always guarantee this: some of theterms in Eq. (1) are unknown in certain situations.

When acquiring images of the ocular fundus, illumina-tion and acquisition is done through an aperture (thepupil). In addition, the ocular fundus is strongly curved(a sphere of diameter d � 24 mm). As a result, illuminationof the fundus is uneven, with the centre illuminated morebrightly, and the edges being significantly darker. It isnot possible to determine the level of illumination in thefundus as the tissue is not accessible, and we cannot knowI(x, k) for every point x in the image. Fortunately, there aresome statements that we can make about I(x, k) which leadto a resolution of this problem.

The key observation is that the only aspect of the illumi-nant which changes with position is its intensity: the rela-tive contributions from different wavelengths do notchange with position. We can therefore separate I(x, k) intospectral and spatial components: I(x, k) = A(x)S(k), withno loss of generality. Substituting this into Eq. 1 provides

inðxÞ ¼ AðxÞZ

KSðkÞRðx; kÞQðkÞF nðkÞdk; ð7Þ

where we have absorbed the calibration constant a intoA(x). This substitution allows us to remove the effects ofspatially varying illumination by taking ratios of imagevalues:

qmnðxÞ ¼imðxÞinðxÞ

; ð8Þ

which are independent of A(x). The use of ‘‘image quo-tients’’ has previously been employed in image segmentationproblems (Maloney and Wandell, 1986, 1989) and is oftenreferred to as ‘‘discounting the illuminant’’, but this is thefirst time they have been used to provide quantitative infor-mation about the tissue itself.

We now formally introduce this new step into our map-ping. Given an N-component image vector, we can form an(N � 1)-component vector of independent image quotients,

q ¼ fqmgm¼1;...;N�1 ¼ fim=iNgm¼1;...;N�1; q 2 Q: ð9Þ

This can be represented as a mapping

c : I 7!Q ð10ÞThe process of forming image quotients from an object canthen be represented by a composite function

f ¼ a � b � c : P 7!Q ð11Þ

relating the composition of the object described by aparameter vector p to the image quotients q formed fromimages captured by a set of optical filters {Fn(k)}n=1,. . .,N.

Having now defined a mapping from object compositionto image quotients we can, in principle, construct aninverse mapping

f �1 : Q7!P; ð12Þ(subject to some mathematical constraints which we discussin Section 4.1) which allows us, given a vector of imagequotients q, to deduce the vector of parameters p that de-scribes the object at the point of interest.

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The use of image quotients in the image analysis processholds several advantages over the use of image values. Aswe have already observed, it effectively removes the effectof uneven illumination on a object. Furthermore, it removesany dependence on the overall intensity of the illuminant:any scaling of the intensity can simply be absorbed intoA(x). When working with image values, one measures theintensity of light reaching the object of interest by placingan object of known reflectance (a ‘‘reflectance standard’’)on or very near the object, within the field of view. This isnot required when working with image quotients, andallows these methods to be used when the geometry of theobject makes the use of reflectance standards impractical,for example, when the object is irregular or very curved inshape, or the object must be imaged remotely as it cannotbe directly accessed. Both of these are true of the ocular fun-dus, and so the use of image quotients is essential if we areto perform a quantitative analysis of fundus images.

The discussion so far has focused on what can be done inprinciple, and there are still a number of practical issues toconsider. For example, we have not considered what kindsof filter must be used, or whether the spectrum of the illumi-nant and quantum efficiency of the camera must meetcertain criteria. For a given S(k), Q(k), the only unansweredquestion is which filters should be used. In the following sec-tion, we discuss objective criteria for filter selection whichaim to ensure that the choice of filters allows f�1 to becomputed, and to minimise the error with which modelparameters can be computed from a set of images.

4. Selection of optimal filters

There are two factors which govern our choice of filters.The filters must ensure that the inverse mapping f�1 existsand is unique, and they must aim to minimise the error inthe parameter recovery process. Let us deal with theseseparately.

4.1. Existence of f�1

The method we have proposed depends upon the exis-tence of f�1. We can define some conditions which, if metby f, guarantee that f�1 exists, although they do not tellus what f�1 is. We begin by noting that P and Q are vectorspaces, with points in P represented by some vector p, andpoints in Q represented by some vector q. We represent themappings f : P 7!Q and f �1 : Q 7!P as q = f(p) andp = f�1(q). We will write q = q(p) and p = p(q).

The key quantity which allows us to determine the exis-tence and uniqueness of f�1 is the Jacobi matrix, which forthis problem is (in component form)

Jij ¼oqi


: ð13Þ

From the Jacobi matrix, we compute the Jacobian J =det(J). The inverse function theorem (Schutz, 1980) statesthat f is bijective (one-to-one and onto) if and only if

J 6¼ 08p 2 P. In practical terms, this means that sgn(J)must be strictly positive or strictly negative (thus neverzero) throughout P.

Note that in order to compute J(p) numerically, P mustbe discretised on a rectangular grid to allow us to computethe partial derivatives using finite difference methods. Inaddition, we can use the Jacobi matrix to approximatethe mapping near the grid of points: since dq = J dp, wecan write q ¼ q0 þ Jjp0

dp in the vicinity of p0, whereq0 = q(p0). We can also compute a first approximation tof�1 using a similar method, since dp = J�1 dq and thusp ¼ p0 þ J�1jq0

dq.A very important consequence of this result is that the J

must be a square matrix: to compute K model parameters,we must have K independent image quotients. This requiresN = K + 1 image values. We choose one of the image val-ues to act as a common denominator, and then

qj ¼ij

iN; j ¼ 1; . . . ;K: ð14Þ

4.2. Minimisation of error

It is important that any parameter values recoveredfrom a set of images should be known to the greatest accu-racy possible in order to be of use in a clinical setting.There are a number of sources of possible error in the pro-cedure that we have described.

4.2.1. Error in the construction of f

The forward model of the imaging process described inSection 3.2 contains a number of sources of error whichmean that the forward model f can only compute imagequotients to finite accuracy. Let us consider each stage ofthe composite mapping.

The first step is the mapping a from model parameters toreflectance spectra. Assuming that the model is an accuraterepresentation of the tissue in its construction (a pointwhich we discuss in Section 7), we identify two mainsources of error in this step. The first is error due to the sto-chastic nature of the Monte Carlo model of light transport.The model simulates the passage of a large number of pho-tons NP through the tissue, and then computes the averageprobability of the photon being reflected. In the limitNP!1 this calculation converges to the exact solution,but is otherwise an approximation. We cannot, of course,compute at the limit, but choosing a suitably large NP

can minimise any variation between simulations. We havefound that NP = 100,000 provides very stable solutions.

The second source of error in this step is that resultingfrom errors in the experimental data which characterisethe tissue properties. The absorption and scattering cross-sections for the pigments, and for the underlying tissue,are derived from experimental measurements (Hammeret al., 1995; Horecker, 1942, Anderson and Parrish, 1981,Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982). In our computations, the meanvalues stated in the literature are used, but there is an

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experimental error associated with each of the measure-ments. Using relatively simple error analysis (Kendalland Stuart, 1969), we can propagate the error in the phys-ical data through our computations to calculate the error inthe reflectance spectra. We can then propagate this throughmapping b to estimate the errors in the image values com-puted by the model. Further information on this method,applied to skin imaging, can be found in Preece and Cla-ridge (2004). We will denote the error (standard deviation)due to errors in the forward model of the jth component ofthe image vector i = (i1, i2, . . ., iN) as rF


We now propagate the rFij

through to the imagequotients. From Eq. 14, we can compute the error in theimage quotients using the standard relation ðrqk

Þ2 ¼PNj¼1ðoqk=oijÞ2ðrijÞ

2 (Kendall and Stuart, 1969). It can beshown that the resulting error in the kth component ofthe image quotient vector q = (q1, q2, . . ., qk) is

rFqk¼ 1




� �2 þ q2k rF


� �2q

; ð15Þ

where the superscript ‘‘F’’ denotes errors in the computa-tion of the forward model. We can use this result to com-pute the error in the inverse model: any errors in theconstruction of f will lead to errors in the subsequent con-struction of f�1. We wish to find the resulting error withwhich parameters can be computed using f�1. It is straight-forward to show that the errors in parameter recovery dueto errors in the forward model are






� �2


� �2

vuut : ð16Þ

The opi/oqk can be read directly from the inverse of theJacobian of f. The rF

piare the errors in f�1 resulting from

errors in the construction of the imaging model f, and donot take into account any other errors in the imagingand analysis process.

4.2.2. Error in the imaging process

The second source of error we have identified is error inthe image acquisition process. In this paper, we are con-cerned with acquiring images using a CCD and the discus-sion will reflect this. However, the idea is quite general: thedetector does not record the intensity of light it receiveswith complete accuracy.

When recording an image on a CCD, each pixel recordsan image value. On a typical 8-bit camera, the image valuesare integers in the range 0 (black) to 255 (white). The 12-bitcamera used to acquire the images in this paper recordsintegers from 0 to 4095. These ranges are set by the numberof bits used to record each image value (8 or 12 in thesecases), and their correspondence to different levels ofbrightness is set by a factory calibration process whichleads to the constant a in Eq. (1).

The value recorded by the camera is not exact. It isessentially the sum of the numbers of photons received ata given pixel during an exposure. Even in apparently

steady-state conditions, this number can vary significantly.In addition, the CCD is a semiconductor device and assuch is sensitive to thermal effects. The signal recorded bythe CCD can be regarded as the mean intensity, and thereis an associated error, which, for an 12-bit camera, is typ-ically ±3 units. The exact value depends on the details ofthe camera. This error will affect the accuracy with whichimages can be used to recover model parameters, and wecan quantify this. Denoting the ‘‘camera error’’ of the jthimage value as rC

ij, we can show that

rCpj¼ 1






� �2


� �2 þ qjrCiN

� �2h ivuut ð17Þ

This error is the error in parameter recovery due solely toerrors in the image acquisition process.

4.2.3. Error in the construction of f�1

The third source of error we have identified is due to thedifficulties in constructing f�1. The forward model is basedon a numerical solution of the radiative transport equation,and so we cannot deduce an analytic solution. Instead, wemust deduce an approximate solution, given the forwardmodel.

The numerical nature of the forward model means thatwe can only compute f at a finite number of points in P: f iseffectively a mapping from N discrete points in P to N dis-crete points in Q. Assuming that the conditions in Section4.1 are met, this mapping is bijective, and the inverse map-ping from N points in Q–N points in P exists and is unique.Clearly, we know f�1 at this set of discrete points, but notat points which lie in between. We need an approximationof f�1.

A natural approximation to employ is a truncatedTaylor series. The constraints imposed in Section 4.1ensure that f and f�1 are analytic functions. We canapproximate f in the vicinity of one of the known points,p0, as a Taylor series,

qiðp0 þ dpÞ ¼ qiðp0Þ þX






þ 1






dpj dpk þ � � � ; ð18Þ

and this can be computed to arbitrary precision, since allthe derivatives are known. We can similarly write down aTaylor expansion of f�1:

piðq0 þ dqÞ ¼ piðq0Þ þX






þ 1






dqj dqk þ � � � ð19Þ

We cannot compute this to arbitrary precision since we can-not numerically compute the derivatives: the points in Q do

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not generally lie on an orthogonal grid. We can, however,compute the expansion to first order by using the inverseof the Jacobi matrix of f, as noted in Section 4.1. This pro-vides a linear approximation for f�1, which requires a highdensity of data points in the model in order to provide suf-ficient accuracy. Discretising the model with five points ineach of the five dimensions (3125 data points) providesacceptable accuracy (typical error of approx 5% for eachparameter), but does not provide acceptable performance.We found that to compute the inverse model for 10,000 im-age quotient vectors required approximately 40 min on a2 GHz Pentium 4 machine with 1 GB of memory. This timescales linearly with both number of image quotient vectors(the inverse model has to be explicitly applied to each pointin turn), and with the number of data points in the forwardmodel (the computation reduces to the search problem offinding the nearest neighbour). A one megapixel imagewould therefore require a processing time of approx. 70 h.A reduction in the number of data points in the model tofour in each dimension (1024 data points) would reducethe compute time to approx. 20 h, but with typical errorsof >10%. It was suggested that a neural network would beable to provide a suitable approximation for f�1, and aftersome experimentation we found that using five points ineach of the five-dimensions was sufficient to train a radialbasis network to recover parameters with typical errors ofapprox. 5% for each parameter. This is the same accuracyas obtained using the linear approximation described previ-ously, but parameter recovery is approximately two ordersof magnitude quicker, allowing a complete one megapixelimage to be processed in less than 1 h. The processing timeis largely independent of the number of data points used toconstruct the model. However, the memory requirements inthe training of the network are large, and we have so farbeen unable to train the network on larger data sets. Detailsof the implementation of the inverse function are providedin Section 5.2. The important point is that f�1 cannot beconstructed exactly: we have to approximate. The approxi-mation has an associated error which can be quantified andtaken into account in the optimisation process. The choiceof filters will affect the nature of f and f�1, and hence willalso affect the accuracy with which these functions can beapproximated. We can define a measure of the approxima-tion error: rA

pnis the error in the recovery of parameter n due

to approximations in the construction of f�1.

4.3. Objective procedure for filter selection

We are now in a position to define an objective proce-dure for the selection of optimal filters:

(1) Discretise the K = N � 1-dimensional parameterspace using a rectangular grid to give M distinctparameter vectors {pi}i=1,. . .,M.

(2) For each parameter vector pi, compute the spectralreflectance of the tissue (corresponding to mappinga as defined in Eq. (4)), giving {Ri(k)}i=1,. . .,M.

(3) Define a set of N independent (orthogonal) filters{Fn(k)}n=1,. . .,N, subject to any necessary constraints.

(4) For each Ri(k), apply the N filters to provide imagevalues.

(5) Select one of the N filters to be the denominator inthe image quotients, and compute K = N � 1 imagequotients for each of the M parameter vectors. Thisdefines f.

(6) For each pi, compute the Jacobian Ji.(7) If sgn(Ji) is constant and non-zero "i, the mapping is

unique and the procedure can continue; else the map-ping is not unique and the filters {Fn(k)}n=1,. . .,N areunsuitable.

(8) If the mapping is unique, compute the total error in

parameter recovery: rT ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðRCÞ2 þ ðRFÞ2 þ ðRAÞ2


where RX ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiP


qand X = {C,F, A}.

(9) Employ an optimisation procedure to find the set offilters which minimises rT.

This procedure provides a set of filters which ensuresthat f and f�1 are well-behaved (bijective) mappings, andwhich minimises the error with which parameters can berecovered using the inverse model. In Section 5 we explainhow these ideas are implemented in practice.

5. Implementation

Let us now discuss how these ideas are used in practicefor imaging of the ocular fundus. We will begin by describ-ing the equipment that is to be used for acquiring suitableimages, since this imposes some constraints on our choiceof filters. We then describe the implementation and optimi-sation of the forward and inverse models.

5.1. Image acquisition

Acquisition of ocular fundus images requires specialisedequipment, since images must be taken through a smallaperture and the ocular lens. We used a Zeiss RCM250fundus microscope which contains the optics that arerequired to obtain fundus images, inbuilt sources of illumi-nation, and the mechanics required to optimally positionthe camera. In standard form, the camera records imageson 35 mm film using a SLR camera body with modifiedbayonet lens fitting which is peculiar to Zeiss fundus cam-eras. Viewing illumination is via a halogen lamp which illu-minates the fundus through the camera optics. Images arerecorded using a xenon flash.

A number of modifications were made to the microscopeto make it suitable for this work. The SLR body wasreplaced by a QImaging Retiga EXi 12-bit monochromedigital camera which allowed high quality digital imagesto be acquired. A Cambridge Research Instruments Vari-Spec LCD programmable filter was added to the system,in front of the Retiga camera. This device is a configurableinterference filter which can be programmed to implement

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a range of narrow Gaussian bandpass filters with centralwavelengths in the range 400–700 nm. The width and trans-mittance of these filters is dependent on the central wave-length, and this provides a constraint on our choice offilters. An additional lens with focal length 75 mm wasincluded to shrink the image onto the 1/3 in. CCD whichis much smaller than the 35 mm film used in the originalcamera. An array of optical connectors was required tointegrate these components with the microscope. The Vari-Spec filter and the Retiga camera were controlled using astandard notebook computer running custom software.In brief, the software pre-loads the required filters intothe VariSpec filter. Images are then acquired (using appro-priate exposure settings) with each filter sequentially. Illu-mination was provided by the viewing lamp at a suitableintensity. The xenon flash used during conventional pho-tography was found to be unsuitable because it providesa transient illumination rather than the steady-state illumi-nation assumed in our model, and because the spectrum ofa xenon discharge lamp contains a number of sharp emis-sion peaks which bias the filter selection process. An addedbenefit of using steady-state visible illumination for bothfocussing and image acquisition is that it ensures that thephotopigments are bleached during the acquisition process.

The lengthy exposure time (approx. 5 s) required toobtain all of the necessary images means that image regis-tration is required due to movement of the subject. Excel-lent results were obtained using an algorithm due toStewart et al. (2003). The resulting registered images werethen corrected to compensate for differing exposure set-tings, with all images normalised to an exposure time of1 s, a gain of one, and zero offset.

5.2. Construction and optimisation of f and f�1

The parameter space P was discretised on a rectangulargrid. The parameter values chosen for each of the five vari-ables are shown in Table 1. This discretisation of P pro-vides M = 5 · 5 · 6 · 6 · 6 = 5400 points at which themodel is defined.

For each parameter vector {pi}i=1,. . .,M, the correspond-ing reflectance spectrum was computed using the MonteCarlo model of tissue reflectance described in Section 2.The spectra were then used in the filter selection proceduredescribed in Section 4.3. An evolutionary algorithm (Yaoand Liu, 1997) was used to find the set of N = 6 filterswhich provided a unique mapping and minimised the error

Table 1Parameter values used in the calculation of f

Parameter Values (mmol/L)

Macular pigment 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6Retinal haemoglobins 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25RPE melanin 1.64, 3.11, 4.58, 5.56, 6.54, 8.00Choroidal haemoglobins 1.90, 3.80, 5.70, 7.60, 8.50Choroidal melanin 0.00, 0.33, 0.66, 1.00, 1.33, 1.66

of parameter recovery. The algorithm used in this work is apopulation-based evolutionary algorithm, where each ofthe n (we used n = 100) individuals in the population is aset of six filters defined by their central wavelengths. Webegin with a random initial population. After checking thatan individual generates a unique mapping using the proce-dure given in Section 4.1, we compute the ‘‘fitness’’ of eachindividual in the population, defined to be the error inparameter recovery given by Eq. (17). We then ‘‘mutate’’the individuals to produce ‘‘offspring’’ (from each ‘‘par-ent’’, we produce three offspring). We evaluate the fitnessof the offspring, and then select the best n individuals fromthe combined set of parents and offspring to form the nextgeneration. After some time (typically a few hundred gen-erations), the fitness of the fittest individual stabilises. Wetherefore take this individual to be the optimal set of filtersfor parameter recovery. Since the halogen light source usedprovides only weak illumination in the blue region of thespectrum, we constrain the optimisation process to onlyfind filters with central wavelengths in the region 500–700 nm, the upper limit being set by the properties of theVariSpec filter. The filters were selected from the set of fil-ters that can be implemented by the VariSpec filter andwere specified only by their central wavelength, with allother properties dependent on that central wavelength.Therefore, each individual in the evolutionary algorithmconsists of six numbers which correspond to the centralwavelength of filters. The algorithm was run 20 times, eachtime until the fitness of the fittest individual stabilised for atleast 20 generations. The fittest individual found had cen-tral wavelengths 507 nm, 525 nm, 552 nm, 585 nm,596 nm, 611 nm (the last to be used as the denominatorin the image quotients). The corresponding optimal filtersare shown in Fig. 4.

The optimal filters were applied to each of the M reflec-tance spectra computed using the model to give M vectorsof six image values. From these, M vectors of five imagequotients were computed by dividing the image valuescomputed using the filters centred at 507 nm, 525 nm,552 nm, 585 nm and 596 nm by the image value computedusing the filter centred at 611 nm. This establishes a map-ping between the original M parameter vectors in P andM image quotient vectors in Q and provides a definitionof both f and f�1 at these M points.

The discretised model was used to train a neural net-work to approximate f�1. The particular type of neural net-work used was the radial basis network provided in theMATLAB Neural Network Toolbox. The function new-rbe(P, T, SPREAD) was used to create a two-layer neuralnetwork containing radial basis neurons in the first layer,and linear neurons in the second layer (full details can befound at the MATLAB support webpages1). The M imagequotient vectors generated from the model were used as


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450 500 550 600 6500









λ (nm)



λc= 507nm

λc= 525nm

λc= 552nm

λc= 565nm

λc= 596nm

λc= 611nm


Fig. 4. Optimal filters for parameter recovery. A sample reflectancespectrum (dashed line) is shown for reference.

588 I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597

input data P, and the M parameter vectors were the targetoutputs T. The training parameter SPREAD was set to 3.0,which was found to give good results on unseen data.Approximately 350 random parameter vectors were gener-ated and the corresponding image quotients were com-puted. These quotients were then given as input to thenetwork which computed the corresponding parametervectors. These were then compared with the originalparameter vectors. The results of these tests are shown inFig. 5.

It is clear from these data that not all parameters arerecovered equally well. We see quite clearly that whilstCMP and CRH are recovered with acceptable accuracy,the remaining parameters cannot be recovered. The reasonfor this is not fully understood but is believed to be becauseof the highly non-linear nature of f and f�1. At low concen-trations of pigment, small changes in concentration causelarge changes in the reflectance of the tissue, and hencelarge changes in the image quotients. At high concentra-tions of pigment, a large change in the quantity of pigmentis required to produce a small change in the tissue reflec-tance. This non-linearity makes the functions f and f�1 veryhard to approximate, and more work is needed in thisdirection. In our analysis and discussion in Sections 6and 7, we will restrict our attention to the distributionsof macular pigment and retinal haemoglobins, which canbe computed with acceptable accuracy.

After the image acquisition process described in Section5.1, the images were processed by the neural network. Foreach pixel in the images, the appropriate image quotientswere calculated directly from the image values recorded.The resulting vectors of image quotients were given asinput to the neural network, which returned a parametervector for each point in the image. The values of eachparameter were displayed graphically as parametric mapswhich show how each of the parameters varies across theimage.

6. Results

Images were obtained from a range of subjects spanning awide variety of ethnic backgrounds including Caucasian,African, Indo-Asian, Afro-Caribbean and Mediterraneansubjects. Images were initially taken only from subjects withno known pathology, and these were used to verify the tech-nique. Further images were then obtained from subjects withknown pathologies (for example, retinal haemorrhages, cho-roidal neovascular membranes) in order to investigate theability of the technique to flag these pathologies. In orderto provide maximum flexibility in the processing of theimages, extra images were recorded using additional filterschosen to highlight notable features in the reflectance spectraof the tissue. The central wavelengths of the chosen filterswere at k = {480 nm, 507 nm, 515 nm, 525 nm, 540 nm,548 nm, 552 nm, 560 nm, 565 nm, 569 nm, 575 nm,585 nm, 596 nm, 611 nm, 640 nm, 675 nm, 705 nm}. Notethat these include the optimal filters deduced from the prop-erties of the model. In total, we obtained images from 35 sub-jects, although in the post-processing stage, approximatelyhalf of these were discarded due to the presence of specularreflections from the cornea, or excessive subject movement.

In order to verify the correctness of the model, imagedata taken from all normal subjects were collated and com-pared with the model to investigate the correspondencebetween model and data. Projections of the model andimage data onto the qi–qj planes were used to check the cor-respondence. These are shown in Fig. 6.

It is clear from these projected views of the data that themodel and image data are not coincident. There is consid-erable overlap, and the shapes of the projections areroughly similar, but the image data clearly does not fallwithin the bounds of the model data. There are several pos-sible reasons for this, although the causes of these reasonsare not so easy to identify. Firstly, it may be that the modeldoes not fully capture the whole range of variability withinnormal tissue. Extending parameter space to include higherconcentrations of the variable pigments has little effect onthe extent of the model. It may be necessary to introduceadditional variable parameters (e.g. layer thicknesses) inorder to model the full variability of normal tissue.

A further problem is that the data used to construct themodel may be inaccurate or inappropriate. For instance,the only data on absorption and scattering by ocular tis-sues is from Hammer et al. (1995), who took ex vivo mea-surements on excised samples of bovine and porcine fundi.These are physiologically and histologically very similar tohuman fundi and much of the recent work on modelling offundus reflectance (Preece and Claridge, 2002) has usedthese data as a starting point. However, this is clearly notan ideal solution, and data from human subjects wouldsurely improve the results.

In Section 7, we offer some additional possible causes ofthis mismatch for which solutions require resources whichare currently unavailable to us. In the absence of an ab ini-tio method for resolving the problem with the resources

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Fig. 5. Parameter recovery from generated data. (a) macular pigment; (b) retinal haemoglobins; (c) RPE melanin; (d) choroidal melanin and (e) choroidalhaemoglobins. The solid line represents the ideal case of exact parameter recovery and serves only to guide the eye. Image quotients were generated fromrandom parameter vectors and a neural network (trained on a different dataset) was used to recover the parameters. The standard error of parametersrecovery based on these data is macular pigment: ±0.13 mmol L�1; retinal haemoglobins: ±0.37 mmol L�1; RPE melanin: ± 2.85 mmol L�1; choroidalmelanin: ±0.87 mmol L�1; choroidal haemoglobins: ±3.7 mmol L�1.

I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597 589

available, we elected to introduce an empirical correctionto the model, based upon the normal image data.

Although the image and model data are not coincident,the shapes of the projected datasets are similar. That is,where the projection of the model is ‘‘long and thin’’, as

in, for example, the q3–q4 projection, the projected imagedata is also ‘‘long and thin’’. This suggests that whilst theabsolute position and size of the model in Q is wrong, thebehaviour of the model with respect to the constituentparameters may be correct. In other words, an increase in

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Fig. 6. Projections of model (dark points) and image (light points) data onto each of the 10 possible qi–qj planes.

590 I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597

one of the parameters causes a move along a path in Q. Anincrease in the same parameter in the real tissue causes amovement in a similar direction. This means that providedwe can map the model and image data to be coincident, wecan use the directionality within the model to extractparameter values from the image data. Although the abso-lute values of the recovered parameters may be incorrect,the relative values should be correct, and the parametricmaps may reveal the distribution of parameters in theimage.

We therefore choose a simple ‘‘shift and scale’’ opera-tion to align model and image data. We first transformthe image data such that the means of model and eachset of image data are the same. We then scale the modelsuch that it encapsulates all of the normal data. A scale fac-tor of four was found to be sufficient to encompass thenormal image data. The two-dimensional projections ofthe scaled model in Fig. 7 show that the scaled modelnow encapsulates the image data. The scaled model wasthen used as a basis for the interpretation of image data.

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A neural network was trained on the scaled data and thiswas used as the inverse function. Note that one importantconsequence of this scaling is that the effective parameterranges become reduced, as shown in the test data of Fig. 8.

For all normal and pathological subjects, the mean ofthe image data was moved to the mean of the model data,and the translated image data were then used as input tothe neural network. The resulting vectors of model param-eters, one for each point in the image, were then displayedas parametric maps, each showing the variation of the cor-

Fig. 7. Projections of model (dark points) and image (light points) data onto eathe model has been scaled by a factor of four.

responding histological parameter across the image. Due tothe difficulties in recovering some parameters with suffi-cient accuracy, we will analyse only the parametric mapsshowing the distributions of macular pigment and retinalhaemoglobins.

6.1. Analysis of macular pigment distribution

In a normal human fundus, there exist a family of pig-ments known as macular pigments which are present in

ch of the 10 possible qi–qj planes. The datasets have been mean-aligned and

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Fig. 8. Parameter recovery from generated data: (a) macular pigment; (b) retinal haemoglobins; (c) RPE melanin; (d) choroidal melanin and (e) choroidalhaemoglobins. The solid line represents the ideal case of exact parameter recovery and serves only to guide the eye. Image quotients were generated fromrandom parameter vectors and scaled as described in the text. A neural network trained on the scaled data was used to recover the parameters. Note wellthat although the trends for RPE melanin and retinal haemoglobins are correct, the effective range onto which these parameters can be recovered issignificantly reduced.

592 I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597

the retina. Macular pigments are strongly localised in thearea around the fovea, where the density of photoreceptorsis highest. It is believed (Beatty et al., 1999; Landrum et al.,1997) that their principal function is to protect the photo-

receptors from high intensities of blue and ultra-violet lightwhich is well known to be damaging to the receptors. Thispigment is therefore an ideal test for our methods, sincethe normal spatial distribution is well established. Other

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I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597 593

workers have used alternative methods for quantifyingmacular pigments. Bone and Sparrock (1971) used theflicker technique to compare foveal and extra-foveal spec-tral sensitivities, from which they were able to estimatemacular pigment concentrations. Berendschot et al.(2002) used single-wavelength (460 nm) reflectometry toestimate both macular pigment and melanin concentra-tions. Both works suggest a wide variation in macular pig-ment concentrations between subjects. Note that althoughthe wavelength (460 nm) used by Berendschot et al. (2002)is outside the range of the filters than we use, our optimisa-tion process used to select the filters was constrained towavelengths >500 nm due to limitations of the equipment(illumination brightness and filter transmission are bothvery low below 500 nm). An unconstrained optimisation

Fig. 9. RGB images and the corresponding parametric maps for macular pigCaribbean male (left eye) and (c) elderly Afro-Caribbean female (left eye). Inpigment. The foveal region is circled in yellow. The artifacts at the centres of t

did indeed select filters at wavelengths close to 460 nm,but at these wavelengths, the exposure time is too long toobtain images of sufficient clarity. With more sophisticatedequipment, we would acquire images in this region of thespectrum.

In Fig. 9, we show several examples of parametric mapsof macular pigment, alongside RGB pictures of the samesubjects. These images show a clear peak in the macularpigment distribution in the vicinity of the fovea. This isconsistent with the known histology of the fundus. Thereis also a clear peak in the vicinity of the optic disk. This‘‘false positive’’ occurs because the optic disk has a signif-icantly different histology to the rest of the fundus. Sincewe assume that scattering and thickness of the retina,RPE and choroid and constant (and non-zero), the optic

ment from: (a) young Mediterranean female (right eye); (b) young Afro-the parametric maps, lighter areas correspond to higher concentrations ofhe parametric maps (blue oval) are due to a reflex from the camera optics.

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594 I.B. Styles et al. / Medical Image Analysis 10 (2006) 578–597

disk is not well represented by the model and parametersrecovered in this region cannot be regarded as accurate.In Section 7, we examine the validity of this assumption.

Not all subjects showed the same clear macular pigmentpeak in the fovea that is evident in Fig. 9. We believe thatthis is predominantly due to inherent problems with ourimaging technology which we discuss in detail in Section7. In brief, the prolonged and repetitive exposure usedmeans that eye movement is inevitable. Whilst the imagescan be corrected spatially using advanced registrationmethods (Stewart et al., 2003), constancy of light intensityis vital for our techniques to succeed, and any movementnecessarily compromises this.

6.2. Analysis of retinal haemoglobin distribution

Blood is distributed to the tissues of the retina via a net-work of arteries, capillaries and veins. The larger vessels(the main arteries and veins) are clearly visible to thehuman observer whilst the capillary bed provides a pinkishtint to the bulk of the fundus. When large amounts of otherpigments are present, this tint is rather less obvious than inrelatively unpigmented subjects. In all subjects, the pres-ence of macular pigment at the fovea tends to obscure thistint, making it harder for the human observer to discernany variations in blood concentrations near the fovea. Thisis important, since the fovea is normally surrounded by an‘‘avascular zone’’, where the capillary network is absent.

Fig. 10. RGB images and the corresponding parametric maps for retinal hCaucasian female (left eye). In the parametric maps, lighter areas correspond tosubject (a), an artifact due to reflection from the ILM is circled in blue.

The presence of blood at or near the fovea can lead toobscuration of vision, and so detecting blood in this regionis imperative if sight-threatening complications are to beprevented.

The standard method for determining blood flow acrossthe fundus is through fluorescein angiography. The patientis injected with a fluorescent compound. Using a sequenceof flash photographs, the propagation of this compoundthrough the fundus is followed and used to observe thecapillary network. Defects in the capillary network canbe seen by this method and allow haemorrhages whichmay obscure vision to be detected. Diabetic macularischaemia can also be seen due to the characteristic lossof blood flow to the macula. Fluorescein angiography isa very effective method, but is also invasive, involving theinjection of the fluorescing compound, and is uncomfort-able for the patient. In some subjects, the procedure caneven be life-threatening. Any alternative method whichallows these defects in the capillary network to be seenwould be of great potential benefit. In Fig. 10, we showparametric maps of retinal haemoglobins for several sub-jects, together with the corresponding RGB images.

In Fig. 10(a), there is a clear depression in the quantityof retinal blood at the fovea. This corresponds to the well-known foveal avascular zone which is a feature of normalsubjects. Many of the larger retinal blood vessels are alsoclearly visible as areas where blood is more concentrated.Note well that this subject was extremely compliant, and

aemoglobins from: (a) young African female (right eye) and (b) elderlyhigher concentrations of pigment. The foveal region is circled in yellow. In

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Fig. 11. Fluorescein angiogram of the elderly Caucasian female (left eye)featured in Fig. 10(b), showing a large retinal haemorrhage in the fovealarea (circled).

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image registration required only small adjustments. Thelarge depression to the left of the fovea is an artefact dueto specular reflection from the inner limiting membrane.In Fig. 10(b), there is a small region in the foveal area,where there appears to be a large amount of blood. A com-parison with the fluorescein image shown in Fig. 11 indi-cates that this corresponds to a significant and potentiallysight-threatening haemorrhage which requires immediatetreatment. The blood vessels are not clearly highlightedin this subject as the inter-frame movement was significantand required significant corrective transformations duringregistration (the vessels are clearly visible in the individualframes). Small errors in registration may lead to such smallfeatures being misaligned. For future work, it is imperativethat all frames are acquired concurrently.

7. Discussion

We have shown how an understanding of the imagingprocess can allow us to extract histological informationfrom multi-spectral images of the human ocular fundus.By establishing a mapping between histological parametersand ‘‘image quotients’’, we are able to establish (subject tocertain criteria) the corresponding inverse function whichmaps image quotients onto histological parameters. Theuse of image quotients (ratios of image values) allows usto compensate for the inevitable variations in illuminationintensity across the fundus. The inverse mapping can there-fore be used to compute tissue histology across the ocularfundus, yielding parametric maps which show the spatialdistribution of each parameter. We have shown parametricmaps for two histological parameters, macular pigment(Fig. 9) and retinal haemoglobins (Fig. 10) which are consis-tent with known histology. In the case of a known pathology(Fig. 10(b)), the parametric map for retinal haemoglobins isconsistent with the fluorescein angiogram for the subject.

Whilst these positive results are very encouraging, thereare a number of difficulties with our methods which stillhave to be resolved. Firstly, we note that not all modelparameters can be recovered equally well. On test data,where parameters were known, only macular pigmentand retinal haemoglobins could be recovered with accept-

able accuracy, as shown in Fig. 5. We believe this to bedue to the highly non-linear nature of the inverse mappingwhich means that construction of the inverse function isvery hard. Our current implementation uses a fairly simpleneural network, but it may be that a more sophisticatednetwork will provide better results. Another option maybe to take advantage of the latest developments in geneticprogramming to evolve an explicit form for the inversefunction. The authors currently lack the expertise to imple-ment such a system, but are in contact with experts in thefield.

One of the main drawbacks of the image acquisition sys-tem used in this work is that the multi-spectral imageframes are acquired sequentially. The entire exposure timeis of the order of 5 s and a subject cannot remain perfectlystill during this time. We have introduced breaks betweenframes, during which subjects were allowed to close theireyes, but not move their head. They were then asked tore-fixate, and the next frame was acquired. All imagescan then be acquired without causing undue discomfort,but no matter how well the subject is able to re-fixate,the position of the fundus always changes during thesebreaks. Ideally, we would capture all images simulta-neously. Standard RGB cameras capture three channels(frames) simultaneously, either by interleaving red- green-and blue-sensitive pixels on the same CCD and using inter-polation, or by using a separate CCD for each channel. Asimilar system which simultaneously captures the sixframes required in this work would greatly improve theimage quality, and would resolve the following issues inthe present work.

The first issue that simultaneous image capture wouldsolve is the need for image registration. Whilst the registra-tion methods used (Stewart et al., 2003) have producedexcellent results, there is an inevitable loss of fine detail,where perfect alignment is required. This would be espe-cially important if we were studying early-stage diabeticretinopathies such as dot haemorhages which may be onlya few pixels in width.

The second issue results from the nature of the cardiaccycle. Since the images are recorded over several seconds,the blood concentration in the fundus is likely to varybetween frames. A single ‘‘snapshot’’ would remove thisvariation.

The final issue is a result of subject movement, but can-not be corrected by post-processing. The use of image quo-tients to compensate for spatial variations in illuminantrelies on those variations being identical in all frames. If thisis not the case, then the function A(x) in Eq. (7) is also afunction of wavelength, and may not be taken outside ofthe integral. Inter-frame movement will necessarily lead tochanges in the illuminant. We have noted that the bestresults have been obtained, where only small correctionshave been required to register the images. Where large cor-rections have been necessary, our methods of interpretationfail. The effect of subject movement on illumination is muchmore serious than the movement itself. The registration

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methods adopted are able to spatially align images well(although fine detail may be blurred), but they cannot cor-rect for changes in the illuminant. The simultaneous captureof all frames is essential if this difficulty is to be resolved.

A final technical problem that is relatively easy to solve isthe removal of specular reflection from the inner limitingmembrane. This is a well-known problem in younger sub-jects and the effects can be seen clearly in Fig. 10(a), wherethe reflection has caused an artifact in the parametric map.The removal of such reflections is fortunately quite straight-forward, requiring only a set of polarising neutral filters.These should be included in any future investigations.

Perhaps, the most concerning problem is the need for anempirical scaling factor to ensure that model and imagedata were coincident. The issues surrounding image acqui-sition are likely to be contributory factors to this discrep-ancy, but we can also identify potential problems withthe model itself. The individual variation between fundi islikely to be important: we have assumed that the individuallayers in the fundus are of constant thickness and are thesame in all subjects. This assumption is not correct, andvariation in the layer thicknesses may well lead to a signif-icant spread of the data. There may also be variations inthe underlying optical properties of the tissue which wehave not taken into account. Whilst the model appears tocapture the correct trends, it does not take into accountthe full variation of normal fundi, and further investiga-tions are necessary in order to determine the precise causeof this discrepancy. Some preliminary work has beenundertaken to determine whether the model may be under-parameterized. The model of tissue reflectance assumesthat there are five variable components, and that all othertissue parameters are constant. Certainly, it is known thatabsorption in the intra-ocular media varies with age (Boett-ner and Wolter, 1962), and recent studies using OCT(Varma et al., 1996; Sony et al., 2004) have found signifi-cant variation in layer thicknesses. In addition, the absorp-tion and scattering characteristics of the underlying tissueshave never been measured comprehensively in vivo, andthe degree of variation between different subjects is notknown. Adding additional parameters to the model intro-duces extra complexity to the imaging and inversion proce-dures as each parameter adds another dimension to themodel. This will require an extra filter for each additionalparameter, and will also increase the difficulty with whichthe inverse model can be deduced. The current difficultieswith imaging and inversion suggest that more suitableimaging equipment and a better inversion method areneeded in order to be able to include additional parame-ters. We have undertaken preliminary investigations intothe effect of some additional parameters. Notably, we havefound that allowing the density of the intra-ocular media tovary has a clear effect on the reflectance spectra, as dis-cussed by Boettner and Wolter (1962), but in fact has verylittle effect on the resulting image quotients. In addition, wehave also obtained images from a subject with a lensimplant of known optical density. The image quotients

from this subject were not noticeably distinct from thoseof other subjects of a similar age. From these findings,we conclude that variations in the intra-ocular media havean insignificant effect on the image quotients. Furtherinvestigations into the effect of allowing variations in otherparameters are required.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a physics-based model of image formation which uses image quo-tients to compensate for the effects of spatially uneven illu-mination can be used to extract histological parametersfrom multi-spectral images of the ocular fundus. A set offilters was objectively chosen to minimise the error ofparameter recovery and a neural network was used to com-pute tissue histology from image quotients. The methodhas been successfully used to map the distribution of mac-ular pigment in the retina, and to compute the distributionof haemoglobins in the retina. Results are consistent withknown histology and existing imaging methods. Furtherwork is required to improve the image acquisition processto allow all frames to be captured simultaneously, and fur-ther refinements to the model are required in order to cap-ture the full variation in fundus histology.


We gratefully acknowledge financial support from theEPSRC under grant number GR/S09906/01, and fromAdvantage West Midlands under grant number BGIN3264.We thank Mr James Osborne for his generous donationof the Zeiss RCM250 fundus camera used in this work.Mr Peter Lundh of the Institute of Ophthalmology pro-vided technical help with the design of the imaging system.We are grateful to Dr John Bullinaria for suggesting the useof a neural network to approximate the inverse model. TheOptometry department of the Birmingham and MidlandEye Centre kindly loaned us an artificial eye. Miss Stavrouof the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre assisted withthe selection of suitable subjects. Dr Chia-Ling Tsai of theNational Chung Cheng University in Taiwan providedinvaluable assistance with image registration.


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