Download - Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Page 1: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Quality criteria under research

Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso

Technical University of Denmark

Politecnico di Milano

16 June 2016, Rotterdam 8th CEWEP Waste-to-Energy Congress 2016 1

Page 2: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Increasing resource consumption

Increasing competition for resources

Most environmental impacts are associated with resource consumption

Resources and materials should be “kept in the loop”

= Quality of resources is critical

Source: European Environment Agency

Page 3: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Materials and resources in waste

Edjabou, Jensen, Götze, Pivnenko, Petersen, Scheutz, Astrup (2015). Municipal solid waste composition: Sampling methodology, statistical analyses, and case study evaluation. Waste Management, 36, 12-23.

Götze, Boldrin, Scheutz, Astrup (2016). Physico-chemical characterisation of material fractions in household waste: Overview of data in literature. Waste Management, 36, 12-23.

Götze, Pivnenko, Boldrin, Scheutz, Astrup (2015). Physico-chemical characterization of material fractions from residual and source-segregated household waste in Denmark. Waste Management, 54, 13-26.

Source: Maklawe E. Edjabou and Kostyantyn Pivnenko, DTU

Page 4: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Resource quality of waste

70+ material fractions in waste from single and multi family houses

Götze, Boldrin, Scheutz, Astrup (2016). Physico-chemical characterisation of material fractions in household waste: Overview of data in literature. Waste Management, 36, 12-23.

III - 10

Figure 1: Overview of analysed physical and chemical parameters and employed

measurement techniques

2.4 Data analysis For the statistical evaluation of the measurement results, values below the

detection limit were replaced with the concentration of the relevant detection

limit concentrations. To support the comparison of the samples with each

other, especially the samples from residual and source-segregated, Tuckey-

HSD-tests were performed for each element in all samples of similar material

types using the software JMP (Version 11, SAS). Thus, the expression

“significant(ly)” refers to resulting p-values smaller than 0.05 (assuming 95

% confidence interval).

3 Results and Discussion

The results of the physico-chemical characterisation of 49 material fractions

from residual waste and 24 fractions from source-segregated waste are

presented and discussed in this section. To enable better navigation the

investigated fractions were grouped into six material types as presented in

Table 1: i) organic waste, ii) paper and cardboard waste, iii) plastic waste, iv)

combustible waste, v) metal waste, and vi) glass and inert waste. Due to

1 2

H He3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Li Be B C N O F Ne11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

Cs Ba * Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn87 88 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Fr Ra ** Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

Elemental analyser Oxygen bomb calorimeter

Ion chromatography after combustion 550⁰ C

ICP-MS after acid digestion Mercury analyser

ICP-OES after acid digestion

ash content


* Lanthanides

** Actinides

30+ paper and cardboard materials

30+ plastic materials

30+ wood waste materials


Götze, Pivnenko, Boldrin, Scheutz, Astrup (2015). Physico-chemical characterization of material fractions from residual and source-segregated household waste in Denmark. Waste Management, 54, 13-26.

Page 5: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Resource quality and recycling:paper and cardboard

10,000 potential chemical





critical substances

24persistent substances

Pivnenko, Eriksson, Astrup (2015). Waste paper for recycling: Overview and identification of potentially critical substances. Waste Management, 45, 134-142.

Page 6: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Resource quality and recycling: paper and cardboard

Pivnenko, Olsson, Götze, Eriksson, Astrup (2016). Quantification of chemical contaminants in the paper and board fractions of municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 51, 43-54

Mineral oil hydrocarbons (mg/kg) Phthalates (mg/kg)

Page 7: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Resource quality and recycling: chemical substances

Pivnenko, Eriksson, Astrup (2015). Waste paper for recycling: Overview and identification of potentially critical substances. Waste Management, 45, 134-142.

Page 8: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Resource quality and recycling: Plastic

Source: Marie K. Eriksen, DTU

Food packaging



Electrical and electronic devices

Building and construction

Non-food packaging



Page 9: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Potential substitution of virgin production


Collection and transport

Energy utilization

Biological processes


Thermal processes


Material utilization

Energy resources

Material resources


Displacement of resources

Substitution ratio = amount of displaced resource or virgin production

amount of waste material

Page 10: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

How to model this in LCA of waste management?

1000 kg of pure

material (after sorting)


< 1000 kg of

secondary material


< or <<1000 kg of

primary material





Technical substitution coefficienttakes into account the material loss

that occurs in the recycling processSubstitution


Page 11: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June


For paper: substitution ratio calculated from the estimatedmaximum number of recycling cycles which a single paper fibrecan undergo

For plastic: calculated based on the ratio between the marketvalue of the primary and of the secondary polymers

For wood: based on the different physical and mechanicalproperties (modulus of elasticity and longitudinal bendingstrength) of secondary particle board compared to virgin plywood

Rigamonti et al., 2010

Substitution ratios and downcycling

Page 12: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Technical substitution and substitution ratioTechnical substitution

coefficient Substitution ratio

value source value source

Steel/iron 88.1%Elaboration from

IPPC, 2009100%

Rigamonti et al.,

2010Aluminium 83.5%

Rigamonti et al., 2010


Glass 100% 100%

Paper 89% 83%

Rigamonti et al.,



PET: 75.5% 81%

HDPE: 90% 81%

Mix*: 60% - -

Wood 95% 60%Rigamonti et al.,


* 50% wood and 50% nothing (Rigamonti & Grosso, 2009)


Page 13: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Discussion on substitution ratios

Steel and iron

During scraps smelting, some of the impurities and alloyingelements will remain in the metallic phase (especially copperand tin)

When the contaminants occurring in secondary materialsexceed the maximum content allowed for the target product,additional high purity materials must be added to “dilute” thecontaminant to an acceptable level (Nakamura et al., 2012)

A 45% increase of electricity consumption in the EAF for low-quality scrap (i.e. from WTE bottom ash) than for high-qualityscrap was observed by Haupt et al. (2016)

Page 14: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June

Discussion on substitution ratios


The quality of secondary aluminium is affected by its oxidationlevel (estimated between 11% and 23% for Al from WTE bottomash above 0.8 mm, Biganzoli and Grosso, 2013)

The potential use of secondary aluminium is also affected by thecontent of alloying elements (Nakajima et al., 2010)

Mixing with primary aluminium or with high quality secondaryaluminium might be required, according to the application

Substitution ratios can be calculated based on market price ratiobetween secondary and primary aluminium, as proposed by EAAand by Koffler and Florin (2013)

Page 15: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June


Assessment of the effect of varying:

the substitution ratios

the amount of virgin material in the substituted mix

Applied to the integrated WMS of Lombardia Region(Italy)

A case study

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Gala et al., 2015

Assessing the environmental credit of recycling

Environmental credit = x * REC + (1-x) * Q * VIR


x is the proportion of recycled material in the average market mix

(1-x) is the proportion of virgin material in the average market mix

Q is the quality factor of recycled material vs. virgin material (Q≤1)

REC is the environmental load of the recycling process (1 t of

recycled material in output)

VIR is the environmental load of the production process of the virgin

material (1 t in output)

Quality factor = substitution ratio

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Average European market mixes for different materials (Gala et al., 2015)

Amount of virgin material in the substituted mix

Page 18: Quality criteria under research - Waste-to-energy · Quality criteria under research Thomas F. Astrup and Mario Grosso Technical University of Denmark Politecnico di Milano 16 June


Scenario BAU, year 2020

Key facts:

10 million inhabitants

About 5 million tonnes of yearly MSW generation

66% source separation

75% of RW to WTE plants (with Fe and non-Fe recovery from BA)

25% of RW to MBT followed by WTE or cement kiln co-combustion

Marginal energy: NGCC for power, natural gas for heat

Application to the Lombardia Region

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Effect of the substitution ratio on the six packaging materials (kgCO2eq per kg sent to recycling)

Application to the Lombardia Region

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Effect of the substitution ratios on the whole management scheme (kgCO2eq per year)

Application to the Lombardia Region

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Effect of the % of virgin material in the substituted mix for four packaging materials (kgCO2eq per kg of recycled material)

Application to the Lombardia Region

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Substitution ratio strongly affects the performances of material recycling

% of virgin material in the substituted mix also plays a role

With a 0.4 substitution ratio for all packaging materials, the GWPperformances of the Lombardia Region WM system are neutralised

This effect should be compared with recent and perspective trends of WTE:

– A systematic increase in energy recovery performances

– Decrease in heat and increase in cold demand

– A cleaner substituted energy mix

– A possible renaissance of MBT/MRF for producing storable fuel from waste?

Conclusions and perspectives