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James BangayManager Information Strategy

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Planned Designed Operated Maintained

for the long term

for the environment

in real time

based on condition

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Peak Demand (Synchronous Lifestyles)

Quality Supply(Always Connected)

Consumption(Lifestyle Choices)

Cost Options(Pricing Signals)

Sustainable Society(Waste Impact)

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Rethinking the response

Cannot afford to continue with old systems of work. The new ways are not more efficient versions of

the old ways. Not tweaking the edges of an existing system

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Infrastructure / Paradigm dependency

New paradigms come from new infrastructure New infrastructure is likely to be…

Common to all stakeholders. Across boundaries. Unfundable by any single party. Enabled by emergent technology. Not recognisable by the “establishment” as


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Transformation Opportunities

Mobile devices and positioning• ubiquitous augmented reality• Crowd Sourced content

Virtual World based advertising• massive storage capability• high quality streaming interactive

worlds• common representation• Education and acceptance

MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game)

• Bring real time interactive physics engine based spatial computing power

Consumer technology is enabling innovative solutions.

Sense the world

Model and Visualise the world

Simulate the world

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A future paradigm?

Spatial models will become infrastructure on which we build our businesses.

Users business activities seamlessly maintain an interactive data hub.

Decision can be pre-modelled in a spatial context.

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Our new foundation…

A wireframe model of the state Images geo-referenced and ingested against that

model Every smart phone with 2 cm real-time precision

and 5 second location lock. Staff interact in the field with a 3D augmented

reality model of assets and the environment. Planners and strategists work from a common

reliable model.

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Transformed functions

Underground asset management (DBYD) Vegetation Management Survey and design Vehicle Automation Planning and growth modelling

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Innovation will take over…

Lane alert driving systems Auto vehicle navigation in rural locations Simulated driving instructor Crowd sourced asset management alerts

with auto image interpretation

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Infrastructure opportunities…

Accurate cadastre Precise positioning A centrally coordinated rich data hub Real-time information flows Shared projections of community evolution

and drivers.

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Building Virtual QLD

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Observe – Model – Simulate


In the field - Augmented Reality:Personal Enablement

In the office - Virtual World:Real world perception