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  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template


    Regional Tourism CrisisManagement Plan TemplateA Guide To Preparing A Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan

    APRIL 2007

  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template


    Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007




  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template






    1 Consultation 5

    Purpose 6

    Scope 6

    4 Context 7

    5 Response and recovery initiatives 7





    Appendix 1: Cyclone Larry Response and Recovery Plan Summary 11

    Appendix : Purpose o Crisis Management Plans 12

    Appendix : Crisis Communication Plan Checklist 13

    Appendix 4: Example Regional Crisis Management Plan Contact List 14

    Appendix 5: Example Action Plan Response and Recovery Initiatives 15

    Appendix 6: Example Process Checklist 25

    Appendix 7: Example Scenario planning 26Appendix 8: Q-TCMP ow chart 30


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    4 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan(R-TCMP) Template

    1 Introduction

    Why have a Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan (R-TCMP)?A R-TCMP aims to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach to response and

    recovery activities within the region, and between state and regional tourism bodies, in

    the event o a shock impacting tourism in a region

    This template outlines the structure and content o a R-TCMP and the steps to take

    in preparing a plan Also outlined is the scope o a regional plan versus the state plan

    (ie the Queensland Tourism Crisis Management Plan to assist in understanding the

    situations requiring regional crisis management plan activation and where joint activity

    is relevant

    The template is based on the Queensland Tourism Crisis Management Plan (Q-TCMP)

    Following this template in the preparation o your R-TCMP will assist in achieving

    consistency with the Q-TCMP You are strongly encouraged to include additional

    inormation and resources as appropriate or your region, including tools, checklists

    and guidelines to assist in improving responsiveness to an event or incident The

    Appendices provide some examples

    Did you know?

    Tourism is particularly prone to external shocks, which by their nature are

    unpredictable and need to be addressed through eective crisis management

    processes Across the tourism industry there are lots o opportunities or risks

    to turn into disasters or an upheaval event Issues such as security concerns,

    natural disasters and outbreaks o inectious diseases have a tremendous impact

    on the tourism industry So do incidents as isolated as a bomb threat in an ofce

    building in a regional centre, an oil spill in a harbour or on the ree, a mini tornado

    in an outback town, a train derailment, or a drowning at a beach or on the ree

    All o these shocks will have an impact on regional tourism and will require a

    response rom the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) and Tourism Queensland

    (TQ) to ensure the least possible disruption to tourism in the region As such, crisis

    management and risk assessment has become, and will remain, a vital component

    o the way all businesses operate within the tourism industry

    It is essential that a network o crisis management plans are in place, rom the

    national to the regional/local and individual tourism operator level, to respond

    to unoreseen events that occur and to improve the speed and extent to whichbusinesses and regions recover rom these incidents

    At the regional level, RTOs play a key role in leading and coordinating response

    and recovery initiatives in times o crises, in conjunction with TQ and other

    organisations Having a plan in place enables RTOs to acknowledge and ormalize

    the various response and recovery activities in which they become involved in

    times o crises RTOs can also assist operators to be better prepared or such

    crises by encouraging them to have appropriate risk and crisis management plans

    in place or their business

    Cyclone Larry proved a valuable exercise for the Tourism Tropical North

    Queensland (TTNQ) and Townsville Enterprise Limited (TEL) RTOs, demanding

    effective coordination across government departments and a response plan for

    tourism alongside other industries impacted. For a summary of the Cyclone Larry

    tourism response activities see Appendix 1.



  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template



    1 The Tourism Immediate Response Group consists o Department o Tourism, Fair Trading, Wine

    Industry Development (DTFTWID), Department o State Development and Trade, Queensland Rural

    Adjustment Authority, Treasury/OESR, Department o Employment and Industrial Relations, Premiers

    and TQ

    Steps In Preparing Your Plan

    The ollowing are the key steps to ollow in developing your plan While you may wish

    to add urther steps, those included in this template are considered vital to achieving

    an eective response in the event o a crisis

    1 ConsultationKey action:Identiy key stakeholders and involve them in preparing your plan

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n Identiy any crisis management plans already existing in your region

    n Identiy the various government agencies, industry groups and others that will be

    impacted or have some role in the event o a crisis in your region

    n Bring these organisations together to assist in preparing your Plan This group

    will also be crucial in implementing your Plan and is likely to become the Regional

    Tourism Immediate Response Group (RTIRG) To gain buy-in rom the appropriate

    State Government Departments this may be undertaken in co-operation with the

    Regional Managers Coordination Network through the Destination Action Group

    meeting process

    n This group could involve representation rom:

    Your RTO sta

    Your Local Tourism Organisations

    Your Local Government authority

    Your local and/or regional visitor inormation centres

    Your TQ Regional Director and/or Coordinator

    Local and regional representatives o key state government agencies (egDepartment o State Development, Department o Employment and Industrial

    Relations, Environmental Protection Agency, Queensland Police Service,

    Department o Primary Industries and Fisheries, Department o Natural

    Resources & Water, Department o Emergency Services, Department o Main

    Roads etc)

    n Involvement rom these people will:

    bring new and varied ideas to the planning process;

    improve understanding o your plan and its purpose;

    help gain strong ownership o, and commitment to your plan;

    enable a whole o government approach to eectively tap into Governmentrecovery eorts; and

    ensure more eective implementation o your plan

    n Conduct a workshop with this group to discuss content (including undertaking

    regional scenario exercises) and prepare your plan

    n Once drated, present your plan to your Board or fnal sign-o

    n Once fnalised, distribute your plan to your RTIRG and other key stakeholders

    involved in crisis management in your region Promote its availability to your


    Did you know?The Q-TCMP was developed in close consultation with industry and government

    stakeholders It incorporates eedback rom the Tourism Assistance Hotline Survey

    (post September 11/Ansett collapse), TQ Managers, and the Tourism Immediate

    Response Group1 In addition, eedback was included rom a series o workshops

    held involving TQ, Department o Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Industry

    Development (DTFTWID) and the Queensland Tourism Industry Councils (QTIC)

    Associations Council


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    6 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007


    Key action: Identiy the purpose o your Plan

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n The purpose o your Plan could mirror the purpose o the Q-TCMP


    To provide an integrated plan that will enable XXX (organisation name) to assist

    the industry and individual operators reduce the impact o local and regional

    shocks that result in a downturn in domestic and/or international travel in the short,

    medium or long-term

    To identiy the key processes that can be initiated in the event o a signifcant

    regional crisis

    Did you know?

    Appendix 2 provides some examples o Plan purposes


    Key action: Identiy what tourism crises your Plan will respond to

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n O the potential incidents that may impact tourism in your region, identiy what

    crises will be covered by the Plan

    n The scope o your Plan could mirror the type o incidents within the scope o the

    Q-TCMP but at a regional/local level eg natural disaster impacting region, visitor

    deaths in region

    Did you know?

    The Q-TCMP will respond to any potential tourism crisis that will have either a

    direct or indirect impact upon the industry Examples o tourism industry crises



    tourism related industrial dispute/business collapse (eg pilots strike, airlinecollapse)

    natural disasters in tourism areas (eg cyclones, ooding, bushfres, oil spills)

    tourist deaths/injuries (eg murders, Irukandji jellyfsh stings, drownings, fres)

    terrorism involving tourism inrastructure or tourists


    terrorist attacks/military activities (eg September 11, Gul War, Bali bombing)

    unsustainable increases in public liability insurance (PLI)

    economic downturn (eg Asian fnancial crisis)

    currency uctuations

    health scares (eg Foot & Mouth Disease, SARS)


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    4 Context

    Key action: Establish links between your Plan and the Q-TCMP, other regional crisis

    management plans and local plans and processes in place

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n Identiy in your Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan where it will link in with

    the activity o the Q-TCMP

    n Obtain copies o any other regional and local crisis management plans or your

    region (tourism and other industries), including Department o Emergency Services

    disaster management plans Make a note o them in this section, and explain how

    they link with and support your Plan

    n Include an organisation chart that shows the organisations that may be involved in

    the event o a crisis The RTO may work with these organisations in the event o a

    major incident to devise and implement strategies

    Did you know?To achieve consistency and coordination in response and recovery activities, the

    Q-TCMP directly links with the National Tourism Incident Response Plan (NTIRP)

    It is encouraged that any regional tourism crisis management plans and processes

    link with the Q-TCMP Also, every eort should be made or regional tourism crisis

    management plans to link with District/Regional and Local Disaster Management

    Groups established under the Disaster Management Act

    Regional shocks that have a direct or indirect impact on the industry will involve

    activation o both a regional crisis management plan and the Q-TCMP I the

    shock has short term local or regional impacts, the Q-TCMP communication

    strategy will be activated Escalation o the Q-TCMP beyond communication

    activities is dependent upon whether the shock is likely to reduce domestic and/or

    international travel to Queensland A coordinated and consistent approach

    thereore is o tremendous value to a region when aced with a crisis The Cyclone

    Larry Response and Recovery Plan Summary (see Appendix 1) provides a useul

    example o the interaction o the RTOs, TQ and other industry bodies during a


    5 Response and recovery initiatives

    Key action: Outline the range o response and recovery actions that will be

    undertaken in the event o a crisis (as defned by 23 Scope) to ensure the timely

    recovery o the tourism industry to at least pre-event activity levels

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n Identiy the key, generic responses that need to be undertaken, including

    convening your RTIRG and preparing a situation assessment

    n Include specifc responses that will be undertaken in your region in the areas o

    communication, research, marketing, business/industry development assistance

    and product/inrastructure redevelopment This may also include providing basic

    necessities such as ood, water and accommodation to residents and visitors to

    your region

    n As communication is a critical activity during a crisis, it i s highly recommended that

    a Regional Crisis Communication Plan be developed to guide your communication

    activities See Appendix 3 or a Regional Crisis Communication Plan checklist to

    assist you in preparing this Plan or your region

    n As it may also be necessary or the RTO to become part o another agencys

    communication plan such as Police, Emergency Services and the State Disaster

    Management Group, it would be useul or your Plan to include the contact details

    o the key people and organisations See Appendix 4 or a contact list example

    n Speciy how you will work with other organisations (particularly TQ) in undertaking

    response activities, or example:

    Communication: Implement Regional Crisis Communication Plan, in consultation

    with TQ

    Research: collect and collate inormation rom operators about the impact o the

    crisis on their business Provide inormation to TQ or analysis (i requested)

    Marketing: Prepare a marketing response plan or the region, in close collaboration

    with TQ

    Business/industry assistance: Inorm operators about availability o relie eorts,

    and ensure any assistance programs recognise the needs o tourism operators


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    8 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Product/inrastructure redevelopment: Work with TQ to identiy and acilitate

    inrastructure redevelopment needs and opportunities or the region (or parts


    n Summarise the responses in an Action Plan that includes the action, key

    individuals and organisations responsible or undertaking each action, outcomes

    and timerame or action (see Appendix 5)

    n Develop checklists, protocols and guidelines to help in the eective management

    o the issue or crisis and to minimise impacts (see Appendix 6 or checklist

    example and Appendix 7 or scenario planning worksheets)

    Did you know?

    The Q-TCMP includes generic and specifc response and recovery initiatives

    Specifc responses include:

    - Communication

    - Research/data collection

    - Marketing

    - Business/Industry development assistance- Product/Inrastructure redevelopment

    Based on past appl ication o the Q-TCMP, these categories have proven

    appropriate The Product/Inrastructure redevelopment category was added

    post-Cyclone Larry as during the recovery activity this area o response

    was acknowledged as critical or the re-establishment o operators and the


    When a crisis event hits a region, TQ wil l work with your organisation to assist in

    the response and recovery activities The Q-TCMP will be activated at the level

    relevant to the scale o the incident and action undertaken to support your eorts

    on the ground in leading and coordinating local/regional response and recovery

    initiatives Cyclone Larry provides a useul example o the role o RTOs and TQ

    during a crisis (see Appendix 1)


    Key action: Establish when your Plan will be activated and the type and scale o

    response required

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n Outline the activation levels required or your Plan, according to the severity andimpacts o crisis It is recommended the activation levels reect those outlined in

    the Q-TCMP

    n Use a ow chart to illustrate the activation levels, the major response actions and

    key stakeholders involved at each level See Appendix 8 or a Q-TCMP ow chart

    n Clearly identiy who will lead and who will coordinate activities at each level o

    activation and their roles and responsibilities Have regularly maintained contact

    details or the people in these roles, and their alternates in the event they are


    n Your plan should note that in times o crises, RTOs would work closely wi th TQ to

    determine the required level o activation o your plan and i and when to escalateto the next level This will also ensure that your plan and the Q-TCMP reect the

    same level o activation at all times throughout the crisis response and recovery


    Did you know?

    The Q-TCMP has three levels o activation:

    Level 1: events likely to have short term, local or regional impacts (eg visitor


    Level : events likely to reduce domestic/international travel to Queensland in short,

    medium or long term (eg tourism related industrial disputes and terrorist activities)

    Level : events likely to have long-term consequences or the Queensland tourismindustry and operators (eg domestic terrorist activity; major shocks in combination

    September 11 & Ansett demise)

    At each level o activation dierent stakeholder groups become involved, rom TQ

    Corporate Communications at level one, TQ/Tourism Strategy Division at level two,

    through to a cross-government response group at level three



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    4 Deactivation

    Key action: Identiy when the Plan will be deactivated and how that decision will be


    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n Assign responsibility or deactivating your Plan to an individual within your RTOor a group in your region This role will vary depending on the level to which

    the Plan was activated For example, Level 1 might be deactivated by the RTO

    Communications Manager and/or GM or Chair o the Board, whilst Levels 2 and 3

    might be deactivated by your Regional Tourism Immediate Response Group

    n Liaise with TQ prior to deactivating your Plan, to ensure consistency with the Q-

    TCMP deactivation process and timing

    Did you know?

    The TQ Crisis Response Group assesses the situation and agrees when the Q-

    TCMP Plan should be deactivated

    Deactivation does not mean stopping all activities associated with the Plan, but the

    point when a staged approach to winding down occurs

    5 Maintenance

    Key action: Put processes in place to ensure your Plan is regularly maintained,

    reviewed and updated

    Helpul hints or preparing this section:

    n Assign responsibility or maintaining your Plan to an individual within your RTO, andinclude this responsibility in their Position Description

    n Ensure that your Plan is reviewed at least annually to ensure accuracy and

    currency o its contents (particularly the contact list see Appendix 4)

    n Include a requirement or preparing and maintaining a Plan within your RTO

    Business Plan and Destination Management Plan

    n Include the key stakeholders involved in preparing this Plan (particularly your

    RTIRG) in the review and update process It is also a good opportunity to remind

    them o the Plans contents

    Did you know?The Q-TCMP is regularly updated to incorporate learnings rom past crises and to

    ensure all inormation is current




    4 5

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  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template





    Appendix 1:Cyclone Larry Response and RecoveryPlan SummaryCyclone Larry crossed the Queensland Coast at 7:00am on 20 March 2006 The

    cyclone was a Category 3/4 orce with wind speeds o up to 280 km/h The regional

    coastal city o Innisail and towns within a corridor taking in communities rom the

    South point o Kurramine Beach and North West across the Atherton Tablelands were

    severely aected Major damage to tourism product and inrastructure was confned

    to Kurramine Beach, Mission Beach, Dunk and Bedarra islands, Innisail and towns

    located on the Atherton Tablelands excluding Kuranda and Mareeba Also international

    tourists were ound to be in the cyclone zone without support

    In response to the incident, TQ immediately activated the Queensland Tourism Crisis

    Management Plan (Q-TCMP) and Cyclone Scenario Planning Summary The Q-TCMP

    was activated to level two, which involves Tourism Queensland/DTFTWID response to

    industry and government on a wide range o issues related to the event In partnership

    with QTIC, the relevant RTOs and key government agencies, actions were activated in

    the areas o communications, marketing/PR, industry assistance and data collection/



    n A coordinated communications response between TQ, the RTOs and key industry

    bodies was developed and delivered to the media, operators and the community

    n An agreed communications message that ocused on the region being open or

    business, whilst being sensitive to the needs o badly aected operators and the

    relie eorts, was developed and delivered

    n Positive stories about unaected or open or business operators were obtained

    and provided to the media

    Industry Assistance:

    n Assistance program administrators were contacted to ensure that tourism

    operators were adequately recognised in these programs

    n Tourism operators were regularly inormed and updated about the availability o

    these programs through special Tourism on Q bulletin editions

    n Assistance was provided to QTIC to gain inormation on, and assist, the most

    badly aected operators

    Research/Data Collection:

    n Inormation was obtained rom the RTOs and operators to model three scenarios

    on the estimated eect o Cyclone Larry on Northern Queensland regions


    n Marketing Response Plans or the Townsville and Tourism Tropical North

    Queensland regions were developed in consultation with the RTOs

    n A Treasury submission was prepared to lobby or addi tional unds to implement the

    marketing plans



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    1 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Appendix :Purpose o Crisis Management Plans

    The purpose of the Q-TCMP is to:

    n provide an integrated plan that will enable the Queensland Government to assist

    the tourism industry and individual operators reduce, or respond to, the impacts oshocks that result in a downturn in domestic and/or international travel in the short,

    medium or long-term

    n identiy generic processes that can be initiated in a timely and eective manner

    in the event o a signifcant shock (Note: a generic approach is considered

    appropriate, as specifc shocks will always require additional unique responses)

    The Tourism Noosa Issues and Crisis Communications Manual notes that:

    development o an eective Issues and Crisis Communications Manual is vital

    to ensuring the destination can switly respond to serious issues or crises, devise

    strategies to help retain confdence and minimise long terms impacts in the recovery

    rom signifcant events The manual is designed to assist TN eectively plan or,manage and assist recovery rom a major incident

    The objective of the National Tourism Incident Response Plan (NTIRP) is:

    to establish a ramework to ensure national tourism incidents are managed in a

    coordinated whole o government way to minimise potential negative economic

    impacts to the industry



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    Appendix :Crisis Communication Plan Checklist

    Defnition o a Crisis

    A serious event - perceived or real - that has the potential to impact negatively on the

    desirability or reputation o a tourist destination or the reputation in the immediate toshort-term

    Examples of a crisis:

    n Death or injury o a visitor through an accident or deliberate action

    n Threats to the saety and well-being o visitors and the community

    n Natural (eg cyclones, fre, ood) and man-made disasters (eg pollution, violence,

    industrial action)

    n Negative events that are likely to receive media attention

    n Negative commentary on international visitors and oreigners

    n Internal issues such as death, injury or an incident involving sta

    n A major political issue involving the organisation or industry

    Crisis Communication Policy

    This section sets out the communication policy or the organisation and the procedures

    or managing a crisis

    The policy should determine:

    n Position responsibilities, who does what (ie media management and strategy,

    industry liaison and coordination, public enquiries management, issues and

    risk management, grie management (i applicable), crisis management contactlistings)

    n Inormation required regarding the crisis (ie what, when, where, who, why)

    n Who needs to know and when (ie internal and external stakeholders)

    n Key actions required and by when (ie Reports to key stakeholders and partners

    including local, state and ederal government authorities and ministers ofces,

    media briefngs, industry briefngs, preparation o messages and PR material)

    n Inormation dissemination as required


    The ollowing may be required in the recovery phase:

    n Ongoing internal and external communication

    n Media amils and post-incident media opportunities

    n Market research

    n Trade missions or VIP visits or amils

    n External briefngs or correspondence to industry, community or government


    n Communication o any regulatory or legislative changes/unding or relie programs

    n Monitoring o any ongoing legal action/investigations

    n Ongoing media management ie recovery milestones, anniversaries, good news


    n Public acknowledgements



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    14 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Appendix 4: Example Regional Crisis Management Plan Contact ListInclude (and maintain) a contact list or all key stakeholders involved in the activation o your regional tourism crisis management plan, or example:

    Level 1 Activation Regional Crisis Communication Plan

    Organisation Contact Contact Details


    Levels and Activation Regional Tourism Immediate Response Group

    Organisation Contact Contact Details

    Other Contacts

    Organisation Contact Contact Details


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    Appendix 5: Example Action Plan Response and Recovery Initiatives

    10 Communication

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)

    Outcomes Timerame or actions

    11 Reduction in domestic visitor

    numbers to region

    Implement Regional Crisis

    Communication Plan

    Crisis messages directed to the

    media and public are developed

    with consideration o the potential

    impact on the tourism industry,

    minimising potential negative

    impacts o the shock


    - Plan developed and in place


    - Utilise Plan

    (primarily short to medium-term)

    12 Reduction in international

    visitor numbers to region

    Implement Regional Crisis

    Communication Plan

    International visitors better able to

    accurately dierentiate between

    Australian regions and determine

    what elements o a planned

    holiday, i any, may be aected

    reducing both uncertainty orinternational visitors and negative

    impacts on the industry


    - Plan developed and in place


    - Utilise Plan

    (primarily short to medium-term)

    13 Uncertainty concerning

    aected areas relative to travel


    Provide specifc, accurate and

    timely inormation to industry and

    consumers (both domestic and

    international), including transport

    access restrictions, through RTO

    and LTO newsletters and websites,

    and through local and regional

    visitor inormation centres

    Reduces uncertainty or domestic

    and international visitors and

    operators, thereore minimising

    the potential negative impacts o

    a shock on aected and non-

    aected areas


    - RTO websites and newsletters in



    - RTO website accessed by industry

    and travellers

    (short to medium-term)

    14 Transport access restrictions:

    - Road, air, sea & rail

    Liaise with relevant agencies to

    provide up-to-date road, rail and

    sea access ino in RTO and LTO

    newsletters and websites, and

    through local and regional visitor

    inormation centres

    Minimised impact o transport

    access restrictions on international

    and domestic visitors, operators

    and regions


    - Liaise with relevant agencies and

    provide transport ino on website, in

    newsletters and through local VICs

    (primarily short-term)


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    16 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    0 Research/Data Collection

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    21 Uncertainty regarding industry

    conditions in the post-shockperiod

    Contact operators to canvas and

    monitor potential/eects and togather market intelligence

    RTO, TQ and industry better

    inormed o industry conditions ,thus better able to make inormed

    decisions in the post-shock period


    - Utilise existing networks & conductqualitative surveys as required

    (short to medium-term)

    22 Downturn in tourism industry,

    and the wider regional and/or

    State economy

    Assist TQ to undertake qualitative

    assessment o day-to-day and

    medium to long-term impacts o


    Stakeholders better inormed o

    impacts to assist decision making

    on appropriate response and

    recovery actions


    - Across government and tourism

    network preparations based on

    past experience


    - Appropriate support programs in



  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template



    0 Marketing

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    31 A signifcant reduction in

    international visitation to theregion

    Work with TQ to apply Marketing

    Response Framework to developresponse strategies:

    1. Collect Information/Intelligence

    n Identiy aected markets

    n Identiy specifc market

    segments aected (eg VFR/



    2. Interpret Information/


    n Estimate short/medium/

    long-term impact on visitorarrivals/spend/

    average length o stay

    (ALOS) etc rom aected


    n Quantiy/estimate

    consequent economic

    impact on region and

    aected industry segments

    n Develop appropriate

    response strategies

    3. Communicate proposed

    response/s to industry

    n via RTO websites and


    Timely and appropriate

    response strategies developed(including marketing campaigns

    and cooperative marketing

    opportunities), based on relevant

    market inormation & intelligence,

    with an emphasis on:

    n domestic travel and repeat


    n niche markets, and

    n identiying new markets

    thus minimising the potential

    negative impacts o a reduction ininternational visitation


    - identiy and establish inormation/market intelligence conduits


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    18 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    4. Implement Response

    Strategies, which may include:

    n Maintain balanced portfolio

    o tactical marketing spendin all relevant markets

    maintain status quo

    n Selective re-allocation o

    existing market spend

    (tactical) rom aected

    markets to unaected

    markets in order to minimise

    impact o decline

    n Identify opportunities for

    Government to invest in

    short-term opportunities

    created by the crises with

    the objective o maximisingvisitation rom aected

    markets and/or increasing

    visitation rom unaected


    n Review tactical cooperative

    marketing spend options

    including the identifcation,

    i required, o potential

    cooperative tactical

    campaigns to aected or

    alternate markets

    Maximised alternative opportunities

    or tourism business into region,

    and development o marketing

    strategies to assist aected

    operators to recover


    - Apply Marketing Response

    Framework to develop appropriate

    response strategies (within 24hrs)

    (short to medium-term)


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    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    32 A signifcant reduction in

    domestic visitation to the


    Work with TQ to apply Marketing

    Response Framework to develop

    response strategies:

    1. Collect Information/Intelligencen Identiy aected markets

    n Identiy specifc market

    segments aected (eg drive/

    y/coach/short break VFR/


    2. Interpret Information/


    n Estimate short/medium/

    long-term impact on visitor

    arrivals/spend/ALOS etc

    rom aected markets

    n Quantiy/estimate

    consequent economic

    impact on region and

    aected industry segments

    n Develop appropriate

    response strategies

    n Identiy particular segments

    less aected, dislocated etc

    3. Communicate proposed

    response/s to industry

    n via TQ websites and


    Timely and appropriate

    response strategies developed

    (including marketing campaigns

    and cooperative marketing

    opportunities) based onrelevant market inormation

    and intelligence, minimising the

    potential negative impacts o a

    reduction in domestic visitation


    - identiy and establish inormation/

    market intelligence conduits

    Post-shock:- Apply Marketing Response

    Framework to develop appropriate

    response strategies (within 24hrs)

    (short to medium-term)


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  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template



    40 Business/Industry Development & Assistance

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    41 A reduction in domestic and/

    or international travel to theregion in the short, medium or


    n Provide input to development

    o the Situation AssessmentReport (auspiced under the


    n Assist in directing operators

    to the Government Business

    Inormation Service (GOBiS,

    DSD) or access to up-to-

    date inormation on available

    State and Commonwealth

    government support

    programs Support services


    - Training, seminars &


    - Government subsidies and


    - Trade assistance and


    Minimised negative impacts o a

    shock in the post-shock period


    - Across-government and industrynetwork preparations based on

    previous experience


    - Situation Assessment Report


    (primarily short-term)

    42 Signifcant long-term negative

    consequences or the region

    n Provide input to structures and

    processes established under

    the auspice o the Q-TCMP

    Minimised negative impacts o a

    shock with potential long-term

    consequences or the industry and



    - Across-government preparations

    based on previous experience (eg



    - Reconvene TIRG within 48 hrs

    (under auspice o the Q-TCMP)- Seek activation o the across-

    government Immediate Response

    Plan (IRP) (under the auspice o the


    (short to medium-term)


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    Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    43 Operators requiring business

    advice & support, and

    inormation on potential

    fnancial assistance


    I IRP activated (under the

    auspice o the Q-TCMP) direct

    operators to toll-ree Tourism

    Assistance Hotline to provide

    business advice and supportincluding:

    n general business planning


    n inormation on concessional

    loans and business seminars,

    n assistance in writing

    applications or concessional


    Business advice and support, and

    inormation on potential fnancial

    assistance opportunities, provided


    - Reactivate toll-ree Tourism

    Assistance Hotline

    (short to medium-term)

    44 Financial uncertainty or

    operators due to signifcant

    reduction in visitor numbers

    I IRP activated (under the

    auspice o the Q-TCMP) assist

    in directing aected operators

    to assistance and supportmechanisms (subject to application


    Aected operators better able to

    make inormed stafng decisions

    (eg maintain stafng levels vs

    reduction in stafng)

    Aected operators able to develop

    more eective business recovery



    - Promote opportunities to industry/


    - Provision o seminars in aected


    - Access to IRP assistance &

    support mechanisms

    (short to medium-term)


  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template


    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    45 Financial uncertainty or

    operators leading to potential

    sta redundancies

    I IRP activated (under the

    auspice o the Q-TCMP)

    Participate in Regional Tourism

    Immediate Response Group

    (RTIRG) to identiy business,employment, training, vocational

    education, and other requirements/


    I IRP activated (under the

    auspice o the Q-TCMP) provide

    input to customisation o

    employment and training programs

    or aected regions and/or


    Agencies better equipped to

    respond to operator/industry

    requirements at the local/regional


    Aected operators better able to

    make inormed stafng decisions

    (eg maintain stafng levels vs

    reduction in stafng)


    - Train RTIRG members regarding

    crisis plan and available schemes

    Post-shock:- RTIRGs to meet within 48 hrs o

    IRP activation

    - Promote opportunities to industry/


    - Provision o vocational education &


    (short to medium-term)

    46 Operators requiring fnancial


    I IRP activated (under the

    auspice o the Q-TCMP) reer

    eligible operators to Concessional

    Loan Schemes (eg Tourism

    Emergency Assistance Scheme)

    Short-term fnancial assistance

    provided, allowing operators to

    more confdently plan or recovery

    Aected operators better able to

    make inormed stafng decisions

    (eg maintain stafng levels vs

    reduction in stafng)

    Aected operators able to develop

    more eective business recovery



    - Promotion o Tourism Emergency

    Assistance Scheme to industry(short/medium/long-term)


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    4 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    50 Product and Inrastructure Redevelopment

    Impact Actions/ResponsesResponsibility

    (lead agency in bold)Outcomes Timerame or actions

    51 Uncertainty concerning

    operator and inrastructureconditions

    n Assist in identiying product

    and inrastructure impactsarising rom event

    Communication, product

    development, marketing andpolicy responses developed and

    implemented - minimising the

    potential negative impacts in the

    post-shock period


    - Provide input to report on productand inrastructure impacts


    52 Reduction in domestic and

    international tourism to


    n Assist in identiying needs and

    opportunities or investment

    (public & private) in short and

    medium term

    n Assist in communicating

    needs and opportunities to

    operators, government and

    other inrastructure providersn Assist in identiying unding

    sources and communicating

    them to operators

    n Represent regional interests in

    across-government state (and

    national) level response and

    recovery activities

    New opportunities or tourism

    businesses identifed to assist

    operators to re-establish and



    - Need and opportunities identifed

    - Assist in promoting opportunities to

    industry/operators /government

    - Assist in advising industry on

    unding opportunities

    (short to medium-term)


  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template



    Appendix 6: Example Process ChecklistIn the event o a tourism incident or crisis, the ollowing is an example o key steps to work through:

    1 Notiy CEO o incident

    Confrm immediate acts

    Determine level o activation required (dependent upon severity o impact)

    4 Level 1 Apply Crisis Communication Strategy (key stakeholder communication)

    n Situation assessment

    n Action List

    5 Level Convene Regional Tourism Immediate Response Group

    n Agenda outline

    n Situation assessment

    n Action list

    6 Level Linking with other agencies

    n Situation assessment

    n Action list

    7 Communication tools

    8 Contact log orm

    Debrie meeting



  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template


    6 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Appendix 7: Example Scenario planningWork through some scenarios what would your responses be in the event o an avian u outbreak, a terrorist attack, a cyclone or ood?

    Consider the responses or crises directly impacting your region and where the crisis occurs elsewhere but the region suers rom indirect impacts


    Action Area Roles/Tasks Responsibility


    During the event

    Post event



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    Action Area Roles/Tasks Responsibility


    During the event

    Post event



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  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template



    Action Area Roles/Tasks Responsibility


    During the event

    Post event



  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template


    0 Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template April 2007

    Appendix 8: Q-TCMP Flow Chart



    (including consultation with industry)



    Develop Situation Assessment Report (SAR) (within 24 hrs)n Develop & implement response initiatives (including communication,

    research, business/industry development/assistance & marketing)

    n Seek across-government collaboration where required

    n Direct aected operators to the Government Business Inormation

    Service (GOBiS, DSD)

    n TQCRG to provide input to National Incident Response Plan, i




    n Develop Situation Assessment Report (SAR) and present to DG,

    DTFTWID (within 48 hrs)

    n Present SAR to Tourism Immediate Response Group (TIRG) Core

    Group (within 72 hrs)

    n TIRG to seek activation o Immediate Response Plan (IRP) within 24

    hrs, i deemed necessary

    n Consult with QTIC Associations Council

    n IRG to oversee implementation o IRP response initiatives, i activated

    n TIRG to oversee implementation o non-IRP response initiatives

    outlined in the Action Plan

    n TQCRG to provide input to National Incident Response Plan,

    i activated

    LEVEL 1 For events likely to have short-term local or regional impacts

    LEVEL For events likely to have signifcant long-term negative consequences or the Qld tourism industry & operators


    For events likely

    to have signifcant

    long-term negative

    consequences or

    the Qld tourism

    industry and


    I activation o IRP not deemed necessary revert to

    TQCRG coordination o Level 2 response initiatives



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  • 8/7/2019 QLD Regional Tourism Crisis Management Plan Template
