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  • 7/31/2019 Q1a DCRUP DB Edit MGoogan Guides

  • 7/31/2019 Q1a DCRUP DB Edit MGoogan Guides



    You used to organise your

    planning materials. Blogger is an example ofWeb2.0 technology (OReilly, 2004). This means thatthe technology is interactive audiences can postand edit content on the blogs it links to the idea

    oftwo-way communication, communication isno longer linear (one way). Web 2.0 software iscollaborative.

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    In terms of your film trailers it means thataudience feedback was posted along withmy comments, and you learned how to do

    this for others. You also uploaded planning materials and

    evaluations to your weblog. You used FinalCut Express to edit rough cuts, animatics,

    font tests and voiceover files that had beenrecorded on the internal microphone or theBoomMicrophones. Final Cut Expressintroduced you to timelines, dissolve andfade transitions, and the layering of audio

    over images.

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    YouTube Many of you used YouTube to upload your

    videos. An example ofWeb 2.0. and of theWe Media (Dan Gillmor 2006), YouTubemeans that again the technology isinteractive because comments can be left but also that the relationship betweenproducers (You) and audiences haschanged you are now film makers with apotential audience of


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    Facebook Many of you used Facebookto create a group that

    allowed audiences to feedback on your film trailer.This is a positive way to use social networking tofind new audiences.
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    You used the digital video cameras to film your

    prelims. What are the benefits of the [mini-]DVcamera?You then uploaded the footage using a Firewirecable to the Macs. Why Firewire? Whats the

    importance ofconnectivity?

    You then used Final Cut Express to edit yourfootage. The prelim task helped you learncontinuity editing and framing skills in terms ofshot types/angles/positioning & how to use lighting

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    Filmmaker and designer Mark Towse (2002) detailsdigital video (DV) to be one of the most important

    advancements in motion picture technology sincetelevision. Film production is now not only done bymonolithic film production companies, but can be doneat home owing to cheap software and hardware.

    Final Cut Express is one of the most

    widely used professional software forDV/HDV editing and is the lite

    version ofFinal Cut Pro and is a

    more sophisticated version of iMoviewhich is on most Macs. You edited

    footage on a timelineand thisenhanced your knowledge oflayeringvideo and audio, uploading and using

    audio and video filters.
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    The non-linear editing software allowed youto edit footage, and the most popular edits

    you made in your trailers were split edits(which split the video and audio footage atdifferent times) and cutaways or cross cuts(which were continuity techniques used toallow audiences to experience parallel action

    of events or receive more information in orderto construct narrative).

    You should write down the exact effects you

    used and explain why as part of your

    preparation for this section of the exam.

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    Think of these questions as the firstpart of your revision...

    What were the good and bad things about thesoftware and hardware you used at AS interms of skills development?

    What are the the good and bad things about

    software and hardware at A2 in terms of skillsdevelopment?

    How did you use your AS filming and editingskills to aid the construction of your main task

    at A2? What were the good and bad things about

    developing skills from AS video to A2 video,magazine and poster?

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    A work in progress skills development and

    future projects?

    A sense of future direction for other projects?

    Sense of stylish and artistic development?

    Challenging conventions or replicating /furthering knowledge of them?

    Is creativity something unambiguouslypositive / desirable?

    The making of the new and the rearrangingof the old(Bentley, 1997).

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    Creativity involves thinking or behavingimaginatively.The imaginative activity ispurposeful set

    against a meaningful objective.The processes must generate something original

    How does this relate to your coursework?

    This pragmatic approach suggests the creation orbringing something new into existence this

    particular understanding of creativity involvesthe physical making of something, leading to

    some form of communication, expression orrevelation. (David Gauntlett)

    Is it about media language? Mediation: how you

    communicated a preferred meaning?

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    Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three

    elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who

    brings novelty into the symbolic domain, anda field of experts who

    recognize and validate the innovation. (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996)

    How does this apply to your experience of MediaStudies A level?

    Roberts Report: Nurturing Creativity in YoungPeoplecreativity is not only related to the arts but to all

    subjects, including science and maths, andit shouldpermeate everything children and young people do in,and outside, of school. (p67)

    Do you agree?

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    Creativity is often prescribed within socialboundaries does it have to becontroversial?Who is judging thecreativity? Is there an agenda? What isthe ideologyembedded within thiscreativity?

    In Media Studies your coursework isinfluenced by yoursocial / cultural /

    environmental / biographicalbackgroundand ideas so how have you beeninfluenced how have you tried to expandthe boundaries of the expected?

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    For your coursework you could look at your creativeapplication of:

    Composition & Framing (and all other media languageelements)

    Abstract natures of ideologies, representations andidentities


    Design & Layout

    Hypertext & Convergence

    You must take into account the technology you haveused and how this has afforded you the opportunitiesof being creative in some of the above areas:

    If creativity is not inherent in human mental powersand is, in fact, social and situational, thentechnological developments may well be linked toadvances in the creativity of individual users(Banaji,

    Burn and Buckingham, 2006).

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    There is no absolute judgement. All

    judgements are comparisons of onething with another (Donald Laming).

    How could I judge your work?

    In terms of your work is it a knowledgeobjector an art object or both?

    What is its purpose and how have youcommunicated this?

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    Think of these questions as the firstpart of your revision...

    1. Do you think you were creative or notthroughout your coursework?

    2. Did technology enhance your creativity or not?

    3. What ideas did you communicate and what

    stylistic techniques did you use? How did it relateto your interests/self-identity?

    4. Was your product influenced by yourenvironment?

    5. Was it original or did you add something extra toan original media text?

    6. Would you take any creative skills into futureprojects or have you been influenced to engagethese skills in any other projects?

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    Secondary research secondhand information work oncodes and conventions of texts,use of theory.

    Primary first hand textualanalysis, audience feedback:questionnaires, vox pops.

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    Secondary research Google, classnotes, library which textbooks did youuse? Internet viewing figures,

    institution / audience research for filmindustry etc.

    Primary Watching Internet Trailers,Television Trailers,

    Write down briefly whatyou used for all pieces BUT

    this will require an in-depthassessment of yourmaterials for the write up.

    What are the pros and cons of

    secondary and primary research?

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    The focus is on SKILL progression and changesin methods from AS to A2. You need to thinkabout what you learned about theadvantages/disadvantages of:

    Expense/Cost how much did the research cost?Books? Magazines?

    Accessibility Was the research easy to find?

    Time Was it time consuming?Reliability was the research measured to beconsistent did you find a trustworthy source, was it anotherstudents work?

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    Accuracy were the facts and figures correct? Didyour audience feedback results provide a fair sample of overallopinions?

    Bias textual analysis can be biased as it is subjective did you complete enough research to overcome this? Wereany secondary sources biased?

    Validity was there a link between the particularresearch and final product? Was there a strong indication thatthis research effected the outcome of your work e.g youshouldnt have researched magazine covers if you were doing afilm poster...

    Usefulness how relevant was this to your project(see validity). OR did any of your research methods prove to becompletely useless and why? Could you have used BOOLEANsearches on the internet for example??

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    You used your blog to organise ALL of

    your research.

    What skills did you learn about organising

    and referencing materials? (Remember ifyour research isnt referenced correctlythen you will not get full marks).

    How did your skills of organisationdevelop from AS and A2?

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    For the planning section of thiswrite-up:

    Adequate research link this to DIGITALTECHNOLOGY where did you find the research?

    Drafting storyboards and drafts for A2 - link toDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY and CREATIVITY how did youconstruct these? Animatics? Rough Cuts? Tests? ShootingSchedules?

    Gaining Audience Feedback Againlink to DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY if possible. How did youmake sure you collated this what was the developmentbetween AS and A2?

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    Organisation of time, personneland equipment

    Did you complete on time? Did you meet


    What are the pros and cons of organising castand crew?

    What have you learned about communicationbetween cast and crew?

    Did your knowledge of shooting schedulesgrow?

    What could you have done better? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    Did you utilise DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY to aidyour organisation?

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    Working individually or as part of a group

    What did you learn about individual and

    group work? What are the pros and cons?

    What main things have you learned

    about group work at AS and A2 interms of planning your product?

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    Link to DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY. How did youorganise your planning materials?

    Did you utilise the blog more at A2 level than at AS?

    How did you follow your animatics and storyboards what did you understand about changes to bemade?

    Did your cast have copies of shooting schedulesand storyboards? How did you explain what you weregoing to do?

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    Did you complete regular blogsand/or work so far posts? Why

    might this be important in terms ofplanning both pieces of coursework?

    Have you used any of the researchand planning skills in otherproducts?

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    How did you present your primary and secondaryresearch on your blogs? We are talking aboutenhancing CREATIVITY and USE OF DIGITALTECHNOLOGY

    Did your presentation of audience feedback / roughcuts for example become more creative through yourincreased use of digital technology available forembedding on the blogs?

    Were you actually prompted to do more research andplanning by your growing awareness of digitaltechnology?

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    Think of these questions as the firstpart of your revision...

    Only two questions this time

    1. Detail how your understanding of the importanceof good research and planning skills developed

    throughout the pre-production of your AS and A2coursework.

    2. How did your knowledge of digital technology aidyour research and planning skills throughout thepre-production of your AS and A2 coursework?

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  • 7/31/2019 Q1a DCRUP DB Edit MGoogan Guides


    Mediation Encoding andDecoding, Open/Closed Texts

    You will need to investigate, acrossAS and A2, how you encodedmeaning in texts to give apreferred meaning (Hall, 1980)

    or closed reading (Eco, 1981) forthe audience based on yourknowledge of the conventions ofreal media texts.

    This is going to involve anassessment of the micro and themacro aspects of your work inrelation to your audience.

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    Macro Analysis

    Pre-production: Ideology & Discourse (discussion ordebate): Mediation of Ideas, Representation and


    whatwere your intendedmeanings/messages?

    Production and Post Production: Form and Style -

    Postmodern? Hybridity, Intertextuality.

    Medium, Genre, Narrative?howwere your meanings/messages


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    Micro Elements

    What choices did you make in terms of thefollowing in order to communicate your

    meaning to audience (mode of address)?

    Media Language:




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    Macro Theory: Ideology and Discourse, and

    Audience Reception

    Stuart Hall (1980)Dominant/Hegemonic reading.

    Preferred Meanings. Stuart Hall detailed that texts have

    preferred meanings, but the decoder will not always

    necessarily read them as intended by the producer aseveryone has a different social/ cultural background.

    Texts that are meant to communicate hegemony will be

    encoded so that they are easily interpreted and

    understood by a mass audience.

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    Umberto Eco (1981)Open and Closed Meaning.

    Texts aimed at large audiences (mass) will be

    encoded so that the majority of the audience canonly decode a preferred meaning. This is known as

    a closed text.

    An open text is one that has many meanings, or isdeliberately ambiguous, and can be understood in

    different ways by a number of different audience


    R l d B h (1979) A h d M h

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    Roland Barthes (1979) Anchorage and Myth

    Images can be polysemic and Barthes argued that the

    meaning of images can be pinned down to give apreferred meaning through the process of anchorage


    Barthes also argued that all texts are encoded in such a

    way to reinforce dominant, cultural ideologies or values.The way that a text is encoded makes the representation

    seem natural or common sense. This is the concept of


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    Macro: Meanings and Messages across AS and A2


    TASK 1: What was the purpose of your text?

    TASK 2: What were you trying to communicate to the

    audience? What was the theme? What was the discourse(point of view/agenda debated) in your texts?

    TASK 3: Who was your target audience and what was the

    main mode of address (voice)?

    Macro Theory Postmodernism Genre Narrative

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    Macro Theory - Postmodernism, Genre, Narrative

    Postmodern aesthetic: Irony, Parody, Pastiche, Bricolage,


    Bricolageis the process of deliberately borrowing or adapting

    signs or features from different styles or genres to create a new

    mixture of meanings (OSullivan et. al, 1998).

    Pastiche: Bog standard copying of conventions or can be done for

    bricolage effect. Whichever, this ultimately reinforces their

    importance in culture and society. Parodyis a kind of pastiche

    which makes fun of the subject.

    Intertextualityis the way in which media texts gain their meanings

    by referring to other media texts that the producers assume that

    the reader/decoder will be familiar with and recognise (OSullivan

    et. al 1998).

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    Was it a hybrid? Did it have a sub-genre?

    What were the stereotypical elements of real media texts that

    you encoded into your video?


    Is it an open / closed narrative? Did it have a beginning, middle

    and end or not (i.e. follow a classic narrative structure)? Linear ornon-linear? Anti-narrative (deliberately doesnt make any sense



    Are there additions to the Creativitysectionnow you have

    studied postmodernism?

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    TASK 1: How did you pastiche or parody any

    other media texts? (this includes bricolage

    and intertextuality).

    TASK 2: In relation to the above, can you be

    more specific in terms of generic conventionsof your medium?

    TASK 3: In relation to the above, can you bemore specific in terms of narrative theory of

    your medium?

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    Micro Theory advanced editing

    Editing is its most literal sense is to remove unwanted elements.

    In terms of production : for your A2photographs: a

    photograph Barthes claimed, involved a mechanical process

    where the image that which is denoted is recorded, but

    there is also an expressive, human and cultural process that

    involves the selection and interpretation of such elements as

    camera angles, framing, lighting and focus (OSullivan, 1998).

    In terms of post-production: You didnt just decide what

    elements to put in your images it was what to leave out/takeout in order to create meaning.

    Edi i d S i Ei i (1920 )

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    Editing and Sergei Eisenstein (1920s)

    Sergei Eisenstein was a Marxist film maker and teacher of film


    Intellectual/Dialectical Montage process of putting images

    together so that a new meaning is created through the

    juxtaposition. It identifies a struggle between opposites. It is like

    putting an image of bankers quaffing wine next to an image of pigsin swill it creates a meaning: bankers are like pigs (metaphorical).

    Vertical Montage - Create meaning through the juxtaposition of

    an image with some other element (text anchorage or music).

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    Think about your trailers and their use of

    juxtaposition, ofmontage, of using text and graphics

    alongside music and images

    Apply this to your own product : What conventions

    across AS and A2 did you adhere to? Use the editing

    theory as part of your answers.

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    It is impossible to create a media product that is entirely

    original. From your own experience discuss the extent to which

    you used conventions of real media texts to produce your media

    products and/or to the extent they allowed you to be creative.

    Creativity is always constrained by generic conventions. To

    what extent did you adhere to or subvert generic conventions in

    the creation of your media products.

    Think of these questions as the firstpart of your revision...

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  • 7/31/2019 Q1a DCRUP DB Edit MGoogan Guides


    Production and PostProduction

    Production at ASconsisted of filming theprelims and title

    sequence. Post Production at AS

    consisted of editing thetimelines and putting all

    the text and graphics andsound together in iMovie06.

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    You have 5 minutes to brainstormeverything you did for your mainproduct at AS at the stage ofpost-production.

    This must be detailed in terms oftools used, the software pros /cons,your strengths /weaknesses.

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    Production and Post Production

    Production at A2 consisted of filmingthe music video. It also consisted ofthings like taking photos for yourancillary texts.

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    Post Production at A2 consisted of

    editing the footage and audio in FinalCut Express. It also includedmanipulating the photographs andputting all the text and graphics together

    on Photoshop.

    It may also be useful to consider the

    videos you produced for yourEvaluations as part of your post-

    production work


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    TASK You have 5 minutes to brainstorm

    everything you did for your mainproduct at A2 at the stage of post-production. This must be detailedin terms of tools used, thesoftware pros /cons, yourstrengths /weaknesses.

    You should also detail yourprogression of editing skills atstage of post production betweenAS and your A2 ancillary tasks.

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    Try to think about how you havebecome more technicallycompetent in terms of your use of

    digital technology to presentwork creatively at the stage ofpost-production.

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    All of your work should make reference to yourknowledge of the KEY MEDIA CONCEPTS.



    So if you were to state that you used FCE

    solarize tool as a transition you need toexplain why you did this in terms ofcommunication/meaning/mode of address for

    the audience.

    *incorporates Genre + Narrative

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    E.g. At the stage of post-production there

    were more advanced transitions effects inthe video effects bin on FCE. I used thesolarize tool as a transition that wouldsignify a new character in the narrativefor the audience. This connotes that thischaracter is important, giving moreinformation about X, enhancing their

    representation of X. It is also aconvention of the teaser trailer to highlightone character, especially the antagonist

    and/or protagonist.

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    You have 5 minutes to link 6 postproduction choices you made to one

    or more of the key media concepts.

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    Links between the areas?

    It is vital that you understand thatfor Q1(a) of this exam that you willbe required to answer an evaluationof skills between AS and A2 on

    either one or two areas.

    So far we have considered:

    1.Digital Technology


    3.Research and Planning

    4.Post Production

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    We need to start recognising links between theseat the different stages of production and there isa choice of 3 essay questions.

    You therefore have 10 minutes to identify howeach area might fit with the others in terms ofSKILLS development.

    e.g. start with DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY in themiddle and write the other three areas around it,make notes on how they fit. e.g Research and

    Planning technology of

    Ch i f 3 i b h

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    Choice of 3 questions...remember they startwith a statement as below for you to ultimatelyanswer as part of your evaluation.

    A media product is primarily created at the stage ofediting. In your own experience detail how far themeaning of your product was constructed at thestage of post production.

    Creativity is something that is inherent and cannot belearned. In your experience detail how the postproduction of your media products developed your

    creative skills.

    Consumers are now media producers. In yourexperience detail how far the post production ofyour work was enabled by the digital technology