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Q-Pro Mastery Workbook

Tips To Go From Zero To Hero In Your Q Sciences Business

By Joe Melling

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2 Live Life eXponentially

“The purpose of life is to be happy.

Our purpose is to make that possible.”Q Sciences

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Road to Pro—1

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4 Live Life eXponentially

Table of Contents

Welcome!We are Glad you are Here!

1. Welcome and Foundation Information2. Intro to 7 Skills and 3 Daily Disciplines3. Skill 1 Finding Ninja4. Skill 2 Inviting People5. Skill 3 Presenting6. Skill 4 Follow Through7. Skill 5 Closing8. Skill 6 Getting Someone Started9. Skill 7 Promoting Events10. Daily Disciplines11. The Road Less Travelled

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I want to be one of the first to congratulate you on your decision to change your life! You have made a great decision aligning yourself with Q Sciences. Things are going to be different for you and your family because of your decision. You have chosen a great team to work with, and we are all committed to doing everything in our power to help you to succeed.

Many people prefer the path of victimhood. They want life to be different, but only if they can live as they always have, without making any changes. You have chosen to take control of your own future, and to own your own destiny. I will be honest; this is not always going to be an easy path. One thing I can assure you of is if you are successful in Q Sciences, it will be because of you. The opposite is also true, if you fail at Q Sciences, it will be because of you. We will give you all of the tools you need, and will train you in all of the skills you need to be successful in your business.

At the end of the day, your success or failure will depend upon what you do with the tools and the training. At Q Sciences, you will be paid EXACTLY what you are worth to the marketplace. For some of you this is great news, for some it is terrible news, but for all of us it is an equal playing field. Q Sciences does not care if you are male or female, black or white, Jew, Christian or Muslim, American or Malaysian, they pay based strictly on production. They do not care about your educational achievements or your past work history. They only care if you are effective in building a team and moving product. You will be paid for the volume you produce. You are a champion in my book for being willing to move to a performance-based system. You are taking your future into your own hands, and owning the outcome you create. My job in this process is to make sure you’re competent in your new profession. To become a true pro in our profession, you only need to learn Seven Skills and Three Daily Disciplines. The even better news is a 15 year old could learn and master these seven skills and three disciplines. This is not to say it won’t take any effort on your part. Some of the skills seem simple, but they take discipline, practice, and commitment to master.

Throughout this workbook we will be highlighting the Seven Skills taught by Eric Worre in his book “Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional.” If you have not already, I invite you to purchase his book, read it from cover to cover, and cherish the information. The skills and disciplines I’ve learned from Eric’s book have helped me take my network marketing career to the next level!

Welcome to Q-Pro Mastery Workbook!

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6 Live Life eXponentially

One of the challenges of our business is it is so simple people think they can just go wing it, and many find a level of success without really working on the skills. However, all of the true professionals have mastered these skills and disciplines. Your income in our business will always adjust over time to your mastery of these skills and disciplines.

Initially, some of you may land on luck and earn more than your skills can justify long-term. Others will be underpaid for a time. However, in time your income will adjust up or down to match your skill level. I would encourage you to go through this training quickly the first time so you understand the basics. Then go back and spend a month focusing on just one skill until you feel you have truly mastered it.

My goal is for you to be able to work independent of your sponsors as soon as possible. I hope you agree this is a worthy goal. If you are going to have success it is up to you, not your sponsor. Take your future into your hands, and look forward to the day you can call your sponsors and thank them for this amazing opportunity, and let them know you no longer need them, or will rely on them, but look forward to working WITH them, not having them work FOR you.

This journey will not always be fun or easy, but it will be worth it for those of you who persevere and grow to become skilled professionals. You will have the opportunity to have money and time freedom. To work when, where, and how you would like to. You will be able to travel to all the places you have ever dreamed of, to drive the cars you want to drive, to live in the houses you want to live in, to spend time with those you love, and to donate time, money, and energy to the causes you care most about in life.

Thank you for taking control of your destiny. Every time another person leaves the world of victimhood behind, our mission and cause gets bigger and stronger. I believe in you, and am proud to have you on our team.

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Now, down to business: there are a few things that you need to do right now, before we get into the training. First of all, make sure you have the following information from your sponsor:

Q Sciences IBO#: ______________________________________________________________

Password: ___________________________________________________________________

Enrollment Date: ______________________________________________________________

Next Training Date: _____________________________________________________________

Location: ____________________________________________________________________

Sponsor Phone: _______________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________

2nd Upline Phone: _____________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________

3rd Upline Phone: _____________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________

Website ______________________________________________________

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8 Live Life eXponentially

Next, make sure you can answer yes to the following questions:

Did you buy the right starter pack for your goals?

Did you buy the pack you want your team to buy?

Are you on a minimum of a 100PV AutoShip?

Are you registered for the next event?

Did you put all corporate calls and team training calls in your calendar?

Do you know how to use your back office and where to get training?

Do you know how to reach IBO Success?

Do you know how to order, and how to change your AutoShip?

If these things are all covered, proceed. If not, complete them before moving forward. Next, make sure you have 3-way calling on your phone, and make sure you know how to make a 3-way call. If you need help, call your service provider, NOT your upline.

Now, we can continue to the really important pieces. The next two items will absolutely make or break your success in Q Sciences. They are both very easy to skip, or procrastinate, but you must do them sooner or later if you are to reach your goals, so you might as well do them NOW!

FIRST you must develop a strong WHY for your business. Why are you becoming a Q Sciences professional? What do you want to accomplish? Think Big! What do you want your Q Sciences business to look like in one year, three years, five years? What do you want to drive? Wear? Have? Where do you want to live? With whom do you want to associate and spend time? What causes do you want to contribute time and money? Let your mind wander and allow the dreams you’ve packed away emerge again.

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You now have the vehicle to make all your dreams come true, but you must have a dream to make it come true. This is scary for many people because we have had so many dreams crushed in our lives. You must be willing to dust the old dreams off and run for them if you want to achieve them. Set aside at least 30 minutes, and sit down with a paper and a pen and start writing down all the things you want to see, do, or have in your life. Once you have a good list, print images of those items, places, or events from online, or find images in magazines to represent the things on your list. When you have all the images collected, take them and make a dream board collage of your dream life. Then put it somewhere you will see it every day. After I made mine, I took a photo of it with my phone so that I could look at it throughout each day.

I know for some of you this sounds crazy, but if you do it you will know it is “crazy like a fox”. IT WORKS!!! Some people will read this and say, “that would never work, I am not going to waste my time doing that‚” and then they will continue to work 60 hours a week for so little pay they can barely pay the mortgage while the people who do it share exotic vacations and live their dreams. Just choose which group you want to be in. My group will be on the beaches of the world and you can join us anytime. You must have a WHY that will make you CRY thinking about it. If you don’t have a WHY strong enough to get you up early, keep you up late, and give you a desire to make changes to achieve the why, then you need to spend more time developing your dreams.

SECOND you must have a WRITTEN names list of AT LEAST 200 names. I know, I know, you already have them all in your smart phone and your address book in your computer. THAT DOES NOT COUNT!!!!! You must write down at least 200 names on your list of people to contact about Q Sciences for the opportunity or the product.

In this profession your real inventory is your names list. If you don’t have one, you will fail. The list itself is not the magic, it is what it will do to you psychologically! Do you realize if you find three people who get really excited about Q Sciences, you could make over a million dollars a year! Not a decade, a YEAR! Three people! If you have 200 or more people on a list, do you think maybe three could see what you see in Q Sciences and get excited? If you have a list and a friend or family member tells you you’re crazy, you will simply say, “I guess you are not one of my three,” no big deal. If you have three names on your list and one says no, you will probably quit before even contacting the second or third person because you know you can’t make your dreams come true without three. If your names list is below 200 you will chase people around with the wrong posture.

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10 Live Life eXponentially

Please, I am begging you, for your future, please take the time to go through the attached memory jogger and get your names list as big as possible. The bigger it is, the more success you will have. This is the simplest thing to do, yet only a small percentage of people take the time to do it. And guess what, ALL of the big earners I have ever met in our profession teach this as the first step to success. If ALL of us teach it, there must be a reason. This will work for you for so many reasons I can’t fully explain. Words can’t describe what it will do on a subconscious level.

For three years in my networking career I didn’t do this simple step. I floundered along with limited success. This one step changed everything. I personally carry around a small 3X5 inch notebook. This is my names list journal. I have a habit of adding two names to my journal EVERY day! I strongly encourage you to develop this same habit. All you have to do is meet two people per day, which you are probably already doing and just not realizing it. When I pay a cashier at a grocery store, I ask for their name and it goes in my journal. When I pick up dry cleaning, I ask for the person’s name and it goes in my journal. When I meet another dad at my kid’s soccer game, you guessed it, his name goes in my journal. I have no intention of inviting each of these people to look at my business. Some of them I would never want as a business partner because they are not who I am looking for, but they still go in my journal and into my names list. Why? Because I know the psychological power of a constantly expanding names list, and I simply made it a habit a few years ago to not allow myself to go to sleep at night without adding at least two people to my names list. This is the most business-changing habit I have developed in my networking career! Try it and keep it if you feel good doing it.

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Make a few business commitments right now: 1. I will use Q Sciences’ products every day!_____(initial)

2. I will commit _____ hours a week to my Q Sciences business. _____ (initial)

3. I will be on all team training calls each week_____(initial)

4. I will attend every live event that is physically possible for me to attend._____ (initial)

5. I will attend the next major event.______ (initial)

6. I will commit to not quit my Q Sciences business for two years. I know that I will go through some ups and downs, and I am in this for the long haul. _____ (initial)

Now please sign your name below to signify your commitment to the six commitments above.


Sign it, or you might as well put this book down forever. But, NEVER blame me.

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Now it is time for some weekly assignments. This week you are going to simply answer some questions. The answers need to be written out, and be ready to discuss them with your sponsor.

1. What is the one thing that could hold you back from building your business?

2. What do you absolutely know, that makes you know, that you can build your business?

3. What do you want to achieve in your business? What is your why?

4. What does your “why” mean to you specifically?

5. What is important to you in the context of achieving it in your business?

6. If you could have “it” (answers to above questions), what else would it give you that is even more important to you?

7. And if you could have that also, what else would it give you that is even more important than that to you?

8. And if you could have that also, what else would it give you that is even more important than that to you?

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9. What do I want my outcome to be in my business?

10. What do I have to do to get it?

11. What do I NOT have to do to get it?

12. What has to happen for me to know that I have it?

13. When will I have it?

14. Where will I be?

15. Who will be with me?

I know this may seem silly, but please sit down with a pen and answer these questions. Do it for two or three different outcomes or “whys” of the business. This will help you create a why that will make you cry!


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Intro to the Seven Skills and Three Daily Disciplines—2

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16 Live Life eXponentially

A Better Way

No other business like this exists on planet earth! Our profession is not perfect, we live in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people, but that’s why this business is so perfect too. Imperfect people who want to perfect themselves to their best potential thrive in this environment. It is a better opportunity than any alternative anywhere! You have the opportunity to live your dream life, work with people you love, change lives with amazing products and training environment, and be the master of your own destiny.

This is a business, and just like any other business, if you learn certain skills it will make you a true master of your trade. Learn the seven skills and three disciplines and you will not only have a successful business here at Q Sciences, but you will have the security of knowing you will always be able to have a six-figure income in this profession. In any work, if you study the most successful people, you will find some common skill sets in which they all are competent. Our desire is to make sure you are trained in the critical seven skills of our profession.

The beauty of this profession is all the skills are fairly simple. Anyone, at any age, in any culture, can learn them. Simple does not always mean easy, and things that are simple to do, are often simple not to do as well. The three daily disciplines will assist you in mastering the seven skills. As I grow my business, and my skills, I am constantly striving to up my game in each of these seven categories. I will often sit down and rate myself from 1–10 in my competency in each skill. Then I find my lowest number and focus to increase my proficiency in the skill

You will very quickly find people in your upline and downline who are better than you in a certain skill. When this happens, get excited!!! You have found someone who you can observe. While you observe them in action, you will identify ways to strengthen your skills. This is a journey, not a destination. The good news is you get paid all along the way. Get out and practice, practice, practice. The only way to get good at the skills is to use them. You could study your whole life away. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but don’t make mistakes forever without getting some help.

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Create some activity, and then learn from the results. If you were going to have open heart surgery, would you want the doctor who just finished a 20 year study of the surgery but had never performed one, or would you want someone that studied it for six years and has successfully completed 500 surgeries? People like to do business with busy people who get the job done. Make sure you are studying the training, but most importantly have daily activity in your business. This is not Net-think Marketing, or Net-study Marketing, it is NetWORK Marketing.

Here are the seven skills of focus:

1. Finding prospects to share Q Sciences with

2. Inviting prospects to see the opportunity or use the product

3. Presenting the opportunity / information to the prospect

4. Following through with the prospect

5. Closing the prospect into the business / product

6. Helping the prospect to get a business started

7. Promoting events

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I will give a brief overview of each here, and then in the subsequent chapters will dive deep into each skill.

1. We will begin by learning ways to constantly be adding names to the names list you have already made with the memory jogger in the beginning of this training. If you didn’t make your list of 200 names minimum, NOW would be a good time to go back and complete that step.

2. We will get into the scripts, and the psychology behind a proper invite. We will help you write some scripts for you to use. The key here is after you write them, to role-play and memorize them so they roll off your tongue as you find people in your day-to-day life. This is not an all- day business, but it is an everyday business. You never know when you will meet your next potential Crown. If you are not prepared to invite them properly, they will never be more than a rusty tiara in your business.

3. Presenting is a skill you will never stop perfecting. My good friend and mentor Paul Morris is still studying human behavior and psychology after over 45 years in this business. He listens to audios every single day and reads at least one new book per month. He has been doing this for 45 years, and has made millions of dollars as a result. Constant improvement is the key. We will discuss the basics in how, what, and why you present what you do.

18 Live life eXponentially

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4. The biggest checks in our business belong to those who follow through. This is not about bugging your prospect to death. It is about creating creative, comfortable opportunities to follow through with your prospect, guiding them from exposure to exposure until they are ready to make the only logical choice: joining the Q Sciences family!

5. Closing is a very simple process if you do the first four skills correctly. I will teach you closing techniques that will insure you do not alienate yourself from your friends and family. You won’t need to push anyone, and you certainly won’t beg anyone. This is a skill that when you master will not only increase your income, but will also improve every relationship you have in life.

6. Helping a new person get started correctly is the key to a residual income. You want to be able to help people become independent of you as soon as possible. This is the only way to develop reliable, residual, long-term income. If you are not in the game for a reliable, residual, long-term income then go back to your dream board and evaluate. Find a tool to help you obtain those dreams. You will find Q Sciences is the tool for materializing almost any dream regardless of the type of dream you have designed. Let’s change as many lives as possible. To do this, we have skills to perfect…not “perfect” but to PERfect.

7. The skill of promoting events is only necessary if you want to make a life-changing income. This is the first money-making skill. It allows you to build off of the skills of others while you develop your own skills. The best promoters of events in Q Sciences will always have the biggest checks in Q Sciences. I want your check to be much bigger than mine, so let’s go promote, promote, promote!

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20 Live Life eXponentially

THREE DAILY DISCIPLINES - Personal development is a journey, not a destination. Constantly feed your mind the ingredients you want, or the world will do it for you. Our society isn’t great at feeding your mind knowledge to bring you closer to your dreams. It’s good at feeding it what will pay it (the world) the most. Therefore, it’s feeding it what will cost you the most. It will turn you into a patch-wearing member of the victimhood club. Choose to live BIG! You are destined for greatness! In succeeding chapters, we will discuss ways to ensure you are constantly growing to your dreams, and more importantly, achieving them along the way.

We will cover this in more detail in chapter 10, but for now, you can help your progress during this program by practicing the three daily disciplines of reading, associating, and dreaming. If you need more explanation, please go to chapter 10 and read that chapter now and then come back.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters

compared to what lies within us.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Now, for your assignments:

1. Make sure you have all of the information completed in Chapter 1 and you know who and how to contact your support team. Contact each of the three upline members in your support team and introduce yourself to them.

2. If you have not completed it yet, get out the memory jogger and make your list of a minimum of 200 WRITTEN names.

3. Have your dreams and goals identified and start collecting images of those dreams and goals for a Q Dream Board. If you are not sure what a dream board is, or how to create one, please call your upline or me. Pinterest is a great place to get started. This is a very simple, but incredibly powerful tool for you to use.

4. If you have not completed these three assignments, this is the last time I will say it, “DO IT!” If you don’t do it now, blame everyone else for where you are in life, it’s what you’ve been doing and what you will continue to do. If you don’t have the confidence to do it, rely on me, trust me, and do what I tell you to do and your eyes will soon show the clarity of your choice.

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Finding Ninja—3







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24 Live Life eXponentially

People are EVERYWHERE!

The good news here is most people are not hiding under rocks, and you don’t have to go digging to find them. In your Q Sciences business, people are similar to golden nuggets and you will do a little “panning” to find the key people to build a team. However, if you have ever been “panning” for real gold (and if you haven’t, there is an item for your dream board) you already know you go through a lot of sand, rocks, gravel, and water to find a few flakes of the good stuff. You might go through hundreds of pounds of raw material in a day just to get an ounce, if you’re lucky, of real gold nuggets. But one ounce of gold is worth $1400.00 at the time I am writing this. For most, that is a pretty great daily wage.

Guess what, Q Sciences is similar. You may have to go through a few people for each happy customer or distributor you connect with. But remember, finding just three happy, excited distributors could earn you over one million dollars a year of long term, reliable, residual income. Not a bad wage for learning to master this skill and those to follow in this chapter. The great news is if you learn these skills, you are not going to be “panning” for people in raw material that may or may not have some gold in it.

Every human being on the planet has gold inside of them. Every person on planet earth was created with goals, dreams, and ambitions for life. All you have to do is learn to approach people in a way that connects you to those goals, dreams, and ambitions, and allows you to assist them in achieving them. This will take some practice and skill development, but you can go to the river with confidence knowing that “there is gold in them thar hills!” So where do you find people to talk to? That very question identifies the first problem. You need to learn the skill of “FINDING PEOPLE” first, then “TALKING” to them. Right now, just learn to find them. To recognize all the people who come in and out of your life on a daily basis. Just acknowledge the existence of people in your universe.

When you try to find people that are perfect candidates for Q Sciences without knowing anything about them, it is like going to the hills to pan for gold and expecting a solid gold boulder to roll up to you and ask to be processed into a suitcase of gold bars. It just won’t happen. I do have a friend with a gold mine however, and he does have a suitcase of gold bars, but it took some work, skill, and time for him to convert the raw material into bricks. So for now, our only concern is to meet people.

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One of the great things about living in the world today is most people are pretty friendly by default. Sure, some are nasty, mean people, but trust me, they are more rare than common. If you walk up to a total stranger with a smile on your face and an outstretched hand and simply say “Hi, my name is Joe‚” ninety percent of the time the person shakes your hand and tells you their name. And you just added a name to your ever-expanding names list.

If you really want to kill your fear, and create a rocking skill set in this area, you can do it in one day. Here is the task — go to a shopping mall in your area. If you don’t have a mall, a Wal-Mart or Costco will work. If you don’t have one of those, then just go somewhere that several hundred people are gathered. Take a journal with you. Walk around with a smile on your face and every person that passes stick your hand out to them and say “Hi, my name is _______.” If they don’t give you their name as you are shaking hands then ask, “What is your name?” As soon as they give you their name, simply walk on and put the name in your journal. Here is the challenge. Do not go home until you have 250 names in your journal. In a busy area this can be done in a couple hours. In a slower area it will take eight to ten hours. In either case, you will be a Finding Ninja in just one day.

Now, to create a habit in this area is also incredibly easy to do. You simply make a commitment to not go to sleep at night until you have added two names to your names list journal each day. If you are climbing into bed and you realize you didn’t add a name, put your clothes back on, get in your car, and go to the nearest convenience store. Even at 3 AM you can get two names in just a few minutes. I know, I have done it! Make a commitment to make this a habit and share it with someone who cares about your success. Don’t go to sleep without two names for the day and have someone who cares about your success keep you accountable to it. It will take a little discipline and willingness to get dressed and leave the house a time or two when you don’t want to, but you will have a solid habit for finding two people a day within a month’s time.

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I have traveled all over the world, and for the past couple years, I have not gone a day without meeting two people a day minimum. I recently went to Australia for the first time. Before I was out of the airport I had two names. My friend, Rhys, took me to lunch and I had two more names before we left the diner. If you make it fun and create the habit, this is the easiest skill to master. The real key is to take all the pressure off. Your goal initially is to simply meet them. If it’s natural, make a friend. If it isn’t, just move on, but add them to your list. You will find you will NEVER, EVER, EVER have a fear of running out of people to contact again. Now your fear can be focused on what to SAY to all these people you now know — and we will crucify that fear in the next chapter. So for today — HAPPY FINDING!

Live life eXponentially26

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Now for your assignments:

1. Put your written names list of at least 200 names in a journal you can take with you everywhere you go.

2. Commit to adding a minimum of two names per day to your ever-expanding names list every day for the next 30 days. After 30 days it will be a habit and you wont have to think about it anymore.

3. Designate a time and place (remember it can be anywhere a large group of people are gathered) to go and meet as many people as possible. Your goal should be to set aside a few hours and meet a minimum of 250 people that you add to your list. This has to be done in one day. Once completed, you will be a Finding Ninja!

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___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________













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Inviting People—4

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What Do I Say?

This is probably the number one question I get asked on a daily basis from people all around the globe. I hear this: “I have this great list, and I spent my day at the mall and am now a Finding Ninja, but now what do I say to all these people?” In this chapter we are going to get into exact scripts for you to follow, and you will help create them so they sound natural for you to say. But first, let’s get into the psychology of why you need to write the scripts, and more importantly, why you need to role play and practice these scripts if you ever hope to develop duplication in your business.

I would dare say this is where fear kills more peoples’ businesses in Q Sciences than in any other area. This happens because every time we invite someone to an exposure we are putting ourselves in a vulnerable position. We are creating an environment where we may experience rejection. I could give you all the cliché responses to try to make you feel good about yourself, but instead, how about we learn how to be a true professional in the way that we invite, and in so doing almost ensure you never have to feel rejected again.

For starters, why do we all fear rejection? (And for you tough guys out there that claim you don’t, read very carefully because you probably hurt more than any of us with each rejection you experience.) We feel the sting of rejection when we feel passionate about something, and those we feel most passionate about don’t feel the same way. If a stranger doesn’t like my shirt, I don’t like his either so who cares. However, if I fall in love with a shirt and wear it home and my wife, Sara, asks “where did you get that ugly thing” it stings just a little, and this is just a shirt! If I feel very strongly that an idea, belief, or product is necessary for the well being of my children and Sara attacks it, it hurts a great deal. This is why rejection, especially from your friends and family, can hurt so much with your Q Sciences business.

If you have done everything recommended so far in the training, Q Sciences and this opportunity probably have a pretty special place in your heart. You may have some dreams that you had tucked away long ago as impossibilities that you have started to see may be realistic for you after all. Then if someone close to you challenged that, who knows what that would mean. I will not be the person to tell you that the answer is to grow a thick skin, and don’t care what the people that you love the most think. If you don’t have any regard for what your family and friends think then you are probably not the type of person that I would want to work with personally. That being said, you need to be able to distance their beliefs and thoughts from your business.

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I have an incredible mother, probably one of the best any person could ever hope to have. I love her immensely and know she loves me unconditionally, but she hates Network Marketing. I know how she feels. I respect her feelings. And I choose to feel a different way. Not a better way, not a right way, a different way. I love this profession with all my heart. I feel it is the most beautiful business model on planet earth. I believe it has allowed me to positively impact more lives than any other profession I could have gotten involved in. I do not try to sell my mother my beliefs, nor do I allow her to sell me her beliefs. She takes my products daily and loves them, and that is more than good enough for me. My point here is this: we get to choose whom we have as business partners. Don’t try to sell everyone into your business. It is not for everyone. If you do not hold a belief that they must be involved, you do not need to be discouraged when you get some rejection about your business. Just do NOT allow anyone to steal your dream, or to sell you on the idea that they know what is best for you or your family. Only you get to decide that. Likewise, do not be so arrogant as to assume that you know what is best for them or their family. They have their own journey to experience. If you will learn to invite your friends and family to an exposure about Q Sciences in the fashion I am about to lay out for you now, if they say no, you will be able to honor their beliefs and still move forward with your business. You will not be laying this opportunity out there for them to judge. You will simply be inviting them to view some third-party information, and make a decision if they want to get more information or not. Your goal with every invite is to encourage people to gain an education and understanding of what it is we have our hands on. You are never asking for their belief in what we are doing, or their agreement, or for them to join. You just want them to be educated about what we have and to be able to make a decision if it is right for them or not.

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So how do we do an effective invite? I have good news and I have bad news. I’ll start with the bad. You’ve probably already gone out there and made a fool of yourself in how you presented Q Sciences to some of your friends and family. That’s okay. We’ve all done that. The best approach is to forgive yourself and let that go. There’s nothing any of us can do about the past except learn from it. The good news is, starting today, your inviting results can change. Getting someone to agree to take a look at Q Sciences and to actually follow through is a skill. It’s a skill that can be learned by each and every one of you and it can be taught to every person in Q Sciences.

People need what we offer in Q Sciences, but have been trained to resist opportunity in just about every form. Our job is to professionally help them get past that resistance and to at least help them understand what it is we have to offer them.

I’m going to teach you a proven, eight step process for talking to your prospects. That might seem like a lot, but as you will see, I’m going to walk through each of the steps and provide you with the hottest scripts along the way. When we’re finished, you’ll see how easy it is to put this process to work by filling out a customized invitation worksheet for each of your prospects and then following the step-by-step process.

A few things before we get started…

Please note this program is going to be focused on getting a person to review some sort of third-party materials to better understand Q Sciences, and by third-party materials I mean a DVD, CD, Magazine, Website, sample, email, sizzle call, etc. It’s not specifically designed to invite to live events. That is a slightly different process. For now, if you focus on getting people to review the Q Sciences opportunity with a third-party tool, you’ll find that getting people to attend an event of any kind is much easier, and a natural next step.

What I’m going to teach you in this program is designed to be done over the phone or face-to-face. It’s not to be used with texting, email, or any other sort of communication tool. On the phone or face-to-face. That’s how this works.

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I learned theses scripts from Eric Worre three years ago and it’s changed my entire career . This can work with warm market prospects (people you know) and your walking and talking market prospects (people you meet while living your life). You’ll see examples for both throughout the program. For warm market, you can use the worksheet at the end. For walking and talking market, you’re just going to have to role-play and practice.

Let’s start by going through the eight steps, then we’ll put them together at the end and show you how it all works. Step 1: Be in a Hurry Step 2: Compliment the Prospect Step 3: Make the Invitation Step 4: If I _____, would you _____? Step 5: Get a Time Commitment Step 6: Confirm Step 7: Get a Time and Number Step 8: Get off the Phone

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Step 1 — Be in a Hurry

This is a psychological issue, but people are always more attracted to a person who’s busy and has things going on. If you start every call or face-to-face conversation with the feeling that you’re in a hurry, you’ll find your invitations will be shorter, there will be fewer questions and people will respect you and your time much more.

Here are some “In-a-hurry” script examples:

For warm market prospects:

“I don’t have a lot of time to talk, but it was really important I reach you.”

“I have a million things going on, but I’m glad I caught you.”

“I’m running out the door, but I needed to talk to you real quick.”

“I’m late for a meeting, but I was just thinking of you and wanted to catch you real quick.”

“I’m so glad I caught you, real quick....‚”

For walking and talking market prospects:

“Now isn’t the time to get into this and I have to go, but‚”

“I have to run, but‚”

“I need to run, but...”

“Thank you, and...”

Get the message? Set the tone with some urgency. We will get to a secondary benefit of this step in the final step, step 8 of the process.

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Step 2 — Compliment the Prospect

This is critical. The sincere compliment (and it must be sincere) opens the door to real communication and will make the prospect much more agreeable to hearing what you have to say. The key to the compliment is it must be sincere. Find something you can compliment your prospect on and do it. If you can not come up with a sincere compliment, you have no business prospecting this person.

Here are some sample compliment scripts:

For warm market prospects:

“You’ve been wildly successful and I’ve always respected the way you’ve done business.”

“You’ve always been so supportive of me and I appreciate that so much.”

“You’re one of the most connected people I know and I’ve always admired that about you.”

“You’re the most (or one of the most) important person/people in my life and I really trust your instincts.”

“You have an amazing mind for business and can see things other people don’t see.”

“I was thinking‚ who are the sharpest people I know? And I thought of you.”

“You’re one of the most positive and energetic people I’ve ever met.”

“Some people are very closed-minded which limits their opportunities, but I’ve always admired the fact that you’re open to looking at new things.”

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“I need someone to find the holes in something I’m looking at and absolutely nothing gets past you.”

“You’re one of the most (health conscious/technology savvy/fashion or beauty conscious/wellness-minded/financially intelligent/etc.) people I know and I’ve always respected that about you.”

“You’re one of the smartest people I know and I really trust your judgment.”

“For as long as I’ve known you I’ve thought you were the best at what you do.”

For walking and talking market prospects:

“You’ve given me/us some of the best service I’ve/we’ve ever received.”

“You are super sharp. Can I ask what you do for a living?”

“You’ve made ___________ a fantastic experience.”

“You have a great attitude, are you always like this?”

“You are very enthusiastic, is this normal or is today just an exception?”

Step 3 — Make the Invitation

In this situation one size does NOT fit all. I’ve provided a list of Direct Approaches which you will use when you’re talking about an opportunity for THEM specifically, Indirect Approaches which you will use to ask for help for advice and Super Indirect Approaches which you will use to ask people if they know others who might be interested.

Most people use a Direct Approach for all their prospects. Usually it goes something like this “I found a way to get rich and let me tell you all about it. Blah blah blah.” I understand the passion, but really‚ who’s going to get excited about that, unless they’re getting the call from a millionaire?

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As you become a Q Sciences Professional, you’re going to find that you use the Indirect and Super Indirect approaches much more, but that doesn’t mean Direct Approaches don’t have an important place.

Direct Approach Scripts(and remember, you’ve already done step 1 and step 2)

For warm market:

“When you told me _______, were you serious or were you just kidding around? (Wait for answer). Great! I think I’ve found a way for you to get it/solve the problem/make that happen/etc.” (This is for situations where you know an area of their dissatisfaction)

“I think I’ve found a way for us to really boost our cash flow”

“I found something you really need to see”

“I’m launching a new business and I really want you to take a look at it”

“When I thought of the people who could make an absolute fortune with a business I’ve found, I thought of you”

“Are you still looking for a job (or a different job?)? I’ve found a way for both of us to start a great business without all the risks.”

“If I told you there was a way to increase your cash flow without jeopardizing what you’re doing right now, might you be interested?”

“I’ve teamed up with a company that is opening/expanding in the __________ (your city) area”

“I’ve found something exciting and you’re one of the very first people I’ve called”

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“When I thought of quality people that I’d really enjoy working with I thought of you. Would you be open to hearing what I’m doing?”

“Let me ask you something‚ would you be open to diversifying your income?”

“Let me ask you a question, off the record. If there were a business you could start working part-time from your home that could replace your full-time income, would that interest you?”

“As you know I’ve been a (insert occupation), but because of (negative factors) I’ve decided to diversify my income. After considering my options, I’ve identified the very best way to make it happen.”

“I found an exciting business, and together, I think we could do something special. 1+1 might add up to 10.”

Or you could try the shocking approach – “With your skills, you could make $100,000 a month in a business I’ve just started.” This works well only when you are respected by the prospect.

“This is the call you’ve been waiting for your whole life‚”

For walking and talking market:

“Have you ever thought of diversifying your income?”

“Do you keep your career options open?” (An oldie but a goodie)

“Do you plan on doing what you’re doing now for the rest of your career?”

You can follow any of these walking and talking market scripts or any variation with the following: “I have something that might interest you. Now is not the time to get into it but‚…”

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Indirect Scripts

The Indirect Approach is another powerful tool to helping people get past their initial resistance and understand the Q Sciences opportunity. This approach is best used when you’re just getting started and it’s simply asking people for help or guidance.

This approach works great to play yourself down and play up to the prospect’s ego. This is particularly helpful while you are just getting started with people that may be on your “chicken” list, or for people that you need a soft way to get in and keep them open minded.

For warm market:

“I’ve just started a new business and I’m scared to death. Before I get going I need to practice on someone friendly. Would you mind if I practiced on you?”

“I’m thinking about getting started with a business I can run from my home. Would you help me check it out and see if it’s for real?”

“I found a business I’m really excited about, but what do I know? You have so much experience. Would you look at it for me if I made it easy and let me know if you think I’m making the right move?”

“A friend told me the best thing I could do when starting a business is to have people I respect take a look at it and give me some guidance. Would you be willing to do that for me if I made it simple?”

For negative and cynical people “I’ve started a business and really need someone to help me poke holes in it. Nothing gets past you. Would you be willing to examine it for me?”

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For walking and talking market:

I’ve found this approach doesn’t work very well because it doesn’t really make sense for you to show this much respect for someone you’ve just met. Direct and Super Indirect work best for walking and talking market.

Super-Indirect Scripts

Super-Indirect Approaches are incredibly powerful and play on a number of psychological levels. This is a networking approach that asks the prospect if they know someone else that might benefit from your business.

For warm market:“I’m curious, who do you know that is ambitious, money motivated and would be excited about the idea of adding more cash flow to their lives?”

“Who do you know that might be looking for a strong business they could run from their home?”

“Who do you know that has hit a wall with their business and might be looking for a way to diversify their income?”

“Do you know any sharp people who live in ________? Yes? Great. Could I get their name and email address if you have it? I have a business expanding in that area and I want to see if they think it will be successful there.”

“Do you know anyone involved in a serious job search?”

“I work with a company that’s expanding in our area and I’m looking for some sharp people that might be interested in some additional cash flow. Do you know anyone who might fit that description?”

In most cases, they’re going to ask you for more information before they give you any names (behind that request will be curiosity and intrigue, thinking this might be for them, but they’re not going to admit that to you yet). When they ask you for more information first, just respond like this. “That makes sense.

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You’ll want to know about it before you refer some of your contacts.” Then move to step 4.

For walking and talking market:

Walking and talking market is exactly the same as warm market for Super Indirect. Just use the scripts above or any variation that’s comfortable for you.

Step 4 — If I __________, would you ___________?

You’re not going to offer your third-party tool, unless they agree to do something in return. Keep in mind that you are not offering them the information yet, you are simply asking if you do, would they actually take a look. This gets them to commit to action in a very soft way. This is the only part of the script that must be done word for word. The rest you can adjust so they sound like you, but you must get the “If I ______, would you _______?” part word for word.

Let me offer you some examples:

“IF I gave (sold) you a week’s supply WOULD YOU take it?”

“IF I gave you a DVD that laid out all the information in a very professional way, WOULD YOU watch it?”

“IF I gave you a CD that described the business, WOULD YOU listen to it?”

“IF I gave you a magazine (or some other prospecting printed piece), WOULD YOU read it?”

“IF I gave you a link to an online presentation that explained everything, WOULD YOU click on it and watch it?”

If you’ve done the first 3 steps properly, the answer will be yes.

If they ask for more information first, just respond with “I understand that you want more information, but all of what you’re looking for is on the DVD, CD or in the Printed piece or Link. The fastest way for you to really understand what I’m talking about will be to review that material. So, if I gave it to you, would you review it?”

If they say no, they won’t review it then thank them for their time and move on. Also, review steps 1–3 to see what you could have done better. Do NOT still give it to them.

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Step 5 — Get a Time Commitment

“When do you think you would watch the DVD for sure?”

“When do you think you could listen to the CD for sure?”

“When do you think you could read the magazine for sure?”

“When do you think you could watch the link for sure?”

Don’t suggest a time for them. Ask the question and have them give you the time. If it’s not definitive “I’ll try to do it sometime,” then tell them. “I don’t want to waste your time or mine. Why don’t we just try to lock in a time you’ll have seen it for sure?”

The key is to get them to say YES a second time.

Saying yes to Step 4 is NOT a commitment.

Step 6 — Confirm the Time Commitment

If they tell you they’ll watch the DVD by Tuesday night your response should be:

“So, if I called you Wednesday morning, you’ll have seen it for sure right?”

If they say they’ll listen to the CD by Thursday morning your response should be:

“So, if I called you sometime on Thursday, you’ll have listened to it for sure right?

If they say they’ll watch the link by July 1st your response should be:

“So, if I called you on July 2nd, you’ll have watched it for sure right?”

The key to step six is they’ve now said yes three times that they’ll follow through and they’ve done it all by themselves. They’ve set a real appointment with you for the future.

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Step 7 — Get a Time and Number

“What’s the best number and time for me to call?”

Now they’ve said yes four times and the chances they’ll follow through has been increased from less than 10% to over 80%.

Note: Please put this appointment in a place you won’t forget.

Step 8 — Get Off the Phone or Out of their Presence!

Remember, you’re in a hurry right? The best thing is to say something like

“Great! We’ll talk then. Gotta run!”

“Like I said, I am late for a meeting so I have to run, but I look forward to speaking with you again

__________________________________________________________________________ !”

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“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but

often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see

the one that has been opened for us.”Helen Keller

Step 8 can be very tricky if you didn’t do step 1 because it will feel like you are running away from them. It will be natural at this point for them to start asking you questions about what it is you are doing. If you told them in the beginning that you are in a hurry, it is easy and natural to reply to any questions with “like I said, I am late for a meeting (or in a hurry, or whatever you said), but after you review the information, we can address any and all questions you may have.” If you are brand new, this sets it up so that you can have your upline ready for a 3-way call with you when you call the person back and they can address any questions while you learn how to answer.

So those are the 8 steps with tons of the hottest scripts in Q Sciences on what to say. Now let’s write out some scripts with the examples in a format for you to memorize. Remember, it is key this is somewhat natural for you, so pick the examples, or write some in your own words so that it feels good when you say it. I urge you not to reinvent, but if you write your own, make sure you pass them by your leader to make sure all of the right elements are in place for the invite to work properly.

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Q Sciences’ Invitation Script Worksheet

Prospect Name _______________________________________________________________

Prospect Contact Info ___________________________________________________________

Step 1: “In a hurry” script _________________________________________________________

Step 2: “Compliment” script ___________________________________________________________________________

Step 3: “Invite Approach” ___________________________________________________________________________


Step 4: “If I __________________________________________________________ , would you

_________________________________________________________________________ ?”

Step 5: “Time commitment”

When do you think you could‚…


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Step 6: Confirm Time Commitment

So if I called you ______________ you would have ______________________ or sure right?

Step 7: Get a time and number

So what is the best number to reach you at on _______________________________________ ?

Step 8: Get off the phone or out of their presence!

Now, if you go through this script with a friend or family member and they say they will not review the information, how much rejection is that? It is like a stranger telling me a shirt is ugly — BIG DEAL! They do not know enough about what you are even doing for it to bother you that they do not want to learn more. Remember your goal is education and understanding! Always remember — with Q Sciences, if you can find three people that get excited, you can make a million a year and more! If you are a Finding Ninja, and an Expert Inviter, three is a walk in the park!

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Now for your assignments:

1. Write out three scripts using the eight step inviting worksheet.

2. Role-play all three scripts a minimum of 15 times per day.

3. Get phone numbers for 10 people that you have added to your names list from your finding efforts and decide which of your three scripts you will use to invite them.

4. Think about whom on your list would be good for which of your three practiced invites and role play as if you were speaking to them.

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___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________













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Face Your Fear!

Dale Carnegie said, “When people are asked what their greatest fear is, the most frequent response is dying and the second is speaking in public.” Think about that one for a minute. The average person would rather die, than to do a public presentation! Now you know why “the person with the marker makes the money.” Most people simply won’t face this fear and overcome it.

I will tell you the life you dream of living is just outside your comfort zone. You don’t have to go to Mars to find it. It is right here with you all the time, you just have to decide that you want it badly enough to step out of your comfort zone and claim it. Now, I am not advocating that you become the main presenter for your business tomorrow. In fact, your upline and I would like to help you grow into that position. So, before we get into how to present, let’s first go over the mindset that you need to develop in order to become the presenter in your group. FIRST, make sure you never make “YOU” the issue. Even as you become a great presenter, always use third-party people, tools, and materials as much as possible. For the rest of your career in Network Marketing, I want you to commit that whenever you are speaking, if at all possible, you are telling stories, pointing the prospect to the information that they can get on their own, reading something to a prospect, or introducing a third-party person that will be sharing the information with your prospect. If you are always sending people to resources to find their own answers, they will do the same thing and be sending their prospects to resources. This will create a scenario where you have a prayer of duplication happening in your business.

SECOND, act as a consultant, not as a used car salesman. Start to view your role as that of a consultant. If you have ever hired, or watched a consultant work, you know that the first thing they do is ask A LOT of questions. Stephen Covey said, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” You need to know where your prospect is coming from, and where they would like to go, before you can assist them in getting anywhere. Asking a lot of questions also takes a lot of heat off of you as a presenter. You are not there to WOW them with your wit and charm.

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You are there to help them change their lives with better health and wealth. Find out where their lives are now, and where they would like them to be. In this discovery process, you will get info on what part of your presentation is most likely to be important to your prospect. Your next task as a consultant is going to be to facilitate a connection between your prospect and the information that will help them get to where they want to be in life. Again, your job is to facilitate a connection, NOT to be the source of the information. If someone wants better health, get them on Dr. calls, to the videos on the website, on 3-way calls with people that have testimonials. Show them how many resources are available for the information that they are seeking. If you are the only source for the information, your group will never grow beyond the hours of the day you want to be available to give the info out. If people need a plan to change their life financially, you may lay out the blueprint, but then get them on calls, to meetings, to videos, etc. so they can see how they can be the “connector” for their friends and family.

THIRD, always remember that in Network Marketing, it does not matter what works, it only matters what duplicates. If I fly to your city and do a meeting and sign up 20 people, that meeting worked. But if none of those new 20 people are able to do the same presentation I gave, they will not sponsor anyone, and the business will not grow unless I come back and do another meeting. If I fly to your city and I teach people how to connect people to information, and it leads to three people signing up, but they find three, that find three, and everyone is able to sign in three, your business will see tremendous success. One of the most common mistakes in our profession is people get good at giving a presentation and working a room, and they focus on doing what works, but they have no duplication in their business. I have seen amazing people with small groups, and the only thing holding them back is their need to feed their own ego by making themselves the issue. I have seen people with little to no talent build huge followings by simply focusing on what duplicates, and ignoring what seems to work. LASTLY, remember that your job as the presenter is to bring passion, excitement, enthusiasm, and belief. You don’t need to have all the answers, information, or details. But if you want duplication, you must build belief, enthusiasm, excitement, and passion with your team. Remember that “facts tell, and stories sell.” Don’t be so interested in telling someone about your product that you forget to sell them some. A sell is a transfer of EMOTION not information. Don’t be the person with all the answers, be the person with all the passion!

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Learning to be the person with the marker is an evolutionary process in Network Marketing. And like all the other skills, you can grow into it a little at a time. You don’t have to give an opportunity presentation at a hotel tomorrow to 100 people. You get to start by simply telling a story to a friend or family member. The best presenters in our profession are just really good storytellers. You can start by learning to tell a one-minute story to everyone who will listen to you. You can even script out the story and memorize it if it helps you face your fears. Many people would refer to this type of story as an “elevator pitch.” Studies show a person has less than 90 seconds to tell their story before the listener decides to join the cause or turn away.

So let’s look at what makes for a great story. Just follow the four-step framework below:

1. State your background

2. Tell what you didn’t like about your background

3. Tell how Q Sciences came to the rescue

4. Share your results so far, and how you see your future now that you are a part of the Q Sciences family.

Pretty simple! This is how you should give your testimonial, and how you should teach everyone you know how to start telling stories. I think you should write out two stories and commit them to memory using the above formula. One that is for a business prospect, and one that is for a product testimonial. Below are two examples of stories that I wrote, and use, in building my Q Sciences business.

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My Business Opportunity Story:

I had a very successful Real Estate and Mortgage company. I loved the work and the lifestyle it afforded me and my family until the summer of 2008. While my very industry was collapsing around me, a good friend taught me how to build consumer networks. I had no clue what that even was back then, but I now know it was an answer to my prayers. Building consumer networks has given me a sense of purpose and lifestyle I could only dream of a few years ago, and to top it off, I am having a blast working with some amazing friends. In my future, all i see is hope and prosperity.

My Product Story:

I never really cared about, or had a passion for, health and nutrition, but I was starting to feel the effects of stress and age on my body. I started taking Q Sciences’ products two years ago, and I feel like I am a teenager again. Because of Q Sciences, I will be in the best shape of my life for my 41st birthday in December.

Can you pick out the four elements in each of these stories? These are very short and simple, but they are real for me, and they are something I am extremely passionate and excited about. You can write yours easily, and then role play them with a family member or friend. All an opportunity meeting will be is an expansion of this story, filling it in with details. It can come with time, but learn to tell your story every chance you get, to anyone that will listen. As you start a 3-way call, or introduce a speaker at your opportunity meeting, tell your story in 60 seconds or less at the beginning. It will let your prospect feel your passion, and it will help you get comfortable speaking about your business.

One word of caution here, especially in the beginning, you may be tempted to talk too much. This is specifically true if you get nervous. Make sure you keep your story to 60 seconds or less until you get a little more comfortable. I know you have three hours of stories about the product and opportunity and what it has done for everyone you know, but we all do. Remember the KISS formula - Keep It Short and Simple Silly!

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As you get better and more comfortable at telling your story your upline will assist you in learning some presentations. Your evolution will go something like this:

1. You learn to tell your story and testimonial effectively.

2. You learn the standard opportunity presentation that your group is using and get good at giving it.

3. You learn how to give an opportunity presentation to groups.

4. You learn how to give a training presentation to your group.

5. You learn how to give a motivational talk.

6. You cash a weekly check that you are only dreaming of today!

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So are you ready for your assignments?

1. Write out two stories, one for opportunity and one for product, using the framework from this chapter.

2. Role-play giving those stories a minimum of five times daily for the next week. This should take you no more than ten minutes or you need to re-write.

3. Set an appointment, with a prospect, for you and your upline to do a one-on-one presentation. Give your story and introduce your upline, and then record the presentation so you can listen to it over and over again. This is the best way for you to learn your upline’s presentation. Don’t ask them to give it to you, you are already in the business. Have them give it to a prospect and you record it so you can refer back to it over and over again. Please do not make a big deal of the recording. It does not need to be high quality, or clear. Just do it on a phone or small audio recorder very inconspicuously so that you can listen to the info over and over again.

I believe in you, and know that you can become a professional presenter. It may take some time, it will take some effort, but the rewards will be so worth it!

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Follow Through—6















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Don’t Follow Up - Follow THROUGH

Since the day I joined this profession I have heard almost every trainer I have ever listened to say, “the fortune is in the follow up”. While I agree with the concept of what they are saying, I believe the wording of the phrase is off. The fortune is in following through, not following up. Following up is a one-time event. If you follow up, versus not following up, your numbers will jump dramatically. However, follow through is not a one time event, it is a lifestyle.

In its simplest form, follow through means doing what you said you would do, when you said you would do it. Following through means that you will continue to follow through until the prospect has an education and understanding of the opportunity that we have to offer. If you learn to master this skill you will truly stand out in the crowd because most people that work in our profession never even follow up, let alone follow through. When you master this skill, it will not only improve your sponsoring ratio, it will improve every relationship that you have in your life. We all want to be in a relationship with people that will do what they say they will do. This really is a simple skill to master. Again, not an easy one, but a simple one. There are a few basic concepts that you have to understand to be able to master following through.

CONCEPT 1 — Get and use a calendaring system. It can be paper, or electronic, whatever works best for you. The important thing is that you use ONE and only ONE system to track all of your commitments, this way you always know your schedule and don’t overbook yourself. Now that you have your calendaring system, every time you make a commitment to someone, immediately put it in your calendar. If you say you will send them an email with a video link, immediately put that in your calendar. If your kids ask if you can take them to the latest blockbuster movie, don’t say “sure I will” and then get busy and forget. Pause your life and put your movie date in your calendar. If you tell someone you will call them to see if they have any questions about the movie you are sending them, put the call in your calendar. It is simply a skill of living your word. Not very many people on the planet do this with great skill. If you become one of them, you will find your fortune!

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CONCEPT 2 — The only reason to have an exposure with a prospect is to book the next exposure with them. You goal is education and understanding. Your goal is not to “get them” on the first exposure. Sometimes that will happen, and it is great when it does, but don’t expect it. Make your mission be centered on getting another appointment with them in your calendar. Just continue to FOLLOW THROUGH with them from exposure to exposure until they have enough education and understanding about our opportunity, and you will sponsor your fair share of people into the opportunity. Properly following through will take all of the stress and awkwardness out of the sponsoring process. Learn to be a master at getting the next follow through in your calendar before you leave the existing follow through.

CONCEPT 3 – It takes an average of four to six exposures for the average person to join with you in your business. For the first few years of my Networking career, I believed that if someone didn’t join on the first meeting, they just didn’t get it and I should move on. I had no time for people that could not make a decision and get into action. This probably hurt my career more than any other belief initially. I didn’t follow through with anyone and it was a Churn and Burn nightmare. When I started to see that some of my best people came from people that took some time to make a decision, I decided to learn to follow through. Now, I do not profess to be a champion at this skill. I still have a lot of room for improvement, but my attitude and mindset has changed and I know that my actions and results will always follow my attitude and mindset. My attitude now is that my only goal is to educate and bring understanding to the people that I am blessed to be able to have exposures with. Please don’t be like I was and give up on people if they don’t “get” what we do in the first 5–45 minutes of being exposed. Make a commitment to “help the blind see‚” and commit to a minimum of six exposures before moving on from a prospect. After all, they are giving you some of their most valuable asset, THEIR TIME! You are reciprocating with some of your most valuable asset, YOUR TIME! Isn’t that time worth some follow through?

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CONCEPT 4 — Condense the exposures for better results. As you patiently walk people from exposure to exposure, keep both the urgency and your patience high. The way you do this is to be patient in the number of exposures that you have to make, but try to get them in within 48 hours of the last exposure, and ideally no more than 24 hours apart. That means you can get in six exposures in a weeks time, and for most people they will have enough education and understanding in a week or less to make a decision.

The Art of Follow Through will not only assist your career in Network Marketing greatly, I promise you it will improve every relationship you have as I said in the beginning of this chapter. Your spouse, children, and friends will be great benefactors of your new way of life. The great thing about this business, because it is a relationship business, is that learning and applying the attitudes, mindsets, and skills that will propel you to success will also improve every relationship that you have in your life. I don’t know of any career choice you could make that could as positively affect your relationships as Network Marketing.

Live life eXponentially60

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Now for your assignments:

1. Get your calendaring system in place immediately. ONE calendar for all of life’s events to go into.

2. Make a commitment for the next week to calendar any and every commitment that you make to anyone. Every time you find yourself saying yes to anyone, if it is not something you are doing the very next second, calendar it. I promise you will experience a great deal of freedom in doing this because you will not overbook yourself anymore.

3. Line out your top three exposures to begin with. Pick your favorite exposures that feel natural for you to use. These can be sharing your story, a video you send them to or give them, an audio you send them to or give them, a website to view, a three-way call with a creditable source, a one on one presentation, a business briefing, a training call, a live training, a conference, a sizzle call, a sampling of the product, a webinar, a google hang out, a leadership call, a brochure to review, etc. It doesn’t matter which you use, as much as that you are prepared to guide them to the next exposure. Don’t wait until you have a prospect and then try to decide what to do with them. Have a plan for the first three exposures that you are going to share with them and make sure you are prepared with everything you need to make those three successful and that will lead you to exposures 4–6.

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The Art of Closing—7

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CLOSING It’s Just a Byproduct for Professionals.

This skill is a natural byproduct of finding, inviting, presenting, and following through in a professional manner. As you walk through exposure after exposure, with the goal of education and understanding, closing will come very naturally. At some point in time, when the prospect is educated, and understands fully the life changing option with Q Sciences, they will be asking you how to get involved as a customer or as an IBO. People often ask me “what do you say, or ask to get someone involved?” My answer is “What address would you like your products shipped to?” And the follow up is “What credit card would you like to use for this order?” Those are my favorite two closing questions. Now naturally you can’t use those questions with any level of success on a first exposure. This is assuming that you have used the first four skills of finding, inviting, presenting, and following through successfully. That is why I have been giving you assignments for mastery of each of the skills as we move through this training. If you ignore the first four and try to master closing, your results will be dismal at best. However, for a committed networker who is following through on assignments and homework, you will find this is the easiest skill to master because the hard work was done in the proper set up. Posture and Questions

The key to success is having a combination of good posture and asking good questions!

By good posture I am not talking about making sure your spine is erect and straight, and that your shoulders are back. (Although this does actually help) I am talking about posture in terms of the mental and emotional way that you position yourself in the conversation. It is the confidence and assuredness that you bring.

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You need to go into every follow through situation KNOWING that you have what your prospect needs to make some positive life changes. If you have the right posture, your prospect will want what you have, and you will not be selling them anything. If your posture is weak, it will always come across as if you are begging them to try the product or get involved. Correct posture leads the prospect to do the majority of the talking, and them asking you, even pleading, for more information. This takes practice, discipline, and most of all personal restraint. If you are not feeling confident and secure, have an upline support member with you or available for a 3-way call to address your prospect. As a general practice, before any presentation that I give, whether it is a one-on-one or a large group presentation, I visualize in my mind someone’s life changing because of the conversation we are about to have. I know that I have the key to a better life for them and their family. I visualize them asking me, even begging me, for the key. Then as I talk to people, I expect them to ask the questions that they need answers to, for me to be able to unveil the key. Good posture means that you would never beg a person to look at, or get involved with your opportunity.

Remember, you are looking for three key people. Trust me, you don’t even want all of the people out there in your business. You just want the right three for you. Treat your business like something sacred and special. If you have a sacred or special item, you don’t leave it in the front yard begging any passerby to take it. You cherish it and take care of it. Then when the time is right, you pass it on to someone you love who you know will cherish it as well. You need to develop this type of attitude toward your business.

How to hold good posture

1. Remain emotionally detached from the outcome. Remember the goal is for education and understanding, so whatever your prospect decides is best for them should be fine with you. Even if they decide this is not the right fit for them, you should be excited that they made an educated and informed decision and you do not have to waste any more of your time and energy on that person. You can now dedicate that time and energy to finding the three right people for your business to explode.

2. Professionals are very assumptive in their approach. They expect that the person they are presenting to is going to say yes and move forward. There is never a doubt in their mind that the prospect will find solutions to life’s problems in Q Sciences. You know that your posture and assumptive approach is right when you are truly shocked if a person does not move forward.

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3. Professionals promote themselves as much as the product or opportunity. Say things like “and the best part is, you get me!” and “you get to be a part of the fastest growing Q Sciences team in the world‚” “I will be by your side every step of the way, and I am going to Crown. I won’t stop till we get there together.” Your prospect should feel like they are a part of something special, and that being a part of your team is as important as just being in the company. They need to feel your conviction that you are going to make it huge in Q Sciences.

4. “Be prepared” is a Boy Scout motto that was beat into my head starting at eight years old. Maybe some of you were not a Boy Scout, so start beating that motto into your head. Be prepared for what you ask? For your prospect to join you! Nothing is worse than doing all the work perfectly, and then someone asks “how do I get started?” and you don’t have the foggiest idea of what to do. You need to ALWAYS have on you a sign up form. It is one piece of paper. Don’t leave home without it! I have actually seen people tell a prospect they will have to call them later when they are in front of a computer to sign them up. PLEASE do not EVER do this! At least 50 percent of the time you will never get that person in the computer. They will join the prospect protection program on you and disappear, or, they will tell you some other excuse (spouse, job, time, money, kids, etc) and you will have to overcome objections...YUCK! Don’t choose that path, when your prospect is ready, you better be ready to serve their needs before they go away.

I don’t always have brochures, product samples, and an iPad on me, but I also ALWAYS have a sign-up paper with me. You also need to be ready with scripts and exposures that we have discussed in previous chapters so that you are prepared to guide someone to the next exposure. I can’t tell you how many times I have bumped into a prospect at a store, or gas station before our follow through appointment. Naturally they will bring up Q Sciences, and usually have a question. That is not the time to look someone in the eye and say that you will have to get back to them because you have no clue how to respond to their question. You don’t need to have all the answers, or know all the facts, but you do need to have a few invites, exposures, and stories memorized so that you can take control of the conversation and lead them where you would like them to go.

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5. Questions are your best friend. Professionals will ask question after question after question. Even more importantly, they are great listeners and actually care about their prospects. The more your prospect talks, the more interesting you become to them. We all like to feel validated, and asking questions does this. Ask questions, and then ask follow-up questions to their answers. Make it a game and see how many follow-up questions you can get out of one question that you ask. If you listen well enough, you will find all the reasons that they need to say yes to Q Sciences in the answers to your questions.

Some of this posture stuff may seem difficult at first. You can gain skill in this area by “Acting” as if you have a lot of posture. As you see the results, your posture will naturally increase. It is just like the old statement “if you want to be enthusiastic, you have to act enthusiastic.” “If you want to have good posture, you have to ACT as if you have good posture!”

What Questions Do You Ask?

So if it is about having the right posture and asking the right questions, what questions do you ask? There are really not any magical questions. At this point it is critical that you are conversational with your prospect. That being said, there are a few questions that you can easily memorize and rehearse to get the conversation flowing. My favorite question when following through on any exposure is:

“Tell me, what did you like best about what you just saw?”

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Other great questions are:

“Did everything make sense to you?”

“Pretty exciting isn’t it?”

“Can you see how this could be a great opportunity for you and your family?”

“Can you see how these products could benefit you or someone you love?”

“Don’t you feel amazing?”

“Can you see why I have been so excited?”

THEN, after you have discussed their answers:

“Let me ask you a question. On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 meaning you have zero interest and 10 being you’re ready to get started right now, where are you?” Based on how they answer that question you will either set up the next exposure and follow through appointment, or if you feel they are ready to get started you can ask the following questions to set up the close.

1. Based on what you have just seen, if you were to get started with Q Sciences on a part- time basis, approximately how much would you need to earn per month in order to make this worth your time?

2. Approximately how many hours could you commit each week to develop that kind of income?

3. How many months would you work those kind of hours in order to develop that kind of income?

4. If I could show you how to develop an income of ______ per month, working ______hours a week over the course of _______months, would you be ready to get started?

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When they say YES, and of course they will say yes because you have asked perfect questions with perfect posture, then you simply ask:

“What address would you like your initial order shipped to? What credit card would you like to use?”

After you have their information, build them a plan on how to spend their time each week to get to their income goal in the time frame they have chosen. Your upline leader can help you with this game plan.

Now it’s time for your assignments:

1. Role play the questions that you should be asking before the trial close and after the trial close so that they flow right off your tongue. Five times a day should be a minimum until they flow.

2. In your conversations with friends and family this week, practice asking questions only. Try to talk or share as little as possible, but ask a ton of questions about what is going on in their world. See how many follow-up questions you can get from one initial question. The results will amaze you!

3. Purchase and begin reading the book “How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling” by Frank Bettger. This is one of the best books I have ever read in how to develop your posture.

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Getting Someone Started—8

















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The Route to Duplication!

I would bet money if you surveyed people in our profession upwards of 80 percent of them do not have a defined system for getting someone started in their business. In the nearly 10 years that I have been actively involved in our profession, I have only come across a few groups that had a great system for helping a brand new person get started in a systematic and predictable way (meaning everyone did the same thing).

The sad thing is people will overcome so many fears, and spend so much time recruiting a person into their business, and then sit back and pray that they can make it. I know because I spent the better part of my career in this category. I didn’t do it because I wanted to, I did it because I didn’t know exactly what to do, who to ask, what to ask, or how to design something that would work for me. That is when I took a leap of faith and attended a conference in Las Vegas, Nevada that changed my career in this profession.

I was introduced to the seven skills we have been discussing at that event. What was the most impactful to my business so far was the time that we spent on the skill of getting someone started. It was here I learned what a new person needs to hear, and learn, to be successful. Everyone CAN be successful in Network Marketing, not everyone will CHOOSE to be successful. To choose to be successful, the first step is to assist your brand new team members to get off to a successful start. If you do this skill right, your people will do it right as well. When you start to get good healthy duplication going the business will become very fun, predictable, and rewarding. Eric Worre taught me at that conference how to set the right expectations with a new person, and how to get them on a path to becoming a professional in Q Sciences. I definitely would not say I am perfect, or even highly skilled, in this area yet. However, the progress I have made is responsible for much of the growth in my business.

As with the other skills that we have covered, the best success you will have here will be because you went about finding, inviting, presenting, following through, and closing in a way that set you up for success in getting that new person started correctly. People will copy whatever you do in your business; both the good and the bad, so becoming skilled in all areas will show people by example how to do the business.

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As you start a new person, a game plan interview is a priceless use of your time. It is very simple to do, and simple not to do. It will set the stage and the expectations for the rest of your working relationship with your new team member. As we go through the components of the getting started interview, you will see this book has been designed to be an in-depth getting started interview, especially in the first few chapters. After going through this chapter, go back and read the first two again and you will see many of the pieces to the interview there. I did this on purpose so if you are brand new, and don’t know everything about our company or products yet, you can still get someone started effectively by simply working through this workbook with them. You could do a chapter a day, or a week, in 10 minute intervals, or you could take a hour and hit all the key points with them and then let them study on their own. The Interview

As soon as you enroll a new member you should schedule the initial getting started interview with them in the first 24-48 hours of them being involved in the business. This will help lock them in, and assist them to feel good about the life changing decision they have just made. Change is difficult, even when we know it is for the best. Let’s help make this change in their lives nothing but positive.

PART ONE – Validate

This should take less than five minutes, but you want to quickly validate their decision to join your Q Sciences team, and let them know that you are proud of them for making the decision that they have made. You need to let them know that they are not alone in this journey, and that you believe in them and know they have what it takes to be successful. Assist them in feeling good about a decision that they made. It is possible they have already had people feed them full of negative information about their future with Q Sciences. We need to let them know that this was a great decision, and reaffirm our belief in them.

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PART TWO - Set their Expectations

Most people come into our profession with unrealistic expectations. Our job is to help the blind to see. It is important that the brand new person understands their success or failure at Q Sciences is up to them. It is not the sponsors job to make them be successful. It is not up to placement, or timing, or the city they live in. These things can have a basis for faster results, but ultimately will not determine success or failure. Success or failure lays squarely on the shoulders of the individual. Let them know that you Love them and will do everything you can to be there for them on this journey, you will assist anyway you can, but you will not do it for them. You will work with them, but not for them. Next you want to say something like this to them: “My job is to get you independent of me as soon as possible. Do you agree that’s a good goal for us to have?” It is important you have their buy-in here. If they are dependent on you, their success is as well. Lastly in this part of the interview, you want them to know that there will be ups and downs in their business. Good days and hard days will happen to us all. You want to find out how they want you to coach them when you see them getting off track in some way. As their coach, you will know if they are having a bad time by their activity and attitude at meetings. Ask them how they would like you to deal with them if they get off track. Do they want you to leave them alone, or be persistent at reminding them why they said yes to Q Sciences in the first place.

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PART THREE - Getting Started Checklist

This can vary a little from team to team, but you need to have a systematic and predictable way for people to get started. This list is not all-inclusive, or all necessary, but will give you some ideas of what should be on the checklist you take them through.

1. Make sure they are set up on appropriate products. They need to have the right inventory to be able to follow your duplication model, as well as making sure they have some for personal consumption. It is very important that people develop an emotional attachment to your products as soon as possible. You also want to make sure their AutoShip is set up and they know how to adjust it when needed.

2. Make sure your new teammate is set up with appropriate tools for following your duplication system. This can be 3-way calls, sizzle calls, brochures, online relationship management system, business cards, videos, CDs, websites, etc. Make sure they have what they need and they know how to use the exposures for effectiveness. We have a lot of great tools at Q Sciences, help them to locate all of the tools they need.

3. Make sure they get connected. Make sure they know when the national calls are and how to find them on the calendar. Make sure they know when the Dr. calls are and how to access past recordings. Get any local meetings in their calendar. Stress the importance of them getting to the next training, conference, or convention. Make sure they are connected on Facebook and are in your email campaign lists. Their ability to connect with our Q Sciences family is critical to their success; make sure they are aware of every possible way to do this.

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4. Make sure they have a basic understanding of our compensation plan, and know exactly what to do to earn their first check, and to get their monthly AutoShip for free. Do not try to have them understand how to become a Crown in detail. It will be overwhelming, and a confused mind is always in paralysis. Just make sure they know they need to have at least three legs that get excited to make some serious money. Answer questions, but don’t get caught in the weeds too much in this area. Less is more. Give them enough to get to work, but not so much they drown.

5. Make sure they have a fundamental understanding of how to properly invite their friends and family to an exposure. Help them choose an exposure that will work for them, and role- play some scripts with them. It is important that you cover this before they have blown their warm market using wrong approaches. This is the main reason to get to them as soon as possible. Don’t make the mistake of assuming they will know how to talk to people, especially if they are in sales. This is different if you want professional results.

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PART FOUR - Getting Paid

It is important that your new teammate experiences success as quickly as possible. We all remember the day we received our first paycheck from the company. For many of us, that is the day it became a real opportunity. That is when I actually believed I could do this and be successful. For most people, without some quick reinforcement they will fade away quickly. Our mission is to help them get that reinforcement as soon as possible so they will continue.

Think of simple actions that you can encourage people to take to:

• Sponsor their first customer

• Sponsor their first teammate

• Earn their first commission check

• Attend their first event

• Get on their first training call

• Develop their product and business story

• Complete the assignments in this workbook$

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PART FIVE - Give Direction

New people crave direction and assignments. Think back to your first day in this profession. It is like being in a foreign country with a new language. People can and will learn rapidly what to do, but you can help the process dramatically by being direct in what they need to do to find early success. Don’t be afraid to give out assignments and follow through daily to make sure they are completed. Just remember that people love assignments and direction anytime they are learning something new.

Create a game plan with some next assignments and deadlines. Three to six specific assignments with a follow through date within a week would be about perfect. So the follow through continues when you enroll someone. Sponsoring is not the destination; it is merely the halfway point. Our goal is to get a prospect fully functional in their business without you being present. Just keep the follow through ball rolling down the hill.

The purpose of all of this is to get your new distributor “over the line.” Another great analogy that I got from Eric Worre. Imagine with every new distributor that you are standing on a beach and there is a line in the sand on the beach. On this side of the line, it is easier for your teammate to keep working the business than it is for them to quit. On the other side of the line, it is easier for the teammate to quit than it is for them to continue with you. Our job is to get the new member on our side of the line as soon as possible. Early success is the surest way to make this happen. Remember, the line never goes away. For as long as you are working in this profession, your job is to keep as many people as possible on this side of the line. You do that by always being aware of where your people are emotionally.

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Ready for your assignments?

1. Review the first two chapters of this book and look for the pieces to the getting started interview. This book is one big getting started interview workbook. Make sure everyone on your team has a copy of this book and work through it with them chapter by chapter, following through all the way.

2. Develop your own getting started checklist that you will use for each new person you recruit. Q Sciences has already included this in the IBO kit, you simply need to walk people through it.

3. Set up some assignments for yourself in your calendar to get yourself over the line. If you need assistance, contact your sponsor or up-line for help on what you should do next. The whole idea here is for your people to work independent of you, for that to happen you need to work independent of your up-line. Take charge of your own future and your own success.

I believe in you, and know you will find answers to life’s challenges here at Q Sciences. We are a family, and you now have many brothers and sisters that care about you and want you to succeed. I am proud of you for taking action to this point in the program. As you implement this training into your life, everything in your life will begin to change.

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Promoting Events—9

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Meetings Make Money!

In our profession so many people seem to be trying to do Network Marketing without networking anymore. While technology has done incredible work to assist us in being successful, it has also seemed to make people in our profession increasingly lazy and willing to just chance getting lucky instead of working toward their dreams.

What do I mean by this? Daily I see people post something on facebook about their company or product. They give everyone in their warm market just enough information so they never answer their calls, but not enough information to actually get them interested or intrigued. They are so excited, but they approach people as a used car salesman, not as a professional network marketer. They actually expect all of their friends and family to contact them and recruit themselves into their opportunity. Trust me, if it was all that easy, our company would do that themselves and not have to pay us great incomes to spread the word. The reality is, you can have a life-changing career here with us at Q Sciences, but you must become skilled at this trade. And the best skill for you to master to quickly increase your income is the skill of promoting events. Don’t try to take events out of your business; they are the very key to your success. Instead focus on learning how to get people to show up at events.

Sure we can all connect online, but nothing will ever replace face-to-face live interaction with another human being. Here is an interesting and important quote first coined by John Naisbitt in 1982, “High tech, high touch.” The phrase has been defined as “embracing technology that preserves our humanness and rejecting technology that intrudes upon it.” In essence it means many technologies meant to free us from mundane tasks (or replace us) can actually do the exact opposite, i.e. sometimes the technology can actually enslave us.

Instead, “high tech, high touch” means people should find a balance between “high tech skills and high touch skills of life, the latter being activities that keep us healthy, creative, and energized.” If babies are not held by a live human being, they do not develop emotionally as they should. You cannot put a Skype monitor in a crib and help the child develop. Likewise, you cannot build emotional attachment and understanding with your team if you do not get around them from time to time. I have built a lot of long distance groups all around the world, so I know that it is not easy to get in front of everyone each week, or even each year in some cases. But you should not believe that you can just Skype, hangout, or webinar with people and get the same results as you would by physically spending time with them. The important thing, if you have a long distance group, is to get them to events with each other as often as possible.

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There are a lot of events in network marketing. You have one-on-one, two-on-one, house meetings, meetings after the meetings, small group, medium group, large group, training events, regional events, national events, and global events. You do not have to be at every event to succeed, but you should attend every event you possibly can.

One event never to miss is the destination event. In Q Sciences we have at least one national or global convention held each year. You need to attend the event each and every year. If possible, try to attend a destination event every 90 days. These can be regional trainings, or Saturday training schools, but they should be somewhere you have to travel to get there and stay in a hotel with other members of your Q Sciences family. Some people say that conventions and events are dead in the new technology day. I totally disagree. Every leader I have personally met who is earning a million a year or more in our profession (and I have had the privilege of meeting and interviewing over 25 such individuals at the time I am writing this), say that events are a key cornerstone to their business building efforts.

Why are destination events so powerful?

1. There is something magical about getting out of your day-to-day routine and focusing your thoughts and energy on what you want out of life. It is harder to dream with your current reality right in your face all the time. It is amazing what a simple change of environment can do to your attitude and your ability to dream.

2. You gain strength by sharing experiences and ideas with the presenters. I have learned how to build this business primarily at events. I can’t tell you how many times I have been searching for an answer to an issue in my business and the answer has come from a speaker at the event. Many times I didn’t really even know what the core obstacle was, and a speaker helped me identify where I needed help. You will get motivation, compassion, understanding, and support from listening to others stories.

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3. You receive “social proof” validation that you made the right decision in getting involved. You will meet other people, just like you, that saw the same thing you saw in our opportunity. You will see people that are less skilled, or less educated that are having huge success, and this will prove to you that you can do this business.

4. You will experience some positive peer pressure. You will see other people that started about the same time you did, and if they are running a little faster you will want to catch up to them because you know you can do at least as well as they are. You will see who is winning awards and qualifying for trips and promotions. Today I use a visualization daily of me getting recognized as a brand new Crown to motivate me and pick me up when I am down.

5. The sense of community you will feel at a destination event will be comforting. Sometimes you will have days that you feel very alone, when no one seems to “get it‚” maybe not even your spouse. At destination events you are surrounded by people that all think the same way that you think, and are all there to support, encourage, and uplift each other. We truly have a better way; it is so nice to leave the cutthroat corporate world behind for a few days.

Once you understand the power of a destination event, you need to learn how to promote that event to your team. The reality is, he or she that has the most number of people from their team at the next destination event will also have the biggest check in the room. Think about it, if I have 10 people that show up and get great training, motivation, and belief, but you have 100 that show up and receive all of the training, motivation, and belief, whose group is going to grow the fastest and be the most successful? The answer is obvious!

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The first step in learning how to be a great promoter of events is to be more committed than anyone else to your personally attending the event. This means you lead by example, and you never miss a destination event. As soon as they announce a date, you register. Buy your tickets first and show everyone at every meeting your tickets or receipt. Get your airline, bus, car, and hotels figured out months in advance and tell everyone how and when you will be arriving. Work out your day care and explain to people how you are doing it. If necessary, arrange for other couples to drive with you and share rooms. I have done events with four couples sharing one room. At the time, it’s nuts, but looking back it is some of my fondest memories. Just be committed and make sure the culture in your team is such that people know how life changing destination events can be.

Once you are committed, the next step is to increase the number of people that attend the event with you. There is a big difference between being a promoter and being an announcer. Most people think that they can just announce that an event is happening and their team will go and buy a ticket and show up. If only it was that easy we would all be wealthy. Promoters make the event a priority in their group and they are relentless in their messaging about it. Share your experiences of how past events have changed everything for you. Share stories of other leaders results at having people attend an event. Be more passionate than you are at any other part of your business. Help people to overcome the obstacles that they will face in attending. Don’t just hope they figure it out and can come, make it happen. This is their future, and your future. Are you really going to leave it to chance? Are you going to let a current financial issue also ruin your future and your dreams for your family? Do not buy someone’s story of why they can’t come, help him or her write a story about how they overcame all obstacles to be there. I know that it is difficult in the beginning to put out the money, and time, when you are not making a lot of income. The irony is you will never make the income you desire if you do not attend. It is a classic example of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Don’t be like the chicken at breakfast, he was merely a participant. Be like the pig, he was 100% committed.

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You can start to develop good skills in promoting destination events by getting great at promoting small local events. Learn how to commit people to being at your weekly meetings, or your house party. Use the inviting scripts and write one out just to invite people to your opportunity meeting. You could say something like “if I can pick you up, will you ride with me?” or “if I can get you some time with _(presenter)_, will you be there?” Don’t just announce an event, make the calls and spend the time to promote and commit people to attend. If you can pack a house meeting, or a local opportunity meeting, then the major events will be easier and easier to get attendance at. As with all the other skills, your proficiency at this skill is based on you performing the other skills well. If you are good at skills 1–6, then your team is progressing and duplicating, and they will naturally want to attend events. If you are not exercising skills in the other areas, your team will be floundering and not seeing much success, which makes it very difficult to commit them to events.

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Now for some action assignments:

1. Get registered right now for the next event that is scheduled. If there is a fee, register and make sure you print your receipt to show everyone. Make all arrangements to be there, and notify your up line and down line that you are coming. Communicating your attendance will further commit yourself to the action.

2. Find out when the next national or global convention is and start to prepare for it NOW. Figure out your budget and figure out how you are going to travel. Start talking about the event with everyone on your team.

3. Schedule an event of your own. This can be a house meeting, training for your team, or even a backyard party just to get everyone together. Have an event and practice promoting it and see how many people you can get to attend.

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Personal Development—10

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It’s a Journey, Not a Destination!

This is by far the most important part of this entire training. I put it at the end for a reason. First, it is human nature to get excited about new things we are exposed too. It is less exciting to hear new reasons to be excited about something we already know we should do, but for whatever reason we are not doing it. The same is true with this training. If I started off talking about the importance of attitude and enthusiasm, most people would tune out the rest of the training because they want to hear something new and fresh that they haven’t heard before. Most of us have been hearing about the importance of attitude since grade school, so it is old news.

I want to be very direct here. If you do not get this chapter right, it does not matter how skilled you become, your success will be totally left to chance and luck. If you do get this chapter right, you can have limited success in developing the other skills, and still strategically build a very large business and income. It is a Daily Commitment

I want to make this as simple as possible, while making sure that we have a game plan for you to develop some good habits. Your personal development and growth will be based on your commitment to do a few simple tasks on a daily basis. It is not something you can work on one day a month, or week, or year and expect to see progress. You need to develop some daily disciplines that become habits. The good news is, it doesn’t have to take a lot of time on a daily basis. It is just a matter of creating some new habits. This chapter will focus on some simple daily disciplines, and when you have those down, we will constantly be adding new pieces to the puzzle to help you create the life that today you are only dreaming about. Remember that your dream life already exists just outside your comfort zone. All you have to do is stretch out that comfort zone to include your dream life, and it will magically manifest itself unto you.

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Radical Change

Most people think if they want to radically change their life, everything in their life has to change. Nothing could be further from the truth. If a plane takes off in New York City, headed for Tokyo, and the pilot travels just a degree or two off course for the entire flight, he/she will miss Tokyo by hundreds of miles. It is just a tiny mistake in trajectory, but a huge miss in outcome. I am going to give you a formula that will create radical change in anyone’s life, and it will only take a few minutes a day.

Become R.A.D.

I am quite sure I will be dating myself here, but that is ok because this is important for you to understand and remember. When I was growing up, if someone did something really great, or something was really cool, we called it “RAD” for radical. You would always hear someone say “that is RAD” or “totally RAD”. If you can remember this acronym and live it daily, I promise your life will change in a very radical way for the better. Make a commitment today that you will become RAD!


Nothing will change your life more than reading 15 minutes a day from a positive, personal development book. Fifteen minutes is not that long, but I know that it can feel like an eternity if you don’t enjoy reading, or are not in the habit of it. I hated reading. When I graduated high school I had probably read from cover to cover the minimum number of books a person could read and still get a diploma. I was very fortunate to meet a mentor at 18 years old that taught me the importance of reading for 15 minutes every day. Not two hours a week, 15 minutes EVERY DAY.

I remember distinctly asking him one day how long I had to read for 15 minutes a day for to find success. His reply was not what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. He said “Joe, you only HAVE to do it until you learn to LOVE doing it. Once you love it, you will never have to do it again.” In the beginning I had to literally force myself to read each day. It was torture, and I hated it. But he had promised me that I would see great success if I would develop this daily discipline, so I stuck with it. It took about two years for me to learn to love reading.

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For nearly 20 years now reading has been my favorite hobby. I truly love it, and I have read hundreds and hundreds of books. Today, I could easily spend days on end just reading, and thoroughly enjoy every minute. I can tell you that nothing I have done in my life has made a more positive impact on my life, than developing a habit of reading for a minimum of 15 minutes each and every day. I will make you a promise, that if you will read for 15 minutes every day from a book on the attached reading list, your life will be radically different from what it is today in two years time.

All leaders that I have ever met, in any profession or endeavor, have been readers. All great readers eventually become leaders. There is just a connection between the two that no one can argue with. In some future training, we will go in depth in exactly how you should read to maximize your results, but for now, the important thing is just that you develop the habit and the daily discipline. Benjamin Franklin once said, “If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”

The amazing thing for most of us today is that we don’t even have to invest money into this knowledge, just some time, and a willingness to read. We live in an age that we have access to more knowledge and information at our fingertips than any other generation that has ever lived. And most of the information can be accessed for free, or for a very small fee. Sadly, most people just don’t take advantage of this incredible fact and won’t even take the time to open a book, or get a library card. Franklin also said “Empty your purse to fill your mind, and your mind will fill your purse.” With a little time, and a little money, you could have a library that scholars from the past would kill for.

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Your life, over time, will become the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. This is true with your finances, your parenting, your spirituality, your physical health, and your emotional health. If you spend a great deal of your time with five people that are depressed, guess what happens to you. If you spend all your time around people that are physically in poor shape and sick, guess what happens to you. If you spend all your time with the homeless, guess what will happen to you. The converse is also true. If you spend all your time with spiritually grounded people, you become spiritually strong. If you dedicate time to be around couples that are amazing parents, it rubs off and you become an amazing parent. If you spend all your time around financially strong people, you start thinking differently about money and your finances change. You see our outer world is created by our thoughts, words, and actions. First come thoughts! Your thoughts are controlled over time by your environment, and you have direct control over who you allow to occupy space in your environment.

I often have people ask me, when they realize their friends or family are a very negative influence on their environment, “how do I change this?” “I can’t just walk away from a lifetime friendship, or ignore my family from now on.” This can be especially difficult if the negative influence is your spouse. I do not propose that you expel anyone from your life. You can learn to limit the association, or at least the negative comments and actions, to a minimum and still maintain the relationship. I have some friends, and even some family whom I love very much, but I also know daily communication with them for long periods of time is toxic to my future. What they choose to focus on is creating less than desired results in their lives, so I choose to associate with them only at times, and in ways, that I know I can mentally and emotionally limit the toxic exposure.

The key to association is not in what you get rid of, but what you add to your life. Over time, the five people you spend the most time around will naturally change. People move, jobs change, people die, and some people just move on because the new and improved version of you doesn’t support their victimhood. Your job is to recognize when one of your five has left, or is leaving, and be very selective whom you replace that person with.

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This is where you may find, as I have, your greatest hidden blessing in the Q Sciences opportunity. One of the most amazing parts of being involved in Network Marketing, and specifically the culture in Q Sciences, is the type of people that it will bring into your life. And there is a natural way of building powerful associations that will move your life forward in a positive way. You need to be associated with your Q Sciences family each and every day.

We have many ways for this to happen. We have conference calls, webinars, local meetings, training meetings, training calls, conferences, and conventions. Years worth of the calls are recorded and archived in your back office. This allows you to be able to associate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call someone, or go online and listen to a recording. Naturally, as you build your business you will be spending more and more time around your Q Sciences family, and the good news is, we are a group dedicated to improving every area of our lives on a daily basis. This means you will naturally be spending more and more time with people that are here to support, uplift, encourage, and celebrate with you. This association will impact your life in every area. It is what I hold most dear about my Q Sciences journey.

Associate daily with your Q Sciences family, even if it is only 5–10 minutes of phone calls with your up line and down line, or listening to a recorded call on your commute, it will begin to shift your thoughts. Time spent listening to any audio that is motivational, positive, or expands your thinking counts here. Track the time that you spend in association with Q Sciences, and make sure that it is, collectively, one of your five key associations!

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D= Dream

The magic that glues it all together is your ability to dream. Hans Selye said, “To make a great dream come true, you must first have a great dream.” Most people today have no clue what they want out of life other than something different than what they have now. And guess what, every day they get it! Life is always changing; nothing ever stays the same every day. So if you don’t know what you want, you are leaving your future to chance. Imagine if you got into a car and headed out on a journey, but the car had no steering wheel. You just got in and hoped you ended up somewhere that you loved. No one would do that, but that is exactly how most people live their lives every day. Just traveling along hoping something great or exciting “pops up.” You can create your dream life, but it will not magically appear if you have no idea what it is. I learned to spend time dream building, or as I like to call it dream-defining about 20 years ago. I would randomly go out and look at houses, cars, boats, RV’s, camping gear, 4-wheelers, vacations, etc. I wasn’t shopping to buy, I just wanted to know what was available for the “having”. Knowing what was available led to setting goals, and that led to acquiring many of the items I would dream about having.

I learned to make dream boards about 10 years ago and it dramatically changed my life. A dream board is where you find images and words of all the things you would like to have in your life, and then you make a collage on a poster board with all of the images that represent the life you want to have. I have to admit that the first time I made one, I kind of thought that it was hokey and weird, but I did it anyway. To my surprise, within a year I was living with, or had experienced over half of the items on my dream board. Now I perform this activity often and magically watch my life change to allow my dreams to become a reality.

Just a few weeks ago I was introduced to the app Pinterest! This is a dream come true for dreamers. I used to have to physically go find my dreams, or buy magazines just to then cut them up. Now you can create dream boards for every subject imaginable FOR FREE! I love FREE! And the ability to design a dream life in minutes is amazing. Then you can share your dreams with friends and have them available in video and full color anytime, anywhere! The universe is conspiring to make all your dreams come true, but you must spend a little time defining what you want and sharing that with the universe so that it can organize the elements to make all your dreams come true. The future truly does belong to the dreamers!

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What will becoming RAD do for you?

Becoming a Reader, Associator, and Dreamer will change everything in your life. But it really is just the beginning. It will put you on a path of personal discovery that will be amazing to experience. You will start to see some of your dreams come true this very year if you will dedicate and track the time that you spend in these three areas daily. As I said in the beginning, this is a journey, not a destination. Becoming RAD puts you as an active participant in the journey.

At Q Sciences we are very committed to helping people on their personal development journey. Over time, with our team, you will learn more and more ways of expanding your personal development program to assist you in achieving all the dreams you have today. You have to start somewhere, and RAD is a great place to begin building a new set of thoughts and beliefs that can change your trajectory just a few degrees.

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Are you ready for some assignments?

1. Start reading 15 minutes each day from the attached reading list. Set up a tracking system and be prepared to report the time you’ve spent reading with your sponsor each week. Do not allow yourself to go to sleep without reading for 15 minutes each day.

2. Start tracking the minutes each day you spend in positive associations with your Q Sciences family. Set a goal for the amount of time you will dedicate each week, and daily track how much time is spent. Identify the top five people (or causes) that you spend the most time with, and make a game plan for the type of people/causes you will replace them with when life changes. If you define ahead of time what type of person you want in that seat, you will attract the right people to your life.

3. Spend at least 15 minutes a day defining your dream life. Again, every day is better than once a week or once a month. Use whatever tool you want, or a combination of all of them, but do it 15 minutes daily. Set up a tracking system to hold yourself accountable, and be ready to report the time you spend in your weekly accountability session.


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The Road Less Travelled—11

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As we come to the end of our time together in this training, my hope is you have actually participated in the assignments, and the material is now yours. If you have not yet completed the assignments, please go back and do the assignments from each chapter. I know it will have a dramatic effect on your business, even if they seem silly or easy. I can make you one absolute guarantee, if you don’t do them, they will not serve you! I am so happy to be on this journey of Q Sciences with you. I honor you for being willing to step out and take control of your future. I respect you for leaving the world of victimhood behind. I appreciate you for trusting in Q Sciences, our team, and me to help guide you on this journey.

We will do everything we can to be there for you each step of the way. It will not always be easy, but it will always be worth it. If you have completed all of the assignments at the end of each chapter, then I am sure you already have a growing team. Make sure you are on our email list, and receive our training videos in your inbox a few times per week. Make sure you don’t miss any training calls. And certainly commit right now to attend every major event for the rest of your Q Sciences career. It is an honor and a privilege to guide you through this journey.

At Q Sciences, we truly have a better way, and the best way for people to create positive change in all areas of their lives. May you be blessed, as you become a blessing to the lives of those you serve.

Ciao for now!

Joe J Melling

Seize the Day!

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Joe’s top 30 books to read. It’s in no particular order, but I strongly suggest you begin with the first five on the list.

The Magic of Thinking BigThe Power of Positive ThinkingHow to Win Friends and Influence PeopleHow I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in SellingThe Secret Code of SuccessThe Greatest Salesman in the WorldThe 7 Habits of Highly Successful PeopleThink and Grow RichThe MagicThe Return of The RagpickerThe Science of Getting RichOutwitting The DevilThree Feet from GoldThe Law of Divine CompensationThe Four Year CareerBeach MoneyAtlas ShruggedThe Greatest Salesman in the World Part 2Holy ScripturesThe Law of Success in Sixteen LessonsThe Master Key SystemThe Richest Man in BabylonRich Dad Poor DadThe Cash Flow QuadrantThe ServantThe SecretThe Four AgreementsGoProThe Prayer of JabezLeadership Gold

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Live Life eXponentially!

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