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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 1

Announcements D2L site up

Homework 1 posted after class on website

Look at the homework early! You have a week to finish – not a week to start! Due in class next Thursday

TA is only Kevin Jones for now Priyanka will join us in ~3 weeks – please don’t visit her until then. Office hours: Kevin – Tuesday 2-4pm, Gould-Simpson 511

Myself – Tue./Thur. 1.45-4pm, Kuiper 524

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 2

Observations Craters, Trenches, Bright/white surface Higher ground on the right, more craters on the left

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PTYS/ASTR 206 – The Golden Age of Planetary Exploration

Shane Byrne – [email protected]

Orbits and Gravity

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 4

Gravity Newton and Galileo

Planetary Shape Flattening The Geoid

Tides Fate of the Moon

Orbits of planetary objects Kepler’s laws

In this lecture…In this lecture…

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 5

Gravity is one of 4 physical forces in nature

Relatively unimportant on small scales …but it dominates the universe at large


Where does gravity operate?Where does gravity operate?

Holds galaxies together

Provides pressure for fusion reactions in stars

Holds planets in their orbits

Holds planets together

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 6

Objects that contain matter (they have mass) attract each other This attractive force is called gravity, e.g.

Your body and the Earth The Moon and the Earth The Earth and the Sun Your body with a comet billions of km away

The force of this attraction depends on three things Mass of the first object

Mass of the second object

How far apart the objects are – e.g. distance between center of planet and objects on the surface

On Earth this force is the weight of the first object

What’s gravity?What’s gravity?

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 7

Galileo was first to systematically investigate gravity

Objects accelerate as they fall i.e. the longer the drop the faster they hit the ground

All objects accelerate at the same rate The famous leaning tower of Pisa experiment Some doubt about whether this actually happened

This acceleration is 9.8 m/s2

0 m/s when you let it go 9.8 m/s after 1 seconds 2*9.8 m/s after 2 seconds etc…

This acceleration is not the same on other planets

e.g. it’s 3.7 m/s2 on Mars

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 8

F = M1 * a1

Fgravity = M1 * agravity

What gives? Is gravity a force or an acceleration? It’s a force that produces an acceleration

Isaac Newton developed modern mechanics – using three basic laws

With no forces operating an object doesn’t change its momentum (m1 * v1 )

A force (F) causes a change in momentum F = M1 * v1 – M1 * v2 = M1 * (v1 – v2) = M1 * a1

When one body exerts a force on another then there is an equal an opposite reaction

My Fgravity = 80 kg * 9.8m/s2

784 Newtons (or ~175 lbs)

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 9

Newton also figured out how to calculate the gravitational force between objects.

Mass of object 1 (M1) Mass of object 2 (M2) Distance between them (R)

Objects behave like points at their centers of gravity

M1 M2


Fgravity = G * M1 * M2


‘G’ is a constant number 6.67 * 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-3

The universal gravitational constant.

What’s my Fgravity with Earth?

M1 = Me… 80 kgM2 = Earth… 5.97 * 1024 kgR = Radius of Earth… 6371 kmR = Radius of Earth… 6.371*106 m

…plug in the numbers…

784 Newtons

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 10

Reality check

Which is greater, the attraction between you and the Earth or you and the Sun?

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 11

Reality check

Which is greater, the attraction between you and the Earth or you and the Sun? The Earth – much closer…

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 12

Reality check

Which is greater, the force on you from the Earth or force on the Earth from you?

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 13

Reality check

Which is greater, the force on you from the Earth or force on the Earth from you? They’re the same – equal and opposite.

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 14

It turns out that gravitational acceleration doesn’t depend on how big your mass is

More mass makes it harder to accelerate

…but… more mass also means a greater gravitational


Just like Galileo’s falling object experiment

Fgravity = M1 * agravity

Fgravity = G * M1 * MEARTH

R2 M1 * agravity = G * M1 * MEARTH


agravity = G * MEARTH = 9.8 m/s2


You can do this for any planet

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 15

Gravity has a strong influence on big bodies Planets are round Particles that formed them we’re reorganized into a spherical shape

…and a weak influence on the small ones. Asteroids tend to be irregular Particles that formed them remain stuck together in haphazard shape

The shape of planetsThe shape of planets

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 16

So gravity makes planets round… That’s not the end of the story Planets are also spinning – creates a centrifugal force All planets bulge at the equator

The faster the spin the bigger the bulge

What Jupiter would look like ifWe make it spin fasterWhat Jupiter currently looks like


Polar areaSpinsSlow

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 17

Combination of gravity and centrifugal forces

Planets mostly round Slightly flattened … but that’s still not the whole story

Planet Equatorial Radius


Earth 6378 km 6357 km

Mars 3396 km 3376 km

Jupiter 71,492 km 66,854 km

Jupiter rotates in only 10 hours Very flattened

Difference in diameters is about the size of the Earth!

We can figure out the expected shape by assuming a fluid planet

The ‘Hydrostatic approximation’

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 18

Also variation underground Mass excesses

Increases gravity

Mass deficits Decreases gravity

Earth looks a lot like this But not quite….

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 19

What does flat mean? Even a fluid planet (flat) has a curved surface Flat means that the gravitational potential is the same

B & C here have the same potential, A has a higher potential

Earth has lumps and bumps (mass deficits and excesses) These lower and raise the equipotential surface A “flat surface” on the Earth is pretty bumpy – called the Geoid


B CLevel ground

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 20

Geoid Varies by about ±100m from the idealized ellipsoid The view below is highly exaggerated You can walk in and out of a ‘hollow’ in the geoid and it will have appeared

flat The geoid is the definition of what is flat

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 21

We saw already that gravity depends on distance

When R is small (close) Fgravity is big This is what causes tides

Tides on Earth are caused by the Sun and the Moon


Fgravity = G * M1 * MEARTH


Close.Strong attraction.

Not so close.Weaker attraction.

Not close at all.Weakest


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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 22

Easier to think of this from the point of view of the center of the Earth Which experiences the average amount of attraction

Earth & Moon rotate around common center of gravity

Each point experiences centrifugal and gravitational forces

Forces at balanced at the center of the Earth

(but not at the surface)

The tidal effect comes from the difference in these forces

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 23

The tidal effect stretches out the planet Not the same as flattening – stretch is in one direction only Deforms the solid rocks Pulls the liquid oceans even more

Tidal bulge points towards the Moon The Sun causes a smaller tidal bulge

View from the top

View from the side

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 24

High tide when you’re pointing toward the Moon (or Sun)

Rotation of the Earth means the ‘high’ and ‘low’ tides come and go

Solar and lunar tides can… Reinforce each other… Spring tide Almost cancel each other… Neap tide

(As usual) that’s not the whole story…

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 25

Tidal bulge doesn’t move exactly with the Moon Earth is a big object Rocks are stiff & hard to deform

Earth rotates and carries the tidal bulge forward The tidal bulge can’t re-adjust fast enough to stay beneath the Moon

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 26

The Earth’s bulge and the Moon can attract each other

Earth’s rotation slows down ~0.002 seconds/century

Moon speeds up And spirals away from the Earth ~1cm / year

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 27

Mars & Phobos Opposite situation – Phobos orbits

faster than Mars spins Phobos is ahead of its tidal bulge The tidal bulge can’t re-adjust fast

enough to stay beneath the Phobos


Mars rotation speeds up

Phobos slows down And spirals towards Mars Its days are numbered

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 28

Observations by Tycho Brahe Done without a telescope!

Kepler’s 3 laws Planetary orbits are ellipses Planets move faster when

closer to the sun The period of a planet’s orbit

is related to its size Big orbits take longer to complete

Orbits Orbits

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 29

Law 1: Orbits are ellipses An ellipse has two foci The further apart the foci are the more

elongated the ellipse With a circle the foci are both in the center and

it’s not elongated at all

The sun is at one of these foci Means that planets are closer to the sun

at some times that others

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 30

We describe how elongated the orbit is by the eccentricity (e). Earth eccentricity is 0.017 – practically a circle!

We describe the size of the orbit with the semi-major axis (a). Half the long-axis of the ellipse


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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 31

Law 2: Objects move fastest when at closest to the sun Perihelion distance = a*(1-e) Aphelion distance = a*(1+e)



These parts of the orbittake the same amount of time

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 32

Law 3: The relation between semi-major axis and period Back in Kepler’s day the periods of planets were easy to measure This law allowed them to be converted into semi-major axis

p is the period (usually seconds) a is the semi-major axis (usually meters) ksun depends on the mass of the Sun.

…but we can make this easier Use years for p Use AU for a Then ksun is just one - i.e. you can ignore it

Careful, this works for things orbiting the Sun

Not other objects

p2 = ksun * a3

p2 = a3

In years In AU

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 33

How about an example? An asteroid takes 2 years to orbit the Sun. What is its semimajor axis?

We know


Use your calculator to figure this out: 4 = a3 So: 41/3 = a The semi-major axis, a, turns out to be 1.59 AU

And another? Io orbits Jupiter every 1.77 days at a distance of 5.9 Jupiter Radii For reasons we’ll talk about later in the course Europa takes twice as long. What’s the size of Europa’s orbit in Jupiter radii?

We know that, for things orbiting Jupiter:

Putting in the Io values of 1.77 for ‘p’ and 5.9 for ‘a’, gives kJupiter = 0.01525 Using that with Europa’s period of 3.54 days: 3.542 = 0.01525 * a3 Then ‘a’ for Europa comes out to 9.4 Jupiter Radii

p2 = a3

22 = a3

p2 = kJupiter * a3

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 34

And another example… Io orbits Jupiter every 1.77 days at a distance of 5.9 Jupiter Radii For reasons we’ll talk about later in the course Europa takes twice as

long. What’s the size of Europa’s orbit in Jupiter radii?

We know that, for things orbiting Jupiter:

Putting in the Io values of 1.77 for ‘p’ and 5.9 for ‘a’, gives kJupiter = 0.01525

Using that with Europa’s period of 3.54 days: 3.542 = 0.01525 * a3

Then ‘a’ for Europa comes out to 9.4 Jupiter Radii

Here we used units of Jupiter radii and days for length and time. Kjupiter depends on the mass of Jupiter, not the Sun

p2 = kJupiter * a3

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PYTS/ASTR 206 – Orbits and Gravity 35

Gravity Newton and Galileo

Planetary Shape Flattening The Geoid

Tides Fate of the Moon

Orbits of planetary objects Kepler’s laws

In this lecture…In this lecture…

Next: Light and Heat from Planets and StarsNext: Light and Heat from Planets and Stars


Chapter 4 to revise this lecture

Chapter 5 for next Tuesday