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Putting Things Into Practice

Theres always things to keep on top of and always more things to learn.

You need to keep a balance between learning and doing.

Its easy to go back to school mode where for most of the lessons we were sitting at a desk learning - thats OK but we need to put things into practice as well.

Putting Things Into Practice

You could be the wisest man or woman on the planet but if you keep the information to yourself, thats no good.

OK, there might be a few exceptions the secret sauce that makes up the ingredients for a best selling product. But, in that case, its only the knowledge of the recipe thats kept secret.

The product itself is out there and being sold.

Putting Things Into Practice

You need to apply the same kind of get it out there logic to your internet marketing.

For me, that happens in a few different ways:

Blog posts usually quite long ones

Videos varying lengths depending on how long the subject needs

Document shares usually the slides from the videos

Forums & Facebook groups


My own products

Putting Things Into Practice

Thats half a dozen ways that I typically put things into practice.

You could probably come up with a similar list.

Its then a matter of putting that list into practice!

Putting Things Into Practice

And it is practice the more you do the various things, the better youll get at them.

Or youll decide that theyre something you never want to do again in this lifetime.

Thats OK. None of us are good at everything.

Putting Things Into Practice

For instance, whilst I can stand up in front of a room full of people and give a talk, thats not something I enjoy most of the time (there are a few exceptions but theyre not usually business related) so its not something thats on my list.

For other people, its one of their favourite things to do and their whole business is geared around webinars and seminars.

So its worth taking a bit of time to work the things that you enjoy that are working for your internet marketing business.

Putting Things Into Practice

OK, there might also be some things you dont enjoy.

But you need to work out whether theyre essential for your business or whether theyre something that actually wont matter if you dont do them.

Thats the beauty of internet marketing there are so many possible things to do that you can often avoid the ones you dont like.

Putting Things Into Practice

Of course, if theres nothing in your business that you like doing then you need to re-think.

But hopefully thats not the case, otherwise youd have got out of internet marketing and chosen a different career.

Once youve got your list of things you need to do to push your business further forward, its time to start doing them.

Putting Things Into Practice

Ive talked before about the danger of becoming a perpetual student and its easy to do when a market is big.

Id agree that its worth setting some time aside to learn new things.

But Id suggest that its even more important to set time aside to put things old and new into practice.

Putting Things Into Practice

The Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) is often quoted for a lot of different areas in life and I think this is another good place to put it into practice.

Adjust the figures so they work for you but a good aim would be that for every hour you spend learning about internet marketing, you spend 4 hours putting what youve learned into practice.

Thats the 80/20 principle in a nutshell.

Putting Things Into Practice

For a lot of people, the ratio is turned round.

They spend maybe 4 hours learning new things and then spend maybe an hour putting them into practice.

That doesnt work very well.

Youll often learn more (and learn it quicker) by actually doing things.

Putting Things Into Practice

Think about it in other areas of life:

A toddler puts learning to walk into practice 100% of the time they dont sit down with a book or mum or dad, they learn by doing

When you learned to ride a bike, it was much the same

Driving lessons much the same. A bit of theory but mainly practice

So why should your internet marketing be any different?

Putting Things Into Practice

The only reason I can think of is that we go into school mode rather than practical learning mode.

Those hours studying books followed by a relatively short period of time writing a report or an essay.

Theyve trained us to be always learning rather than putting what weve learned into practice.

Putting Things Into Practice

OK, some subjects were different we had to do sums in maths to prove wed got the processes right.

But subjects like history or geography were mainly spent with our nose in a book.

So you probably need to adjust how you approach your internet marketing.

Putting Things Into Practice

Treat it the same as the more practical subjects youve learned at school and in life.

And apply the 80/20 rule to the time you spend on your internet marketing.

That doesnt mean you have to time everything down to the last second.

But it does mean that you shouldnt be spending most of your time researching the next new thing.

Putting Things Into Practice

If youd like more practical help with your internet marketing, click this link and join my list.

Ill regularly send you lots of relatively short and definitely useful tips to help get you to the next level with your internet marketing.

So click the link now, join me, then start putting what you learn into practice in your internet marketing business.