Download - Pushing Visualforce to the Limits, Without Apex

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Pushing Visualforce to the LimitsWithout Apex

Joseph, Ucuzoglu, The Broad Center, Deputy Director of Information Systems

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All about Session Goals / Agenda

Provide you with some useful takeaways and entertainment!

▪ Add/Delete VF fields within the declarative interface

▪ Creating tabbed object layouts with Visualforce

▪ Embed Visualforce pages into your website

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My #1 Challenge, Help You Avoid this….

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I may want to show you this

But your mind wants to know more about this…

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No need to take notes!All code samples,the presentation, and more…

will be posted in Chatter

So relax and enjoy the show

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Unfortunate Business of theSafe Harbor SlidePlease welcome my organization’s Operations Associate

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Safe harborSafe harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If any such uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions proves incorrect, the results of, inc. could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements we make. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking, including any projections of product or service availability, subscriber growth, earnings, revenues, or other financial items and any statements regarding strategies or plans of management for future operations, statements of belief, any statements concerning new, planned, or upgraded services or technology developments and customer contracts or use of our services. The risks and uncertainties referred to above include – but are not limited to – risks associated with developing and delivering new functionality for our service, new products and services, our new business model, our past operating losses, possible fluctuations in our operating results and rate of growth, interruptions or delays in our Web hosting, breach of our security measures, the outcome of any litigation, risks associated with completed and any possible mergers and acquisitions, the immature market in which we operate, our relatively limited operating history, our ability to expand, retain, and motivate our employees and manage our growth, new releases of our service and successful customer deployment, our limited history reselling products, and utilization and selling to larger enterprise customers. Further information on potential factors that could affect the financial results of, inc. is included in our annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year and in our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the most recent fiscal quarter. These documents and others containing important disclosures are available on the SEC Filings section of the Investor Information section of our Web site. Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other presentations, press releases or public statements are not currently available and may not be delivered on time or at all. Customers who purchase our services should make the purchase decisions based upon features that are currently available., inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.

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Special Guest Safe Harbor Slide VocalistXoichitl Flores

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You ALWAYS need APEX to do really cool stuff…

That’s like saying *ALL* Safe Harbor slides are boring!

• Code Deployments

• Test Coverage

• Governor Limits

• Longer to Develop

• Difficulty

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Use 1

Problem:We want to allow Administrators to add/delete fields from some VF pages without having to edit VF code.

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Use 1

Solution:Use Fieldsets on our VF page and then add/remove fields via the field set within the declarative interface.

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Why not just expect people to edit the VF code?

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Adding a fieldset is easy> Select your object > Field Set (Beta) > New

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In Practice

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A very simple Visualforce page with a Field Set

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Problem:The page layouts for objects are getting too long and unwieldy. It is becoming difficult / time consuming to find information.

Use 2

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Use 2

Solution:Re-architect the layout within Visualforce utilizing tabs to present information concisely.

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How did we get such large records?

We came to an understanding organization wide.

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 1

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 2

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 3

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 4

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 5

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 6

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 7

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 8

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 9

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 10

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Bloated Contact Layout - Page 11!!!

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Tabbed layout

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Tab Panel / Detail SectionTab Panel Detail Section

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Including Related ListsRelated List Apex Tab

Locating the List Value

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Bonus Tip – Colored Active Tab

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Putting it all together

Create your Visualforce Page

Jeff Douglas Blog – Using Related Lists in Visualforce Pages

Create tabbed pages in VisualForce

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Problem:We want to display/accept information from a custom object within our organizations website.

Use 3

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Use 3

Solution:Create a Visualforce page and embed it into our website using a Sites page.

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Step #1 – Create the Visual Force Page

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Step #2 – Create the Sites Page

• Update Custom Object Permissions

• Adjust Field Level Security (Mark necessary fields as Visible)

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The side by side comparison

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Step #3 – Embed the page utilizing an iFrame

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Putting it all together

Create your Visualforce Page

Edit the Guest User Profile Permissions

Create a Sites Page

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Quick RecapWhy Visualforce (without Apex)

Examples we explored▪ Add/Delete VF fields within the declarative interface▪ Creating tabbed object layouts with Visualforce▪ Embed Visualforce pages into your website

• Code Deployments

• Test Coverage

• Governor Limits

• Longer to Develop

• Difficulty

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Create PDF documents from VF pages (Including auto page numbering)

Create Dynamic Tables in Visual Force in 3 steps

Additional Bonus Materials *not shown in the presentation*

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Create PDF documents from PDF pages (Including auto page numbering)

Create Dynamic Tables in Visual Force in 3 steps

All Materials will be posted in the Session Chatter Feed

Use Fieldsets to Modify Fields on Visualforce pages

Consolidate Data Presentation With Tabbed Layouts

Collect data from a public website and record that information in Salesforce

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Joseph Ucuzoglu

Deputy Director of Information Systems,The Broad Center

Xochitl Flores

Operations Associate,The Broad Center

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