Download - Purchase mtp kit in your budget


• Abortion is a procedure of terminating the unexpected pregnancy by the elimination of the fetus and placenta from the mother’s womb.

• Failure of any contraceptive method

• Personal and professional issues

• Health hazard to mother and child

• Due to any tense events like rape and incest, etc.

• Economic condition is not good

• Medical abortion- Medical abortion is completed with the aid of some oral pills like MTP kit, Abortion pill, Mifeprex, Korlym kit and RU-486. It is non-surgical and non-evacuation process of abortion.

• Surgical abortion- Surgical abortion is carried out with the help of surgical instruments and anesthesia. All surgical process of abortions is done in the hospital under the observation of special gynecologists. It involves the dilation and evacuation process is done to terminate the pregnancy up to 20 weeks.

• Pregnancy terminating pill (MTP kit) comprises two foremost energetic constituents such as Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

• Mifepristone works as an Anti-progesterone hormone and it helps in the methodology of finishing the progesterone hormone in ladies. Progesterone hormone is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy in females. Mifepristone includes inhibiting the supply of oxygen and other nourishing elements to the fetus through placenta. Mifepristone decreases the amount of progesterone hormones in the ladies. It splits the lining of uterus in a few seconds.

• Misoprostol helps in the contraction of uterine wall and it removing of the fetus from the mother’s womb along with tissues and blood clots. It is useful to end the early pregnancy up to 9 weeks/ 63 days of gestation period.

• MTP kit consists of total 5 pills, in which 1 tablet of Mifepristone and 4 tablets of Misoprostol.

• Usual dose of Mifepristone- Mifepristone is available in the strength of 200 mg. The dose of Mifepristone administered as orally with a full glass of water. The 1 tablet of Mifepristone is used as a single dose on the first day.

• Usual dose of Misoprostol- Misoprostol is available in the strength of 200 mcg. The dose of Misoprostol is taken as orally or vaginally. The 4 tablets of Misoprostol are taken on the third day.

• On day-14- A post treatment analysis is to done on the day-14. The examination test is carried out with the help of ultrasound or sonography.

• Stomach pain

• Feeling of nausea

• Severe headache and fatigue

• Fever

• Heavy and prolonged vaginal bleeding

• Avoid the utilization of this kit, if you are oversensitive to generic Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

• Intake of liquors should be avoided along with this kit.

• This kit is strictly inadvisable in the instance of ectopic pregnancy.

• If you are not sure about your pregnancy, so don’t take this kit at any cost.

• Anemic and leukemic patients should not take this kit without gynecologist’s consult.

• If you are previously consuming any corticosteroid drugs line Dexamethasone and Prednisone.

• It is safe, secure and reliable method of abortion

• It is very cost effective

• It can be easily taken at home without any kind of difficulty

• No use of surgical instruments and anesthesia.

The Cost of MTP kit is very cheap and reasonable and it can be easily purchase by anyone at affordable cost.