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Page 2: Pulp Fiction Micro Analysis

Introduction: Purpose0 Conversation between two actors in a coffee

shop while eating dinner, located on a motorway.

0 It portrays the aspect that the male character is smoking and is lying back, very relaxed, this suggesting non-conformity, and his common use on swearing suggests he is a rebel. He also is very persistent and has a lot of knowledge of the subject they are talking about. Whereas it portrays the female character as a slightly weird and crazy women. Bu the women sitting up straight, and she sounds nice and happy in contrast to the man.

0 Important aspects of the location that is represented is that it is a coffee shop on the motorway. I know this because there is diegetic noise of the traffic, as well as the big window you can see the cars.

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0 It develops a relationship between the male and and the female character as they seem very close, they also know a lot about each other and they discuss what they’vedone before, and kiss showing they are in some sort of relationship.

0 I think it aims to create suspense and excitement for the audience as the audience wants to know what happens when they rob the coffee shop and they also want to find out how successful they were in previous robberies. It also makes the audience want to find out why they need to rob places.

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Mise en Scene0 The location is a coffee shop on a

motorway this shows that the couples are just ordinary and that they are both dressed as excepted in a diner. This goes against the genre of crime-gangster film as you only find out by listening to the conversation you realise they aren't normal citizens.

0 They are in a coffee shop diner which has a large window behind the characters, this gives the viewer an idea of the location and where the diegetic sound of traffic is coming from.

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0 The costumes of the characters are very casual and don’t say to much about the characters apart from they are not you're stereotypical view of gangster criminals would be wearing for example dark suits and black glasses, discussing criminal plans in dark not busy places. This goes as against that brightly lit and busy daytime scene.

0 The props used in the opening sequence are a cigarette that the man was smoking, this shows there is part of him that is stereotypical gangster. The coffee creates meaning showing the audience where the scene is set. The gun shows the audience that the male character is dangerous and serious about robbery.

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Cinematography0 I think the sequence is shot

conventionally, apart from some unusual shots like this low medium shot of the couple talking as well as the long over the shoulder shot.

0 Long shots are used when establishing the location for the audience.

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0The characters have the same amount of close ups as it goes from one character to the other, shot reverse shot, as they are having a conversation. The close ups show the emotion and expression of the characters giving the audience a better understanding.

0The close ups on the coffee back up that it is in a coffee shop diner. The close up of the gun show the audience that it is serious and that they are actually going to rob the diner.

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0A low medium shot is used at the start of the sequence, this shows that the couple look like ordinary people having dinner and coffee in a diner. This also represents that the audience are looking up at them giving them authority over us.

0There was a high close up shot of the gun in the male characters hand. This shows that he is going to be using it and the high shots represents that he is serious about the robbery.

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0 The camera slowly pans round whilst simultaneously zooming in. This is the first shot where the camera has actually moved in the shot, rather than cutting between shots like before. I think this is done to show increased interest in the man, as it has gone from a conversation about robberies to the actual suggestion that they rob the diner.

Energy is created through the editing as the over the shoulder shot leads to a reverse shot showing how the women is listening to what the man is say. As well as the match on action of the waitress pouring coffee. The editing is done fast.

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0 I don’t think handheld camera work was used as all the shots were straight and level as if they were on a tripod.

0The first shots has high-key lighting from the larger window behind the characters. I don’t think the colours create a moss or interest because the lighting, daylight, is the same throughout the sequence.

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Editing0 The sequence uses continuity

eating because it maintains a continuous and clear narrative of the following actions.

0 There are no use of jump cuts or the film being sped up or slowed down. 0Establishing shot was used at

the start of the sequence to show the location to the audience. Shot reverse shot and match on action was used.

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0 There were no crosscutting of two locations, the location stayed the same throughout the sequence.

0 There were more cuts when the characters were talking about actually robbing the diner. This creates tension for the audience.

0The editor just uses straight cuts as they are having a conversation. He doesn't’t break the 180 degree rule. He uses on jump cut when the male character smashes the gun on the table, as this brings the audiences focus to the gun.

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Sound0 The main source of sound is the

diegetic sound of the couple having a conversation about robbery.

0 Diegetic sound, In the form of background conversation and activity and quiet music being played, as well as the sound of traffic, letting the audience know they are in a busy environment.

0 The sound of the gun being slammed on the tables was enhanced to grab the audience attention and let them know he is serious.

0 No special effects were used in this opening sequence.

0 The dialogue in the sequence gives purpose to the sequence, it also gives understanding to the audience of what the characters have done before and relationships between them as well as what the film is going got be about