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  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration



    By Tony Teegarden

    Report + Worksheets

  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    My name is Tony Teegarden and I believe you, myself and

    everyone else here on this big blue marble flying through

    the vastness of space, finds ourselves here for a reason.

    We have a reason for existing.

    You and I have a purpose for being here.

    We have gifts that can be and should be opened right

    now in the present time. Thats why its called The

    Present, because right now is the gift and its the only

    sure thing weve got to work on.

    When we discover it, we no longer require motivation. In

    some way, you and I are meant to make a difference in

    peoples lives. Part of that discovery process requires you

    and I to continually awaken ourselves to the vastness of

    being present and not only acknowledging this truth, but

    doing something with it.

    You see, today I realize life is more than just about

    improving ones status in life. Its even more than just

    about the quality of our health, wealth & relationships.

    Those are extremely important but theyre just a piece of

    the puzzle.

    Yes, you need to be successful in those areas of life but

    have you taken a moment to consider why?

    You need your health for the energy to serve, you need

    the wealth for the ability to create experiences for others

    and you need the relationships to complete the dynamic

    of contributing to something larger than just yourself.

    You see, you do need those pieces to be in alignment not

    only for self satisfaction, which is important but more

    importantly, the world needs you to be successful.

    In spite of all the struggle, strife and at times seemingly

    negative unappreciative circumstances...The world needsyou to be successful physically, spiritually, financially and

    in your relationships so you can contribute to those

    around you.

    This piece of work is dedicated to a space and time

    where I woke up to the fact that my everyday efforts were

    more than just about what I could do for Tony Teegarden

    togetmore. Its about my journey of ultimately asking the

    question,How can I effectively give more?

    I didnt know it at the time, but this was the question

    that was quietly calling out from within me. I just

    wasnt listening. I thought if I got more, Id feel more.

    I discovered that the choices I thought I had made up

    till that point in time, were really made by second

    hand values. What I mean is those choices werent

    really my choices at all. I woke up to the fact that I

    was actually the effect in my life and not the cause.

    The paddle is the cause. The ping pong ball is the

    effect. When I committed to becoming cause in my

    life, I realized it was my responsibility to do all I

    could to be the paddle. I no longer requiredmotivation.

    I find myself able to give more today by being the

    cause in my life and by causing better choices to

    occur. If the paddle represents cause in your life,

    self-efficacy would be the belief that you can hit the

    ball. So it behooves you to explore self-efficacy and

    what you can do to nurture it.

    This report is about me making this discovery and

    how you can begin to as well so you can feel more

    in control of your emotions, your work and your life.

    This work begins to explore why we struggle with

    motivation and self-efficacy. We will explore living

    through inspiration rather than seeking constant

    motivation. Because theres is a difference between

    the two and the world desperately needs you to

    know it. - Tony

    Photo by Sharla Iswari Patrick
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Pulling Back the

  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    How old are you

    right now?He

    asked me as......he looked at me from across thetable.

    How old? He asked again, with acurious tone to his voice.

    Im 27, I said a bit sheepishly as Iwas wondering where he was goingwith this.

    He then sat up slightly, leaned over abit and said quite frankly,

    Take your age and add your wifesage to yours.

    I looked at him while doing so.

    Have the total?

    Yes, of course I do, I said stillconfused.

    Now as you write that number

    down, add up...

    ...all of the combined number of

    years you have been here on earth

    ...all of the combined number of

    years of education youve acquired

    ...all of the combined number of

    years of training you have been


    ...all of the years combined youve

    worked at a job, jobs or business

    ...and all of the

    combined years of life


    I was writing numbers down, pausing

    only for a moment to look over at mywife to make eye contact and confirm

    her numbers Id written down.

    Added them all up?

    Um, yeah. The total is 53 years

    between my wife and I.

    Then he asked the question.

    Its the same question youre going to

    have you ask yourself but Ill warn

    you that there are risks in doing so.

    The risk is that you wont

    ever be able to go back to the

    way things were before. Youwont see your life the same as

    you did.

    And you wont see yourself the

    same either. If youre anything

    like me, it may even keep you up

    at night.

    Heres the question:

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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    All of A

    Sudden All Of

    My Choices

    Up To That

    Point Flashed

    Before Me.

    Take a moment and ask yourself,

    with 53 on this planet and nearly 23

    years invested in all of these otherareas of education and

    such....where are you financially,

    physically and in what condition are

    your closest relationships today?

    He paused for a moment.

    How do you feel deep down about

    them withoutcomparing yourself to

    anyone or anything?

    I just sat there for a moment.

    All of a sudden, all of my choices up

    to that point and time in my life

    flashed before me.

    The path I traveled up till then didnt seem so colorful anymore...
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    I was working

    more hours

    thanI think

    existed in a


    You see, I was selling mobile homes

    at the time and sure, financially, I

    was doing pretty damn good. But

    at what cost? I began asking


    I was working more hours than I

    think existed in a week.

    I was overweight.

    I lived on coffee it seemed.

    I had lost touch with most all

    of my friends.

    I barely got to see my


    And the fact was, I

    really didnt like what

    I was doing. I just

    prided myself on

    making good

    money for a kid

    with just a high



    Truth is, until I

    met my wife I wasjust as broke as

    anyone else just on a different

    financial level.

    I was spending just as much, if not

    more, than I made and attempting

    to fill a void I felt. Oh and I hadnearly died twice on drug overdoses

    about 4 years earlier.

    The truth met me in that moment. I

    couldnt compare my results to

    anyone else because of the way he

    framed the question and I realized

    somewhere I had

    swayed from MY internal calling.

    I was just chasing money for the

    sake of it validating my self-worth.

    My underlying thoughts were, The

    more I made, the more I must beworth. The less I made, the less I

    must be worth.

    Sounds completely irrational I

    know, but when youre standing in

    your own stuff it can be difficult to

    see it.





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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    So when you ask yourself questions like:

    Do I have enough in savings and assets to sustain your current lifestyle for the

    next 5, 10, 20, or 40 years?

    Am I close?

    Do I have anything saved at all?

    Is my health in optimal shape or have I sacrificed it because Im too busy trying to make a living or being

    there for everyone else? Have you decided youre just never going to be skinny instead of just focusing on solid healthy eating

    principles and drinking lots of water?

    Are your relationships everything you desire them to be or do you find them in constant drama and chaos?

    Ask Yourself, How important are any of

    these to you?
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Are you

    running on



    Comparison kills inspiration and

    ultimately contribution, so make

    sure the answers are your own and

    not based on someone elses value

    system. (Second hand values)

    If youre not sure what I mean, its

    Ok. Were going to dig into this

    values concept in a little bit. So

    look at how many years youve been

    on this big



    called earth

    ask yourself:

    How many years of schooling

    youve had like trade schools,

    college, grade school?

    How many years youve worked ata job or jobs?

    How much training & education

    outside of that youve gone


    And ask yourself, Is what youve

    been doing all this time gotten you

    the results you are really looking for.

    Im talking about the kind of results

    that lend to your feelings of true

    satisfaction, fulfillment and pride

    around your


    Ask yourself, Ss where I am today

    in my health, wealth and

    relationships where I thought I

    would be 15 years ago? 10 yearsago? Or even 5 years ago?

    Do you feel youre off track?

    On track?

    Or without tracks?

    Heres a bigger question, are you

    running on your tracks or on

    someone elses? Have you been

    trying to figure out why youre not

    motivated or juiced in life?

    Do you really know yourself well

    enough to understand what

    motivation is in relation to what

    inspires you? Have you done that

    kind of work?
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Discovery And


    Ive Failed in the

    Past.. living my life in a way that was

    truly fulfilling to me. But today I can

    look back and say, Im glad I did.


    Because without the experiences I

    wouldnt have spent

    as much time asking the questions

    and figuring it out like I have.

    I made a few key, consistent errors.

    They were common errors that were

    caused by my mental hard-wiring

    and my inability as a human being

    to calculate the long term effects of

    my decisions I was making at the


    Without doing the work and

    becoming conscious of them, I

    would have kept on making the

    same errors in judgement.

    When you discover these errors and

    you overcome them you can take

    control of your life and

    live it with at least the possibility of

    living an inspired life. I call it living

    your life out loud.

    Will there be days that you seem to

    be up against all odds and want to

    quit, give up or swear like a sailor?

    You bet. Or at least I have.

    One of the biggest sources of our

    suffering, and the biggest source of

    these errors I mention, is trying to

    live our life by other peoples value


    You see our values are reflected in

    our every day choices. The question

    is, how conscious are you of what

    you really value?

    Are you living your life

    based on your values? Or

    are you living it by other

    peoples values? These are

    what I call second hand


    When you invest the time to

    discover your values, do your

    best to live by them

    consciously, align those values

    with a bigger vision to help and

    serve others, you find yourself

    driven to live your life from the

    inside out rather than requiring

    motivation to drive you from the

    outside in.


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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration




    live a Life

    they think


    supposed to

    If you dont learn about and discover

    these errors youre going to keep

    making them, and youll continue

    down a path of living your life on

    other peoples tracks

    rather than


    inspired to

    lay down

    your own.

    Otherwise youll find yourself

    looking for more and more outside


    Youll consciously set goals that are

    aligned with other peoples valuessystems but unconsciously continue

    to try and act upon your own

    hidden values. This is what we call a

    moral dilemma and it causes self

    sabotage and frustration.

    Youll begin to wonder if there is

    something wrong with you because

    youre not getting your desired

    outcomes and if you are you dont

    feel fulfilled once you do.

    You will fall into the

    more trap where you think more

    stuff will fill the void. More Sex,

    more food & more toys. You may get

    it all but at what cost?

    The problem is many people attemptto live a life they think theyre

    supposed to. Social Idealism's are

    the source of human suffering.

    Idealism's that no one lives by but

    everyone attempts to live by that

    aren't realistic.

    This is the cause of much of our

    suffering and seeking out constant

    outside motivation.

    Ultimately if you dont grasp this

    concept, youll have less control of

    your life and will be at the mercy of

    those who understand these errors

    and concepts.

    Think of it like this, as long as you

    dont do the work, they will be the

    cause in your life and youll be the

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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    It doesnt have to be

    that way.If you want to get control of your entire life...then you must educate

    yourself and learn how to think on these things Im going to touch on in

    this report.

    No one is going come along and figure this out for you. So strap yourself

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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    14,600 More



    Consider the fact that you have at

    least another 40 years here on earth.

    When you brake that down into

    days, you have 14,6000 days to go.

    Or look at it this way:

    You have 40 more

    Christmases (depending on

    your faith of course)

    You have 40 more Thanks


    You have 40 more days to

    celebrate your birth here

    Makes you realize just how precious

    the time you have left here doesnt


    Since you have 14,600 days, you

    need to decide what you're going to

    do with those 14,600 days. Will you

    keep doing what you're doing or

    will you figure out what you're

    going to do differently?

    At your current rate, if you were to

    look back on your life and those

    14,600 days were over, would you

    say you did everything you could

    with everything

    you were given? Or did you leave

    some on the table?

    Will you continue to struggle or just

    maintain the status quo?

    The vast majority of people will

    continue to struggle and very few

    will be able to even maintain. An

    even smaller fraction go on to

    explore their possibilities.

    You think its just because they are


    I dont think so.

    Does Anyone Understand


    If you were to stop the

    average person on the

    street and ask them to tell

    you what motivation is,

    where it comes from, what

    causes it to work or what

    causes it not to work, youd

    get a lot of different answers:

    1)Many have no idea

    2) Most will give you a very

    fuzzy answer3) Some would tell you thats

    what thosepositive thinker

    types sell you on


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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Because A



    Direction of

    their lives

    There are 300 million people in the

    U.S. alone and over 7 to 8 Billion

    people on the planet.

    From the very moment we came

    into this world we were dependent

    on everyone around us for all of our

    physical needs.

    We didnt have any judgements or

    attachments of our own.

    We lived inspired lives doing what

    came naturally. That is until webegan to hear the words and phrases

    such as:


    Stop that

    You cant

    Be realistic

    Here is what you need to do

    You probably struggled with them

    and fought them about it but it was

    of no use.

    They continued until you bent to

    their ways.

    The very same people who raised

    us, learned everything they believeto be true from the generation

    before them and so on, and so on.

    How did it keep happening?

    Dinner Table Talk

    Consider this for a moment. What

    was your dinner table talk like whenyou were growing up?
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    How do you

    think your

    parents Dinner

    Table Talk went?

    Was the talk at the table inspiring?

    Was it about goal setting?

    Was it about how fortunate

    you were as a family and

    what those goals would mean

    to the family?

    Was it about the mission and

    greater purpose your parents

    were on and how their

    current goals supported that


    Dinner table talk, at least for

    me, was very very different

    growing up.

    It was charged by what

    my folks saw on the

    news, what they heard

    at their jobs, and

    what was read in the

    news papers and

    magazines. (Like

    The Enquirer)

    How much of

    it was


    charged do you



    All of this news content was

    generated by a system that seems to

    have been designed to keep uspreoccupied.

    How do you think your parents

    parents dinner talk sounded?

    Probably much the same.

    As long as there has been big media,

    there has been some


    of propaganda that is meant to sway

    what we value most.

    It's the very same system that you

    you've continued to be influenced

    by today because your parents wereraised by it and their parents, and

    their parents as well. Almost

    everyone around us experiences it.

    Weve been unknowingly force fed

    the notion by those before us and

    around us that were to follow a

    specific path in life because if we

    dont, were somehow going to fall

    behind the social norm.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Everyone has

    been eating at the worldsbiggest dinner table and the dinner talk hasnt

    changed much at all. I would even suspect today gotten its

    even worse.

    How much good news do you really hear on your local TV station at 5:00?

    My parents, your parents and their parents obviously arent bad people, they were just under the same impression

    you were. These are the tracks we must follow if we want to fit in.

    Ask them why and they would tell you, Just because, thats how it is. Thats reality

    The truth is many people fear criticism and not belonging to their tribe. Its in those moments of deciding to not rock

    the boat, they abandon their childhood voice of inspiration without even knowing it. Just like they were taught to do

    as a child.

    People fear criticism and not belonging.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    6000 Years Later

    and still the

    same problems

    If you look back at 6000 years of

    recorded history, Im betting 97% of

    those people have felt the same way

    many do today.

    Frustrated, unsettled, discontent and

    unfulfilled with their daily routines

    and lives.

    They have always struggled with the

    same problems. Its why history

    repeats itself so often:

    Not enough money

    Poor Health

    Lack of fulfilling and loving



    From day one they where taught to


    Dress a certain way

    Speak a certain way

    Act in a certain way

    Today were programmed to:

    Eat certain food

    Listen to certain music

    Watch certain TV shows

    Wear specific types of


    Drive a certain kind of car

    Hang out within certain clicks

    ...And when you do all this, then

    youll be accepted and foundattractive by your piers. If you dont,

    youre wont be accepted.

    And so begins your journey to desire

    exterior validation and the birth of

    outside motivation.

    As Dr. Phil says, As a child

    growing up we are these blank

    slates and those who think they

    know better than us write what they

    think is best on our slate.

    At first you wipe off what they write

    and begin writing for yourself. Youre

    told NO time after time and after

    much struggle and fighting against

    this process, you finally give up.

    You begin to act out in ways that are

    more from an approval seeking

    place than from what feels right or

    that is in natural alignment with

    who and what you really are.

    Only you know if what youre doing

    with your life right now is in

    alignment with your natural talents

    and gifts. Only you.

    If so, youve broken free and have a

    much different journey in front of

    you right now. One of inspiration,

    where motivation isnt required.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    What Is



    Why do we hear about it all the

    time and why do so many people

    think its so important?

    How does it work?

    The Definition ofmotivation - to

    give reason, incentive, enthusiasm,

    or interest that causes a specific

    action or certain behavior.

    ...To give reason... or incentive..

    To me this means it takes something

    outside of ourselves to make us do

    something. How often that

    something aligns with our highest

    values is whats in question.

    You see were not lazy, were just

    acting on whats most important to

    us in the present moment. What that

    is, is probably what we hold most

    important in our hierarchy of values.

    You dont feel like making cold calls

    to sell stuff?

    Guess what? Its because youre not

    acting on your highest values. You

    dont see it as truly valuable.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Or youre just not linking up the act of making

    cold calls to how it will serve you temporarily as

    well as your highest values long term.

    Chances are youre forcing yourself to do

    something that internally you dont really

    see as highly valuable. If you did youd be

    inspired to do it and wouldnt need to

    seek motivation. Heres an example of

    what I mean:

    How many times did my parents

    yell at me as a kid for playing

    guitar instead of doing

    something else they thought

    was more important? They

    thought I just needed to be

    motivated to see it their way.

    They were projecting their values onto me. Attempting to force

    upon me what was important to them rather than communicating to me

    through my values and what was important to me.

    Instead they called me lazy, a dreamer and that I was destined to be a loser.

    Did that mean I really was lazy or going to be a loser?

    No! I didnt need any motivation to play guitar. I was inspired to do so for

    hours upon hours. I was following my inner most dominant passion.

    It eventually lead me to recording a album that is to this day still distributed

    all around the world. I also had my 21st birthday playing in front of 10,000

    people in Poland while on tour with that band. That album has helped inspire

    thousands of people all over the world to follow their musical passions. I still

    receive acknowledgement nearly 20 years later from fans who friend me on

    Facebook.So you tell me, inspiration or motivation?

    Lets first take a look at the birth of Inspiration and the difference between

    motivation and inspiration.

    Cynic 1993
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Motivation Vs


    Which one


    To take inspired action I feel its

    important to know yourself. This

    means to acknowledge who you are

    from the inside out.

    1. Motivation is when you

    need outside influence to

    get you to do something

    that isnt important to you

    or not in your highest


    2. Inspiration is when you

    take action on things that

    matter most to you. No one

    needs to tell you to do it or

    even how to do it. You just

    go after it.

    What we value most in life we act

    upon and requires no outside


    I believe it really is that simple.

    When you discover what inspires

    you from within you dont battle

    against procrastination. You either

    do it, delegate it or dump whatever

    is required to be done.

    Its just what needs

    happen on the way to your


    I have a good friend of mine who is

    physical trainer, is 50 years old and

    has the body of a 30 year old.

    He said something to me one time

    that always stuck.

    He said:

    Tony, there may be days I

    absolutely dread working out,

    (not many) but the result from

    doing it anyway such as how I

    feel about myself, the ability to

    be able to play with my kids and

    the energy it takes to run my

    business so I can contribute to

    my customers, all rely on my

    ability to choose the long

    term result over the short

    term pain of working out.

    You can see his values drive

    his everyday choices and

    more importantly hes

    conscious of them.

    Ask yourself, what do you

    think he values?

    The Good News And The

    Bad News

    The good news is maybe youre

    one of the few who has already

    been listening to

    motivational stuff.


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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    The bad news is just because youve listened to motivational audios,

    read motivational material and been to motivational seminars, it doesnt mean youre

    still inspired to do or are doing what is in your highest values.

    Youre no more inspired by consuming motivational information any more than

    standing in a garage makes you a car.

    In a world where there is more information available to us than ever, why arent more people living lives they really


    Why? Because people just dont know themselves.

    In an increasingly complex world, people want simplicity and its step-by-step framework so that, from the start, they

    can clearly see where theyre going in life, how all the pieces fall into place, and how easy it is to do. It takes work

    to create the framework for our lives and quite frankly many people arent willing to find the pieces of that frame

    work and put it together. Why?

    Because People just dont Know themselves.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    They value


    accepted for


    they arent

    More than

    beingrejected for


    they are.

    In an increasingly complex world,

    people want simplicity and a step-

    by-step framework so that, from the

    start, they can clearly see where

    theyre going in life, how all the

    pieces fall into place, and how easy

    it is to do.

    It takes a lot of work to create this

    framework for our lives and quite

    frankly many people arent willing

    to look for the pieces of that frame

    work and put it together.

    They want someone to come along

    and just hand their lifes framework

    over to them. Its what I call the

    microwave mentality. The, I just

    want it now, syndrome.

    They are living lives that are

    completely opposite of what they

    deeply feel is their real identity. They

    see themselves one way but do

    something different.

    They arent expressing their true

    values. Not consciously anyway and

    its frustrating them.

    In many cases they are living their

    lives just seeking validation.

    They value being accepted for

    something they arent more than

    being rejected for something that

    they are.

    I know because Ive done it.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    What if its

    because our

    hearts were

    held hostage at

    an early age?

    Sure, you may look back and say to

    yourself, But Ive lived a good life. I

    provided for my family, I tithed my

    10% to the church, I held a good

    job, I did my share.

    If thats you, thats

    noble and worthy. No


    I would ask you to look

    within and ask, was your

    share all that you were meantto do? Deep down do you feel

    theres more to give? Are you

    capable but arent using it?

    Were you given gifts that you didnt

    share with the world because you

    didnt want to look silly, foolish or

    come off as too outside the norm?

    Did you play it safe because you

    didnt want to be criticized?

    Did you play it safe because you

    didnt want to experience the taste

    of failure or defeat?

    Did you play it safe because you

    didnt want to feel rejected?

    Was doing your part all that you

    were really able to do or more

    importantly was there more youreally wanted to do but havent?

    Or deep down were you just doing

    what you had to do to get by?

    Ask yourself as youre

    reading this, have you really done

    what juices you or have you just

    maintained the status quo? Im not

    here to judge, just spur the question.

    There are those that believe, Not

    everybody is meant to do great


    I call bullshit.

    Those are people who ware just

    projecting their values onto you and

    I. Theyve given up.

    Great things are meant for

    everybody, its just that not

    everybody realizes they are capable

    of great things because they

    compare themselves and say, oh, I

    could never be that kind of person.

    Theyve been lead to believe this

    and they have bought it hook line

    and sinker.

    Its not really them thinking

    or talking these thoughts

    though. Its the system


    Thats other peoplesvalues talking

    through them also

    known as 2nd hand


    What if the reason is because we

    just didnt know how important it

    was to the world for us to be


    What if its because our hearts were

    held hostage at an early age and we

    left that tiny voice imprisoned deep

    down inside?
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    We look at what

    everyone else is


    What If in the meantime weve

    forgotten that little voice?

    Were distracted by looking at what

    everyone else is doing, what they

    have and how we think they got it.

    We judge ourselves and our

    accomplishments by what we

    perceive to be truth.

    When the truth is, they are wearing

    the same masks we are. and in

    many cases they are in the same

    boat we are in or


    have been in.

    We hold the mask up that says,

    Were doing alright, were doing

    pretty good.

    Simple surface talk that doesnt say

    what we are really feeling deep


    Lets be truthful, we aspire to be, do,

    and contribute all that were able. I

    dont mean by getting more stuff

    in our life either.

    I mean we truly crave to create

    value in some way. And on a deep

    core level we seek

    acknowledgement and contribution

    for it.


    BecauseWe Can't

    Help It!

    We are






    When we

    dont move in

    a forward

    direction with

    purpose, we


    distracted with thoughts, emotions

    and behaviors that dont serve our

    long term vision. We make the

    errors I began talking about.

    Your preferences, likeeveryones, lead you to dowhat's comfortable, safe andmakes you feel good. That'swhat egoity and real sufferingis. You follow the dictates ofyour own body mind and youmay as well be a pig snorkelingaround in the mud looking fortruffles and pigging out. That'swhat our body minds what todo.- David Deida

    Its like sitting still on a bike with

    your feet on the pedals.

    What happens?

    You fall over.

    What happens when the very system

    that is broken, raises anothergeneration, and that generation

    raises another generation?

    You guessed it, people are doing

    things because they are

    programmed to, not

    because they want to. They operate

    from their preferences. Its whats

    comfortable and safe.

    When you're trying to live what

    everyone else is doing, you're not

    living from you're own hierarchy of

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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Youll Look

    for reasons

    to stop you

    You may be feeling this on some gut

    level even as of right now.

    You could easily take your deepest

    gifts and contributions along with

    its DNA to the grave.

    Its easier to continue to project yourown greatness onto movie stars,

    musicians and people who you

    perceive as having it all together,

    rather than pursue yourinner gifts.

    In the long

    run, you

    wont be

    able to out

    perform your

    own self

    image. The values that have been

    migrated over from other peoples

    value systems will cause you more

    grief and youll sabotage any efforts

    at a life you really desire.

    Youll ask yourself why you arent

    motivated to do the things in life you

    know you want to do.

    Youll find reasons, people and

    events to stop you from really doing

    them. You will hear in your

    language or from others:

    You should

    You need to

    You aught to

    Youre supposed to

    These are all imperatives that are a

    sign of living through other peoples

    value systems.

    If youre using them when telling

    someone else what they should,

    need to or aught to do, your

    projecting your value system onto

    them. If someone is using them in a

    sentence speaking to you, they are

    projecting their value system onto

    you. Until you discover your own

    hierarchy of values you'll always

    struggle with money, health and

    relationships. Until you do this

    work, youll attempt to live your life

    through other peoples values and

    continue to miss out on the feelings

    of fulfillment and a sense of deep

    gratification that comes from living

    through your own.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    continue to be

    under the spell of more and

    think you need more of what doesnt fulfill you.

    Just like eating junk food, its good in the moment but its vainer at best while being

    full of empty calories.

    Sure it tastes good in the moment, however its void of quality nutrients and in the long term causes disease, obesity

    and takes you farther away from the quality of life you really want.

    As long as you live in a fantasy, ignore these blind spots and dont do the work, you will continue to feed yourself

    the junk food of second hand values.

    Ask yourself, what do you value most?

    Photo by Sharla Iswari Patrick
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Are Hidden




    Take a moment and make a mental

    list of what you value most in your


    Do you value wealth and

    money? Do you value your time with


    Is there a hobby or hobbies

    you enjoy a lot?

    Is it your health you value?

    Maybe its your career?

    How about your friendships?

    How about your emotional

    well being?

    How about being spiritually


    On a piece of paper list all of the

    things that you think are most

    important to you. Now pick the top

    3 that you feel are the most


    1. ___________________

    2. ___________________

    3. ___________________

    Picked them?


    Now take a moment and ask

    yourself a few more questions while

    making a mental list:

    How do you spend the

    majority of your time during

    your day when youre not


    How do you fill your space in

    your home?

    How do you spend your


    What do you find yourselfthinking about the vast

    majority of the time?

    Now pick out the top 3 categories

    you find yourself focused on

    throughout the 16 hours a day that

    youre not sleeping.

    1. ___________________

    2. ___________________

    3. ___________________

    Notice anything particularly oddabout the lists?

    Is what you say is most important to

    you not what you fill your time up

    with what you DO?

    I see it all the time.

    People overeating when they

    say they want to lose weight.

    People smoking when they

    say they want to stop.

    People saying they want to be

    wealthy but they dont save a


    People in and out of

    relationships who dont reallyknow themselves.

    Why arent they doing what they say

    is most important to them?

    Because they cant help it.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    We cant help


    creatures of


    Without stepping back from time to

    time, looking at our lives and being

    conscious of our behaviors and

    patterns, we succumb to our


    If we dont consciously create ourhabits we unconsciously develop

    habits. Those are the preferences

    that end up causing us to get more

    of what we dont want rather than

    more of what we do. Those habits

    support the injected values we cling

    on to of others because we havent

    done the work to uncover our own.

    This may sound contradicting but...

    Were programmed for immediate


    It comes from our deepest DNA.

    Its the fight or flight model.

    Consider this.

    If you find yourself in the path of a

    wild meat eating creature, would

    you hang out and logically think

    about if its going to take a chunk

    out of you? Or would you just run

    for the safest place possible, as fast

    as you can?

    You may feel fear for a moment but

    right after that all you feel is your

    feet hitting the ground. Fear servedits purpose, it got you to



    Its built into


    genetically to

    do what

    works now,

    not think

    about what will

    happen later.

    We Do What WorksTo

    Survive Right Now

    Many people dont know themselves

    and dont take the time to know

    themselves because of this very


    Especially with the amount of

    information thats available to us

    today via the internet and big media

    in general, were distracted.

    Its easier to consume more and

    discover less. Especially if yourenot aware of the consequences.

    Its as if many people are stuck in

    3rd grade because they dont have

    to move on to 4th.

    Everything is easier in 3rd grade and

    frankly they feel if they arent made

    to have to go into 4th, they wont.

    This is where many of us find

    ourselves as adults in life today.

    Many people dont take the time to

    discover what their true core values

    are, what they aspire to do and how

    their gifts and natural talents can

    make an impact on the world.

    They are asleep in the post modern

    sense of the word but its not their

    fault completely. They just dont



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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    So how do we

    fixthe problem

    you may ask?

    As I said in the beginning of this

    report, once youre aware of this

    stuff, you cant go back. Not


    The good news is that doing the

    work and uncovering your natural

    talents and abilities can set you free

    when you begin to make the effort

    to do so.

    Youll find life becomes much more

    effortless when youre aligned with

    your natural abilities and talents.

    You begin to feel more appropriate

    to life.

    I didnt say you wont experience set

    backs, issues and down right crappy

    days. Youll have your fair share of

    those if youre doing something of


    Im just saying you wont be

    dependenton something else to

    continually wind you up when you

    love what you do. Or, you wont

    despise the job youre working

    because you know its leading you

    to that place.

    If you're trying to do something

    outside of your natural abilities and

    talents that arent attributed to your

    highest values, you're going to be


    Maybe not immediately, but give it

    some time.

    If you're an innovator, artist or

    creator and you're trying to be a

    broker or analyst, then it's an uphill

    battle inside and your results may

    very well prove it.

    Youll always feel you need outside

    motivation and wonder if theres

    something wrong with you.

    Youll feel you need status to

    feel whole

    Youll feel you need

    recognition to feel whole Youll feel you need

    acknowledgement to feel


    When you're working a job or

    building a business thats outside of

    your natural abilities and talents,

    and its not linked to your highest

    values, youll always do just good

    enough. If what youre doing isnt in

    your highest of values, youll never

    do whats necessary or itll be way

    harder than it needs to be. If its not

    that important you just wont follow


    If you're reading this and you find

    yourself broke in any of the 3 areas

    of life...the good news is, its not you

    thats broke.

    You can become integrated with

    your natural skills and talents. You

    can make them work for you. You

    can make a positive impact on the

    world and your little voice inside

    knows it. You know it.

    Its safe to begin listening to it and

    not the noise outside.

    There is a mission within you that

    you have yet to discover and the

    world needs you to find it. We need

    you to discover it.

    The world needs you to be


    So Why Doesn't

    EVERYONE Follow Their


    The vast majority people arent

    ready to wake up yet. They are

    content with sleep walking. They

    have to want to wake up.

    They are wired to survive in the now

    rather than take action with future

    results in mind. Something has to

    shake them up so they desire to

    thrive and live a different kind of

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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Its not just the

    knowledge we

    need to make

    lasting change.

    They are not ready to let go of their

    current thoughts, emotions and

    behaviors around their life

    circumstances. Or they just arent

    willing to be open to the idea that

    one can not only survive doing

    what they love but they canthrive. Its not even that they

    dont have the knowledge to

    do so.

    Its not just the knowledge

    that we need to make

    lasting change that

    matters. Yes knowledge

    can be power, but its

    only powerful if we do

    something with it.

    1) If it informs us about ouroutcomes = information

    2) Organized information =Knowledge

    3) Knowledge + experience=Understanding

    4) Understanding + multiple

    experiences = Wisdom

    -Wyatt Woodsmall

    What we need is to...

    Learn How To Acknowledge and Change Our Current

    Thoughts, Emotions And BEHAVIORS
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    What you

    dont do



    What Ive been outlining in this

    entire report is this. Knowledge can

    be power. But its only powerful if

    you do anything with it:

    1) If you want to know how to

    discover what really inspires

    you in life, youll want to

    learn how to discover your

    values. Knowing what your

    highest values are works to

    help you get everything you

    want out of life. Many times

    that may be exactly opposite

    of what you think you

    needed to do. Youll discover

    you can extract everything

    you want out of life by

    adding value to it first.

    2) You want to learn how to

    change your thoughts,

    emotions and behaviors

    around discovering your


    3) Finally youll want to re-train

    yourself to make decisions

    and take actions that go

    against what you would

    normally do - so that you

    can create space for your

    higher purpose to make itself

    self evident to you.

    Listen, youre not going to quit your

    job, lose all the weight or find your

    soul mate tomorrow. (Well

    technically you could meet your

    soul mate)

    However what you will do is begin

    to link together things like

    maintaining your current job with a

    great attitude while holding a higher

    purpose and mission in mind will

    actually make you that much more

    effective in your present moments.

    If you dont do all of these things-

    and I mean ALL of them - youre

    going to get the same results youve

    been getting all your life... and the

    same results that most people get in

    their life still today.

    Back To 14,600

    More Days

    Remember I mentioned you have at

    least another 40 more years here on


    Give or take, depending on your age


    Since you have 14,600 days. you

    need to decide what you're going to

    do with those 14,600 days starting


    What you dont do today wont

    happen tomorrow.

    Will you keep doing what you're

    doing or take the actions necessary

    to figure out what you're going to do


    How do you figure out what youre

    going to do differently?

    You cant cope with what you dont

    acknowledge so first youre going to

    want to take inventory. Im going to

    share with you how you can begin.
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    "We're only a few habits a day away from changing our health, wealth and relationships."


    There are two questions Id like you to ask yourself right now:

    1. What would you like to see more of in your life?2. What would you like to see less of in your life?

    Now, I want to share with you how you can begin taking the steps to accomplish both.

    In this exercise youre going to take a few minutes and list out a few things:

    Its very important that you take at least 10-15 minutes on each of the next two exercises.

    If you don't have the will and desire to figure it out and write down what you want, what makesyou think you'll have the will and desire to go after it? -Rich Schefren

    Lets get started:
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Step 1. Write down all of the things you dont want in your life right now that youre experiencing.List out as many things as you can think of:

    If you need more room continue on a separate piece of paper:





















    What I Dont Want
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Step 2. Write down the payoffs youre receiving from the list above. Youre getting some sort ofemotional or physical reward or you wouldnt continue to do them. Be honest with yourself.





















    The Payoff of What I Dont Want
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Step 3. Now write down what it will it cost you if you continue these along this line.





















    What I Dont Want
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Step 4. Write down all of the things you do want in your life:

    Hint: You can reverse engineer your Step 1. list by writing down the exact opposite of the items onthat list.

    Also: Dont go for things or stuff in this list. Aim for experiences. If you want a nice home,talk about the experience the home is going to provide you not the home itself.





















    What I Do Want

    Great Work! Now were going to really drill down into these in the next exercise:
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Creating Categories

    Step 5. Take your I Do Want answers and assign them to the category they best fit within below:

    Health: [Can include Physical, mental & emotional]

    Wealth: [Can include personal, business and career]

    Relationships: [Can include family, intimate & career relationships]
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    What Will It Cost Me?

    Step 6. When I dont follow through on this Want it will cost me...

    Health: [Can include Physical, mental & emotional]

    Wealth: [Can include personal, business and career]

    Relationships: [Can include family, intimate & career relationships]
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    What Do I Stand To Gain?

    Step 8. When I follow through on this Want I will gain...

    Health: [Can include Physical, mental & emotional]

    Wealth: [Can include personal, business and career]

    Relationships: [Can include family, intimate & career relationships]
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    To bridge the gap of where you are to where you want to be, you have to first acknowledge your

    current reality. Be honest with yourself! You cant cope with what youre not willing to

    acknowledge. You dont have the like the reality, you just have to respect it.

    Are you able to identify the values that are driving your current behaviors through these exercises?

    To see what you truly value, look at your life currently and see how you fill your time, space and

    energy and with who. Results can be harsh but are often fair.

    Based on the cost vs gain exercise, are your current daily decisions taking you closer to or farther

    away from you say you want?

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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Heres the real question and the type of work I help you get into. On a deep level, how in tune are your wants with

    your true core values and how do discover what they are?

    What Really Drives You To Do What You

    Do Everyday?
  • 8/6/2019 Pulling Back the Cover of Motivation to Discover Your Body Of Inspiration


    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration

    Make life


    let life happen

    to you.1) Do nothing

    2) Do it on your own

    3) Let me help you

    Unfortunately the vast majority of

    people will continue to struggle and

    very few will be able to even

    maintain because they chose to DO



    those individuals, they are victims

    of not knowing and even worse if

    they do know they just dont have

    the will power to do anything about

    it. They could still make a choice to

    do something to discover what

    inspires them but they wont. Its too

    scary. They fear change.

    It may just be too late for them but I

    like to believe not. If youre one of

    those on the fence types, you have

    to seriously consider what the

    implications of

    continuing down the road youre on

    will be.

    If you stay that course, it may not be


    If you decide to DO IT YOURSELFthen I seriously consider you to read

    as much as you can, study as much

    as you can and learn as much as

    you can about self


    psychology and

    human behavior. The

    discoveries in

    neurosciences over the

    past decade are

    amazing and gives you

    great insights to how the

    human brain works and

    how it can influence your


    An even smaller fractionwill go on to explore and

    succeed in the discovery of

    themselves and their mission in life.

    True learning and discovery of

    yourself means changing your

    thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

    To affect the world outside, we must

    change and influence the world

    inside and that takes work, and


    The final option is to LET ME HELP


    For those few who take action and

    succeed, they discover their lifes

    work and lead rich and rewarding

    lives with a legacy that lives far

    beyond their own time here on

    earth. They love the process, enjoywho they are, and who they become

    along the way.

    You have an opportunity to shift

    from thinking you need motivation

    to knowing youre living an inspired

    life doing what you were meant to

    do. Whether thats an online

    business or an off line venture.

    The choice is yours:

    Do nothing...

    Do it yourself...

    ...or together we accelerate theprocess.

    In Light,

    Photo by Sharla Iswari Patrick
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    Pulling Back The Covers Of Motivation To Discover Your Body Of Inspiration