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The Future of Coaching:An Insider's Guide to Getting Paid Over and Over Again

as the Industry Leader!

The future of coaching and consulting for the next 50 years…

The purpose of this report is to show you exactly how to take advantage of this unusual royalty secret for coaches and consultants. (NOTE: This secret will probably be the BIGGEST trend in information marketing in the next 50 years!)

And...never has it been more important that you know how to do this than in today’s market place.

ENTREPRENEURS: Get Paid Over and Over Again… For Life!

It's not hard to see how the Mainz Royalty Secret would have a profound impact on your business and on your lifestyle as an entrepreneurial coach or consultant.

Before I go further, let’s define what I mean by an entrepreneurial coach or consultant. This is a service-based provider who wants to build a sustainable competitive advantage allowing for massive growth and a lifestyle business. In short, entrepreneurial coaches and consultants are wanting to leverage the SMARTEST business coaching models to build a 7, 8, 9 figure coaching empire.

I discovered this secret while building my own coaching/consulting practice two and a half years ago.

And I discovered it rather accidentally.

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Several years ago I began having a number of entrepreneurs hire me to show them how to create their own coaching companies by modeling how I developedmy own.

During this time period, some of these CEOs wanted me to do the actual coaching of their clients for them.

That’s when I stumbled onto the Mainz Royalty Secret for entrepreneurs!

This secret is so powerful, especially for coaches and consultants who want to leverage the Knowledge/Service-Based age in which we now live.

Whether you are currently a coach or consultant (or thinking of beginning your own coaching or consulting business) you are going to want to pay very close attention to this!

For those of you who do not realize this fact, we now live in the Recommendation Age. This is the age of the Trusted Advisor. As I point out in my New Guru Model Report at, this age allows you to make an awful lot of money if you know how to create a value proposition positioning you to sell premium priced programs and services.

Here are just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of people I have personally mentored in the New Guru Model system allowing them to create and sell premium priced services.

The problem for most people is in a service-based environment, many entrepreneurs don’t know how to create an ROIT service-based business that allows you to expand without taking up all your time.

ROIT stands for ‘Return-On-Invested-Time’.

In short, my definition for this kind of business is one that meets the following three criteria:

1. The business is one you LOVE to do; 2. The business is one that provided you a lifestyle where you are not trading time for money; and 3. This business provides you leverage because you use a model that provides you true scalability with premium priced programs.

The ultimate advice-based business model follows the Mainz Royalty Secret.

If you are an entrepreneur or want to become an entrepreneur you are going to want to get in on this!

If you want to build a more powerful type of authority and credibility than what your competitors are using you are probably going to get very excited about what you are going to learn.

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Are You Ready To See How You Can Get Super Wealthy As a Coach?

Just listen to the story of a woman named Joy Pecchia and you'll see exactly what I mean!

Born and raised near Minneapolis, Minnesota, Joy is your average, hard-working Americanwho wanted a better life for herself and her family.

Joy decided to get into coaching and for seven (7) years was an executive coach for a leading coaching company. Joy was making decent money doing this, but the problem wasshe didn’t have her own business created around her IP which she could leverage.

Joy was looking for a coaching model that would allow her a ROIT business allowing her both an opportunity to charge premium prices for her services and build her own coaching business in a manner that would prevent her from working every working hour.

Joy wanted to use a business model that allowed her to set herself up for generating large amounts of cash flow including building a coaching program using a royalty model.

"I've never made big money," Pecchia said. "I wanted to leverage my passion as a coach, but do so in a way that provided me the most leverage—both from a time and cash flow perspective."

But that all changed in 2011 when Pecchia stumbled onto a new way to generate large amounts of cash flow.....

In short, Pecchia uncovered a little-known business secret anyone can take advantage of in any business market—which means EVERY coaching and consulting niche that you can imagine... everything from music, bereavement, career, athletics, end of life, executive, business, entrepreneurial, leadership, parenting, relationship, retirement, self-esteem, weight loss, singles’ living, stress, success, transitional…

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In short, through a unique coaching model most entrepreneurs have never even heard about, Pecchia earned the right to collect more than what she used to charge a client in a year... a number that will actually increase over time.

As Pecchia says, "It's going to put serious money into a lot of entrepreneurs’ bank accounts, particularly those individuals who are thoughtful about wanting to build and scale their own coaching and consulting practices. It's better than a gold rush. It’s like having a diamond mine in your own backyard!"

I'll tell you exactly what this secret mine source is in just a minute; the easiest and most lucrative system I have created for you to profit in immediately.

So how does this secret work? Where does all this money come from? And how can you start collecting today?

Let me show you...

It’s The Smartest Method to Building Wealth In thePast 573 Years!

Let’s examine what royalties really are by viewing the smartest method to building wealth over the past 573 years.

But first, consider this: In every industry there's usually a ‘backdoor’ way to get paid OVER and OVER again for a single idea, property, or patent.

In the drug business, for example—and the one that I was very familiar with growing up,as my father worked as a credit manager for a large pharmaceutical firm in Canada—the big ‘pharma’ money is in patents.

After all the work is done developing a new drug, a scientist can partner with a larger company to handle the expenses and risks of testing, marketing, and distribution.

The scientist, or patent holder, gets paid for every prescription that gets filled. As an illustration, the person who established the common pain medication Lyrica, Richard Bruce Silverman, shares in more than $2 million per month because he owns the patents. Imagine that!

Rachel Fuller Brown and Elizabeth Lee Hazen, the women who owned the patents on the anti-fungal medicine Nystatin shared in more than $50,000 per month.

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The drug industry is replete with lots of examples of how patent-holders have made a ton of passive income through strategic partnerships like this.

Suppose you were able to do something similar in your market place as an entrepreneurial coach or consultant? Imagine being the first in your industry to have this same power with your own coaching or consulting practice?

Before I share this secret, let’s consider another example in another market place.

In the real estate market, the big money is in fractionals…

For example, you build a home or resort and allow others to make a one-time purchase and then charge a yearly upkeep fee that covers all of the expenses associated with the property ownership and its use and services.

The benefit to you, as the originator of fractional real estate investing, is making a lot of money through land appreciation, and the fees you charge on a monthly basis creating multiple streams of passive income.

For the investor who invests in this type of luxury ownership, the payoff is also huge due to the land appreciation and the enjoyment of the property which typically is anywhere from 4 weeks to 12 weeks a year.Are you beginning to see something? Ownership in an asset that allows you to generate active and passive cash flow is the way to creating an expansive network of wealth.

Yet, sadly most entrepreneurs don’t own IP!

Here’s another example of the power of creating royalties from the music industry…

There's another little-known stock market opportunity in the music business that allows you to own the rights to royalties from a catalog of over 25,000 copyrighted songs.

Again, you simply become a part owner of the music. Every time one of these 25,000 songs gets played on the radio, television, or in the movies... you collect royalties.

This single opportunity has paid consecutive royalty dividends every year since 1965. A $50,000 investment at the time of inception would be worth well over $500,000 today.

Imagine having the ability to create a dependable royalty stream with your own service-based business?

The power of the Mainz Royalty Secret for service-based providers such as coaches and consultants is assisting you to protect, teach and train your clients in your IP as they pay you royalty interests for the right to use your IP.

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In the publishing business the big money is in royalties…

This can be a much cheaper and faster way to build royalties than the drug patent or real estate fractional examples that I referred to above.

Once you do all the work writing a book, you can sit back and collect your share of the profits. For example, President Barack Obama, earns on average more than $72,000 per month from sales of his best seller, The Audacity of Hope.

The 573 Year Old Mainz Royalty Secret Explained…

The foregoing is, as I refer to it, the Mainz Royalty Secret. And you will see very soon how it will benefit your business as an entrepreneurial coach or consultant. And again, I guarantee you have never seen anything like this.

But first, let’s consider why I call this the Mainz Royalty Secret for coaches and consultants. Back in 1440, a German named Johannes Gutenberg developed what became known as the Gutenberg Press, which was invented in Mainz, Germany. The development of this technology is generally considered the invention that first made collecting regular royalties possible, by allowing publishers and authors of books to make a fortune after creating a valuable piece of work.

This has produced mega-wealth for many authors and publishers since this inception.

Today the book publishing model is becoming more and more competitive because of the ease of publishing one’s content using the low cost self -publishing model, and the ease and quickness of publishing through eBook technology.

The number of experts using the typical publishing model (both physical and digital) has become over-crowded with an explosion of experts who are increasingly not making any money following this model.

The reason is a simple and popular paradox that comes from the investing field: It's extremely difficult to make money if you're doing what's popular.

In other words, it’s difficult to make money as an entrepreneur if you are doing exactlywhat others are doing.

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Your Most Valuable Asset As An Entrepreneur

To make serious money in any field, especially in today’s market place, you need to be able to position yourself in front of big trends.

And for your coaching and consulting business to experience true sustainability you need to create a competitive advantage. The best way to do this and build long term wealth, you must be able to scale your company using a royalty model that leverages your Intellectual Property (IP) to the fullest extent.

This is the IP Age. Yes, as I stated previously, few people own their own IP. Because of this, few entrepreneurs have little leverage.

But first, what exactly is IP? The World Intellectual Property Organization defines IP as the‘creations of the mind’. This includes inventions, literary and artistic works; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce.

If this is the IP Age, then as an entrepreneur it is imperative you create your own IP. And secondly, you must know how to leverage your IP. In other words, you are going to need to know how to create your advice based coaching business around the interplay of your body of Knowledge and Services.

And this is the beauty of the Mainz Royalty Secret for service-based providers such as coaches and consultants. You are going to need to know how to position, protect and present your market place in the use of your IP.

And here is why you should do this.

The biggest trend in the IP Age is to know how to position, protect and present your coaching advice.

When you understand what I mean, you will see how important this concept is in buildingyour competitive advantage in ways that will not allow your competitors to catch up with you.

This is a true competitive advantage, wouldn’t you agree? Suppose you had this decisive advantage in your market place? What would this do for your security and ability to grow your coaching and consulting business?

If you understand that you must provide services to be successful as an entrepreneur, you are going to want to pay close attention.

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As I mentioned previously, we no longer live in the Information Age. We now live in a time period where having access to information is not enough anymore. Thanks to the over-abundance of information, people need assistance in the implementation or the actual ‘doing’ of activities they know they should be doing but would rather pay to have someone do these tasks for them.

As a coach or consultant these are very exciting times! Your market place doesn’t want more information, but a way to process information quickly (Your Knowledge) and assistance to get activities accomplished (Your Services).

Simply put this Knowledge-Service Based Era and the IP Age are both essentially one and the same thing!

Let me explain by looking at your most valuable asset as an entrepreneur.....

A Coach Or Consultant’s Most Valuable IP…

It’s your most valuable group of assets, least utilized by coaches and consultants as Knowledge-Based entrepreneurs.

The most valuable assets you own are your intangible assets. This ownership is a huge untapped source of wealth for most small businesses. Furthermore, most entrepreneurs don’t know how to leverage their IP with their Advice-Based business. Now with the power of the Mainz Royalty Secret, you will be able to do so with your coaching or consulting business.

Let’s look first at how valuable a company’s intangible assets can be.

According to David Haigh, founder of Brand Finance and a brand-valuation consultant, “The single largest source of intangible value in a company is its trademark.”

By “intangible” Haigh means the worth of an asset you can’t touch–unlike, say a piece of equipment, a pill, a building or even a pile of cash. “That insight is a major sea change that has come about over the last couple of years,” he adds.

Google’s Trademark, for example, is worth about $44Billion or about 27% of its market capitalization at the end of 2011.

Did you know it’s actually possible to invest directly into a company’s intangible assets such as its trademark?

Did you know one of North America's best fast-food chains A&W, allow you to collect tremendous royalties, every single month, simply by becoming an owner of their "trademark"? Anyone can do this by investing in the A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund.

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You simply become a part owner of the trademarked name (like "Cheesecake Factory" or "Chipotle" for example... but in this case you own "A&W"). Then, every time one of these 700 restaurants sells a milkshake, a burger and or fries... you collect royalties.

You make just one investment... and then get paid over and over again.

This opportunity has provided investors a 3% royalty on all sales at a popular fast-food restaurant that's been around since its founding in 1956. These stores drove $795 million in revenue during 2011.

All you own is the trademark... yet this incredibly valuable asset allows you to receive a royalty check at the end of every month–a total of 12 in a year.

Since this trademark went public in 2002, investors have received a royalty payment every single month. That's 123 months in a row... and counting. Royalty payments have increased by more than 40% over this time. The total return as of the end of 2011 has been 374%. (When you compare the above with the fact that the S&P 500 went up about 26% during this same period of time, this is pretty incredible!)

Introducing a New Royalty Model for Coaches and Consultants

As I mentioned previously, we no longer live in the Information Age. We now live in a time period where having access to information is not enough anymore. Thanks to the over-abundance of information, people want assistance in the implementation or the actual ‘doing’ of activities they know they should be doing, but would rather pay to have someone do for them.

As a coach or consultant these are very exciting times! Your market place doesn’t want more information, but a way to process information quickly (Your Knowledge) and assistance to get activities accomplished (Your Services).

By definition the Knowledge-Based Era is the Advice-Based Era. And the type of advice that people want assistance with is as broad as there are people in the world!

As a coach or consultant, you can increase the value of your IP in a very significant manner if you become a master at creating long term value. This is particularly critical if you want to create a scalable service-based model which follows my three-fold definition of a ROIT business mentioned previously.

The Knowledge era is by definition one focused on advice. Your ability to package your advice (your intangible assets) into programs and services is the key to leveraging the IP Age.

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What makes the IP Age a great time to build wealth for entrepreneurs is you don’t have to invest a lot of money into creating physical products.

Anyone can be successful simply by understanding how to turn their key value—their intangible assets into an advice-based business that focuses on positioning one’s coaching or consulting services.

That’s what your market place really wants!

Here’s an incredible trend that plays right into the service-based era in which we live.

Today people are paying for all kinds of services—and these trends are increasing hugely.

There is a new revenue revolution going on in the world right now in how to leverage yourself as an entrepreneurial expert using nothing BUT the advice you are currently giving away for free.

Let me give you an example of just how fast times are changing and why this is such a perfect time to use the Mainz Royalty Secret as an entrepreneurial coach or consultant!

A New Service-Based Model To Keep Up With The Trusted Advisory Era!

Just a couple of years ago, (in many cases just a few months–even days OR hours ago!) there was no such thing as a proposal planner or a ‘rent-a-friend’ or TV remote controller programmer.

Or how about making money from your advice, teaching and helping people find their mate, assemble a photo album, name their baby, visit elderly parents…or even scatter the ashes of a loved one! (Can you believe people actually paying someone for their advice to do, be able to do, or do it for them!)

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Within the last year, advice we all give away for free has now become incredibly valuable.And, people are willing to pay for all types of services!

And people—especially those with money—are willing to pay for this advice-- hand over fist in order to maintain or exceed their current lifestyle.

This is an exciting era!

In fact, it’s more exciting than when I was eventually able to escape my job as a Vice Principal, almost 9 years ago!

Today is the age of the specialist!!

But the kind of specialist that dominates as an entrepreneur doesn’t need a degree or years of post-secondary education.

NOW for the first time, ordinary people are becoming wealthy beyond measure—especially those who build an advice based business and selling services.

And, all because they have a market place desperate for the advice they have learned outside of any formalized education.

The market place is bigger than you can imagine!

How do I know prices and demand will continue to climb?

Let’s look at the education-based industry in the US.

Over $79 Billion was spent in education in 2011 and this trend is increasing, not just in the U.S. but over across the entire world.

Bottom line: We are still in the midst of a long-term bull market for services, especially for coaching and consulting... the likes of which has never been seen before.

And now you are going to have a model that allows you to tap into this training trend by leveraging the Mainz Royalty Secret for your business.

As I stated above; I am going to repeat myself again! These facts will affect EVERY coaching and consulting niche you can imagine… everything from music, bereavement, career, athletics, end of life, executive, business, entrepreneurial, leadership, parenting, relationship, retirement, self-esteem, weight loss, singles’ living, stress, success, transitional…coaching fields just to name a few.

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STOP:The Typical Coaching Way to Building a Business

Is OUTDATED!Here is what you need to know as an entrepreneur to leverage the IP Age as a coach or consultant.

The route most coaches and consultants take is: develop an idea and market on their own.

The problem with this method is it is too slow. Not to mention that most coaches and consultants don’t use a ROIT business model allowing them to create and sell premium priced programs and services.

In business, the key is to develop your idea as quickly as possible. For example, in the manufacturing world, the odds of success as an entrepreneur becomes more developed with real a professionally designed virtual or physical prototype.

The route 96% of the most successful manufacturing companies take is to find a company to license or purchase their invention’s patent rights in exchange for a royalty or cash payment.

As a coach or consultant in the Advice-Based IP Age, you are going to want to ‘patent’ yourexclusive ideas using a different process and one that your competitors are definitely not using.

This process will allow you to perform three important activities in business as a service provider:

Here is the ultimate way of eliminating the normal risks of doing business as a coach and consultant.

A New Coaching Model to Create Royalties Revealed…Powered by TheMainz Royalty Secret

Through this revelation, you can create your own royalties using a new coaching and consulting model that no one else has in your industry!

This secret will also position yourself as the #1 go-to guru in your market place.The great thing is that you don’t have to take the time to write a book (96% of experts fail to make a profit using this model), put a collection of 95 DVDs together, or other so-called expert related activities that most people do in attempting to build authority and credibility.

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No. This is the IP Age—the age to use your brain in a way your competitors do not. And because you know this age is the Knowledge and Service-Based Era, you know how tostructure the context and content of your IP which is critical.

The Mainz Royalty Secret will allow you to create a faster and more strategic type of credibility, and precise authority to position yourself in commanding market share within your industry.

Now you will be able to stand out in a way your competitors can’t, by positioning yourself to collect incredible royalty streams for owning a very valuable asset.

How would you like to have the power to create royalty interests from your own IP like the various examples I have used in this report?

Now for the first time as a coach or consultant you can!

Here’s how you can do this.

In a moment I am going to show you how this royalty secret works. You are definitely going to be excited as you will have an opportunity to exploit the hottest trend in information marketing for at least the next 10, and probably the next 25 to 50 years!

Actually, as I have already stated, this coaching concept is the hottest trend inunderstanding how to structure a properly positioned advice-based business, so you can sell premium priced programs and services along with receiving royalties on your IP.

Suppose You Had the Power of Being a Tax Collector

Now, I know what you are probably thinking. I just used a word where you probably do everything you can to avoid thinking about! Right?

However, what I want you to see is the Mainz Royalty Secret for coaches and consultants will provide you the power to do something you have never considered before.

The royalties I am discussing are like private sector taxes!

These royalties allow you to collect usage-based payments from one person or company, on an on-going basis, for the right to use your assets (your services).

For example, a royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments as in the examples I used above.

And in today’s Knowledge-Service-Based Industry, the Mainz Royalty Secret for coaches &consultants is the ultimate strategic method to get super wealthy as an entrepreneur launching and scaling your services.

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You make only one investment... or control one valuable asset... and then get paid over and over again, while somebody else takes the risk of marketing, development, and distribution.

The really cool thing is it’s easier, faster and far cheaper to make this kind this investment,then to go out and develop a new drug, or purchase land to build a fractional real estate development or even write a book, or produce a record label, or anything like that!

You see, what I've found is there is an incredible (and low risk) way to use this secret as a coach or consult who wants to create a sustainable coaching and consulting company. In short, you want a massive payoff by doing business providing you a competitive advantage that your competitors don’t have. Not to mention that you will also create a new type of cash flow for your company—royalty interests from your IP.

Imagine If You Owned the Brooklyn Bridge…

Suppose you were the owner of the Brooklyn Bridge. Imagine collecting tolls on EVERY vehicle that crossing either from Brooklyn to Manhattan or Manhattan to Brooklyn?

As a coach or consultant (any service provider for that matter), you now have the ability to create your own Brooklyn Bridge for your industry.

And here’s what’s super cool! Now you can own the bridge AND also create the tolls for your own bridge.

What I am about to introduce you to is the ultimate royalty model for coaches and consultants—the Mainz Royalty Secret for coaches and consultants!

And the great thing is I can just about assure you that no one in your market place is doing this right now.

Here’s The Ultimate Model to Build Your Own Bridgeand Toll as a Service Provider...The SECRET Explained

Again, you avoid all the normal risks of doing business that other coaches and consultants face... and you get paid over and over again, simply for owning an incredibly valuable asset, which pays you a steady income stream for years to come.

As a coach or consultant in the Advice-Based Era, the ultimate way to ‘patent’ your ideas is not through authoring and publishing a book. And it’s not through licensing.

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So how can you use the Mainz Royalty Secret in your coaching and consulting business?

Well, I believe one of the easiest and safest ways to publish your advice in a way your competitors don’t, and allows you to create royalty interests in your own IP, is the following...

(This is where it gets super exciting!)

The best way to do this is by creating a certification program.

You patent your ideas through a certification process and create royalties though a co-branding model.

That's the Mainz Royalty Secret for coaches and consultants in a nutshell.

Following the Mainz Royalty Secret for coaches and consultants you will have the ultimate method to create your own certification program in way that no else is doing today.

Think about it. Who else in your industry has a certification program? And more importantly, who else in your market place collects royalties through a co-branding program tied (affixed) to a certification process?

Remember the key to creating a ROIT business as a coach or consultant in the IP Age is three-fold: 1. POSITION your advice in a way your competitors do not; 2. Take steps to PROTECT your advice so your competitors can’t copy what you are doing; 3. Know how to effectively PRESENT your idea to others creating royalty interest in your IPover and over again each month.

The absolute most strategic way to this success is build your competitive advantage with your own certification and co-branding program.

This parallels exactly what people have been begging me to assist them with. Over the past several years, more and more companies have been asking me to assist in creating their own high end programs, sell these programs, and assist in their fulfillment from these high end coaching and consulting programs.

And now for the first time you will be able to do this inside your own certification program to attract other coaches and trainers in your expertise to be trained in your own certification programs. This certification will assist you to easily position yourself with therequired momentum to grow your company as well as work from the ultimate scalable model.

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Imagine Creating Your Certification Process In A Way that Allowed You The Same Power As Owning the

Brooklyn Bridge?

If you want to build your company by selling premium priced programs, you are going to want to build your royalties NOT from a licensing, but a co-branding perspective!

This result will allow provide you the ability to collect tolls from those who you use your bridge.

The key with Certification Royalty Riches™ is that you create your own certification program and connect this with a royalty model that makes the most sense for a service-provider in today’s Trusted Advisor Era. That’s why you will want to also create a co-branding model to maximize your certification process.

NOTE: Co-Branding is the key royalty model for service-providers like coaches and consultants in the IP or Trusted Advisor Era.

But, first here is a quick primer on how licensing works.

The licensing agreement consists of the inventor (licensor) agreeing to let a third party,referred to as a licensee, to commercially use one’s invention for a period of time.

The agreement stipulates the length of time and the royalty structure. When negotiating a license agreement, there are various other aspects including the royalty rate, up-front payment, terms, territory etc.

The typical payment structures include the following: 1. Percent Royalty which includes how often payment will be made (annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly); 2. Use Royalty (Number of units sold); 3. Lump Sum Payment (A one-time payment); 4. Advance Royalty (Payment up front); 5. And Guaranteed Minimum Payment (A payment for the right to use).

However, as noted above, in the service-based economy you don’t want to create royalties using the licensing model. Here are the top three problems in using a licensing model with your coaching and consulting program:

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Three Critical Problems That You Want To Avoid in Creating Royalties…

1. As a coach who wants to charge top dollar for your certification program, you can be seen as a franchisor unless you build your royalty program with the correct model.

2. As a business owner, if you follow the licensing model you are, in effect, telling someone they can put their copyright on your ideas therefore leading to potential conflicts on high end programs as to who owns the program. This makes it much more difficult to sell your services.

3.As an entrepreneurial coach or consultant, you make it more difficult to create long term royalties through multiple levels. (Following the model that I am going to teach, you will be able to set up a multiple tiered system where you train coaches and trainers in your system, and they in turn, train their clients and you receive royalties from both the first and second tier.)

For these reasons, the best way to build and scale your advice-based business through coaching and consulting, is by creating and collecting royalty interest payments for your company using this co-branding royalty model:

Create Your Own Co-Branding Program And Begin To Collect Royalties Month After Month, Year After

Year...Predictably and Dependably!

What is co-branding? How do I build royalties with co-branding? How do I bring people into a co-branding relationship with me where I can charge top dollar.

In other words, what is the best way to market your co-branding program?

The pre-eminent way to market your co-branding program is through creating your own certification process as I just mentioned above.

And here is the greatest opportunity before you right now. One that no one is using in your industry…as of yet!

There is a process I have created that essentially will allow you to create both the above, asI have gone before you and created my own certification and co-branding program.

When I created my own system two years ago, I wanted to create a certification programthat leveraged the eight years (at that time) I had spent working in the trenches, recreating and repositioning companies for scalable growth.

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Five (5) Keys To A GREAT Certification Process:

As you create your own certification program, it is important to remember as an entrepreneurial coach and consultant that without a strategic sales and marketing system your business cannot survive, let alone thrive. New York Times’ best-selling authors, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, say this: In order to survive in today’s market place

entrepreneurs must be able to do the following: (1) Sell premium priced programs and services; and (2) involve these same people in your marketing efforts.

I refer to this as the Buckingham-Coffman Law of Sustainable Growth. It’s critical that today you don’t just have a small edge in the market place, but a LARGE, SUSTAINABLEcompetitive advantage.

Since you are going to want to follow these five (5) keys to create a great certification process for your own business, you will position your service-based company to prosper. Your certification process should allow you to do this:

1.Rebuild your coaching and consulting program by standardizing your industry with you creating the rules. The ‘rules’ are the systems you teach to your own coaches and trainers to assist them in growing their own businesses.

2.Build your coaching and consulting program by immediately creating IP usage-based royalty payment opportunities. This provides you clarity on exactly what you should certify your own clients in.

3. Sell your own certification programs for $15,000.00 to $20,000.00. (You must be positioned with premium priced programs in order to survive in today’s market place.)

4. Teach and train your own coaches and trainers in your systems. For example, many of my own co-branders were really interested in learning my proprietary systems on how I organize my content very strategically to create and close $50,000 coaching programs.

These same clients are not only taught in my exact systems BUT they can enter into a co-branding opportunity with me. In my co-branding alliance, I receive two types of royalties: monthly usage-based payments for the right to receive continuous assistance from me and also the opportunity to use my IP with their own clients if they so desire. When my clients use my IP with their clients they pay me a lump-sum payment based on how the royalty structure is set up in my co-branding agreement with them. (This happens each time my IP is used.)

5.Build a different type of authority and credibility that creates SPEED as your competitive advantage.

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EXPOSED: How Glenn Dietzel Uses The Mainz Royalty Secret

With the leverage that Certification Royalty Riches™ provides coaches and consultants, they learn how to create their own certification process just like I did. This allows them toll positioning power by creating the rules for your market place. In addition, they create the ability to introduce their IP into new markets with their own sales force: coaches and

trainers who are certified in your systems and who want to leverage your systems with their own clients.(Remember the Buckingham-Coffman Law of Sustainable Growth.)

This is why you should have a co-branding program affixed to your certification process.

When you use these five principles to build your own certification process, you make it easier to create two types of royalties. Every one of my clients who has created their own successful certification and co-branding program has used these five principles.

And this is why I created Certification Royalty Riches™ in the first place. I wanted to teach entrepreneurs the best way to build a coaching and consulting program with maximum leverage. As someone who knows the coaching industry intimately, I wanted my own scalable model that would not tie me as a coach who really had a glorified job. For anyone who has read the E-Myth by Jay Conrad Levinson, you will understand exactly what I mean.

I originally created my own certification and co-branding program two years ago for those who wanted to be business coaches and who wanted to leverage the business systems I had created. I called it the New Stealth Guru Certification and Co-Branding Program. I fashioned my co-branding program allowing me to create two types of royalties I have outlined above: monthly usage-based royalty payments and lump sum royalties.

The first royalty (monthly usage-based payments) allows clients the right to remain in my coaching program long term. In this manner they have access to ongoing assistance and training in my systems. But here’s the real genius with this model: his royalty payment also allows me to create a second and much more profitable royalty!

The second type of royalty (lump sum payments) in my co-branding program is where myclients pay me to use various systems which make up my IP with their own clients. The systems that my clients can use and instructions on how they can use these systems is spelled out in my co-branding agreement with them.

The genius of this system is that I receive another royalty that easily allows me to make more money from this royalty type than in usage-based payments(the monthly royalty). The key to creating the proper legal foundation for this is that your certification and co-branding programs each have separate legal agreements.

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Today, hundreds of trainers, coaches, consultants, authors, speakers and other service-providers are discovering the power of owning their own IP using this same system—Certification Royalty Riches™.

Let’s look a little more strategically at what certification really is…

First of all, extremely few coaches and consultants today have a certification program. And the few entrepreneurs who have created a certification program, do not provide any direction in sales and marketing. These parameters are always crucial to business success.

The few certification programs which exist, merely teach others to follow systems they created on becoming a coach. What’s missing in these programs? The core fundamentals of business which is sales and marketing systems.

Remember: Without sales and marketing you have no company!

What Makes Certification Royalty Riches™ Different?

Certification Royalty Riches™ allows you to do three things:

1. Position yourself as the standard of your industry. Now you will have the ability to create the rules in your coaching industry by following a proprietary process.

2. Sell your own certification programs $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 following my predictable and secure system.

3.Create two types of royalties for your company. Absolutely no one has this ability today.No one! I will show you exactly what I do and how I have created the legal framework for doing this.

So how can you be the first to use this Mainz Royalty Secret in your coaching or consultingindustry?

Well, I believe one of the easiest and safest ways to turn a small investment into incredible wealth over the next few years is to own and collect royalty interests in your own IP.

The ability to create and own your own certification and co-branding program is like creating your own retirement fund that pays your predictable returns on your investment—over and over again.

In other words... the key investment is in the ownership of your most valuable asset that I showed you. You need to leverage your diamond mine (your intangible assets)which happens to be your company’s critical IP.

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With the power of the Certification Royalty Riches™ providing your company with yourcompetitive advantage, you will be positioned to create and receive royalty interest payments.Imagine the huge benefit to you and your future as you receive royalties, year after year!

And as an ancillary benefit, you will have the cash flow to grow your company in a scalable manner by creating premium priced programs and services.

Isn’t it time you realized just how valuable you really are as a coach? This is why you want to play smarter than your competitors and use a really intelligent system to grow your coaching and consulting company in a proven and measureable manner.This way, you avoid all the risks and expenses of following what other ‘experts’ are doing inbusiness... After all, if you are going to take the time to build credibility and authority in way that your competitors haven’t thought of, you are going to want to build your competitive advantage really strategically, right!

You are beginning to see the power of what I have covered.

My question to you is this?

Isn’t it time you invested in yourself to create royalty interest payments for your business? After all, without a dependable stream of royalty income coming to you each month, you are going to have a very difficult time competing against the companies that can do this.

Without this level of competitive advantage, you make it almost guaranteed you will not survive as we move into 2016 and beyond.

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Here Are Some of The Thousands of Real Life Case Studies...

Drew MilesSebastian, FL

“I am an expert thanks to Glenn Dietzel

allowing me to sell $25,000+ coaching


Dennis Eagle, Rock Hill, SC

“Within the first 2 weeks I sold my first $60,000

program. After 8 weeks of being online I sold my first

$1.2 Million coaching program!”

Michelle Yozzo DrakeStonigton, CT

“First $50,000 coaching program SOLD!”

Shawn MillerHolland, MI

“83% conversion rates into premium priced

continuity programs.”

Eric FreyBakersfield, CA

“60% conversion rates into my $10,000—

$15,000 programs.”

Joy PecchiaSpringpark, MN

“Glenn has helped me crate and sell

$50,000—$135,000 programs.”

Kathy GillenMinneapolis, MN

“I was struggling to sell a $1,000 program. In the first week $10,000… the first 2 months, sold my first $65,000 program!”

Ross RainsLondon, ON

“I just sold my first $25,000 and another person wants to pay

me $50,000!”

Sam CrowleyCincinnati, OH

“...Over $100,000 gross the first month starting

from scratch!”

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New Guru Model System For Building A 7-9 Figure Coaching And Consulting Business

The Typical Guru Model Of Creating Expert Status And Selling Information Online Is Not Only Too Slow... It's Dead!

The New Guru Model is a revolutionary business approach to creating, selling and scaling your advice quickly and easily.

NEVER again undervalue the worth of your advice!

Glenn Dietzel is the CEO of Awakened, LLC one of the fastest growing high level coaching companies today.

Glenn has worked with over 7,500 clients as case studies in 120+ industries. These clients range from those who need to reinvent themselves to clients who have built billion dollar companies. His system shows entrepreneurs how to benefit from his highly accelerated formula for instantly positioning their ideas, advice and everyday ‘know-how’ into information products and services as the instant go-to, highly paid #1 expert in their niche.

Many of Glenn’s clients have used his proprietary processes to create and sell coaching and consulting programs ranging from $10,000.00 to $100,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 and higher. The power of Glenn’s systems allows his clients to create scalable advice-based businesses.

Recently Glenn created a first in the business world teaching coaches, consultants and service providers how to create their own certification and co-branding program.

If you are interested in a system that will allow you to net high end clients in a predictable, certain and secure manner with conversion rates of 60% to 80!...

Then you will realize very quickly why Glenn’s business acceleration systems and advanced teaching processes provide his clients their competitive advantage in the market place.

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STRATEGIC NEXT STEPSA New Wealth & Security Business Model

Request a Strategic ‘”Future of Coaching” Consultation to discuss yourcoaching goals, and how you can best leverage your own certification and co-branding program inyour industry using Certification Royalty Riches™. This is the ultimate business model to growyour coaching or consulting business into a 7, 8 or 9 figure empire. Image if you could work withGlenn Dietzel as a Case Study to assist you to build your own program in the VERY same mannerthat Glenn has.

If you want an unfair advantage in your market place allowing you to profit in a predictable,certain and secure manner, you are going to want to make a critical decision to work smarter. Thisstarts by beginning the application process immediately.

The correct steps to take as follows:

1. Call the Awakened Int’l Office at 519.542.3043 to request a ‘Future of Coaching”Consultation right now.

2. And/Or go to the following URL to register online. NOTE: Every request is time-stamped, so the sooner you act, the faster you get into the queue.

3. Please allow 24 hours for us to get back to you.