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  • 8/9/2019 Published in the Media: "Prestigious American Journal Recognizes Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khans Contributions to the W


    Published in the Media:

    Prestigious American Journal Recognizes

    Dr . Akhtar H ameed Khans Contributions to the World

    Dr. Khans life and achievements are profiled and the impact of his innovative work is

    recognized in an article in the Winter 2014 issue of the prestigious Education About Asia

    academic journal. The recognition is a great honor for Asia and particularly Pakistan andBangladesh, where Dr. Khans innovations were first launched.

    Education About Asia (EAA), a prestigious and peer-

    reviewed teaching journal published in the United

    States of America, has included an article entitled

    Akhter Hameed Khan: A Legendary Social Scientist

    by Scholar and Historian Nasim Yousaf in its Winter2014 issue (Volume 19:3). The journal serves as a

    resource for professors, teachers, and other instructorsto select readings for their students. The inspiring piece

    on Dr. Khan will help students and academic

    communities in many countries around the world learn

    more about him.

    About Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan

    Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan (July 15, 1914 October 09

    1999) was a Nobel Prize-nominated, innovative social

    scientist who pioneered ideas around microfinance,participatory/rural development, and womens

    empowerment as a founder of the Bangladesh

    (previously Pakistan) Academy for Rural Development

    (BARD) and the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP). According

    to Historian and Scholar Nasim Yousaf (biographer and nephew of Dr. A.H. Khan), Khan

    Sahibs innovations were not made in a standard scientific laboratory; rather, they were the

    result of years of experiments in the field, including in-depth observation and extensive

    organizational/communication efforts working directly with the impoverished.

    Dr. Khans methods proved so successful, that they were widely replicated. Today, a large

    number of organizations in different parts of the world (including the Bill & Melinda Gates

    Foundation, founded by American billionaire Bill Gates along with his wife) support initiatives

    that have either leveraged or replicated concepts initially pioneered by Dr. Khan at BARD and

    OPP. Books and articles in scholarly journals, newspapers, and magazines have also examined

    his works. For instance, Professor Richard E. Boyatzis and Professor Masud Khawaja (from

    American and Canadian universities respectively) jointly wrote a piece entitled How Dr

  • 8/9/2019 Published in the Media: "Prestigious American Journal Recognizes Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khans Contributions to the W


    Akhtar Hameed Khan Led a Change Process That Started a Movement,which was published

    in 2014 in theJournal of Applied Behavioral Science.

    Through his innovations, Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan has earned the respect of both the East and

    the West. He is a source of inspiration for all Muslims and non-Muslims and proof that the

    world can be changed through research, innovation, and dedication to improving the lives of the


    About Education About Asia

    Education About Asiais an academic journal that serves as a resource for university professors

    schoolteachers, and other instructors. It is an invaluable source of information for students

    scholars, libraries, and anyone with an interest in Asia. Teachers and students from a wide range

    of disciplinesanthropology, Asian studies, business and economics, education, geography,

    government, history, language and literature, political science, religion, and sociology, amongotherssubscribe to Education About Asia (Source: EAAweb site). The journal is a resource

    for professors and schoolteachers to select readings for students of all levels. Contributions tothe journal undergo an evaluation process and only a select few are included.


    Above News Published In:

    a)Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz dated January 15, 2015

    [PKKH is Pakistans leading alternative policy institute and online news service (PKKH)]

    b)Pakistan Horizon(PH) dated January 15, 2015PH Team: Apart from the staff of The Pakistan Institute of International Affairs

    ( the Horizons people are: (1) Dr. Masuma Hasan, Chairman, PIIA,

    Cabinet Secretary to the Government of Pakistan (2000-2001), Ambassador of Pakistan to

    Austria, the UN and IAEA in Vienna (1994-1997), Chairperson UN G77 (1996) (2) M Jafri,

    Advocate (High Courts Pakistan) (3) Mr Arif Hasan, architect, (4) Barrister Kazim Hasan, (5)

    Ms Tahera Hasan, Advocate (High Courts Pakistan)(6) Barrister Asad Ali Khan

    c)Pakistandated January 16, 2015

    c) The Pioneer(Pakistan) dated January 16, 2015

    d)Isma Times(India) dated January 16, 2015

    e)Pakistan Christian Postdated January 16, 2015

    Facebook pages dedicated to Dr. A.H. Khan:

  • 8/9/2019 Published in the Media: "Prestigious American Journal Recognizes Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khans Contributions to the W




