Download - PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different

Page 1: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different

The Timsbury Letter


Page 2: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Dates for your Diary

1stAugust Cabinet of Curiosities 2.00pm– 3.00pm

The Hub

5th August Gadget Busting IT


2.30pm– 4.30pm

The Hub

15th August Timsbury Letter


17th August Timsbury Horticultural

Society Annual Show


Conygre Hall

23rd August Year 6 Meet up– see




Page 3: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Welcome to the August

Timsbury Letter

Village News

Features this Month

Parish Councillors – page 5

Young People in Timsbury – page 9

Revised Bus Service – page 11

St Mary's Primary School End-of-Year Production – page 14

The Parish Council has decided to continue employing Liz Casson for 12 hours per week to coordinate the Hub Library to at least the end of March. She has done a great job with all the volunteers. The library service is now well established, with an extra 400 books, and there is the children’s Summer Reading Challenge.

Now she is looking for more ambitious ideas to make it more of a social hub - and so your thoughts are wanted on things like; making a café of some sort, swap events, charity shop, volunteers to run a ‘repair café’ saving things from being thrown out, craft drop ins, art displays, health advice, games, bingo, or whatever residents and groups have in mind. See more on pages 18 and 19 and get in touch with Liz.

Hub Coordinator and New Social Ideas

Letter Deadline: Thursday 15th August

Please send articles and adverts EARLY to:

Madeleine Potts, [email protected] 07834 859291

47 Southlands Drive. Images & adverts in JPG format.

179 Bus News Update

There is good news that B&NES is hoping to keep the 179 service going after First Bus stops running it from 9th November. Meanwhile, volunteers in Timsbury and other Parish Councils

have carried out a Travel Survey of all houses to look at future needs and ideas. More details on page 11.

Page 4: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Supporting Young People

Next Parish Council Meeting

Monday 2nd September 7.30pm

In the Conygre Hall

Tyning Room

Chris Gittins

Clerk to Timsbury Parish Council

01761 470 516

[email protected]

Planning Applications Comments by the Parish Council on these can be seen on the B&NES website, in the PC Minutes at: and on noticeboards in the Conygre Hall and outside the chip shop. Other applications may have been considered between Newsletter editions.

Decisions by B&NES Council 19/02191/FUL 38 Crocombe, Timsbury, BA2 0JS. Garage conversion into home gym plus additional windows in existing house. PERMITTED

Applications for the Parish Council to consider None with in the timing of this Newsletter

Anyone interested in ideas to develop activities that support young people in the village please get in touch with the new Young People Working Group which the Parish Council has set up with groups in the village. The Parish Council

has to make a decision about what to do with having to take over funding of the Youth Van which visits the Conygre Hall every Tuesday. B&NES are cutting funding of it this summer. More details on page 9.

Events Planning

Timsbury is a busy village with many

active clubs and organisations and there

is always lots going on. So much so that

occasional event clashes are inevitable

unless planners have some means of co-

ordinating their efforts and checking

what else might be in the pipeline.

To make such a check possible, and

relatively easy, Sanjeev and Jan

at Health & More have kindly agreed to

maintain a Forward Events Diary for the


All those planning events and hoping to

attract a spread of attendees are invited

to consult this Diary as part of their

planning process and to then add their

chosen date and brief event details as

soon as practically possible.

Organisers using the Diary will remain

free to choose any date that suits them

but can do so forewarned of possible

clashes that may distract the hoped-for


Page 5: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Parish Councillors

Ray Merchant

Born in Wells, Ray moved to Timsbury

on marrying Jan in 1971. They live in

Southlands Drive, raised two daughters,

Sarah and Hannah and have two


He joined the Council around 2012 and

chairs the Streets and Safety Committee

and is a member of three other sub


Ray worked for an International Space

Company with responsibility for public

and press relations, covering Science,

Earth Observation and Military Satellite

Systems until his retirement in 2000.

David Collett

David and Jeanette came from Bristol to

live in the High Street in 2001. He was

born in the village and visited it often

after his family moved away when he

was six years old.

He joined the Council in 2015 and has

served on the Communications and the

Streets and Safety Committees. His

working life was spent in newspaper

publishing and public relations and he is

actively involved in maintaining the

village website

Following the uncontested election of eight councillors in May, the Parish Council

has co-opted a further five members and now has a full complement of 13 who are

due to serve until May 2023. Over the coming months they will all be introduced to

you in the Letter.

Page 6: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Village Church Services for July

Secretary Maureen Cox - 01761 479656

Sunday 4th August TBA

Sunday 11th 10.30am Paul Graham

Sunday 18th August 10.30am Len Wills

Sunday 25st August 10.30am Alan and Linda Jenners

1st & 15th August- knit and natter 1.30pm - 3.30pm in our schoolroom.

If transport is needed please call Maureen on 01761 479656

We look forward to seeing our regulars and welcoming new members too!

Congregational Church North Road (with full wheelchair access)

St Mary’s Church, Timsbury

Service Times For June 2019

Sunday 4th August 11.00am Parish Communion

Sunday 11th August 11.00am Parish Communion

Sunday 18th August 11.00am Morning Praise

Sunday 25th August 11.00am Parish Communion

Parish News No Wednesday Communion service in August. The 9.30am service resumes in September.

Revd Martin Blewett

Benefice of Timsbury with Priston,

Camerton & Dunkerton

The Rectory, South Road, Timsbury, Bath,


01761 472448/ 07854 273489

[email protected]

Page 7: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Sunday 4th August 11.00am Mr T Moxham Flowers: Mr M Tucker

Sunday 11th August 11.00am Mrs M West (Holy Communion) Flowers: Mrs A Rhymes. Service in the schoolroom with coffee to follow. Foodbank donations morning.

Sunday 18th August 11.00am Mr I Brailey Flowers: Mrs L Lye.

Sunday 25th August 11.00am Mrs J Auckland Flowers: Mrs M West.

Pastoral matters: Eric Barge 01761 420234

Secretary Geoff Shute 568524

Sunday 4th August 10.30am Mr David Parker

Sunday 11th August 10.30am Rev Jan Tate

Sunday 18st August 10.30am Mr Steve Beck

Sunday 25th August 10.30am Rev David Winstanley Holy Communion

Frances Nicholson (Secretary) 01761 470841

“OPEN DOORS” coffee/tea & cake Every Wednesday from 9.15 until 12 noon. Everyone welcome.

Visit Us on: /facilities/churches

Email: - [email protected]

Minister: Rev. David Winstanley 40 North Meadows

Peasedown St John, Bath BA2 8PS.

Tel: 01761 439934

Methodist Church South Road

Tabor Free Methodist Church

Page 8: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


I’ve been asked by the Editor to write a

few words about myself and family for

the magazine-so here goes!

I was born at an early age in West

Cornwall where both my father and

mother’s family had been tin miners for

generations. We crossed the Tamar to

live in England when I was 16 and my

family now lives in Tiverton near Exeter.

From early on I felt drawn to work for

the Church in various capacities;

working in a Christian bookshop in

Bristol in the early 80’s, travelling with

student mission groups to work with

churches in Europe in the 80’s and 90’s,

spending some time in South America

and serving as a chaplain to the fishing

industry in Scotland and South Devon

(Royal National Mission to Deep Sea

Fishermen.) which gave me an insight

into the harshness of life at sea and the

true cost of fish with our chips.

I was ordained as Vicar in 2009 and

after 4 years as a curate in Seaford, East

Sussex moved with my family to be

Rector of the Timsbury Benefice of

Churches (Timsbury, Camerton, Priston

and Dunkerton) 6 years ago in 2013.

My family – Rosanna, Toby, Tom and

Leo- love Timsbury and surrounding

villages and I am very privileged to seek

to serve Church and community in this


My thanks to all the good people of

Timsbury who have made my life and

ministry here such as joy. It my

endeavour to always available to help,

listen and pray for all parishioners who

need assistance, of whatever Faith or


People Profile

Revd Martin Blewett

Rector, St Mary’s Church

Page 9: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Young People in Timsbury

By Victoria Ansell

The Parish Council is currently reviewing

Youth Services in Timsbury, and we

would like the input of Young People

from the ages of 11 – 18, and their

parents, over the next few months to

help with the investigation. We would

like to find out what services are known

about and used at the moment, and

discover what other facilities and

services young people would like.

We will be sending out questionnaires

electronically at the end of July through

the Parish Website and Timsbury Rocks,

and paper copies will also be available

in the Hub. We will also be attending

existing Youth Clubs and activities to

meet Young People and talk to them


In early Autumn we will be holding a

Youth Services Workshop to discuss the

findings, and brainstorm ideas as to

how we can bring some of the proposed

facilities and services into being!

If you are interested in getting involved

in the Workshop please contact Victoria

Ansell: [email protected], and

if you would like to submit your views

please look out for the Questionnaires.

DEADLINE Thursday 15th August

Please send your articles

and adverts before this date to:

Madeleine Potts

[email protected]


47 Southlands Drive

Please send images and

adverts in JPG format.

Page 10: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Youth Work in Timsbury

By Jane Van Haaps

Timsbury Youth & Community Worker

Friday Night Youth Club for 11-14s is

continuing to meet through the

holidays but with a different

programme including trips to the

trampoline park in Bath, bowling,

games at Conygre playing field and a

trip to Wells and Glastonbury Tor (all

being well). Do get in touch with me for

more details. We will be back at the

YMCA on 6 September 7.15pm-8.30pm.

We aim to be relaxed and friendly and

new members are always welcome. As

part of it we have simple cooking, craft

activities, table tennis, Xbox (Fifa 19),

tuck shop, active games (like dodge

ball!), board games and discussion

starters. Our new 6 foot pool table has

arrived and is being well used. £1

entrance includes a free hot chocolate

or squash.

The cookery project, on Monday

evenings at the YMCA, will start back on

September 16th. We are looking to

recruit a new group of 12-15 year olds

for the term in order to give different

people a chance so let me know if you

would like to join this small group who

plan, cook and eat together. Cost is

£1.50/week, which covers ingredients.

We are also running a short project for

the St Mary’s Year 6s who are moving

up to secondary school in September.

This will involve meeting for a social at

the YMCA 6.00-7.00pm on Friday 23rd

August and then again 6.00-7.00pm on

Friday 20th September to link up with

old school friends to help provide some

stability in the midst of change.

We are still looking for people to help

with the groups, especially Fridays. If

this is something that interests you then

I would be very happy to meet up and

talk this through. Training can be


Jane van Haaps tel 07765000661,

[email protected]

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Revised Bus Service

By David Collett

On Saturday, November 9th First Bus will

cease to operate the 179 bus service

between Bath and Paulton. On the

current Monday to Friday time table this

service is subsidised by B&NES Council

at a cost of £2,223 per week.

B&NES policy is to maintain the current

non-commercial bus network as far as

possible until such time as the West of

England Combined Authority has

completed and implemented its Bus

Strategy. Bus companies have been

invited to tender for a variety of

possible 179 services to continue from

November 9th.

Most bids submitted were unaffordable,

For example an all-day Saturday service

would require a subsidy of around

£1,000 a day. However, one option is

under serious consideration.

This Monday-to-Friday timetable would

extend the 179 route to Midsomer

Norton and increase the interval

between buses to two and a half hours.

It would address some of the issues

raised by passengers including an earlier

first bus to Tesco and Midsomer Norton;

an earlier morning peak bus to Bath, an

afternoon peak departure from Bath

and better co-ordination between

services 179 and 768.

This co-ordination would include 768

services to Bath in the morning and

from Bath in the afternoon. Tickets

would be valid on both 179 and 768.

Bids for this new option have been

considered in July and a decision to go

ahead is expected in August. If finally

agreed this service would be

guaranteed until August 2020.

Efforts to create a 179 Bath-to-Wells

express service continue and public

consultation on the WECA Bus Strategy

is expected to begin in the autumn this


Alongside the work of B&NES officers

local parish councils have established a

Rural Transport Group to work towards

a solution for rural transport issues and

to develop future strategies. One of its

first actions has been to carry out a

survey of transport priorities for those

living in villages along the route of the

179 service. A survey form was

delivered to all homes in the area in July

and responses are being evaluated.

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The Green Pages

By Bridget Newberry

5 reasons to eat less meat

Agriculture is responsible for 80% of

worldwide deforestation. Forests

(including the Amazon rainforest) are

being wiped out for crops like soya, 90%

of which is grown for animal feed.

Eating more grains, fruit and veg, and

less meat means we can get more food

from less land, reducing the pressure to

destroy habitats.

Agricultural activity is also a major

cause of wildlife decline. Pesticides are

killing off insects at an alarming rate,

and loss of habitats such as the Brazilian

Cerrado (the world’s most wildlife-rich

savannah) means animals, including

many endangered species, perish.

Scientists say we must more than halve

our consumption of all meat and dairy

to prevent climate breakdown. The food

industry is responsible for a quarter of

greenhouse gas emissions, and meat

and dairy are the worst offenders. Even

the lowest impact beef is responsible

for 6 times more greenhouse gases and

uses 36 times more land in its

production than beans and pulses.

Vegetarian diets can be wonderfully

cheap. You can save money by opting

for seasonal fruits and vegetables,

buying pasta, rice, and beans in bulk,

and growing your own.

There are health benefits from eating a

diet with less meat and more

vegetables, including reducing the risk

of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Plant-based diets also have fewer


Even if becoming completely vegetarian

or vegan is not on the cards, there are

still ways to manage the impacts of our

food choices. Try meat free Monday, or

go veggie for a month. Choose products

that have been produced organically,

farmed sustainably and sourced locally.

Spend a little more on meat and cheese

but eat it less often. It will be better for

you and for the environment… and

chances are it will be a lot tastier too!

Page 13: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


At our launch event, 50 local people

came together to talk about what they

most enjoyed doing in Timsbury. They

also said that it is difficult to get

information about what exactly is on

offer, where, what time and especially

who it is for!

As a response to that feedback

Timsbury Together is organising an

event that will be open for anybody

who runs, teaches or organises an

activity for any age in the village.

It will be an opportunity to advertise

your activity and recruit new members.

This event will be a chance for any

villager, of any age, to come along and

find out about activities in Timsbury,

that they might like to join. We are

very lucky to have so much going on in

Timsbury but it is important that all

local groups are well supported.

If you provide an activity and are

interested in having a space at this

event as an opportunity to tell everyone

about your group then contact Sheila

Clarke on

[email protected]

Timsbury Together aims to

encourage older folk in Timsbury to

come out of their house to join in

with activities that are available in


Timsbury Together

By Sheila Clarke

What’s on in Timsbury?

The event will be held on Sunday October 13th from 2.30pm

to 5.30pm

At the Conygre Hall

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St Mary’s Primary School End-of-Year


By George and Maria in Year 6

Over the last few weeks, the Y6 Eagles

class at St. Mary’s Primary School in

Timsbury have been working on their

end-of-year production, Robin and the

Sherwood Hoodies.

After the audition process and many

rehearsals, they were finally ready to

perform to the school and their families

and friends. From the moment you set

eyes on the young actors’ faces, you

could see how much they were enjoying

being on stage. It was as if their energy

was being passed on to the crowd. It

was an outstanding show, filled with

many comical elements, hysterical and

cheesy jokes that made everybody

laugh. The cast, led brilliantly by George

(Robin), Maria (Marion), Matilda (The

Sheriff of Nottingham), Megan (King

John) and Eloisa (Nursie), all acted so

well that it was as if they were living as

that character.

Every song was sung exceptionally well;

some children even sang solos that

sounded marvellous. The choreography

to the songs was astounding and made

the crowd go wild with their applause.

Each child performed with such passion.

The scenery and numerous amount of

props gave the show a very professional

atmosphere. At the end, everybody was

still full of energy for the production,

wishing they could perform it all over

again. All in all, the performance was a

huge success.

Page 15: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Creative Workshop at St Mary’s

Primary School

On Thursday 27th June members of the

Bath Philharmonic Orchestra came to St

Marys Primary School and ran a creative

workshop for our Year 4's. The Children

created a piece of music during the day

and then performed it to the rest of the

school and parents at the end of the


The day was very successful and letters

were sent to the orchestra to express

their thanks for coming to our school.

An example letter is shown below,

written by Ruby Smart.

Page 16: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Small local plastering company offering a full range of plastering

services. Competitive, reliable, honest and friendly

Joss Langley 07738381618 [email protected]

27 Lansdown View, Timsbury, Bath, BA2 0JP

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Page 17: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Timsbury Theatre Group

By Peter Buchanan

Our 2018-2019 season came to an end

in the middle of July with two

performances of “Murder at the

Manor”. This murder mystery was

presented in unconventional style as a

radio play, complete with live sound

effects. Audiences enjoyed trying to

work out who had perpetrated the

dastardly deed, and were very generous

in their support of this year’s chosen

charity, the RUH Forever Friends


Every year, TTG chooses a local charity

to support with raffles and collections

at productions. Last year it was “Off The

Record”, a free service helping to

improve the emotional health and

wellbeing of young people in B&NES.

We were delighted to be able to

present them with a cheque for £600 as

you can see in the picture.

By the time this article is published, we

will have started preparing for our

December production “The Good the

Bad and the Panto”, a Wild West

pantomime adventure by Paul Barron.

Although we expect to have cast the

principal parts at the end of July, we

will still be looking for chorus members

and backstage helpers before

rehearsals start in September. Why not

come and join us? You’ll make new

friends and get that buzz that comes

from being involved with a live show.

If you think you’d like to get involved,

please get in touch with Jo Whittock on

01761 472745, Peter Buchanan

(471818) or Pete Crooke (434479).

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Timsbury Art Group

As I type this it is a glorious July day.

When you read this, we would have

completed our last summer term

session. Looking back it has been so

nice to just sit, paint and relax with

others, once a week, each lost in

concentration, sometimes in silence, on

their own particular piece of art.

I also hope you enjoyed chatting to

some of our members at the Timsbury

Together Coffee and Cake Morning


Our next term will start again on

Thursday 5th September 2019. We are a

self-help group of enthusiastic artists,

from beginners to more experienced, so

do come along and visit us and see what

we do. New members always very


Come to our exhibition at Wells

Cathedral 21st-28th September 2018

when you can see the many paintings

we have for sale by our members. As

well as an enjoyable visit you can find

out about our group and maybe even

purchase an early Christmas present. An

original painting is a lovely unique gift .

On Saturday 19th October 2019 in

Conygre Hall, Timsbury, there will be

another chance to view and buy our

paintings. An extremely popular idea at

last years exhibition was everyone who

had a raffle ticket took home a postcard

size original painting corresponding to

their raffle ticket number and so we are

repeating this fun idea again this

year. Some 70 original postcard size

paintings will be available !!!

We wish you all a glorious summer


Timsbury Art Group

Thursday 2.00pm-4.00pm

Conygre Hall, Short Mat Bowls area,


Please telephone Diana Walker

01761-433688 for info.

Anyone for tennis

or netball?

Were you inspired by Wimbledon and

interested in having tennis coaching

on our lovely tennis court? Please get

in touch and we will try to set it up.

And with netball now a premium sport

is anyone interested in netball nets

being set up?

Contact Peter Buchanan on

01761 471 818

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Timsbury Horticultural Society

By Graham Nicholls

When you receive this edition of the

Timsbury Letter we will all be looking

forward to our Annual Flower Show at

Conygre Hall.

Last year was a wonderful show with

lots of entries. Don’t forget to enter by

post or in person at Conygre Hall by 15th

August or else you will have to pay a bit


Please note that there will be NO

ENTRIES ACCEPTED on the morning of

the show although staging exhibits on

the morning will be as normal. This

enables our limited number of

volunteers to prepare for the opening

to the public later on. I hope you will all

enjoy the show and I look forward to

seeing you all.

Looking forward, our first meeting of

the autumn session will be in the Myra

Hayward Room in Conygre Hall on

Tuesday 10th September at 7.30pm and

the programme/membership cards

should be available when you renew

your membership at the show. For

those that missed the announcement a

month or so ago, as from September we

will have a name change to ‘Timsbury

Gardening Club.’ The subjects at our

meetings reflect the gardening aspect of

the Society/Club and we have members

with lots of gardening knowledge if

anyone needs advice whatever the

gardening problem.

Bath Mind

By Paul Cooper, Head of Services

I am writing to inform you that a

collaboration of services (Bath Mind,

Age UK and The Carers Centre) are close

to finalising a new fortnightly meeting

group to cater for the Timsbury and

surrounding area population. As

providers, we have secured funding to

deliver our current services running in

the city to reach further out into the

rural areas of B&NES. We will be starting

with Timsbury and will soon deliver to

other areas within B&NES. After

agreement with the YMCA concludes,

we are hoping to set up in the Timsbury

Hub every other Tuesday starting from

the 3rd September 2019.

Our combined groups will be available

to assist people with their mental health

wellbeing, provide carers support and

elderly support through regular meeting

groups and activities along with

signposting people to other relevant

services to improve their wellbeing and

circumstances. Further information and

a poster will soon be available once

matters have been firmed up.

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Keeping Fit Over the Summer


By Laura Hilton

During the long school summer holiday

parents are often torn between

spending time with their children or

juggling work, cooking and cleaning.

With all of this going on it can be hard

to then find time to exercise as well,

meaning that come September many

have to restart their exercise regimes.

Here a few ways to incorporate physical

activity into the summer holiday so that

you can keep the momentum of

exercising up while the kids are around:

Go for a walk

Pack a picnic and head out into the

beautiful countryside that surrounds us.

We’re spoilt for choice when it comes to

local walks but if you need inspiration

look no further than the two fabulous

walking guides that have been

produced by Timsbury Parish Council

(available for sale in The Connies,

Health and More and The Hub).

Get on your bikes

There are lots of lovely cycle paths in

our local area, meaning you can go a

decent distance on the flat without

having to worry about traffic.

Alternatively, you can head to Odd

Down cycle track where adults and kids

alike can cycle for as long (or as short)

as they want, with parents knowing

exactly where their kids are at all times.

Workout together

Parents are welcome to bring their

children along to my weekly Kettlebell

class for free during school holidays.

Everyone is put through their paces in a

safe, friendly environment, and all

abilities are catered for. The class is at

9.15am every Thursday at Timsbury


Take it in turns

You and a friend or your partner could

take it in turns to look after the children

while the other one goes off to do some

exercise. Or you could do a childcare/

run relay at a nearby park. Radstock

park is a good option for this as you the

kids can play whilst you take it turns to

go for a run along the cycle path.

Enjoy whatever physical activity you

chose to do during the holiday and have

fun, safe in the knowledge that you are

being a positive role model to your


Page 28: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


I find that as I get older, my aches and

pains are getting in the way and the

sight of a chair is a delight.

There are lots of gentle activities for the

elderly" or people with “limited

mobility”, like seated dancing, singing

and seated exercising, but not much in

the way of sport. The game of bowls is a

possibility but even that involves a lot of

bending and walking.

There is a game with rules very similar

to Bowls and Boules called BOCCIA,

which is an indoor game and the players

must be seated. Boccia is a Paralympic

sport and as far as I know, is mostly

played by people who use wheelchairs.

Nova Sport have created a Bath League

and Boccia England run lots of National

and International tournaments. Teams

from our Cheshire Home in Timsbury

have been playing for years and have

one team in the National finals.

So, why should they have all the fun? I

don't know whether there are Boccia

clubs for “fragile able bodied" people in

the UK, but how about a Timsbury

Boccia Cub.

The benefits include the following:

• A sociable competitive sport .

• The game is played while sitting on

a chair .

• It is indoors so can be played all

year and daytime or night time.

• Games can be played as individuals,

pairs or 2 teams of three.

Problems which would need to be

overcome are:

• A hall is needed to allow for the

court which is 12.5 meters by 6

meters .

• A set of Boccia balls (6 red, 6 blue

and a white jack) costs from £100

to £400.

I would like to hear from you if you

would like more information, or would

like to play, or if you know of funding

possibilities to help with the equipment

or recommendations for a hall

(especially if we could have a

permanently marked out court).

Text or phone 07889363018.

E mail [email protected]

A Sport For Those Of Us Of A Certain


By Colin Allen

Page 29: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Conygre Bungalow

Radford Hill Timsbury BA2 0QQ

Contact: Mark and Shanti Jackman

Tel: 01761 470541 m: 07720 833682

E-mail: [email protected]


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Page 31: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


The Scarecrow Trail 2019

Photos by David Collett

Page 32: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Planting and Spaces Committee

by Mary Anne Ansell

Now we are into Summer, the main

work for the Committee is weeding and

watering. During May and early June,

many of the planters had the compost

renewed and new plants put in. This

was mainly on the High Street and

North Road. There has also been quite a

bit of work done on the Public Spaces,

especially Church Lane.

Thank you to those who have donated

plants, especially Kazue Ward.

Unfortunately, since the removal of the

Church tap, after persistent vandalism,

it is now difficult to plant anything on

Church Lane at this time of year as it

would die. Colin Robinson has not only

replanted the boxes on the Church wall

but also repainted the metal frames and

made new wooden boxes. They look

lovely now, so, many thanks Colin.

The new flower bed on the Hook is

looking amazing, thanks to Stephen

Young. The boxes on the Hook bus stop

have been replanted and I would like to

thank the unknown people who added

some plants and Don for watering the

boxes. Thanks also to Serena Shore,

who has replanted the butterfly and

repainted it and to the WI for replanting

the planters on the Crescent.

Finally thanks to Judith Plunkett for

heroic weeding on the Miner’s Garden,

Church Lane and Triangle.

Please do water any boxes near you

when you can and continue to donate

plants, from September on. Many


Wow! What a great summer we have

had for our varied WI activities. A balmy

evening in June saw us enjoying the

gardens and hospitality of Jenny in the

Chew Valley, fabulous views and time to

relax, for us. Some of our members

attended the National WI AGM, where

one of the resolutions passed was close

to our hearts, the plight of rural bus

services. We welcomed, after such a

long wait, Shaun, a Yeoman of the

Guard, telling us the history and

practices of this historic and special

group. He brought his uniform, very

heavy, artefacts and delivered his most

impressive knowledge with humour and

passion. Our entry for the village

Scarecrow Trail, what a show stopper!

Come August we are destined for a BBQ

with food, fun and ‘frolics’, Luncheon

club and book club continue as usual,

and looking ahead to the Autumn ...

watch this space as our programme of

events and activities is revealed.

Timsbury WI

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Purnell Bowls Club

Bristol Road, Paulton



















For more information,

Ring Don: 01761-471019

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Monumental and Stone Masons

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Marble and Granite Ltd

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Page 37: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different




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Timsbury and surrounds

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CONYGRE HALL SESSIONS Mondays Bouncy Castles (term time) 10am tel 436328 Short Mat Bowls 10am tel 472741 Timsbury Natural History Group 7.30pm (third Monday except June, July and August) tel 433013 Tuesdays Over Sixties Group (1.30pm fortnightly) tel 470919 Short Mat Bowls 7pm tel 472741 Theatre Group 7.30pm tel 471818 Wednesdays Flexercise (term time)10am tel 414163 Golden Oldies 11am (first Wednesday morning of the month) tel 472790 Slimming World 4.30 pm 07538309708 Pilates 6.30pm tel 07538309708 Badminton Club from 7.30pm (Except August) Beginners Badminton 6- 7.30pm (Except August) tel 472773 Thursdays Toddlers (term time) 9.30am tel 07427 846825 Art class (term time) 10am tel 07769 186234 Art Group (term time only) 2pm-4pm 01761-433688 SOSA Dance Fitness 2.30pm Fitsteps 6.15pm tel 07585 324062 Short Mat Bowls 7pm tel 472741 Theatre Group 7.30pm tel 471818 Timsbury WI 7.30pm (first Thursday evening of the month) tel 470140 Fridays Art class (term time) 9.30am tel 07769 186234 Saturdays Ballet 9.45am tel 479026 / 07739 611394 The Hall is also used for numerous public and private events inc. birthday parties, wedding receptions, jumble sales, meetings, wakes etc. For bookings contact the Booking Officer tel 470261. Other Useful Contacts: Timsbury Snooker Club tel 470994 Timsbury Cricket Club & Timsbury Athletic Football Club tel 07753 164080

Page 39: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different


Page 40: PUBLISHED BY TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL · y Jane Van Haaps Timsbury Youth & ommunity Worker Friday Night Youth lub for 11-14s is continuing to meet through the holidays but with a different