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  • 7/25/2019 Public Sector Industry Executive Overview


    Industry Executive Overview

    SAP for Public Sector

    The Citizen-Centric Enterprise


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    Market SituationHow can governments meet the rising demand for services, budgetary restraint,and accountability? Innovative technologies can help agencies improve theirstewardship of public funds and develop forward-thinking, citizen-centric policies.

    Leading technology innovations arent just for business and consumers. Citizens, partners,

    and companies alike expect governments to use these technologies to promote transparency,empower people, improve safety and service performance, and strengthen governance.

    In response, many organizations are developing mobile apps that citizens can use to initiateservice, make payments, or file documents. Other mobile solutions enable public workers to deliverfield-based services, such as social care, and implement improvements to the infrastructure.

    Governments are consolidating their data centers in the cloud and using geospatial visualizationto track agency vehicles and identify crime patterns. Agencies now use analytics and Big Data

    to detect and prevent fraud and abuse, measure the performance of policies and programs, andstreamline decision making. And citizens rely on social media channels to access information

    and to problem solve.Currently, many of the worlds best-run governments use innovative solutions from SAP toaddress the unique challenges of the public sector and to meet the needs of its people.



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    The Citizen-Centric Enterprise

    Market Situation

    Transformation ThroughTechnology Innovation

    Business Priorities

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    Using transformative technologies, governments can:

    Serve the people

    You can share data across organizational boundaries for more responsive services.

    Balance the budget

    Governments can improve fiscal stability, transparency, and growth while reducing operating costs.

    Show public value

    And they can use analytics to achieve positive policy, program, and operational performance.

    The Citizen-Centric Enterprise

    Providing responsive services and operating with fiscal responsibility andtransparency helps governments enhance citizens quality of life and plan for the


    Best-Run Public Sector

    The Citizen-Centric Enterprise

    Market Situation



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    Transformation ThroughTechnology Innovation

    Business Priorities

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    Best-run public sector organizations address growing urbanization, demands foraccountability, rising citizen service requirements, and safety expectations byfocusing on key imperatives.

    Best-Run Public Sector Priorities

    Understanding the value drivers for each of these priorities is key tobecoming a best-run public sector organization.

    Sustainable Government Funding

    Delivering on Citizen Needs

    Best-Run Cities

    Public Security

    People and Talent

    Budget and Finance


    IT Management

    Technology Solutions



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    The Citizen-Centric Enterprise

    Market Situation

    Transformation ThroughTechnology Innovation

    Business Priorities

    SAP Innovations

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    The Citizen-Centric Enterprise

    Market Situation

    Transformation Through

    Technology Innovation

    Business Priorities

    SAP Innovations

    For over 40 years, SAPs innovations have helped companies transform and achieve the goals

    they never thought possiblemaking more informed decisions and innovating to lead in newmarkets. SAP enables the real-time enterprise, empowers new experiences, and unwires thebusiness.

    Enable the Real-Time Enterprise

    SAPs integrated, real-time analytical, predictive, and in-memory database solutions improve thebusiness value of your information and optimize business outcomes.

    Empower New ExperiencesThe SAP software solutions allow you to deliver simple, elegant, real-time applications rapidlyacross any device, with the superior consumer-grade experience users have come to expect.

    Unwire the Business

    Connect with your customers, partners, and employees efficiently and securely with a market-leading mobile platform and device management technologies from SAP.

    Business Transformation Through Technology

    InnovationRevenue growth and profit are no longer sufficient benchmarks for success. Intodays economy, companies need to stand out in crowded and highly competitive

    markets. The pace of business is relentless, where todays innovation becomes

    tomorrows status quo. Organizations that embrace technology can transform to

    gain a significant advantage rapidly over the competition.

  • 7/25/2019 Public Sector Industry Executive Overview


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    SAP solutions enable citizen-centric government.

    Public Sector Value Map

    Government Funding

    SAP Solutions

    Delivering on Citizen Needs

    Public Security

    Best-Run Cities

    People and Talent


    Budget and Finance

    Technology Solutions

    IT Management


    SAP Solutions

    Public Security

    Investigation Management

    Emergency and DisasterManagement

    Cyber Resilience

    Sustainable Government


    Tax and Revenue Management

    Social Contribution Collection

    Fraud, Waste and Abuse

    Delivering on Citizen


    Social Benefit Decision Making

    Benefit Payment Services

    Multichannel Citizen Service

    Grants Management for Grantor

    Best-Run Cities

    Energy and EnvironmentalResource Management

    Sustainability Reporting

    Real-Time SituationalAwareness

    People and

    TalentCore Human Resources

    and PayrollTalent Management

    Time and AttendanceManagement

    Workforce Planning andAnalytics

    Budget and


    Public Sector Budget


    Public Sector FinancialsTreasury and Financial

    Risk Mitigation

    Enterprise Risk and

    Compliance Management

    Real Estate Lifecycle


    ProcurementSupplier Discovery andLifecycle Management

    Strategic Sourcing andContracting

    Procurement and OrderCollaboration

    Collaborative Invoiceto Pay

    Regulated and ComplexProcurement

    IT ManagementApplication Lifecycle

    ManagementIT Infrastructure

    ManagementIT Portfolio and Project

    ManagementIT Service Management

    IT Strategy andGovernance

    City Performance Management

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    Analytics Consumer ExperienceData Management Enterprise Mobility

    SAP HANA Platform

    Application Developmentand Integration

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    Facing budgetary constraints, federal, state, and localgovernments must efficiently generate revenue fromtaxes, fees, and contributions. They also need to findways to reduce costs while still delivering effectiveservices.

    Sustainable Government Funding

    Governments today are under immensepressure to deliver services faster and better,while communicating with citizens across awide variety of new channels.

    At the same time, collecting revenue isbecoming more challenging, due to difficulteconomic conditions and high unemployment.

    Governments must increase the collectionof revenues due by enhancing processefficiencies and effectiveness. Manyorganizations are transforming their systemsso they can create a single view of the taxpayerand consolidate disparate and multi-interfacedsystems onto a unified platform.

    To treat citizens fairly and enable goodgovernance, agencies need tools to help themprevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse.They also need ready insight into theeffectiveness of all processes and programssuch as healthcare and social security.

    46%Organizations that dontsubmit federal, state, andlocal tax returns andpayments electronically

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


    Government Funding

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    Increased voluntary and enforced compliance

    Single view of the taxpayer

    Enhanced revenue and contribution collection

    Reduced TCO, via consolidatedrevenue systems

    Streamlined fraud detection and investigation

    Sustainable Government FundingMaximize government revenue streams and increase revenue collection

    efficiency, while detecting and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse.

    Deliver a single view of the taxpayer and increase spending transparency, whileboosting the impact of governments social contributions.

    Tax and RevenueManagement

    Improve revenue collection and increase taxpayer compliance throughan integrated, configurable, and upgradable solution based on a service-orientedarchitecture (SOA).

    Social ContributionCollection

    Use a flexible business process platform to collect social contributions and integrateexisting disparate solutions, becoming more citizen-centric and service-oriented whileproviding improved public value.

    Fraud, Waste andAbuse

    Detect, prevent, and anticipate fraud with an enterprise fraud-detection architecture thatsupports openness, growth, and diversity of data needs.


    Government Funding

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    Facing economic challenges and aging populations,best-run governments must deliver responsive servicesthrough multiple channels. By collaborating acrossorganizations, they can improve economic stabilityand quality of life for citizens.

    Delivering on Citizen Needs

    Citizens want predictable and trustworthyservices from social programs. They also wantaccess to these services across multiplechannels, from the time they apply until theyreceive benefits.

    Governments need consistent and harmonizedinformation and processes across service and

    grantor programs. Only then can they reducefraud and increase resource flexibility.

    Both citizens and agencies need a clearunderstanding of eligibility and entitlement rulesto ensure the proper and rightful delivery ofservices. They also require insight into howfunds are managed and the outcome ofservices provided.

    To meet these challenges, governments needto persistently focus on constituent needs,developing innovative ways to empowercitizens and encourage civic engagement.Cooperation and collaboration with servicestakeholders must be encouraged, within andoutside organizational boundaries.


    Delivering on Citizen Needs

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    Less fraud, waste, and abuse

    Uniform rules for fair, consistent decisions

    Improved regulatory compliance

    Increased payment accuracy

    Enhanced budget control

    Timely disbursement of citizen services

    Delivering on Citizen Needs

    11%Reduction of cost per FTEwhere multiple channels suchas e-mail and the Web areused to interact with citizens

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking

    Increase public value, citizen satisfaction, and regulatory compliance

    by providing fair, responsive, and transparent services.

    Improve civic engagement and service delivery with smart decision making aroundbenefits, payment services, grantor management, and multichannel citizen services.

    Social Benefit DecisionMaking

    Use business rules to help case workers make better-informed decisions about clienteligibility and benefit entitlement.

    Benefit PaymentServices

    Automate payment processes, support multiple payment methods, and gain visibilityacross the beneficiary lifecycle to help deliver benefits predictably.

    Multichannel CitizenService

    Support multichannel communications, providing information and toolsto best serve citizens across service categories.

    Grants Management

    for Grantor

    Standardize planning, selection, management, and grant program evaluation processes,

    eliminating data redundancy and inefficiencies.


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    Delivering on Citizen Needs

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    Cities increasingly power the world economy.They consume the most natural resources and accountfor the highest percentage of the worlds population.With faster growth than national economies, cities facegreater risks and challenges.

    Best-Run Cities

    Challenged by rapid urbanization and risingpopulation growth and density, cities need newmodels for sustainable growth, risk mitigation,resource management, and financial restraint.

    Some 120 of the worlds largest cities drive

    29% of global GDP. Almost half of the worldspopulation lives in urban areas. By 2050, that

    number will rise to 70%.Best-run cities must focus on growing theireconomies and creating wealth. They need todeliver performance transparency and practiceopen governance, while reducing fraud, waste,and abuse. Cities must foster diverse, free,and open societies that encourage citizenengagement.

    By offering robust safety, security, andeducational services, they can attract people andbusinesses. Finally, a modern infrastructureenables cities to optimally support businesses,communities, citizens, consumers, and visitors,and helps them innovate, inspire, and achieve.


    Best-Run Cities

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    Measure performance and share results

    Accurately analyze public-safety risks

    Collaborate across organizational boundaries

    Manage energy consumption and reducecosts

    Use mobile devices to manage emergencies

    Best-Run CitiesImprove citizens lives though service innovation and sustainable urban


    Manage complex growth challenges while mitigating risk, driving civic engagement,delivering innovative government services, and improving urban resilience.

    Energy andEnvironmentalResource Management

    Identify opportunities to use energy more efficiently, while complying with environmentalregulations and reporting requirements.

    Sustainability ReportingSet and measure progress on sustainability goals, integrate the collection and assessmentof environmental data, and report on performance.

    Real-Time SituationalAwareness

    Manage and interpret massive amounts of public safety data to better identify risks,threats, and potential consequences of incidents.

    City PerformanceManagement

    Get instant, interactive visualization of government data with over 100 standard KPIs frombest-run cities around the world.


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    Best-Run Cities

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    Challenged by man-made and natural disasters, securitythreats, and health hazards, best-run governments useinnovative technologies to coordinate public servicesand mitigate risk, improve preparedness, and quickenresponse and recovery.

    Public Security

    The economic and societal impacts of terrorism,crime, industrial accidents, cyber attacks, fires,floods, hurricanes, border control issues,pandemics, and biological threats are incalculable.

    At the same time, the cost-effectiveness ofdisaster risk reduction is clear. The World Bankestimates that countries can save US$7 in

    recovery costs for every $1 spent on risk-reductionmeasures. By developing effective responsetactics, governments can reduce suffering, loss oflife, and economic and structural damage.

    Government agencies must apply integratedprocesses that improve communication acrossorganizational boundaries, increase civilprotection, raise visibility of threats, andcoordinate task force teams and resources.Programs and technologies should improvesituational awareness, illuminate actionableintelligence, lessen vulnerability, and help

    people lead peaceful, safer lives.


    Public Security

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    Save lives and mitigate damage

    Detect and prevent cyber attacks

    Improve investigative outcomes

    Respond cohesively across agencies

    Enhance operational continuity

    Public SecurityImprove safety and security while ensuring greater preparedness and


    Manage the full investigation lifecycle to resolve cases quickly, respond andrecover faster from emergencies, and identify and take action against cyber threats.


    Manage investigation lifecycles and better identify people, objects, locations, and events;collect, validate, and share information to resolve cases faster.

    Emergency andDisaster Management

    Improve early warning processes, increase emergency and disaster responsiveness, andmanage contingency planning and resources to save lives and reduce property loss.

    Cyber ResilienceQuickly analyze complex intelligence data and networks of IP-related information; shareinformation securely across teams, agencies, and borders to ensure transparency of cyberinvestigations.


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    Public Security

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    People are critical to your organizations ability to align

    strategy and execution. Best-run organizations attracttalent, build teams of skilled workers, effectively servethe public, and deliver on policy and programcommitments.

    People and Talent

    To grow and respond quickly to change,governments must give their employeescutting-edge IT tools to facilitate knowledge,adaptation, and innovation. They must alsoadjust their workforce to accommodatechanging citizen needs, legislation, regulation,policies, and programs. In addition, organiza-tions must attract, develop, and retain talent,

    while simultaneously managing workforcerequirements as employees continue to retire.

    Governments find themselves competing withprivate sector employers that have beenadapting to the changing demands of workers.To attract talent and replace lost staff, agenciesneed comprehensive, flexible HR systems thatsupport the core functions of payroll, benefits,and time and attendance management. Theyalso need tools that optimize talent manage-

    ment, goal management, compensation,recruiting, workforce planning, and learning.32%Organizations with lower

    employee turnover due to theability to implement workforceoptimization strategy viaworkforce data analysis

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


    People and Talent

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    Align people to organizational strategies

    Reduce HR costs per employee Improve productivity and engagement

    Provide real-time insight into business needs

    People and Talent

    38%HR organizations that areable to reduce costs viainternal integration versusthose with a fragmented HRenvironment

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking

    The new world of work

    Blend powerful features, integration, real-time insight, and mobile-device support toboost employee and citizen satisfaction and business performance.

    Core HumanResources and Payroll

    Consolidate HR and payroll processes on a common platform for better workforce data andenhanced legal compliance.

    Talent ManagementImprove strategic alignment and accelerate results by identifying, developing, motivating,and retaining talent.

    Time and AttendanceManagement

    Streamline time management processes to enhance resource effectiveness and improvevisibility and control of labor costs.

    Workforce Planningand Analytics

    Identify and analyze talent gaps and streamline workforce planning for efficient, effectivemanagement of personnel resources.


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    People and Talent

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    Finance leaders must ensure sound fiscal stewardshipand regulatory compliance, while creating value forcitizens. In todays challenging economy, they must

    improve fiscal stability, display accountability, and reducefinancial risk.

    Budget and Finance

    Public sector organizations need solutions thatsupport government accounting methods,improve budget cycle times and allocation oflimited resources, enable compliance withregulatory and financial standards, and reduceoperating and external audit costs.

    Executives want financial performance

    management features that help them matchprograms and plans to policies, whileaddressing market change by aligningperformance with strategy.

    Finance officials need software to help themmanage budget requests, reviews, andadoption; oversee operating capital and grants;and forecast and manage personnelexpenditures.

    Managers need cross-functional insight to helpcapture cost savings or avoidance opportunities

    and to meet KPI targets.With these features, agencies can increaseoperating efficiency and more closely matchtactics with organizational vision.

    14%Shorter cycle time forforecasts using up-to-dateinsight from multipledepartments and agencies

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


    Budget and Finance

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    Budget and Finance

    Fewer days needed to closeannual books at public sectoragencies using financialsystems that supportaccounting requirement

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking

    Finance agencies faced with market volatility, growing pressure for

    transparency, and demand for instant insight must implement best practices.

    Agencies need to ensure regulatory compliance and effective risk management,at reduced cost, by improving essential organizational processes.

    Public Sector

    Budget Planning

    Financial performance management software from SAP helps executives adjust plans and

    allocate resources.

    Public Sector FinancialsAccountants can close the books on time and create financial statements that comply withgovernment and local regulations.

    Treasury and FinancialRisk Mitigation

    Treasury managers can more effectively control every activity associated withcash management, payments, liquidity, risk, and compliance.

    Enterprise Risk andComplianceManagement

    Agencies can automate activities and proactively prevent risk and compliance violations.

    Real Estate LifecycleManagement

    Property managers can track assets throughout the property lifecycle.32%Benefits

    Integrate planning and budgeting

    Support diverse budget needs

    Enhance regulatory compliance

    Improve risk management

    Outperform financial objectives

    Optimize space and energy usage


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    Budget and Finance

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    Governments face unique procurement challenges due totheir highly structured and regulated environment.Streamlining procurement processes while satisfyingpolicies and regulations and reducing the risk ofnoncompliance is key to success.


    Procurement leaders set a baseline for successby implementing best practices, excellingin category expertise, and working with keystakeholders on cost control programs.

    While savings is always a priority, newobjectives have emerged as well. Procurementmust manage supplier risk and performance,improve process efficiency, drive innovation,and ensure sustainability practices.

    You need solutions that give you the tools tocut costs as well as add value. The softwareneeds to support processes such as spendanalysis, sourcing, contract management,operational procurement, supplier informationmanagement, and risk and performancemanagementavailable both on-site and inthe cloud.

    These tools, when coupled with a highlycollaborative business network, drive real-timeinsight and efficiency.

    60%Improvement in annualaverage savings by using ITfor sourcing and procurementprocesses

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking



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    Optimize spend under management

    Increase average annual savings

    Decrease FTE per billion in spend

    Drive innovation with suppliers

    Reduce cost and risk with faster turnaround

    Optimize complex procurement processes

    ProcurementDrive sustainable savings while supporting innovation.

    Ensure best practices in the source-to-pay process, on-site or in the cloud,while leveraging the power of network collaboration for efficiency and insights.

    Supplier Discovery and

    Lifecycle Management

    Find new suppliers through the Ariba Network and manage these relationships through

    supplier management solutions.

    Strategic Sourcing andContracting

    Identify and act on sourcing opportunities and create favorable, low-risk supply contracts.

    Procurement andOrder Collaboration

    Realize savings with compliant, user-friendly self-service procurement withhelp from the Ariba Network.

    Collaborative Invoice toPay

    Drive invoice automation and exception management with discounting on theAriba Network.

    Regulated andComplex Procurement

    Manage complex procurement activities, such as budget checking and biddingand tendering, to increase compliance with regulations.


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    2013 SAP AG22 / 42

    Business enterprises should forge a strategic partnershipwith their IT organizations by aligning goals. Process-oriented IT management is all about maximizing efficiencyand responsiveness by running IT like a business.

    IT Management

    A recent study conducted by Gartner showsthat lines of business want to ascertain thevalue of their IT investment. IT organizations nolonger decide alone which IT projects to fund.

    To become more relevant to the enterprise,IT management needs to reposition itself as abusiness partner as opposed to just runningthe technical landscape.

    SAP offers an integrated portfolio of solutionsto bring IT and business together. Newtechnologies like mobile, in-memory, and cloudcomputing generate value in an unprecedentedway.

    However, these new technologies also make ITlandscapes more complex, requiring more toolsto manage them. By leveraging SAP solutionsand following best practices, CIOs, otherexecutives, managers, and employees canhelp ensure efficiency, continuity, andresponsiveness of IT resourcesmakingIT more strategic to the business.

    2xGreater ability among top ITperformers to deliver projectson or ahead of time

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


    IT Management

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    Better alignment of IT to business strategy

    Shorter IT delivery and business cycles

    Reduced system upgrade and operational costs

    Lower cost of risk mitigation

    Lower downtime of critical businesssystems

    IT Management

    1.9xGreater ability among top ITperformers to deliver projectson or below budget

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking

    Run IT like a business.

    Ensure business continuity, drive efficiency, increase IT responsiveness tobusiness objectiveswith solutions designed for organizations of any size.

    Application Lifecycle


    Use application lifecycle management (ALM) best practices, methods, and services based

    on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

    IT InfrastructureManagement

    Monitor all network assets to drive integrated infrastructure and application lifecycles.

    IT Portfolio and ProjectManagement

    Align the portfolio and manage projects to support innovation.

    IT ServiceManagement

    Align service-desk operations with service-level agreements (SLAs), resolve SLA incidentsfast, and adopt ITIL best practices to meet evolving business goals.

    IT Strategy andGovernance Track IT costs and risk; map risks and compliance activities to business impact.


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    IT Management

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    Technology innovation can help organizations transformthemselves by improving the value of information,empowering users and developers, and unwiring workersvia mobile apps to facilitate interactions with citizens,partners, and other employees.

    Technology Solutions

    Public sector organizations are facing morecomplex challenges than ever, which is whythey are turning more readily to technologysolutions.

    In addition, as users become savvier, theirdemands escalate, putting more pressure onorganizations. They expect real-time insights,predictive analysis, and instant access toapplications from their mobile devices. And,all of these capabilities must seamlesslyintegrate with their favorite social platforms.

    At the same time, data volumes are exploding,while the window to capitalize on opportunitiesis shrinking. Workers must be empoweredwith solutions that make information availablethrough a new class of real-time applications.And developers need a technology platformthat can help them innovate faster than everbefore.


    Technology Solutions

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    SAP Solutions

    Cloud, social networking,

    mobility and the strategic useof information are the fourforces that combine to createa new era of computing andnew opportunities forbusiness.

    Source: Gartner, SAP Is Driving

    Analytics, Cloud and Mobility in theNexus of Forces, Donald Feinberg,

    August 24, 2012


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    Technology SolutionsDrive change and transform government with innovative technology solutions.

    Enable the real-time enterprise, empower users, and unwire workers with solutionsfrom SAP.

    Analytics Increase the value of data with real-time analytics, business intelligence, and performanceand risk management tools.

    Data ManagementZero in on the right information; manage and optimize critical data; ensure scalability tosupport growth; and enhance performance.

    Application Develop-ment and Integration

    Develop applications and innovation rapidly in a mobile, always-on world of collaborativebusiness networks for secure, cloud-scale applications.

    Enterprise MobilityUnwire employees; ensure citizens and partners have easy access to services, programs,and information from their mobile solutions.

    Consumer ExperienceUse real-time, consumer-grade software to increase productivity and competitiveness thatresults in innovative consumer applications.

    SAP HANA PlatformStreamline applications, analytics, planning, and predictive and sentiment analysis on asingle in-memory-based platform.


    Operate in real time

    Reduce time to value with faster innovation Turn data into an enterprise asset

    Unwire the business to support innovation


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    SAP Solutions


    Technology Solutions

    SAP Solutions

    Through 2015, organizations

    integrating high-value, di-verse, new information types

    and sources into a coherentinformation managementinfrastructure will outperformtheir industry peers f inanciallyby more than 20%.

    Source: Gartner, Hype Cycle for

    Information Infrastructure, 2012,Michael Blechar, July 31, 2012


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    Governments are perpetually seeking to do more with less. That mantra drives both business

    processes and technology adoption.

    To plan, manage, and measure budgets, resources, and programs, organizations need easy-to-use, powerful analytics. The visibility provided by these tools helps agencies efficiently delivercitizen services, detect fraud, and effectively deploy resources to ensure public safety.

    Facing huge volumes of Big Data, public sector organizations need to quickly sort and make senseof this information, while also improving transparency. The increasing use of mobile technologiesand apps by citizens and the private sector compels governments to leverage these tools. Mobile

    solutions offer a new channel for bidirectional, personalized communicationsfrom smartphonesto tablets. Finally, governments are considering how cloud technology can helpthem reduce IT costs and react faster to service demands.

    For over 40 years SAP has provided innovative technologies to the public sector. Todaywe offer new features to help federal, state, and local governments address their uniquebusiness challenges and run betterand smarter.

    People today expect their governments to providebenefits comparable to those of private sector companies.This means delivering service and support 24x7 to ensurethe well-being and security of all citizens. Thats whymany governments are choosing to adopt cost-cutting,new technologies.

    SAP Innovations

    65%Organizations believing thatcloud computing will amplifyother technologymegatrends

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


    SAP Innovations






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    People and Talent

    Reduce time and costs of payroll processing and reporting.

    Increase focus on business operations and staffing and deliver customer support and satisfaction.

    Instantly analyze personnel data to improve workforce cost management.

    Accelerate evaluation of organizational structures.

    Conduct more efficient payroll exception handling based on real-time data.

    Enable real-time analysis and reporting for core HR functions.

    Reduce unused/orphaned roles and conduct real-time analysis of role usage.

    Consolidate most frequently used/active roles.

    Reduce cost of noncompliance, and gain deeper insight into roles for uncovering anypotential risk for the organization.

    SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA enablespublic sector organizations to accelerate their keybusiness processes with in-memory computingtechnology, and transform by streamlining applications,analytics, planning, and predictive analysis on a single,real-time database platform.

    SAP Business Suite Powered by SAP HANA


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    Sustainable Government Funding

    Analytics solutions from SAP, powered by the SAP HANA platform, enable you to analyze highvolumes of financial data and data sets in real t ime to reduce costs and improve revenue streams.You can visualize noncompliant behavior patterns to reduce loss and identify fraud throughpredictive analysis and detection. And you can create transparency of financial performancefor internal stakeholders and external constituents.

    Delivering on Citizen Needs

    Governments can track and monitor citizen feedback on programs to facilitate appropriate

    responses and ensure improvements meet expectations. Through Big Data, they can ensurehigher levels of engagement with citizens and gain insights to create service offerings based onthe publics needs and sentiments.

    Public Security

    SAP software also helps governments forecast and prioritize responses during potentialemergencies to mitigate impact through preemptive planning. It allows them to improve situationalawareness and accelerate data analysis for any operational readiness scenario, includinghumanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

    Governments produce, gather, and analyze huge volumesof data that can enhance decision making, improveservices, and reduce costs. Analytics solutions from SAP,powered by the SAP HANA platform, help governmentsgain real-time insights by enabling them to quicklyanalyze large volumes of data.


    80%Decision makers who thinkaccess to the right informationat the right time is critical totheir business

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


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    Best-Run Cities

    Using SAP software, governments can monitor programs and gain a holistic view of organizationalperformance with analytics that help them track activities, improve effectiveness, and clearlyidentify internal and external results.

    Technology Innovation

    With analytics solutions from SAP, public sector organizations can forecast and plan resources,publish and manage strategies, align policy and program execution, set resource requirements toensure successful implementation of programs, and quickly adjust resource allocations.

    They can cascade objectivesfrom strategic to operational, track progress against scorecards,and accurately monitor and report the use of public funds.

    People and Talent

    Governments are now able to deliver better services with fewer personnel and anticipate resourcerequirements to better meet citizen needs.

    They can create a cross-organizational view of personnel and resources, allocate resourcesacross agencies, manage compensations, and promote worker mobility.

    High-performing governments use analytics solutionsfrom SAP to understand citizen service costs, mitigaterisk, anticipate shifts in policy and program priorities,and detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.Key metrics help agencies align goals and resourceswhile improving support offerings.


    53%Additional users leveragingdata when software offersadvanced analysis tools notrequiring technical expertise

    Source: SAP PerformanceBenchmarking


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    People and Talent

    With SuccessFactors Business Execution (BizX) Suite, you can drive organizational alignment andoptimize people performance. This cloud-based software allows governments to plan and recruitstaff, develop talent, and manage compensation and retirement packages. BizX also optimizesstaff productivity, bridging the gap between strategy and execution.


    Ariba, an SAP company, combines industry-leading cloud-based technology with the worlds largestonline trading community. Governments can discover, connect, and collaborate with trading partners

    anywhere, at any time, from any application or device; and they can support source-to-contract-to-pay processes, while improving compliance and strategic spend analysis.

    Technology Solutions

    Governments can explore, report, and share data in the cloud, using the SAP BusinessObjectsBI OnDemand solution. Personnel will be able to make faster, more-informed decisions, accessa complete set of analytics solutions, and use mobile devices to receive and deliver reports anddashboards. Finally, with affordable, subscription-based pricing, you can achieve quick time to value.

    Cloud applications from SAP and the open SAP HANAplatform help public sector organizations improveresponsiveness to citizen service demands, lower ITcosts, quickly scale applications, enhance processingcapacity, and provide predictable IT budgets.



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    Our customers collect tolls for more than 175 billion miles traveled.

    Analytics solutions from SAP power population projections through the year 2100,helping United Nations member countries understand resource implications.

    Best-Run Customers


    Best-Run Customers

    City of Cape Town


    Guatemala City Council

    Regione del Veneto

    Why SAP?



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    SAP co-innovates with leading governments using the Public Sector AdvisoryCouncil and user groups. Member organizations influence priorities andenhancements for all front- and back-office processes, such as management andbudgeting.

    Customer Co-Innovation

    Public Sector Advisory Council

    Federal, state, and local government executives discuss new innovation and technologyrequirements and share best practices on being more citizen-centric and cost-efficient.

    Co-innovation partners

    Simplify and increase flexibility for collection and disbursement processes.

    Streamline compliance and fraud prevention using SAP in-memory computing innovations.


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    Best-Run Customers

    City of Cape Town


    Guatemala City Council

    Regione del Veneto

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    For the first time, we have all our enterprise data in one place with the

    ability to drill down for the information we need to make decisions. Thatsthe single biggest benefit of our SAP solution.

    Andrea Wallin-Rohmann, CIO, CDCR

    The State of California Department of Corrections and

    Rehabilitation (CDCR) is responsible for the state of

    Californias adult and juvenile corrections, rehabilitation, and

    parole systems, and is the largest department in the state.

    CDCR needed an enterprise solution to replace tens of thousands ofdisparate systems, databases, and spreadsheets used in finance,

    procurement, and human capital. CDCR chose the SAP ERP application,which has eliminated the disparities, automated many manual processes,and provided a single source of reliable information.

    Key Benefits

    Integrated the business processes connected with procure-to-payand hire-to-retire activities

    Attained fiscal and operational transparency

    Enabled the state office of the Inspector General to access data in

    real time, creating greater transparency and trust within the state

    -90%Time to issue apurchase order

    65,000Employee recordsstored and readilyaccessible in aconsistent manner



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    Best-Run Customers

    City of Cape Town


    Guatemala City Council

    Regione del Veneto

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    With SAP Human Capital Management, employees are more empowered tomanage their personal challenges and managers have access to accurateonline and on-time information. This has helped the City become anemployer of choice within local government and within South Africa.

    Justine Quince, Director, Strategic Human Resources, City of Cape Town

    Cape Town is the second most populous city in South Africa,

    with an annual budget of2.1 billion

    When the city merged seven local authorities to create a single unicity,

    this presented an opportunity to rethink how to manage and empower its25,500-person workforce. The administration replaced fragmented legacysystems and manual processes with the SAP ERP Human Capital

    Management solutionand transformed local government into a high-performance organization.

    Key Benefits

    27.5% growth in fully engaged employees

    16% reduction in disgruntled seeker employees

    Increased efficiency and effectiveness

    Greater transparency via centralized, trusted workforce data andanalysis and reporting functions

    Improved ability to attract, retain, and develop top-notch talent

    2%Reduction inabsenteeism

    100%Staff positionsbudgeted for

    1.4%Savings inworkforce budget


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    Best-Run Customers

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    Regione del Veneto

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    Not only have we gained quality improvement with SAP ERP, but we arenow able to change the future of the city council, its information systems,and its complete finance machinery.

    Alvaro Arzu, Guatemala City Council

    Guatemala City is the capital of and largest city in the

    Republic of Guatemala, and the economic, governmental, and

    culture capital of the republic.

    The Guatemala City Council implemented the SAP ERP application tosupport technological innovation in f inance and budget management, aswell as improvements in collections, services, and citizen care. A year

    after installation, significant benefits have been noticed, the mostimportant being 20% growth in the collection of single property taxes.

    Key Benefits

    Full automation of the collection process

    Single account implementation and integration of collectionsinformation

    Improved citizen care, thanks to more reliable and transparentinformation

    99.5%Recovery of incomepaid with rejectedchecks

    20%Monthly growth incollection of singleproperty taxes

    33%Governmentproceduresmanaged withSAP ERP


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    Best-Run Customers

    City of Cape Town


    Guatemala City Council

    Regione del Veneto

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    The SAP Afaria mobile device management solution makes it possible forus to manage a vast number of heterogeneous devices in an organizationfully dependent on the mobility of our workforce.

    Jose Antonio Perea Yustres, Innovation Unit Head, INE

    Instituo Nacional de Estadistica (INE) is the national statistics

    institute for Spain. Affiliated with the Ministry of Economy and

    Tax, INE performs large-scale statistical operations including

    demographic, social, and economic census.

    Through the SAP Afaria mobile device management solution, INE gainedcentralized control of a wide variety of devices. In addition, it improved

    productivity, reduced support effort, and increased data security.

    Key Benefits

    Centralized control of mobile apps, data, and communications

    Enhanced public service; reduced taxpayer costs

    Adopted a solution that enables IT to deliver fixes, upgrades, andrefreshes remotely

    -50%Effort to maintainand manage mobiledevices

    -60%Time to solveincidents

    -80%Time to set up a

    new device


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    Best-Run Customers

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    Political decision makers must be reliably informed, with no lag time. Thisis the only possible way to act effectively in light of the transformationsoccurring in our territory and society, and hence according to local needs.

    Marino Zorzato, Vice President, Regione del Veneto

    Regione del Veneto, one of Italys 19 administrative districts,

    needed a centralized statistical platform to manage increasing

    volumes of data generated by local government offices.

    SAP BusinessObjects solutions are providing key decision makers withstatistical information that is comprehensive, meaningful, and readilyavailable for the governments forecasting, planning, controlling, and

    evaluation processes.

    Key Benefits

    Automated and streamlined processes for statistical analysis andreporting

    Increased number of developed reports by 30%

    Reduced time required to get data from different sources by 50%

    Enhanced data accuracy

    60%Less time todevelop new reports

    1to 4Increasedcommunicationchannels

    40%Less time required

    to respond to newdata requests


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    Best-Run Customers

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    Regione del Veneto

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    With SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards software, we have greater visibilityand transparency throughout the organization; we can easily determine howthe council is performing.

    Paul Tyler, Business and Knowledge Systems Manager, StevenageBorough Council

    Stevenage is a local government authority located in the

    eastern part of England.

    Like all council governments, Stevenage strives to meet constituentsneeds for government transparency, perform to national governmentguidelines, and measure performance. To accomplish this, Stevenagedecided to install business intelligence (BI) tools for creating balanced-

    scorecard dashboards. And, like many small local governments,Stevenage didnt have a large budget, so needed a proven solution.

    Key Benefits

    Increased visibility into performance

    Empowered users to access and format their own data

    Improved accuracy and timeliness of bill-back accruals

    24Week reduction intime spent onadministrative tasks

    5Day consultingengagement

    3Month in-house



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    With SAP for Public Sector solutions, governments can provide the best services,security, and infrastructure, while strengthening the connection to citizens, throughalways-on access and the latest technology innovations.

    Highly Integrated Business Solutions

    SAP offers the most comprehensive portfolio of solutions for the public sector, enablinggovernments to tailor their key business processes and activities to citizen needs.

    Key Breakthrough Innovations

    The SAP solution portfolio is based on the industrys most innovative technologies.These include the SAP HANA platform and mobile, analytics, and cloud solutions, which enablebusiness process optimization and efficiency at the lowest possible cost.

    Forty Years of Delivering Value

    The worlds leading governments and public sector organizations around the globe rely on SAP tohelp them deliver citizen-centric services and ensure operational excellence.

    Why SAP?


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    Best-Run Customers

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    Benchmark Your Performance

    Position your organization for dominance in this new economy with the business performancebenchmarking program from SAPavailable free to SAP customers and select prospects. SAPsbenchmarking program has helped more than 3,000 organizations assess their strengths, uncoverareas for improvement, and identify best practices and IT strategies that generate clear, tangible

    valuenot someday, but today.

    Go Live in Weeks

    Heres the fastest way to run your business better: Our rapid-deployment solutions. In onepackage, you get everything you need to be up and running quicklyincluding preconfiguredsoftware and implementation servicesin just weeks. With a defined scope and predictable costs,there are no surprises.

    Join Your Community of Practices

    Every day, SAP Community Network (SCN) changes the way that thousands of SAP users work. Itlets members help one another solve problems, learn, and invent new ways to get things donefaster. Find out how to connect with people, content, and resources.

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