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  • 7/29/2019 Public Policy Making Process


    PPA 503The Public

    Policy-Making Process

    Lecture 1The Study and

    Practice of Public Policy

  • 7/29/2019 Public Policy Making Process



    The study of public policy is firmly grounded in the studyof politics, which is as ancient as human civilizationitself.

    Most of the ancient philosophers looked at politics ingeneral, theoretical ways. Platos Republic The search for justice. One of Platos

    objectives in the Republic was to show that justice isworthwhilethat just action is a good in itself, and that oneought to engage in just activity even when it doesnt seem toconfer immediate advantage.

    Aristotles Politics - Since we see that every city-state is asort of community and that every community is established

    for the sake of some good (for everyone does everything forthe sake of what they believe to be good), it is clear thatevery community aims at some good, and the communitywhich has the most authority of all and includes all theothers aims highest, that is, at the good with the mostauthority. This is what is called the city-state or politicalcommunity. [I.1.1252a1-7]

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    Modern political theory. Niccolo Machiavelli.

    If we understand and plan the political

    actions we take in pursuit of our goals, weare better prepared to seize the politicalopportunities that arise in the normal courseof political life.

    Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx,

    Weber, Durkheim. Focused on the exercise of power between

    individuals, families, groups, communities,and the various levels of government.

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    The systematic study of public

    policy is a 20th century phenomenon.

    Dates to 1922, when political scientistCharles Merriam sought to connect the

    theory and practice of politics to

    understanding the actual activities of

    government, that is, public policy.

    Nevertheless, most of the literature on

    public policy dates back only about 50


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    The study of politics is theattempt to explain the various

    ways in which power isexercised in the everyday worldand how that power is used toallocate resources and benefits

    to some people and groups, andcosts and burdens to otherpeople and groups.

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    The study of public policy is theexamination of the creation, by thegovernment, of the rules, laws, goals, andstandards that determine what governmentdoes or does not do to create resources,benefits, costs, and burdens.

    In studying public policy, we focus onthose decisions made (or implicitlyaccepted) by government and

    nongovernmental actors to address aproblem that a significant number ofpeople and groups consider to beimportant and in need of a solution.

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    A major element of studying and

    teaching public policy is the

    reliance of policy studies on abroad range of the social


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    Table 1.1. Selected Disciplines That Study Public Policy

    Discipline Description Relationship to

    Public Policy

    Some important


    Political Science The study of politicalrelationships; that is, the

    study of the processes by

    which societies seek toallocate political power and

    the benefits of such power,

    The political process is the

    process through which

    policies are made and


    American Political Science

    Review, American Journal

    of Political Science, Journal

    of Politics, Policy, PoliticalResearch Quarterly, Public

    Opinion Quarterly

    Sociology Sociology is the study ofsocial life, social change,and the social causes and

    consequences of human

    behavior. Sociologists

    investigate the structure of

    groups, organizations, and

    societies, and how people

    interact within thesecontexts.

    Community and group

    activities are an importantpart of policy making,

    because groups of people

    often form to make


    American Sociological

    Review, ContemporarySociology, Journal of


    Economics The study of the allocationof resources in a

    community, however

    defined. Economists study

    markets and exchanges.

    Welfare economists seek to

    understand the extent to

    which an overall

    communitys welfare can be


    There are many economic

    factors that influence

    public policy, such as

    economic growth,

    productivity, employment,

    and the like. The tools of

    economics are often used

    to promote policies or to

    explain why policies

    succeed or fail.

    American Economic

    Review, Econometrica,

    Journal of Applied

    Economics, Journal of

    Political Economy.

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    Table 1.1. Selected Disciplines That Study Public Policy

    Discipline Description Relationship to

    Public Policy

    Some important




    The study of the

    management of governmentand nonprofit organizations,

    including the management

    of information, money, andpersonnel to achieve goals

    developed through the

    democratic process.

    The management of public

    programs is an integral partof the policy process. PA

    scholars study the

    motivation of programimplementers and targets

    and help research

    innovations to improve

    service delivery.

    Public Administration

    Review, Journal of PublicAdministration Research

    and Theory

    Public Policy The study of whatgovernments choose to do

    or not to do, including

    studies of the policyprocess, policy

    implementation and impact,and evaluation.

    We give this label to the

    highly interdisciplinary

    study of the public policy

    process. Policy scholarsdevelop theories about how

    the policy process worksand develop tools and

    methods to analyze how

    policy is made and


    Journal of Policy Analysis

    and Management, Journal

    of Public Policy, Policy

    Studies Review, PolicyStudies Journal, Journal of

    Policy History

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    Because the field of public policystudies is so new, it has yet tocoalesce around a shared set of

    principles, theories, and priorities(paradigm).

    For public policy to be useful, wemust bridge the gap between what

    academics know and howpractitioners and citizens use whatwe know to make better policy (orbetter policy arguments).

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    Policy Science as

    Applied Science You may question whether

    policy is science, but science

    is defined as the state ofknowing: knowledge rather than

    ignorance or misunderstanding.

    The values of empirical science:the number of teeth for men and


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    Policy Science as

    Applied Science Anecdotal evidence versus scientific

    evidence: The case of food stamps(discuss). The problem with anecdotes is that they

    are little tidbits of information that areunsystematically gathered and thatreflect the biases of the person relating

    the story. Question: Is the food stamp program

    a failure?

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    Policy Science as

    Applied Science Scientific evidence (evaluation).

    Compared to nonrecipients, Participants spend a larger portion of their total expenditures on

    all food items.

    Foods used at home by recipients have a greater monetary value

    per person and more nutrients per dollar. Recipients are more likely to shop for food on a monthly basis,resulting in better planning and lower transportation costs.

    The availability of twelve essential nutrients in the diet is higherfor recipients.

    One dollar increase in food stamp benefits increases foodexpenditures between 17 and 47 cents, whereas a dollarincrease in income only increases food expenditures 5 to 10

    cents. Information is: Peer-reviewed

    Aggregate information rather than disconnected cases.

    Runs counter to common wisdom.

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    Policy Science as

    Applied Science Do food stamps work? Not


    Difference between policydescription and policy


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    Policy Studies as a

    Science We can say that the careful

    study of public policy is

    scientific because itcontributes to knowledge by

    relying on methodological rigor.

    Policy analysts share acommitment to methodology, but

    not to any one particular method.

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    Policy Studies as a

    Science Harold Lasswell argued that

    quantitative analysis and the

    scientific method wereimportant elements of any

    policy science.

    But, Lasswell recognized thatyou must combine quantitative

    and qualitative information.

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    Policy Studies as a

    Science Lasswells recommendations for an

    empirically driven, methodologicallyrigorous, yet flexible style of policy

    research has served as the basis forpolicy studies in late 20th century.

    But it is also driven by the desire tosolve problems.

    No common paradigm. Dye listseight theoretical traditions.

    Most of these theories need testing.

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    Policy Studies as a

    Science Theorizing is important,

    because they make sense of

    ambiguous evidence, and theydevelop concepts that apply to

    more than one case.

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    Science, Rationality,

    and the Policy Process Policy analysis is an important

    component of policy sciences.

    But researchers should keep rational

    analysis in context: within theinterplay of evidence, value andbelief systems of the participants,the structure of the process, and thedistribution of power.

    Most policy analysis is not valueneutral. Problem identification israrely neutral, for example.

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    What Is Public Policy?

    Attributes common to variousdefinitions of public policy. The policy is made in the publics

    name. Policy is generally made or initiated by


    Policy is interpreted and implemented bypublic and private actors.

    Policy is what the government intends todo.

    Policy is what the government choosesnotto do.

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    What Is Public Policy?

    Table 1.2. Defining Public Policy

    Definition Author

    The term public policy always refers to the

    actions of government and the intentionsthat determine those actions.

    Clarke E. Cochran, et al.

    Public policy is the outcome of the struggle

    in government over who gets what.

    Clarke E. Cochran, et al.

    Whatever governments choose to do or not

    to do.

    Thomas Dye

    Public policy consists of political decisionsfor implementing programs to achieve

    societal goals.

    Charles L. Cochran and Eloise F. Malone.

    Stated most simply, public policy is the sum

    of government activities, whether acting

    directly or through agents, as it has an

    influence on the life of citizens.

    B. Guy Peters.

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    What Makes Public

    Policy Public? The dominant ideological foundation

    of our constitutional system isclassical liberalism.

    John Locke. Power derives from the consent of the


    Thus, government actions must be in thepublic interest.

    But people differ dramatically in what isthe public interest.

    Commercial interests versusenvironmentalists.

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    What Makes Public

    Policy Public? Not even the most intense policy

    advocates are interested in every

    issue. We delegate the power to make

    policies in our names to elected

    officials. However, we retain our

    interest in the outcome and our rightto promote particular policies at any


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    Why Do We Study Public

    Policy? To know more about the

    process for its own sake.

    To know more about theprocess to inform practitioners.

    To learn how to promote

    preferred policy options.