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PTYS 214 – Spring2011

Homework #3 DUE in class TODAY

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Classification of living organisms by carbon and energy sources

Plants are… Humans are…

Nutritional Type Energy Source Carbon Source

Photo-autotrophs Light CO2

Chemo-autotrophs Inorganic Compounds

(H2, NH3, NO2, H2S)


Photo-heterotrops Light Organic Compounds

Chemo-heterotrops Organic Compounds Organic Compounds

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Life needs energy


6CO2 + 6H2O + h (Energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2

99.9% of energy at the Earth’s surface is from

Solar Radiation

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The Sun

~4.6 billion years old

G2 class star (~8% of stars are G class) based on photospheric temperature

In our galaxy >100 million stars are of the same class

Sun in X-rays NASA/ESA SOHO

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The Sun – Basic FactsDistance from Earth 1 AU = 1.5×108 km Mass

333,000 Earth Masses99% mass of the Solar


Diameter109 Earth Diameters

Composition (by mass)74% Hydrogen24% Helium<2% other elements

Average Density1410 kg/m3

Sun and Planets to scale

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The size of the Sun is due to the overall balance between two main forces:

Sun Size: Hydrostatic Equilibrium

1) Gravity: Tremendous weight of the mass of the Sun that presses inward under the force of gravity

2) Pressure: Enormous pressure inside the Sun (generated by nuclear fusion) that pushes outward

The life of any star is a constant balancing of

Gravity & Pressure

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Solar Structure

(7 Million K)

(2 Million K)

Nuclear Fusion

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Fusion Reactions

Combine atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus (a heavier element)

12C + 1H→13N + γ (Energy)

(C and H combine to form a new element, N)

Very different from Chemical Reactions:

Deal with electrons binding atoms of certain elements into molecules, but the elements (nuclei) do not change:

6CO2 + 6H2O + h (Energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2

(number of C, H and O atoms does not change)

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Nuclear fusion reactions can happen only under very high temperatures and pressures

Energy released in nuclear fusion reactions is ~1,000,000 times larger than in chemical reactions

Hydrogen bomb

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The Sun’s Energy Source is NuclearFusion in its Core

Nuclear fusion occurs only at the very high temperatures and pressures at the Sun’s core

Proton-proton chain

Four hydrogen nuclei “fuse” to form a single helium nucleus

It will continue to heat the Sun for another 5 billion years

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Proton-Proton Chain

One He nucleus has 99.3% of the weight of four H nuclei

Excess 0.7% mass is converted into energy: E=mc2

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Energy Transfer in the Solar Interior

The convection zone is a region right below the visible surface of the Sun

Here, turbulent convective motions occur, similar to a pot of boiling water

These bubbling motions are responsible for the granulation pattern seen on the Sun’s surface (photosphere)

Core: Nuclear Fusion 1.57107 K ~28,000°F

Convection zone:2.2106 K

Solar surface: 5,800 K

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(in the photosphere)

They are 100s to1000s

of km wide

Solar Granulation

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Photosphere: Visible surface of the Sun

Mean surface temperature

5,800K (~10,000 oF)

The most obvious features on the surface of the Sun, sunspots have been observded since the 17th century (Galileo)

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Sunspots vary greatly in size; typical ones measure a few tens of thousands of kilometers

A Sunspot's life can be as short as an hour or two or as long as several months

They clearly show the Sun’s 27-day rotation!

Regions of low temperature and intense magnetic fields

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The Corona Outermost layer of the solar

atmosphere, made of very high-temperature gases at extremely low density

It is extremely hot: temperatures reach up to about 2 million K

What heats the corona remains an open question!

Material (charged particles) from the corona is continuously blown away from the Sun towards space: Solar wind

Visible light


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Energy from the SunOnce energy reaches the Sun’s surface, it is radiated

outward, into space

Solar Luminosity: Total energy emitted by the Sun per second

L = 3.84 x 1026 W = 3.84 x 1026 J/s

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Energy Conversion

The biggest hydrogen bomb ever exploded (Tsar Bomba) was ~50 Megatons of TNT (>3000 times Hiroshima) 1 ton TNT = 4.184×109 J

How many Tsar bombs would be necessary to explode per sec to obtain Solar Luminosity?

1 Tsar bomb = 2.1×1017 J

~ 1.8 billion Tsar bombs per sec!

/s101.8Tsar# 9s

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Solar Flux - Luminosity divided by the area over which it is distributed (energy per sec per unit area)

The area over which solar luminosity is distributed increases with distance from the Sun


How does the solar flux change with distance from the Sun?

Why is Earth not destroyed by the energy coming from the Sun?




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As energy moves away from the Sun, it is spread over a greater area

Inverse Square Law

Solar constant:

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The Solar Constant

1. Determine the area of distribution at the Earth’s orbit


1 AU = 1.496×1011 m

2. Divide L by A







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Each planet has its own solar constant…

…depending on its distance from the Sun

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SE ~ 1370 W/m2

dE = 1 AU

We can relate the inverse square law to the Earth’s solar constant:





EE d


A more convenient form of the inverse square law:

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SMars = ?

SVenus = ?

SJupiter = ?

dMars orbit=1.52 AU

dVenus orbit= 0.72 AU

dJupiter orbit = 5.2 AU

SEarth = 1370 W/m2

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2642 1370 593 51

D= 0.72 1 1.52 5.2 AU

Planetary Solar Constant, W/m2

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The Sun is not really constant

Solar luminosity varies, e.g. sunspots

Solar flares can release hundreds of millions megaton of energy in a few minutes

Prominences/coronal loops eject large amounts of charged particles into space in a few minutes

What causes this variability is an active area of research

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Solar Activity

Any type of variation in the appearance or energy output of the sun




Can solar activity affect the Earth?

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Solar Activity and Earth

Aurora from Space Shuttle

Solar activity releases large amounts of plasma, charged particles (gases) and electromagnetic radiation moving at up to 3 million miles per hour, making up the Solar Wind

Variation in solar activity results in variation of solar wind intensity

This can affect Earth’s atmosphere and climate, and disrupt telecommunications on Earth

Earth’s magnetic field deflects most incoming charged particles toward Earth's north and south poles

Solar wind

Earth’s magnetic field

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Polar Auroras

Aurora over Circle, Alaska

Charged particles deflected toward Earth's poles collide with atmospheric molecules causing them to give off light

Each atmospheric gas emit light of a particular wavelength that depend on its electrical state and on the energy of the particle that hits it

The light emitted by atmospheric gases appears as the northern and southern lights, a.k.a. auroras

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How does the Sun Influence Earth? Provides energy for life, warms the planet, drives the

dynamic atmosphere and oceans UV light can cause mutations in living organisms

Geomagnetic storms (high solar activity)– Aurora– Power-grid failures (Canada, 1989);

Telecommunications failures

High-energy solar particles (solar wind)– can destroy ozone– dangerous radiation dosages to astronauts and

passengers/pilots on polar air-travel routes

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Solar Luminosity Varies in Time

Faint Young Sun

The sun was probably 20-25% cooler about 3.5 Gyr ago

Yet, there is no evidence of a cold (freezing) Earth surface

The “Faint Young Sun” is important for climate - not so critical for photosynthesis

3.843.8410102626 W/m W/m22

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Why the Sun gets brighter with time

H fuses to form He in the core

Core slowly loses mass

Core contracts and heats up

Fusion reactions proceed faster

More energy is produced more energy needs to be emitted
