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Wulan Anggraeni (120210153048)Tri Karuniningtyas (120210153063)Firda Rosetty (120210153115)

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General Characteristic of Pteridophyta

• Pteridophyta is include multicelluler and eucariotic organisms

• Has true root, leaf, and stem (kormophyta/cormus)

• Seed less / have no seed• Sporophyte phase more dominant• Has vascular bundle• Having a vascular bundle (xylem and phloem) • Sexual reproduction in the form of spores • Have a cell protective layer contained around in

the reproductive organs• Have a multicellular embryo contained in


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Root structure

• Its roots shaped fibers and in the end there is kaliptra (root cap).

• Ferns root tissue is composed of epidermal tissue, cortex and central cylinder

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Stem structure

• Ferns stem tissue composed of epidermis, cortex and central cylinder. At the center of the cylinder there is a network carrier (vascullar bundle), so the ferns already have a transport vessel (tracheophyta).

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Leaf structure

• The leaves of ferns are also composed of epidermal tissues,

mesophyll, and transport vessels (vascular bundle)

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Type Leaf based on size

• Mikrofil leaves, ie leaves ang small size. Mikrofil shaped hair or scales, not stemmed, and invertebrates except the wire nails and horsetail.

• Makrofil leaves, which leaves a large size. makrofil been stemmed, leaves boned, and have the meat leaves (mesophyll) contained stomata, pole network, and sponges.

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Leaf based on function

• Tropofil leaf, ie leaf that does not produce spores, but has a green substance (chlorophyll), thereby functioning in the process of photosynthesis or produce nutrients (glucose). The leaves are often referred to as a sterile leaves.

• Sporofil leaves, ie leaves that produce spores as a means of reproduction (reproduction), so it is also called leaf leaves fertile (fertile).

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• Sporofil on ferns exist in the form of strands and some are forming Strobilus. Strobilus is a collection of some sporofil that resembles the shape of a cone.

• At the bottom there sporofil sorus, a collection of small spheres brown box containing many spores (sporangium). At sporangium contained cells resembling cover ring called the annulus.

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Sorus is saving by membrane structure that called indusium

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Kinds of Pterydophyta based on spores kinds that has resulted

a. Homospora spikes (Isospora)

• Homospora ferns produce spores of the same size that can not

distinguish between male and female spores

• Example: Lycopodium sp. (nail wire)

b. Heterospora spikes (an-Isospora)

• Heterospora ferns produce spores of different sizes. Small spores called

microspores male and female spores are called makrospora

• Example: Selaginella sp. (Nail rane), Marsilea crenata (clover)

c. switching spikes

• Switching spikes produce spores with the same shape and size, but the

male or female sex

• Example: Horsetail (Equisetum debile)

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Classification of





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General Characteristics of Lycopsida

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Lycopsida (Paku kawat / paku rambat)

Example :> Lycopodium sp.(paku kawat), as ornamental plant.> Lycopodium clavatum, as drugs materials.

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Kingdom : Plantae Subkingdom : Viridaeplantae Infrakingdom : Streptophyta Division : Tracheophyta Subdivision : Pteridophytina Class : Lycopodiopsida Subclass :Lycopodiidae Order : LycopodialesFamily : Lycopodiaceae Genus : Lycopodium Species : Lycopodium obscurum

Lycopodium obscurum Classification

Source : ITIS, 2014

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Family Lycopodiaceae

>> characteristic :

1. Leave without ligules

2. Sporophylls and foliage may be

similar or dissimilar in shape.

>> Example: Licopodium

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Lycopodium place of spore

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Life cycle of Lycopodium

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Lycopodium clubmoss Lycopodium squarossum

Lycopodium phlegmaria

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>> Charactheristic :1. Each foliage leaf with a ligule at the

base on adaxial sida2. Sporophytes is heterosporous

Order Selaginellales

Selaginella sp.

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Family Selaginellaceae

>> charactheristic :1. Stem herbaceous and dorsiventral or erect2. Gametophytes extremely reduce3. In Selaginella, types of spores are

produced there are 2 kinds, namely microspore and megaspore.

4. The microspores will develop into male gametophyte, being megaspore will develop into female gametophyte.

>> Example: Selaginella sp.

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Classification Of Selaginella laxifolia

Kingdom : Plantae Subkingdom : Viridaeplantae Infrakingdom : StreptophytaDivision : Tracheophyta Subdivision : PteridophytinaClass : Lycopodiopsida Subclass : Lycopodiidae Order : Selaginellales Family : Selaginellaceae Genus : Selaginella Species : Selaginella laxifolia

Source : ITIS, 2014

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Lycophyta strobilus




Selaginella strobillus

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Selaginella Morphology Structure

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Arrangement of leaf

Adaxial surface of leaf And

Ligule of Selaginella

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Megaspore and microspore

Megasporophyll and Microsporophyll

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Megasporangium of Selaginella

Microsporangium of Selaginella

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•Selaginella pallescens •Selaginella helvetica

•Selaginella kraussiana

Selaginella braunii

Selaginella flabellata 

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1. Herbaceous sporophytes with a massive rhizomorph at the bae of the stem

2. Leaves microphyllous and ligulate3. Sporophytes is heterosporous4. Sporophylls may or may not be grouped in

strobili5. Antherozoids multiflagellateFamily Isoetaceae

Order Isoetales

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Family IsoetaceaeFamily Isoetaceae1. Stem corm-like2. Sporophylls bearing sporangia on adaxial face, not

grouped in strobili>> Example : Isoetes georgiana

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Classification Of Isoetes georgiana

Kingdom : Plantae Subkingdom : Viridaeplantae Infrakingdom : Streptophyta Division : Tracheophyta Subdivision : Pteridophytina Class : Lycopodiopsida Subclass : Lycopodiidae Order :Isoetales Family : Isoetaceae Genus : Isoetes Species : Isoetes georgiana

Source : ITIS, 2014

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Life cycle of Isoetes

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General Characteristics of Pilopsida

>> Characteristic ::1. The leaves is mikrofil size (enation).2. The branching stem is Dichotomous, and have function

in photosynthesis.3. Sporangia are borne in triads (synangium) on very short

stalks in axil of scaly appendages or foliage leaves (bifid), mostly towards the tip of the aerial branches.

4. The spores produced by a synangium with 3 lobus.5. The spore form is homospore6. The root is rhizome form, that can do symbiosis with

fungi ( Micoriza).Example: Psilotum nudum


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Order Psilotales

>> General characteristic ::1. Sporophyte dichotomously branched2. Sporangia generally borne singly3. Stele protostele to actinostele4. Eusporangiate and homosporous

>> Characteristic of Family Psilotaceae ::5. Axis branched6. Scale leaves small and minuteExample: Psilotum

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Life cycle of Psilotum

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General Characteristics of Spenopsida

>> Penopsida or Ekor Kuda Fern Characteristic ::1. Living in sub-tropical regions, especially in the

swamp.2. Spores produced by Strobilus.3. Leaves microphullous, small, scaly and arranged in

whorls at the nodes4. Stem branced, articulated, ridged and furrowed

with distinct nodes and internodes5. Having a rhizome with erect branches 6. In the trunk there are many air spaces 7. In the trunk there are books written by the leaves

that resemble scales

Equisetum palustre

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Order Equisetales

>> Characteristic :1. Stem branched, branches in

transverse whorls2. Internodes alternate with one

another3. Vascular cylinder

siphonostele, endarch

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Family Equisetaceae>> Characteristic :1. No secondary growth2. Monosporous3. Sporangia borne on sporangiophores which form a compact

cone4. Having a rhizome with erect branches 5. In the trunk there are many air spaces 6. In the trunk there are books written by the leaves that

resemble scales7. Rod serves as a venue for photosynthesis 8. Outer epidermal stem cells containing grit 9. In the trunk there are three kinds of channels, there are

- Center channel are in the middle of the stem, but the stems are still young this channel has not been found

- Karinal channel located on the inside of the vascular bundles- Valekular channel which is located in the outer cortex and

alternate with karinal channels

Equisetum palustre

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Classification Of Equisetum palustre

Kingdom : Plantae Subkingdom : Viridaeplantae Infrakingdom : Streptophyta Division : Tracheophyta Subdivision : Pteridophytina Class : Equisetopsida Subclass : Equisetidae Order : Equisetales Family :Equisetaceae Genus : Equisetum Species : Equisetum palustre

Source : ITIS, 2014

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Karinal and center channel has function to

store water , while valekular channel has

function to store the air

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Equisetum spore

Spores located in the sporangium Sporangium located in Strobilus (set sporofil) Spores have walls consisting of endosporangium

and eksosporangium Sporangium outermost layer consists of two parallel

bands (heptera) which binds wet spores contained in the sporangium

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Life cycle of


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Example of Equisetaceae

• Equisetum arvense• Equisetum fluviatile• Equisetum sylvaticum

Equisetum fluviatile

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Equisetum sylvaticum

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Pteridopsida or True fern

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General Characteristics of Pteridopsida True Fern (Paku

Sejati)>> characteristic :1. Vascular cylinder siphonostelic, with leaf gaps2. Leaves megaphyllous, compound with rachis3. Leaves bear sporangia in sori4. Gametophytes small, green and free-living5. Young leaves growing roll (circinatus)

>> Example: Pteris, Adiantum cuneatum, Semanggi (Marsilea crenata).


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1. Sporangium develops from a group of initials (eusporangiate development)

2. Sporangial jacket more than one cell in thickness

3. Large number of spores within sporangium

4. Sporangia borne in spike or sori situated on the abaxial surface of the leaf.

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Order Ophioglossales

>> Characteristic ::Sporangia borne on a special structure called spike. It projects adaxially from a leaf and near the junction of blade and petiole.

>> Family Ophioglossaceae characteristics Single family, the characters is same as the orderExample: Ophioglossum

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Classification of Ophioglossum azoricum

Kingdom : PlantaeSubkingdom : Viridaeplantae Infrakingdom : Streptophyta Division : Tracheophyta Subdivision : Pteridophytina Class : Psilotopsida Subclass : Ophioglossidae Order : Ophioglossales Family : Ophioglossaceae Genus : Ophioglossum Species : Ophioglossum azoricum Source : ITIS, 2014

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Order Marattiales

>> Characteristic Ordo :1. Young leaves with circinate vernation2. Leaves with fleshy stipules

>> Family Angiopteridaceae characteristic :3. Sporangia almost free4. Sporangia linear in two rows on both the

sides of veins

>> Example: Angiopteris

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1. Sporangium develops from a single initial cell (leptosporangiatae development)

2. Sporangial jacket one cell in thickness

3. Definite number of spores

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Order Filicales

>> Ordo characteristic :the spora is Homosporous

>> Family Adiantaceae characteristic :1. Sori apparently marginal but superficial in

origin2. Indusial oblong or linear, usually many and

distinct3. Leaflet margins bearing sori sharply


>> Example: Adiantum

Adiantum sp.

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Classification Of Adiantum caudatum

Kingdom : Plantae Subkingdom : Viridaeplantae Infrakingdom : Streptophyta Division : Tracheophyta Subdivision : Pteridophytina Class : Polypodiopsida Subclass : Polypodiidae Order : Polypodiales Family : Pteridaceae Genus : Adiantum Species : Adiantum caudatum

Source : ITIS, 2014

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• Family Polypodiaceae1. Annulus vertical2. Each sporangium with 32

to 64 sporesExample: Dryopteris, lastraea,

Nephrolepis, Polypodium, Pteridium

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Order Marileales

1. Members heterosporous2. Sporangia formed within sporocarp

Family Marsileaceae3. Members aquatic4. Sorus of gradate type, each

producing both the types of sporangia

5. Leaf circinately coile in bud condition

Example: Marsilea

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Order Salvaniales

1. Members heterosporous2. Sporangia produced within sporacarps3. Sporacarps contains either a single

megasporangia4. The wall of the sporocarp is a

modification of an idusium

Family Salviniaceae5. Sporocarps globose or ovoid, all of

them of the same sizeExample: Salvinia

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Family Azollaceae1. Sporocarps of two types,

one larger and male-microsporocarp and the other smaller and female-megasporocarp.

Example: Azolla

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Leaf pinna (2N)

Indusium (2N) Sporangium (2N)Spora


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Life Cycle Of True fern

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Salvinia natans

Salvinia molesta

Salvinia Minima

Salvinia cucullata Azolla pinnata

Azolla caroliniata

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The Benefits of Fern Plant

1. Usually used for ornamental plants.2. Some there are who can eat.3. On Azolla pinnata, capable of symbiosis with cyanobacteria, so can be

used as nitrogenous fertilizer.

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