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You are taking part in a closed interschool public speaking contest. You have chosen to speak about the topic of 'Honesty'. Prepare your speech by using the quote and the notes below.


A practice used before people saw the benefits of backstabbing.

Being truthful to others - tell another lie to cover the previous - face punishment for mistakes made - ]others lose trust - practise being honest - easy - truthful in our dealing

Good morning, honourable judges, teachers and fellow friends. Today, I would like to deliver a speech on the topic 'Honesty'.

Honesty means being truthful with others even though sometimes it is easier and more advantageous to tell a lie. It all depends on the situation that benefits us. For example, it is better to tell our parent the truth when we failed in the exam instead of telling that we passed. When the truth is discovered, we have to tell another lie to cover it up.

We will be severely punished if we were found out later. Moreover, it is our responsibility to face the consequences if we commit a mistake It does not help to hide the truth from others because eventually the truth will be revealed. In the end, we will find that "honesty is the best policy".

Honesty also means that being sincere towards others. One should not flatter others for the sake of pleasing them. If we continuously rely on flattering to get our way, eventually one will lose trust towards us.

On the other hand, if you are honest with others, they will trust you. They will also readily rely on our judgement without investigating. We also will be liked by everyone.

The good news is that with practice being honest gets a lot easier, especially when you realise that others start to identify your authenticity and their respect grows accordingly. Furthermore you will be considered as a far more reliable and balanced person because everyone will know exactly where they are with you.

Therefore, let us be open and truthful in our dealings with one another. Thank you

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In conjunction with 'Environment Day' in your school, you have been invited to give a speech on "The Conservation of Our Natural Forests". As the President of the Environmental Club, prepare your speech accordingly. Use the notes below to help you in preparing your speech.

Good afternoon to the Principal, Encik Mohamad Ali Bin Mohamad Jamal, senior teachers, teachers and fellow students I am glad to be here to talk about 'Conservation of Our Natural Forests'.

Conservation generally refers to the act preventing something from being destroyed It is very important to conserve our natural forest where it plays a very important role in our daily life.

Teachers and students, first and foremost, natural forests need to be conserved as they play a vital role in our environment. Forests absorb excessive water during the wet season and release it slowly into the streams.

However, if we destroy our natural forests, there is nothing to hold back the flow of the water. Less water will be absorbed into the soil and we will end up with landslides and massive floods. This would later be great trouble for us.

The scientific value of our natural forests is also priceless. Our forests contain a lot of herbs used to make traditional medicine. Modern medicine has also discovered many cure for diseases from these herbs. In destroying our natural forests, we may be destroying a cure for some diseases.

Trees help to preserve the balance of gases in the atmosphere. A trees leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air. They also produce oxygen and release it into the atmosphere. These two processes are necessary for people to live. People could not survive if the air had too much carbon dioxide or too little oxygen.

So let us work together and play role to conserve our natural forests. Thank you.

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You are an outstanding student for three years in a row. The principal has invited you to give a talk on 'Study Skills' to your schoolmates. Prepare your speech by using the notes below.

Good afternoon to the principal, Encik Ahmad Faris, senior teachers, teachers and fellow students. Today, I am here to share with you the methods to effective study for exams.

Dear friends, when preparing for exam, one's attitude is very important. One must have an attitude of dedication and perseverance. Although it may not interest to face a pile of books, one must always remember the original goal and keep on the right track.

When revising our studies, it is important to concentrate. Take a break in-between studying so that you will feel fresh and stay focused. You also can switch subjects in between so that you do not get bored or lose concentration.

Another factor is being consistent in your studies. Never feel lazy towards studies and do not wait for last minute to start your revision. Revision is to be done throughout the year. If revision is done consistently, you will find no difficulties in questions during exam.

If you face any doubts in any topic, immediately ask the teacher your questions. Clarifying doubt earlier is important so that you would not have difficulties in the next phase. Do more exercises on the topics that you are weaker in.

Self-discipline is very important when it comes to studies. We must be discipline in studies. We should put a stop temporarily towards other activities. It may be difficult but it is one of the methods to success in exam.

I hope these tips will be helpful for you. Thank you.

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There has been an increase in the number of robberies in your area. You have been asked to give a speech at your school assembly on how to defend your homes from burglars. You have make the following notes :

• Ensure that all doors, windows and gates are locked before you go to sleep or before you leave the house.

• Have additional security devices like an alarm, a peep hole, safety-chain catch and good padlocks.

• Avoid keeping too much money or valuables in your house.

• If you are going on a holiday, stop the delivery of newspapers.

Good morning to our principal, senior assistants, teachers and friends. Today, I wish to give a talk on how to ensure the safety of our homes and prevent housebreaking.

Statistics provided by the Police Department revealed that cases of house-breaking had soared last year compared to the previous years. Our lackadaisical attitude towards home security has resulted in burglars gaining easy entry to our homes.

How can we ensure the safety of our homes? First of all, ensure that all doors, windows and gates are locked before we go to sleep or before we leave our homes. Sometimes we leave our grilles ajar and sometimes we leave our door keys dangling from the lock.

We should have additional security devices like an alarm, a peep hole, safety-chain latch and good padlocks. Statistics reveal that installing a burglar's alarm is the best investment for home security. Having a peep hole and safety-chain latch will prevent unwelcome guests from entering your home.

In addition, we should avoid keeping too much money or valuables in the house. Keeping them in a bank is always a better guarantee for the safety of our valuables.

If you are planning to go on a holiday then make sure you halt the delivery of newspapers so that it does not seem obvious that there is nobody at home.

So my dear friends, I hope that we will pay attention to these preventive measures that we often overlook. Remember "Prevention is better than cure". Thank you.

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You have been asked to give a speech entitled "Leading a Healthy Lifestyle" which i delivered during the school assembly. Using the notes below, write out your speech.

Cut down on sweet food Consume less oily food Eat more vegetables and fruits Exercise regularly. Have a hobby Don't drink or smoke

A very good morning to the principal, Mr. Venugobal Govindasamy, teachers and friends. The topic of my speech today is "Leading a Healthy Lifestyle".

Friends, I am sure you all have heard the saying "Health is better than wealth". Without good health, a person cannot enjoy all the good things in life. So my dear friends, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In the first place, your health depends greatly on the type of food you consume. You should cut down on sweet and oily food that will not only make a person gain weight but it will also cause many types of diseases for example high blood pressure, diabetes and heart ailments. Instead you should increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.

Regular exercise will help to keep your body trim and fit. Exercising for at least 20 minutes a day, three times a week will help to burn extra calories. Nowadays, a student's life is very hectic with loads of homework, assignments and examinations. Having a hobby will Help you to unwind. In addition to this, make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep each day. If you don't, you will feel tired and lethargic.

Avoid smoking or drinking and stay away from drug. Smoking can lead to lung cancer. Consult a doctor if you are not well and take your medication as directed by your physician.

So, my dear friends, take care of your health. Lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is one that is free from sickness, stress and worry. Thank you.

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Your school has organized a reading programme. The aim of the programme is to encourage students to read more books in English. As the President of the English Language Society of your school, you have been asked to give a speech.

When writing your speech :

• mention the aim of the reading programme

• mention the important of reading

• make sure it is not less than 120 words

Good morning to our principal, teachers and fellow students. In the PMR I examination last year, English recorded the lowest pass rate when compared to the other subjects. English recorded a pass rate of 62.3 percent which is a 5.6 percent drop from the previous year. This prompted the school authorities to look into ways of improving the standard of English among our students. One of the programmes is the Reading Programme.

My dear friends, in school, you only have five periods of English a week.

This amounts to a negligible 200 minutes a week. This is certainly not enough. You cannot just depend on your teachers to equip you with all the language skills. Reading is one of the effective ways of improving your English Language.

The Reading Programme is jointly organized by the English Panel of the school, the Parents-Teachers Association and the English Language Society. It will be carried out over a period of three months beginning April this year. Under this programme, you are required to read at least ten books each. Once you have finished reading a book, you are required to fill in a few particulars about the book in the form for example, the title of book, the names of the publisher and the author and others. The winners will be determined by the number of books read during the duration of the reading programme. Students who read a minimum of 20 books will be awarded certificates.

Dear friends, I urge you all to participate in the Reading Programme. Besides the benefits you can gain by reading, you also stand a chance of winning one of the attractive prizes which are up for grabs. They include a bicycle, a portable radio, watches and others.

Thank you.

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It is the English Language week in your school. As the President of the English Language Society in your school, you have been asked to give a speech during the school assembly. The topic for the speech is "The Importance of Studying the English Language". Use the notes below to write your speech.

Importance of English :

• English in an international language

• Important if you wish to further your studies in a foreign country

• A lot of literature is in English

• Many jobs require a pass in English

Good morning to our beloved principal, teachers and friends. It gives me great pleasure to stand here today and give a speech on the topic, "The Importance of Studying the English Language".

Friends, are you all aware that the English Language is the most widely spoken language in the world? English is not only the mother tongue of millions of native speakers of the language, it is also used as a second language in many countries including Malaysia. English is an international language. If you are fluent in English, you can go to any corner of this world and you will be able to communicate with people.

In fact, if you wish to further your studies in a foreign country, you must have a good command of English. In many countries especially in the West, English is the medium of instruction. If you are not proficient in English, then you will have to take up intensive English courses to increase your proficiency in the language.

There is a wealth of literature in the English Language. You need a good command of the language to enjoy the great plays of Shakespeare or the beautiful poems of Wordsworth. No other language in the world can boast of such a wealth of literary works by great authors.

Nowadays, many jobs require at least a pass in English. Job applicants who have a good command of English, in addition to Bahasa Malaysia, have a definite edge over those who do not

Friends, I hope that my speech has made you realize the importance of studying the English Language. Make use of the time you have to master the language.

Thank you.

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In conjunction with the Road Safety Week in your school, you have been asked to give a speech on road safety. Using the notes below, write out your speech.

Look right and left before crossing the road Obey traffic regulations Use zebra-crossings and overhead bridges Walk in the direction when you can see the oncoming traffic

Good morning friends. Today I wish to talk to you all about Road Safety. Newspapers and televisions broadcasts always carry news about road accidents and many of these accidents involve pedestrians.

Accidents occur because we are careless and we do not heed traffic rules. Today, I would like to inform you all of some road safety tips.

Many road accidents occur when people cross roads. Before crossing a road especially a busy road, we should look right and left and only cross the road when the road is clear. It may delay our journey but it is safer, as the saying goes "Better late than never". We must always obey traffic regulations. Traffic regulations have been introduced by the authorities for our safety. When we come across traffic lights at junctions, we must always obey traffic lights. We should stop when the traffic lights are red and we should only move then they turn green.

Pedestrians should always use zebra crossings and overhead bridges whenever possible. They have been put up by the authorities for our safety and they are built at busy areas to reduce road accidents.

When we walk along roads, we should always walk in the direction when we can observe the oncoming traffic. When we walk at night, we should avoid walking in dark areas where drivers will not be able to see us.

All the road safety tips that I have mentioned can prevent road accidents. Thank you for listening to my talk.

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