Download - Psychology magazine terminada

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Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is

a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas

as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and

cognitive processes.

Psychology is really a very new science, with most advances happening

over the past 150 years or so. However, its origins can be traced back to

ancient Greece, 400 – 500 years BC. The emphasis was a philosophical

one, with great thinkers such as Socrates influencing Plato, who in turn

influenced Aristotle.

Philosophers used to discuss many topics now studied by modern

psychology, such as memory, free will, attraction etc.

Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and

groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific

cases and by many accounts it ultimately aims to benefit society.

Psychologists explore concepts such

as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation

, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships,

including psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas

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Psychology it is extremely important for many factors,

including helping to diagnose various diseases and helping

with understanding a person’s behavior and more about


Psychology has helped me personally as a future teacher.

Now I can understand who I am and look at events on a

more positive aspect. I have become more determined to do

the things. Whenever I have a problem, I can handle it better

and make better decisions within my life, whether it is the

projects I work on or the way I handle my time.

Psychology it is an amazing science and right now I can say

that all the knowledge that I have will help me a lot to my

future students, because I learned that each person have an

individual differences in characteristics patterns of thinking,

feeling and behaving, so they will act in a different way in a

same situation.

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Is the time of person's life when they are a child.

Time of life: a period of time during which a person is normally in

a particular life state

Anal phase, anal stage : (psychoanalysis) the second sexual

and social stage of a child's development during which bowel

control is learned

Latency period, latency phase, latency stage : (psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age 5 or 6 until

puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be

sublimated into other activities

Phallic phase, phallic stage : (psychoanalysis) the third stage

in a child's development when awareness of and manipulation of

the genitals is supposed to be a primary source of pleasure

Prepuberty : a period of two years immediately prior to the onset

of puberty when growth and changes leading to sexual maturity


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Monitoring child development is important to ensure

that children meet their ‘developmental milestones’.

Although arbitrary time frames that are far from exact,

checking that children are roughly ‘on track’ for their

age is helpful in order to detect early on if there are

any hiccups in development. This is usually carried out

through child/mother services and Pediatricians as

infants and toddlers, and later through kindergartens

and school term skills assessments.

The earliest possible detection (and treatment if

appropriate) of developmental challenges is helpful as

it can allow the early intervention to help minimize the

impact these developmental hiccups can have on

children’s skill development and subsequently their

confidence, or serve as an indicator of a possible


Child development is the sequential progression of changes in the body and abilities as the

child grows from birth to adolescence.

Child Development typically occurs naturally through exposure to helpful stimulus,

repeated opportunity to practice the same things to facilitate learning and a wide range

of life experiences. As such, child development generally occurs naturally without much

conscious thought on the parents behalf (although of course many parents consciously

exposure their children to range of specific activities to aid well rounded development

where possible).

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Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of your

last normal period. The weeks are grouped into three trimesters.

First trimester (week 1- week

12) During the first trimester your body

undergoes many changes. Hormonal

changes affect almost every organ

system in your body. These changes

can trigger symptoms even in the

very first weeks of pregnancy. Your

period stopping is a clear sign that

you are pregnant.

Second trimester (week 13-week 28)

You might notice that symptoms like nausea

and fatigue are going away. But other new,

more noticeable changes to your body are

now happening. Your abdomen will expand

as the baby continues to grow. And before

this trimester is over, you will feel your baby

beginning to move!

Third trimester (week 29-week


You're in the home stretch! Some of

the same discomforts you had in

your second trimester will continue.

Plus, many women find breathing

difficult and notice they have to go

to the bathroom even more often.

This is because the baby is getting

bigger and it is putting more pressure

on your organs.

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It is estimated that 15 to 25% of women

smoke during pregnancy [20,94,98] and

although pregnancy motivates a

minority of women to stop smoking for at

least part of their pregnancy, most start

again after delivery. There is also a strong

correlation between maternal smoking

during pregnancy and young age,

unmarried status and being from low

socio-economic strata. Despite current

knowledge about the detrimental

effects of smoking during pregnancy,

the reduction in smoking among

pregnant women is progressing very

slowly. In some regions, e.g. Sweden,

smoking has decreased at a higher rate

and is now below 10%. This decrease is

however often coupled to a

simultaneous increase in the use of

smokeless tobacco, resulting in virtually

unaltered levels of nicotine exposure for

the fetus.

Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke is

a major risk factor for the newborn,

increasing morbidity and even

mortality in the neonatal period but

also beyond. As nicotine addiction is

the factor preventing many women

from smoking cessation during

pregnancy, nicotine replacement

therapy (NRT) has been suggested as a

better alternative for the fetus.

However, the safety of NRT has not

been well documented, and animal

studies have in fact pointed to

nicotine per se as being responsible for

a multitude of these detrimental

effects. Nicotine interacts with

endogenous acetylcholine receptors in

the brain and lung, and exposure

during development interferes with

normal neurotransmitter function, thus

evoking neurodevelopmental

abnormalities by disrupting the timing

of neurotrophic actions.

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Thousands of children are born with the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol.

While many people drink, alcohol is poisonous to the child that grows inside the

womb. The ingestion of even an alcoholic beverage per day during pregnancy

the baby in development can be exposed to the risk of serious birth defects. A

small amount of alcohol can cause permanent damage to the child. The use of

alcohol during pregnancy can cause serious problems in children and


Infants may show slow growth and developmental delay, unusual facial

features, irritability, brain and neurological disorders, mental retardation and

problems with their attachment to their fathers.

Kids and school-age children may have problems with learning, low tolerance

for frustration, inadequate social boundaries and difficulty reading.

Teenagers can have continuous learning problems, depression, anxiety and

inappropriate sexual behavior.

Facial deformities.

Slow and retarded development.

Brain and neurological problems.

The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) a syndrome that can be caused by drinking

alcohol during the pregnancy is not well known. This syndrome can be given to

your baby even if you just drink a tiny bit of alcohol once during the entire

pregnancy; this depends on the alcohol-sensitivity of your unborn child.

Children with FAS have difficulties with learning, concentration, communication

and often have social problems. The appearance of children with FAS is

characteristic. Baby’s who are born with FAS will have this for their entire life.

Try replacing a glass of beer or wine with other stress-easing pleasures, such as

a warm bath, soft music, a beauty treatment, exercise or reading.

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Cocaine use during pregnancy can affect a pregnant woman and her

unborn baby in many ways: A. twice as likely to have a premature

baby; B. More likely to have a low birth-weight baby; C. More likely to

have babies born with smaller heads and smaller brains proportionate

to body size.

Cocaine cuts the flow of

nutrients and oxygen to

the fetus, the baby may

be much smaller at birth

than it would be

otherwise. May cause

the placenta to pull

away from the wall of

the uterus before labor

begins. This condition,

placental abruption, can

lead to extensive

bleeding and can be

fatal for both the mother

and her baby.

The birth defects and other

problems caused by

cocaine are completely


The March of Dimes advises women

who use cocaine to stop before they

become pregnant or to delay

pregnancy until they believe they can

avoid the drug completely throughout

the pregnancy

Women who stop using cocaine early in

pregnancy appear to reduce their risk

of having premature or low-birth weight


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1. Bottomless


2. Pain Problem

3. Hubby Hater

4. Hubby Lover

5. Everyone's an


6. Scent Sensitive

7. Drama Queen

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The first three years of life are a period of incredible growth in all

areas of a baby's development. A newborn's brain is about 25

percent of its approximate adult weight. But by age 3, it has grown

dramatically by producing billions of cells and hundreds of trillions of

connections, or synapses, between these cells. In this section you will

learn about the many ways parents and caregivers can help

children get off to a good start and establish healthy patterns for life-

long learning.

Human brain development is a protracted process that begins in the

third gestational week (GW) with the differentiation of the neural

progenitor cells and extends at least through late adolescence,

arguably throughout the lifespan. The processes that contribute to

brain development range from the molecular events of gene

expression to environmental input. Critically, these very different

levels and kinds of processes interact to support the ongoing series of

events that define brain development. Both gene expression and

environmental input are essential for normal brain development, and

disruption of either can fundamentally alter neural outcomes. But

neither genes nor input is prescriptive or determinative of outcome.

Rather brain development is aptly characterized as a complex series

of dynamic and adaptive processes that operate throughout the

course of development to promote the emergence and

differentiation of new neural structures and functions. These

processes operate within highly constrained and genetically

organized, but constantly changing contexts that, over time, support

the emergence of the complex and dynamic structure of the human


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The brain is one of the first organs to develop into a fetus. When a baby is

born, has a fully developed brain. The functioning of the brain after birth

depends much stimulation the baby receives from its environment. You can

stimulate your child's brain to increase cognitive skills in various ways. The

use of visual aids is a method to stimulate brain function.

To stimulation of the brain is a necessary action because is the most

important part of our body. We have to make some activities to develop

this stimulation, like:




-Match drawing with the word

- Simple math problems (one apple +one apple=

two apple)