Download - PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Page 1: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Introduction to Fusion Energy

Jerry Hughes


January 8, 2013

Acknowledgments: Catherine Fiore, Jeff Freidberg, Martin Greenwald, Zach Hartwig, Alberto Loarte,

Bob Mumgaard, Geoff Olynyk

Presenter’s e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Questions to answer

• What is fusion?

• Why do we need it?

• How do we get it on earth?

• Where do we stand?

• Where are we headed?

Page 3: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What is fusion, anyway?

Page 4: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What is fusion, anyway?

Page 5: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What is fusion, anyway?

Page 6: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What is fusion, anyway?

Page 7: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Fusion is a form of nuclear energy

• A huge amount of energy

is released when isotopes

lighter than iron combine

to form heavier nuclei,

with less final mass

• It is an ubiquitous energy source in the universe

• It is not (yet) a practical energy source on earth


Page 8: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Fusion is a form of nuclear energy

• A huge amount of energy

is released when isotopes

lighter than iron combine

to form heavier nuclei,

with less final mass

• It is an ubiquitous energy source in the universe

• It is not (yet) a practical energy source on earth


Page 9: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Terrestrial energy sources have their origin in the nuclear fusion reactions of stars

Supernova produces radioactive elements

Solar heating of the Earth drives atmospheric

circulation, water cycle

Sun illuminates


Page 10: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Terrestrial energy sources have their origin in the nuclear fusion reactions of stars


Nuclear fission

Decay of radioactive particles generates

heat in Earth’s interior

Supernova produces radioactive elements Splitting radioactive

particles generates heat

Solar heating of the Earth drives atmospheric

circulation, water cycle

Sun illuminates


Page 11: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Terrestrial energy sources have their origin in the nuclear fusion reactions of stars


Nuclear fission

Decay of radioactive particles generates

heat in Earth’s interior

Supernova produces radioactive elements Splitting radioactive

particles generates heat Wind

Hydroelectric Solar heating of the Earth drives atmospheric

circulation, water cycle

Running water turns


Atmospheric circulation

turns turbines

Sun illuminates


Page 12: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Terrestrial energy sources have their origin in the nuclear fusion reactions of stars


Nuclear fission

Decay of radioactive particles generates

heat in Earth’s interior

Supernova produces radioactive elements Splitting radioactive

particles generates heat Wind

Hydroelectric Solar heating of the Earth drives atmospheric

circulation, water cycle

Running water turns


Atmospheric circulation

turns turbines

Sun illuminates


Absorption of light for electricity generation


Photosynthesis generation of biomass

Burn ‘em


Fossil fuels

Page 13: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What are the prospects for nuclear fusion on Earth?

• Scientists demonstrated its use as a weapon in 1952

• For 50 years, scientists and engineers have been working create controlled nuclear fusion in the laboratory in order to exploit the fusion reaction as a practical energy source.


Page 14: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What are the prospects for nuclear fusion on Earth?

• Scientists demonstrated its use as a weapon in 1952

• For over 60 years, scientists and engineers have been working create controlled nuclear fusion in the laboratory in order to exploit the fusion reaction as a practical energy source.



Page 15: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Why do we need fusion?

Page 16: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Earth-dwellers want to consume more energy . . .

Page 17: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

. . . a lot more

Page 18: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


What Are The World’s Energy Options?

Nothing obviously easy

● Burning fossil fuels (currently 80%) even if there was enough,

must contend with climate change + pollution: is large-scale CO2

capture and storage feasible?

● Nuclear fission – safety, proliferation concerns (but cannot avoid if

we are serious about reducing fossil fuel burning; at least until

fusion available)

● Biofuels – can this be made carbon neutral? Land and water use


● Solar - need breakthroughs in production and storage

● Wind, Tidal – storage and land use issues, but could fill niche

Page 19: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Pros and Cons of Fusion


• Abundant, high energy density fuel (D + Li)

• No greenhouse gases (nor NOX, SOX, particulate emission)

• Safe – no chain reaction, ~1 sec worth of fuel in device at any one time

• Minimal “afterheat”, no nuclear meltdown possible

• Residual radioactivity small; products immobile and short-lived

• Minimal proliferation risks

• Minimal land and water use

• No seasonal, diurnal or regional variation – no energy storage issue


• It doesn’t work yet (turns out to be a really hard problem)

• Capital costs will be high, unit size large (but with low operating costs)

Page 20: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Fusion, like all nuclear energy, produces a tremendous amount of energy from a very small mass of reactants.


• Typical energy scales for chemical bonds – electron-volts (eV)

• Typical energy scales for nuclear reactions – millions of electron-volts (MeV) (E=mc2)

• This means that a gigawatt-class fusion power plant will use about a pickup truck full of fuel (lithium and deuterium) per year.

• Compare to a 1 GWe coal plant – nearly 8,000 tons of coal per day!

3 days worth of coal supply for a 500 MWe plant

Page 21: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Fusion plants would have reduced environmental impact relative to many renewables


Wind, Solar, Hydro: substantial changes to the landscape needed to generate the first gigawatt Wind, Solar: lacking an energy storage solution

Page 22: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

How do we get controlled nuclear fusion on Earth?

Page 23: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Back to the Future (“Mr. Fusion”)

We’re not quite to this point yet . . .

Page 24: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Spider-Man II

SPF 35,000,000,000, anyone?

Page 25: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

How do we really get controlled nuclear fusion on Earth?

Page 26: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Two types of nuclear reactions:

• Fission – split heavy nuclei

• (e.g. Uranium)

• Fusion – fuse light nuclei

• (e.g. hydrogenic isotopes)


Page 27: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

The most energetically favorable fusion reaction is between deuterium (D) and tritium (T)

D + T → He + n + 17.6 MeV


• Neutron : 0n1

80 % of reaction energy

==> Not Confined

==> Energy output and

tritium production

•Alpha particle : 2He4

20 % of reaction energy

==> Confined

==> Plasma Self Heating

Page 28: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Fuel Supply - Fusion • Plenty of D from the ocean • No natural T – half life = 12 years • Need to breed T in the reactor

Li-6 + n → He + T + 4.8 MeV • Li-6 is 7% of natural lithium • 1000’s of years of natural lithium


Fuel for a fusion power plant:

30 t/day seawater (extract deuterium)

350 kg/yr lithium (breed to tritium)

Page 29: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Problem: Nuclei do not play well together


+ +

• Like charges repel (Coulomb force)

• Throw them at each other and they tend to scatter

• Huge energies are needed to overcome this repulsive force

Page 30: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Problem: Nuclei do not play well together

• Like charges repel (Coulomb force)

• Throw them at each other and they tend to scatter

• Huge energies are needed to overcome this repulsive force 30



Page 31: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


The Probability Of D-T Fusion Is The Greatest When The Nuclei Have About

100 Kev Of Kinetic Energy

• Even at the optimum energy,

the nuclei are much more

likely to scatter elastically

than to fuse!

• Therefore, nuclei must be confined over numerous scattering times this puts the fuel into a thermodynamic equilibrium

• Significant fusion rate requires fuel to be confined at >100 million degrees!

Page 32: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

At the high temperatures required for the fusion reaction, the deuterium and tritium are in the plasma state.


• When energy is added to matter, phase changes can occur new physical properties.

• When sufficient heat energy is added to matter, bound electrons strip from the nuclei

• Plasma = “soup” of negatively charged electrons and positively charged nuclei.

Add heat

Page 33: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

At the high temperatures required for the fusion reaction, the deuterium and tritium are in the plasma state.


• When energy is added to matter, phase changes can occur new physical properties.

• When sufficient heat energy is added to matter, bound electrons strip from the nuclei

• Plasma = “soup” of negatively charged electrons and positively charged nuclei.

Solid / liquid / gas Plasma



Add heat

e– e–



Page 34: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

At the high temperatures required for the fusion reaction, the deuterium and tritium are in the plasma state.


• When energy is added to matter, phase changes can occur new physical properties.

• When sufficient heat energy is added to matter, bound electrons strip from the nuclei

• Plasma = “soup” of negatively charged electrons and positively charged nuclei.

Solid / liquid / gas Plasma



Add heat

e– e–



In plasma physics, we measure temperature in eV, where 1 eV = 11,600 K

Typical fusion plasma temp = 10 keV 100 million degrees

Page 35: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Most of the visible universe is composed of plasma

. . . not all of it is fusing

Page 36: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


High confinement is needed for plasma fusion

• Our goal: get the required temperature with the least amount of heating power

• Energy confinement time is the ratio of stored energy to heating rate.

• In a fusion reactor that heat would come from the fast a particles (charged, so they are confined by the magnetic field)

ETotal stored energy Joules

Heating rate Watts(sec)

( )

( )

“Fuse it or lose it.”

Page 37: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Conditions needed for a self-sustaining fusion plasma

• We need enough plasma: (air/100,000)

• At a high enough temperature: (air x million)

• Holding its heat for a long enough time:

• For a sustained fusion plasma – Lawson Criterion


20 310n m

15T keV

2 sec

8 secp atmn T τE ≥ 3x1021

[keV s m−3]

Page 38: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,




A complete power plant will need to satisfy Lawson criterion, breed tritium and collect heat to drive turbines

to actually make electricity and put it on the grid.

Page 39: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

How do we hold together a hot dense plasma?

Page 40: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Approaches To Fusion Energy

• Gravitational Confinement (300 W/m3) – In a deep gravitational well, even fast

particles are trapped.

– Very slow: E ~ 106 years, burn-up time = 1010 years

● Inertial Confinement (1028 W/m3)

– Heat and compress plasma to ignite plasma

before constituents fly apart.

– Like a little H-bomb

– Capsules would need to be burned with high

gain, high rep rate for reactor practicality

● Magnetic Confinement (107 W/m3)

– Uses the unique properties of ionized

particles in a magnetic field

Page 41: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,




Gyro-motion Of Charged Particles Enables Magnetic Confinement, perpendicular to B-field

At B = 5T, T = 10keV

• e = 0.067 mm

• i = 2.9 mm

• R/ i > 1,000

• e = 8.8 x 1011 rad/sec (mwaves)

• i = 4.8 x 108 rad/sec (FM radio)

Ionized particles are deflected by the Lorentz force and bent into circular orbits.

mV c mT

qB B




Page 42: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What about the ends?


● At the temperatures involved, ions are moving at over 1,000 km/s

● For a practical device, the end losses must be eliminated

Page 43: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Close the ends, and . . .

“Donuts. Is there anything they can’t do?” --H. Simpson

. . . toroidal confinement is born

Page 44: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Magnetic Confinement In Toroidal Devices

• Solution 1: Torus solves the end-loss problem

• Problem 2: In a simple toroidal field, particle drifts lead to charge separation








● Solution 2: Add poloidal field, particles sample regions of inward and outward drift.

● Problem 3: Hoop stress from unequal magnetic and kinetic pressures.

● Solution 3: Add vertical field, to counteract hoop stress.

● Magnetic confinement experiments are variations on this theme.

Bt E EB drift

Hoop Stress

Page 45: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Two Promising Strategies To Create This Configuration

● Poloidal field from current in the

plasma itself.

● Axisymmetric – good


● Current is source of instability

● Poloidal field from external coils

● Intrinsically steady-state

● Non-axisymmetric – good

confinement hard to achieve

● More difficult to build

Tokamak Stellarator

Page 46: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Poloidal magnetic field coil

Central solenoid

Toroidal magnetic field coil

Poloidal magnetic field

Plasma current

Toroidal magnetic field

What makes a tokamak?


Toroidal magnetic fields coils to create the primary toroidal confinement field

Central solenoid coils to create toroidal plasma current for secondary poloidal confinement field

Poloidal magnetic fields coils to create fields for plasma control and shaping

Page 47: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What makes a tokamak?


Toroidal magnetic fields coils to create the primary toroidal confinement field

Central solenoid coils to create toroidal plasma current for secondary poloidal confinement field

Poloidal magnetic fields coils to create fields for plasma control and shaping Helical field lines associated with a tokamak plasma

Page 48: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Plasma Is Confined On Closed Nested Flux Surfaces

• Magnetic field lines are helical and lie on closed, nested surfaces – flux surfaces, Y = const.

• To lowest order, particles are “stuck” on flux surfaces

• Confinement should be great!

Page 49: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

How is the tokamak doing?

Page 50: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Steady progress has been made towards demonstrating fusion, particularly with tokamaks

Page 51: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Steady progress has been made towards demonstrating fusion, particularly with tokamaks

ITER (2027?)

• The ratio of fusion power produced to plasma heating power supplied is defined as capital Q: Q=1 Breakeven Q=∞ Ignition (no external heating)

𝑄 =𝑃fusion𝑃heating

Page 52: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Turbulence is rampant in high energy plasmas, degrading confinement


• Early calculations made overoptimistic predictions of tokamak confinement

• Turbulence was not taken into account!

• Turbulent eddies carry heat and particles out of the plasma hundreds of times faster than random collisions alone would

One frame of a simulation of turbulence in the DIII-D using GYRO (J. Candy, General Atomics)

Page 53: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Go large: ITER

Page 54: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Go large: ITER

● Plasma major radius = 6.2m

(twice the size of JET,

currently the world’s largest


● Plasma volume = 840 m3

● Fusion power 500 MWt

(with auxiliary power of


Page 55: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

The ITER Mission: Demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy


ITER construction site on Sept. 17, 2012 near Vinon-sur-Verdon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Tokamak Assembly Hall

Headquarters (500 staff)

Tokamak Seismic Isolation Pit

Rendering of ITER tokamak plus cryostat


• Joint effort among China, EU, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, US

• Political origin: 1985 Geneva summit • ITER agreement reached in 2006 • Construction began in 2010 in France • Construction cost > €10B • First plasma: 2020 • D-T operations: 2027

Page 56: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Fusion experiments around the world today are conducting research in support of ITER’s mission.


Alcator C-Mod Cambridge, MA, USA

DIII-D, San Diego, CA, USA

ASDEX Upgade Garching, Germany

EAST (HT-7) Hefei, Anhui, China

Joint European Torus (JET) Culham, Oxfordshire, UK

JT-60SA (under construction) Naka, Japan

KSTAR, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

SST-1, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Tore Supra, Cadarache, France

Page 57: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Across the street is a real live tokamak

• C-Mod is a compact device with some pretty hefty parameters

– Magnetic field at the plasma

center up to 8T (>100,000 x Earth’s surface magnetic field)

– Plasma densities span the range expected for reactors

– Volume averaged plasma pressure of 2 atmospheres (world record)

– Heat flux exhaust as high as 0.5GW/m2

Alcator C-Mod

Page 58: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Alcator C-Mod Tour: Thursday 1/10 @1:30pm

Page 59: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What you won’t see on the tour Armored Inner Column

RF Wave-Based Heating Sources

(Current Drive Launcher not in view)

Power handling divertor

Molybdenum Protection Tiles (Tmelt = 2623⁰C

Page 60: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Examples of R&D on existing tokamaks like C-Mod

Page 61: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

ITER and reactors will have to cope with heat exhaust

• 20% of fusion power is used to re-heat the core (a particles)

• This must either be radiated away or conducted to the divertor plates

• Must observe material limits of 10MW/m2

Radiant power + neutrons

Heat flowing to divertor

Page 62: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

The consequences of excessive local heat flux on surfaces can be severe

Tiles removed following high power C-Mod operation

Page 63: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Controlled impurity injection is a way to mitigate heat loads

• Excess thermal radiation in core plasma reduces temperature, fusion performance

• Instead, localize radiation to the edge








Fraction of power reaching outer divertor

Page 64: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Regulation of edge profiles is an important issue

• ITER requires an edge transport barrier to achieve desired performance (Q=10)

• Barrier is self-regulating – Large pressure gradient in

edge drives “bootstrap current”

– Combined, these lead to plasma instabilities that limit the attainable edge pressure

– Result is usually a regular ejection of hot plasma into the periphery

Page 65: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Projections indicate that the ITER edge would be regulated to nearly 100 kPa – likely sufficient for its mission

Page 66: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

• Edge-regulating instabilities also help expel unwanted impurities from core

– Helium ash

– Slightly heavier nuclei introduced into the edge for heat load control (neon, argon)

– Even heavier nuclei from the wall (tungsten)

• Core impurities dilute the fuel and lead to increased bremsstrahlung radiation losses

• BUT:

• Each discrete burst in ITER (at about 1Hz) would dump about 1MJ of energy into the divertor

• Need to mitigate these!

Page 67: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

• Edge-regulating instabilities also help expel unwanted impurities from core

– Helium ash

– Slightly heavier nuclei introduced into the edge for heat load control (neon, argon)

– Even heavier nuclei from the wall (tungsten)

• Core impurities dilute the fuel and lead to increased bremsstrahlung radiation losses

• BUT:

• Each discrete burst in ITER (at about 1Hz) would dump about 1MJ of energy into the divertor

• Need to mitigate these!

Page 68: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

• High performance plasma operation possible without density/impurity buildup

• Edge profiles regulated by naturally occurring turbulence

• “I-mode”: A major breakthrough that rivals the discovery of the edge transport barrier in 1982

Page 69: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

What lies in fusion’s future?

Page 70: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

The path to an economic tokamak fusion reactor requires solving several remaining physics and technology problems.

● Very large, high-field, superconducting magnets needed

– Mechanical and thermal stresses

– Proximity to high neutron flux

● First wall material Issues

▫ Power handling

▫ Erosion – high energy and particle fluxes

▫ No tritium retention

● Must close fuel cycle by keeping tritium breeding ratio above 1

● Steady state operation means we need non-inductive sources of current

● Auxiliary heating

● Disruption prediction and mitigation

● Ease of maintenance – high availability required

Page 71: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

The current path to a reactor could put fusion energy on the grid during the 21st century


ITER online 2020’s

“DEMO” 2045?

Commercial plants 2060?

Existing tokamak experiments in USA, EU, Japan, China, India, Korea, etc. work on technical challenges.





C-Mod JT-60SA

Tore Supra


IFMIF (Europe)


Demonstrate the scientific and technological basis of magnetic fusion energy

Parallel facilities to research wall materials for 14.1 MeV fusion neutron environment

Page 72: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,


Stellerator research also remains active



Page 73: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Recent developments in superconductor technology mean that the path to a reactor could be faster than originally envisioned.


The “Vulcan” concept – developed by 22.63 class at MIT in 2010, published as 5 papers

Double-walled replaceable vacuum vessel

Demountable high-temperature superconducting coils

High-field-side high-efficiency current drive





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Applied Field (T)




YBCO B|| Tape Plane

YBCO B Tape Plane



Bronze Nb3Sn




re c



y o

f N




h M




ld L




Engineering critical current-density at 4.2K


Nb3Sn (ITER) is brittle, so

coils are baked after


YBCO and Nb-Ti just need

to be wound

New developments in superconductor technology mean a

smaller, more maintainable fusion

reactor than the ITER-like reactor

that was previously envisioned.

Page 74: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

There are many uncertainties, but projections show fusion can be cost competitive with other sources of electricity


• A number of studies using systems codes have been carried out to assess the cost of electricity (CoE) with magnetic fusion

• While CoE from the first demonstration power plant (known as “DEMO”) are high, estimates for a mature fusion power plant come in at 6.6 ¢/kWh, comparable to competing technologies.

• Factored in engineering, safety, operating costs, maintenance, dismantle/disposal, etc.

• Economic case for fusion becomes stronger if carbon emission becomes more expensive. Fusion makes no direct emissions of any kind. (CO2, SOX, NOX, etc.)

Page 75: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,



● Fusion holds out the possibility of a safe, environmentally benign

power source

● The science and technology are extremely challenging

● But… steady progress has been made

● We’re poised to take a major step, an experiment to demonstrate

the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy

● A path forward to fusion exists, and there will be plenty of

scientific and engineering opportunities along the way

Page 76: PSFC Library - Introduction to Fusion Energy · 2013. 1. 25. · nuclear energy •A huge amount of energy is released when isotopes lighter than iron combine to form heavier nuclei,

Conclusion: Fusion energy is critical research that will help humanity meet its energy needs in the future.


“The days of inexpensive, convenient, abundant energy sources are quickly drawing to a close … We must act now to develop the technology and infrastructure necessary to transition to other energy sources. Policy changes, leap-ahead technology breakthroughs, cultural changes, and significant investment are requisite for this new energy future. Time is essential to enact these changes. The process should begin now.”

— U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, 2006.

Fusion energy was selected by the National Academy of Engineering as one of the 14 Grand Engineering Challenges to improve humanity’s lot in the 21st century.

— See