Download - PS Outfits

Page 1: PS Outfits

• I have put together three outfit combinations for the Photoshoot that I would like you to wear.

• We will be taking photos for both the front page, contents page and double page spread of the magazine therefore need a range of different shots of you wearing all three outfits.

• Please can you arrive at the shoot and first location wearing outfit 1.• Outfit 2 and Outfit 3 should be carried with you in a bag. • Changing rooms have been arranged so you can get dressed before travelling to the next

location. • Please wear black studded earrings with all outfits.

The outfits I have specified create the perfect look I want to achieve however I am aware that you may not be in possession of all clothing items that are listed. In light of this, I have added

suggestions in brackets of how the clothing can be altered in terms of colour and style on each page however please try to stick to the images as much as possible. It is vital that the clothing fits within the Indie/Alternative Rock genre which is why I’ve picked clothing that consists of

grunge colours such as red, black, white, grey , dark blue and yellow.

Page 2: PS Outfits

• Black skinny Jeans• Plain tight black top (or white)• Black and white flannel shirt (or red

and black)• White converse (or any alternate

style white slip on pumps)

Page 3: PS Outfits

• Stressed denim jeans (dark blue or grey with rips or holes)

• Plain top (dark red/burgundy/faded red)• White high tops (any brand)• Black necklace or chain • Baggy/slouched beanie hat (black/grey)

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• Black Skinny Jeans• Logo/Band T-shirt (grey, blue or black

background with any rock style logo)• Leather Jacket• Doctor Martins (similar style black boots)

OR• White Converse

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As you have quite short hair, I would like you to style it as follows:-The sides should be shaven/extremely short to show a bold and fresh appearance-The front should be longer and gelled upwards and back slightly like shown in the image. -Don’t have any of your hair covering your face or blocking your features

Try not to shave before the shoot so that you have similar facial hair that reflects these images. This will help to emphasise the rugged and carefree attitude of rock.