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Proxy Wars

By: Emily Jeong

What is a Proxy War?

A proxy war is where conflicts and tensions with one superpower might fight with another country to provide support and assistance to the group which opposed the rival superpower. Opposing powers will use a 3rd party in succeeding their goal.

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Greek Civil War

The Greek Civil war occurred from 1946-1949. This war was between the DSE (Democratic Army of Greece; who was supported by the USA and Britain) and the KKE (Communist Party of Greece; who was supported by the Soviet Union and the Royalists.) Initially, DSE was very successful on the battlefield with the support from USA and Britain where as the KKE made multiple political errors which resulted in the withdrawal of Yugoslavia. After Yugoslavia gained independence, the troops supported by the ISA won the war and as a result, the capitalist/democratic sphere of influence increased as well as the tension between USA and the Soviet Union.

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The Korean War

The Korean war occurred from June 25th 1950 to July 27th 1953. After WWII, Korea was divided into the Communist North supported by the Soviet Union and China and the democratic South, supported by the States. An election was supposed to occur among the citizens to see if Korea should be communist or democratic however, the South was more populated and the chances of them winning was evidently visible and increasing. To prevent this, North Korea with the aid of Soviet Union and China invaded South Korea in attempts to make the whole country communist. South Korea fought back with Canada supporting military forces in pushing back the invaders as well as the USA. The election never occurred and Korea to this day remains segregated as North and South. This war created increased tensions between North Korea and its allies and South Korea and its allies.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War occurred from 1957-1975. This war very similar to Korea for after WWII, France lost Vietnam and it was divided into two, the communist North which was supported by the Soviet Union and the South supported by USA and its allies. The population was greater in the North and as a result it seemed evident to South Vietnam that communism would become the form of government in Vietnam is a whole country. America supported South Vietnam in hopes to resist the threat of communism coming from the North. South Vietnam invaded but regardless of their efforts, there was a lack of public support for the war, North Vietnam and their allies were too strong and Vietnam ultimately becomes a communist country. USA’s loss resulted in a decrease of their Sphere of Influence where as Soviet Union’s success increased their sphere of influence. Soviet Union’s success created more tension with the USA.

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Bays of Pigs Invasion

The Bays of Pigs invasion plan was launched in April 17th, 1961. The goal of this invasion was CIA-trained forces of Cuban Exiles wanted to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro and ultimately wanted Cuba back. This invasion was supported by the US government armed forces. The invasion failed as the Cuban armed forces were powerful and defeated the exile combatants within 3 days. The failed invasion was a result of poor planning, inadequate support from the US military, and the false assumption that the rebels in Cuba would be motivated to resist Castro. This invasion increased Fidel Castro’s popularity as in increased suspicions and tensions between the USA and Cuba. The relationship between Cuba and the Soviet increased as a result of this invasion.

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Chilean Coup d’etat

September 11th 1973, Marxist President of Chile Salvador Allenden, supported by Communist allies was overthrown by the Chilean Military Coup d’etat; and organization supported by the American CIA. Prior to Allenden being elected, secret operations ran by the USA existed in Chile in attempts prevent a communist government. Soviet Union and the Chilean leader did have a relationship politically however it did not directly influence the outcome of the action however; military arms were smuggled in from Cuba.Since there was a lack of significant involvement by the Soviet Union, there was no escalated tensions between the two superpowers. Soviet Union was not concerned with the overthrowing of Allenden.

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Angolan Civil War

The Angolan Civil war was a conflict between the communist MPLA (People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola) and the anticommunist UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola). The MPLA was supported by the Soviet Union by receiving 2 billion dollars worth of weapons and from Cuba and their allies by receiving 20 million dollars of Soviet’s armed weapons. UNITA was supported by the USA, China and South Africa. Funding from their supporting countries progressed until 1991 when an agreement called the Bicesse Accorads was declared. Following that year, the MPLA was elected against UNITA and as a result, UNITA was angry and resumed the war against MPLA. This war continued until February 2002. Since then, UNITA is a feared political party and the USA succeeded in expanding their ideologies.

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This war in Afghanistan occurred from 1979-1989. This war involved the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan which was supported by the Soviet union and the Mujahideen Resistance that was supported by the United States the United Kingdom. The war escalated when 700 Soviet troops as well as the KGB and other forces invaded numerous major military buildings disguised in Afghan uniforms. The Soviet Union controlled such a oil-rich nation and as a result, there was fear and an increased tension between them and the USA. Soviet Union’s actions were castigated by the world and USA’s sphere of influence increased.

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Bibliography/ReferencesIdeology Text Book.

Greek Civil War Korean War of Pigs Invasion Vietnam War Coup d’etat Civil War