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  • 7/30/2019 Proverbs 3


    Proverbs 3:1-2(KJV): "My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep

    my commandments: 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall

    they add to thee."

    Verse 1 The first verse above gives us an admonition, while the second verse

    gives the result of keeping that admonition. What wonderful promises God givesus! If we do not forget His laws, but keep them in our hearts and obey them, they

    produce peace, long life, and days full of accomplishmentbesides the many other

    things the Lord promises His people.

    Over the years, I have heard people say things like You never know when it will

    be your time to go or It may be Gods will to take you home when you are young.

    Todays verses, and other verses, however, promise long life ifwe do certain

    things: Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will

    set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I

    will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation (Psalm 91:14-

    16">Psalm 91:14-16). The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the

    wicked shall be shortened (Proverbs10:27).

    Verse 2 God desires to bless us and our families with long life and peace. These

    promises are as available to us as are His many other blessings, but they are

    conditional. We must keep His Word in our hearts and appropriate His promises

    through faith and obedience. He has a wonderful purpose for every individual on

    earth and promises long life to fulfill them. However, we have an enemy who is

    determined to destroy us. Jesus spoke of Satan as a thief; he seeks to rob our

    families and us of the peace and long life that God promises (John 10:10). Wemust learn Gods Word and walk in His ways to protect ourselves and our

    families from the enemy. One passage we can claim daily isPsalm 91. If we are in

    Gods will, He will protect us, regardless of geographic location or circumstances.

    We could be in a war zone and still be safe; conversely, we could be in the safest

    place in the world and still have a fatal accident if we are notin His will, for then

    we are open to Satanic attack. The only safe place is in the will of God.

    As we meditate on Gods Word, and claim it by faith, we become overcomers in

    Christ, living abundant lives and fulfilling His purposes. Satan can take a

    Christians life prematurely; however, the devil is ultimately defeated since we

    are promised eternal life in heaven.

    Proverbs 3:3-4(KJV): "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write

    them upon the table of thine heart: 4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the

    sight of God and man."

    Thought for the Day

    Verse 3 Many cause and effect statements are found throughout Proverbs. Todays verses reveal that we

    find favor with God and man, if we allow mercy and truth to rule our hearts and lives. The Bible isGods Word; therefore, we are admonished to keep its truths in our hearts.John 14:6also records that
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    Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. We must

    invite Jesus to dwell in our hearts, for He is the Truth. We will never find our way in this world until

    we allow the Holy Spirit, through Jesus, to lead and guide us. Life and truth are in Him. When wefollow Him, we will keep His commandments, which are absolute truth. Jesus said Heaven and earth

    shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35).

    Humanistic teachings claim that there are no moral absolutes or absolute truth. These false doctrineshave spread throughout the world. Humanism teaches that each man is his own guide and truth. We are

    told to do what feels right for us and to let others do what they feel is right for them. Right or wrongbecomes whatever each individual decides it to be. This destructive teaching is wreaking havoc in our

    world. Without moral standards, there is no justice; each person becomes a law to himself.

    Proverbs16:25describes this kind of thinking: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end

    thereof are the ways of death.

    Verse 4 If we desire Gods favor, we must embrace His words and His ways. If we want mans favor, wemust not only embrace the truth, but be merciful to people. We must not be legalistic about Gods

    Word, but always have mercy in our hearts toward those who break the laws of God. The Lord tells us

    that if we desire to obtain mercy in our time of need, we must be merciful to those who fall short of the

    truth and hurt us. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy (Matthew 5:7).

    Proverbs 3:5-8(KJV): "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not

    unto thine own understanding.

    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

    8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones."

    Verses 5-6 Leaning on our own understanding does not mean we are not to use

    our minds. When we do not understand what is happening, we must trust the

    LORD to show us what to do. When we are tempted to blame God for trials, we

    must not yield to Satans accusations against Him. Evil attacks against us or our

    families do not come from God but Satan, who is trying to discourage us. We

    must trust God to bring us through every trial. If we acknowledge Him, He

    promises to direct our paths and show us how to overcome every problem we


    Verse 7 We must not be wise in our own eyes, but reverently respect the Lord. Ifwe really believe that the Bible is true, we will leave our own ways and follow

    His. We will honor His Word and not treat it lightly, since we will fear the

    consequences of rejecting Him. The Bible tells us there is a heaven and a hell and

    that we will decide which will be our abode. We are invited to repent of our sins,

    accept Jesus as our Savior, and obey His law of love. To accept this invitation is to

    choose the way of heaven. If we reject it, our rebellion will take us to hell. A

    healthy fear and respect of God will help us to resist evil when we are tempted to


    Verse 8 The navel marks where a babys umbilical cord was once attached,

    reminding us that our mothers gave us life by nourishing us through the

    umbilical cord before we were born. Symbolically, this could represent Gods life-
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    bringing health to us as we are attached to Him. The Hebrew word for navelalso

    means nerve or muscle.[1] Following God brings health to our emotions and

    bodies. The phrase marrow to thy bones takes on strong implications regarding

    health in the light of modern medicine and biology: life-giving cells are created in

    the marrow of the bones and released to the body, and doctors even perform

    bone marrow transplants for the reversal of some fatal diseases.

    Many helpful books are available on health, but the greatest advice on healthy

    living is found in Gods Word. He desires to bless us with healthy minds, bodies

    and spirits. This complete health is obtained by allowing Jesus to rule every area

    of our lives.

    9 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine


    10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out

    with new wine.

    Verse 9 The Bible was originally written to peoples of the ancient world,

    particularly the Israelites. Since most Israelites were farmers or herdsmen, many

    Bible parables are expressed in agricultural terms. Firstfruits meant the first fruit

    to ripen in the garden, the first grain to ripen of the crops, or the first lambs born

    of the herds. Many had grape orchards, and since they did not have refrigeration,

    it did not take long for the juice to become wine. When the Israelites brought

    their firstfruits to offer to the Lord, He received those offerings as acts of faith

    and obedience. They represented the substance of their labor. Today, labor isusually rewarded through monetary payment. Offering firstfruits is taking

    money out of our paychecks for tithes and offerings, then using the rest to meet

    our needs. When we give to God, we honor Him as Lord over our money.

    Farmers kept grain to grind into flour as well as seed to plant the next crop. God

    expects us to keep some of our seed for bread, as well as some for sowing. Those

    who impulsively give it all away and then expect God to take care of them are

    violating this principle. Some people give away all their seed and have nothing to

    eat, while others eat all their seed and have nothing to plant or invest. We should

    have seed for both purposes.

    In addition to our tithes or firstfruits for the Lords work, we should also give to

    help others whenever the Lord directs. We must learn to give by the Spirits

    direction, not allowing mere emotions or sympathies to direct us. Until these

    areas are renewed in us, Satan can still influence us through them. God is not

    always sympathetic with seemingly good causes. We should also not give

    mechanically, just because we have always given to a certain cause, but remain

    open to Gods direction in our giving. Sometimes He may speak that we are not to

    give to a certain ministry we are used to supporting. He may desire us to give

    elsewhere. We need to be just as sensitive to Gods restraining voice as to His

    prompting voice. However, we must remain compassionate in our giving. Whenwe see those around us in obvious need we should not turn our backs on them,

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    since we are called to be good Samaritans (Luke 10:30-37,1 John 3:17).

    Verse 10 After we plant, we expect a harvest. In the same way, we can expect God

    to meet our financial needs when we have been obedient to give Him our tithes

    and offerings. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down,

    and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For withthe same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again (Luke

    6:38). It is Gods nature to give. Greed and stinginess are of Satan. If we are truly

    committed to God and walking in the Spirit, we will always desire to give. It will

    not be a burden, but a joy. If we are faithful in giving, we shall never lack

    anything that we really need; our barns will be filled with plenty. That is Gods


    Proverbs 3:11-12(KJV): "My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of

    his correction:

    12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth."

    Proverbs 3:11-12(Amplified): "My son, do not despise or shrink from the chastening of the Lord

    -- His correction by punishment, or by subjection to suffering or trial; neither be weary and

    impatient and loathe or abhor His reproof. 12 For whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a

    father corrects the son in whom he delights."

    Thought for the Day

    Verse 11 To become wise, we must receive Gods correction, or His chastening. We should pray for it

    so that we will remain on the right path; if we go astray we can be destroyed. God corrects His children

    as an earthly father does. A good father never injures his children when correcting them. He chastens toteach proper behavior so that they will avoid pain and trouble. It is important to understand that Goddoes not send evil things into our lives in order to teach us. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and the Bible

    is our textbook. Students must learn from their teachers and textbooks to pass their tests. If one does

    not pay attention to instruction and refuses to study, he does not advance. He must apply what he hears.

    Likewise, we must obey the Holy Spirits promptings and apply the Bible to our lives, in order to pass

    lifes tests. If we are rebellious or ignorant of the Bibles teachings, we will suffer things that God never

    intended for us to suffer.

    Verse 12 A good father never does anything evil to his own child, but protects and cares for him. If his

    child should hurt himself, whether through ignorance or disobedience, he quickly comes to his aid. Our

    heavenly Father loves us and sent His Son to redeem us from the curse, not to put another one on us.

    The Bible tells us who the troublemaker is (the devil) and how to avoid his temptations and attacks.

    Some people claim that they came to the Lord through tragedy. This may be true, but the devil, not

    God, devised the tragedy. God, in His grace, was there to help and deliver them in the midst of their

    troubles. Tragedies in themselves never save anyone; many lead to death, and those involved that do

    not know Jesus as Savior will endure eternity in hell. The Spirit of God brings us to salvation, not

    tragedy. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him (John6:44). Peopleare saved because the Holy Spirit leads others to pray for them.

    We must never blame God for difficulties, but rather turn to Him and praise Him; not for the trouble,

    but for the fact that He is there to help us in the midst of it. Praise God that we can call upon Him to

    show us the way to overcome problems and grow spiritually in the process. Remember: He loves us

    and delights in us!
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    earth. Scripture states that the Lord God, in unsearchable wisdom, created the earth and all the galaxies,

    and that it was He who created man. The first chapter of Genesis tells us that God created first heaven,

    then the earth. In the following order, He made light, day and night, space, matter, energy, and time,along with the plants and animals, and His crowning creation: man and woman.

    When I read this account, I appreciate the organization and order that is a part of Gods wisdom, for it

    strikes me that everything was done in precisely the right order. First, God created the heavens andearth; then light and the cycle of day and night. Then He made the expanse and divided the waters.

    Next, He gathered the seas together, caused dry land to appear, and created vegetation on the earth,which must have light to grow. Then He created the sun, the moon and the stars. After that came the

    sea creatures and the birds; and then the land animals, which need vegetation to feed upon. Finally, He

    created man to rule over all He had made. In creating the sun, the moon and the planets, God set them

    in orbits so that they would not collide with each other. They rotate with exact precision and

    astronomers can calculate their alignments at any given time. This is but one example of the intricacy

    and orderliness of creation. The universe is full of visible evidence of Gods wisdom.

    We should pray for wisdom to know Gods proper order for accomplishing His purposes in our lives.

    We may feel we have heard the Lord tell us to do something, as He is certainly calling people to serve

    Him at this hour, but we must know His plan, as well as His call. Gods pattern is to call us to be before

    He calls us to do. Many babes in Christ are zealous to go into full-time ministry, but are unprepared forthe task. Paul said of the Jews they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge (Romans 10:2).

    Faith and preparation should precede works. We must apply to our lives the knowledge of Gods Word,

    which requires some time, before we can be effective ministers for Him. Real ministry flows from what

    Christ is doing in us, not from what we are trying to do for Him. We render a greater service through

    our being than through our doing. It is a greater honor to be called to be something than to do

    something. True ministry is a natural part of our relationship with Jesus Christ. It naturally spills overonto others.

    Proverbs 3:21-24(KJV): "My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep

    sound wisdom and discretion:

    22 So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.

    23 Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble.

    24 When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down,

    and thy sleep shall be sweet."

    Verse 21 If we are wise, we will keep Gods laws and commandments from the

    heart. This is possible only as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and stay in

    close relationship with Jesus. Keeping Gods words before our eyes (by studyingthe Bible) is one way in which we maintain a close relationship with Him. We

    keep sound wisdom and learn discretion by obeying His Word.

    Verse 22 Obeying Gods Word brings life to our souls. The soul of man is made up

    of his mind, emotions, and will. Man is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body.

    The body is only the house that holds the real man. The real person is the spirit

    man. The Greek word for spiritis pneuma, which also means breath. The spirit

    man, unseen with the natural eye, is the true, inward man. It is made to rule over

    the realms of soul and body. It is the sphere of divine influence, referred to in

    Scripture as the heart of man. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that

    which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which isin the sight of God a great price (1 Peter 3:4)
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    Verse 23 The Lord promises us His grace to overcome in this life in addition to

    many other blessings. Among these are the blessings of safety and His grace to

    keep us from falling.

    Verse 24 The gift of sweet sleep is a wonderful blessing. Sleep for many people is

    not the peaceful state God intended it to be, but a restless one. Many are unableto rest at night because they fill their minds with unwholesome things through

    books, movies, and so forth during the day. Others are worried and anxious; lifes

    cares keep them awake. Some experience tormenting dreams and nightmares.

    Many must even use prescription drugs in order to sleep. Although prescriptions

    may be a temporary help, we can have Gods sweet sleep without them, if we ask

    Him to deliver us from the root problem which causes sleeplessness. My son,

    forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments (Proverbs 3:1).

    God promises us sweet sleep. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for

    thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8). The sleep of a labouring

    man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will

    not suffer him to sleep (Ecclesiastes 5:12). It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit

    up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep (Psalm


    Proverbs 3:25-26(KJV): "Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the

    desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

    26 For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being


    Verse 25 The Bible tells us many times not to be fearful. God knows we live in aworld where fearful things happen, and He has made provision for us. He

    promises to watch over and care for His children, and has even appointed angels

    to keep us from harm: For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee

    in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot

    against a stone (Psalm 91:11-12).

    We are living in the last days. Before the Second Coming of Christ, God will be

    dealing with the wicked. Many of them will be removed from the earth through

    judgments in the form of plagues, storms, earthquakes, and other catastrophes.

    (Not all who perish in these kinds of destructions are wicked, since many

    innocent souls can suffer too for various reasons). Todays verses charge us not to

    be fearful, but to have faith that our God will keep us, as well as our families, safe.

    We can be protected from these things if we stay close to the Lord and have faith

    in the protecting power of God, under the shadow of His wings.

    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the

    shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:

    my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the

    fowler, and from the noisome pestilence (Psalm 91:1-3).

    Verse 26 Our confidence must not rest in the things of this world, but in the factthat our Father watches over us and keeps us from falling. That is what is meant
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    by keeping thy foot from being taken. Without Gods protection we are apt to fall

    into the devils snares. Satan uses many schemes to try to turn us aside from Gods

    ways. If we pray, read our Bibles, and stay close to the Lord, he will not be able to

    trip us up.

    Proverbs 3:27-29(KJV): "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due,when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. 28 Say not unto thy

    neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it

    by thee.

    29 Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by


    Verse 27-28 The Bible records much practical advice concerning finances,

    including instructions regarding payment of loans or services rendered. If we

    have enough money to reimburse a loan or pay for the work someone did for us,

    we should pay promptly and not put it off. Many friendships are strained if theborrower puts off paying back what was given to him as a temporary a loan.

    These verses say that if we have it, we must not turn our neighbor away and ask

    him to come back later.

    How should we respond to situations in which we are asked to help someone? If

    we are able, we should help those in need, but this does not mean giving money

    to everyone that asks. There are many con artists in the world. Rather, these

    verses refer to neighbors and friends, meaning that we are to help those we

    know. We must always pray about what we are to give. Sometimes money is not

    the answer to someones need. Instead, we may need to give of ourselves in time

    and effort to really help in the matter.

    Although these verses do not refer to strangers, the Bible addresses this kind of

    giving also. My husband was a pastor for many years, and since our church

    building was located on a busy highway, we had many people come in and ask

    for our help. We always tried to help the best way we could. Many transients

    whose breath smelled of alcohol asked us for money. We knew that when they

    asked for money for food or gas, they would usually buy more alcohol. After

    praying about this problem, we came up with an answer. We arranged with a

    local restaurant and gas station near the church to pay for meals and gas for

    people who asked for money for these things. In this manner, we knew our

    money was helping them, not hurting them. Of course, we always prayed for

    them, too. Even if we cannot help by giving money, we can always pray for

    people. Prayer is a form of giving also.

    Verse 29 The Amplified Bible translates this verse this way: Do not contrive or

    dig up or cultivate evil against your neighbor, who dwells trustingly and

    confidently beside you. We should always try to live peaceably with all men. We

    should especially strive for peace with our neighbors because we all need one

    another at times. In the future, we may be the ones asking for help instead of the

    ones called to give it. If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou

    shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well (James 2:8).
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    Proverbs 3:30-32(KJV): "Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm. 31

    Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways. 32 For the froward is abomination to

    the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous."

    Verse 30 We might phrase this admonition as Dont start a fight without a reason. Some people just

    love to argue.

    Verse 31 Sometimes it seems that oppressors are better off than those seeking to do what is right.

    However,Psalm 37:1-9tells us not to envy such people or choose to follow their ways:

    Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they

    shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the LORD, and do good;so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he

    shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he

    shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the

    noonday. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth

    in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake

    wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon theLORD, they shall inherit the earth.

    In time, the ungodly will perish, while those who wait upon the Lord and follow Him shall see the

    righteous desires of their hearts fulfilled.

    Verse 32 When the Bible speaks of afrowardperson, it refers to one who is crooked and perverse. It

    calls such people an abomination to the Lord. This verse tells us of an advantage the righteous have

    over the wickedthe Lord shares His secrets with them. He knows the secrets of all hearts. When we are

    walking in Gods will, the Holy Spirit will warn us if anyone tries to deceive us. This discernment will

    prevent us from being deceived by unscrupulous people and from becoming entangled with those who

    have wrong motives.1 Corinthians 12:10mentions this as the gift of discerning of spirits. God not only

    shares His knowledge, but His hidden thoughts and feelings with those who love Him. This is thewonderful privilege of knowing God! God blesses us in so many ways. This is another reason why we

    should praise our Lord every day!

    Proverbs 3:1

    Keep commandments:

    1 Kings 2:3

    and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in his ways, and keep his

    decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of

    Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go,

    1 Kings 6:12

    Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes,

    and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them;

    then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:

    1 Kings 8:58

    That he may incline our hearts unto him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his

    commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments, which he commanded our

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    1 Kings 11:38

    If you do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in

    my eyes by keeping my statutes and commands, as David my servant did, I will

    be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David

    and will give Israel to you.

    2 Kings 17:13

    The LORD warned Israel and Judah through all his prophets and seers: "Turn

    from your evil ways. Observe my commands and decrees, in accordance with the

    entire Law that I commanded your fathers to obey and that I delivered to you

    through my servants the prophets."

    2 Kings 17:37

    And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which

    he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore; and ye shall not fear other


    2 Kings 21:8

    Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which I gave

    their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I have

    commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses

    commanded them.

    1 Chronicles 16:15

    Be you mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a

    thousand generations;

    1 Chronicles 28:8

    Now therefore in the sight of all Israel the congregation of the LORD, and in the

    audience of our God, keep and seek for all the commandments of the LORD your

    God: that ye may possess this good land, and leave itfor an inheritance for your

    children after you for ever

    1 Chronicles 29:19

    And give unto Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy

    testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things, and to build the palace,

    forthe which I have made provision.

    2 Chronicles 7:17

    17As for you, if you walk before me as David your father did, and do all I

    command, and observe my decrees and laws,18I will establish your royal

    throne, as I covenanted with David your father when I said, You shall never fail

    to have a man to rule over Israel.

    Psalm 19:11

    Moreover they warn thy servant: andin keeping of them there is great reward.

    Psalm 25:10

    All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenantand his testimonies.
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    Psalm 78:7

    That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep

    his commandments:

    Psalm 105:45

    That they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise you the LORD.

    Psalm 119:4

    You have commanded us to keep your precepts diligently. Psalm 119:101 I have

    refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep your word.

    Ecclesiastes 8:5

    Whosoever keeps the commandment shall experience no evil thing: and a wise

    man's heart discerns both time and judgment.

    Ecclesiastes 12:13

    13Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and

    keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. 14For God will

    bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good

    or evil.

    Jer 6:16

    Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,

    where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But

    they said, we will not walktherein, Jer 17:22 keep the Sabbath day Holy.

    Ezekiel 20:19,2019I am the Lord your God; follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

    20Keep my Sabbaths holy, that they may be a sign between us. Then you will

    know that I am the Lord your God.

    Proverbs 3:1

    My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:

    Hearing wisdom is not enough. It must be remembered and applied by changing your life to match it.Instruction only has value when it is retained and put into practice (Pr 3:2).

    To hear and forget is a terrible waste, and God will hold you responsible, if you squander the precious

    privilege of hearing wisdom (Pr 1:24-32;Luke 12:48). You must remember what you are taught; youcannot forget it (Pr 3:3,21;4:4-6,13,21;6:21;7:1;22:18).

    Keeping your heart is a priority, for out of it are the issues of life (Pr 4:23). Your heart directs your life

    (Luke 6:45). So you must keep wisdom and her commandments in your heart to guide your affections

    and choices (Pr 3:3;4:21;Ps 37:31)!

    Here is the appeal of King Solomon to His Son, but these proverbs were written down for your benefit.

    Will you hear, retain, love, and obey the rules of wisdom found in this book of the Bible? They can

    only save you and prosper you by remembering and doing them.
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    Paul soberly warned about letting things you have heard slip away (Heb 2:1-4). You are dealing with

    the Creator God of heaven and the consequences of forgetting are severe.

    Men remember what they count important. It is not a function of memory: it is a function of priorities.

    It is not difficult, as much as it requires diligence. What do you remember?

    James warned you to be a doer of Gods word, not just a hearer, deceiving yourself(Jas 1:21-25). Thesaving benefits of truth are for those who remember it and do it. Or you are like a man seeing his faults

    in the mirror of Gods word, who makes no corrections. But those who see the instruction, rememberit, and continue to do it shall surely be blessed.

    Paul warned the gospel only saves those who keep it in memory (I Cor 15:2), for some at Corinth had

    forgotten the resurrection of the dead. Without this doctrine, he easily showed that salvation from sin is

    lost and we are of all men most miserable (I Cor 15:19).

    Dear reader, it is your duty to hear instruction carefully and bring forth fruit (Luke 8:18). What kind of

    ground are you? Satan will snatch away instruction, unless you take it and keep it in your heart, where

    it can bear the fruit of righteousness (Luke 8:12).

    David taught hiding Gods word in your heart (Ps 119:11). One way is by memorizing it. Learningverses keeps them in your heart and mind, where you can easily meditate on them (Ps 1:2;

    119:15,23,43,78,97,99,148) and readily use them (Pr 22:18; Lu 4:4,8,12).

    Peter taught the importance of repetition also (II Pet 1:12-15). Though his hearers already knew the

    truth, he was committed to frequent repetition to help them remember.

    You have two needs. You need a source of wisdom and instruction. You need a teacher, a preacher, to

    bring the inspired wisdom of God to bear on your life. God chose to put such men in His true churches

    to impart the word of God to you (Mal 2:7;II Tim 3:16-17).

    You also need the personal discipline and habits to retain what you hear, review it for understanding,

    and commitment to apply and practice it in life (Acts 17:11;I Thess 5:21). With these two things in

    place, Lady Wisdoms instruction can greatly prosper your life.

    Jesus had the law of God in His heart, and so He delighted in keeping Gods will, which is revealed

    there (Ps 40:6-8). Are you glad He kept the will of God (Heb 10:9-10)?

    Proverbs 3:2

    For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.

    Life extension is definitely possible. But it cannot be found in a health food store, an exercise program,

    or new medical research. It is found only in righteous living, which requires humility and diligence to

    heed correction and instruction (Pr 3:1). Peace, a very precious commodity for a pleasant life, is found

    the same way - living a righteous life.

    Wisdom is the power of right judgment. Wisdom is the conviction and knowledge to live righteously.

    Solomon, in this book dedicated to wisdom, offers long life as a blessing of gaining this knowledge (Pr

    3:8,16;4:4,10,22;9:11). He asks elsewhere, "Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why

    shouldest thou die before thy time?" (Eccl 7:17.)

    There are two blessings offered here that should fascinate every reader - long life and peace. Everyone

    wants to live longer, and peace makes life a continual pleasure. Reader! What do you think? What else

    are you looking for? These are two marvelous things, and they are offered here freely! What hinders

    you from grasping them for yourself?

    Ponce de Leon traveled far looking for the fabled fountain of youth. Billions are spent annually on so-

    called health food and vitamins, gym memberships and personal trainers, and reading the latest medical
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    research and bizarre remedies for extending life. If just a portion of that zeal were applied to wisdom, a

    person could claim long life and peace.

    Sinful living ages the body and brings early death. Even pagans know the risks of "hard living." Rock

    stars, rap artists, actors and actresses - our nation's most profligate sinners - often live only half as long

    as others. They die from accidents, disease, drugs, murder, suicide, and exhausted bodies. Capital

    punishment also shortens the life of gross sinners.

    Wisdom saves from "hard living." Wise men avoid accidents by prudence; they miss disease bymonogamy, drugs by abstention, murder by peaceful living, suicide by hopeful living, and exhausted

    bodies by refreshing sleep. By obeying the laws of the land, they are not in danger of capital

    punishment. All these means of life are taught in Proverbs.

    Wisdom brings peace. Sinners lead tortured lives of fear, guilt, shame, and stress. They are depressed,

    frustrated, lonely, and tired. They cannot find contentment, fulfillment, or satisfaction. They are alwayslooking, running, and wishing for something with lasting good. But wise men find peace in the Lord,

    marriage, work, friends, and a righteous soul.

    Satan, a murderer, wants you to die! The world hates right living! Your depraved soul prefers sin! Life

    and death are before you (De 30:19-20). Choose wisdom and life today!

    Proverbs 3:3

    Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them

    upon the table of thine heart:

    Mercy and truth mark perfection. It is wonderful when they meet (Ps 85:10). They lead to favor and

    good understanding with God and men (Pr 3:4). By neglect and sin they are lost, so they must becarefully guarded and applied to our lives. See the comments on 16:6.

    We cannot literally bind mercy and truth about the neck. They are character traits of wisdom and the

    Holy Spirit and not subject to string, rope, or chains! The metaphor describes tight attachment to a

    person's outward life. Neither can we literally write them upon the table of the heart. Another metaphor

    describes committing them to our affection and memory. Wise men are dedicated to mercy and truth onthe inside and outside.

    Mercy and truth appear to be opposites, but it is their combination that makes a man perfect. Mercy is

    that gentle, forgiving, gracious, and overlooking trait of noble men, who gladly take personal injury

    rather than fight or hurt someone in their power. Truth is the stubborn commitment to whatever ishonest and right, regardless of cost. Together they balance each other gloriously, resul ting in the gentle

    and honest life of a true saint.

    Parent, children should be taught to love mercy. It is your duty to teach them the glory of forgiving andoverlooking personal offences (Pr 19:11;Matt 5:38-42). Kindness and tenderheartedness should be

    emphasized. You should teach them to love their enemies, as our Lord and Stephen did (Pr 24:17-18;25:21-22). Sibling rivalry will create almost daily opportunities for your lessons. Mercy does not

    tolerate unjustified anger, envy, hatred, malice, railing, whispering, and similar sins. Teach tender

    compassion toward all men.

    Parent, children should be taught to love truth. It is your duty to teach them the final authority of God's

    Word and the glory of perfect honesty and integrity in all their dealings. Absolute honesty is awonderful thing (Pr 12:22;16:11;17:7;Rom 12:17). Lying in any form should be punished severely.

    Truth does not tolerate exaggeration, hypocrisy, lying, slandering, and other related misrepresentations.

    It keeps all its promises as given.

    Mercy and truth are essential components of wisdom. They do not literally forsake men, but theinherent depravity we have from Adam causes us to forsake them! The rule of wisdom here is to loveand remember these two pillars of godly conduct in all situations.
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    The blessed Lord Jesus had the perfect balance of mercy and truth. No man was more compassionate,

    even to enemies; no man was stricter about the truth, though it cost Him His life. He forgave easily andquickly, yet He is called Faithful and True (Rev 19:11).

    Proverbs 3:5

    Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own


    Here is a most valuable proverb! It can save your life and your family's life! All seekers of wisdomshould memorize it and the next one (Pr 3:6). Here is the law for gaining the wisdom to please God and

    live a successful life. Take a few minutes to save yourself!

    Here is the true basis of wisdom! Rejecting your ideas and trusting God's inspired revelation and

    sovereign providence will save you from the ignorance of the human race. If you cherish or protect

    your opinions against His, you will suffer! Beware, reader!

    Trust equals faith. Trust in the LORD believes He exists, and it believes He is a rewarder of those who

    diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6). It believes God has revealed His perfect will for men in the Bible (Pr

    22:20-21;Deut 29:29;II Tim 3:16-17), and it rejects all human opinions as the vain babblings of

    ignorant rebels (Ps 119:128;Is 8:20;I Tim 6:3-5,20).

    The foundation for wisdom is trusting God completely, with your whole heart, for all aspects of your

    life! Such trust rejects questioning God, rejects reservations about His will, and rejects blending His

    word with human learning. It is sold-out humility to live by the propositions there is a God, He has

    revealed His will, and He rewards the obedient.

    Trust in the LORD that leads to wisdom has faith in the Bible and in His sovereign rule of the world. It

    believes every verse of Scripture as the absolute and only source of truth, regardless of what subject itaddresses. And it also believes the circumstances of life are carefully orchestrated by an all-wise and

    all-powerful Potter demanding our obedience.

    But where did your understanding come from? You were born without any. You nursed by instinct likea newborn kitten, screamed for food every few hours like a baby bird, and messed all over yourself.

    You arrived in this world just like a wild ass's colt (Job 11:12). Where did your understanding come

    from, and why would you ever lean toward it?

    Did you get your understanding from parents? They arrived just like you did. Following themperpetuates their ignorance. Did you get it from school? America's schools are bankrupt in discipline,

    morality, truth, and wisdom. The most warped people in our society are the most educated. They teach

    evolution, espouse gay rights, abort babies, protect baby squirrels, call Picasso an artist, worship big

    government, and hate the Bible.

    Did you get your understanding from your peers? They arrived just like you about the same time.Putting 100 such morons together does not produce wisdom! Did you get it from the television?

    Cartoons, comedies, news, soaps, and sports are all the same - devoid of even basic wisdom. Did you

    get it from magazines like "People," "Time," "Parade," and "Readers' Digest"? Together they are as

    misinformed as mud.

    Grasp the issue! You have no understanding! What you think you have is dangerous! Because itseduces you away from truth and wisdom and resists any changes toward them! Your greatest enemy is

    your own mind! Ignorant from conception, fed misinformation since birth, encouraged to idiocy by

    peers, deceived by false interpretation of experiences, and inherently arrogant and selfish, you are in

    deep trouble!

    In order to succeed, you must reject your understanding. To progress beyond the rest of your species,you cannot even lean toward your own understanding. You must flush it all! Any infatuation or
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    protection of your thoughts will take you down with the rest of this foolish race. The rule is simple and

    strict - do not even lean toward your own thoughts!

    Trust God. He has a corner on all the truth in the universe! Trust God. He gave you existence without

    your permission, and He governs all the minute details of your life. Put your trust totally in Him, and

    you can be a wonderful success over the dysfunctional sheep around you rushing to the slaughter of

    depression, divorce, drugs, and death!

    Woman! Trust the Bible when it tells you how to treat your husband, and don't even lean toward yourown thoughts on how it should be done. Trust the LORD with the husband He gave you, and don't even

    lean toward thoughts of it being easier with a different man!

    Citizen! Trust the Bible when it tells you to submit to every civil ordinance, pay your taxes, and honor

    those in authority. Don't even lean toward your thoughts of protecting your rights. Trust the LORD

    with the leaders you have, whether you like them or not.

    Parent! Trust the Bible when it details child foolishness and right training methods. Don't even lean

    toward your own thoughts or those of speculator Ben Spock or compromiser James Dobson. Trust the

    LORD's promises that right training will bring future success!

    Christian! Trust the Bible when it consistently describes baptism as a symbol of burial and resurrection

    down in the water - immersion! Don't even lean toward your heretical notions and false tradition that

    sprinkling holy chrism on a baby's forehead is a baptism!

    Single person! Trust the Bible when it limits sex to marriage, limits marriage to Christians, and

    ridicules odious women. Don't even lean toward the foolish desire for sex or someone outside theselimitations. Trust God to bless your efforts for a godly spouse.

    Worker! Trust the Bible that giving money away will bring prosperity, hoarding money will bring

    poverty, and listening to business schemes will take you down. Reject your arrogant and selfish

    thoughts. Trust God to keep His promises of promoting diligent men.

    Reader! You have a choice. Trust God and the Bible and reject your thoughts, or trust your thoughtsand reject God and the Bible. The choice is yours - the results are certain.

    roverbs 3:6

    In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    You will face questions, difficult questions, every day of your life. The right answers are easy to find,

    if you humble yourself before God and trust Him on every subject. But men have problems with this

    simple solution - they are too proud to admit their ignorance; too fearful to go against the crowd; and

    they believe they can figure out a workable solution.

    Our proverb is positioned between two others to give its right sense and emphasis. The previous verse

    teaches total trust in the LORD and total rejection of our understanding (Pr 3:5). We cannot even lean

    toward our thoughts on a matter! And the following proverb warns against any confidence in our own

    wisdom; we are to fear the LORD (Pr 3:7).

    You can find the right path for life's complications, if you acknowledge the LORD in all your ways.

    Acknowledging the LORD is admitting He is infinitely wise, He has perfectly addressed every subject,

    and you should obey Him. You would have only one path at every decision, if you did not create other

    options by consulting your foolish heart or the foolish hearts of others. Lord, give us single hearts that

    acknowledge only you!

    The Bible is God's will for your life - on any subject you will ever face (Deut 29:29). It can make

    ministers perfect, when they ignore and reject the opinions of men (II Tim 3:16-17). If you cannot find

    its answers to your questions, it is your fault or your pastor's fault, not the Author's! The answers are
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    there; you just need to find them! Lord, help us!

    Read these strong words about the Bible: "Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things tobe right; and I hate every false way" (Ps 119:128). Read them again! Any attitude toward the Bible

    short of this confidence is not acknowledging God: you are heading straight into the abyss of human

    confusion (Is 8:20-22;I Cor 1:18-20;3:18-20).

    Do you acknowledge Him in all your ways? Corporal punishment perfects children, in spite of what

    Benjamin Spock and other fools imagine (Pr 22:15;23:13-14;29:15). Baptism is by immersion, inspite of what the Pope taught John Calvin (John 3:23;Rom 6:3-5;I Pet 3:21). Solomon gave the best

    position for lovemaking, in spite of what the Kama Sutra and Eastern idolaters think(Song 2:6;8:3).

    The Bible answers all your ways!

    Acknowledge Him in all your ways! When dealing with an enemy, forgive him and pray for him (Pr

    19:11;Matt 5:43-48;Rom 12:17-21)! When facing funeral options, cremation is pagan (Gen 23:1-20;Deut 12:29-32;21:22-23;34:5-6)! If you have offended an authority, a soft response works best (Pr

    15:1;Eccl 10:4). Acknowledge the LORD: He will say to you, "This is the way, walk ye in it" (Is

    30:21). The Bible answers all your ways

    Proverbs 3:7

    Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

    Here are three simple steps to guaranteed prosperity and success (Pr 3:8)! These are the means to grow

    in favor with God (Pr 3:5-6). There is nothing complicated here. If a man can reject the love of Hisown opinions, humble himself before the Sovereign of the universe, and hate sin and worldliness in his

    life, he will be great in the sight of God and men!

    These three fundamental steps are connected. You will not fear God until you crush your pride and

    despise your wisdom: a proper view of the Almighty will help! And you will not despise sin and this

    world until you fear the LORD (Ps 4:4). Reader, here are the simple, yet precious and true, means to a

    successful life (Ps 111:10;112:1-3;128:1-6).

    Pride is arrogant and haughty presumption your thoughts have value and deserve hearing. Though in

    diapers and nursing like a baby gerbil yesterday, you believe your ideas have merit. You cannot avoid a

    common cold, but you pontificate on moral matters. You were born with this curse, and it is fed by thedevil, who lost his place in heaven for pride.

    You know nothing, and the sooner you learn this fact, you are on the road to wisdom (I Cor 3:18-20).

    Apart from God's revelation, you do not know where you came from, where you are going, what you

    are, or why you exist, let alone what you should do! You struggle to keep the grass cut, and yet youquestion the Word of God? Fool, get down!

    You are a pitiful, weak, helpless creature. Two fingers squeezing your nose will end your life (Is 2:22).

    Jehovah God, Lord of heaven and earth, is the independent and eternal sovereign Creator of the

    universe. You should tremble before Him and His word (Is 66:1-2). He can and will suffocate you, if

    you persist in rebellion against Him. Think Flood!

    But His mercy and grace are visible to anyone looking (Matt 5:44-45;Acts 14:17). His benevolence is

    obvious! You are still alive, aren't you? And Scripture declares He can and will forgive those who

    confess and repent of their pride and rebellion. It is because of this forgiveness we are in reverent awe

    of Him and desiring to please Him (Ps 130:4).

    With your pride eliminated, and your life dedicated to pleasing the blessed God, you will despise andreject sin. You will be perfect and eschew evil, like Job (Job 1:1). You will cut off evildoers from your

    house (Ps 101:2-8). You will love righteousness and hate sin (Pr 8:13). You will hate wicked men and
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    their profane ambitions (Ps 15:4;139:21-22).

    In which of these three areas are you weak, reader? Correct your deficiency today!

    Proverbs 3:8

    It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

    Spiritual and physical health and vitality are up to you! They are based on the choice of the previous

    proverb (Pr 3:7). You can have God's blessings on body and spirit by rejecting your own ideas, fearing

    the Lord, and turning from sin. This important choice is the primary lesson of Proverbs - obtaining

    God's best for your life by choosing His wisdom. If you neglect or reject this precious offer, you are

    committing certain suicide (Pr 8:36)!

    The pronoun "it" refers precisely to what went before (Pr 3:7). Solomon wrote, "Be not wise in thine

    own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil." The combined choice of rejecting self-confidence,

    reverently trusting and obeying God completely, and hating sin is the condition for these promised

    blessings. Each phrase of the condition contains an imperative verb, indicating clearly that it requiresyour action. What hinders you?

    Navel and bones are synecdoche for your body. The Oxford English Dictionary defines synecdoche,

    "A figure by which a more comprehensive term is used for a less comprehensive or vice versa; as

    whole for part or part for whole; genus for species or species for genus, etc." Navel and bones, bodily

    parts, are substituted for the whole body. Consider, "Count heads," "All hands on deck," or "Nice

    wheels." All are synecdoche.

    You depended entirely on your navel for nine months, when vital nourishment passed to you from your

    mother through the umbilical cord. And the vitality of your bones continues to depend on nourishment

    from your marrow (Job 21:24). These figures of speech describe the blessing and prosperity from fully

    following the Lord. A good and happy life is dependent on submission and obedience to the will of

    God (Pr 4:22;14:30).

    An exercise regimen or diet protocol can only marginally help the vitality of your life. A wise man

    knows that God's blessing on humble obedience exceeds any such natural efforts to extend or improve

    life (Pr 3:2,18;4:10,22;7:23;9:11;11:19;12:28;14:27,30;17:22;19:23). Obedience saves from

    natural consequences of sin, magisterial judgment, and the punishment of God. It further activates

    God's precious promises (I Pet 3:10-12).

    Will you reject your own wisdom (Pr 3:7)? You were born with none, and you have none by natural

    education. Truth and wisdom are the property of Jehovah, and He only gives them. Self -confidence is

    the certain route to destruction (Pr 14:12;26:12;I Cor 3:18-20).

    Will you fear the Lord (Pr 3:7)? It is prerequisite to knowledge and wisdom (Pr 1:7;9:10), and it is the

    whole duty of man (Eccl 12:13-14). Reverent awe and submission to Jehovah is the basis for the

    blessings of God upon all you have and do (Ps 112:1-3;128:1-6).

    Will you depart from evil (Pr 3:7)? The true fear of God is to hate and depart from sin (Pr 8:13;16:6;

    Job 1:1;28:28). Do you esteem all His precepts concerning all things to be right, and do you hate every

    false way (Ps 119:128)? Sin will destroy you early (Eccl 7:17).

    Reader, neglect this proverb to your own peril! Arrogance and sin will dry you up from the inside out

    (Pr 1:31;5:11;12:4;15:13;17:22;18:14;27:4). Your only life and light in this sin-cursed world is the

    fear of the Lord. Humble yourself now! Reject your foolish thoughts! Call upon Him for mercy! Turn

    from all your sins! Perhaps He will lengthen your tranquility, which arrogant Nebuchadnezzar missed

    (Dan 4:27)!
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