Download - Protests in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

  • Protests in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuriesnmgo6

  • Why were there so many riots in the 18th century?1715 Riot Act made it capital offence for 12 or more people to meet togetherAct was used against all kinds of protestersAny kind of meeting of more than 12 people could be dispersed by this ActProtests included turnpike roads, food prices, theatre prices and shop taxesFor ordinary people it was the only way to make views known

  • When was a riot not a riot?Often peaceful protests & even petitions were referred to as riotsMany were well organised with clear aimsDeaths & injuries were rare and avoided at all costsPeople saw riots as a normal way of working together to defend their rights

  • Why was the government so worried about protests?Fear of revolutionNeed for law & orderFear of losing land

  • The Luddites1811 period of unemployment in BritainEmployers introduced stocking frames in NottinghamWorkers smashed framesAttacks spread to Lancashire & Yorkshire

  • The Peterloo Massacre Prince George giving ordersSpeakers calling forchangeManchesterYeomanry

  • The Peterloo Massacre1819 Campaign to force government to extend right to voteMass meeting to be addressed by Henry HuntMagistrates panicked & called in the local yeomanry11 people killed and about 400 injuredGovernment congratulated magistrates for prompt action

  • What was the governments reaction after Peterloo?Government now passed the 6 ActsPress was now under control & free speech lostMagistrates had power to search housesPublic meetings with over 50 people bannedTrials were speeded upMilitary training & drilling banned

  • The Rebecca RiotsWhen ? - Late 1830s/early 1840sProtests against high tolls on new turnpike roadsProtesters were farmers facing povertySoldiers sent in5 leaders transported

  • Chartism : 1836-48Working class not given vote in 18321834 New Poor Law splitting families upHigh level of unemploymentChartism set up to get vote for the poorer peopleA vote for every man over 212. Secret Ballots3. Abolition of property qualifications for MPs4. MPs to be paid5. Equal sizeconstituencies6. Annual elections

  • What happened to the Chartists?1839 Newport Rising direct action taken by authorities 20 Chartists killedBetween 1839-48 100 Chartists transportedChartists collected 3 petitions outlining their demands each rejected by Parliament1848 Mass demo planned in LondonGovt brought in troops & policeEvent was failure for the Chartists

  • The Suffragettes : 1860s-1914Campaign to get vote for womenWSPU formed 1903Began to use violence as methodAttempts made on PMs life + Emily DavisonGovernment took strong action

  • The Cat and Mouse ActThe Government passed the so-called Cat and Mouse Act this allowed suffragettes on hunger strike to be released and then re-arrested when they were feeling better!