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Page 1: Protein Explorer: A Petaflops Special Purpose Computer System for Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Protein Explorer: A Petaflops Special Purpose Computer System for Molecular Dynamics Simulations

David GobaudComputational Drug Discovery

Stanford University7 March 2006

Page 2: Protein Explorer: A Petaflops Special Purpose Computer System for Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Outline Overview Background Delft Molecular Dynamics Processor GRAPE Protein Explorer Summary MDGRAPE-3 Chip

Force Calculation Pipeline J-Particle Memory and Control Units

System Architecture Software Cost Questions

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Overview Protein Explorer

Petaflop special-purpose computer system for molecular dynamics simulations

High-precision screening for drug design Large-scale simulations of huge proteins/complexes

PC cluster with special-purpose engines to perform the most time-consuming calculations

Dedicated LSI MDGRAPE-3 chip performs force calculations at 165 Gflops or higher

ETA 2006

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Background PCs are universal machines

Various applications Hardware can be designed independent of

applications Obstacles to high-performance

Memory bandwidth bottleneck Heat dissipation problem Can be overcome by developing specialized


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Delft Molecular Dynamics Processor (DMDP) Pioneered high-performance special-

purpose systems Not able to achieve effective cost-

performance Demanded too much time and money in

development state Speed of development is a crucial factor affecting

cost-performance because electronic device technology continues to develop rapidly

Almost all calculations performed by DMDP making hardware very complex

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GRAPE (GRAvity PipE) One of the most successful attempts to

develop high-performance special-purpose systems

Specialized for simulations of classical particles

Most time spent on calculation of long-range forces (gravitational, Coulomb, and van der Waals) Thus special hardware only performs these

calculations Hardware very simple and cost-effective

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GRAPE (GRAvity PipE) In 1995 first machine to break teraflops

barrier in nominal peak performance Since 2001 leader in performance has

been Molecular Dynamics Machine at RIKEN at 78-TFlops

2002 @ University of Tokyo a 64-TFlop GRAPE-6 completed

Protein Explorer launched based on 2002 University of Tokyo success

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Protein Explorer Summary Host PC cluster with special purpose boards

attached Boards calculate only non-bounded forces

Very simple hardware and software No detailed knowledge of hardware needed to write

programs Communication time between host and boards

is proportional to number of particles Calculation time proportional to

N^2 for direct summation of long-range forces N*Nc for short range forces where Nc is the average

number of particles within the cutoff radius 0.25 byte/1000 operations

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip - Force Calculation Pipeline

3 subtractor units 6 adder units 8 multiplier units 1 function-evaluation unit Can perform ~33 equivalent

operations/sec when it calculates the Coulomb force

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip - Force Calculation Pipeline

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip - Force Calculation Pipeline Most operations done in 32-bit single

precision floating point format Force accumulation is 80-bit fixed point

format Can be converted to 64-bit double precision

floating point Coordinates stored in 40-bit fixed-point

format Makes implementation of periodic boundary

condition easy

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip - Force Calculation Pipeline Function Evaluator

Most important part of pipeline Allows calculation of arbitrary smooth function Has memory unit which contains a table for

polynomial coefficients and exponents and a hardwired pipeline for fourth-order polynomial evaluation

Interpolates an arbitrary smooth function g(x) using segmented fourth-order polynomials by Homer’s method

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip - J-Particle Memory and Control Units 20 Force Calculation Pipelines j-Particle Memory Unit

32,768 bodies “Main Memory” 6.6 Mbits constructed by static RAM

Cell-Index Controller Controls j-Particle memory – generates

addresses Force Simulation Unit Master Controller

Manages timings and inputs/outputs of the chip

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip 2 virtual pipelines/physical pipeline Physical bandwidth of j-particle unit

2.5 Gbytes/sec but virtual bandwidth will reach 100 Gbytes/sec

340 arithmetic units 20 function-evaluator units which

work simultaneously 165 Gflops at 250MHz

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MDGRAPE-3 Chip Chip made by Hitachi 6M gates 10M bits of memory Chip size is ~220 mm^2 Dissipate 20 watts at core voltage

of +1.2V .12 W/Gflops much better than P4

3GHz which is 14 W/Gflop

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System Architecture Host PC cluster will use Itanium or Opteron CPU 256 nodes with 512 CPUs each Performance of node is 3.96 Tflops

Total reaches a petaflop Require 10G-bit/sec network

Infiniband 10G Ethernet or future Myrinet Network topology will be a 2D hyper-crossbar Each node has 24 MDGRAPE-3 chips MDGRAPE-3 chips connected via 2 PCI-X busses at 133

MHz 19” rack can house 6 nodes

43 racks total Power dissipation ~150 KWatts Occupy 100 m^2

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System Architecture

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Protein Explorer Board

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Very easy to create programs for All computational abilities provided

in a library No special knowledge of device


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$20 million including labor Less than $10/Gflop

At least ten times better than general-purpose computers even when compared with relatively cheap BlueGene/L ($140/Gflop)

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Questions What is Myrinet? What is a two-dimensional hyper-

crossbar network topology? How does this compare to massive

distributed computing such as Folding@Home Advantages? Disadvantages?

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