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Protection and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity

in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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• German Pledge in 2008

• Appraisal Misson in 2011

• Agreed Minutes (signed by ACS) and approval by Governmental Negotiations in 2011

• Commission of GIZ by the BMZ May 2012 (start of spending)

• September 2012: Arrival of Principal Advisor (start of inception phase)

• October 2012: Meeting with Govt. KP: Agreement on Steering Structure and second pilot district Chitral.

• November 2012: First Orientation Workshop: Decison on planning workshop and stakeholder analysis

• February 2013: Second Orientation Workshop: Exchange of knowledge and information

• February 2013: Planning Workshop: Operatioal planning

• February/March 2013: Approval of operationl plan and implementation agreement

• March 2013: Start of technical co-operation and implementation.

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• Public and private actors (public administration, NGOs entrepreneurs, development organisations) at provincial and district level increasingly apply the experience gained in the pilot measures for the sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity and for adaptation to climate change in KP.

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Intervention Areas


Development of policy framework and instruments for

implementation of sustainable use (management) of


Pilot projects of direct benefit to the local


Knowledge management and raising awareness

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Pilot Districts

company presentation 2012


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What does BKP provide:


1. Sectoral, Process and Policy Advice, networking, setting up knowledge platforms

2. Training for specialists and executive personnel in the KP government and in the intermediary organisations

3. Local subsidies for

a) specialists events,

b) measures to promote managerial competency and knowledge dissemination,

c) implementation and evaluation of pilot measures





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Head OfficeIslamabad

• Office of the Principal Advisor• Senior TA Knowledge Management and Value Chain Development• Senior TA M&E• Senior Finance/Admin Staff

Liaison OfficePeshawar

•Office at the Pakistani Forest Institute (s.t.b.d.)•Senior TA Policy Development•Finance/AdminnAss.

Implementation Office Pilot District SwatSaidu Sharif

•Senior TA Implementation Swat•TA Mobilization•Finance/Admin Ass.

Implementation Office Pilot District ChitralChitral

•Senior TA Implementation Chitral•TA Mobilization•Finance/Admin Ass.

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Indicator 1


• A biodiversity action plan, including measures for sustainable land, forest and water resource management, has been adopted for the province.

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Indicator 2


• The provincial government (Environment Department) has taken account of the results of X best practices from the management of watersheds and protected areas, agro-biodiversity, sustainable forest management and the (economic) use of non-timber products in relevant policy documents (e.g. biodiversity action plan, climate adaptation strategy) under gender aspects

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Indicator 3


• In each of 2 districts, at least 1 supply chain contributes to the sustainable economic use of traditional plants or non-timber products (e.g. medicinal plants, traditional agricultural varieties, honey) particularly to improve income for women (source: change in income, monitoring).

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Indicator 4


• Experience from pilot measures has been systematically compiled by the responsible government agencies and included in the planning activities of the provincial government as specific inputs to improve disaster-preventive land use planning (source: minutes of meetings, regulations, guidelines for land use planning in Swat and in another district).

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Indicator 5


Experience gained as part of the measure in the sustainable management of biodiversity in KP is channeled into national reporting to CBD.

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• Support in setting up a steering body for biodiversity and adaptation to climate change at provincial level

• Support in preparing a biodiversity action plan at provincial level

• Support in setting up a biodiversity monitoring system in the province with a special focus on the pilot districts

• Provision of funds and technical advice for conducting small/micro measures for the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity

• Compilation of experiences from the pilot measures in selected regions (Swat and Chitral) and preparing best practices (knowledge management, evaluation)

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Output cont.


• Drawing up guidelines and regulations on the basis of the project experience gained

• Building a network for exchange of experience and the coordination of interventions at provincial, district and local level to implement the biodiversity action plan

• Sectoral advice on land use planning, management of forest resources, management of watersheds and adaptation, mitigation and current forest-policy themes

• Preparing supply chains for agricultural non-timber products (e.g. medicinal plants) and possible identification of PPPs

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Roles and Contributions: Planning and Development Department


• provincial and sectoral policy development in KP,

• harmonisation of development planning with national policy,

• setting priorities in development measures and the coordination of donor contributions (projects, financing) across all departments.

• allocation of budgets to project-implementing sectoral departments.

• monitoring of project interventions

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Roleas and contributions of the Environment and Agriculture Department of Govt. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


• costs of activities as outlined in the operational plan and not covered by GIZ

• provision of sites, buildings and work premises

• provision of all necessary materials, information and documents

• planning, steering and controlling its own contribution to the joint project.

• at district and local level, capacities of the Environment and Agriculture Departments support the mobilization of municipalities and implementation of pilot projects.

• coordination of BKP with other agencies and donors of relevance for implementation

• provision of experts and auxiliary personnel

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Roles and Contributions of Universities:


• The University of Peshawar has offered to prepare and conduct training in biodiversity and climate change impacts on the livelihoods of the people in the province.

• The University of Swat will support the establishment of a coordination mechanism for the (economic) use of medicinal plants.

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Roles and contributions will be specified and quantified in the implementation agreement.

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Thank you!
